5 package snappy
7 import (
8 "bytes"
9 "encoding/binary"
10 "flag"
11 "fmt"
12 "io"
13 "io/ioutil"
14 "math/rand"
15 "net/http"
16 "os"
17 "os/exec"
18 "path/filepath"
19 "runtime"
20 "strings"
21 "testing"
22 )
24 var (
25 download = flag.Bool("download", false, "If true, download any missing files before running benchmarks")
26 testdataDir = flag.String("testdataDir", "testdata", "Directory containing the test data")
27 benchdataDir = flag.String("benchdataDir", "testdata/bench", "Directory containing the benchmark data")
28 )
53 const goEncoderShouldMatchCppEncoder = runtime.GOARCH == "386" || runtime.GOARCH == "amd64" || runtime.GOARCH == "arm"
55 func TestMaxEncodedLenOfMaxBlockSize(t *testing.T) {
56 got := maxEncodedLenOfMaxBlockSize
57 want := MaxEncodedLen(maxBlockSize)
58 if got != want {
59 t.Fatalf("got %d, want %d", got, want)
60 }
61 }
63 func cmp(a, b []byte) error {
64 if bytes.Equal(a, b) {
65 return nil
66 }
67 if len(a) != len(b) {
68 return fmt.Errorf("got %d bytes, want %d", len(a), len(b))
69 }
70 for i := range a {
71 if a[i] != b[i] {
72 return fmt.Errorf("byte #%d: got 0x%02x, want 0x%02x", i, a[i], b[i])
73 }
74 }
75 return nil
76 }
78 func roundtrip(b, ebuf, dbuf []byte) error {
79 d, err := Decode(dbuf, Encode(ebuf, b))
80 if err != nil {
81 return fmt.Errorf("decoding error: %v", err)
82 }
83 if err := cmp(d, b); err != nil {
84 return fmt.Errorf("roundtrip mismatch: %v", err)
85 }
86 return nil
87 }
89 func TestEmpty(t *testing.T) {
90 if err := roundtrip(nil, nil, nil); err != nil {
91 t.Fatal(err)
92 }
93 }
95 func TestSmallCopy(t *testing.T) {
96 for _, ebuf := range [][]byte{nil, make([]byte, 20), make([]byte, 64)} {
97 for _, dbuf := range [][]byte{nil, make([]byte, 20), make([]byte, 64)} {
98 for i := 0; i < 32; i++ {
99 s := "aaaa" + strings.Repeat("b", i) + "aaaabbbb"
100 if err := roundtrip([]byte(s), ebuf, dbuf); err != nil {
101 t.Errorf("len(ebuf)=%d, len(dbuf)=%d, i=%d: %v", len(ebuf), len(dbuf), i, err)
102 }
103 }
104 }
105 }
106 }
108 func TestSmallRand(t *testing.T) {
109 rng := rand.New(rand.NewSource(1))
110 for n := 1; n < 20000; n += 23 {
111 b := make([]byte, n)
112 for i := range b {
113 b[i] = uint8(rng.Intn(256))
114 }
115 if err := roundtrip(b, nil, nil); err != nil {
116 t.Fatal(err)
117 }
118 }
119 }
121 func TestSmallRegular(t *testing.T) {
122 for n := 1; n < 20000; n += 23 {
123 b := make([]byte, n)
124 for i := range b {
125 b[i] = uint8(i%10 + 'a')
126 }
127 if err := roundtrip(b, nil, nil); err != nil {
128 t.Fatal(err)
129 }
130 }
131 }
133 func TestInvalidVarint(t *testing.T) {
134 testCases := []struct {
135 desc string
136 input string
137 }{{
138 "invalid varint, final byte has continuation bit set",
139 "\xff",
140 }, {
141 "invalid varint, value overflows uint64",
142 "\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\x00",
143 }, {
147 "valid varint (as uint64), but value overflows uint32",
148 "\x80\x80\x80\x80\x10",
149 }}
151 for _, tc := range testCases {
152 input := []byte(tc.input)
153 if _, err := DecodedLen(input); err != ErrCorrupt {
154 t.Errorf("%s: DecodedLen: got %v, want ErrCorrupt", tc.desc, err)
155 }
156 if _, err := Decode(nil, input); err != ErrCorrupt {
157 t.Errorf("%s: Decode: got %v, want ErrCorrupt", tc.desc, err)
158 }
159 }
160 }
162 func TestDecode(t *testing.T) {
163 lit40Bytes := make([]byte, 40)
164 for i := range lit40Bytes {
165 lit40Bytes[i] = byte(i)
166 }
167 lit40 := string(lit40Bytes)
169 testCases := []struct {
170 desc string
171 input string
172 want string
173 wantErr error
174 }{{
175 `decodedLen=0; valid input`,
176 "\x00",
177 "",
178 nil,
179 }, {
180 `decodedLen=3; tagLiteral, 0-byte length; length=3; valid input`,
181 "\x03" + "\x08\xff\xff\xff",
182 "\xff\xff\xff",
183 nil,
184 }, {
185 `decodedLen=2; tagLiteral, 0-byte length; length=3; not enough dst bytes`,
186 "\x02" + "\x08\xff\xff\xff",
187 "",
188 ErrCorrupt,
189 }, {
190 `decodedLen=3; tagLiteral, 0-byte length; length=3; not enough src bytes`,
191 "\x03" + "\x08\xff\xff",
192 "",
193 ErrCorrupt,
194 }, {
195 `decodedLen=40; tagLiteral, 0-byte length; length=40; valid input`,
196 "\x28" + "\x9c" + lit40,
197 lit40,
198 nil,
199 }, {
200 `decodedLen=1; tagLiteral, 1-byte length; not enough length bytes`,
201 "\x01" + "\xf0",
202 "",
203 ErrCorrupt,
204 }, {
205 `decodedLen=3; tagLiteral, 1-byte length; length=3; valid input`,
206 "\x03" + "\xf0\x02\xff\xff\xff",
207 "\xff\xff\xff",
208 nil,
209 }, {
210 `decodedLen=1; tagLiteral, 2-byte length; not enough length bytes`,
211 "\x01" + "\xf4\x00",
212 "",
213 ErrCorrupt,
214 }, {
215 `decodedLen=3; tagLiteral, 2-byte length; length=3; valid input`,
216 "\x03" + "\xf4\x02\x00\xff\xff\xff",
217 "\xff\xff\xff",
218 nil,
219 }, {
220 `decodedLen=1; tagLiteral, 3-byte length; not enough length bytes`,
