version: 2.1 commands: configure_bazel: description: Create Bazel config file (.bazelrc) steps: - run: | cat > .bazelrc \<< EOF startup --output_base /root/.cache/_grpc_gateway_bazel build --test_output errors build --features race # Workaround # See build --local_ram_resources=4096 # Circle Docker runners have 4G of memory build --local_cpu_resources=2 # Circle Docker runners have 2 vCPU EOF generate: steps: - run: make realclean - run: make examples - run: make testproto - run: go mod tidy renovate_git_amend_push: description: Git amend and push changes steps: - run: | git add . if output=$(git status --porcelain) && [ ! -z "$output" ]; then git config "Renovate Bot" git config "" git remote set-url origin https://x-access-token:${GITHUB_TOKEN} git commit --amend --no-edit git push --force-with-lease origin ${CIRCLE_BRANCH} fi executors: build-env: environment: ## Split key to avoid github from revoking it password0: '99544cdcb19ad4e3fd64' password1: '3ec86b2e5a431be2d72c' GLOG_logtostderr: '1' docker: - image: auth: username: gateway-ci-user password: ${password0}${password1} jobs: build: executor: build-env working_directory: /src/grpc-gateway steps: - checkout - run: go build ./... test: executor: build-env working_directory: /src/grpc-gateway steps: - checkout - run: go test -race -coverprofile=coverage.txt ./... - run: bash <(curl -s node_test: executor: build-env working_directory: /src/grpc-gateway steps: - checkout - run: go mod vendor - run: > . $HOME/.nvm/ && cd examples/internal/browser && npm install gulp-cli && npm install && ./node_modules/.bin/gulp generate: executor: build-env working_directory: /src/grpc-gateway steps: - checkout - generate - run: git diff --exit-code lint: executor: build-env working_directory: /src/grpc-gateway steps: - checkout - run: go get - run: make lint fuzzit: docker: - image: fuzzitdev/fuzzit:golang1.12-stretch-llvm9 working_directory: /src/grpc-gateway steps: - checkout - setup_remote_docker - run: ./ bazel: executor: build-env working_directory: /src/grpc-gateway steps: - checkout - restore_cache: keys: - v2-bazel-cache-{{ checksum "repositories.bzl" }} - v2-bazel-cache- - configure_bazel - run: name: Check that Bazel BUILD files are up-to-date command: 'bazel run //:gazelle -- --mode=diff || (echo "ERROR: Bazel files out-of-date, please run \`bazel run :gazelle\`" >&2; exit 1)' - run: name: Run tests with Bazel command: bazel test //... - run: name: Check formatting of Bazel BUILD files command: 'bazel run //:buildifier_check || (echo "ERROR: Bazel files not formatted, please run \`bazel run :buildifier\`" >&2; exit 1)' when: always - save_cache: key: v2-bazel-cache-{{ checksum "repositories.bzl" }} paths: - /root/.cache/_grpc_gateway_bazel gorelease: executor: build-env working_directory: /src/grpc-gateway steps: - checkout - run: name: Install gorelease outside local module command: | cd $(mktemp -d) && go mod init tmp && go get - run: gorelease -base=v1.15.2 release: executor: build-env working_directory: /src/grpc-gateway steps: - checkout - run: go mod vendor - run: curl -sL | bash update-repositoriesbzl: executor: build-env working_directory: /src/grpc-gateway steps: - checkout - restore_cache: keys: - v2-bazel-cache-{{ checksum "repositories.bzl" }} - v2-bazel-cache- - configure_bazel - run: name: Update repositories.bzl command: | bazel run //:gazelle -- update-repos -from_file=go.mod -to_macro=repositories.bzl%go_repositories - renovate_git_amend_push regenerate: executor: build-env working_directory: /src/grpc-gateway steps: - checkout - generate - renovate_git_amend_push workflows: version: 2 all: jobs: - build - test - fuzzit - node_test - generate - lint - bazel - gorelease - release: filters: branches: ignore: /.*/ tags: only: /v[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)*(-.*)*/ - update-repositoriesbzl: filters: branches: only: /renovate\/.+/ tags: ignore: /.*/ - regenerate: requires: # Run after update-repositoriesbzl to avoid # git conflicts - update-repositoriesbzl filters: branches: only: /renovate\/master-.+/ tags: ignore: /.*/