
Text file src/github.com/google/pprof/doc/README.md

Documentation: github.com/google/pprof/doc

     1# pprof
     3pprof is a tool for visualization and analysis of profiling data.
     5pprof reads a collection of profiling samples in profile.proto format and
     6generates reports to visualize and help analyze the data. It can generate both
     7text and graphical reports (through the use of the dot visualization package).
     9profile.proto is a protocol buffer that describes a set of callstacks
    10and symbolization information. A common usage is to represent a set of
    11sampled callstacks from statistical profiling. The format is
    12described on the proto/profile.proto file. For details on protocol
    13buffers, see https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers
    15Profiles can be read from a local file, or over http. Multiple
    16profiles of the same type can be aggregated or compared.
    18If the profile samples contain machine addresses, pprof can symbolize
    19them through the use of the native binutils tools (addr2line and nm).
    21# pprof profiles
    23pprof operates on data in the profile.proto format. Each profile is a collection
    24of samples, where each sample is associated to a point in a location hierarchy,
    25one or more numeric values, and a set of labels. Often these profiles represents
    26data collected through statistical sampling of a program, so each sample
    27describes a program call stack and a number or value of samples collected at a
    28location. pprof is agnostic to the profile semantics, so other uses are
    29possible. The interpretation of the reports generated by pprof depends on the
    30semantics defined by the source of the profile.
    32# Usage modes
    34There are few different ways of using `pprof`.
    36## Report generation
    38If a report format is requested on the command line:
    40    pprof <format> [options] source
    42pprof will generate a report in the specified format and exit.
    43Formats can be either text, or graphical. See below for details about
    44supported formats, options, and sources.
    46## Interactive terminal use
    48Without a format specifier:
    50    pprof [options] source
    52pprof will start an interactive shell in which the user can type
    53commands.  Type `help` to get online help.
    55## Web interface
    57If a host:port is specified on the command line:
    59    pprof -http=[host]:[port] [options] source
    61pprof will start serving HTTP requests on the specified port.  Visit
    62the HTTP url corresponding to the port (typically `http://<host>:<port>/`)
    63in a browser to see the interface.
    65# Details
    67The objective of pprof is to generate a report for a profile. The report is
    68generated from a location hierarchy, which is reconstructed from the profile
    69samples. Each location contains two values:
    71* *flat*: the value of the location itself.
    72* *cum*: the value of the location plus all its descendants.
    74Samples that include a location multiple times (e.g. for recursive functions)
    75are counted only once per location.
    77## Options
    79*options* configure the contents of a report. Each option has a value,
    80which can be boolean, numeric, or strings. While only one format can
    81be specified, most options can be selected independently of each
    84Some common pprof options are:
    86* **-flat** [default], **-cum**: Sort entries based on their flat or cumulative
    87  value respectively, on text reports.
    88* **-functions** [default], **-filefunctions**, **-files**, **-lines**,
    89  **-addresses**: Generate the report using the specified granularity.
    90* **-noinlines**: Attribute inlined functions to their first out-of-line caller.
    91  For example, a command like `pprof -list foo -noinlines profile.pb.gz` can be
    92  used to produce the annotated source listing attributing the metrics in the
    93  inlined functions to the out-of-line calling line.
    94* **-nodecount= _int_:** Maximum number of entries in the report. pprof will
    95  only print this many entries and will use heuristics to select which entries
    96  to trim.
    97* **-focus= _regex_:** Only include samples that include a report entry matching
    98  *regex*.
    99* **-ignore= _regex_:** Do not include samples that include a report entry
   100  matching *regex*.
   101* **-show\_from= _regex_:** Do not show entries above the first one that
   102  matches *regex*.
   103* **-show= _regex_:** Only show entries that match *regex*.
   104* **-hide= _regex_:** Do not show entries that match *regex*.
