package grpc_logrus_test import ( "context" "io" "io/ioutil" "runtime" "strings" "testing" "" "" "" pb_testproto "" "" "" "" "" "" ) var ( nullLogger = &logrus.Logger{ Out: ioutil.Discard, Formatter: new(logrus.TextFormatter), Hooks: make(logrus.LevelHooks), Level: logrus.PanicLevel, } ) func TestLogrusPayloadSuite(t *testing.T) { if strings.HasPrefix(runtime.Version(), "go1.7") { t.Skipf("Skipping due to json.RawMessage incompatibility with go1.7") return } alwaysLoggingDeciderServer := func(ctx context.Context, fullMethodName string, servingObject interface{}) bool { return true } alwaysLoggingDeciderClient := func(ctx context.Context, fullMethodName string) bool { return true } b := newLogrusBaseSuite(t) b.InterceptorTestSuite.ClientOpts = []grpc.DialOption{ grpc.WithUnaryInterceptor(grpc_logrus.PayloadUnaryClientInterceptor(logrus.NewEntry(b.logger), alwaysLoggingDeciderClient)), grpc.WithStreamInterceptor(grpc_logrus.PayloadStreamClientInterceptor(logrus.NewEntry(b.logger), alwaysLoggingDeciderClient)), } b.InterceptorTestSuite.ServerOpts = []grpc.ServerOption{ grpc_middleware.WithStreamServerChain( grpc_ctxtags.StreamServerInterceptor(grpc_ctxtags.WithFieldExtractor(grpc_ctxtags.CodeGenRequestFieldExtractor)), grpc_logrus.StreamServerInterceptor(logrus.NewEntry(nullLogger)), grpc_logrus.PayloadStreamServerInterceptor(logrus.NewEntry(b.logger), alwaysLoggingDeciderServer)), grpc_middleware.WithUnaryServerChain( grpc_ctxtags.UnaryServerInterceptor(grpc_ctxtags.WithFieldExtractor(grpc_ctxtags.CodeGenRequestFieldExtractor)), grpc_logrus.UnaryServerInterceptor(logrus.NewEntry(nullLogger)), grpc_logrus.PayloadUnaryServerInterceptor(logrus.NewEntry(b.logger), alwaysLoggingDeciderServer)), } suite.Run(t, &logrusPayloadSuite{b}) } type logrusPayloadSuite struct { *logrusBaseSuite } func (s *logrusPayloadSuite) getServerAndClientMessages(expectedServer int, expectedClient int) (serverMsgs []map[string]interface{}, clientMsgs []map[string]interface{}) { msgs := s.getOutputJSONs() for _, m := range msgs { if m["span.kind"] == "server" { serverMsgs = append(serverMsgs, m) } else if m["span.kind"] == "client" { clientMsgs = append(clientMsgs, m) } } require.Len(s.T(), serverMsgs, expectedServer, "must match expected number of server log messages") require.Len(s.T(), clientMsgs, expectedClient, "must match expected number of client log messages") return serverMsgs, clientMsgs } func (s *logrusPayloadSuite) TestPing_LogsBothRequestAndResponse() { _, err := s.Client.Ping(s.SimpleCtx(), goodPing) require.NoError(s.T(), err, "there must be not be an on a successful call") serverMsgs, clientMsgs := s.getServerAndClientMessages(2, 2) for _, m := range append(serverMsgs, clientMsgs...) { assert.Equal(s.T(), m["grpc.service"], "mwitkow.testproto.TestService", "all lines must contain the correct service name") assert.Equal(s.T(), m["grpc.method"], "Ping", "all lines must contain the correct method name") assert.Equal(s.T(), m["level"], "info", "all lines must contain method name") } serverReq, serverResp := serverMsgs[0], serverMsgs[1] clientReq, clientResp := clientMsgs[0], clientMsgs[1] assert.Contains(s.T(), clientReq, "grpc.request.content", "request payload must be logged in a structured way") assert.Contains(s.T(), serverReq, "grpc.request.content", "request payload must be logged in a structured way") assert.Contains(s.T(), clientResp, "grpc.response.content", "response payload must be logged in a structured way") assert.Contains(s.T(), serverResp, "grpc.response.content", "response payload must be logged in a structured way") } func (s *logrusPayloadSuite) TestPingError_LogsOnlyRequestsOnError() { _, err := s.Client.PingError(s.SimpleCtx(), &pb_testproto.PingRequest{Value: "something", ErrorCodeReturned: uint32(4)}) require.Error(s.T(), err, "there must be not be an error on a successful call") serverMsgs, clientMsgs := s.getServerAndClientMessages(1, 1) for _, m := range append(serverMsgs, clientMsgs...) { assert.Equal(s.T(), m["grpc.service"], "mwitkow.testproto.TestService", "all lines must contain the correct service name") assert.Equal(s.T(), m["grpc.method"], "PingError", "all lines must contain the correct method name") assert.Equal(s.T(), m["level"], "info", "all lines must be logged at info level") } assert.Contains(s.T(), clientMsgs[0], "grpc.request.content", "request payload must be logged by the client") assert.Contains(s.T(), serverMsgs[0], "grpc.request.content", "request payload must be logged by the server") } func (s *logrusPayloadSuite) TestPingStream_LogsAllRequestsAndResponses() { messagesExpected := 20 stream, err := s.Client.PingStream(s.SimpleCtx()) require.NoError(s.T(), err, "no error on stream creation") for i := 0; i < messagesExpected; i++ { require.NoError(s.T(), stream.Send(goodPing), "sending must succeed") } require.NoError(s.T(), stream.CloseSend(), "no error on close of stream") for { pong := &pb_testproto.PingResponse{} err := stream.RecvMsg(pong) if err == io.EOF { break } require.NoError(s.T(), err, "no error on receive") } serverMsgs, clientMsgs := s.getServerAndClientMessages(2*messagesExpected, 2*messagesExpected) for _, m := range append(serverMsgs, clientMsgs...) { assert.Equal(s.T(), m["grpc.service"], "mwitkow.testproto.TestService", "all lines must contain the correct service name") assert.Equal(s.T(), m["grpc.method"], "PingStream", "all lines must contain the correct method name") assert.Equal(s.T(), m["level"], "info", "all lines must be at info log level") content := m["grpc.request.content"] != nil || m["grpc.response.content"] != nil assert.True(s.T(), content, "all messages must contain a payload") } }