
Source file src/github.com/golang/geo/s2/s2_test.go

Documentation: github.com/golang/geo/s2

     1  // Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
     2  //
     3  // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     4  // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     5  // You may obtain a copy of the License at
     6  //
     7  //     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     8  //
     9  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    10  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    11  // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    12  // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    13  // limitations under the License.
    15  package s2
    17  import (
    18  	"flag"
    19  	"io"
    20  	"math"
    21  	"math/rand"
    22  	"os"
    24  	"github.com/golang/geo/r1"
    25  	"github.com/golang/geo/r2"
    26  	"github.com/golang/geo/s1"
    27  )
    29  var (
    30  	// To set in testing add "--benchmark_brute_force=true" to your test command.
    31  	benchmarkBruteForce = flag.Bool("benchmark_brute_force", false,
    32  		"When set, use brute force algorithms in benchmarking.")
    33  )
    35  // float64Eq reports whether the two values are within the default epsilon.
    36  func float64Eq(x, y float64) bool { return float64Near(x, y, epsilon) }
    38  // float64Near reports whether the two values are within the given epsilon.
    39  func float64Near(x, y, ε float64) bool {
    40  	return math.Abs(x-y) <= ε
    41  }
    43  // TODO(roberts): Add in flag to allow specifying the random seed for repeatable tests.
    45  // The Earth's mean radius in kilometers (according to NASA).
    46  const earthRadiusKm = 6371.01
    48  // kmToAngle converts a distance on the Earth's surface to an angle.
    49  func kmToAngle(km float64) s1.Angle {
    50  	return s1.Angle(km / earthRadiusKm)
    51  }
    53  // randomBits returns a 64-bit random unsigned integer whose lowest "num" are random, and
    54  // whose other bits are zero.
    55  func randomBits(num uint32) uint64 {
    56  	// Make sure the request is for not more than 63 bits.
    57  	if num > 63 {
    58  		num = 63
    59  	}
    60  	return uint64(rand.Int63()) & ((1 << num) - 1)
    61  }
    63  // Return a uniformly distributed 64-bit unsigned integer.
    64  func randomUint64() uint64 {
    65  	return uint64(rand.Int63() | (rand.Int63() << 63))
    66  }
    68  // Return a uniformly distributed 32-bit unsigned integer.
    69  func randomUint32() uint32 {
    70  	return uint32(randomBits(32))
    71  }
    73  // randomFloat64 returns a uniformly distributed value in the range [0,1).
    74  // Note that the values returned are all multiples of 2**-53, which means that
    75  // not all possible values in this range are returned.
    76  func randomFloat64() float64 {
    77  	const randomFloatBits = 53
    78  	return math.Ldexp(float64(randomBits(randomFloatBits)), -randomFloatBits)
    79  }
    81  // randomUniformInt returns a uniformly distributed integer in the range [0,n).
    82  // NOTE: This is replicated here to stay in sync with how the C++ code generates
    83  // uniform randoms. (instead of using Go's math/rand package directly).
    84  func randomUniformInt(n int) int {
    85  	return int(randomFloat64() * float64(n))
    86  }
    88  // randomUniformFloat64 returns a uniformly distributed value in the range [min, max).
    89  func randomUniformFloat64(min, max float64) float64 {
    90  	return min + randomFloat64()*(max-min)
    91  }
    93  // oneIn returns true with a probability of 1/n.
    94  func oneIn(n int) bool {
    95  	return randomUniformInt(n) == 0
    96  }
    98  // randomPoint returns a random unit-length vector.
    99  func randomPoint() Point {
   100  	return PointFromCoords(randomUniformFloat64(-1, 1),
   101  		randomUniformFloat64(-1, 1), randomUniformFloat64(-1, 1))
   102  }
   104  // randomFrame returns a right-handed coordinate frame (three orthonormal vectors) for
   105  // a randomly generated point.
   106  func randomFrame() *matrix3x3 {
   107  	return randomFrameAtPoint(randomPoint())
   108  }
   110  // randomFrameAtPoint returns a right-handed coordinate frame using the given
   111  // point as the z-axis. The x- and y-axes are computed such that (x,y,z) is a
   112  // right-handed coordinate frame (three orthonormal vectors).
