
Source file src/github.com/golang/geo/s2/predicates.go

Documentation: github.com/golang/geo/s2

     1  // Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
     2  //
     3  // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     4  // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     5  // You may obtain a copy of the License at
     6  //
     7  //     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     8  //
     9  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    10  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    11  // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    12  // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    13  // limitations under the License.
    15  package s2
    17  // This file contains various predicates that are guaranteed to produce
    18  // correct, consistent results. They are also relatively efficient. This is
    19  // achieved by computing conservative error bounds and falling back to high
    20  // precision or even exact arithmetic when the result is uncertain. Such
    21  // predicates are useful in implementing robust algorithms.
    22  //
    23  // See also EdgeCrosser, which implements various exact
    24  // edge-crossing predicates more efficiently than can be done here.
    26  import (
    27  	"math"
    28  	"math/big"
    30  	"github.com/golang/geo/r3"
    31  	"github.com/golang/geo/s1"
    32  )
    34  const (
    35  	// If any other machine architectures need to be supported, these next three
    36  	// values will need to be updated.
    38  	// epsilon is a small number that represents a reasonable level of noise between two
    39  	// values that can be considered to be equal.
    40  	epsilon = 1e-15
    41  	// dblEpsilon is a smaller number for values that require more precision.
    42  	// This is the C++ DBL_EPSILON equivalent.
    43  	dblEpsilon = 2.220446049250313e-16
    44  	// dblError is the C++ value for S2 rounding_epsilon().
    45  	dblError = 1.110223024625156e-16
    47  	// maxDeterminantError is the maximum error in computing (AxB).C where all vectors
    48  	// are unit length. Using standard inequalities, it can be shown that
    49  	//
    50  	//  fl(AxB) = AxB + D where |D| <= (|AxB| + (2/sqrt(3))*|A|*|B|) * e
    51  	//
    52  	// where "fl()" denotes a calculation done in floating-point arithmetic,
    53  	// |x| denotes either absolute value or the L2-norm as appropriate, and
    54  	// e is a reasonably small value near the noise level of floating point
    55  	// number accuracy. Similarly,
    56  	//
    57  	//  fl(B.C) = B.C + d where |d| <= (|B.C| + 2*|B|*|C|) * e .
    58  	//
    59  	// Applying these bounds to the unit-length vectors A,B,C and neglecting
    60  	// relative error (which does not affect the sign of the result), we get
    61  	//
    62  	//  fl((AxB).C) = (AxB).C + d where |d| <= (3 + 2/sqrt(3)) * e
    63  	maxDeterminantError = 1.8274 * dblEpsilon
    65  	// detErrorMultiplier is the factor to scale the magnitudes by when checking
    66  	// for the sign of set of points with certainty. Using a similar technique to
    67  	// the one used for maxDeterminantError, the error is at most:
    68  	//
    69  	//   |d| <= (3 + 6/sqrt(3)) * |A-C| * |B-C| * e
    70  	//
    71  	// If the determinant magnitude is larger than this value then we know
    72  	// its sign with certainty.
    73  	detErrorMultiplier = 3.2321 * dblEpsilon
    74  )
    76  // Direction is an indication of the ordering of a set of points.
    77  type Direction int
    79  // These are the three options for the direction of a set of points.
    80  const (
    81  	Clockwise        Direction = -1
    82  	Indeterminate    Direction = 0
    83  	CounterClockwise Direction = 1
    84  )
    86  // newBigFloat constructs a new big.Float with maximum precision.
    87  func newBigFloat() *big.Float { return new(big.Float).SetPrec(big.MaxPrec) }
    89  // Sign returns true if the points A, B, C are strictly counterclockwise,
    90  // and returns false if the points are clockwise or collinear (i.e. if they are all
    91  // contained on some great circle).
    92  //
    93  // Due to numerical errors, situations may arise that are mathematically
    94  // impossible, e.g. ABC may be considered strictly CCW while BCA is not.
    95  // However, the implementation guarantees the following:
    96  //
    97  // If Sign(a,b,c), then !Sign(c,b,a) for all a,b,c.
    98  func Sign(a, b, c Point) bool {
    99  	// NOTE(dnadasi): In the C++ API the equivalent method here was known as "SimpleSign".