   106Each sample in a profile may include multiple values, representing different
   107entities associated to the sample. pprof reports include a single sample value,
   108which by convention is the last one specified in the report. The `sample_index=`
   109option selects which value to use, and can be set to a number (from 0 to the
   110number of values - 1) or the name of the sample value.
   112Sample values are numeric values associated to a unit. If pprof can recognize
   113these units, it will attempt to scale the values to a suitable unit for
   114visualization. The `unit=` option will force the use of a specific unit. For
   115example, `unit=sec` will force any time values to be reported in
   116seconds. pprof recognizes most common time and memory size units.
   118## Tags
   120Samples in a profile may have tags. These tags have a name and a value. The
   121value can be either numeric or a string; the numeric values can be associated
   122with a unit. Tags are used as additional dimensions that the sample values can
   123be broken by. The most common use of tags is selecting samples from a profile
   124based on the tag values. pprof also supports tags at the visualization time.
   126### Tag filtering
   128The `-tagfocus` option is the most used option for selecting data in a profile
   129based on tag values. It has the syntax of **-tagfocus=_regex_** or
   130**-tagfocus=_range_:** which will restrict the data to samples with tags matched
   131by regexp or in range. The `-tagignore` option has the identical syntax and can
   132be used to filter out the samples that have matching tags. If both `-tagignore`
   133and `-tagfocus` are specified and match a given sample, then the sample will be
   136When using `-tagfocus=regex` and `-tagignore=regex`, the regex will be compared
   137to each value associated with each tag. If one specifies a value
   138like `regex1,regex2`, then only samples with a tag value matching `regex1`
   139and a tag value matching `regex2` will be kept.
   141In addition to being able to filter on tag values, one can specify the name of
   142the tag which a certain value must be associated with using the notation
   143`-tagfocus=tagName=value`. Here, the `tagName` must match the tag's name
   144exactly, and the value can be either a regex or a range. If one specifies
   145a value like `regex1,regex2`, then samples with a tag value (paired with the
   146specified tag name) matching either `regex1` or matching `regex2` will match.
   148Here are examples explaining how `-tagfocus` can be used:
   150* `-tagfocus 128kb:512kb` accepts a sample iff it has any numeric tag with
   151  memory value in the specified range.
   152* `-tagfocus mytag=128kb:512kb` accepts a sample iff it has a numeric tag
   153  `mytag` with memory value in the specified range. There isn't a way to say
   154   `-tagfocus mytag=128kb:512kb,16kb:32kb`
   155   or `-tagfocus mytag=128kb:512kb,mytag2=128kb:512kb`. Just single value or
   156   range for numeric tags.
   157* `-tagfocus someregex` accepts a sample iff it has any string tag with
   158  `tagName:tagValue` string matching specified regexp. In the future, this
   159  will change to accept sample iff it has any string tag with `tagValue` string
   160  matching specified regexp.
   161* `-tagfocus mytag=myvalue1,myvalue2` matches if either of the two tag values
   162  are present.
   164### Tag visualization
   166To list the tags and their values available in a profile use **-tags** option.
   167It will output the available tags and their values as well as the breakdown of
   168the sample value by the values of each tag.
   170The pprof callgraph reports, such as `-web` or raw `-dot`, will automatically
   171visualize the values for all tags as pseudo nodes in the graph. Use `-tagshow`
   172and `-taghide` options to limit what tags are displayed. The options accept a
   173regular expression that is matched against the tag name to show or hide it
   176Options `-tagroot` and `-tagleaf` can be used to create pseudo stack frames to
   177the profile samples. For example, `-tagroot=mytag` will add stack frames at the
   178root of the profile call tree with the value of the tag for the corresponding
   179samples. Similarly, `-tagleaf=mytag` will add such stack frames as leaf nodes of
   180each sample. These options are useful when visualizing a profile in tree formats
   181such as the tree view in the `-http` mode web UI.
   183## Text reports
   185pprof text reports show the location hierarchy in text format.
   187* **-text:** Prints the location entries, one per line, including the flat and
   188  cum values.
