
Source file src/github.com/google/go-github/v33/github/teams.go

Documentation: github.com/google/go-github/v33/github

     1  // Copyright 2018 The go-github AUTHORS. All rights reserved.
     2  //
     3  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     4  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     6  package github
     8  import (
     9  	"context"
    10  	"fmt"
    11  	"net/http"
    12  	"strings"
    13  	"time"
    14  )
    16  // TeamsService provides access to the team-related functions
    17  // in the GitHub API.
    18  //
    19  // GitHub API docs: https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/rest/reference/teams/
    20  type TeamsService service
    22  // Team represents a team within a GitHub organization. Teams are used to
    23  // manage access to an organization's repositories.
    24  type Team struct {
    25  	ID          *int64  `json:"id,omitempty"`
    26  	NodeID      *string `json:"node_id,omitempty"`
    27  	Name        *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
    28  	Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"`
    29  	URL         *string `json:"url,omitempty"`
    30  	Slug        *string `json:"slug,omitempty"`
    32  	// Permission specifies the default permission for repositories owned by the team.
    33  	Permission *string `json:"permission,omitempty"`
    35  	// Privacy identifies the level of privacy this team should have.
    36  	// Possible values are:
    37  	//     secret - only visible to organization owners and members of this team
    38  	//     closed - visible to all members of this organization
    39  	// Default is "secret".
    40  	Privacy *string `json:"privacy,omitempty"`
    42  	MembersCount    *int          `json:"members_count,omitempty"`
    43  	ReposCount      *int          `json:"repos_count,omitempty"`
    44  	Organization    *Organization `json:"organization,omitempty"`
    45  	MembersURL      *string       `json:"members_url,omitempty"`
    46  	RepositoriesURL *string       `json:"repositories_url,omitempty"`
    47  	Parent          *Team         `json:"parent,omitempty"`
    49  	// LDAPDN is only available in GitHub Enterprise and when the team
    50  	// membership is synchronized with LDAP.
    51  	LDAPDN *string `json:"ldap_dn,omitempty"`
    52  }
    54  func (t Team) String() string {
    55  	return Stringify(t)
    56  }
    58  // Invitation represents a team member's invitation status.
    59  type Invitation struct {
    60  	ID     *int64  `json:"id,omitempty"`
    61  	NodeID *string `json:"node_id,omitempty"`
    62  	Login  *string `json:"login,omitempty"`
    63  	Email  *string `json:"email,omitempty"`
    64  	// Role can be one of the values - 'direct_member', 'admin', 'billing_manager', 'hiring_manager', or 'reinstate'.
    65  	Role              *string    `json:"role,omitempty"`
    66  	CreatedAt         *time.Time `json:"created_at,omitempty"`
    67  	Inviter           *User      `json:"inviter,omitempty"`
    68  	TeamCount         *int       `json:"team_count,omitempty"`
    69  	InvitationTeamURL *string    `json:"invitation_team_url,omitempty"`
    70  }
    72  func (i Invitation) String() string {
    73  	return Stringify(i)
    74  }
    76  // ListTeams lists all of the teams for an organization.
    77  //
    78  // GitHub API docs: https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/rest/reference/teams/#list-teams
    79  func (s *TeamsService) ListTeams(ctx context.Context, org string, opts *ListOptions) ([]*Team, *Response, error) {
    80  	u := fmt.Sprintf("orgs/%v/teams", org)
    81  	u, err := addOptions(u, opts)
    82  	if err != nil {
    83  		return nil, nil, err
    84  	}
    86  	req, err := s.client.NewRequest("GET", u, nil)
    87  	if err != nil {
    88  		return nil, nil, err
    89  	}
    91  	var teams []*Team
    92  	resp, err := s.client.Do(ctx, req, &teams)
    93  	if err != nil {
    94  		return nil, resp, err
    95  	}
    97  	return teams, resp, nil
    98  }
   100  // GetTeamByID fetches a team, given a specified organization ID, by ID.
   101  //
   102  // GitHub API docs: https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/rest/reference/teams/#get-a-team-by-name
   103  func (s *TeamsService) GetTeamByID(ctx context.Context, orgID, teamID int64) (*Team, *Response, error) {
   104  	u := fmt.Sprintf("organizations/%v/team/%v", orgID, teamID)
   105  	req, err := s.client.NewRequest("GET", u, nil)
   106  	if err != nil {
   107  		return nil, nil, err
   108  	}
   110  	t := new(Team)
   111  	resp, err := s.client.Do(ctx, req, t)
   112  	if err != nil {
   113  		return nil, resp, err
   114  	}
   116  	return t, resp, nil
   117  }
   119  // GetTeamBySlug fetches a team, given a specified organization name, by slug.