   101  	// We compute the signed volume of the parallelepiped ABC. The usual
   102  	// formula for this is (A ⨯ B) · C, but we compute it here using (C ⨯ A) · B
   103  	// in order to ensure that ABC and CBA are not both CCW. This follows
   104  	// from the following identities (which are true numerically, not just
   105  	// mathematically):
   106  	//
   107  	//     (1) x ⨯ y == -(y ⨯ x)
   108  	//     (2) -x · y == -(x · y)
   109  	return c.Cross(a.Vector).Dot(b.Vector) > 0
   110  }
   112  // RobustSign returns a Direction representing the ordering of the points.
   113  // CounterClockwise is returned if the points are in counter-clockwise order,
   114  // Clockwise for clockwise, and Indeterminate if any two points are the same (collinear),
   115  // or the sign could not completely be determined.
   116  //
   117  // This function has additional logic to make sure that the above properties hold even
   118  // when the three points are coplanar, and to deal with the limitations of
   119  // floating-point arithmetic.
   120  //
   121  // RobustSign satisfies the following conditions:
   122  //
   123  //	(1) RobustSign(a,b,c) == Indeterminate if and only if a == b, b == c, or c == a
   124  //	(2) RobustSign(b,c,a) == RobustSign(a,b,c) for all a,b,c
   125  //	(3) RobustSign(c,b,a) == -RobustSign(a,b,c) for all a,b,c
   126  //
   127  // In other words:
   128  //
   129  //	(1) The result is Indeterminate if and only if two points are the same.
   130  //	(2) Rotating the order of the arguments does not affect the result.
   131  //	(3) Exchanging any two arguments inverts the result.
   132  //
   133  // On the other hand, note that it is not true in general that
   134  // RobustSign(-a,b,c) == -RobustSign(a,b,c), or any similar identities
   135  // involving antipodal points.
   136  func RobustSign(a, b, c Point) Direction {
   137  	sign := triageSign(a, b, c)
   138  	if sign == Indeterminate {
   139  		sign = expensiveSign(a, b, c)
   140  	}
   141  	return sign
   142  }
   144  // stableSign reports the direction sign of the points in a numerically stable way.
   145  // Unlike triageSign, this method can usually compute the correct determinant sign
   146  // even when all three points are as collinear as possible. For example if three
   147  // points are spaced 1km apart along a random line on the Earth's surface using
   148  // the nearest representable points, there is only a 0.4% chance that this method
   149  // will not be able to find the determinant sign. The probability of failure
   150  // decreases as the points get closer together; if the collinear points are 1 meter
   151  // apart, the failure rate drops to 0.0004%.
   152  //
   153  // This method could be extended to also handle nearly-antipodal points, but antipodal
   154  // points are rare in practice so it seems better to simply fall back to
   155  // exact arithmetic in that case.
   156  func stableSign(a, b, c Point) Direction {
   157  	ab := b.Sub(a.Vector)
   158  	ab2 := ab.Norm2()
   159  	bc := c.Sub(b.Vector)
   160  	bc2 := bc.Norm2()
   161  	ca := a.Sub(c.Vector)
   162  	ca2 := ca.Norm2()
   164  	// Now compute the determinant ((A-C)x(B-C)).C, where the vertices have been
   165  	// cyclically permuted if necessary so that AB is the longest edge. (This
   166  	// minimizes the magnitude of cross product.)  At the same time we also
   167  	// compute the maximum error in the determinant.
   169  	// The two shortest edges, pointing away from their common point.
   170  	var e1, e2, op r3.Vector
   171  	if ab2 >= bc2 && ab2 >= ca2 {
   172  		// AB is the longest edge.
   173  		e1, e2, op = ca, bc, c.Vector
   174  	} else if bc2 >= ca2 {
   175  		// BC is the longest edge.
   176  		e1, e2, op = ab, ca, a.Vector
   177  	} else {
   178  		// CA is the longest edge.
   179  		e1, e2, op = bc, ab, b.Vector
   180  	}
   182  	det := -e1.Cross(e2).Dot(op)
   183  	maxErr := detErrorMultiplier * math.Sqrt(e1.Norm2()*e2.Norm2())
   185  	// If the determinant isn't zero, within maxErr, we know definitively the point ordering.
