
Source file src/github.com/golang/geo/s2/edge_query.go

Documentation: github.com/golang/geo/s2

     1  // Copyright 2019 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
     2  //
     3  // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     4  // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     5  // You may obtain a copy of the License at
     6  //
     7  //     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     8  //
     9  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    10  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    11  // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    12  // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    13  // limitations under the License.
    15  package s2
    17  import (
    18  	"sort"
    20  	"github.com/golang/geo/s1"
    21  )
    23  // EdgeQueryOptions holds the options for controlling how EdgeQuery operates.
    24  //
    25  // Options can be chained together builder-style:
    26  //
    27  //		opts = NewClosestEdgeQueryOptions().
    28  //			MaxResults(1).
    29  //			DistanceLimit(s1.ChordAngleFromAngle(3 * s1.Degree)).
    30  //			MaxError(s1.ChordAngleFromAngle(0.001 * s1.Degree))
    31  //		query = NewClosestEdgeQuery(index, opts)
    32  //
    33  //	 or set individually:
    34  //
    35  //		opts = NewClosestEdgeQueryOptions()
    36  //		opts.IncludeInteriors(true)
    37  //
    38  // or just inline:
    39  //
    40  //	query = NewClosestEdgeQuery(index, NewClosestEdgeQueryOptions().MaxResults(3))
    41  //
    42  // If you pass a nil as the options you get the default values for the options.
    43  type EdgeQueryOptions struct {
    44  	common *queryOptions
    45  }
    47  // DistanceLimit specifies that only edges whose distance to the target is
    48  // within, this distance should be returned.  Edges whose distance is equal
    49  // are not returned. To include values that are equal, specify the limit with
    50  // the next largest representable distance. i.e. limit.Successor().
    51  func (e *EdgeQueryOptions) DistanceLimit(limit s1.ChordAngle) *EdgeQueryOptions {
    52  	e.common = e.common.DistanceLimit(limit)
    53  	return e
    54  }
    56  // IncludeInteriors specifies whether polygon interiors should be
    57  // included when measuring distances.
    58  func (e *EdgeQueryOptions) IncludeInteriors(x bool) *EdgeQueryOptions {
    59  	e.common = e.common.IncludeInteriors(x)
    60  	return e
    61  }
    63  // UseBruteForce sets or disables the use of brute force in a query.
    64  func (e *EdgeQueryOptions) UseBruteForce(x bool) *EdgeQueryOptions {
    65  	e.common = e.common.UseBruteForce(x)
    66  	return e
    67  }
    69  // MaxError specifies that edges up to dist away than the true
    70  // matching edges may be substituted in the result set, as long as such
    71  // edges satisfy all the remaining search criteria (such as DistanceLimit).
    72  // This option only has an effect if MaxResults is also specified;
    73  // otherwise all edges closer than MaxDistance will always be returned.
    74  func (e *EdgeQueryOptions) MaxError(dist s1.ChordAngle) *EdgeQueryOptions {
    75  	e.common = e.common.MaxError(dist)
    76  	return e
    77  }
    79  // MaxResults specifies that at most MaxResults edges should be returned.
    80  // This must be at least 1.
    81  func (e *EdgeQueryOptions) MaxResults(n int) *EdgeQueryOptions {
    82  	e.common = e.common.MaxResults(n)
    83  	return e
    84  }
    86  // NewClosestEdgeQueryOptions returns a set of edge query options suitable
    87  // for performing closest edge queries.
    88  func NewClosestEdgeQueryOptions() *EdgeQueryOptions {
    89  	return &EdgeQueryOptions{
    90  		common: newQueryOptions(minDistance(0)),
    91  	}
    92  }
    94  // NewFurthestEdgeQueryOptions returns a set of edge query options suitable
    95  // for performing furthest edge queries.
    96  func NewFurthestEdgeQueryOptions() *EdgeQueryOptions {
    97  	return &EdgeQueryOptions{
    98  		common: newQueryOptions(maxDistance(0)),
    99  	}
   100  }
   102  // EdgeQueryResult represents an edge that meets the target criteria for the
   103  // query. Note the following special cases:
   104  //
   105  //   - ShapeID >= 0 && EdgeID < 0 represents the interior of a shape.
