// Copyright 2019 The go-github AUTHORS. All rights reserved. // // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package github import ( "context" "encoding/json" "fmt" "net/http" "testing" "time" "github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp" ) func TestAdminUsers_Create(t *testing.T) { client, mux, _, teardown := setup() defer teardown() mux.HandleFunc("/admin/users", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { v := new(createUserRequest) json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(v) testMethod(t, r, "POST") want := &createUserRequest{Login: String("github"), Email: String("email@domain.com")} if !cmp.Equal(v, want) { t.Errorf("Request body = %+v, want %+v", v, want) } fmt.Fprint(w, `{"login":"github","id":1}`) }) ctx := context.Background() org, _, err := client.Admin.CreateUser(ctx, "github", "email@domain.com") if err != nil { t.Errorf("Admin.CreateUser returned error: %v", err) } want := &User{ID: Int64(1), Login: String("github")} if !cmp.Equal(org, want) { t.Errorf("Admin.CreateUser returned %+v, want %+v", org, want) } const methodName = "CreateUser" testNewRequestAndDoFailure(t, methodName, client, func() (*Response, error) { got, resp, err := client.Admin.CreateUser(ctx, "github", "email@domain.com") if got != nil { t.Errorf("testNewRequestAndDoFailure %v = %#v, want nil", methodName, got) } return resp, err }) } func TestAdminUsers_Delete(t *testing.T) { client, mux, _, teardown := setup() defer teardown() mux.HandleFunc("/admin/users/github", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { testMethod(t, r, "DELETE") }) ctx := context.Background() _, err := client.Admin.DeleteUser(ctx, "github") if err != nil { t.Errorf("Admin.DeleteUser returned error: %v", err) } const methodName = "DeleteUser" testBadOptions(t, methodName, func() (err error) { _, err = client.Admin.DeleteUser(ctx, "\n") return err }) testNewRequestAndDoFailure(t, methodName, client, func() (*Response, error) { return client.Admin.DeleteUser(ctx, "github") }) } func TestUserImpersonation_Create(t *testing.T) { client, mux, _, teardown := setup() defer teardown() mux.HandleFunc("/admin/users/github/authorizations", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { testMethod(t, r, "POST") testBody(t, r, `{"scopes":["repo"]}`+"\n") fmt.Fprint(w, `{"id": 1234, "url": "https://git.company.com/api/v3/authorizations/1234", "app": { "name": "GitHub Site Administrator", "url": "https://docs.github.com/en/rest/enterprise/users/", "client_id": "1234" }, "token": "1234", "hashed_token": "1234", "token_last_eight": "1234", "note": null, "note_url": null, "created_at": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z", "updated_at": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z", "scopes": [ "repo" ], "fingerprint": null}`) }) opt := &ImpersonateUserOptions{Scopes: []string{"repo"}} ctx := context.Background() auth, _, err := client.Admin.CreateUserImpersonation(ctx, "github", opt) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Admin.CreateUserImpersonation returned error: %v", err) } date := Timestamp{Time: time.Date(2018, time.January, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)} want := &UserAuthorization{ ID: Int64(1234), URL: String("https://git.company.com/api/v3/authorizations/1234"), App: &OAuthAPP{ Name: String("GitHub Site Administrator"), URL: String("https://docs.github.com/en/rest/enterprise/users/"), ClientID: String("1234"), }, Token: String("1234"), HashedToken: String("1234"), TokenLastEight: String("1234"), Note: nil, NoteURL: nil, CreatedAt: &date, UpdatedAt: &date, Scopes: []string{"repo"}, Fingerprint: nil, } if !cmp.Equal(auth, want) { t.Errorf("Admin.CreateUserImpersonation returned %+v, want %+v", auth, want) } const methodName = "CreateUserImpersonation" testBadOptions(t, methodName, func() (err error) { _, _, err = client.Admin.CreateUserImpersonation(ctx, "\n", opt) return err }) testNewRequestAndDoFailure(t, methodName, client, func() (*Response, error) { got, resp, err := client.Admin.CreateUserImpersonation(ctx, "github", opt) if got != nil { t.Errorf("testNewRequestAndDoFailure %v = %#v, want nil", methodName, got) } return resp, err }) } func TestUserImpersonation_Delete(t *testing.T) { client, mux, _, teardown := setup() defer teardown() mux.HandleFunc("/admin/users/github/authorizations", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { testMethod(t, r, "DELETE") }) ctx := context.Background() _, err := client.Admin.DeleteUserImpersonation(ctx, "github") if err != nil { t.Errorf("Admin.DeleteUserImpersonation returned error: %v", err) } const methodName = "DeleteUserImpersonation" testBadOptions(t, methodName, func() (err error) { _, err = client.Admin.DeleteUserImpersonation(ctx, "\n") return err }) testNewRequestAndDoFailure(t, methodName, client, func() (*Response, error) { return client.Admin.DeleteUserImpersonation(ctx, "github") }) } func TestCreateUserRequest_Marshal(t *testing.T) { testJSONMarshal(t, &createUserRequest{}, "{}") u := &createUserRequest{ Login: String("l"), Email: String("e"), } want := `{ "login": "l", "email": "e" }` testJSONMarshal(t, u, want) } func TestImpersonateUserOptions_Marshal(t *testing.T) { testJSONMarshal(t, &ImpersonateUserOptions{}, "{}") u := &ImpersonateUserOptions{ Scopes: []string{ "s", }, } want := `{ "scopes": ["s"] }` testJSONMarshal(t, u, want) } func TestOAuthAPP_Marshal(t *testing.T) { testJSONMarshal(t, &OAuthAPP{}, "{}") u := &OAuthAPP{ URL: String("u"), Name: String("n"), ClientID: String("cid"), } want := `{ "url": "u", "name": "n", "client_id": "cid" }` testJSONMarshal(t, u, want) } func TestUserAuthorization_Marshal(t *testing.T) { testJSONMarshal(t, &UserAuthorization{}, "{}") u := &UserAuthorization{ ID: Int64(1), URL: String("u"), Scopes: []string{ "s", }, Token: String("t"), TokenLastEight: String("tle"), HashedToken: String("ht"), App: &OAuthAPP{ URL: String("u"), Name: String("n"), ClientID: String("cid"), }, Note: String("n"), NoteURL: String("nu"), UpdatedAt: &Timestamp{referenceTime}, CreatedAt: &Timestamp{referenceTime}, Fingerprint: String("f"), } want := `{ "id": 1, "url": "u", "scopes": ["s"], "token": "t", "token_last_eight": "tle", "hashed_token": "ht", "app": { "url": "u", "name": "n", "client_id": "cid" }, "note": "n", "note_url": "nu", "updated_at": ` + referenceTimeStr + `, "created_at": ` + referenceTimeStr + `, "fingerprint": "f" }` testJSONMarshal(t, u, want) }