1Use in C++ {#flatbuffers_guide_use_cpp}
4## Before you get started
6Before diving into the FlatBuffers usage in C++, it should be noted that
7the [Tutorial](@ref flatbuffers_guide_tutorial) page has a complete guide
8to general FlatBuffers usage in all of the supported languages (including C++).
9This page is designed to cover the nuances of FlatBuffers usage, specific to
12#### Prerequisites
14This page assumes you have written a FlatBuffers schema and compiled it
15with the Schema Compiler. If you have not, please see
16[Using the schema compiler](@ref flatbuffers_guide_using_schema_compiler)
17and [Writing a schema](@ref flatbuffers_guide_writing_schema).
19Assuming you wrote a schema, say `mygame.fbs` (though the extension doesn't
20matter), you've generated a C++ header called `mygame_generated.h` using the
21compiler (e.g. `flatc -c mygame.fbs`), you can now start using this in
22your program by including the header. As noted, this header relies on
23`flatbuffers/flatbuffers.h`, which should be in your include path.
25## FlatBuffers C++ library code location
27The code for the FlatBuffers C++ library can be found at
28`flatbuffers/include/flatbuffers`. You can browse the library code on the
29[FlatBuffers GitHub page](https://github.com/google/flatbuffers/tree/master/include/flatbuffers).
31## Testing the FlatBuffers C++ library
33The code to test the C++ library can be found at `flatbuffers/tests`.
34The test code itself is located in
37This test file is built alongside `flatc`. To review how to build the project,
38please read the [Building](@ref flatbuffers_guide_building) documentation.
40To run the tests, execute `flattests` from the root `flatbuffers/` directory.
41For example, on [Linux](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux), you would simply
42run: `./flattests`.
44## Using the FlatBuffers C++ library
46*Note: See [Tutorial](@ref flatbuffers_guide_tutorial) for a more in-depth
47example of how to use FlatBuffers in C++.*
49FlatBuffers supports both reading and writing FlatBuffers in C++.
51To use FlatBuffers in your code, first generate the C++ classes from your
52schema with the `--cpp` option to `flatc`. Then you can include both FlatBuffers
53and the generated code to read or write FlatBuffers.
55For example, here is how you would read a FlatBuffer binary file in C++:
56First, include the library and generated code. Then read the file into
57a `char *` array, which you pass to `GetMonster()`.
60 #include "flatbuffers/flatbuffers.h"
61 #include "monster_test_generate.h"
62 #include <iostream> // C++ header file for printing
63 #include <fstream> // C++ header file for file access
66 std::ifstream infile;
67 infile.open("monsterdata_test.mon", std::ios::binary | std::ios::in);
68 infile.seekg(0,std::ios::end);
69 int length = infile.tellg();
70 infile.seekg(0,std::ios::beg);
71 char *data = new char[length];
72 infile.read(data, length);
73 infile.close();
75 auto monster = GetMonster(data);
78`monster` is of type `Monster *`, and points to somewhere *inside* your
79buffer (root object pointers are not the same as `buffer_pointer` \!).
80If you look in your generated header, you'll see it has
81convenient accessors for all fields, e.g. `hp()`, `mana()`, etc:
84 std::cout << "hp : " << monster->hp() << std::endl; // '80'
85 std::cout << "mana : " << monster->mana() << std::endl; // default value of '150'
86 std::cout << "name : " << monster->name()->c_str() << std::endl; // "MyMonster"
89*Note: That we never stored a `mana` value, so it will return the default.*
91The following attributes are supported:
93- `shared` (on a field): For string fields, this enables the usage of string
94 pooling (i.e. `CreateSharedString`) as default serialization behavior.
96 Specifically, `CreateXxxDirect` functions and `Pack` functions for object
97 based API (see below) will use `CreateSharedString` to create strings.
99## Object based API {#flatbuffers_cpp_object_based_api}
101FlatBuffers is all about memory efficiency, which is why its base API is written
102around using as little as possible of it. This does make the API clumsier
103(requiring pre-order construction of all data, and making mutation harder).
105For times when efficiency is less important a more convenient object based API
106can be used (through `--gen-object-api`) that is able to unpack & pack a
107FlatBuffer into objects and standard STL containers, allowing for convenient
108construction, access and mutation.