   120  //
   121  // GitHub API docs: https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/rest/reference/teams/#get-a-team-by-name
   122  func (s *TeamsService) GetTeamBySlug(ctx context.Context, org, slug string) (*Team, *Response, error) {
   123  	u := fmt.Sprintf("orgs/%v/teams/%v", org, slug)
   124  	req, err := s.client.NewRequest("GET", u, nil)
   125  	if err != nil {
   126  		return nil, nil, err
   127  	}
   129  	t := new(Team)
   130  	resp, err := s.client.Do(ctx, req, t)
   131  	if err != nil {
   132  		return nil, resp, err
   133  	}
   135  	return t, resp, nil
   136  }
   138  // NewTeam represents a team to be created or modified.
   139  type NewTeam struct {
   140  	Name         string   `json:"name"` // Name of the team. (Required.)
   141  	Description  *string  `json:"description,omitempty"`
   142  	Maintainers  []string `json:"maintainers,omitempty"`
   143  	RepoNames    []string `json:"repo_names,omitempty"`
   144  	ParentTeamID *int64   `json:"parent_team_id,omitempty"`
   146  	// Deprecated: Permission is deprecated when creating or editing a team in an org
   147  	// using the new GitHub permission model. It no longer identifies the
   148  	// permission a team has on its repos, but only specifies the default
   149  	// permission a repo is initially added with. Avoid confusion by
   150  	// specifying a permission value when calling AddTeamRepo.
   151  	Permission *string `json:"permission,omitempty"`
   153  	// Privacy identifies the level of privacy this team should have.
   154  	// Possible values are:
   155  	//     secret - only visible to organization owners and members of this team
   156  	//     closed - visible to all members of this organization
   157  	// Default is "secret".
   158  	Privacy *string `json:"privacy,omitempty"`
   160  	// LDAPDN may be used in GitHub Enterprise when the team membership
   161  	// is synchronized with LDAP.
   162  	LDAPDN *string `json:"ldap_dn,omitempty"`
   163  }
   165  func (s NewTeam) String() string {
   166  	return Stringify(s)
   167  }
   169  // CreateTeam creates a new team within an organization.
   170  //
   171  // GitHub API docs: https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/rest/reference/teams/#create-a-team
   172  func (s *TeamsService) CreateTeam(ctx context.Context, org string, team NewTeam) (*Team, *Response, error) {
   173  	u := fmt.Sprintf("orgs/%v/teams", org)
   174  	req, err := s.client.NewRequest("POST", u, team)
   175  	if err != nil {
   176  		return nil, nil, err
   177  	}
   179  	t := new(Team)
   180  	resp, err := s.client.Do(ctx, req, t)
   181  	if err != nil {
   182  		return nil, resp, err
   183  	}
   185  	return t, resp, nil
   186  }
   188  // newTeamNoParent is the same as NewTeam but ensures that the
   189  // "parent_team_id" field will be null. It is for internal use
   190  // only and should not be exported.
   191  type newTeamNoParent struct {
   192  	Name         string   `json:"name"`
   193  	Description  *string  `json:"description,omitempty"`
   194  	Maintainers  []string `json:"maintainers,omitempty"`
   195  	RepoNames    []string `json:"repo_names,omitempty"`
   196  	ParentTeamID *int64   `json:"parent_team_id"` // This will be "null"
   197  	Privacy      *string  `json:"privacy,omitempty"`
   198  	LDAPDN       *string  `json:"ldap_dn,omitempty"`
   199  }
   201  // copyNewTeamWithoutParent is used to set the "parent_team_id"
   202  // field to "null" after copying the other fields from a NewTeam.
   203  // It is for internal use only and should not be exported.
   204  func copyNewTeamWithoutParent(team *NewTeam) *newTeamNoParent {
   205  	return &newTeamNoParent{
   206  		Name:        team.Name,
   207  		Description: team.Description,
   208  		Maintainers: team.Maintainers,
   209  		RepoNames:   team.RepoNames,
   210  		Privacy:     team.Privacy,
   211  		LDAPDN:      team.LDAPDN,
   212  	}
   213  }
   215  // EditTeamByID edits a team, given an organization ID, selected by ID.
