
Text file src/github.com/google/certificate-transparency-go/trillian/migrillian/configpb/config.proto

Documentation: github.com/google/certificate-transparency-go/trillian/migrillian/configpb

     1// Copyright 2018 Google LLC. All Rights Reserved.
     3// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     4// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     5// You may obtain a copy of the License at
     7//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     9// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    10// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    11// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    12// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    13// limitations under the License.
    15syntax = "proto3";
    17option go_package = "github.com/google/certificate-transparency-go/trillian/migrillian/configpb";
    19package configpb;
    21import "trillian/ctfe/configpb/config.proto";
    22import "crypto/keyspb/keyspb.proto";
    24// IdentityFunction specifies how Trillian identity hash is computed.
    25enum IdentityFunction {
    28  // Returns SHA256 hash of the certificate DER. This is the same function that
    29  // CTFE uses when submitting add-[pre-]chain entries to Trillian.
    30  //
    31  // For example, it can be used when migrating a CT log to Trillian. Using the
    32  // same function as CTFE makes any newly submitted entries compatible with the
    33  // ones that migrated from the source log.
    34  SHA256_CERT_DATA = 1;
    35  // Returns SHA256 hash of the leaf index.
    36  //
    37  // For example, this function can be used for mirroring CT logs. Since the
    38  // source logs might have duplicates of different kinds (depends on the
    39  // operator), this function allows storing them all (unlike SHA256_CERT_DATA).
    40  // Note that the CTFE log must stay read-only (mirror), as CTFE's identity
    41  // hash is incompatible.
    42  SHA256_LEAF_INDEX = 2;
    45// MigrationConfig describes the configuration options for a single CT log
    46// migration instance.
    47message MigrationConfig {
    48  // The URI of the source CT log, e.g. "https://ct.googleapis.com/pilot".
    49  string source_uri = 1;
    50  // The public key of the source log.
    51  keyspb.PublicKey public_key = 2;
    53  // The name of the backend which this log migrates to. The name must be one of
    54  // those defined in the LogBackendSet.
    55  //
    56  // Deprecated. TODO(pavelkalinnikov): Remove it.
    57  string log_backend_name = 3 [deprecated=true];
    58  // The ID of a Trillian PREORDERED_LOG tree that stores the log data.
    59  int64 log_id = 4;
    61  // Max number of entries per get-entries request from the source log.
    62  int32 batch_size = 5;
    64  // Determines whether the migration should run continuously, i.e. watch and
    65  // follow the updates of the source log's STH. For example, this mode can be
    66  // used to support a mirror CT log.
    67  bool is_continuous = 6;
    68  // The log entry index to start fetching at. If negative, then it is assumed
    69  // equal to the current Trillian tree size.
    70  // Ignored in continuous mode which starts at the point where it stopped (e.g.
    71  // the current Trillian tree size in a simple case).
    72  int64 start_index = 7;
    73  // The log index to end fetching at, non-inclusive. If zero, fetch up to the
    74  // source log's current STH. Ignored in continuous mode which keeps updating
    75  // STH and fetching up to that.
    76  int64 end_index = 8;
    78  // The number of parallel get-entries fetchers. Assumed equal to 1 if not
    79  // specified.
    80  int32 num_fetchers = 9;
    81  // The number of parallel workers submitting entries to Trillian. Assumed
    82  // equal to 1 if not specified.
    83  int32 num_submitters = 10;
    84  // Max number of batches in fetchers->submitters channel.
    85  int32 channel_size = 11;
    87  // The function that computes LeafIdentityHash for Trillian log entries.
    88  IdentityFunction identity_function = 12;
    90  // If set to false (by default), then Migrillian verifies that the tree as
    91  // seen by Trillian is consistent with the current STH of the source CT log.
    92  // It invokes the get-sth-consistency endpoint (section 4.4 of RFC 6962) with
    93  // the corresponding tree sizes, and verifies the returned proof.
    94  bool no_consistency_check = 13;
    96  // TODO(pavelkalinnikov): Fetch and push quotas, priorities, etc.
    99// MigrationConfigSet is a set of MigrationConfig messages.
   100message MigrationConfigSet {
   101  repeated MigrationConfig config = 1;
   104// MigrillianConfig holds configuration for multiple migration / mirroring jobs.
   105message MigrillianConfig {
   106  // The set of backends that this configuration will use to send requests to.
   107  // The names of the backends in the LogBackendSet must all be distinct.
   108  //
   109  // Deprecated. TODO(pavelkalinnikov): Remove it.
   110  LogBackendSet backends = 1 [deprecated=true];
   111  // The set of migrations that will use the above backends. All the protos in
   112  // it must set a valid log_backend_name for the config to be usable.
   113  MigrationConfigSet migration_configs = 2;

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