   113  func randomFrameAtPoint(z Point) *matrix3x3 {
   114  	x := Point{z.Cross(randomPoint().Vector).Normalize()}
   115  	y := Point{z.Cross(x.Vector).Normalize()}
   117  	m := &matrix3x3{}
   118  	m.setCol(0, x)
   119  	m.setCol(1, y)
   120  	m.setCol(2, z)
   121  	return m
   122  }
   124  // randomCellIDForLevel returns a random CellID at the given level.
   125  // The distribution is uniform over the space of cell ids, but only
   126  // approximately uniform over the surface of the sphere.
   127  func randomCellIDForLevel(level int) CellID {
   128  	face := randomUniformInt(NumFaces)
   129  	pos := randomUint64() & uint64((1<<PosBits)-1)
   130  	return CellIDFromFacePosLevel(face, pos, level)
   131  }
   133  // randomCellID returns a random CellID at a randomly chosen
   134  // level. The distribution is uniform over the space of cell ids,
   135  // but only approximately uniform over the surface of the sphere.
   136  func randomCellID() CellID {
   137  	return randomCellIDForLevel(randomUniformInt(MaxLevel + 1))
   138  }
   140  // randomCellUnion returns a CellUnion of the given size of randomly selected cells.
   141  func randomCellUnion(n int) CellUnion {
   142  	var cu CellUnion
   143  	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
   144  		cu = append(cu, randomCellID())
   145  	}
   146  	return cu
   147  }
   149  // concentricLoopsPolygon constructs a polygon with the specified center as a
   150  // number of concentric loops and vertices per loop.
   151  func concentricLoopsPolygon(center Point, numLoops, verticesPerLoop int) *Polygon {
   152  	var loops []*Loop
   153  	for li := 0; li < numLoops; li++ {
   154  		radius := s1.Angle(0.005 * float64(li+1) / float64(numLoops))
   155  		loops = append(loops, RegularLoop(center, radius, verticesPerLoop))
   156  	}
   157  	return PolygonFromLoops(loops)
   158  }
   160  // skewedInt returns a number in the range [0,2^max_log-1] with bias towards smaller numbers.
   161  func skewedInt(maxLog int) int {
   162  	base := uint32(rand.Int31n(int32(maxLog + 1)))
   163  	return int(randomBits(31) & ((1 << base) - 1))
   164  }
   166  // randomCap returns a cap with a random axis such that the log of its area is
   167  // uniformly distributed between the logs of the two given values. The log of
   168  // the cap angle is also approximately uniformly distributed.
   169  func randomCap(minArea, maxArea float64) Cap {
   170  	capArea := maxArea * math.Pow(minArea/maxArea, randomFloat64())
   171  	return CapFromCenterArea(randomPoint(), capArea)
   172  }
   174  // latLngsApproxEqual reports of the two LatLngs are within the given epsilon.
   175  func latLngsApproxEqual(a, b LatLng, epsilon float64) bool {
   176  	return float64Near(float64(a.Lat), float64(b.Lat), epsilon) &&
   177  		float64Near(float64(a.Lng), float64(b.Lng), epsilon)
   178  }
   180  // pointsApproxEqual reports whether the two points are within the given distance
   181  // of each other. This is the same as Point.ApproxEqual but permits specifying
   182  // the epsilon.
   183  func pointsApproxEqual(a, b Point, epsilon float64) bool {
   184  	return float64(a.Vector.Angle(b.Vector)) <= epsilon
   185  }
   187  // pointSlicesApproxEqual reports whether corresponding elements of each slice are approximately equal.
   188  func pointSlicesApproxEqual(a, b []Point, epsilon float64) bool {
   189  	if len(a) != len(b) {
   190  		return false
   191  	}
   193  	for i := range a {
   194  		if !pointsApproxEqual(a[i], b[i], epsilon) {
   195  			return false
   196  		}
   197  	}
   198  	return true
   199  }
   201  // r1IntervalsApproxEqual reports whether the two r1.Intervals are within the given
   202  // epsilon of each other. This adds a test changeable value for epsilon
   203  func r1IntervalsApproxEqual(a, b r1.Interval, epsilon float64) bool {
   204  	if a.IsEmpty() {
   205  		return b.Length() <= 2*epsilon
   206  	}
   207  	if b.IsEmpty() {
   208  		return a.Length() <= 2*epsilon
   209  	}
   210  	return math.Abs(b.Lo-a.Lo) <= epsilon &&
   211  		math.Abs(b.Hi-a.Hi) <= epsilon
   212  }
   214  var (
   215  	rectErrorLat = 10 * dblEpsilon
   216  	rectErrorLng = dblEpsilon
   217  )
   219  // r2PointsApproxEqual reports whether the two points are within the given epsilon.