   189* **-tree:** Prints each location entry with its predecessors and successors.
   190* **-peek= _regex_:** Print the location entry with all its predecessors and
   191  successors, without trimming any entries.
   192* **-traces:** Prints each sample with a location per line.
   194## Graphical reports
   196pprof can generate graphical reports on the DOT format, and convert them to
   197multiple formats using the graphviz package.
   199These reports represent the location hierarchy as a graph, with a report entry
   200represented as a node. Nodes are removed using heuristics to limit the size of
   201the graph, controlled by the *nodecount* option.
   203* **-dot:** Generates a report in .dot format. All other formats are generated
   204  from this one.
   205* **-svg:** Generates a report in SVG format.
   206* **-web:** Generates a report in SVG format on a temp file, and starts a web
   207  browser to view it.
   208* **-png, -jpg, -gif, -pdf:** Generates a report in these formats.
   210### Interpreting the Callgraph
   212* **Node Color**:
   213  * large positive cum values are red.
   214  * large negative cum values are green; negative values are most likely to
   215    appear during profile comparison, see [this section](#comparing-profiles)
   216    for details.
   217  * cum values close to zero are grey.
   219* **Node Font Size**:
   220  * larger font size means larger absolute flat values.
   221  * smaller font size means smaller absolute flat values.
   223* **Edge Weight**:
   224  * thicker edges indicate more resources were used along that path.
   225  * thinner edges indicate fewer resources were used along that path.
   227* **Edge Color**:
   228  * large positive values are red.
   229  * large negative values are green.
   230  * values close to zero are grey.
   232* **Dashed Edges**: some locations between the two connected locations were
   233  removed.
   235* **Solid Edges**: one location directly calls the other.
   237* **"(inline)" Edge Marker**: the call has been inlined into the caller.
   239Let's consider the following example graph:
   243* For nodes:
   244  * `(*Rand).Read` has a small flat value and a small cum value because the
   245    the font is small and the node is grey.
   246  * `(*compressor).deflate` has a large flat value and a large cum value because the font
   247    is large and the node is red.
   248  * `(*Writer).Flush` has a small flat value and a large cum value because the font is
   249    small and the node is red.
   251* For edges:
   252  * the edge between `(*Writer).Write` and `(*compressor).write`:
   253    * Since it is a dashed edge, some nodes were removed between those two.
   254    * Since it is thick and red, more resources were used in call stacks between
   255    those two nodes.
   256  * the edge between `(*Rand).Read` and `read`:
   257    * Since it is a dashed edge, some nodes were removed between those two.
   258    * Since it is thin and grey, fewer resources were used in call stacks
   259    between those two nodes.
   260  * the edge between `read` and `(*rngSource).Int63`:
   261    * Since it is a solid edge, there are no nodes between those two (i.e. it
   262      was a direct call).
   263    * Since it is thin and grey, fewer resources were used in call stacks
   264      between those two nodes.
   266## Annotated code
   268pprof can also generate reports of annotated source with samples associated to
   269them. For these, the source or binaries must be locally available, and the
   270profile must contain data with the appropriate level of detail.
   272pprof will look for source files on its current working directory and all its
   273ancestors. pprof will look for binaries on the directories specified in the
   274`$PPROF_BINARY_PATH` environment variable, by default `$HOME/pprof/binaries`
   275(`%USERPROFILE%\pprof\binaries` on Windows). It will look binaries up by name,
   276and if the profile includes linker build ids, it will also search for them in
   277a directory named as the build id.
   279pprof uses the binutils tools to examine and disassemble the binaries. By
   280default it will search for those tools in the current path, but it can also
   281search for them in a directory pointed to by the environment variable
   284* **-list= _regex_:** Generates an annotated source listing for functions
   285  matching *regex*, with flat/cum values for each source line.
   286* **-disasm= _regex_:** Generates an annotated disassembly listing for
   287  functions matching *regex*.
   288* **-weblist= _regex_:** Generates a source/assembly combined annotated listing
   289  for functions matching *regex*, and starts a web browser to display it.