   216  //
   217  // GitHub API docs: https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/rest/reference/teams/#update-a-team
   218  func (s *TeamsService) EditTeamByID(ctx context.Context, orgID, teamID int64, team NewTeam, removeParent bool) (*Team, *Response, error) {
   219  	u := fmt.Sprintf("organizations/%v/team/%v", orgID, teamID)
   221  	var req *http.Request
   222  	var err error
   223  	if removeParent {
   224  		teamRemoveParent := copyNewTeamWithoutParent(&team)
   225  		req, err = s.client.NewRequest("PATCH", u, teamRemoveParent)
   226  	} else {
   227  		req, err = s.client.NewRequest("PATCH", u, team)
   228  	}
   229  	if err != nil {
   230  		return nil, nil, err
   231  	}
   233  	t := new(Team)
   234  	resp, err := s.client.Do(ctx, req, t)
   235  	if err != nil {
   236  		return nil, resp, err
   237  	}
   239  	return t, resp, nil
   240  }
   242  // EditTeamBySlug edits a team, given an organization name, by slug.
   243  //
   244  // GitHub API docs: https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/rest/reference/teams/#update-a-team
   245  func (s *TeamsService) EditTeamBySlug(ctx context.Context, org, slug string, team NewTeam, removeParent bool) (*Team, *Response, error) {
   246  	u := fmt.Sprintf("orgs/%v/teams/%v", org, slug)
   248  	var req *http.Request
   249  	var err error
   250  	if removeParent {
   251  		teamRemoveParent := copyNewTeamWithoutParent(&team)
   252  		req, err = s.client.NewRequest("PATCH", u, teamRemoveParent)
   253  	} else {
   254  		req, err = s.client.NewRequest("PATCH", u, team)
   255  	}
   256  	if err != nil {
   257  		return nil, nil, err
   258  	}
   260  	t := new(Team)
   261  	resp, err := s.client.Do(ctx, req, t)
   262  	if err != nil {
   263  		return nil, resp, err
   264  	}
   266  	return t, resp, nil
   267  }
   269  // DeleteTeamByID deletes a team referenced by ID.
   270  //
   271  // GitHub API docs: https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/rest/reference/teams/#delete-a-team
   272  func (s *TeamsService) DeleteTeamByID(ctx context.Context, orgID, teamID int64) (*Response, error) {
   273  	u := fmt.Sprintf("organizations/%v/team/%v", orgID, teamID)
   274  	req, err := s.client.NewRequest("DELETE", u, nil)
   275  	if err != nil {
   276  		return nil, err
   277  	}
   279  	return s.client.Do(ctx, req, nil)
   280  }
   282  // DeleteTeamBySlug deletes a team reference by slug.
   283  //
   284  // GitHub API docs: https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/rest/reference/teams/#delete-a-team
   285  func (s *TeamsService) DeleteTeamBySlug(ctx context.Context, org, slug string) (*Response, error) {
   286  	u := fmt.Sprintf("orgs/%v/teams/%v", org, slug)
   287  	req, err := s.client.NewRequest("DELETE", u, nil)
   288  	if err != nil {
   289  		return nil, err
   290  	}
   292  	return s.client.Do(ctx, req, nil)
   293  }
   295  // ListChildTeamsByParentID lists child teams for a parent team given parent ID.
   296  //
   297  // GitHub API docs: https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/rest/reference/teams/#list-child-teams
   298  func (s *TeamsService) ListChildTeamsByParentID(ctx context.Context, orgID, teamID int64, opts *ListOptions) ([]*Team, *Response, error) {
   299  	u := fmt.Sprintf("organizations/%v/team/%v/teams", orgID, teamID)
   300  	u, err := addOptions(u, opts)
   301  	if err != nil {
   302  		return nil, nil, err
   303  	}
   305  	req, err := s.client.NewRequest("GET", u, nil)
   306  	if err != nil {
   307  		return nil, nil, err
   308  	}
   310  	var teams []*Team
   311  	resp, err := s.client.Do(ctx, req, &teams)
   312  	if err != nil {
   313  		return nil, resp, err
   314  	}
   316  	return teams, resp, nil
   317  }
   319  // ListChildTeamsByParentSlug lists child teams for a parent team given parent slug.
   320  //
   321  // GitHub API docs: https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/rest/reference/teams/#list-child-teams
   322  func (s *TeamsService) ListChildTeamsByParentSlug(ctx context.Context, org, slug string, opts *ListOptions) ([]*Team, *Response, error) {
   323  	u := fmt.Sprintf("orgs/%v/teams/%v/teams", org, slug)
   324  	u, err := addOptions(u, opts)
   325  	if err != nil {
   326  		return nil, nil, err
   327  	}
   329  	req, err := s.client.NewRequest("GET", u, nil)
   330  	if err != nil {
   331  		return nil, nil, err
   332  	}
   334  	var teams []*Team
   335  	resp, err := s.client.Do(ctx, req, &teams)
   336  	if err != nil {
   337  		return nil, resp, err
   338  	}
   340  	return teams, resp, nil
   341  }
   343  // ListTeamReposByID lists the repositories given a team ID that the specified team has access to.