   220  func r2PointsApproxEqual(a, b r2.Point, epsilon float64) bool {
   221  	return float64Near(a.X, b.X, epsilon) && float64Near(a.Y, b.Y, epsilon)
   222  }
   224  // r2PointSlicesApproxEqual reports whether corresponding elements of the slices are approximately equal.
   225  func r2PointSlicesApproxEqual(a, b []r2.Point, epsilon float64) bool {
   226  	if len(a) != len(b) {
   227  		return false
   228  	}
   230  	for i := range a {
   231  		if !r2PointsApproxEqual(a[i], b[i], epsilon) {
   232  			return false
   233  		}
   234  	}
   235  	return true
   236  }
   238  // rectsApproxEqual reports whether the two rect are within the given tolerances
   239  // at each corner from each other. The tolerances are specific to each axis.
   240  func rectsApproxEqual(a, b Rect, tolLat, tolLng float64) bool {
   241  	return math.Abs(a.Lat.Lo-b.Lat.Lo) < tolLat &&
   242  		math.Abs(a.Lat.Hi-b.Lat.Hi) < tolLat &&
   243  		math.Abs(a.Lng.Lo-b.Lng.Lo) < tolLng &&
   244  		math.Abs(a.Lng.Hi-b.Lng.Hi) < tolLng
   245  }
   247  // matricesApproxEqual reports whether all cells in both matrices are equal within
   248  // the default floating point epsilon.
   249  func matricesApproxEqual(m1, m2 *matrix3x3) bool {
   250  	return float64Eq(m1[0][0], m2[0][0]) &&
   251  		float64Eq(m1[0][1], m2[0][1]) &&
   252  		float64Eq(m1[0][2], m2[0][2]) &&
   254  		float64Eq(m1[1][0], m2[1][0]) &&
   255  		float64Eq(m1[1][1], m2[1][1]) &&
   256  		float64Eq(m1[1][2], m2[1][2]) &&
   258  		float64Eq(m1[2][0], m2[2][0]) &&
   259  		float64Eq(m1[2][1], m2[2][1]) &&
   260  		float64Eq(m1[2][2], m2[2][2])
   261  }
   263  // samplePointFromRect returns a point chosen uniformly at random (with respect
   264  // to area on the sphere) from the given rectangle.
   265  func samplePointFromRect(rect Rect) Point {
   266  	// First choose a latitude uniformly with respect to area on the sphere.
   267  	sinLo := math.Sin(rect.Lat.Lo)
   268  	sinHi := math.Sin(rect.Lat.Hi)
   269  	lat := math.Asin(randomUniformFloat64(sinLo, sinHi))
   271  	// Now choose longitude uniformly within the given range.
   272  	lng := rect.Lng.Lo + randomFloat64()*rect.Lng.Length()
   274  	return PointFromLatLng(LatLng{s1.Angle(lat), s1.Angle(lng)}.Normalized())
   275  }
   277  // samplePointFromCap returns a point chosen uniformly at random (with respect
   278  // to area) from the given cap.
   279  func samplePointFromCap(c Cap) Point {
   280  	// We consider the cap axis to be the "z" axis. We choose two other axes to
   281  	// complete the coordinate frame.
   282  	m := getFrame(c.Center())
   284  	// The surface area of a spherical cap is directly proportional to its
   285  	// height. First we choose a random height, and then we choose a random
   286  	// point along the circle at that height.
   287  	h := randomFloat64() * c.Height()
   288  	theta := 2 * math.Pi * randomFloat64()
   289  	r := math.Sqrt(h * (2 - h))
   291  	// The result should already be very close to unit-length, but we might as
   292  	// well make it accurate as possible.
   293  	return Point{fromFrame(m, PointFromCoords(math.Cos(theta)*r, math.Sin(theta)*r, 1-h)).Normalize()}
   294  }
   296  // perturbATowardsB returns a point that has been shifted some distance towards the
   297  // second point based on a random number.