110To use:
113 // Autogenerated class from table Monster.
114 MonsterT monsterobj;
116 // Deserialize from buffer into object.
117 GetMonster(flatbuffer)->UnPackTo(&monsterobj);
119 // Update object directly like a C++ class instance.
120 cout << monsterobj.name; // This is now a std::string!
121 monsterobj.name = "Bob"; // Change the name.
123 // Serialize into new flatbuffer.
124 FlatBufferBuilder fbb;
125 fbb.Finish(Monster::Pack(fbb, &monsterobj));
128The following attributes are specific to the object-based API code generation:
130- `native_inline` (on a field): Because FlatBuffer tables and structs are
131 optionally present in a given buffer, they are best represented as pointers
132 (specifically std::unique_ptrs) in the native class since they can be null.
133 This attribute changes the member declaration to use the type directly
134 rather than wrapped in a unique_ptr.
136- `native_default("value")` (on a field): For members that are declared
137 "native_inline", the value specified with this attribute will be included
138 verbatim in the class constructor initializer list for this member.
140- `native_custom_alloc("custom_allocator")` (on a table or struct): When using the
141 object-based API all generated NativeTables that are allocated when unpacking
142 your flatbuffer will use "custom allocator". The allocator is also used by
143 any std::vector that appears in a table defined with `native_custom_alloc`.
144 This can be used to provide allocation from a pool for example, for faster
145 unpacking when using the object-based API.
147Minimal Example:
152 table mytable(native_custom_alloc:"custom_allocator") {
153 ...
154 }
157with `custom_allocator` defined before `flatbuffers.h` is included, as:
160 template <typename T> struct custom_allocator : public std::allocator<T> {
162 typedef T *pointer;
164 template <class U>
165 struct rebind {
166 typedef custom_allocator<U> other;
167 };
169 pointer allocate(const std::size_t n) {
170 return std::allocator<T>::allocate(n);
171 }
173 void deallocate(T* ptr, std::size_t n) {
174 return std::allocator<T>::deallocate(ptr,n);
175 }
177 custom_allocator() throw() {}
179 template <class U>
180 custom_allocator(const custom_allocator<U>&) throw() {}
181 };
184- `native_type("type")` (on a struct): In some cases, a more optimal C++ data
185type exists for a given struct. For example, the following schema:
188 struct Vec2 {
189 x: float;
190 y: float;
191 }
194generates the following Object-Based API class:
197 struct Vec2T : flatbuffers::NativeTable {
198 float x;
199 float y;
200 };
203However, it can be useful to instead use a user-defined C++ type since it
204can provide more functionality, eg.
207 struct vector2 {
208 float x = 0, y = 0;
209 vector2 operator+(vector2 rhs) const { ... }
210 vector2 operator-(vector2 rhs) const { ... }
211 float length() const { ... }
212 // etc.
213 };
216The `native_type` attribute will replace the usage of the generated class
217with the given type. So, continuing with the example, the generated
218code would use `vector2` in place of `Vec2T` for all generated code of
219the Object-Based API.
221However, because the `native_type` is unknown to flatbuffers, the user must
222provide the following functions to aide in the serialization process:
225 namespace flatbuffers {
226 Vec2 Pack(const vector2& obj);
227 vector2 UnPack(const Vec2& obj);
228 }
231- `native_type_pack_name("name")` (on a struct when `native_type` is
232 specified, too): when you want to use the same `native_type` multiple times
233 (e. g. with different precision) you must make the names of the Pack/UnPack
234 functions unique, otherwise you will run into compile errors. This attribute
235 appends a name to the expected Pack/UnPack functions. So when you
236 specify `native_type_pack_name("Vec2")` in the above example you now need to
237 implement these serialization functions instead:
240 namespace flatbuffers {
241 Vec2 PackVec2(const vector2& obj);
242 vector2 UnPackVec2(const Vec2& obj);
243 }
246Finally, the following top-level attributes:
248- `native_include("path")` (at file level): Because the `native_type` attribute
249 can be used to introduce types that are unknown to flatbuffers, it may be
250 necessary to include "external" header files in the generated code. This
251 attribute can be used to directly add an #include directive to the top of
252 the generated code that includes the specified path directly.