   186  	if det > maxErr {
   187  		return CounterClockwise
   188  	}
   189  	if det < -maxErr {
   190  		return Clockwise
   191  	}
   192  	return Indeterminate
   193  }
   195  // triageSign returns the direction sign of the points. It returns Indeterminate if two
   196  // points are identical or the result is uncertain. Uncertain cases can be resolved, if
   197  // desired, by calling expensiveSign.
   198  //
   199  // The purpose of this method is to allow additional cheap tests to be done without
   200  // calling expensiveSign.
   201  func triageSign(a, b, c Point) Direction {
   202  	det := a.Cross(b.Vector).Dot(c.Vector)
   203  	if det > maxDeterminantError {
   204  		return CounterClockwise
   205  	}
   206  	if det < -maxDeterminantError {
   207  		return Clockwise
   208  	}
   209  	return Indeterminate
   210  }
   212  // expensiveSign reports the direction sign of the points. It returns Indeterminate
   213  // if two of the input points are the same. It uses multiple-precision arithmetic
   214  // to ensure that its results are always self-consistent.
   215  func expensiveSign(a, b, c Point) Direction {
   216  	// Return Indeterminate if and only if two points are the same.
   217  	// This ensures RobustSign(a,b,c) == Indeterminate if and only if a == b, b == c, or c == a.
   218  	// ie. Property 1 of RobustSign.
   219  	if a == b || b == c || c == a {
   220  		return Indeterminate
   221  	}
   223  	// Next we try recomputing the determinant still using floating-point
   224  	// arithmetic but in a more precise way. This is more expensive than the
   225  	// simple calculation done by triageSign, but it is still *much* cheaper
   226  	// than using arbitrary-precision arithmetic. This optimization is able to
   227  	// compute the correct determinant sign in virtually all cases except when
   228  	// the three points are truly collinear (e.g., three points on the equator).
   229  	detSign := stableSign(a, b, c)
   230  	if detSign != Indeterminate {
   231  		return detSign
   232  	}
   234  	// Otherwise fall back to exact arithmetic and symbolic permutations.
   235  	return exactSign(a, b, c, true)
   236  }
   238  // exactSign reports the direction sign of the points computed using high-precision
   239  // arithmetic and/or symbolic perturbations.
   240  func exactSign(a, b, c Point, perturb bool) Direction {
   241  	// Sort the three points in lexicographic order, keeping track of the sign
   242  	// of the permutation. (Each exchange inverts the sign of the determinant.)
   243  	permSign := CounterClockwise
   244  	pa := &a
   245  	pb := &b
   246  	pc := &c
   247  	if pa.Cmp(pb.Vector) > 0 {
   248  		pa, pb = pb, pa
   249  		permSign = -permSign
   250  	}
   251  	if pb.Cmp(pc.Vector) > 0 {
   252  		pb, pc = pc, pb
   253  		permSign = -permSign
   254  	}
   255  	if pa.Cmp(pb.Vector) > 0 {
   256  		pa, pb = pb, pa
   257  		permSign = -permSign
   258  	}
   260  	// Construct multiple-precision versions of the sorted points and compute
   261  	// their precise 3x3 determinant.
   262  	xa := r3.PreciseVectorFromVector(pa.Vector)
   263  	xb := r3.PreciseVectorFromVector(pb.Vector)
   264  	xc := r3.PreciseVectorFromVector(pc.Vector)
   265  	xbCrossXc := xb.Cross(xc)
   266  	det := xa.Dot(xbCrossXc)
   268  	// The precision of big.Float is high enough that the result should always
   269  	// be exact enough (no rounding was performed).
   271  	// If the exact determinant is non-zero, we're done.
   272  	detSign := Direction(det.Sign())
   273  	if detSign == Indeterminate && perturb {
   274  		// Otherwise, we need to resort to symbolic perturbations to resolve the
   275  		// sign of the determinant.
