
Source file src/github.com/google/go-github/v47/github/orgs_audit_log_test.go

Documentation: github.com/google/go-github/v47/github

     1  // Copyright 2021 The go-github AUTHORS. All rights reserved.
     2  //
     3  // `Use` of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     4  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     6  package github
     8  import (
     9  	"context"
    10  	"fmt"
    11  	"net/http"
    12  	"strings"
    13  	"testing"
    14  	"time"
    16  	"github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp"
    17  )
    19  func TestOrganizationService_GetAuditLog(t *testing.T) {
    20  	client, mux, _, teardown := setup()
    21  	defer teardown()
    23  	mux.HandleFunc("/orgs/o/audit-log", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    24  		testMethod(t, r, "GET")
    26  		fmt.Fprint(w, `[
    27  		{
    28          "active": true,
    29          "workflow_id": 123456,
    30          "head_branch": "master",
    31          "org": "o",
    32          "trigger_id": null,
    33          "repo": "o/blue-crayon-1",
    34          "created_at": 1615077308538,
    35          "head_sha": "5acdeadbeef64d1a62388e901e5cdc9358644b37",
    36          "conclusion": "success",
    37          "actor": "testactor",
    38          "completed_at": "2021-03-07T00:35:08.000Z",
    39          "@timestamp": 1615077308538,
    40          "name": "Code scanning - action",
    41          "action": "workflows.completed_workflow_run",
    42          "started_at": "2021-03-07T00:33:04.000Z",
    43          "event": "schedule",
    44          "workflow_run_id": 628312345,
    45          "_document_id": "beeZYapIUe-wKg5-beadb33",
    46          "config": {
    47              "content_type": "json",
    48              "insecure_ssl": "0",
    49              "url": "https://example.com/deadbeef-new-hook"
    50           },
    51          "events": ["code_scanning_alert"]
    52  		}]`)
    53  	})
    54  	ctx := context.Background()
    55  	getOpts := GetAuditLogOptions{
    56  		Include: String("all"),
    57  		Phrase:  String("action:workflows"),
    58  		Order:   String("asc"),
    59  	}
    61  	auditEntries, resp, err := client.Organizations.GetAuditLog(ctx, "o", &getOpts)
    62  	if err != nil {
    63  		t.Errorf("Organizations.GetAuditLog returned error: %v", err)
    64  	}
    65  	startedAt, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, "2021-03-07T00:33:04.000Z")
    66  	completedAt, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, "2021-03-07T00:35:08.000Z")
    67  	timestamp := time.Unix(0, 1615077308538*1e6)
    69  	want := []*AuditEntry{
    70  		{
    71  			Timestamp:     &Timestamp{timestamp},
    72  			DocumentID:    String("beeZYapIUe-wKg5-beadb33"),
    73  			Action:        String("workflows.completed_workflow_run"),
    74  			Actor:         String("testactor"),
    75  			Active:        Bool(true),
    76  			CompletedAt:   &Timestamp{completedAt},
    77  			Conclusion:    String("success"),
    78  			CreatedAt:     &Timestamp{timestamp},
    79  			Event:         String("schedule"),
    80  			HeadBranch:    String("master"),
    81  			HeadSHA:       String("5acdeadbeef64d1a62388e901e5cdc9358644b37"),
    82  			Name:          String("Code scanning - action"),
    83  			Org:           String("o"),
    84  			Repo:          String("o/blue-crayon-1"),
    85  			StartedAt:     &Timestamp{startedAt},
    86  			WorkflowID:    Int64(123456),
    87  			WorkflowRunID: Int64(628312345),
    88  			Events:        []string{"code_scanning_alert"},
    89  			Config: &HookConfig{