   344  //
   345  // GitHub API docs: https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/rest/reference/teams/#list-team-repositories
   346  func (s *TeamsService) ListTeamReposByID(ctx context.Context, orgID, teamID int64, opts *ListOptions) ([]*Repository, *Response, error) {
   347  	u := fmt.Sprintf("organizations/%v/team/%v/repos", orgID, teamID)
   348  	u, err := addOptions(u, opts)
   349  	if err != nil {
   350  		return nil, nil, err
   351  	}
   353  	req, err := s.client.NewRequest("GET", u, nil)
   354  	if err != nil {
   355  		return nil, nil, err
   356  	}
   358  	// TODO: remove custom Accept header when topics API fully launches.
   359  	headers := []string{mediaTypeTopicsPreview}
   360  	req.Header.Set("Accept", strings.Join(headers, ", "))
   362  	var repos []*Repository
   363  	resp, err := s.client.Do(ctx, req, &repos)
   364  	if err != nil {
   365  		return nil, resp, err
   366  	}
   368  	return repos, resp, nil
   369  }
   371  // ListTeamReposBySlug lists the repositories given a team slug that the specified team has access to.
   372  //
   373  // GitHub API docs: https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/rest/reference/teams/#list-team-repositories
   374  func (s *TeamsService) ListTeamReposBySlug(ctx context.Context, org, slug string, opts *ListOptions) ([]*Repository, *Response, error) {
   375  	u := fmt.Sprintf("orgs/%v/teams/%v/repos", org, slug)
   376  	u, err := addOptions(u, opts)
   377  	if err != nil {
   378  		return nil, nil, err
   379  	}
   381  	req, err := s.client.NewRequest("GET", u, nil)
   382  	if err != nil {
   383  		return nil, nil, err
   384  	}
   386  	// TODO: remove custom Accept header when topics API fully launches.
   387  	headers := []string{mediaTypeTopicsPreview}
   388  	req.Header.Set("Accept", strings.Join(headers, ", "))
   390  	var repos []*Repository
   391  	resp, err := s.client.Do(ctx, req, &repos)
   392  	if err != nil {
   393  		return nil, resp, err
   394  	}
   396  	return repos, resp, nil
   397  }
   399  // IsTeamRepoByID checks if a team, given its ID, manages the specified repository. If the
   400  // repository is managed by team, a Repository is returned which includes the
   401  // permissions team has for that repo.
   402  //
   403  // GitHub API docs: https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/rest/reference/teams/#check-team-permissions-for-a-repository
   404  func (s *TeamsService) IsTeamRepoByID(ctx context.Context, orgID, teamID int64, owner, repo string) (*Repository, *Response, error) {
   405  	u := fmt.Sprintf("organizations/%v/team/%v/repos/%v/%v", orgID, teamID, owner, repo)
   406  	req, err := s.client.NewRequest("GET", u, nil)
   407  	if err != nil {
   408  		return nil, nil, err
   409  	}
   411  	headers := []string{mediaTypeOrgPermissionRepo}
   412  	req.Header.Set("Accept", strings.Join(headers, ", "))
   414  	repository := new(Repository)
   415  	resp, err := s.client.Do(ctx, req, repository)
   416  	if err != nil {
   417  		return nil, resp, err
   418  	}
   420  	return repository, resp, nil
   421  }
   423  // IsTeamRepoBySlug checks if a team, given its slug, manages the specified repository. If the
   424  // repository is managed by team, a Repository is returned which includes the
   425  // permissions team has for that repo.
   426  //
   427  // GitHub API docs: https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/rest/reference/teams/#check-team-permissions-for-a-repository
   428  func (s *TeamsService) IsTeamRepoBySlug(ctx context.Context, org, slug, owner, repo string) (*Repository, *Response, error) {
   429  	u := fmt.Sprintf("orgs/%v/teams/%v/repos/%v/%v", org, slug, owner, repo)
   430  	req, err := s.client.NewRequest("GET", u, nil)
   431  	if err != nil {
   432  		return nil, nil, err
   433  	}
   435  	headers := []string{mediaTypeOrgPermissionRepo}
   436  	req.Header.Set("Accept", strings.Join(headers, ", "))
   438  	repository := new(Repository)
   439  	resp, err := s.client.Do(ctx, req, repository)
   440  	if err != nil {
   441  		return nil, resp, err
   442  	}
   444  	return repository, resp, nil
   445  }
   447  // TeamAddTeamRepoOptions specifies the optional parameters to the
   448  // TeamsService.AddTeamRepo method.
   449  type TeamAddTeamRepoOptions struct {
   450  	// Permission specifies the permission to grant the team on this repository.