   106  //     Such results may be returned when the option IncludeInteriors is true.
   107  //
   108  //   - ShapeID < 0 && EdgeID < 0 is returned to indicate that no edge
   109  //     satisfies the requested query options.
   110  type EdgeQueryResult struct {
   111  	distance distance
   112  	shapeID  int32
   113  	edgeID   int32
   114  }
   116  // Distance reports the distance between the edge in this shape that satisfied
   117  // the query's parameters.
   118  func (e EdgeQueryResult) Distance() s1.ChordAngle { return e.distance.chordAngle() }
   120  // ShapeID reports the ID of the Shape this result is for.
   121  func (e EdgeQueryResult) ShapeID() int32 { return e.shapeID }
   123  // EdgeID reports the ID of the edge in the results Shape.
   124  func (e EdgeQueryResult) EdgeID() int32 { return e.edgeID }
   126  // newEdgeQueryResult returns a result instance with default values.
   127  func newEdgeQueryResult(target distanceTarget) EdgeQueryResult {
   128  	return EdgeQueryResult{
   129  		distance: target.distance().infinity(),
   130  		shapeID:  -1,
   131  		edgeID:   -1,
   132  	}
   133  }
   135  // IsInterior reports if this result represents the interior of a Shape.
   136  func (e EdgeQueryResult) IsInterior() bool {
   137  	return e.shapeID >= 0 && e.edgeID < 0
   138  }
   140  // IsEmpty reports if this has no edge that satisfies the given edge query options.
   141  // This result is only returned in one special case, namely when FindEdge() does
   142  // not find any suitable edges.
   143  func (e EdgeQueryResult) IsEmpty() bool {
   144  	return e.shapeID < 0
   145  }
   147  // Less reports if this results is less that the other first by distance,
   148  // then by (shapeID, edgeID). This is used for sorting.
   149  func (e EdgeQueryResult) Less(other EdgeQueryResult) bool {
   150  	if e.distance.chordAngle() != other.distance.chordAngle() {
   151  		return e.distance.less(other.distance)
   152  	}
   153  	if e.shapeID != other.shapeID {
   154  		return e.shapeID < other.shapeID
   155  	}
   156  	return e.edgeID < other.edgeID
   157  }
   159  // EdgeQuery is used to find the edge(s) between two geometries that match a
   160  // given set of options. It is flexible enough so that it can be adapted to
   161  // compute maximum distances and even potentially Hausdorff distances.
   162  //
   163  // By using the appropriate options, this type can answer questions such as:
   164  //
   165  //   - Find the minimum distance between two geometries A and B.
   166  //   - Find all edges of geometry A that are within a distance D of geometry B.
   167  //   - Find the k edges of geometry A that are closest to a given point P.
   168  //
   169  // You can also specify whether polygons should include their interiors (i.e.,
   170  // if a point is contained by a polygon, should the distance be zero or should
   171  // it be measured to the polygon boundary?)
   172  //
   173  // The input geometries may consist of any number of points, polylines, and
   174  // polygons (collectively referred to as "shapes"). Shapes do not need to be
   175  // disjoint; they may overlap or intersect arbitrarily. The implementation is
   176  // designed to be fast for both simple and complex geometries.
   177  type EdgeQuery struct {
   178  	index  *ShapeIndex
   179  	opts   *queryOptions
   180  	target distanceTarget
   182  	// True if opts.maxError must be subtracted from ShapeIndex cell distances
   183  	// in order to ensure that such distances are measured conservatively. This
   184  	// is true only if the target takes advantage of maxError in order to
   185  	// return faster results, and 0 < maxError < distanceLimit.
   186  	useConservativeCellDistance bool
   188  	// The decision about whether to use the brute force algorithm is based on
   189  	// counting the total number of edges in the index. However if the index
   190  	// contains a large number of shapes, this in itself might take too long.
   191  	// So instead we only count edges up to (maxBruteForceIndexSize() + 1)
   192  	// for the current target type (stored as indexNumEdgesLimit).
   193  	indexNumEdges      int
   194  	indexNumEdgesLimit int
   196  	// The distance beyond which we can safely ignore further candidate edges.