    90  				ContentType: String("json"),
    91  				InsecureSSL: String("0"),
    92  				URL:         String("https://example.com/deadbeef-new-hook"),
    93  			},
    94  		},
    95  	}
    97  	if !cmp.Equal(auditEntries, want) {
    98  		t.Errorf("Organizations.GetAuditLog return \ngot: %+v,\nwant:%+v", auditEntries, want)
    99  	}
   101  	// assert query string has lower case params
   102  	requestedQuery := resp.Request.URL.RawQuery
   103  	if !strings.Contains(requestedQuery, "phrase") {
   104  		t.Errorf("Organizations.GetAuditLog query string \ngot: %+v,\nwant:%+v", requestedQuery, "phrase")
   105  	}
   107  	const methodName = "GetAuditLog"
   108  	testBadOptions(t, methodName, func() (err error) {
   109  		_, _, err = client.Organizations.GetAuditLog(ctx, "\n", &getOpts)
   110  		return err
   111  	})
   113  	testNewRequestAndDoFailure(t, methodName, client, func() (*Response, error) {
   114  		got, resp, err := client.Organizations.GetAuditLog(ctx, "o", &GetAuditLogOptions{})
   115  		if got != nil {
   116  			t.Errorf("testNewRequestAndDoFailure %v = %#v, want nil", methodName, got)
   117  		}
   118  		return resp, err
   119  	})
   120  }
   122  func TestGetAuditLogOptions_Marshal(t *testing.T) {
   123  	testJSONMarshal(t, &GetAuditLogOptions{}, "{}")
   125  	u := &GetAuditLogOptions{
   126  		Phrase:  String("p"),
   127  		Include: String("i"),
   128  		Order:   String("o"),
   129  		ListCursorOptions: ListCursorOptions{
   130  			Page:    "p",
   131  			PerPage: 1,
   132  			After:   "a",
   133  			Before:  "b",
   134  		},
   135  	}
   137  	want := `{
   138  		"phrase": "p",
   139  		"include": "i",
   140  		"order": "o",
   141  		"Page": "p",
   142  		"PerPage": 1,
   143  		"After": "a",
   144  		"Before": "b"
   145  	}`
   147  	testJSONMarshal(t, u, want)
   148  }
   150  func TestHookConfig_Marshal(t *testing.T) {
   151  	testJSONMarshal(t, &HookConfig{}, "{}")
   153  	u := &HookConfig{
   154  		ContentType: String("ct"),
   155  		InsecureSSL: String("ct"),
   156  		URL:         String("url"),
   157  	}
   159  	want := `{
   160  		"content_type": "ct",
   161  		"insecure_ssl": "ct",
   162  		"url": "url"
   163  	}`
   165  	testJSONMarshal(t, u, want)
   166  }
   168  func TestAuditEntry_Marshal(t *testing.T) {
   169  	testJSONMarshal(t, &AuditEntry{}, "{}")
   171  	u := &AuditEntry{
   172  		Action:                String("a"),
   173  		Active:                Bool(false),
   174  		ActiveWas:             Bool(false),
   175  		Actor:                 String("ac"),
   176  		BlockedUser:           String("bu"),
   177  		Business:              String("b"),
   178  		CancelledAt:           &Timestamp{referenceTime},
   179  		CompletedAt:           &Timestamp{referenceTime},
   180  		Conclusion:            String("c"),
   181  		Config:                &HookConfig{URL: String("s")},
   182  		ConfigWas:             &HookConfig{URL: String("s")},
   183  		ContentType:           String("ct"),
   184  		CreatedAt:             &Timestamp{referenceTime},
   185  		DeployKeyFingerprint:  String("dkf"),
   186  		DocumentID:            String("did"),
   187  		Emoji:                 String("e"),
   188  		EnvironmentName:       String("en"),
   189  		Event:                 String("e"),
   190  		Events:                []string{"s"},
   191  		EventsWere:            []string{"s"},
   192  		Explanation:           String("e"),
   193  		Fingerprint:           String("f"),
   194  		HeadBranch:            String("hb"),
   195  		HeadSHA:               String("hsha"),
   196  		HookID:                Int64(1),
   197  		IsHostedRunner:        Bool(false),