   298  func perturbATowardsB(a, b Point) Point {
   299  	choice := randomFloat64()
   300  	if choice < 0.1 {
   301  		return a
   302  	}
   303  	if choice < 0.3 {
   304  		// Return a point that is exactly proportional to A and that still
   305  		// satisfies IsUnitLength().
   306  		for {
   307  			b := Point{a.Mul(2 - a.Norm() + 5*(randomFloat64()-0.5)*dblEpsilon)}
   308  			if !b.ApproxEqual(a) && b.IsUnit() {
   309  				return b
   310  			}
   311  		}
   312  	}
   313  	if choice < 0.5 {
   314  		// Return a point such that the distance squared to A will underflow.
   315  		return InterpolateAtDistance(1e-300, a, b)
   316  	}
   317  	// Otherwise return a point whose distance from A is near dblEpsilon such
   318  	// that the log of the pdf is uniformly distributed.
   319  	distance := dblEpsilon * 1e-5 * math.Pow(1e6, randomFloat64())
   320  	return InterpolateAtDistance(s1.Angle(distance), a, b)
   321  }
   323  // perturbedCornerOrMidpoint returns a Point from a line segment whose endpoints are
   324  // difficult to handle correctly. Given two adjacent cube vertices P and Q,
   325  // it returns either an edge midpoint, face midpoint, or corner vertex that is
   326  // in the plane of PQ and that has been perturbed slightly. It also sometimes
   327  // returns a random point from anywhere on the sphere.
   328  func perturbedCornerOrMidpoint(p, q Point) Point {
   329  	a := p.Mul(float64(randomUniformInt(3) - 1)).Add(q.Mul(float64(randomUniformInt(3) - 1)))
   330  	if oneIn(10) {
   331  		// This perturbation often has no effect except on coordinates that are
   332  		// zero, in which case the perturbed value is so small that operations on
   333  		// it often result in underflow.
   334  		a = a.Add(randomPoint().Mul(math.Pow(1e-300, randomFloat64())))
   335  	} else if oneIn(2) {
   336  		// For coordinates near 1 (say > 0.5), this perturbation yields values
   337  		// that are only a few representable values away from the initial value.
   338  		a = a.Add(randomPoint().Mul(4 * dblEpsilon))
   339  	} else {
   340  		// A perturbation whose magnitude is in the range [1e-25, 1e-10].
   341  		a = a.Add(randomPoint().Mul(1e-10 * math.Pow(1e-15, randomFloat64())))
   342  	}
   344  	if a.Norm2() < math.SmallestNonzeroFloat64 {
   345  		// If a.Norm2() is denormalized, Normalize() loses too much precision.
   346  		return perturbedCornerOrMidpoint(p, q)
   347  	}
   348  	return Point{a}
   349  }
   351  // readLoops returns a slice of Loops read from a file encoded using Loops Encode.
   352  func readLoops(filename string) ([]*Loop, error) {
   353  	f, err := os.Open(filename)
   354  	if err != nil {
   355  		return nil, err
   356  	}
   357  	defer f.Close()
   359  	var loops []*Loop
   361  	// Test loop files are expected to be a direct concatenation of encoded loops with
   362  	// no separator tokens. Because there is no way of knowing a priori how many items
   363  	// or how many bytes ahead of time, the only way to end the loop is when we hit EOF.
   364  	for {
   365  		l := &Loop{}
   366  		err := l.Decode(f)
   367  		if err == io.EOF {
   368  			break
   369  		}
   370  		if err != nil {
   371  			return nil, err
   372  		}
   373  		loops = append(loops, l)
   374  	}
   376  	return loops, nil
   377  }
   379  // fractal is a simple type that generates "Koch snowflake" fractals (see Wikipedia
   380  // for an introduction). There is an option to control the fractal dimension
   381  // (between 1.0 and 2.0); values between 1.02 and 1.50 are reasonable simulations
   382  // of various coastlines. The default dimension (about 1.26) corresponds to the
   383  // standard Koch snowflake. (The west coast of Britain has a fractal dimension
   384  // of approximately 1.25.)
   385  //
   386  // The fractal is obtained by starting with an equilateral triangle and
   387  // recursively subdividing each edge into four segments of equal length.
