package grpc_logrus_test import ( "io" "testing" grpc_logrus "" "" "" "" "" "" "" pb_testproto "" ) func customClientCodeToLevel(c codes.Code) logrus.Level { if c == codes.Unauthenticated { // Make this a special case for tests, and an error. return logrus.ErrorLevel } level := grpc_logrus.DefaultClientCodeToLevel(c) return level } func TestLogrusClientSuite(t *testing.T) { opts := []grpc_logrus.Option{ grpc_logrus.WithLevels(customClientCodeToLevel), } b := newLogrusBaseSuite(t) b.logger.Level = logrus.DebugLevel // a lot of our stuff is on debug level by default b.InterceptorTestSuite.ClientOpts = []grpc.DialOption{ grpc.WithUnaryInterceptor(grpc_logrus.UnaryClientInterceptor(logrus.NewEntry(b.logger), opts...)), grpc.WithStreamInterceptor(grpc_logrus.StreamClientInterceptor(logrus.NewEntry(b.logger), opts...)), } suite.Run(t, &logrusClientSuite{b}) } type logrusClientSuite struct { *logrusBaseSuite } func (s *logrusClientSuite) TestPing() { _, err := s.Client.Ping(s.SimpleCtx(), goodPing) assert.NoError(s.T(), err, "there must be not be an on a successful call") msgs := s.getOutputJSONs() require.Len(s.T(), msgs, 1, "one log statement should be logged") assert.Equal(s.T(), msgs[0]["grpc.service"], "mwitkow.testproto.TestService", "all lines must contain the correct service name") assert.Equal(s.T(), msgs[0]["grpc.method"], "Ping", "all lines must contain the correct method name") assert.Equal(s.T(), msgs[0]["msg"], "finished client unary call", "handler's message must contain the correct message") assert.Equal(s.T(), msgs[0]["span.kind"], "client", "all lines must contain the kind of call (client)") assert.Equal(s.T(), msgs[0]["level"], "debug", "OK codes must be logged on debug level.") assert.Contains(s.T(), msgs[0], "grpc.time_ms", "interceptor log statement should contain execution time (duration in ms)") } func (s *logrusClientSuite) TestPingList() { stream, err := s.Client.PingList(s.SimpleCtx(), goodPing) require.NoError(s.T(), err, "should not fail on establishing the stream") for { _, err := stream.Recv() if err == io.EOF { break } require.NoError(s.T(), err, "reading stream should not fail") } msgs := s.getOutputJSONs() require.Len(s.T(), msgs, 1, "one log statement should be logged") assert.Equal(s.T(), msgs[0]["grpc.service"], "mwitkow.testproto.TestService", "all lines must contain the correct service name") assert.Equal(s.T(), msgs[0]["grpc.method"], "PingList", "all lines must contain the correct method name") assert.Equal(s.T(), msgs[0]["msg"], "finished client streaming call", "handler's message must contain the correct message") assert.Equal(s.T(), msgs[0]["span.kind"], "client", "all lines must contain the kind of call (client)") assert.Equal(s.T(), msgs[0]["level"], "debug", "OK codes must be logged on debug level.") assert.Contains(s.T(), msgs[0], "grpc.time_ms", "interceptor log statement should contain execution time (duration in ms)") } func (s *logrusClientSuite) TestPingError_WithCustomLevels() { for _, tcase := range []struct { code codes.Code level logrus.Level msg string }{ { code: codes.Internal, level: logrus.WarnLevel, msg: "Internal must remap to ErrorLevel in DefaultClientCodeToLevel", }, { code: codes.NotFound, level: logrus.DebugLevel, msg: "NotFound must remap to InfoLevel in DefaultClientCodeToLevel", }, { code: codes.FailedPrecondition, level: logrus.DebugLevel, msg: "FailedPrecondition must remap to WarnLevel in DefaultClientCodeToLevel", }, { code: codes.Unauthenticated, level: logrus.ErrorLevel, msg: "Unauthenticated is overwritten to ErrorLevel with customClientCodeToLevel override, which probably didn't work", }, } { s.SetupTest() _, err := s.Client.PingError( s.SimpleCtx(), &pb_testproto.PingRequest{Value: "something", ErrorCodeReturned: uint32(tcase.code)}) assert.Error(s.T(), err, "each call here must return an error") msgs := s.getOutputJSONs() require.Len(s.T(), msgs, 1, "only a single log message is printed") assert.Equal(s.T(), msgs[0]["grpc.service"], "mwitkow.testproto.TestService", "all lines must contain the correct service name") assert.Equal(s.T(), msgs[0]["grpc.method"], "PingError", "all lines must contain the correct method name") assert.Equal(s.T(), msgs[0]["grpc.code"], tcase.code.String(), "all lines must contain a