
Source file src/github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/internal/teststructs/project1.go

Documentation: github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/internal/teststructs

     1  // Copyright 2017, The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  package teststructs
     7  import (
     8  	"time"
    10  	pb "github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/internal/testprotos"
    11  )
    13  // This is an sanitized example of equality from a real use-case.
    14  // The original equality function was as follows:
    15  /*
    16  func equalEagle(x, y Eagle) bool {
    17  	if x.Name != y.Name &&
    18  		!reflect.DeepEqual(x.Hounds, y.Hounds) &&
    19  		x.Desc != y.Desc &&
    20  		x.DescLong != y.DescLong &&
    21  		x.Prong != y.Prong &&
    22  		x.StateGoverner != y.StateGoverner &&
    23  		x.PrankRating != y.PrankRating &&
    24  		x.FunnyPrank != y.FunnyPrank &&
    25  		!pb.Equal(x.Immutable.Proto(), y.Immutable.Proto()) {
    26  		return false
    27  	}
    29  	if len(x.Dreamers) != len(y.Dreamers) {
    30  		return false
    31  	}
    32  	for i := range x.Dreamers {
    33  		if !equalDreamer(x.Dreamers[i], y.Dreamers[i]) {
    34  			return false
    35  		}
    36  	}
    37  	if len(x.Slaps) != len(y.Slaps) {
    38  		return false
    39  	}
    40  	for i := range x.Slaps {
    41  		if !equalSlap(x.Slaps[i], y.Slaps[i]) {
    42  			return false
    43  		}
    44  	}
    45  	return true
    46  }
    47  func equalDreamer(x, y Dreamer) bool {
    48  	if x.Name != y.Name ||
    49  		x.Desc != y.Desc ||
    50  		x.DescLong != y.DescLong ||
    51  		x.ContSlapsInterval != y.ContSlapsInterval ||
    52  		x.Ornamental != y.Ornamental ||
    53  		x.Amoeba != y.Amoeba ||
    54  		x.Heroes != y.Heroes ||
    55  		x.FloppyDisk != y.FloppyDisk ||
    56  		x.MightiestDuck != y.MightiestDuck ||
    57  		x.FunnyPrank != y.FunnyPrank ||
    58  		!pb.Equal(x.Immutable.Proto(), y.Immutable.Proto()) {
    60  		return false
    61  	}
    62  	if len(x.Animal) != len(y.Animal) {
    63  		return false
    64  	}
    65  	for i := range x.Animal {
    66  		vx := x.Animal[i]
    67  		vy := y.Animal[i]
    68  		if reflect.TypeOf(x.Animal) != reflect.TypeOf(y.Animal) {
    69  			return false
    70  		}
    71  		switch vx.(type) {
    72  		case Goat:
    73  			if !equalGoat(vx.(Goat), vy.(Goat)) {
    74  				return false
    75  			}
    76  		case Donkey:
    77  			if !equalDonkey(vx.(Donkey), vy.(Donkey)) {
    78  				return false
    79  			}
    80  		default:
    81  			panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown type: %T", vx))
    82  		}
    83  	}
    84  	if len(x.PreSlaps) != len(y.PreSlaps) {
    85  		return false
    86  	}
    87  	for i := range x.PreSlaps {
    88  		if !equalSlap(x.PreSlaps[i], y.PreSlaps[i]) {
    89  			return false
    90  		}
    91  	}
    92  	if len(x.ContSlaps) != len(y.ContSlaps) {
    93  		return false
    94  	}
    95  	for i := range x.ContSlaps {
    96  		if !equalSlap(x.ContSlaps[i], y.ContSlaps[i]) {
    97  			return false
    98  		}
    99  	}
   100  	return true
   101  }
   102  func equalSlap(x, y Slap) bool {
   103  	return x.Name == y.Name &&
   104  		x.Desc == y.Desc &&
   105  		x.DescLong == y.DescLong &&
   106  		pb.Equal(x.Args, y.Args) &&
   107  		x.Tense == y.Tense &&
   108  		x.Interval == y.Interval &&
   109  		x.Homeland == y.Homeland &&
   110  		x.FunnyPrank == y.FunnyPrank &&
   111  		pb.Equal(x.Immutable.Proto(), y.Immutable.Proto())
   112  }
   113  func equalGoat(x, y Goat) bool {
   114  	if x.Target != y.Target ||
   115  		x.FunnyPrank != y.FunnyPrank ||
   116  		!pb.Equal(x.Immutable.Proto(), y.Immutable.Proto()) {
   117  		return false
   118  	}
   119  	if len(x.Slaps) != len(y.Slaps) {
   120  		return false
   121  	}
   122  	for i := range x.Slaps {
   123  		if !equalSlap(x.Slaps[i], y.Slaps[i]) {
   124  			return false