254- `force_align`: this attribute may not be respected in the object API,
255 depending on the aligned of the allocator used with `new`.
257# External references
259An additional feature of the object API is the ability to allow you to load
260multiple independent FlatBuffers, and have them refer to eachothers objects
261using hashes which are then represented as typed pointers in the object API.
263To make this work have a field in the objects you want to referred to which is
264using the string hashing feature (see `hash` attribute in the
265[schema](@ref flatbuffers_guide_writing_schema) documentation). Then you have
266a similar hash in the field referring to it, along with a `cpp_type`
267attribute specifying the C++ type this will refer to (this can be any C++
268type, and will get a `*` added).
270Then, in JSON or however you create these buffers, make sure they use the
271same string (or hash).
273When you call `UnPack` (or `Create`), you'll need a function that maps from
274hash to the object (see `resolver_function_t` for details).
276# Using different pointer types
278By default the object tree is built out of `std::unique_ptr`, but you can
279influence this either globally (using the `--cpp-ptr-type` argument to
280`flatc`) or per field (using the `cpp_ptr_type` attribute) to by any smart
281pointer type (`my_ptr<T>`), or by specifying `naked` as the type to get `T *`
282pointers. Unlike the smart pointers, naked pointers do not manage memory for
283you, so you'll have to manage their lifecycles manually. To reference the
284pointer type specified by the `--cpp-ptr-type` argument to `flatc` from a
285flatbuffer field set the `cpp_ptr_type` attribute to `default_ptr_type`.
287# Using different string type
289By default the object tree is built out of `std::string`, but you can
290influence this either globally (using the `--cpp-str-type` argument to
291`flatc`) or per field using the `cpp_str_type` attribute.
293The type must support `T::c_str()`, `T::length()` and `T::empty()` as member functions.
295Further, the type must be constructible from std::string, as by default a
296std::string instance is constructed and then used to initialize the custom
297string type. This behavior impedes efficient and zero-copy construction of
298custom string types; the `--cpp-str-flex-ctor` argument to `flatc` or the
299per field attribute `cpp_str_flex_ctor` can be used to change this behavior,
300so that the custom string type is constructed by passing the pointer and
301length of the FlatBuffers String. The custom string class will require a
302constructor in the following format: `custom_str_class(const char *, size_t)`.
303Please note that the character array is not guaranteed to be NULL terminated,
304you should always use the provided size to determine end of string.
306## Reflection (& Resizing)
308There is experimental support for reflection in FlatBuffers, allowing you to
309read and write data even if you don't know the exact format of a buffer, and
310even allows you to change sizes of strings and vectors in-place.
312The way this works is very elegant; there is actually a FlatBuffer schema that
313describes schemas (\!) which you can find in `reflection/reflection.fbs`.
314The compiler, `flatc`, can write out any schemas it has just parsed as a binary
315FlatBuffer, corresponding to this meta-schema.
317Loading in one of these binary schemas at runtime allows you traverse any
318FlatBuffer data that corresponds to it without knowing the exact format. You
319can query what fields are present, and then read/write them after.
321For convenient field manipulation, you can include the header
322`flatbuffers/reflection.h` which includes both the generated code from the meta
323schema, as well as a lot of helper functions.
325And example of usage, for the time being, can be found in
328## Mini Reflection
330A more limited form of reflection is available for direct inclusion in
331generated code, which doesn't do any (binary) schema access at all. It was designed
332to keep the overhead of reflection as low as possible (on the order of 2-6
333bytes per field added to your executable), but doesn't contain all the
334information the (binary) schema contains.
336You add this information to your generated code by specifying `--reflect-types`
337(or instead `--reflect-names` if you also want field / enum names).
339You can now use this information, for example to print a FlatBuffer to text:
341 auto s = flatbuffers::FlatBufferToString(flatbuf, MonsterTypeTable());
343`MonsterTypeTable()` is declared in the generated code for each type. The
344string produced is very similar to the JSON produced by the `Parser` based
345text generator.