   291## Comparing profiles
   293pprof can subtract one profile from another, provided the profiles are of
   294compatible types (i.e. two heap profiles). pprof has two options which can be
   295used to specify the filename or URL for a profile to be subtracted from the
   296source profile:
   298* **-diff_base= _profile_:** useful for comparing two profiles. Percentages in
   299the output are relative to the total of samples in the diff base profile.
   301* **-base= _profile_:** useful for subtracting a cumulative profile, like a
   302[golang block profile](https://golang.org/doc/diagnostics.html#profiling),
   303from another cumulative profile collected from the same program at a later time.
   304When comparing cumulative profiles collected on the same program, percentages in
   305the output are relative to the difference between the total for the source
   306profile and the total for the base profile.
   308The **-normalize** flag can be used when a base profile is specified with either
   309the `-diff_base` or the `-base` option. This flag scales the source profile so
   310that the total of samples in the source profile is equal to the total of samples
   311in the base profile prior to subtracting the base profile from the source
   312profile. Useful for determining the relative differences between profiles, for
   313example, which profile has a larger percentage of CPU time used in a particular
   316When using the **-diff_base** option, some report entries may have negative
   317values. If the merged profile is output as a protocol buffer, all samples in the
   318diff base profile will have a label with the key "pprof::base" and a value of
   319"true". If pprof is then used to look at the merged profile, it will behave as
   320if separate source and base profiles were passed in.
   322When using the **-base** option to subtract one cumulative profile from another
   323collected on the same program at a later time, percentages will be relative to
   324the difference between the total for the source profile and the total for
   325the base profile, and all values will be positive. In the general case, some
   326report entries may have negative values and percentages will be relative to the
   327total of the absolute value of all samples when aggregated at the address level.
   329# Fetching profiles
   331pprof can read profiles from a file or directly from a URL over http or https.
   332Its native format is a gzipped profile.proto file, but it can
   333also accept some legacy formats generated by
   336When fetching from a URL handler, pprof accepts options to indicate how much to
   337wait for the profile.
   339* **-seconds= _int_:** Makes pprof request for a profile with the specified
   340  duration in seconds. Only makes sense for profiles based on elapsed time, such
   341  as CPU profiles.
   342* **-timeout= _int_:** Makes pprof wait for the specified timeout when
   343  retrieving a profile over http. If not specified, pprof will use heuristics to
   344  determine a reasonable timeout.
   346pprof also accepts options which allow a user to specify TLS certificates to
   347use when fetching or symbolizing a profile from a protected endpoint. For more
   348information about generating these certificates, see
   351* **-tls\_cert= _/path/to/cert_:** File containing the TLS client certificate
   352  to be used when fetching and symbolizing profiles.
   353* **-tls\_key= _/path/to/key_:** File containing the TLS private key to be used
   354  when fetching and symbolizing profiles.
   355* **-tls\_ca= _/path/to/ca_:** File containing the certificate authority to be
   356  used when fetching and symbolizing profiles.
   358pprof also supports skipping verification of the server's certificate chain and
   359host name when collecting or symbolizing a profile. To skip this verification,
   360use "https+insecure" in place of "https" in the URL.
   362If multiple profiles are specified, pprof will fetch them all and merge
   363them. This is useful to combine profiles from multiple processes of a
   364distributed job. The profiles may be from different programs but must be
   365compatible (for example, CPU profiles cannot be combined with heap profiles).
   367## Symbolization
   369pprof can add symbol information to a profile that was collected only with
   370address information. This is useful for profiles for compiled languages, where
   371it may not be easy or even possible for the profile source to include function
   372names or source coordinates.
   374pprof can extract the symbol information locally by examining the binaries using
   375the binutils tools, or it can ask running jobs that provide a symbolization
   378pprof will attempt symbolizing profiles by default, and its `-symbolize` option
   379provides some control over symbolization:
   381* **-symbolize=none:** Disables any symbolization from pprof.