221 "\x01" + "\xf8\x00\x00",
222 "",
223 ErrCorrupt,
224 }, {
225 `decodedLen=3; tagLiteral, 3-byte length; length=3; valid input`,
226 "\x03" + "\xf8\x02\x00\x00\xff\xff\xff",
227 "\xff\xff\xff",
228 nil,
229 }, {
230 `decodedLen=1; tagLiteral, 4-byte length; not enough length bytes`,
231 "\x01" + "\xfc\x00\x00\x00",
232 "",
233 ErrCorrupt,
234 }, {
235 `decodedLen=1; tagLiteral, 4-byte length; length=3; not enough dst bytes`,
236 "\x01" + "\xfc\x02\x00\x00\x00\xff\xff\xff",
237 "",
238 ErrCorrupt,
239 }, {
240 `decodedLen=4; tagLiteral, 4-byte length; length=3; not enough src bytes`,
241 "\x04" + "\xfc\x02\x00\x00\x00\xff",
242 "",
243 ErrCorrupt,
244 }, {
245 `decodedLen=3; tagLiteral, 4-byte length; length=3; valid input`,
246 "\x03" + "\xfc\x02\x00\x00\x00\xff\xff\xff",
247 "\xff\xff\xff",
248 nil,
249 }, {
250 `decodedLen=4; tagCopy1, 1 extra length|offset byte; not enough extra bytes`,
251 "\x04" + "\x01",
252 "",
253 ErrCorrupt,
254 }, {
255 `decodedLen=4; tagCopy2, 2 extra length|offset bytes; not enough extra bytes`,
256 "\x04" + "\x02\x00",
257 "",
258 ErrCorrupt,
259 }, {
260 `decodedLen=4; tagCopy4, 4 extra length|offset bytes; not enough extra bytes`,
261 "\x04" + "\x03\x00\x00\x00",
262 "",
263 ErrCorrupt,
264 }, {
265 `decodedLen=4; tagLiteral (4 bytes "abcd"); valid input`,
266 "\x04" + "\x0cabcd",
267 "abcd",
268 nil,
269 }, {
270 `decodedLen=13; tagLiteral (4 bytes "abcd"); tagCopy1; length=9 offset=4; valid input`,
271 "\x0d" + "\x0cabcd" + "\x15\x04",
272 "abcdabcdabcda",
273 nil,
274 }, {
275 `decodedLen=8; tagLiteral (4 bytes "abcd"); tagCopy1; length=4 offset=4; valid input`,
276 "\x08" + "\x0cabcd" + "\x01\x04",
277 "abcdabcd",
278 nil,
279 }, {
280 `decodedLen=8; tagLiteral (4 bytes "abcd"); tagCopy1; length=4 offset=2; valid input`,
281 "\x08" + "\x0cabcd" + "\x01\x02",
282 "abcdcdcd",
283 nil,
284 }, {
285 `decodedLen=8; tagLiteral (4 bytes "abcd"); tagCopy1; length=4 offset=1; valid input`,
286 "\x08" + "\x0cabcd" + "\x01\x01",
287 "abcddddd",
288 nil,
289 }, {
290 `decodedLen=8; tagLiteral (4 bytes "abcd"); tagCopy1; length=4 offset=0; zero offset`,
291 "\x08" + "\x0cabcd" + "\x01\x00",
292 "",
293 ErrCorrupt,
294 }, {
295 `decodedLen=9; tagLiteral (4 bytes "abcd"); tagCopy1; length=4 offset=4; inconsistent dLen`,
296 "\x09" + "\x0cabcd" + "\x01\x04",
297 "",
298 ErrCorrupt,
299 }, {
300 `decodedLen=8; tagLiteral (4 bytes "abcd"); tagCopy1; length=4 offset=5; offset too large`,
301 "\x08" + "\x0cabcd" + "\x01\x05",
302 "",
303 ErrCorrupt,
304 }, {
305 `decodedLen=7; tagLiteral (4 bytes "abcd"); tagCopy1; length=4 offset=4; length too large`,
306 "\x07" + "\x0cabcd" + "\x01\x04",
307 "",
308 ErrCorrupt,
309 }, {
310 `decodedLen=6; tagLiteral (4 bytes "abcd"); tagCopy2; length=2 offset=3; valid input`,
311 "\x06" + "\x0cabcd" + "\x06\x03\x00",
312 "abcdbc",
313 nil,
314 }, {
315 `decodedLen=6; tagLiteral (4 bytes "abcd"); tagCopy4; length=2 offset=3; valid input`,
316 "\x06" + "\x0cabcd" + "\x07\x03\x00\x00\x00",
317 "abcdbc",
318 nil,
319 }, {
320 `decodedLen=0; tagCopy4, 4 extra length|offset bytes; with msb set (0x93); discovered by go-fuzz`,
321 "\x00\xfc000\x93",
322 "",
323 ErrCorrupt,
324 }}
326 const (
335 notPresentBase = 0xa0
336 notPresentLen = 37
337 )
339 var dBuf [100]byte
340 loop:
341 for i, tc := range testCases {
342 input := []byte(tc.input)
343 for _, x := range input {
344 if notPresentBase <= x && x < notPresentBase+notPresentLen {
345 t.Errorf("#%d (%s): input shouldn't contain %#02x\ninput: % x", i, tc.desc, x, input)
346 continue loop
347 }
348 }
350 dLen, n := binary.Uvarint(input)
351 if n <= 0 {
352 t.Errorf("#%d (%s): invalid varint-encoded dLen", i, tc.desc)
353 continue
354 }
355 if dLen > uint64(len(dBuf)) {
356 t.Errorf("#%d (%s): dLen %d is too large", i, tc.desc, dLen)
357 continue
358 }
360 for j := range dBuf {
361 dBuf[j] = byte(notPresentBase + j%notPresentLen)
362 }
363 g, gotErr := Decode(dBuf[:], input)
364 if got := string(g); got != tc.want || gotErr != tc.wantErr {
365 t.Errorf("#%d (%s):\ngot %q, %v\nwant %q, %v",
366 i, tc.desc, got, gotErr, tc.want, tc.wantErr)
367 continue
368 }
369 for j, x := range dBuf {
370 if uint64(j) < dLen {
371 continue
372 }
373 if w := byte(notPresentBase + j%notPresentLen); x != w {
374 t.Errorf("#%d (%s): Decode overrun: dBuf[%d] was modified: got %#02x, want %#02x\ndBuf: % x",
375 i, tc.desc, j, x, w, dBuf)
376 continue loop
377 }
378 }
379 }
380 }
382 func TestDecodeCopy4(t *testing.T) {
383 dots := strings.Repeat(".", 65536)
385 input := strings.Join([]string{
386 "\x89\x80\x04",
387 "\x0cpqrs",
388 "\xf4\xff\xff" + dots,
389 "\x13\x04\x00\x01\x00",
390 }, "")
392 gotBytes, err := Decode(nil, []byte(input))
393 if err != nil {
394 t.Fatal(err)
395 }
396 got := string(gotBytes)
397 want := "pqrs" + dots + "pqrs."
