--- category: documentation --- # Patch Feature The HTTP PATCH method allows a resource to be partially updated. If a binding is mapped to patch and the request message has exactly one FieldMask message in it, additional code is rendered for the gateway handler that will populate the FieldMask based on the request body. There are two scenarios: - The FieldMask is hidden from the REST request as per the [Google API design guide](https://cloud.google.com/apis/design/standard_methods#update) (as in the first additional binding in the [UpdateV2](https://github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/blob/master/examples/internal/proto/examplepb/a_bit_of_everything.proto#L366) example). In this case, the FieldMask is updated from the request body and set in the gRPC request message. - The FieldMask is exposed to the REST request (as in the second additional binding in the [UpdateV2](https://github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/blob/master/examples/internal/proto/examplepb/a_bit_of_everything.proto#L370) example). For this case, the field mask is left untouched by the gateway. ## Example Usage 1. Create PATCH request. The PATCH request needs to include the message and the update mask. ```protobuf // UpdateV2Request request for update includes the message and the update mask message UpdateV2Request { ABitOfEverything abe = 1; google.protobuf.FieldMask update_mask = 2; } ``` 2. Define your service in gRPC If you want to use PATCH with fieldmask hidden from REST request only include the request message in the body. ```protobuf rpc UpdateV2(UpdateV2Request) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) { option (google.api.http) = { put: "/v2/example/a_bit_of_everything/{abe.uuid}" body: "abe" additional_bindings { patch: "/v2/example/a_bit_of_everything/{abe.uuid}" body: "abe" } }; } ``` If you want to use PATCH with fieldmask exposed to the REST request then include the entire request message. ```protobuf rpc UpdateV2(UpdateV2Request) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) { option (google.api.http) = { patch: "/v2a/example/a_bit_of_everything/{abe.uuid}" body: "*" }; } ``` 3. Generate gRPC and reverse-proxy stubs and implement your service. ## Curl examples In the example below we will partially update our ABitOfEverything resource by passing only the field we want to change. Since we are using the endpoint with field mask hidden we only need to pass the field we want to change ("string_value") and it will keep everything else in our resource the same. ```shell $ curl \ --data '{"string_value": "strprefix/foo"}' \ -X PATCH \ http://address:port/v2/example/a_bit_of_everything/1 ``` If we know what fields we want to update then we can use PATCH with field mask approach. For this we need to pass the resource and the update_mask. Below only the "single_nested" will get updated because that is what we specify in the field_mask. ```shell $ curl \ --data '{"abe":{"single_nested":{"amount":457},"string_value":"some value that won't get updated because not in the field mask"},"update_mask":{"paths":["single_nested"]}}' \ -X PATCH \ http://address:port/v2a/example/a_bit_of_everything/1 ```