   383* **-symbolize=local:** Only attempts symbolizing the profile from local
   384  binaries using the binutils tools.
   386* **-symbolize=remote:** Only attempts to symbolize running jobs by contacting
   387  their symbolization handler.
   389For local symbolization, pprof will look for the binaries on the paths specified
   390by the profile, and then it will search for them on the path specified by the
   391environment variable `$PPROF_BINARY_PATH`. Also, the name of the main binary can
   392be passed directly to pprof as its first parameter, to override the name or
   393location of the main binary of the profile, like this:
   395    pprof /path/to/binary profile.pb.gz
   397By default pprof will attempt to demangle and simplify C++ names, to provide
   398readable names for C++ symbols. It will aggressively discard template and
   399function parameters. This can be controlled with the `-symbolize=demangle`
   400option. Note that for remote symbolization mangled names may not be provided by
   401the symbolization handler.
   403* **-symbolize=demangle=none:** Do not perform any demangling. Show mangled
   404  names if available.
   406* **-symbolize=demangle=full:** Demangle, but do not perform any
   407  simplification. Show full demangled names if available.
   409* **-symbolize=demangle=templates:** Demangle, and trim function parameters, but
   410  not template parameters.
   412# Web Interface
   414When the user requests a web interface (by supplying an `-http=[host]:[port]`
   415argument on the command-line), pprof starts a web server and opens a browser
   416window pointing at that server. The web interface provided by the server allows
   417the user to interactively view profile data in multiple formats.
   419## Views
   421The top of the display is a header that contains some buttons and menus.  The
   422`View` menu allows the user to switch between different visualizations of the
   423profile. The available views are described here:
   425### Graph
   427The default view in the local web interface displays a graph where the nodes are
   428functions, and edges indicate caller/callee relations.
   430Note: You can drag the display around with the mouse button held down, or zoom
   431in and out using a mouse scroll-wheel or pinch/expand touch gestures.
   433![Graph view](images/webui/graph.png)
   435E.g., `FormatPack` has an outgoing edge to `FormatUntyped` that indicates that
   436the former calls the latter. The number along the edge (5.72s) indicates the
   437amount of time that was spent in `FormatUntyped` (and its callees) when called
   438from `FormatPack`.
   440See [earlier explanation](#interpreting-the-callgraph) for more details.
   442### Flame graph
   444Switching to the `Flame graph` view (via the `View` menu) will display a [flame
   445graph](https://www.brendangregg.com/flamegraphs.html). This view provides a
   446compact representation of caller/callee relations:
   448![Flame graph](images/webui/flame.png)
   450Boxes on this view correspond to stack frames in the profile. Caller boxes are
   451directly above callee boxes. The width of each box is proportional to the sum of
   452the sample value of profile samples where that frame was present on the call
   453stack. Children of a particular box are laid out left to right in decreasing
   454size order.
   456E.g., here we see that `FormatPack` is right above `FormatUntyped`, which
   457indicates that the former calls the latter. The width of `FormatUntyped`
   458corresponds to the fraction of time accounted for by this call.
   460Names displayed in different boxes may have different font sizes. These size
   461differences are due to an attempt to fit as much of the name into the box as
   462possible; no other interpretation should be placed on the size.
   464Boxes are colored according to the name of the package in which the corresponding
   465function occurs. E.g., in C++ profiles all frames corresponding to `std::` functions
   466will be assigned the same color.
   468#### Viewing callers
   470Traditional flame graphs provide a top-down view: it is easy to see the
   471functions called by a particular function, but harder to find callers of a
   472particular function. E.g., in the linked example there are multiple occurrences
   473of `FormatUntyped` since it has multiple callers.