398 if len(got) != len(want) {
399 t.Fatalf("got %d bytes, want %d", len(got), len(want))
400 }
401 if got != want {
402 for i := 0; i < len(got); i++ {
403 if g, w := got[i], want[i]; g != w {
404 t.Fatalf("byte #%d: got %#02x, want %#02x", i, g, w)
405 }
406 }
407 }
408 }
412 func TestDecodeLengthOffset(t *testing.T) {
413 const (
414 prefix = "abcdefghijklmnopqr"
425 notPresentBase = 0xa0
426 notPresentLen = 37
427 )
428 var gotBuf, wantBuf, inputBuf [128]byte
429 for length := 1; length <= 18; length++ {
430 for offset := 1; offset <= 18; offset++ {
431 loop:
432 for suffixLen := 0; suffixLen <= 18; suffixLen++ {
433 totalLen := len(prefix) + length + suffixLen
435 inputLen := binary.PutUvarint(inputBuf[:], uint64(totalLen))
436 inputBuf[inputLen] = tagLiteral + 4*byte(len(prefix)-1)
437 inputLen++
438 inputLen += copy(inputBuf[inputLen:], prefix)
439 inputBuf[inputLen+0] = tagCopy2 + 4*byte(length-1)
440 inputBuf[inputLen+1] = byte(offset)
441 inputBuf[inputLen+2] = 0x00
442 inputLen += 3
443 if suffixLen > 0 {
444 inputBuf[inputLen] = tagLiteral + 4*byte(suffixLen-1)
445 inputLen++
446 inputLen += copy(inputBuf[inputLen:], suffix[:suffixLen])
447 }
448 input := inputBuf[:inputLen]
450 for i := range gotBuf {
451 gotBuf[i] = byte(notPresentBase + i%notPresentLen)
452 }
453 got, err := Decode(gotBuf[:], input)
454 if err != nil {
455 t.Errorf("length=%d, offset=%d; suffixLen=%d: %v", length, offset, suffixLen, err)
456 continue
457 }
459 wantLen := 0
460 wantLen += copy(wantBuf[wantLen:], prefix)
461 for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
462 wantBuf[wantLen] = wantBuf[wantLen-offset]
463 wantLen++
464 }
465 wantLen += copy(wantBuf[wantLen:], suffix[:suffixLen])
466 want := wantBuf[:wantLen]
468 for _, x := range input {
469 if notPresentBase <= x && x < notPresentBase+notPresentLen {
470 t.Errorf("length=%d, offset=%d; suffixLen=%d: input shouldn't contain %#02x\ninput: % x",
471 length, offset, suffixLen, x, input)
472 continue loop
473 }
474 }
475 for i, x := range gotBuf {
476 if i < totalLen {
477 continue
478 }
479 if w := byte(notPresentBase + i%notPresentLen); x != w {
480 t.Errorf("length=%d, offset=%d; suffixLen=%d; totalLen=%d: "+
481 "Decode overrun: gotBuf[%d] was modified: got %#02x, want %#02x\ngotBuf: % x",
482 length, offset, suffixLen, totalLen, i, x, w, gotBuf)
483 continue loop
484 }
485 }
486 for _, x := range want {
487 if notPresentBase <= x && x < notPresentBase+notPresentLen {
488 t.Errorf("length=%d, offset=%d; suffixLen=%d: want shouldn't contain %#02x\nwant: % x",
489 length, offset, suffixLen, x, want)
490 continue loop
491 }
492 }
494 if !bytes.Equal(got, want) {
495 t.Errorf("length=%d, offset=%d; suffixLen=%d:\ninput % x\ngot % x\nwant % x",
496 length, offset, suffixLen, input, got, want)
497 continue
498 }
499 }
500 }
501 }
502 }
504 const (
505 goldenText = "Isaac.Newton-Opticks.txt"
506 goldenCompressed = goldenText + ".rawsnappy"
507 )
509 func TestDecodeGoldenInput(t *testing.T) {
510 tDir := filepath.FromSlash(*testdataDir)
511 src, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(tDir, goldenCompressed))
512 if err != nil {
513 t.Fatalf("ReadFile: %v", err)
514 }
515 got, err := Decode(nil, src)
516 if err != nil {
517 t.Fatalf("Decode: %v", err)
518 }
519 want, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(tDir, goldenText))
520 if err != nil {
521 t.Fatalf("ReadFile: %v", err)
522 }
523 if err := cmp(got, want); err != nil {
524 t.Fatal(err)
525 }
526 }
528 func TestEncodeGoldenInput(t *testing.T) {
529 tDir := filepath.FromSlash(*testdataDir)
530 src, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(tDir, goldenText))
531 if err != nil {
532 t.Fatalf("ReadFile: %v", err)
533 }
534 got := Encode(nil, src)
535 want, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(tDir, goldenCompressed))
536 if err != nil {
537 t.Fatalf("ReadFile: %v", err)
538 }
539 if err := cmp(got, want); err != nil {
540 t.Fatal(err)
541 }
542 }
544 func TestExtendMatchGoldenInput(t *testing.T) {
545 tDir := filepath.FromSlash(*testdataDir)
546 src, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(tDir, goldenText))
547 if err != nil {
548 t.Fatalf("ReadFile: %v", err)
549 }
550 for i, tc := range extendMatchGoldenTestCases {
551 got := extendMatch(src, tc.i, tc.j)
552 if got != tc.want {
553 t.Errorf("test #%d: i, j = %5d, %5d: got %5d (= j + %6d), want %5d (= j + %6d)",
554 i, tc.i, tc.j, got, got-tc.j, tc.want, tc.want-tc.j)
555 }
556 }
557 }
559 func TestExtendMatch(t *testing.T) {
561 ref := func(src []byte, i, j int) int {
562 for ; j < len(src) && src[i] == src[j]; i, j = i+1, j+1 {