   276  		detSign = symbolicallyPerturbedSign(xa, xb, xc, xbCrossXc)
   277  	}
   278  	return permSign * detSign
   279  }
   281  // symbolicallyPerturbedSign reports the sign of the determinant of three points
   282  // A, B, C under a model where every possible Point is slightly perturbed by
   283  // a unique infinitesmal amount such that no three perturbed points are
   284  // collinear and no four points are coplanar. The perturbations are so small
   285  // that they do not change the sign of any determinant that was non-zero
   286  // before the perturbations, and therefore can be safely ignored unless the
   287  // determinant of three points is exactly zero (using multiple-precision
   288  // arithmetic). This returns CounterClockwise or Clockwise according to the
   289  // sign of the determinant after the symbolic perturbations are taken into account.
   290  //
   291  // Since the symbolic perturbation of a given point is fixed (i.e., the
   292  // perturbation is the same for all calls to this method and does not depend
   293  // on the other two arguments), the results of this method are always
   294  // self-consistent. It will never return results that would correspond to an
   295  // impossible configuration of non-degenerate points.
   296  //
   297  // This requires that the 3x3 determinant of A, B, C must be exactly zero.
   298  // And the points must be distinct, with A < B < C in lexicographic order.
   299  //
   300  // Reference:
   301  //
   302  //	"Simulation of Simplicity" (Edelsbrunner and Muecke, ACM Transactions on
   303  //	Graphics, 1990).
   304  func symbolicallyPerturbedSign(a, b, c, bCrossC r3.PreciseVector) Direction {
   305  	// This method requires that the points are sorted in lexicographically
   306  	// increasing order. This is because every possible Point has its own
   307  	// symbolic perturbation such that if A < B then the symbolic perturbation
   308  	// for A is much larger than the perturbation for B.
   309  	//
   310  	// Alternatively, we could sort the points in this method and keep track of
   311  	// the sign of the permutation, but it is more efficient to do this before
   312  	// converting the inputs to the multi-precision representation, and this
   313  	// also lets us re-use the result of the cross product B x C.
   314  	//
   315  	// Every input coordinate x[i] is assigned a symbolic perturbation dx[i].
   316  	// We then compute the sign of the determinant of the perturbed points,
   317  	// i.e.
   318  	//               | a.X+da.X  a.Y+da.Y  a.Z+da.Z |
   319  	//               | b.X+db.X  b.Y+db.Y  b.Z+db.Z |
   320  	//               | c.X+dc.X  c.Y+dc.Y  c.Z+dc.Z |
   321  	//
   322  	// The perturbations are chosen such that
   323  	//
   324  	//   da.Z > da.Y > da.X > db.Z > db.Y > db.X > dc.Z > dc.Y > dc.X
   325  	//
   326  	// where each perturbation is so much smaller than the previous one that we
   327  	// don't even need to consider it unless the coefficients of all previous
   328  	// perturbations are zero. In fact, it is so small that we don't need to
   329  	// consider it unless the coefficient of all products of the previous
   330  	// perturbations are zero. For example, we don't need to consider the
   331  	// coefficient of db.Y unless the coefficient of db.Z *da.X is zero.
   332  	//
   333  	// The follow code simply enumerates the coefficients of the perturbations
   334  	// (and products of perturbations) that appear in the determinant above, in
   335  	// order of decreasing perturbation magnitude. The first non-zero
   336  	// coefficient determines the sign of the result. The easiest way to
   337  	// enumerate the coefficients in the correct order is to pretend that each
   338  	// perturbation is some tiny value "eps" raised to a power of two:
   339  	//
   340  	// eps**     1      2      4      8     16     32     64    128    256
   341  	//        da.Z   da.Y   da.X   db.Z   db.Y   db.X   dc.Z   dc.Y   dc.X
   342  	//
   343  	// Essentially we can then just count in binary and test the corresponding
   344  	// subset of perturbations at each step. So for example, we must test the
   345  	// coefficient of db.Z*da.X before db.Y because eps**12 > eps**16.
   346  	//
   347  	// Of course, not all products of these perturbations appear in the
   348  	// determinant above, since the determinant only contains the products of
   349  	// elements in distinct rows and columns. Thus we don't need to consider
   350  	// da.Z*da.Y, db.Y *da.Y, etc. Furthermore, sometimes different pairs of
   351  	// perturbations have the same coefficient in the determinant; for example,
   352  	// da.Y*db.X and db.Y*da.X have the same coefficient (c.Z). Therefore
   353  	// we only need to test this coefficient the first time we encounter it in
   354  	// the binary order above (which will be db.Y*da.X).