grpc code") assert.Equal(s.T(), msgs[0]["level"], tcase.level.String(), tcase.msg) } } func TestLogrusClientOverrideSuite(t *testing.T) { opts := []grpc_logrus.Option{ grpc_logrus.WithDurationField(grpc_logrus.DurationToDurationField), } b := newLogrusBaseSuite(t) b.logger.Level = logrus.DebugLevel // a lot of our stuff is on debug level by default b.InterceptorTestSuite.ClientOpts = []grpc.DialOption{ grpc.WithUnaryInterceptor(grpc_logrus.UnaryClientInterceptor(logrus.NewEntry(b.logger), opts...)), grpc.WithStreamInterceptor(grpc_logrus.StreamClientInterceptor(logrus.NewEntry(b.logger), opts...)), } suite.Run(t, &logrusClientOverrideSuite{b}) } type logrusClientOverrideSuite struct { *logrusBaseSuite } func (s *logrusClientOverrideSuite) TestPing_HasOverrides() { _, err := s.Client.Ping(s.SimpleCtx(), goodPing) assert.NoError(s.T(), err, "there must be not be an on a successful call") msgs := s.getOutputJSONs() require.Len(s.T(), msgs, 1, "one log statement should be logged") assert.Equal(s.T(), msgs[0]["grpc.service"], "mwitkow.testproto.TestService", "all lines must contain the correct service name") assert.Equal(s.T(), msgs[0]["grpc.method"], "Ping", "all lines must contain the correct method name") assert.Equal(s.T(), msgs[0]["msg"], "finished client unary call", "handler's message must contain the correct message") assert.NotContains(s.T(), msgs[0], "grpc.time_ms", "message must not contain default duration") assert.Contains(s.T(), msgs[0], "grpc.duration", "message must contain overridden duration") } func (s *logrusClientOverrideSuite) TestPingList_HasOverrides() { stream, err := s.Client.PingList(s.SimpleCtx(), goodPing) require.NoError(s.T(), err, "should not fail on establishing the stream") for { _, err := stream.Recv() if err == io.EOF { break } require.NoError(s.T(), err, "reading stream should not fail") } msgs := s.getOutputJSONs() require.Len(s.T(), msgs, 1, "one log statement should be logged") assert.Equal(s.T(), msgs[0]["grpc.service"], "mwitkow.testproto.TestService", "all lines must contain the correct service name") assert.Equal(s.T(), msgs[0]["grpc.method"], "PingList", "all lines must contain the correct method name") assert.Equal(s.T(), msgs[0]["msg"], "finished client streaming call", "log message must be correct") assert.Equal(s.T(), msgs[0]["span.kind"], "client", "all lines must contain the kind of call (client)") assert.Equal(s.T(), msgs[0]["level"], "debug", "OK codes must be logged on debug level.") assert.NotContains(s.T(), msgs[0], "grpc.time_ms", "message must not contain default duration") assert.Contains(s.T(), msgs[0], "grpc.duration", "message must contain overridden duration") } func TestZapLoggingClientMessageProducerSuite(t *testing.T) { opts := []grpc_logrus.Option{ grpc_logrus.WithMessageProducer(StubMessageProducer), } b := newLogrusBaseSuite(t) b.logger.Level = logrus.DebugLevel // a lot of our stuff is on debug level by default b.InterceptorTestSuite.ClientOpts = []grpc.DialOption{ grpc.WithUnaryInterceptor(grpc_logrus.UnaryClientInterceptor(logrus.NewEntry(b.logger), opts...)), grpc.WithStreamInterceptor(grpc_logrus.StreamClientInterceptor(logrus.NewEntry(b.logger), opts...)), } suite.Run(t, &logrusClientMessageProducerSuite{b}) } type logrusClientMessageProducerSuite struct { *logrusBaseSuite } func (s *logrusClientMessageProducerSuite) TestPing_HasOverriddenMessageProducer() { _, err := s.Client.Ping(s.SimpleCtx(), goodPing) assert.NoError(s.T(), err, "there must be not be an on a successful call") msgs := s.getOutputJSONs() require.Len(s.T(), msgs, 1, "one log statement should be logged") assert.Equal(s.T(), msgs[0]["grpc.service"], "mwitkow.testproto.TestService", "all lines must contain the correct service name") assert.Equal(s.T(), msgs[0]["grpc.method"], "Ping", "all lines must contain the correct method name") assert.Equal(s.T(), msgs[0]["msg"], "custom message", "handler's message must contain the correct message") assert.Equal(s.T(), msgs[0]["span.kind"], "client", "all lines must contain the kind of call (client)") assert.Equal(s.T(), msgs[0]["level"], "debug", "OK codes must be logged on debug level.") assert.Contains(s.T(), msgs[0], "grpc.time_ms", "interceptor log statement should contain execution time (duration in ms)") }