563 }
564 return j
565 }
567 nums := []int{0, 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 38, 39, 40}
568 for yIndex := 40; yIndex > 30; yIndex-- {
569 xxx := bytes.Repeat([]byte("x"), 40)
570 if yIndex < len(xxx) {
571 xxx[yIndex] = 'y'
572 }
573 for _, i := range nums {
574 for _, j := range nums {
575 if i >= j {
576 continue
577 }
578 got := extendMatch(xxx, i, j)
579 want := ref(xxx, i, j)
580 if got != want {
581 t.Errorf("yIndex=%d, i=%d, j=%d: got %d, want %d", yIndex, i, j, got, want)
582 }
583 }
584 }
585 }
586 }
588 const snappytoolCmdName = "cmd/snappytool/snappytool"
590 func skipTestSameEncodingAsCpp() (msg string) {
591 if !goEncoderShouldMatchCppEncoder {
592 return fmt.Sprintf("skipping testing that the encoding is byte-for-byte identical to C++: GOARCH=%s", runtime.GOARCH)
593 }
594 if _, err := os.Stat(snappytoolCmdName); err != nil {
595 return fmt.Sprintf("could not find snappytool: %v", err)
596 }
597 return ""
598 }
600 func runTestSameEncodingAsCpp(src []byte) error {
601 got := Encode(nil, src)
603 cmd := exec.Command(snappytoolCmdName, "-e")
604 cmd.Stdin = bytes.NewReader(src)
605 want, err := cmd.Output()
606 if err != nil {
607 return fmt.Errorf("could not run snappytool: %v", err)
608 }
609 return cmp(got, want)
610 }
612 func TestSameEncodingAsCppShortCopies(t *testing.T) {
613 if msg := skipTestSameEncodingAsCpp(); msg != "" {
614 t.Skip(msg)
615 }
616 src := bytes.Repeat([]byte{'a'}, 20)
617 for i := 0; i <= len(src); i++ {
618 if err := runTestSameEncodingAsCpp(src[:i]); err != nil {
619 t.Errorf("i=%d: %v", i, err)
620 }
621 }
622 }
624 func TestSameEncodingAsCppLongFiles(t *testing.T) {
625 if msg := skipTestSameEncodingAsCpp(); msg != "" {
626 t.Skip(msg)
627 }
628 bDir := filepath.FromSlash(*benchdataDir)
629 failed := false
630 for i, tf := range testFiles {
631 if err := downloadBenchmarkFiles(t, tf.filename); err != nil {
632 t.Fatalf("failed to download testdata: %s", err)
633 }
634 data := readFile(t, filepath.Join(bDir, tf.filename))
635 if n := tf.sizeLimit; 0 < n && n < len(data) {
636 data = data[:n]
637 }
638 if err := runTestSameEncodingAsCpp(data); err != nil {
639 t.Errorf("i=%d: %v", i, err)
640 failed = true
641 }
642 }
643 if failed {
644 t.Errorf("was the snappytool program built against the C++ snappy library version " +
645 "d53de187 or later, committed on 2016-04-05? See " +
646 "https://github.com/google/snappy/commit/d53de18799418e113e44444252a39b12a0e4e0cc")
647 }
648 }
652 func TestSlowForwardCopyOverrun(t *testing.T) {
653 const base = 100
655 for length := 1; length < 18; length++ {
656 for offset := 1; offset < 18; offset++ {
657 highWaterMark := base
658 d := base
659 l := length
660 o := offset
663 for o < 8 {
664 if end := d + 8; highWaterMark < end {
665 highWaterMark = end
666 }
667 l -= o
668 d += o
669 o += o
670 }
673 a := d
674 d += l
677 for l > 0 {
678 if end := a + 8; highWaterMark < end {
679 highWaterMark = end
680 }
681 a += 8
682 l -= 8
683 }
685 dWant := base + length
686 overrun := highWaterMark - dWant
687 if d != dWant || overrun < 0 || 10 < overrun {
688 t.Errorf("length=%d, offset=%d: d and overrun: got (%d, %d), want (%d, something in [0, 10])",
689 length, offset, d, overrun, dWant)
690 }
691 }
692 }
693 }
698 func TestEncodeNoiseThenRepeats(t *testing.T) {
699 for _, origLen := range []int{256 * 1024, 2048 * 1024} {
700 src := make([]byte, origLen)
701 rng := rand.New(rand.NewSource(1))
702 firstHalf, secondHalf := src[:origLen/2], src[origLen/2:]
703 for i := range firstHalf {
704 firstHalf[i] = uint8(rng.Intn(256))
705 }
706 for i := range secondHalf {
707 secondHalf[i] = uint8(i >> 8)
708 }
709 dst := Encode(nil, src)
710 if got, want := len(dst), origLen*3/4; got >= want {
711 t.Errorf("origLen=%d: got %d encoded bytes, want less than %d", origLen, got, want)
712 }
713 }
714 }
716 func TestFramingFormat(t *testing.T) {
720 src := make([]byte, 1e6)
721 rng := rand.New(rand.NewSource(1))
722 for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
723 if i%2 == 0 {
724 for j := 0; j < 1e5; j++ {
725 src[1e5*i+j] = uint8(rng.Intn(256))
726 }
727 } else {
728 for j := 0; j < 1e5; j++ {
729 src[1e5*i+j] = uint8(i)
730 }
731 }
732 }
734 buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
735 if _, err := NewWriter(buf).Write(src); err != nil {
736 t.Fatalf("Write: encoding: %v", err)
737 }
738 dst, err := ioutil.ReadAll(NewReader(buf))
739 if err != nil {
740 t.Fatalf("ReadAll: decoding: %v", err)
741 }
742 if err := cmp(dst, src); err != nil {
743 t.Fatal(err)
744 }
745 }