   125  		}
   126  	}
   127  	return true
   128  }
   129  func equalDonkey(x, y Donkey) bool {
   130  	return x.Pause == y.Pause &&
   131  		x.Sleep == y.Sleep &&
   132  		x.FunnyPrank == y.FunnyPrank &&
   133  		pb.Equal(x.Immutable.Proto(), y.Immutable.Proto())
   134  }
   135  */
   137  type Eagle struct {
   138  	Name          string
   139  	Hounds        []string
   140  	Desc          string
   141  	DescLong      string
   142  	Dreamers      []Dreamer
   143  	Prong         int64
   144  	Slaps         []Slap
   145  	StateGoverner string
   146  	PrankRating   string
   147  	FunnyPrank    string
   148  	Immutable     *EagleImmutable
   149  }
   151  type EagleImmutable struct {
   152  	ID          string
   153  	State       *pb.Eagle_States
   154  	MissingCall *pb.Eagle_MissingCalls
   155  	Birthday    time.Time
   156  	Death       time.Time
   157  	Started     time.Time
   158  	LastUpdate  time.Time
   159  	Creator     string
   160  	empty       bool
   161  }
   163  type Dreamer struct {
   164  	Name              string
   165  	Desc              string
   166  	DescLong          string
   167  	PreSlaps          []Slap
   168  	ContSlaps         []Slap
   169  	ContSlapsInterval int32
   170  	Animal            []interface{} // Could be either Goat or Donkey
   171  	Ornamental        bool
   172  	Amoeba            int64
   173  	Heroes            int32
   174  	FloppyDisk        int32
   175  	MightiestDuck     bool
   176  	FunnyPrank        string
   177  	Immutable         *DreamerImmutable
   178  }
   180  type DreamerImmutable struct {
   181  	ID          string
   182  	State       *pb.Dreamer_States
   183  	MissingCall *pb.Dreamer_MissingCalls
   184  	Calls       int32
   185  	Started     time.Time
   186  	Stopped     time.Time
   187  	LastUpdate  time.Time
   188  	empty       bool
   189  }
   191  type Slap struct {
   192  	Name       string
   193  	Desc       string
   194  	DescLong   string
   195  	Args       pb.Message
   196  	Tense      int32
   197  	Interval   int32
   198  	Homeland   uint32
   199  	FunnyPrank string
   200  	Immutable  *SlapImmutable
   201  }
   203  type SlapImmutable struct {
   204  	ID          string
   205  	Out         pb.Message
   206  	MildSlap    bool
   207  	PrettyPrint string
   208  	State       *pb.Slap_States
   209  	Started     time.Time
   210  	Stopped     time.Time
   211  	LastUpdate  time.Time
   212  	LoveRadius  *LoveRadius
   213  	empty       bool
   214  }
   216  type Goat struct {
   217  	Target     string
   218  	Slaps      []Slap
   219  	FunnyPrank string
   220  	Immutable  *GoatImmutable
   221  }
   223  type GoatImmutable struct {
   224  	ID         string
   225  	State      *pb.Goat_States
   226  	Started    time.Time
   227  	Stopped    time.Time
   228  	LastUpdate time.Time
   229  	empty      bool
   230  }
   231  type Donkey struct {
   232  	Pause      bool
   233  	Sleep      int32
   234  	FunnyPrank string
   235  	Immutable  *DonkeyImmutable
   236  }
   238  type DonkeyImmutable struct {
   239  	ID         string
   240  	State      *pb.Donkey_States
   241  	Started    time.Time
   242  	Stopped    time.Time
   243  	LastUpdate time.Time
   244  	empty      bool
   245  }
   247  type LoveRadius struct {
   248  	Summer *SummerLove
   249  	empty  bool
   250  }
   252  type SummerLove struct {
   253  	Summary *SummerLoveSummary
   254  	empty   bool
   255  }
   257  type SummerLoveSummary struct {
   258  	Devices    []string
   259  	ChangeType []pb.SummerType
   260  	empty      bool
   261  }
   263  func (EagleImmutable) Proto() *pb.Eagle     { return nil }
   264  func (DreamerImmutable) Proto() *pb.Dreamer { return nil }
   265  func (SlapImmutable) Proto() *pb.Slap       { return nil }
   266  func (GoatImmutable) Proto() *pb.Goat       { return nil }
   267  func (DonkeyImmutable) Proto() *pb.Donkey   { return nil }

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