2 "counter": 1234,
3 "healthy": true,
4 "meal": "Banana",
5 "bar": {
6 "a": 123456.789,
7 "b": 987654.321,
8 "c": {
9 "meal": "Apple"
10 }
11 },
12 "home": {
13 "floors": 1,
14 "doors": 2,
15 "windows": 12,
16 "dimensions": {
17 "values": [
18 10,
19 12,
20 20
21 ],
22 "tolerances": [
23 {
24 "width": 1
25 },
26 {
27 "width": 2
28 },
29 {
30 "width": 3
31 }
32 ]
33 }
34 },
35 "name": "This is a long string to show how it breaks up.",
36 "bars": [
37 {
38 "a": 123,
39 "b": 456,
40 "c": {
41 "meal": "Apple"
42 }
43 },
44 {
45 "a": 987,
46 "b": 654,
47 "c": {
48 "meal": "Kiwi"
49 }
50 }
51 ],
52 "bar_baz_type": "Baz",
53 "bar_baz": {
54 "meal": "Kiwi"
55 },
56 "accounts": [
57 9,
58 8,
59 7,
60 1,
61 2,
62 3,
63 6,
64 5,
65 4,
66 ],
67 // Use the same string to show shared string support
68 "bob": "charlie",
69 "alice": "charlie",
70 "just_i32": 13,
71 "names": [
72 "alice",
73 "bob",
74 "charlie"
75 ],
76 "points_of_interest": [
77 {
78 "latitude": 43.275,
79 "longitude": -78.114990
80 },
81 {
82 "latitude": 37.422001,
83 "longitude": -122.084061
84 },
85 {
86 "latitude": -54.420792,
87 "longitude": 3.346450
88 }
89 ],
90 "foobars_type": [
91 "Bar",
92 "Baz",
93 "Bar"
94 ],
95 "foobars" : [
96 {
97 "a": 123,
98 "b": 456,
99 "c": {
100 "meal": "Apple"
101 }
102 },
103 {
104 "meal": "Banana"
105 },
106 {
107 "a": 987,
108 "b": 654,
109 "c": {
110 "meal": "Kiwi"
111 }
112 }
113 ],
114 "measurement_type": "Tolerance",
115 "measurement": {
116 "width": 5
117 },
118 "anything_type": "Bar",
119 "anything": {
120 "a": 321,
121 "b": 654
122 },
123 "charlie": "alice"
View as plain text