   355  	//
   356  	// The sequence of tests below also appears in Table 4-ii of the paper
   357  	// referenced above, if you just want to look it up, with the following
   358  	// translations: [a,b,c] -> [i,j,k] and [0,1,2] -> [1,2,3]. Also note that
   359  	// some of the signs are different because the opposite cross product is
   360  	// used (e.g., B x C rather than C x B).
   362  	detSign := bCrossC.Z.Sign() // da.Z
   363  	if detSign != 0 {
   364  		return Direction(detSign)
   365  	}
   366  	detSign = bCrossC.Y.Sign() // da.Y
   367  	if detSign != 0 {
   368  		return Direction(detSign)
   369  	}
   370  	detSign = bCrossC.X.Sign() // da.X
   371  	if detSign != 0 {
   372  		return Direction(detSign)
   373  	}
   375  	detSign = newBigFloat().Sub(newBigFloat().Mul(c.X, a.Y), newBigFloat().Mul(c.Y, a.X)).Sign() // db.Z
   376  	if detSign != 0 {
   377  		return Direction(detSign)
   378  	}
   379  	detSign = c.X.Sign() // db.Z * da.Y
   380  	if detSign != 0 {
   381  		return Direction(detSign)
   382  	}
   383  	detSign = -(c.Y.Sign()) // db.Z * da.X
   384  	if detSign != 0 {
   385  		return Direction(detSign)
   386  	}
   388  	detSign = newBigFloat().Sub(newBigFloat().Mul(c.Z, a.X), newBigFloat().Mul(c.X, a.Z)).Sign() // db.Y
   389  	if detSign != 0 {
   390  		return Direction(detSign)
   391  	}
   392  	detSign = c.Z.Sign() // db.Y * da.X
   393  	if detSign != 0 {
   394  		return Direction(detSign)
   395  	}
   397  	// The following test is listed in the paper, but it is redundant because
   398  	// the previous tests guarantee that C == (0, 0, 0).
   399  	// (c.Y*a.Z - c.Z*a.Y).Sign() // db.X
   401  	detSign = newBigFloat().Sub(newBigFloat().Mul(a.X, b.Y), newBigFloat().Mul(a.Y, b.X)).Sign() // dc.Z
   402  	if detSign != 0 {
   403  		return Direction(detSign)
   404  	}
   405  	detSign = -(b.X.Sign()) // dc.Z * da.Y
   406  	if detSign != 0 {
   407  		return Direction(detSign)
   408  	}
   409  	detSign = b.Y.Sign() // dc.Z * da.X
   410  	if detSign != 0 {
   411  		return Direction(detSign)
   412  	}
   413  	detSign = a.X.Sign() // dc.Z * db.Y
   414  	if detSign != 0 {
   415  		return Direction(detSign)
   416  	}
   417  	return CounterClockwise // dc.Z * db.Y * da.X
   418  }
   420  // CompareDistances returns -1, 0, or +1 according to whether AX < BX, A == B,
   421  // or AX > BX respectively. Distances are measured with respect to the positions
   422  // of X, A, and B as though they were reprojected to lie exactly on the surface of
   423  // the unit sphere. Furthermore, this method uses symbolic perturbations to
   424  // ensure that the result is non-zero whenever A != B, even when AX == BX
   425  // exactly, or even when A and B project to the same point on the sphere.
   426  // Such results are guaranteed to be self-consistent, i.e. if AB < BC and
   427  // BC < AC, then AB < AC.
   428  func CompareDistances(x, a, b Point) int {
   429  	// We start by comparing distances using dot products (i.e., cosine of the
   430  	// angle), because (1) this is the cheapest technique, and (2) it is valid
   431  	// over the entire range of possible angles. (We can only use the sin^2
   432  	// technique if both angles are less than 90 degrees or both angles are
   433  	// greater than 90 degrees.)
   434  	sign := triageCompareCosDistances(x, a, b)
   435  	if sign != 0 {
   436  		return sign
   437  	}
   439  	// Optimization for (a == b) to avoid falling back to exact arithmetic.