747 func TestWriterGoldenOutput(t *testing.T) {
748 buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
749 w := NewBufferedWriter(buf)
750 defer w.Close()
751 w.Write([]byte("abcd"))
752 w.Flush()
753 w.Write(bytes.Repeat([]byte{'A'}, 150))
754 w.Flush()
761 w.Write(bytes.Repeat([]byte{'B'}, 68))
762 w.Write([]byte("efC"))
763 w.Write(bytes.Repeat([]byte{'C'}, 20))
764 w.Write(bytes.Repeat([]byte{'B'}, 20))
765 w.Write([]byte("g"))
766 w.Flush()
768 got := buf.String()
769 want := strings.Join([]string{
770 magicChunk,
771 "\x01\x08\x00\x00",
772 "\x68\x10\xe6\xb6",
773 "\x61\x62\x63\x64",
774 "\x00\x11\x00\x00",
775 "\x5f\xeb\xf2\x10",
776 "\x96\x01",
777 "\x00\x41",
778 "\xfe\x01\x00",
779 "\xfe\x01\x00",
780 "\x52\x01\x00",
781 "\x00\x18\x00\x00",
782 "\x30\x85\x69\xeb",
783 "\x70",
784 "\x00\x42",
785 "\xee\x01\x00",
786 "\x0d\x01",
787 "\x08\x65\x66\x43",
788 "\x4e\x01\x00",
789 "\x4e\x5a\x00",
790 "\x00\x67",
791 }, "")
792 if got != want {
793 t.Fatalf("\ngot: % x\nwant: % x", got, want)
794 }
795 }
797 func TestEmitLiteral(t *testing.T) {
798 testCases := []struct {
799 length int
800 want string
801 }{
802 {1, "\x00"},
803 {2, "\x04"},
804 {59, "\xe8"},
805 {60, "\xec"},
806 {61, "\xf0\x3c"},
807 {62, "\xf0\x3d"},
808 {254, "\xf0\xfd"},
809 {255, "\xf0\xfe"},
810 {256, "\xf0\xff"},
811 {257, "\xf4\x00\x01"},
812 {65534, "\xf4\xfd\xff"},
813 {65535, "\xf4\xfe\xff"},
814 {65536, "\xf4\xff\xff"},
815 }
817 dst := make([]byte, 70000)
818 nines := bytes.Repeat([]byte{0x99}, 65536)
819 for _, tc := range testCases {
820 lit := nines[:tc.length]
821 n := emitLiteral(dst, lit)
822 if !bytes.HasSuffix(dst[:n], lit) {
823 t.Errorf("length=%d: did not end with that many literal bytes", tc.length)
824 continue
825 }
826 got := string(dst[:n-tc.length])
827 if got != tc.want {
828 t.Errorf("length=%d:\ngot % x\nwant % x", tc.length, got, tc.want)
829 continue
830 }
831 }
832 }
834 func TestEmitCopy(t *testing.T) {
835 testCases := []struct {
836 offset int
837 length int
838 want string
839 }{
840 {8, 04, "\x01\x08"},
841 {8, 11, "\x1d\x08"},
842 {8, 12, "\x2e\x08\x00"},
843 {8, 13, "\x32\x08\x00"},
844 {8, 59, "\xea\x08\x00"},
845 {8, 60, "\xee\x08\x00"},
846 {8, 61, "\xf2\x08\x00"},
847 {8, 62, "\xf6\x08\x00"},
848 {8, 63, "\xfa\x08\x00"},
849 {8, 64, "\xfe\x08\x00"},
850 {8, 65, "\xee\x08\x00\x05\x08"},
851 {8, 66, "\xee\x08\x00\x09\x08"},
852 {8, 67, "\xee\x08\x00\x0d\x08"},
853 {8, 68, "\xfe\x08\x00\x01\x08"},
854 {8, 69, "\xfe\x08\x00\x05\x08"},
855 {8, 80, "\xfe\x08\x00\x3e\x08\x00"},
857 {256, 04, "\x21\x00"},
858 {256, 11, "\x3d\x00"},
859 {256, 12, "\x2e\x00\x01"},
860 {256, 13, "\x32\x00\x01"},
861 {256, 59, "\xea\x00\x01"},
862 {256, 60, "\xee\x00\x01"},
863 {256, 61, "\xf2\x00\x01"},
864 {256, 62, "\xf6\x00\x01"},
865 {256, 63, "\xfa\x00\x01"},
866 {256, 64, "\xfe\x00\x01"},
867 {256, 65, "\xee\x00\x01\x25\x00"},
868 {256, 66, "\xee\x00\x01\x29\x00"},
869 {256, 67, "\xee\x00\x01\x2d\x00"},
870 {256, 68, "\xfe\x00\x01\x21\x00"},
871 {256, 69, "\xfe\x00\x01\x25\x00"},
872 {256, 80, "\xfe\x00\x01\x3e\x00\x01"},
874 {2048, 04, "\x0e\x00\x08"},
875 {2048, 11, "\x2a\x00\x08"},
876 {2048, 12, "\x2e\x00\x08"},
877 {2048, 13, "\x32\x00\x08"},
878 {2048, 59, "\xea\x00\x08"},
879 {2048, 60, "\xee\x00\x08"},
880 {2048, 61, "\xf2\x00\x08"},
881 {2048, 62, "\xf6\x00\x08"},
882 {2048, 63, "\xfa\x00\x08"},
883 {2048, 64, "\xfe\x00\x08"},
884 {2048, 65, "\xee\x00\x08\x12\x00\x08"},
885 {2048, 66, "\xee\x00\x08\x16\x00\x08"},
886 {2048, 67, "\xee\x00\x08\x1a\x00\x08"},
887 {2048, 68, "\xfe\x00\x08\x0e\x00\x08"},
888 {2048, 69, "\xfe\x00\x08\x12\x00\x08"},
889 {2048, 80, "\xfe\x00\x08\x3e\x00\x08"},
890 }
892 dst := make([]byte, 1024)
893 for _, tc := range testCases {
894 n := emitCopy(dst, tc.offset, tc.length)
895 got := string(dst[:n])
896 if got != tc.want {
897 t.Errorf("offset=%d, length=%d:\ngot % x\nwant % x", tc.offset, tc.length, got, tc.want)
898 }
899 }
900 }
902 func TestNewBufferedWriter(t *testing.T) {
907 inputs := [][]byte{
908 bytes.Repeat([]byte{'a'}, 40000),
909 bytes.Repeat([]byte{'b'}, 150000),
910 bytes.Repeat([]byte{'c'}, 60000),
911 bytes.Repeat([]byte{'d'}, 120000),
912 bytes.Repeat([]byte{'e'}, 30000),
913 }
914 loop:
915 for i := 0; i < 1<<uint(len(inputs)); i++ {
916 var want []byte
917 buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
918 w := NewBufferedWriter(buf)
919 for j, input := range inputs {
920 if i&(1<<uint(j)) == 0 {
921 continue
922 }
923 if _, err := w.Write(input); err != nil {
924 t.Errorf("i=%#02x: j=%d: Write: %v", i, j, err)
925 continue loop
926 }
927 want = append(want, input...)