   198  		JobName:               String("jn"),
   199  		LimitedAvailability:   Bool(false),
   200  		Message:               String("m"),
   201  		Name:                  String("n"),
   202  		OldUser:               String("ou"),
   203  		OpenSSHPublicKey:      String("osshpk"),
   204  		Org:                   String("o"),
   205  		PreviousVisibility:    String("pv"),
   206  		ReadOnly:              String("ro"),
   207  		Repo:                  String("r"),
   208  		Repository:            String("repo"),
   209  		RepositoryPublic:      Bool(false),
   210  		RunAttempt:            Int64(1),
   211  		RunnerGroupID:         Int64(1),
   212  		RunnerGroupName:       String("rgn"),
   213  		RunnerID:              Int64(1),
   214  		RunnerLabels:          []string{"s"},
   215  		RunnerName:            String("rn"),
   216  		SecretsPassed:         []string{"s"},
   217  		SourceVersion:         String("sv"),
   218  		StartedAt:             &Timestamp{referenceTime},
   219  		TargetLogin:           String("tl"),
   220  		TargetVersion:         String("tv"),
   221  		Team:                  String("t"),
   222  		Timestamp:             &Timestamp{referenceTime},
   223  		TransportProtocolName: String("tpn"),
   224  		TransportProtocol:     Int(1),
   225  		TriggerID:             Int64(1),
   226  		User:                  String("u"),
   227  		Visibility:            String("v"),
   228  		WorkflowID:            Int64(1),
   229  		WorkflowRunID:         Int64(1),
   230  	}
   232  	want := `{
   233  		"action": "a",
   234  		"active": false,
   235  		"active_was": false,
   236  		"actor": "ac",
   237  		"blocked_user": "bu",
   238  		"business": "b",
   239  		"cancelled_at": ` + referenceTimeStr + `,
   240  		"completed_at": ` + referenceTimeStr + `,
   241  		"conclusion": "c",
   242  		"config": {
   243  			"url": "s"
   244  		},
   245  		"config_was": {
   246  			"url": "s"
   247  		},
   248  		"content_type": "ct",
   249  		"created_at": ` + referenceTimeStr + `,
   250  		"deploy_key_fingerprint": "dkf",
   251  		"_document_id": "did",
   252  		"emoji": "e",
   253  		"environment_name": "en",
   254  		"event": "e",
   255  		"events": [
   256  			"s"
   257  		],
   258  		"events_were": [
   259  			"s"
   260  		],
   261  		"explanation": "e",
   262  		"fingerprint": "f",
   263  		"head_branch": "hb",
   264  		"head_sha": "hsha",
   265  		"hook_id": 1,
   266  		"is_hosted_runner": false,
   267  		"job_name": "jn",
   268  		"limited_availability": false,
   269  		"message": "m",
   270  		"name": "n",
   271  		"old_user": "ou",
   272  		"openssh_public_key": "osshpk",
   273  		"org": "o",
   274  		"previous_visibility": "pv",
   275  		"read_only": "ro",
   276  		"repo": "r",
   277  		"repository": "repo",
   278  		"repository_public": false,
   279  		"run_attempt": 1,
   280  		"runner_group_id": 1,
   281  		"runner_group_name": "rgn",
   282  		"runner_id": 1,
   283  		"runner_labels": [
   284  			"s"
   285  		],
   286  		"runner_name": "rn",
   287  		"secrets_passed": [
   288  			"s"
   289  		],
   290  		"source_version": "sv",
   291  		"started_at": ` + referenceTimeStr + `,
   292  		"target_login": "tl",
   293  		"target_version": "tv",
   294  		"team": "t",
   295  		"@timestamp": ` + referenceTimeStr + `,
   296  		"transport_protocol_name": "tpn",
   297  		"transport_protocol": 1,
   298  		"trigger_id": 1,
   299  		"user": "u",
   300  		"visibility": "v",
   301  		"workflow_id": 1,
   302  		"workflow_run_id": 1
   303  	}`
   305  	testJSONMarshal(t, u, want)
   306  }

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