   475Pprof's flame graph extend the traditional model: when a function is selected,
   476the graph changes to show call-stacks leading that function. Therefore, clicking
   477on any of the `FormatUntyped` boxes will show the call stacks that end up
   478calling `FormatUntyped`:
   480![Flame graph showing multiple callers](images/webui/flame-multi.png)
   482#### Diff mode
   484When using the **--diff_base** option, box width is proportional to the sum of
   485the increases and decreases in the sub-tree rooted at box. E.g., if the cost of
   486one child of box decreases by 150 and the cost of another child increases by
   487200, the box width will be proportional to 150+200. The net increase or decrease
   488(the preceding example has a net increase of 200-150, i.e., 50) is indicated by
   489a shaded region. The size of the shaded region is proportional to the net
   490increase or net decrease. The shading is red for a net increase, and green for a
   491net decrease.
   493#### Inlining
   495Inlining is indicated by the absence of a horizontal border between a caller and
   496a callee. E.g., suppose X calls Y calls Z and the call from Y to Z is inlined into
   497Y. There will be a black border between X and Y, but no border between Y and Z.
   499### Annotated Source Code
   501Let's try to dig into what is going on inside `FormatUntyped` by viewing its
   502source-code annotated with performance data. First, right-click on the box for
   503the function to get a context menu.
   505![Flame menu](images/webui/flame-menu.png)
   507Select `Show source in new tab`. That will create a new tab that displays source
   508code for the function.
   510Note: You can also display source code by selecting `Source` from the `View`
   511menu, but only do so if you are focused on just one or a few routines since
   512source code display can be very slow and voluminous when multiple functions are
   513being viewed.
   515![Source listing](images/webui/source.png)
   517Each source line is annotated with the time spent in that source line. There are
   518two numbers (e.g., 840ms and 6.17s on line 207 in the screenshot). The first
   519number does not count time spent in functions called from the source line, the
   520second number includes that time.
   522Let's dig down a bit more by clicking on line 207. That will expand the display
   523to include the source code for inlined function calls, as well as the
   524corresponding assembly code.
   526![Expanded source listing](images/webui/source-expanded.png)
   528The assembly code is displayed in green. Source code for inlined functions is
   529displayed in blue and is indented by its inlining level. For example, the
   530indentation indicates that the `ConvertAll` call on line 207 is inlined, and it
   531in turn has an inlined call to `has_parsed_conversion`, which in turn expands to
   532a `cmpq` instruction.
   534### Disassembly
   536Sometimes it is helpful to view just the disassembly in instruction order
   537without interleaving with source code. You can achieve this by selecting
   538`Disassemble`" from the `View` menu.
   540Note: Do not select `Disassemble` unless you are focused on just one or a few
   541routines since disassembly can be very slow and voluminous when multiple
   542functions are being viewed.
   546### Top Functions
   548You may sometimes find a table that displays just the top functions in the
   549profile helpful.
   551![Top functions](images/webui/top.png)
   553The table shows numbers (and percentages) for two different metrics:
   555*   `flat`: profile samples in this function
   556*   `cum`: (cumulative) profile samples in this function and its callees
   558The table is initially sorted in decreasing order of `flat`. Clicking on the
   559`Cum` table header will sort it in decreasing order of samples in the function
   560and its callees.
   562### Peek
   564This view shows callers / callees per function in a simple textual format.
   565The Flame graph view is typically more helpful.
   567## Config
   569The `Config` menu allows the user to save the current refinement
   570settings (e.g., the focus and hide list) as a named configuration. A
   571saved configuration can later be re-applied to reinstitue the saved
   572refinements. The `Config` menu contains:
   574**Save as ...**: shows a dialog where the user can type in a
   575configuration name. The current refinement settings are saved under
   576the specified name.
   578**Default**: switches back to the default view by removing all refinements.
   580The `Config` menu also contains an entry per named
   581configuration. Selecting such an entry applies that configuration. The
   582currently selected entry is marked with a ✓. Clicking on the 🗙 on the
   583right-hand side of such an entry deletes the configuration (after
   584prompting the user to confirm).
   586## TODO: cover the following issues:
   588*   Overall layout
   589*   Other menu entries

View as plain text