   388  // Therefore the shape at level "n" consists of 3*(4**n) edges. Multi-level
   389  // fractals are also supported: if you set MinLevel to a non-negative
   390  // value, then the recursive subdivision has an equal probability of
   391  // stopping at any of the levels between the given min and max (inclusive).
   392  // This yields a fractal where the perimeter of the original triangle is
   393  // approximately equally divided between fractals at the various possible
   394  // levels. If there are k distinct levels {min,..,max}, the expected number
   395  // of edges at each level "i" is approximately 3*(4**i)/k.
   396  type fractal struct {
   397  	maxLevel int
   398  	// minLevel defines the minimum subdivision level of the fractal
   399  	// A min level of 0 should be avoided since this creates a
   400  	// significant chance that none of the edges will end up subdivided.
   401  	minLevel int
   403  	// dimension of the fractal. A value of approximately 1.26 corresponds
   404  	// to the stardard Koch curve. The value must lie in the range [1.0, 2.0).
   405  	dimension float64
   407  	// The ratio of the sub-edge length to the original edge length at each
   408  	// subdivision step.
   409  	edgeFraction float64
   411  	// The distance from the original edge to the middle vertex at each
   412  	// subdivision step, as a fraction of the original edge length.
   413  	offsetFraction float64
   414  }
   416  // newFractal returns a new instance of the fractal type with appropriate defaults.
   417  func newFractal() *fractal {
   418  	return &fractal{
   419  		maxLevel:       -1,
   420  		minLevel:       -1,
   421  		dimension:      math.Log(4) / math.Log(3), // standard Koch curve
   422  		edgeFraction:   0,
   423  		offsetFraction: 0,
   424  	}
   425  }
   427  // setLevelForApproxMinEdges sets the min level to produce approximately the
   428  // given number of edges. The values are rounded to a nearby value of 3*(4**n).
   429  func (f *fractal) setLevelForApproxMinEdges(minEdges int) {
   430  	// Map values in the range [3*(4**n)/2, 3*(4**n)*2) to level n.
   431  	f.minLevel = int(math.Round(0.5 * math.Log2(float64(minEdges)/3)))
   432  }
   434  // setLevelForApproxMaxEdges sets the max level to produce approximately the
   435  // given number of edges. The values are rounded to a nearby value of 3*(4**n).
   436  func (f *fractal) setLevelForApproxMaxEdges(maxEdges int) {
   437  	// Map values in the range [3*(4**n)/2, 3*(4**n)*2) to level n.
   438  	f.maxLevel = int(math.Round(0.5 * math.Log2(float64(maxEdges)/3)))
   439  }
   441  // minRadiusFactor returns a lower bound on the ratio (Rmin / R), where "R" is the
   442  // radius passed to makeLoop and Rmin is the minimum distance from the
   443  // fractal boundary to its center, where all distances are measured in the
   444  // tangent plane at the fractal's center. This can be used to inscribe
   445  // another geometric figure within the fractal without intersection.
   446  func (f *fractal) minRadiusFactor() float64 {
   447  	// The minimum radius is attained at one of the vertices created by the
   448  	// first subdivision step as long as the dimension is not too small (at
   449  	// least minDimensionForMinRadiusAtLevel1, see below). Otherwise we fall
   450  	// back on the incircle radius of the original triangle, which is always a
   451  	// lower bound (and is attained when dimension = 1).
   452  	//
   453  	// The value below was obtained by letting AE be an original triangle edge,
   454  	// letting ABCDE be the corresponding polyline after one subdivision step,
   455  	// and then letting BC be tangent to the inscribed circle at the center of
   456  	// the fractal O. This gives rise to a pair of similar triangles whose edge
   457  	// length ratios can be used to solve for the corresponding "edge fraction".
   458  	// This method is slightly conservative because it is computed using planar
   459  	// rather than spherical geometry. The value below is equal to
   460  	// -math.Log(4)/math.Log((2 + math.Cbrt(2) - math.Cbrt(4))/6).
   461  	const minDimensionForMinRadiusAtLevel1 = 1.0852230903040407
   462  	if f.dimension >= minDimensionForMinRadiusAtLevel1 {
   463  		return math.Sqrt(1 + 3*f.edgeFraction*(f.edgeFraction-1))
   464  	}
   465  	return 0.5
   466  }
   468  // maxRadiusFactor returns the ratio (Rmax / R), where "R" is the radius passed
   469  // to makeLoop and Rmax is the maximum distance from the fractal boundary
   470  // to its center, where all distances are measured in the tangent plane at
   471  // the fractal's center. This can be used to inscribe the fractal within
   472  // some other geometric figure without intersection.