   440  	if a == b {
   441  		return 0
   442  	}
   444  	// It is much better numerically to compare distances using cos(angle) if
   445  	// the distances are near 90 degrees and sin^2(angle) if the distances are
   446  	// near 0 or 180 degrees. We only need to check one of the two angles when
   447  	// making this decision because the fact that the test above failed means
   448  	// that angles "a" and "b" are very close together.
   449  	cosAX := a.Dot(x.Vector)
   450  	if cosAX > 1/math.Sqrt2 {
   451  		// Angles < 45 degrees.
   452  		sign = triageCompareSin2Distances(x, a, b)
   453  	} else if cosAX < -1/math.Sqrt2 {
   454  		// Angles > 135 degrees. sin^2(angle) is decreasing in this range.
   455  		sign = -triageCompareSin2Distances(x, a, b)
   456  	}
   457  	// C++ adds an additional check here using 80-bit floats.
   458  	// This is skipped in Go because we only have 32 and 64 bit floats.
   460  	if sign != 0 {
   461  		return sign
   462  	}
   464  	sign = exactCompareDistances(r3.PreciseVectorFromVector(x.Vector), r3.PreciseVectorFromVector(a.Vector), r3.PreciseVectorFromVector(b.Vector))
   465  	if sign != 0 {
   466  		return sign
   467  	}
   468  	return symbolicCompareDistances(x, a, b)
   469  }
   471  // cosDistance returns cos(XY) where XY is the angle between X and Y, and the
   472  // maximum error amount in the result. This requires X and Y be normalized.
   473  func cosDistance(x, y Point) (cos, err float64) {
   474  	cos = x.Dot(y.Vector)
   475  	return cos, 9.5*dblError*math.Abs(cos) + 1.5*dblError
   476  }
   478  // sin2Distance returns sin**2(XY), where XY is the angle between X and Y,
   479  // and the maximum error amount in the result. This requires X and Y be normalized.
   480  func sin2Distance(x, y Point) (sin2, err float64) {
   481  	// The (x-y).Cross(x+y) trick eliminates almost all of error due to x
   482  	// and y being not quite unit length. This method is extremely accurate
   483  	// for small distances; the *relative* error in the result is O(dblError) for
   484  	// distances as small as dblError.
   485  	n := x.Sub(y.Vector).Cross(x.Add(y.Vector))
   486  	sin2 = 0.25 * n.Norm2()
   487  	err = ((21+4*math.Sqrt(3))*dblError*sin2 +
   488  		32*math.Sqrt(3)*dblError*dblError*math.Sqrt(sin2) +
   489  		768*dblError*dblError*dblError*dblError)
   490  	return sin2, err
   491  }
   493  // triageCompareCosDistances returns -1, 0, or +1 according to whether AX < BX,
   494  // A == B, or AX > BX by comparing the distances between them using cosDistance.
   495  func triageCompareCosDistances(x, a, b Point) int {
   496  	cosAX, cosAXerror := cosDistance(a, x)
   497  	cosBX, cosBXerror := cosDistance(b, x)
   498  	diff := cosAX - cosBX
   499  	err := cosAXerror + cosBXerror
   500  	if diff > err {
   501  		return -1
   502  	}
   503  	if diff < -err {
   504  		return 1
   505  	}
   506  	return 0
   507  }
   509  // triageCompareSin2Distances returns -1, 0, or +1 according to whether AX < BX,
   510  // A == B, or AX > BX by comparing the distances between them using sin2Distance.
   511  func triageCompareSin2Distances(x, a, b Point) int {
   512  	sin2AX, sin2AXerror := sin2Distance(a, x)
   513  	sin2BX, sin2BXerror := sin2Distance(b, x)
   514  	diff := sin2AX - sin2BX
   515  	err := sin2AXerror + sin2BXerror
   516  	if diff > err {
   517  		return 1
   518  	}
   519  	if diff < -err {
   520  		return -1
   521  	}
   522  	return 0
   523  }
   525  // exactCompareDistances returns -1, 0, or 1 after comparing using the values as
   526  // PreciseVectors.