   451  	// Possible values are:
   452  	//     pull - team members can pull, but not push to or administer this repository
   453  	//     push - team members can pull and push, but not administer this repository
   454  	//     admin - team members can pull, push and administer this repository
   455  	//     maintain - team members can manage the repository without access to sensitive or destructive actions.
   456  	//     triage - team members can proactively manage issues and pull requests without write access.
   457  	//
   458  	// If not specified, the team's permission attribute will be used.
   459  	Permission string `json:"permission,omitempty"`
   460  }
   462  // AddTeamRepoByID adds a repository to be managed by the specified team given the team ID.
   463  // The specified repository must be owned by the organization to which the team
   464  // belongs, or a direct fork of a repository owned by the organization.
   465  //
   466  // GitHub API docs: https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/rest/reference/teams/#add-or-update-team-repository-permissions
   467  func (s *TeamsService) AddTeamRepoByID(ctx context.Context, orgID, teamID int64, owner, repo string, opts *TeamAddTeamRepoOptions) (*Response, error) {
   468  	u := fmt.Sprintf("organizations/%v/team/%v/repos/%v/%v", orgID, teamID, owner, repo)
   469  	req, err := s.client.NewRequest("PUT", u, opts)
   470  	if err != nil {
   471  		return nil, err
   472  	}
   474  	return s.client.Do(ctx, req, nil)
   475  }
   477  // AddTeamRepoBySlug adds a repository to be managed by the specified team given the team slug.
   478  // The specified repository must be owned by the organization to which the team
   479  // belongs, or a direct fork of a repository owned by the organization.
   480  //
   481  // GitHub API docs: https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/rest/reference/teams/#add-or-update-team-repository-permissions
   482  func (s *TeamsService) AddTeamRepoBySlug(ctx context.Context, org, slug, owner, repo string, opts *TeamAddTeamRepoOptions) (*Response, error) {
   483  	u := fmt.Sprintf("orgs/%v/teams/%v/repos/%v/%v", org, slug, owner, repo)
   484  	req, err := s.client.NewRequest("PUT", u, opts)
   485  	if err != nil {
   486  		return nil, err
   487  	}
   489  	return s.client.Do(ctx, req, nil)
   490  }
   492  // RemoveTeamRepoByID removes a repository from being managed by the specified
   493  // team given the team ID. Note that this does not delete the repository, it
   494  // just removes it from the team.
   495  //
   496  // GitHub API docs: https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/rest/reference/teams/#remove-a-repository-from-a-team
   497  func (s *TeamsService) RemoveTeamRepoByID(ctx context.Context, orgID, teamID int64, owner, repo string) (*Response, error) {
   498  	u := fmt.Sprintf("organizations/%v/team/%v/repos/%v/%v", orgID, teamID, owner, repo)
   499  	req, err := s.client.NewRequest("DELETE", u, nil)
   500  	if err != nil {
   501  		return nil, err
   502  	}
   504  	return s.client.Do(ctx, req, nil)
   505  }
   507  // RemoveTeamRepoBySlug removes a repository from being managed by the specified
   508  // team given the team slug. Note that this does not delete the repository, it
   509  // just removes it from the team.
   510  //
   511  // GitHub API docs: https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/rest/reference/teams/#remove-a-repository-from-a-team
   512  func (s *TeamsService) RemoveTeamRepoBySlug(ctx context.Context, org, slug, owner, repo string) (*Response, error) {
   513  	u := fmt.Sprintf("orgs/%v/teams/%v/repos/%v/%v", org, slug, owner, repo)
   514  	req, err := s.client.NewRequest("DELETE", u, nil)
   515  	if err != nil {
   516  		return nil, err
   517  	}
   519  	return s.client.Do(ctx, req, nil)
   520  }
   522  // ListUserTeams lists a user's teams
   523  // GitHub API docs: https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/rest/reference/teams/#list-teams-for-the-authenticated-user
   524  func (s *TeamsService) ListUserTeams(ctx context.Context, opts *ListOptions) ([]*Team, *Response, error) {
   525  	u := "user/teams"
   526  	u, err := addOptions(u, opts)
   527  	if err != nil {
   528  		return nil, nil, err
   529  	}
   531  	req, err := s.client.NewRequest("GET", u, nil)
   532  	if err != nil {
   533  		return nil, nil, err
   534  	}
   536  	var teams []*Team
   537  	resp, err := s.client.Do(ctx, req, &teams)
   538  	if err != nil {
   539  		return nil, resp, err
   540  	}
   542  	return teams, resp, nil
   543  }
   545  // ListTeamProjectsByID lists the organization projects for a team given the team ID.
