1#[ MyGame.Example.Vec3
2 Automatically generated by the FlatBuffers compiler, do not modify.
3 Or modify. I'm a message, not a cop.
5 flatc version: 23.5.26
7 Declared by :
8 Rooting type : MyGame.Example.Monster ()
11import Color as MyGame_Example_Color
12import Test as MyGame_Example_Test
13import flatbuffers
15type Vec3* = object of FlatObj
16func x*(self: Vec3): float32 =
17 return Get[float32](self.tab, self.tab.Pos + 0)
18func `x=`*(self: var Vec3, n: float32): bool =
19 return self.tab.Mutate(self.tab.Pos + 0, n)
20func y*(self: Vec3): float32 =
21 return Get[float32](self.tab, self.tab.Pos + 4)
22func `y=`*(self: var Vec3, n: float32): bool =
23 return self.tab.Mutate(self.tab.Pos + 4, n)
24func z*(self: Vec3): float32 =
25 return Get[float32](self.tab, self.tab.Pos + 8)
26func `z=`*(self: var Vec3, n: float32): bool =
27 return self.tab.Mutate(self.tab.Pos + 8, n)
28func test1*(self: Vec3): float64 =
29 return Get[float64](self.tab, self.tab.Pos + 16)
30func `test1=`*(self: var Vec3, n: float64): bool =
31 return self.tab.Mutate(self.tab.Pos + 16, n)
32func test2*(self: Vec3): MyGame_Example_Color.Color =
33 return MyGame_Example_Color.Color(Get[uint8](self.tab, self.tab.Pos + 24))
34func `test2=`*(self: var Vec3, n: MyGame_Example_Color.Color): bool =
35 return self.tab.Mutate(self.tab.Pos + 24, n)
36func test3*(self: Vec3): MyGame_Example_Test.Test =
37 return MyGame_Example_Test.Test(tab: Vtable(Bytes: self.tab.Bytes, Pos: self.tab.Pos + 26))
38proc Vec3Create*(self: var Builder, x: float32, y: float32, z: float32, test1: float64, test2: MyGame_Example_Color.Color, test3_a: int16, test3_b: int8): uoffset =
39 self.Prep(8, 32)
40 self.Pad(2)
41 self.Prep(2, 4)
42 self.Pad(1)
43 self.Prepend(test3_b)
44 self.Prepend(test3_a)
45 self.Pad(1)
46 self.Prepend(test2)
47 self.Prepend(test1)
48 self.Pad(4)
49 self.Prepend(z)
50 self.Prepend(y)
51 self.Prepend(x)
52 return self.Offset()
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