   473  func (f *fractal) maxRadiusFactor() float64 {
   474  	// The maximum radius is always attained at either an original triangle
   475  	// vertex or at a middle vertex from the first subdivision step.
   476  	return math.Max(1.0, f.offsetFraction*math.Sqrt(3)+0.5)
   477  }
   479  // r2VerticesHelper recursively subdivides the edge to the desired level given
   480  // the two endpoints (v0,v4) of an edge, and returns all vertices of the resulting
   481  // curve up to but not including the endpoint v4.
   482  func (f *fractal) r2VerticesHelper(v0, v4 r2.Point, level int) []r2.Point {
   483  	if level >= f.minLevel && oneIn(f.maxLevel-level+1) {
   484  		// stop at this level
   485  		return []r2.Point{v0}
   486  	}
   488  	var vertices []r2.Point
   490  	// Otherwise compute the intermediate vertices v1, v2, and v3.
   491  	dir := v4.Sub(v0)
   492  	v1 := v0.Add(dir.Mul(f.edgeFraction))
   493  	v2 := v0.Add(v4).Mul(0.5).Sub(dir.Ortho().Mul(f.offsetFraction))
   494  	v3 := v4.Sub(dir.Mul(f.edgeFraction))
   496  	// And recurse on the four sub-edges.
   497  	vertices = append(vertices, f.r2VerticesHelper(v0, v1, level+1)...)
   498  	vertices = append(vertices, f.r2VerticesHelper(v1, v2, level+1)...)
   499  	vertices = append(vertices, f.r2VerticesHelper(v2, v3, level+1)...)
   500  	vertices = append(vertices, f.r2VerticesHelper(v3, v4, level+1)...)
   502  	return vertices
   503  }
   505  // generateR2Vertices returns the set of r2 plane vertices for the fractal
   506  // based on its current settings.
   507  func (f *fractal) generateR2Vertices() []r2.Point {
   508  	var vertices []r2.Point
   510  	// The Koch "snowflake" consists of three Koch curves whose initial edges
   511  	// form an equilateral triangle.
   512  	v0 := r2.Point{1.0, 0.0}
   513  	v1 := r2.Point{-0.5, math.Sqrt(3) / 2}
   514  	v2 := r2.Point{-0.5, -math.Sqrt(3) / 2}
   515  	vertices = append(vertices, f.r2VerticesHelper(v0, v1, 0)...)
   516  	vertices = append(vertices, f.r2VerticesHelper(v1, v2, 0)...)
   517  	vertices = append(vertices, f.r2VerticesHelper(v2, v0, 0)...)
   519  	return vertices
   520  }
   522  // makeLoop returns a fractal loop centered around the z-axis of the given
   523  // coordinate frame, with the first vertex in the direction of the
   524  // positive x-axis. In order to avoid self-intersections, the fractal is
   525  // generated by first drawing it in a 2D tangent plane to the unit sphere
   526  // (touching at the fractal's center point) and then projecting the edges
   527  // onto the sphere. This has the side effect of shrinking the fractal
   528  // slightly compared to its nominal radius.
   529  func (f *fractal) makeLoop(frame *matrix3x3, nominalRadius s1.Angle) *Loop {
   530  	// update dependent values before making the loop.
   531  	if f.minLevel < 0 || f.minLevel > f.maxLevel {
   532  		f.minLevel = f.maxLevel
   533  	}
   535  	f.edgeFraction = math.Pow(4.0, -1.0/f.dimension)
   536  	f.offsetFraction = math.Sqrt(f.edgeFraction - 0.25)
   538  	r2pts := f.generateR2Vertices()
   539  	verts := make([]Point, 0, len(r2pts))
   540  	r := nominalRadius.Radians()
   542  	for _, pt := range r2pts {
   543  		verts = append(verts, fromFrame(*frame, PointFromCoords(pt.X*r, pt.Y*r, 1)))
   544  	}
   545  	return LoopFromPoints(verts)
   546  }
   548  // TODO(roberts): Items remaining to port:
   549  // CheckCovering
   550  // CheckResultSet
   551  // CheckDistanceResults

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