1## 2.0.5
3- switch to null safety (#6696)
4- add Object APIs (pack/unpack) (#6682, #6723, #6846)
5- add custom builder buffer allocator support (#6711)
6- add `Builder.size()` - finished buffer size (#6403)
7- make `writeString()` argument non-nullable (#6737)
8- make tables fixed size (expect the number of fields when creating) (#6735)
9- make table deduplication optional (param `deduplicateTables`) (#6734)
10- change `Builder.reset()` to reuse an existing buffer (#6661)
11- change table building to assert() instead of exceptions (#6754)
12- optimize `writeString()` for ASCII (param `asciiOptimization`) (#6736)
13- change `StringReader` to make ASCII optimization optional (param `asciiOptimization`) (#6758)
14- change `[byte]` and `[ubyte]` representation to `dart:typed_data` `Int8List` and `Uint8List` (#6839)
15- rename `lowFinish()` to `buffer` getter (#6712)
16- fix `Builder._writeString()` - always write trailing zero byte (#6390)
17- fix `Builder.reset()` - clear vTables (#6386)
18- make sure added padding is zeroed, same as in C++ (#6716)
19- many performance improvements (#6755)
21## 1.9.2
23- Ensure `_writeString` adds enough padding to null terminate strings.
25## 1.9.1
27- Changed constant identifiers to be compatible with Dart 2.x
28- No longer supports Dart 1.x
30## 1.9.0
32- Initial release, supports Dart 1.x and many dev versions of Dart 2.x
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