// Copyright 2023 The go-github AUTHORS. All rights reserved. // // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package github import ( "context" "fmt" "net/http" "testing" "time" "github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp" ) func TestCodespacesService_ListInRepo(t *testing.T) { client, mux, _, teardown := setup() defer teardown() mux.HandleFunc("/repos/owner/repo/codespaces", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { testMethod(t, r, "GET") testFormValues(t, r, values{ "page": "1", "per_page": "2", }) fmt.Fprint(w, `{"total_count":2,"codespaces":[{"id":1,"name":"monalisa-octocat-hello-world-g4wpq6h95q","environment_id":"26a7c758-7299-4a73-b978-5a92a7ae98a0","owner":{"login":"octocat"},"billable_owner":{"login":"octocat"},"repository":{"id":1296269},"machine":{"name":"standardLinux","display_name":"4 cores, 8 GB RAM, 64 GB storage","operating_system":"linux","storage_in_bytes":68719476736,"memory_in_bytes":8589934592,"cpus":4},"prebuild":false,"devcontainer_path":".devcontainer/devcontainer.json","created_at":"2021-10-14T00:53:30-06:00","updated_at":"2021-10-14T00:53:32-06:00","last_used_at":"2021-10-14T00:53:30-06:00","state":"Available","url":"https://api.github.com/user/codespaces/monalisa-octocat-hello-world-g4wpq6h95q","git_status":{"ahead":0,"behind":0,"has_unpushed_changes":false,"has_uncommitted_changes":false,"ref":"main"},"location":"WestUs2","idle_timeout_minutes":60,"web_url":"https://monalisa-octocat-hello-world-g4wpq6h95q.github.dev","machines_url":"https://api.github.com/user/codespaces/monalisa-octocat-hello-world-g4wpq6h95q/machines","start_url":"https://api.github.com/user/codespaces/monalisa-octocat-hello-world-g4wpq6h95q/start","stop_url":"https://api.github.com/user/codespaces/monalisa-octocat-hello-world-g4wpq6h95q/stop","recent_folders":["testfolder1","testfolder2"]},{"id":2}]}`) }) opt := &ListOptions{Page: 1, PerPage: 2} ctx := context.Background() codespaces, _, err := client.Codespaces.ListInRepo(ctx, "owner", "repo", opt) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Codespaces.ListInRepo returned error: %v", err) } want := &ListCodespaces{TotalCount: Int(2), Codespaces: []*Codespace{ { ID: Int64(1), Name: String("monalisa-octocat-hello-world-g4wpq6h95q"), EnvironmentID: String("26a7c758-7299-4a73-b978-5a92a7ae98a0"), Owner: &User{ Login: String("octocat"), }, BillableOwner: &User{ Login: String("octocat"), }, Repository: &Repository{ ID: Int64(1296269), }, Machine: &CodespacesMachine{ Name: String("standardLinux"), DisplayName: String("4 cores, 8 GB RAM, 64 GB storage"), OperatingSystem: String("linux"), StorageInBytes: Int64(68719476736), MemoryInBytes: Int64(8589934592), CPUs: Int(4), }, Prebuild: Bool(false), DevcontainerPath: String(".devcontainer/devcontainer.json"), CreatedAt: &Timestamp{time.Date(2021, 10, 14, 0, 53, 30, 0, time.FixedZone("", -6*60*60))}, UpdatedAt: &Timestamp{time.Date(2021, 10, 14, 0, 53, 32, 0, time.FixedZone("", -6*60*60))}, LastUsedAt: &Timestamp{time.Date(2021, 10, 14, 0, 53, 30, 0, time.FixedZone("", -6*60*60))}, State: String("Available"), URL: String("https://api.github.com/user/codespaces/monalisa-octocat-hello-world-g4wpq6h95q"), GitStatus: &CodespacesGitStatus{ Ahead: Int(0), Behind: Int(0), HasUnpushedChanges: Bool(false), HasUncommittedChanges: Bool(false), Ref: String("main"), }, Location: String("WestUs2"), IdleTimeoutMinutes: Int(60), WebURL: String("https://monalisa-octocat-hello-world-g4wpq6h95q.github.dev"), MachinesURL: String("https://api.github.com/user/codespaces/monalisa-octocat-hello-world-g4wpq6h95q/machines"), StartURL: String("https://api.github.com/user/codespaces/monalisa-octocat-hello-world-g4wpq6h95q/start"), StopURL: String("https://api.github.com/user/codespaces/monalisa-octocat-hello-world-g4wpq6h95q/stop"), RecentFolders: []string{ "testfolder1", "testfolder2", }, }, { ID: Int64(2), }, }} if !cmp.Equal(codespaces, want) { t.Errorf("Codespaces.ListInRepo returned %+v, want %+v", codespaces, want) } const methodName = "ListInRepo" testNewRequestAndDoFailure(t, methodName, client, func() (*Response, error) { got, resp, err := client.Codespaces.ListInRepo(ctx, "", "", nil) if got != nil { t.Errorf("testNewRequestAndDoFailure %v = %#v, want nil", methodName, got) } return resp, err }) } func TestCodespacesService_List(t *testing.T) { client, mux, _, teardown := setup() defer teardown() mux.HandleFunc("/user/codespaces", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { testMethod(t, r, "GET") testFormValues(t, r, values{ "page": "1", "per_page": "2", "repository_id": "1296269", }) fmt.Fprint(w, `{"total_count":1,"codespaces":[{"id":1, "repository": {"id": 1296269}}]}`) }) opt := &ListCodespacesOptions{ListOptions: ListOptions{Page: 1, PerPage: 2}, RepositoryID: 1296269} ctx := context.Background() codespaces, _, err := client.Codespaces.List(ctx, opt) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Codespaces.List returned error: %v", err) } want := &ListCodespaces{TotalCount: Int(1), Codespaces: []*Codespace{ { ID: Int64(1), Repository: &Repository{ ID: Int64(1296269), }, }, }} if !cmp.Equal(codespaces, want) { t.Errorf("Codespaces.ListInRepo returned %+v, want %+v", codespaces, want) } const methodName = "List" testNewRequestAndDoFailure(t, methodName, client, func() (*Response, error) { got, resp, err := client.Codespaces.List(ctx, nil) if got != nil { t.Errorf("testNewRequestAndDoFailure %v = %#v, want nil", methodName, got) } return resp, err }) } func TestCodespacesService_CreateInRepo(t *testing.T) { client, mux, _, teardown := setup() defer teardown() mux.HandleFunc("/repos/owner/repo/codespaces", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { testMethod(t, r, "POST") testHeader(t, r, "Content-Type", "application/json") testBody(t, r, `{"ref":"main","geo":"WestUs2","machine":"standardLinux","idle_timeout_minutes":60}`+"\n") fmt.Fprint(w, `{"id":1, "repository": {"id": 1296269}}`) }) input := &CreateCodespaceOptions{ Ref: String("main"), Geo: String("WestUs2"), Machine: String("standardLinux"), IdleTimeoutMinutes: Int(60), } ctx := context.Background() codespace, _, err := client.Codespaces.CreateInRepo(ctx, "owner", "repo", input) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Codespaces.CreateInRepo returned error: %v", err) } want := &Codespace{ ID: Int64(1), Repository: &Repository{ ID: Int64(1296269), }, } if !cmp.Equal(codespace, want) { t.Errorf("Codespaces.CreateInRepo returned %+v, want %+v", codespace, want) } const methodName = "CreateInRepo" testBadOptions(t, methodName, func() (err error) { _, _, err = client.Codespaces.CreateInRepo(ctx, "\n", "", input) return err }) testNewRequestAndDoFailure(t, methodName, client, func() (*Response, error) { got, resp, err := client.Codespaces.CreateInRepo(ctx, "o", "r", input) if got != nil { t.Errorf("testNewRequestAndDoFailure %v = %#v, want nil", methodName, got) } return resp, err }) } func TestCodespacesService_Start(t *testing.T) { client, mux, _, teardown := setup() defer teardown() mux.HandleFunc("/user/codespaces/codespace_1/start", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { testMethod(t, r, "POST") fmt.Fprint(w, `{"id":1, "repository": {"id": 1296269}}`) }) ctx := context.Background() codespace, _, err := client.Codespaces.Start(ctx, "codespace_1") if err != nil { t.Errorf("Codespaces.Start returned error: %v", err) } want := &Codespace{ ID: Int64(1), Repository: &Repository{ ID: Int64(1296269), }, } if !cmp.Equal(codespace, want) { t.Errorf("Codespaces.Start returned %+v, want %+v", codespace, want) } const methodName = "Start" testBadOptions(t, methodName, func() (err error) { _, _, err = client.Codespaces.Start(ctx, "\n") return err }) testNewRequestAndDoFailure(t, methodName, client, func() (*Response, error) { got, resp, err := client.Codespaces.Start(ctx, "o") if got != nil { t.Errorf("testNewRequestAndDoFailure %v = %#v, want nil", methodName, got) } return resp, err }) } func TestCodespacesService_Stop(t *testing.T) { client, mux, _, teardown := setup() defer teardown() mux.HandleFunc("/user/codespaces/codespace_1/stop", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { testMethod(t, r, "POST") fmt.Fprint(w, `{"id":1, "repository": {"id": 1296269}}`) }) ctx := context.Background() codespace, _, err := client.Codespaces.Stop(ctx, "codespace_1") if err != nil { t.Errorf("Codespaces.Stop returned error: %v", err) } want := &Codespace{ ID: Int64(1), Repository: &Repository{ ID: Int64(1296269), }, } if !cmp.Equal(codespace, want) { t.Errorf("Codespaces.Stop returned %+v, want %+v", codespace, want) } const methodName = "Stop" testBadOptions(t, methodName, func() (err error) { _, _, err = client.Codespaces.Stop(ctx, "\n") return err }) testNewRequestAndDoFailure(t, methodName, client, func() (*Response, error) { got, resp, err := client.Codespaces.Stop(ctx, "o") if got != nil { t.Errorf("testNewRequestAndDoFailure %v = %#v, want nil", methodName, got) } return resp, err }) } func TestCodespacesService_Delete(t *testing.T) { client, mux, _, teardown := setup() defer teardown() mux.HandleFunc("/user/codespaces/codespace_1", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { testMethod(t, r, "DELETE") }) ctx := context.Background() _, err := client.Codespaces.Delete(ctx, "codespace_1") if err != nil { t.Errorf("Codespaces.Delete return error: %v", err) } const methodName = "Delete" testBadOptions(t, methodName, func() (err error) { _, err = client.Codespaces.Delete(ctx, "\n") return err }) testNewRequestAndDoFailure(t, methodName, client, func() (*Response, error) { return client.Codespaces.Delete(ctx, "codespace_1") }) }