
Source file src/github.com/google/go-github/v55/github/strings_test.go

Documentation: github.com/google/go-github/v55/github

     1  // Copyright 2013 The go-github AUTHORS. All rights reserved.
     2  //
     3  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     4  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     6  package github
     8  import (
     9  	"fmt"
    10  	"testing"
    11  	"time"
    12  )
    14  func TestStringify(t *testing.T) {
    15  	var nilPointer *string
    17  	var tests = []struct {
    18  		in  interface{}
    19  		out string
    20  	}{
    21  		// basic types
    22  		{"foo", `"foo"`},
    23  		{123, `123`},
    24  		{1.5, `1.5`},
    25  		{false, `false`},
    26  		{
    27  			[]string{"a", "b"},
    28  			`["a" "b"]`,
    29  		},
    30  		{
    31  			struct {
    32  				A []string
    33  			}{nil},
    34  			// nil slice is skipped
    35  			`{}`,
    36  		},
    37  		{
    38  			struct {
    39  				A string
    40  			}{"foo"},
    41  			// structs not of a named type get no prefix
    42  			`{A:"foo"}`,
    43  		},
    45  		// pointers
    46  		{nilPointer, `<nil>`},
    47  		{String("foo"), `"foo"`},
    48  		{Int(123), `123`},
    49  		{Bool(false), `false`},
    50  		{
    51  			[]*string{String("a"), String("b")},
    52  			`["a" "b"]`,
    53  		},
    55  		// actual GitHub structs
    56  		{
    57  			Timestamp{time.Date(2006, time.January, 02, 15, 04, 05, 0, time.UTC)},
    58  			`github.Timestamp{2006-01-02 15:04:05 +0000 UTC}`,
    59  		},
    60  		{
    61  			&Timestamp{time.Date(2006, time.January, 02, 15, 04, 05, 0, time.UTC)},
    62  			`github.Timestamp{2006-01-02 15:04:05 +0000 UTC}`,
    63  		},
    64  		{
    65  			User{ID: Int64(123), Name: String("n")},
    66  			`github.User{ID:123, Name:"n"}`,
    67  		},
    68  		{
    69  			Repository{Owner: &User{ID: Int64(123)}},
    70  			`github.Repository{Owner:github.User{ID:123}}`,
    71  		},
    72  	}
    74  	for i, tt := range tests {
    75  		s := Stringify(tt.in)
    76  		if s != tt.out {
    77  			t.Errorf("%d. Stringify(%q) => %q, want %q", i, tt.in, s, tt.out)
    78  		}
    79  	}
    80  }
    82  // Directly test the String() methods on various GitHub types. We don't do an
    83  // exaustive test of all the various field types, since TestStringify() above
    84  // takes care of that. Rather, we just make sure that Stringify() is being
    85  // used to build the strings, which we do by verifying that pointers are
    86  // stringified as their underlying value.
    87  func TestString(t *testing.T) {
    88  	var tests = []struct {
    89  		in  interface{}
    90  		out string
    91  	}{
    92  		{CodeResult{Name: String("n")}, `github.CodeResult{Name:"n"}`},
    93  		{CommitAuthor{Name: String("n")}, `github.CommitAuthor{Name:"n"}`},
    94  		{CommitFile{SHA: String("s")}, `github.CommitFile{SHA:"s"}`},
    95  		{CommitStats{Total: Int(1)}, `github.CommitStats{Total:1}`},
    96  		{CommitsComparison{TotalCommits: Int(1)}, `github.CommitsComparison{TotalCommits:1}`},
    97  		{Commit{SHA: String("s")}, `github.Commit{SHA:"s"}`},
    98  		{Event{ID: String("1")}, `github.Event{ID:"1"}`},
    99  		{GistComment{ID: Int64(1)}, `github.GistComment{ID:1}`},
   100  		{GistFile{Size: Int(1)}, `github.GistFile{Size:1}`},
   101  		{Gist{ID: String("1")}, `github.Gist{ID:"1"}`},
   102  		{GitObject{SHA: String("s")}, `github.GitObject{SHA:"s"}`},
   103  		{Gitignore{Name: String("n")}, `github.Gitignore{Name:"n"}`},
   104  		{Hook{ID: Int64(1)}, `github.Hook{ID:1}`},
   105  		{IssueComment{ID: Int64(1)}, `github.IssueComment{ID:1}`},
   106  		{Issue{Number: Int(1)}, `github.Issue{Number:1}`},
   107  		{Key{ID: Int64(1)}, `github.Key{ID:1}`},
   108  		{Label{ID: Int64(1), Name: String("l")}, `github.Label{ID:1, Name:"l"}`},
   109  		{Organization{ID: Int64(1)}, `github.Organization{ID:1}`},
   110  		{PullRequestComment{ID: Int64(1)}, `github.PullRequestComment{ID:1}`},
   111  		{PullRequest{Number: Int(1)}, `github.PullRequest{Number:1}`},
   112  		{PullRequestReview{ID: Int64(1)}, `github.PullRequestReview{ID:1}`},
   113  		{DraftReviewComment{Position: Int(1)}, `github.DraftReviewComment{Position:1}`},
   114  		{PullRequestReviewRequest{Body: String("r")}, `github.PullRequestReviewRequest{Body:"r"}`},
   115  		{PullRequestReviewDismissalRequest{Message: String("r")}, `github.PullRequestReviewDismissalRequest{Message:"r"}`},
   116  		{HeadCommit{SHA: String("s")}, `github.HeadCommit{SHA:"s"}`},
   117  		{PushEvent{PushID: Int64(1)}, `github.PushEvent{PushID:1}`},
   118  		{Reference{Ref: String("r")}, `github.Reference{Ref:"r"}`},
   119  		{ReleaseAsset{ID: Int64(1)}, `github.ReleaseAsset{ID:1}`},
   120  		{RepoStatus{ID: Int64(1)}, `github.RepoStatus{ID:1}`},
   121  		{RepositoryComment{ID: Int64(1)}, `github.RepositoryComment{ID:1}`},
   122  		{RepositoryCommit{SHA: String("s")}, `github.RepositoryCommit{SHA:"s"}`},
   123  		{RepositoryContent{Name: String("n")}, `github.RepositoryContent{Name:"n"}`},
   124  		{RepositoryRelease{ID: Int64(1)}, `github.RepositoryRelease{ID:1}`},
   125  		{Repository{ID: Int64(1)}, `github.Repository{ID:1}`},
   126  		{Team{ID: Int64(1)}, `github.Team{ID:1}`},
   127  		{TreeEntry{SHA: String("s")}, `github.TreeEntry{SHA:"s"}`},
   128  		{Tree{SHA: String("s")}, `github.Tree{SHA:"s"}`},
   129  		{User{ID: Int64(1)}, `github.User{ID:1}`},
   130  		{WebHookAuthor{Name: String("n")}, `github.CommitAuthor{Name:"n"}`},
   131  		{WebHookCommit{ID: String("1")}, `github.HeadCommit{ID:"1"}`},
   132  		{WebHookPayload{Ref: String("r")}, `github.PushEvent{Ref:"r"}`},
   133  	}
   135  	for i, tt := range tests {
   136  		s := tt.in.(fmt.Stringer).String()
   137  		if s != tt.out {
   138  			t.Errorf("%d. String() => %q, want %q", i, tt.in, tt.out)
   139  		}
   140  	}
   141  }

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