   527  func exactCompareDistances(x, a, b r3.PreciseVector) int {
   528  	// This code produces the same result as though all points were reprojected
   529  	// to lie exactly on the surface of the unit sphere. It is based on testing
   530  	// whether x.Dot(a.Normalize()) < x.Dot(b.Normalize()), reformulated
   531  	// so that it can be evaluated using exact arithmetic.
   532  	cosAX := x.Dot(a)
   533  	cosBX := x.Dot(b)
   535  	// If the two values have different signs, we need to handle that case now
   536  	// before squaring them below.
   537  	aSign := cosAX.Sign()
   538  	bSign := cosBX.Sign()
   539  	if aSign != bSign {
   540  		// If cos(AX) > cos(BX), then AX < BX.
   541  		if aSign > bSign {
   542  			return -1
   543  		}
   544  		return 1
   545  	}
   546  	cosAX2 := newBigFloat().Mul(cosAX, cosAX)
   547  	cosBX2 := newBigFloat().Mul(cosBX, cosBX)
   548  	cmp := newBigFloat().Sub(cosBX2.Mul(cosBX2, a.Norm2()), cosAX2.Mul(cosAX2, b.Norm2()))
   549  	return aSign * cmp.Sign()
   550  }
   552  // symbolicCompareDistances returns -1, 0, or +1 given three points such that AX == BX
   553  // (exactly) according to whether AX < BX, AX == BX, or AX > BX after symbolic
   554  // perturbations are taken into account.
   555  func symbolicCompareDistances(x, a, b Point) int {
   556  	// Our symbolic perturbation strategy is based on the following model.
   557  	// Similar to "simulation of simplicity", we assign a perturbation to every
   558  	// point such that if A < B, then the symbolic perturbation for A is much,
   559  	// much larger than the symbolic perturbation for B. We imagine that
   560  	// rather than projecting every point to lie exactly on the unit sphere,
   561  	// instead each point is positioned on its own tiny pedestal that raises it
   562  	// just off the surface of the unit sphere. This means that the distance AX
   563  	// is actually the true distance AX plus the (symbolic) heights of the
   564  	// pedestals for A and X. The pedestals are infinitesmally thin, so they do
   565  	// not affect distance measurements except at the two endpoints. If several
   566  	// points project to exactly the same point on the unit sphere, we imagine
   567  	// that they are placed on separate pedestals placed close together, where
   568  	// the distance between pedestals is much, much less than the height of any
   569  	// pedestal. (There are a finite number of Points, and therefore a finite
   570  	// number of pedestals, so this is possible.)
   571  	//
   572  	// If A < B, then A is on a higher pedestal than B, and therefore AX > BX.
   573  	switch a.Cmp(b.Vector) {
   574  	case -1:
   575  		return 1
   576  	case 1:
   577  		return -1
   578  	default:
   579  		return 0
   580  	}
   581  }
   583  var (
   584  	// ca45Degrees is a predefined ChordAngle representing (approximately) 45 degrees.
   585  	ca45Degrees = s1.ChordAngleFromSquaredLength(2 - math.Sqrt2)
   586  )
   588  // CompareDistance returns -1, 0, or +1 according to whether the distance XY is
   589  // respectively less than, equal to, or greater than the provided chord angle. Distances are measured
   590  // with respect to the positions of all points as though they are projected to lie
   591  // exactly on the surface of the unit sphere.
   592  func CompareDistance(x, y Point, r s1.ChordAngle) int {
   593  	// As with CompareDistances, we start by comparing dot products because
   594  	// the sin^2 method is only valid when the distance XY and the limit "r" are
   595  	// both less than 90 degrees.
   596  	sign := triageCompareCosDistance(x, y, float64(r))
   597  	if sign != 0 {
   598  		return sign
   599  	}
   601  	// Unlike with CompareDistances, it's not worth using the sin^2 method
   602  	// when the distance limit is near 180 degrees because the ChordAngle
   603  	// representation itself has has a rounding error of up to 2e-8 radians for
   604  	// distances near 180 degrees.