   546  //
   547  // GitHub API docs: https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/rest/reference/teams/#list-team-projects
   548  func (s *TeamsService) ListTeamProjectsByID(ctx context.Context, orgID, teamID int64) ([]*Project, *Response, error) {
   549  	u := fmt.Sprintf("organizations/%v/team/%v/projects", orgID, teamID)
   551  	req, err := s.client.NewRequest("GET", u, nil)
   552  	if err != nil {
   553  		return nil, nil, err
   554  	}
   556  	// TODO: remove custom Accept header when this API fully launches.
   557  	acceptHeaders := []string{mediaTypeProjectsPreview}
   558  	req.Header.Set("Accept", strings.Join(acceptHeaders, ", "))
   560  	var projects []*Project
   561  	resp, err := s.client.Do(ctx, req, &projects)
   562  	if err != nil {
   563  		return nil, resp, err
   564  	}
   566  	return projects, resp, nil
   567  }
   569  // ListTeamProjectsBySlug lists the organization projects for a team given the team slug.
   570  //
   571  // GitHub API docs: https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/rest/reference/teams/#list-team-projects
   572  func (s *TeamsService) ListTeamProjectsBySlug(ctx context.Context, org, slug string) ([]*Project, *Response, error) {
   573  	u := fmt.Sprintf("orgs/%v/teams/%v/projects", org, slug)
   575  	req, err := s.client.NewRequest("GET", u, nil)
   576  	if err != nil {
   577  		return nil, nil, err
   578  	}
   580  	// TODO: remove custom Accept header when this API fully launches.
   581  	acceptHeaders := []string{mediaTypeProjectsPreview}
   582  	req.Header.Set("Accept", strings.Join(acceptHeaders, ", "))
   584  	var projects []*Project
   585  	resp, err := s.client.Do(ctx, req, &projects)
   586  	if err != nil {
   587  		return nil, resp, err
   588  	}
   590  	return projects, resp, nil
   591  }
   593  // ReviewTeamProjectsByID checks whether a team, given its ID, has read, write, or admin
   594  // permissions for an organization project.
   595  //
   596  // GitHub API docs: https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/rest/reference/teams/#check-team-permissions-for-a-project
   597  func (s *TeamsService) ReviewTeamProjectsByID(ctx context.Context, orgID, teamID, projectID int64) (*Project, *Response, error) {
   598  	u := fmt.Sprintf("organizations/%v/team/%v/projects/%v", orgID, teamID, projectID)
   599  	req, err := s.client.NewRequest("GET", u, nil)
   600  	if err != nil {
   601  		return nil, nil, err
   602  	}
   604  	// TODO: remove custom Accept header when this API fully launches.
   605  	acceptHeaders := []string{mediaTypeProjectsPreview}
   606  	req.Header.Set("Accept", strings.Join(acceptHeaders, ", "))
   608  	projects := &Project{}
   609  	resp, err := s.client.Do(ctx, req, &projects)
   610  	if err != nil {
   611  		return nil, resp, err
   612  	}
   614  	return projects, resp, nil
   615  }
   617  // ReviewTeamProjectsBySlug checks whether a team, given its slug, has read, write, or admin
   618  // permissions for an organization project.
   619  //
   620  // GitHub API docs: https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/rest/reference/teams/#check-team-permissions-for-a-project
   621  func (s *TeamsService) ReviewTeamProjectsBySlug(ctx context.Context, org, slug string, projectID int64) (*Project, *Response, error) {
   622  	u := fmt.Sprintf("orgs/%v/teams/%v/projects/%v", org, slug, projectID)
   623  	req, err := s.client.NewRequest("GET", u, nil)
   624  	if err != nil {
   625  		return nil, nil, err
   626  	}
   628  	// TODO: remove custom Accept header when this API fully launches.
   629  	acceptHeaders := []string{mediaTypeProjectsPreview}
   630  	req.Header.Set("Accept", strings.Join(acceptHeaders, ", "))
   632  	projects := &Project{}
   633  	resp, err := s.client.Do(ctx, req, &projects)
   634  	if err != nil {
   635  		return nil, resp, err
   636  	}
   638  	return projects, resp, nil
   639  }
   641  // TeamProjectOptions specifies the optional parameters to the
   642  // TeamsService.AddTeamProject method.
   643  type TeamProjectOptions struct {
   644  	// Permission specifies the permission to grant to the team for this project.
   645  	// Possible values are:
   646  	//     "read" - team members can read, but not write to or administer this project.
   647  	//     "write" - team members can read and write, but not administer this project.
   648  	//     "admin" - team members can read, write and administer this project.
   649  	//
   650  	Permission *string `json:"permission,omitempty"`
   651  }
   653  // AddTeamProjectByID adds an organization project to a team given the team ID.
   654  // To add a project to a team or update the team's permission on a project, the
   655  // authenticated user must have admin permissions for the project.
