// Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package profile import ( "strings" "testing" ) func TestPrune(t *testing.T) { for _, test := range []struct { in *Profile want string }{ {in1, out1}, {in2, out2}, } { in := test.in.Copy() in.RemoveUninteresting() if err := in.CheckValid(); err != nil { t.Error(err) } w := strings.Split(test.want, "\n") for i, g := range strings.Split(in.String(), "\n") { if i >= len(w) { t.Fatalf("got trailing %s", g) } if strings.TrimSpace(g) != strings.TrimSpace(w[i]) { t.Fatalf(`%d: got: "%s" want:"%s"`, i, g, w[i]) } } } } var funs = []*Function{ {ID: 1, Name: "main", SystemName: "main", Filename: "main.c"}, {ID: 2, Name: "fun1", SystemName: "fun1", Filename: "fun.c"}, {ID: 3, Name: "fun2", SystemName: "fun2", Filename: "fun.c"}, {ID: 4, Name: "fun3", SystemName: "fun3", Filename: "fun.c"}, {ID: 5, Name: "fun4", SystemName: "fun4", Filename: "fun.c"}, {ID: 6, Name: "fun5", SystemName: "fun5", Filename: "fun.c"}, {ID: 7, Name: "unsimplified_fun(int)", SystemName: "unsimplified_fun(int)", Filename: "fun.c"}, {ID: 8, Name: "Foo::(anonymous namespace)::Test::Bar", SystemName: "Foo::(anonymous namespace)::Test::Bar", Filename: "fun.c"}, {ID: 9, Name: "Hello::(anonymous namespace)::World(const Foo::(anonymous namespace)::Test::Bar)", SystemName: "Hello::(anonymous namespace)::World(const Foo::(anonymous namespace)::Test::Bar)", Filename: "fun.c"}, {ID: 10, Name: "Foo::operator()(::Bar)", SystemName: "Foo::operator()(::Bar)", Filename: "fun.c"}, } var locs1 = []*Location{ { ID: 1, Line: []Line{ {Function: funs[0], Line: 1, Column: 7}, }, }, { ID: 2, Line: []Line{ {Function: funs[1], Line: 2}, {Function: funs[2], Line: 1}, }, }, { ID: 3, Line: []Line{ {Function: funs[3], Line: 2}, {Function: funs[1], Line: 1, Column: 7}, }, }, { ID: 4, Line: []Line{ {Function: funs[3], Line: 2}, {Function: funs[1], Line: 2}, {Function: funs[5], Line: 2}, }, }, } var in1 = &Profile{ PeriodType: &ValueType{Type: "cpu", Unit: "milliseconds"}, Period: 1, DurationNanos: 10e9, SampleType: []*ValueType{ {Type: "samples", Unit: "count"}, {Type: "cpu", Unit: "milliseconds"}, }, Sample: []*Sample{ { Location: []*Location{locs1[0]}, Value: []int64{1, 1}, }, { Location: []*Location{locs1[1], locs1[0]}, Value: []int64{1, 1}, }, { Location: []*Location{locs1[2], locs1[0]}, Value: []int64{1, 1}, }, { Location: []*Location{locs1[3], locs1[0]}, Value: []int64{1, 1}, }, { Location: []*Location{locs1[3], locs1[2], locs1[1], locs1[0]}, Value: []int64{1, 1}, }, }, Location: locs1, Function: funs, DropFrames: "fu.*[12]|banana", KeepFrames: ".*[n2][n2]", } const out1 = `PeriodType: cpu milliseconds Period: 1 Duration: 10s Samples: samples/count cpu/milliseconds 1 1: 1 1 1: 2 1 1 1: 1 1 1: 4 1 1 1: 2 1 Locations 1: 0x0 main main.c:1:7 s=0 2: 0x0 fun2 fun.c:1:0 s=0 3: 0x0 fun3 fun.c:2:0 s=0 fun1 fun.c:1:7 s=0 4: 0x0 fun5 fun.c:2:0 s=0 Mappings ` var locs2 = []*Location{ { ID: 1, Line: []Line{ {Function: funs[0], Line: 1}, }, }, { ID: 2, Line: []Line{ {Function: funs[6], Line: 1}, }, }, { ID: 3, Line: []Line{ {Function: funs[7], Line: 1}, }, }, { ID: 4, Line: []Line{ {Function: funs[8], Line: 1}, }, }, { ID: 5, Line: []Line{ {Function: funs[9], Line: 1}, }, }, } var in2 = &Profile{ PeriodType: &ValueType{Type: "cpu", Unit: "milliseconds"}, Period: 1, DurationNanos: 10e9, SampleType: []*ValueType{ {Type: "samples", Unit: "count"}, {Type: "cpu", Unit: "milliseconds"}, }, Sample: []*Sample{ // Unsimplified name with parameters shouldn't match. { Location: []*Location{locs2[1], locs2[0]}, Value: []int64{1, 1}, }, // .*Foo::.*::Bar.* should (and will be dropped) regardless of the anonymous namespace. { Location: []*Location{locs2[2], locs2[0]}, Value: []int64{1, 1}, }, // .*Foo::.*::Bar.* shouldn't match inside the parameter list. { Location: []*Location{locs2[3], locs2[0]}, Value: []int64{1, 1}, }, // .*operator\(\) should match, regardless of parameters. { Location: []*Location{locs2[4], locs2[0]}, Value: []int64{1, 1}, }, }, Location: locs2, Function: funs, DropFrames: `unsimplified_fun\(int\)|.*Foo::.*::Bar.*|.*operator\(\)`, } const out2 = `PeriodType: cpu milliseconds Period: 1 Duration: 10s Samples: samples/count cpu/milliseconds 1 1: 2 1 1 1: 1 1 1: 4 1 1 1: 1 Locations 1: 0x0 main main.c:1:0 s=0 2: 0x0 unsimplified_fun(int) fun.c:1:0 s=0 3: 0x0 Foo::(anonymous namespace)::Test::Bar fun.c:1:0 s=0 4: 0x0 Hello::(anonymous namespace)::World(const Foo::(anonymous namespace)::Test::Bar) fun.c:1:0 s=0 5: 0x0 Foo::operator()(::Bar) fun.c:1:0 s=0 Mappings `