347You'll need `flatbuffers/minireflect.h` for this functionality. In there is also
348a convenient visitor/iterator so you can write your own output / functionality
349based on the mini reflection tables without having to know the FlatBuffers or
350reflection encoding.
352## Storing maps / dictionaries in a FlatBuffer
354FlatBuffers doesn't support maps natively, but there is support to
355emulate their behavior with vectors and binary search, which means you
356can have fast lookups directly from a FlatBuffer without having to unpack
357your data into a `std::map` or similar.
359To use it:
360- Designate one of the fields in a table as they "key" field. You do this
361 by setting the `key` attribute on this field, e.g.
362 `name:string (key)`.
363 You may only have one key field, and it must be of string or scalar type.
364- Write out tables of this type as usual, collect their offsets in an
365 array or vector.
366- Instead of `CreateVector`, call `CreateVectorOfSortedTables`,
367 which will first sort all offsets such that the tables they refer to
368 are sorted by the key field, then serialize it.
369- Now when you're accessing the FlatBuffer, you can use `Vector::LookupByKey`
370 instead of just `Vector::Get` to access elements of the vector, e.g.:
371 `myvector->LookupByKey("Fred")`, which returns a pointer to the
372 corresponding table type, or `nullptr` if not found.
373 `LookupByKey` performs a binary search, so should have a similar speed to
374 `std::map`, though may be faster because of better caching. `LookupByKey`
375 only works if the vector has been sorted, it will likely not find elements
376 if it hasn't been sorted.
378## Direct memory access
380As you can see from the above examples, all elements in a buffer are
381accessed through generated accessors. This is because everything is
382stored in little endian format on all platforms (the accessor
383performs a swap operation on big endian machines), and also because
384the layout of things is generally not known to the user.
386For structs, layout is deterministic and guaranteed to be the same
387across platforms (scalars are aligned to their
388own size, and structs themselves to their largest member), and you
389are allowed to access this memory directly by using `sizeof()` and
390`memcpy` on the pointer to a struct, or even an array of structs.
392To compute offsets to sub-elements of a struct, make sure they
393are a structs themselves, as then you can use the pointers to
394figure out the offset without having to hardcode it. This is
395handy for use of arrays of structs with calls like `glVertexAttribPointer`
396in OpenGL or similar APIs.
398It is important to note is that structs are still little endian on all
399machines, so only use tricks like this if you can guarantee you're not
400shipping on a big endian machine (an `assert(FLATBUFFERS_LITTLEENDIAN)`
401would be wise).
403## Access of untrusted buffers
405The generated accessor functions access fields over offsets, which is
406very quick. These offsets are not verified at run-time, so a malformed
407buffer could cause a program to crash by accessing random memory.
409When you're processing large amounts of data from a source you know (e.g.
410your own generated data on disk), this is acceptable, but when reading
411data from the network that can potentially have been modified by an
412attacker, this is undesirable.
414For this reason, you can optionally use a buffer verifier before you
415access the data. This verifier will check all offsets, all sizes of
416fields, and null termination of strings to ensure that when a buffer
417is accessed, all reads will end up inside the buffer.
419Each root type will have a verification function generated for it,
420e.g. for `Monster`, you can call:
423 bool ok = VerifyMonsterBuffer(Verifier(buf, len));
426if `ok` is true, the buffer is safe to read.
428Besides untrusted data, this function may be useful to call in debug
429mode, as extra insurance against data being corrupted somewhere along
430the way.
432While verifying a buffer isn't "free", it is typically faster than
433a full traversal (since any scalar data is not actually touched),
434and since it may cause the buffer to be brought into cache before
435reading, the actual overhead may be even lower than expected.
437In specialized cases where a denial of service attack is possible,
438the verifier has two additional constructor arguments that allow
439you to limit the nesting depth and total amount of tables the
440verifier may encounter before declaring the buffer malformed. The default is
441`Verifier(buf, len, 64 /* max depth */, 1000000, /* max tables */)` which
442should be sufficient for most uses.
444## Text & schema parsing
446Using binary buffers with the generated header provides a super low
447overhead use of FlatBuffer data. There are, however, times when you want
448to use text formats, for example because it interacts better with source
449control, or you want to give your users easy access to data.