   656  //
   657  // GitHub API docs: https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/rest/reference/teams/#add-or-update-team-project-permissions
   658  func (s *TeamsService) AddTeamProjectByID(ctx context.Context, orgID, teamID, projectID int64, opts *TeamProjectOptions) (*Response, error) {
   659  	u := fmt.Sprintf("organizations/%v/team/%v/projects/%v", orgID, teamID, projectID)
   660  	req, err := s.client.NewRequest("PUT", u, opts)
   661  	if err != nil {
   662  		return nil, err
   663  	}
   665  	// TODO: remove custom Accept header when this API fully launches.
   666  	acceptHeaders := []string{mediaTypeProjectsPreview}
   667  	req.Header.Set("Accept", strings.Join(acceptHeaders, ", "))
   669  	return s.client.Do(ctx, req, nil)
   670  }
   672  // AddTeamProjectBySlug adds an organization project to a team given the team slug.
   673  // To add a project to a team or update the team's permission on a project, the
   674  // authenticated user must have admin permissions for the project.
   675  //
   676  // GitHub API docs: https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/rest/reference/teams/#add-or-update-team-project-permissions
   677  func (s *TeamsService) AddTeamProjectBySlug(ctx context.Context, org, slug string, projectID int64, opts *TeamProjectOptions) (*Response, error) {
   678  	u := fmt.Sprintf("orgs/%v/teams/%v/projects/%v", org, slug, projectID)
   679  	req, err := s.client.NewRequest("PUT", u, opts)
   680  	if err != nil {
   681  		return nil, err
   682  	}
   684  	// TODO: remove custom Accept header when this API fully launches.
   685  	acceptHeaders := []string{mediaTypeProjectsPreview}
   686  	req.Header.Set("Accept", strings.Join(acceptHeaders, ", "))
   688  	return s.client.Do(ctx, req, nil)
   689  }
   691  // RemoveTeamProjectByID removes an organization project from a team given team ID.
   692  // An organization owner or a team maintainer can remove any project from the team.
   693  // To remove a project from a team as an organization member, the authenticated user
   694  // must have "read" access to both the team and project, or "admin" access to the team
   695  // or project.
   696  // Note: This endpoint removes the project from the team, but does not delete it.
   697  //
   698  // GitHub API docs: https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/rest/reference/teams/#remove-a-project-from-a-team
   699  func (s *TeamsService) RemoveTeamProjectByID(ctx context.Context, orgID, teamID, projectID int64) (*Response, error) {
   700  	u := fmt.Sprintf("organizations/%v/team/%v/projects/%v", orgID, teamID, projectID)
   701  	req, err := s.client.NewRequest("DELETE", u, nil)
   702  	if err != nil {
   703  		return nil, err
   704  	}
   706  	// TODO: remove custom Accept header when this API fully launches.
   707  	acceptHeaders := []string{mediaTypeProjectsPreview}
   708  	req.Header.Set("Accept", strings.Join(acceptHeaders, ", "))
   710  	return s.client.Do(ctx, req, nil)
   711  }
   713  // RemoveTeamProjectBySlug removes an organization project from a team given team slug.
   714  // An organization owner or a team maintainer can remove any project from the team.
   715  // To remove a project from a team as an organization member, the authenticated user
   716  // must have "read" access to both the team and project, or "admin" access to the team
   717  // or project.
   718  // Note: This endpoint removes the project from the team, but does not delete it.
   719  //
   720  // GitHub API docs: https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/rest/reference/teams/#remove-a-project-from-a-team
   721  func (s *TeamsService) RemoveTeamProjectBySlug(ctx context.Context, org, slug string, projectID int64) (*Response, error) {
   722  	u := fmt.Sprintf("orgs/%v/teams/%v/projects/%v", org, slug, projectID)
   723  	req, err := s.client.NewRequest("DELETE", u, nil)
   724  	if err != nil {
   725  		return nil, err
   726  	}
   728  	// TODO: remove custom Accept header when this API fully launches.
   729  	acceptHeaders := []string{mediaTypeProjectsPreview}
   730  	req.Header.Set("Accept", strings.Join(acceptHeaders, ", "))
   732  	return s.client.Do(ctx, req, nil)
   733  }
   735  // IDPGroupList represents a list of external identity provider (IDP) groups.
   736  type IDPGroupList struct {
   737  	Groups []*IDPGroup `json:"groups"`
   738  }
   740  // IDPGroup represents an external identity provider (IDP) group.
   741  type IDPGroup struct {
   742  	GroupID          *string `json:"group_id,omitempty"`
   743  	GroupName        *string `json:"group_name,omitempty"`
   744  	GroupDescription *string `json:"group_description,omitempty"`
   745  }
   747  // ListIDPGroupsInOrganization lists IDP groups available in an organization.