928 }
929 if err := w.Close(); err != nil {
930 t.Errorf("i=%#02x: Close: %v", i, err)
931 continue
932 }
933 got, err := ioutil.ReadAll(NewReader(buf))
934 if err != nil {
935 t.Errorf("i=%#02x: ReadAll: %v", i, err)
936 continue
937 }
938 if err := cmp(got, want); err != nil {
939 t.Errorf("i=%#02x: %v", i, err)
940 continue
941 }
942 }
943 }
945 func TestFlush(t *testing.T) {
946 buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
947 w := NewBufferedWriter(buf)
948 defer w.Close()
949 if _, err := w.Write(bytes.Repeat([]byte{'x'}, 20)); err != nil {
950 t.Fatalf("Write: %v", err)
951 }
952 if n := buf.Len(); n != 0 {
953 t.Fatalf("before Flush: %d bytes were written to the underlying io.Writer, want 0", n)
954 }
955 if err := w.Flush(); err != nil {
956 t.Fatalf("Flush: %v", err)
957 }
958 if n := buf.Len(); n == 0 {
959 t.Fatalf("after Flush: %d bytes were written to the underlying io.Writer, want non-0", n)
960 }
961 }
963 func TestReaderUncompressedDataOK(t *testing.T) {
964 r := NewReader(strings.NewReader(magicChunk +
965 "\x01\x08\x00\x00" +
966 "\x68\x10\xe6\xb6" +
967 "\x61\x62\x63\x64",
968 ))
969 g, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r)
970 if err != nil {
971 t.Fatal(err)
972 }
973 if got, want := string(g), "abcd"; got != want {
974 t.Fatalf("got %q, want %q", got, want)
975 }
976 }
978 func TestReaderUncompressedDataNoPayload(t *testing.T) {
979 r := NewReader(strings.NewReader(magicChunk +
980 "\x01\x04\x00\x00" +
981 "",
982 ))
983 if _, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r); err != ErrCorrupt {
984 t.Fatalf("got %v, want %v", err, ErrCorrupt)
985 }
986 }
988 func TestReaderUncompressedDataTooLong(t *testing.T) {
991 const n = 0x10005
993 r := NewReader(strings.NewReader(magicChunk +
994 "\x01\x05\x00\x01" +
995 strings.Repeat("\x00", n),
996 ))
997 if _, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r); err != ErrCorrupt {
998 t.Fatalf("got %v, want %v", err, ErrCorrupt)
999 }
1000 }
1002 func TestReaderReset(t *testing.T) {
1003 gold := bytes.Repeat([]byte("All that is gold does not glitter,\n"), 10000)
1004 buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
1005 if _, err := NewWriter(buf).Write(gold); err != nil {
1006 t.Fatalf("Write: %v", err)
1007 }
1008 encoded, invalid, partial := buf.String(), "invalid", "partial"
1009 r := NewReader(nil)
1010 for i, s := range []string{encoded, invalid, partial, encoded, partial, invalid, encoded, encoded} {
1011 if s == partial {
1012 r.Reset(strings.NewReader(encoded))
1013 if _, err := r.Read(make([]byte, 101)); err != nil {
1014 t.Errorf("#%d: %v", i, err)
1015 continue
1016 }
1017 continue
1018 }
1019 r.Reset(strings.NewReader(s))
1020 got, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r)
1021 switch s {
1022 case encoded:
1023 if err != nil {
1024 t.Errorf("#%d: %v", i, err)
1025 continue
1026 }
1027 if err := cmp(got, gold); err != nil {
1028 t.Errorf("#%d: %v", i, err)
1029 continue
1030 }
1031 case invalid:
1032 if err == nil {
1033 t.Errorf("#%d: got nil error, want non-nil", i)
1034 continue
1035 }
1036 }
1037 }
1038 }
1040 func TestReaderReadByte(t *testing.T) {
1046 inputs := [][]byte{
1047 bytes.Repeat([]byte{'a'}, 40000),
1048 bytes.Repeat([]byte{'b'}, 150000),
1049 bytes.Repeat([]byte{'c'}, 60000),
1050 bytes.Repeat([]byte{'d'}, 120000),
1051 bytes.Repeat([]byte{'e'}, 30000),
1052 }
1053 loop:
1054 for i := 0; i < 1<<uint(len(inputs)); i++ {
1055 var want []int
1056 buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
1057 w := NewBufferedWriter(buf)
1058 p := make([]byte, binary.MaxVarintLen64)
1059 for j, input := range inputs {
1060 if i&(1<<uint(j)) == 0 {
1061 continue
1062 }
1063 n := binary.PutUvarint(p, uint64(len(input)))
1064 if _, err := w.Write(p[:n]); err != nil {
1065 t.Errorf("i=%#02x: j=%d: Write Uvarint: %v", i, j, err)
1066 continue loop
1067 }
1068 if _, err := w.Write(input); err != nil {
1069 t.Errorf("i=%#02x: j=%d: Write: %v", i, j, err)
1070 continue loop
1071 }
1072 want = append(want, j)
1073 }
1074 if err := w.Close(); err != nil {
1075 t.Errorf("i=%#02x: Close: %v", i, err)
1076 continue
1077 }
1078 r := NewReader(buf)
1079 for _, j := range want {
1080 size, err := binary.ReadUvarint(r)
1081 if err != nil {
1082 t.Errorf("i=%#02x: ReadUvarint: %v", i, err)
1083 continue loop
1084 }
1085 if wantedSize := uint64(len(inputs[j])); size != wantedSize {
1086 t.Errorf("i=%#02x: expected size %d, got %d", i, wantedSize, size)
1087 continue loop
1088 }
1089 got := make([]byte, size)
1090 if _, err := io.ReadFull(r, got); err != nil {
1091 t.Errorf("i=%#02x: ReadFull: %v", i, err)
1092 continue loop
1093 }
1094 if err := cmp(got, inputs[j]); err != nil {
1095 t.Errorf("i=%#02x: %v", i, err)
1096 continue
1097 }
1098 }
1099 if _, err := r.ReadByte(); err != io.EOF {
1100 t.Errorf("i=%#02x: expected size EOF, got %v", i, err)