451Another reason might be that you already have a lot of data in JSON
452format, or a tool that generates JSON, and if you can write a schema for
453it, this will provide you an easy way to use that data directly.
455(see the schema documentation for some specifics on the JSON format
458Schema evolution compatibility for the JSON format follows the same rules as the binary format (JSON formatted data will be forwards/backwards compatible with schemas that evolve in a compatible way).
460There are two ways to use text formats:
462#### Using the compiler as a conversion tool
464This is the preferred path, as it doesn't require you to add any new
465code to your program, and is maximally efficient since you can ship with
466binary data. The disadvantage is that it is an extra step for your
467users/developers to perform, though you might be able to automate it.
469 flatc -b myschema.fbs mydata.json
471This will generate the binary file `mydata_wire.bin` which can be loaded
472as before.
474#### Making your program capable of loading text directly
476This gives you maximum flexibility. You could even opt to support both,
477i.e. check for both files, and regenerate the binary from text when
478required, otherwise just load the binary.
480This option is currently only available for C++, or Java through JNI.
482As mentioned in the section "Building" above, this technique requires
483you to link a few more files into your program, and you'll want to include
486Load text (either a schema or json) into an in-memory buffer (there is a
487convenient `LoadFile()` utility function in `flatbuffers/util.h` if you
488wish). Construct a parser:
491 flatbuffers::Parser parser;
494Now you can parse any number of text files in sequence:
497 parser.Parse(text_file.c_str());
500This works similarly to how the command-line compiler works: a sequence
501of files parsed by the same `Parser` object allow later files to
502reference definitions in earlier files. Typically this means you first
503load a schema file (which populates `Parser` with definitions), followed
504by one or more JSON files.
506As optional argument to `Parse`, you may specify a null-terminated list of
507include paths. If not specified, any include statements try to resolve from
508the current directory.
510If there were any parsing errors, `Parse` will return `false`, and
511`Parser::error_` contains a human readable error string with a line number
512etc, which you should present to the creator of that file.
514After each JSON file, the `Parser::fbb` member variable is the
515`FlatBufferBuilder` that contains the binary buffer version of that
516file, that you can access as described above.
518`samples/sample_text.cpp` is a code sample showing the above operations.
520## Threading
522Reading a FlatBuffer does not touch any memory outside the original buffer,
523and is entirely read-only (all const), so is safe to access from multiple
524threads even without synchronisation primitives.
526Creating a FlatBuffer is not thread safe. All state related to building
527a FlatBuffer is contained in a FlatBufferBuilder instance, and no memory
528outside of it is touched. To make this thread safe, either do not
529share instances of FlatBufferBuilder between threads (recommended), or
530manually wrap it in synchronisation primitives. There's no automatic way to
531accomplish this, by design, as we feel multithreaded construction
532of a single buffer will be rare, and synchronisation overhead would be costly.
534## Advanced union features
536The C++ implementation currently supports vectors of unions (i.e. you can
537declare a field as `[T]` where `T` is a union type instead of a table type). It
538also supports structs and strings in unions, besides tables.
540For an example of these features, see `tests/union_vector`, and
541`UnionVectorTest` in `test.cpp`.
543Since these features haven't been ported to other languages yet, if you
544choose to use them, you won't be able to use these buffers in other languages
545(`flatc` will refuse to compile a schema that uses these features).
547These features reduce the amount of "table wrapping" that was previously
548needed to use unions.
550To use scalars, simply wrap them in a struct.
552## Depth limit of nested objects and stack-overflow control
553The parser of Flatbuffers schema or json-files is kind of recursive parser.
554To avoid stack-overflow problem the parser has a built-in limiter of
555recursion depth. Number of nested declarations in a schema or number of
556nested json-objects is limited. By default, this depth limit set to `64`.
557It is possible to override this limit with `FLATBUFFERS_MAX_PARSING_DEPTH`
558definition. This definition can be helpful for testing purposes or embedded
559applications. For details see [build](@ref flatbuffers_guide_building) of
560CMake-based projects.
562## Dependence from C-locale {#flatbuffers_locale_cpp}
563The Flatbuffers [grammar](@ref flatbuffers grammar) uses ASCII
564character set for identifiers, alphanumeric literals, reserved words.