   748  //
   749  // GitHub API docs: https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/rest/reference/teams/#list-idp-groups-for-an-organization
   750  func (s *TeamsService) ListIDPGroupsInOrganization(ctx context.Context, org string, opts *ListCursorOptions) (*IDPGroupList, *Response, error) {
   751  	u := fmt.Sprintf("orgs/%v/team-sync/groups", org)
   752  	u, err := addOptions(u, opts)
   753  	if err != nil {
   754  		return nil, nil, err
   755  	}
   757  	req, err := s.client.NewRequest("GET", u, nil)
   758  	if err != nil {
   759  		return nil, nil, err
   760  	}
   762  	groups := new(IDPGroupList)
   763  	resp, err := s.client.Do(ctx, req, groups)
   764  	if err != nil {
   765  		return nil, resp, err
   766  	}
   767  	return groups, resp, nil
   768  }
   770  // ListIDPGroupsForTeamByID lists IDP groups connected to a team on GitHub
   771  // given organization and team IDs.
   772  //
   773  // GitHub API docs: https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/rest/reference/teams/#list-idp-groups-for-a-team
   774  func (s *TeamsService) ListIDPGroupsForTeamByID(ctx context.Context, orgID, teamID int64) (*IDPGroupList, *Response, error) {
   775  	u := fmt.Sprintf("organizations/%v/team/%v/team-sync/group-mappings", orgID, teamID)
   777  	req, err := s.client.NewRequest("GET", u, nil)
   778  	if err != nil {
   779  		return nil, nil, err
   780  	}
   782  	groups := new(IDPGroupList)
   783  	resp, err := s.client.Do(ctx, req, groups)
   784  	if err != nil {
   785  		return nil, resp, err
   786  	}
   787  	return groups, resp, err
   788  }
   790  // ListIDPGroupsForTeamBySlug lists IDP groups connected to a team on GitHub
   791  // given organization name and team slug.
   792  //
   793  // GitHub API docs: https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/rest/reference/teams/#list-idp-groups-for-a-team
   794  func (s *TeamsService) ListIDPGroupsForTeamBySlug(ctx context.Context, org, slug string) (*IDPGroupList, *Response, error) {
   795  	u := fmt.Sprintf("orgs/%v/teams/%v/team-sync/group-mappings", org, slug)
   797  	req, err := s.client.NewRequest("GET", u, nil)
   798  	if err != nil {
   799  		return nil, nil, err
   800  	}
   802  	groups := new(IDPGroupList)
   803  	resp, err := s.client.Do(ctx, req, groups)
   804  	if err != nil {
   805  		return nil, resp, err
   806  	}
   807  	return groups, resp, err
   808  }
   810  // CreateOrUpdateIDPGroupConnectionsByID creates, updates, or removes a connection
   811  // between a team and an IDP group given organization and team IDs.
   812  //
   813  // GitHub API docs: https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/rest/reference/teams/#create-or-update-idp-group-connections
   814  func (s *TeamsService) CreateOrUpdateIDPGroupConnectionsByID(ctx context.Context, orgID, teamID int64, opts IDPGroupList) (*IDPGroupList, *Response, error) {
   815  	u := fmt.Sprintf("organizations/%v/team/%v/team-sync/group-mappings", orgID, teamID)
   817  	req, err := s.client.NewRequest("PATCH", u, opts)
   818  	if err != nil {
   819  		return nil, nil, err
   820  	}
   822  	groups := new(IDPGroupList)
   823  	resp, err := s.client.Do(ctx, req, groups)
   824  	if err != nil {
   825  		return nil, resp, err
   826  	}
   828  	return groups, resp, nil
   829  }
   831  // CreateOrUpdateIDPGroupConnectionsBySlug creates, updates, or removes a connection
   832  // between a team and an IDP group given organization name and team slug.
   833  //
   834  // GitHub API docs: https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/rest/reference/teams/#create-or-update-idp-group-connections
   835  func (s *TeamsService) CreateOrUpdateIDPGroupConnectionsBySlug(ctx context.Context, org, slug string, opts IDPGroupList) (*IDPGroupList, *Response, error) {
   836  	u := fmt.Sprintf("orgs/%v/teams/%v/team-sync/group-mappings", org, slug)
   838  	req, err := s.client.NewRequest("PATCH", u, opts)
   839  	if err != nil {
   840  		return nil, nil, err
   841  	}
   843  	groups := new(IDPGroupList)
   844  	resp, err := s.client.Do(ctx, req, groups)
   845  	if err != nil {
   846  		return nil, resp, err
   847  	}
   849  	return groups, resp, nil
   850  }

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