1101 }
1102 }
1103 }
1105 func TestWriterReset(t *testing.T) {
1106 gold := bytes.Repeat([]byte("Not all those who wander are lost;\n"), 10000)
1107 const n = 20
1108 for _, buffered := range []bool{false, true} {
1109 var w *Writer
1110 if buffered {
1111 w = NewBufferedWriter(nil)
1112 defer w.Close()
1113 } else {
1114 w = NewWriter(nil)
1115 }
1117 var gots, wants [][]byte
1118 failed := false
1119 for i := 0; i <= n; i++ {
1120 buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
1121 w.Reset(buf)
1122 want := gold[:len(gold)*i/n]
1123 if _, err := w.Write(want); err != nil {
1124 t.Errorf("#%d: Write: %v", i, err)
1125 failed = true
1126 continue
1127 }
1128 if buffered {
1129 if err := w.Flush(); err != nil {
1130 t.Errorf("#%d: Flush: %v", i, err)
1131 failed = true
1132 continue
1133 }
1134 }
1135 got, err := ioutil.ReadAll(NewReader(buf))
1136 if err != nil {
1137 t.Errorf("#%d: ReadAll: %v", i, err)
1138 failed = true
1139 continue
1140 }
1141 gots = append(gots, got)
1142 wants = append(wants, want)
1143 }
1144 if failed {
1145 continue
1146 }
1147 for i := range gots {
1148 if err := cmp(gots[i], wants[i]); err != nil {
1149 t.Errorf("#%d: %v", i, err)
1150 }
1151 }
1152 }
1153 }
1155 func TestWriterResetWithoutFlush(t *testing.T) {
1156 buf0 := new(bytes.Buffer)
1157 buf1 := new(bytes.Buffer)
1158 w := NewBufferedWriter(buf0)
1159 if _, err := w.Write([]byte("xxx")); err != nil {
1160 t.Fatalf("Write #0: %v", err)
1161 }
1163 w.Reset(buf1)
1164 if _, err := w.Write([]byte("yyy")); err != nil {
1165 t.Fatalf("Write #1: %v", err)
1166 }
1167 if err := w.Flush(); err != nil {
1168 t.Fatalf("Flush: %v", err)
1169 }
1170 got, err := ioutil.ReadAll(NewReader(buf1))
1171 if err != nil {
1172 t.Fatalf("ReadAll: %v", err)
1173 }
1174 if err := cmp(got, []byte("yyy")); err != nil {
1175 t.Fatal(err)
1176 }
1177 }
1179 type writeCounter int
1181 func (c *writeCounter) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
1182 *c++
1183 return len(p), nil
1184 }
1189 func TestNumUnderlyingWrites(t *testing.T) {
1190 testCases := []struct {
1191 input []byte
1192 want int
1193 }{
1194 {bytes.Repeat([]byte{'x'}, 100), 1},
1195 {bytes.Repeat([]byte{'y'}, 100), 1},
1196 {[]byte("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST"), 2},
1197 }
1199 var c writeCounter
1200 w := NewBufferedWriter(&c)
1201 defer w.Close()
1202 for i, tc := range testCases {
1203 c = 0
1204 if _, err := w.Write(tc.input); err != nil {
1205 t.Errorf("#%d: Write: %v", i, err)
1206 continue
1207 }
1208 if err := w.Flush(); err != nil {
1209 t.Errorf("#%d: Flush: %v", i, err)
1210 continue
1211 }
1212 if int(c) != tc.want {
1213 t.Errorf("#%d: got %d underlying writes, want %d", i, c, tc.want)
1214 continue
1215 }
1216 }
1217 }
1219 func benchDecode(b *testing.B, src []byte) {
1220 encoded := Encode(nil, src)
1222 b.SetBytes(int64(len(src)))
1223 b.ResetTimer()
1224 for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
1225 Decode(src, encoded)
1226 }
1227 }
1229 func benchEncode(b *testing.B, src []byte) {
1231 b.SetBytes(int64(len(src)))
1232 dst := make([]byte, MaxEncodedLen(len(src)))
1233 b.ResetTimer()
1234 for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
1235 Encode(dst, src)
1236 }
1237 }
1239 func testOrBenchmark(b testing.TB) string {
1240 if _, ok := b.(*testing.B); ok {
1241 return "benchmark"
1242 }
1243 return "test"
1244 }
1246 func readFile(b testing.TB, filename string) []byte {
1247 src, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
1248 if err != nil {
1249 b.Skipf("skipping %s: %v", testOrBenchmark(b), err)
1250 }
1251 if len(src) == 0 {
1252 b.Fatalf("%s has zero length", filename)
1253 }
1254 return src
1255 }
1258 func expand(src []byte, n int) []byte {
1259 dst := make([]byte, n)
1260 for x := dst; len(x) > 0; {
1261 i := copy(x, src)
1262 x = x[i:]
1263 }
1264 return dst
1265 }
1267 func benchWords(b *testing.B, n int, decode bool) {
1270 data := expand(readFile(b, "/usr/share/dict/words"), n)
1271 if decode {
1272 benchDecode(b, data)
1273 } else {
1274 benchEncode(b, data)
1275 }
1276 }
1278 func BenchmarkWordsDecode1e1(b *testing.B) { benchWords(b, 1e1, true) }
1279 func BenchmarkWordsDecode1e2(b *testing.B) { benchWords(b, 1e2, true) }
1280 func BenchmarkWordsDecode1e3(b *testing.B) { benchWords(b, 1e3, true) }
1281 func BenchmarkWordsDecode1e4(b *testing.B) { benchWords(b, 1e4, true) }
1282 func BenchmarkWordsDecode1e5(b *testing.B) { benchWords(b, 1e5, true) }
1283 func BenchmarkWordsDecode1e6(b *testing.B) { benchWords(b, 1e6, true) }
1284 func BenchmarkWordsEncode1e1(b *testing.B) { benchWords(b, 1e1, false) }
1285 func BenchmarkWordsEncode1e2(b *testing.B) { benchWords(b, 1e2, false) }
1286 func BenchmarkWordsEncode1e3(b *testing.B) { benchWords(b, 1e3, false) }
1287 func BenchmarkWordsEncode1e4(b *testing.B) { benchWords(b, 1e4, false) }