566Internal implementation of the Flatbuffers depends from functions which
567depend from C-locale: `strtod()` or `strtof()`, for example.
568The library expects the dot `.` symbol as the separator of an integer
569part from the fractional part of a float number.
570Another separator symbols (`,` for example) will break the compatibility
571and may lead to an error while parsing a Flatbuffers schema or a json file.
573The Standard C locale is a global resource, there is only one locale for
574the entire application. Some modern compilers and platforms have
575locale-independent or locale-narrow functions `strtof_l`, `strtod_l`,
576`strtoll_l`, `strtoull_l` to resolve this dependency.
577These functions use specified locale rather than the global or per-thread
578locale instead. They are part of POSIX-2008 but not part of the C/C++
579standard library, therefore, may be missing on some platforms.
580The Flatbuffers library try to detect these functions at configuration and
581compile time:
582- CMake `"CMakeLists.txt"`:
583 - Check existence of `strtol_l` and `strtod_l` in the `<stdlib.h>`.
584- Compile-time `"/include/base.h"`:
585 - `_MSC_VER >= 1900`: MSVC2012 or higher if build with MSVC.
586 - `_XOPEN_SOURCE>=700`: POSIX-2008 if build with GCC/Clang.
588After detection, the definition `FLATBUFFERS_LOCALE_INDEPENDENT` will be
589set to `0` or `1`.
590To override or stop this detection use CMake `-DFLATBUFFERS_LOCALE_INDEPENDENT={0|1}`
591or predefine `FLATBUFFERS_LOCALE_INDEPENDENT` symbol.
593To test the compatibility of the Flatbuffers library with
594a specific locale use the environment variable `FLATBUFFERS_TEST_LOCALE`:
596>FLATBUFFERS_TEST_LOCALE="" ./flattests
597>FLATBUFFERS_TEST_LOCALE="ru_RU.CP1251" ./flattests
600## Support of floating-point numbers
601The Flatbuffers library assumes that a C++ compiler and a CPU are
602compatible with the `IEEE-754` floating-point standard.
603The schema and json parser may fail if `fast-math` or `/fp:fast` mode is active.
605### Support of hexadecimal and special floating-point numbers
606According to the [grammar](@ref flatbuffers_grammar) `fbs` and `json` files
607may use hexadecimal and special (`NaN`, `Inf`) floating-point literals.
608The Flatbuffers uses `strtof` and `strtod` functions to parse floating-point
609literals. The Flatbuffers library has a code to detect a compiler compatibility
610with the literals. If necessary conditions are met the preprocessor constant
611`FLATBUFFERS_HAS_NEW_STRTOD` will be set to `1`.
612The support of floating-point literals will be limited at compile time
613if `FLATBUFFERS_HAS_NEW_STRTOD` constant is less than `1`.
614In this case, schemas with hexadecimal or special literals cannot be used.
616### Comparison of floating-point NaN values
617The floating-point `NaN` (`not a number`) is special value which
618representing an undefined or unrepresentable value.
619`NaN` may be explicitly assigned to variables, typically as a representation
620for missing values or may be a result of a mathematical operation.
621The `IEEE-754` defines two kind of `NaNs`:
622- Quiet NaNs, or `qNaNs`.
623- Signaling NaNs, or `sNaNs`.
625According to the `IEEE-754`, a comparison with `NaN` always returns
626an unordered result even when compared with itself. As a result, a whole
627Flatbuffers object will be not equal to itself if has one or more `NaN`.
628Flatbuffers scalar fields that have the default value are not actually stored
629in the serialized data but are generated in code (see [Writing a schema](@ref flatbuffers_guide_writing_schema)).
630Scalar fields with `NaN` defaults break this behavior.
631If a schema has a lot of `NaN` defaults the Flatbuffers can override
632the unordered comparison by the ordered: `(NaN==NaN)->true`.
633This ordered comparison is enabled when compiling a program with the symbol
635Additional computations added by `FLATBUFFERS_NAN_DEFAULTS` are very cheap
636if GCC or Clang used. These compilers have a compile-time implementation
637of `isnan` checking which MSVC does not.
View as plain text