   605  	if r < ca45Degrees {
   606  		sign = triageCompareSin2Distance(x, y, float64(r))
   607  		if sign != 0 {
   608  			return sign
   609  		}
   610  	}
   611  	return exactCompareDistance(r3.PreciseVectorFromVector(x.Vector), r3.PreciseVectorFromVector(y.Vector), big.NewFloat(float64(r)).SetPrec(big.MaxPrec))
   612  }
   614  // triageCompareCosDistance returns -1, 0, or +1 according to whether the distance XY is
   615  // less than, equal to, or greater than r2 respectively using cos distance.
   616  func triageCompareCosDistance(x, y Point, r2 float64) int {
   617  	cosXY, cosXYError := cosDistance(x, y)
   618  	cosR := 1.0 - 0.5*r2
   619  	cosRError := 2.0 * dblError * cosR
   620  	diff := cosXY - cosR
   621  	err := cosXYError + cosRError
   622  	if diff > err {
   623  		return -1
   624  	}
   625  	if diff < -err {
   626  		return 1
   627  	}
   628  	return 0
   629  }
   631  // triageCompareSin2Distance returns -1, 0, or +1 according to whether the distance XY is
   632  // less than, equal to, or greater than r2 respectively using sin^2 distance.
   633  func triageCompareSin2Distance(x, y Point, r2 float64) int {
   634  	// Only valid for distance limits < 90 degrees.
   635  	sin2XY, sin2XYError := sin2Distance(x, y)
   636  	sin2R := r2 * (1.0 - 0.25*r2)
   637  	sin2RError := 3.0 * dblError * sin2R
   638  	diff := sin2XY - sin2R
   639  	err := sin2XYError + sin2RError
   640  	if diff > err {
   641  		return 1
   642  	}
   643  	if diff < -err {
   644  		return -1
   645  	}
   646  	return 0
   647  }
   649  var (
   650  	bigOne  = big.NewFloat(1.0).SetPrec(big.MaxPrec)
   651  	bigHalf = big.NewFloat(0.5).SetPrec(big.MaxPrec)
   652  )
   654  // exactCompareDistance returns -1, 0, or +1 after comparing using PreciseVectors.
   655  func exactCompareDistance(x, y r3.PreciseVector, r2 *big.Float) int {
   656  	// This code produces the same result as though all points were reprojected
   657  	// to lie exactly on the surface of the unit sphere.  It is based on
   658  	// comparing the cosine of the angle XY (when both points are projected to
   659  	// lie exactly on the sphere) to the given threshold.
   660  	cosXY := x.Dot(y)
   661  	cosR := newBigFloat().Sub(bigOne, newBigFloat().Mul(bigHalf, r2))
   663  	// If the two values have different signs, we need to handle that case now
   664  	// before squaring them below.
   665  	xySign := cosXY.Sign()
   666  	rSign := cosR.Sign()
   667  	if xySign != rSign {
   668  		if xySign > rSign {
   669  			return -1
   670  		}
   671  		return 1 // If cos(XY) > cos(r), then XY < r.
   672  	}
   673  	cmp := newBigFloat().Sub(
   674  		newBigFloat().Mul(
   675  			newBigFloat().Mul(cosR, cosR), newBigFloat().Mul(x.Norm2(), y.Norm2())),
   676  		newBigFloat().Mul(cosXY, cosXY))
   677  	return xySign * cmp.Sign()
   678  }
   680  // TODO(roberts): Differences from C++
   681  // CompareEdgeDistance
   682  // CompareEdgeDirections
   683  // EdgeCircumcenterSign
   684  // GetVoronoiSiteExclusion
   685  // GetClosestVertex
   686  // TriageCompareLineSin2Distance
   687  // TriageCompareLineCos2Distance
   688  // TriageCompareLineDistance
   689  // TriageCompareEdgeDistance
   690  // ExactCompareLineDistance
   691  // ExactCompareEdgeDistance
   692  // TriageCompareEdgeDirections
   693  // ExactCompareEdgeDirections
   694  // ArePointsAntipodal
   695  // ArePointsLinearlyDependent
   696  // GetCircumcenter
   697  // TriageEdgeCircumcenterSign
   698  // ExactEdgeCircumcenterSign
   699  // UnperturbedSign
   700  // SymbolicEdgeCircumcenterSign
   701  // ExactVoronoiSiteExclusion

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