1288 func BenchmarkWordsEncode1e5(b *testing.B) { benchWords(b, 1e5, false) }
1289 func BenchmarkWordsEncode1e6(b *testing.B) { benchWords(b, 1e6, false) }
1291 func BenchmarkRandomEncode(b *testing.B) {
1292 rng := rand.New(rand.NewSource(1))
1293 data := make([]byte, 1<<20)
1294 for i := range data {
1295 data[i] = uint8(rng.Intn(256))
1296 }
1297 benchEncode(b, data)
1298 }
1303 var testFiles = []struct {
1304 label string
1305 filename string
1306 sizeLimit int
1307 }{
1308 {"html", "html", 0},
1309 {"urls", "urls.10K", 0},
1310 {"jpg", "fireworks.jpeg", 0},
1311 {"jpg_200", "fireworks.jpeg", 200},
1312 {"pdf", "paper-100k.pdf", 0},
1313 {"html4", "html_x_4", 0},
1314 {"txt1", "alice29.txt", 0},
1315 {"txt2", "asyoulik.txt", 0},
1316 {"txt3", "lcet10.txt", 0},
1317 {"txt4", "plrabn12.txt", 0},
1318 {"pb", "geo.protodata", 0},
1319 {"gaviota", "kppkn.gtb", 0},
1320 }
1322 const (
1324 benchURL = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/google/snappy/master/testdata/"
1325 )
1327 func downloadBenchmarkFiles(b testing.TB, basename string) (errRet error) {
1328 bDir := filepath.FromSlash(*benchdataDir)
1329 filename := filepath.Join(bDir, basename)
1330 if stat, err := os.Stat(filename); err == nil && stat.Size() != 0 {
1331 return nil
1332 }
1334 if !*download {
1335 b.Skipf("test data not found; skipping %s without the -download flag", testOrBenchmark(b))
1336 }
1339 if err := os.MkdirAll(bDir, 0777); err != nil && !os.IsExist(err) {
1340 return fmt.Errorf("failed to create %s: %s", bDir, err)
1341 }
1343 f, err := os.Create(filename)
1344 if err != nil {
1345 return fmt.Errorf("failed to create %s: %s", filename, err)
1346 }
1347 defer f.Close()
1348 defer func() {
1349 if errRet != nil {
1350 os.Remove(filename)
1351 }
1352 }()
1353 url := benchURL + basename
1354 resp, err := http.Get(url)
1355 if err != nil {
1356 return fmt.Errorf("failed to download %s: %s", url, err)
1357 }
1358 defer resp.Body.Close()
1359 if s := resp.StatusCode; s != http.StatusOK {
1360 return fmt.Errorf("downloading %s: HTTP status code %d (%s)", url, s, http.StatusText(s))
1361 }
1362 _, err = io.Copy(f, resp.Body)
1363 if err != nil {
1364 return fmt.Errorf("failed to download %s to %s: %s", url, filename, err)
1365 }
1366 return nil
1367 }
1369 func benchFile(b *testing.B, i int, decode bool) {
1370 if err := downloadBenchmarkFiles(b, testFiles[i].filename); err != nil {
1371 b.Fatalf("failed to download testdata: %s", err)
1372 }
1373 bDir := filepath.FromSlash(*benchdataDir)
1374 data := readFile(b, filepath.Join(bDir, testFiles[i].filename))
1375 if n := testFiles[i].sizeLimit; 0 < n && n < len(data) {
1376 data = data[:n]
1377 }
1378 if decode {
1379 benchDecode(b, data)
1380 } else {
1381 benchEncode(b, data)
1382 }
1383 }
1386 func Benchmark_UFlat0(b *testing.B) { benchFile(b, 0, true) }
1387 func Benchmark_UFlat1(b *testing.B) { benchFile(b, 1, true) }
1388 func Benchmark_UFlat2(b *testing.B) { benchFile(b, 2, true) }
1389 func Benchmark_UFlat3(b *testing.B) { benchFile(b, 3, true) }
1390 func Benchmark_UFlat4(b *testing.B) { benchFile(b, 4, true) }
1391 func Benchmark_UFlat5(b *testing.B) { benchFile(b, 5, true) }
1392 func Benchmark_UFlat6(b *testing.B) { benchFile(b, 6, true) }
1393 func Benchmark_UFlat7(b *testing.B) { benchFile(b, 7, true) }
1394 func Benchmark_UFlat8(b *testing.B) { benchFile(b, 8, true) }
1395 func Benchmark_UFlat9(b *testing.B) { benchFile(b, 9, true) }
1396 func Benchmark_UFlat10(b *testing.B) { benchFile(b, 10, true) }
1397 func Benchmark_UFlat11(b *testing.B) { benchFile(b, 11, true) }
1398 func Benchmark_ZFlat0(b *testing.B) { benchFile(b, 0, false) }
1399 func Benchmark_ZFlat1(b *testing.B) { benchFile(b, 1, false) }
1400 func Benchmark_ZFlat2(b *testing.B) { benchFile(b, 2, false) }
1401 func Benchmark_ZFlat3(b *testing.B) { benchFile(b, 3, false) }
1402 func Benchmark_ZFlat4(b *testing.B) { benchFile(b, 4, false) }
1403 func Benchmark_ZFlat5(b *testing.B) { benchFile(b, 5, false) }
1404 func Benchmark_ZFlat6(b *testing.B) { benchFile(b, 6, false) }
1405 func Benchmark_ZFlat7(b *testing.B) { benchFile(b, 7, false) }
1406 func Benchmark_ZFlat8(b *testing.B) { benchFile(b, 8, false) }
1407 func Benchmark_ZFlat9(b *testing.B) { benchFile(b, 9, false) }
1408 func Benchmark_ZFlat10(b *testing.B) { benchFile(b, 10, false) }
1409 func Benchmark_ZFlat11(b *testing.B) { benchFile(b, 11, false) }
1411 func BenchmarkExtendMatch(b *testing.B) {
1412 tDir := filepath.FromSlash(*testdataDir)
1413 src, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(tDir, goldenText))
1414 if err != nil {
1415 b.Fatalf("ReadFile: %v", err)
1416 }
1417 b.ResetTimer()
1418 for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
1419 for _, tc := range extendMatchGoldenTestCases {
1420 extendMatch(src, tc.i, tc.j)
1421 }
1422 }
1423 }
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