   197  	// (Candidates that are exactly at the limit are ignored; this is more
   198  	// efficient for UpdateMinDistance and should not affect clients since
   199  	// distance measurements have a small amount of error anyway.)
   200  	//
   201  	// Initially this is the same as the maximum distance specified by the user,
   202  	// but it can also be updated by the algorithm (see maybeAddResult).
   203  	distanceLimit distance
   205  	// The current set of results of the query.
   206  	results []EdgeQueryResult
   208  	// This field is true when duplicates must be avoided explicitly. This
   209  	// is achieved by maintaining a separate set keyed by (shapeID, edgeID)
   210  	// only, and checking whether each edge is in that set before computing the
   211  	// distance to it.
   212  	avoidDuplicates bool
   214  	// testedEdges tracks the set of shape and edges that have already been tested.
   215  	testedEdges map[ShapeEdgeID]uint32
   217  	// For the optimized algorihm we precompute the top-level CellIDs that
   218  	// will be added to the priority queue. There can be at most 6 of these
   219  	// cells. Essentially this is just a covering of the indexed edges, except
   220  	// that we also store pointers to the corresponding ShapeIndexCells to
   221  	// reduce the number of index seeks required.
   222  	indexCovering []CellID
   223  	indexCells    []*ShapeIndexCell
   225  	// The algorithm maintains a priority queue of unprocessed CellIDs, sorted
   226  	// in increasing order of distance from the target.
   227  	queue *queryQueue
   229  	iter                *ShapeIndexIterator
   230  	maxDistanceCovering []CellID
   231  	initialCells        []CellID
   232  }
   234  // NewClosestEdgeQuery returns an EdgeQuery that is used for finding the
   235  // closest edge(s) to a given Point, Edge, Cell, or geometry collection.
   236  //
   237  // You can find either the k closest edges, or all edges within a given
   238  // radius, or both (i.e., the k closest edges up to a given maximum radius).
   239  // E.g. to find all the edges within 5 kilometers, set the DistanceLimit in
   240  // the options.
   241  //
   242  // By default *all* edges are returned, so you should always specify either
   243  // MaxResults or DistanceLimit options or both.
   244  //
   245  // Note that by default, distances are measured to the boundary and interior
   246  // of polygons. For example, if a point is inside a polygon then its distance
   247  // is zero. To change this behavior, set the IncludeInteriors option to false.
   248  //
   249  // If you only need to test whether the distance is above or below a given
   250  // threshold (e.g., 10 km), you can use the IsDistanceLess() method.  This is
   251  // much faster than actually calculating the distance with FindEdge,
   252  // since the implementation can stop as soon as it can prove that the minimum
   253  // distance is either above or below the threshold.
   254  func NewClosestEdgeQuery(index *ShapeIndex, opts *EdgeQueryOptions) *EdgeQuery {
   255  	if opts == nil {
   256  		opts = NewClosestEdgeQueryOptions()
   257  	}
   258  	e := &EdgeQuery{
   259  		testedEdges: make(map[ShapeEdgeID]uint32),
   260  		index:       index,
   261  		opts:        opts.common,
   262  		queue:       newQueryQueue(),
   263  	}
   265  	return e
   266  }
   268  // NewFurthestEdgeQuery returns an EdgeQuery that is used for finding the
   269  // furthest edge(s) to a given Point, Edge, Cell, or geometry collection.
   270  //
   271  // The furthest edge is defined as the one which maximizes the
   272  // distance from any point on that edge to any point on the target geometry.
   273  //
   274  // Similar to the example in NewClosestEdgeQuery, to find the 5 furthest edges
   275  // from a given Point:
   276  func NewFurthestEdgeQuery(index *ShapeIndex, opts *EdgeQueryOptions) *EdgeQuery {
   277  	if opts == nil {
   278  		opts = NewFurthestEdgeQueryOptions()
   279  	}
   280  	e := &EdgeQuery{
   281  		testedEdges: make(map[ShapeEdgeID]uint32),
   282  		index:       index,
   283  		opts:        opts.common,
   284  		queue:       newQueryQueue(),
   285  	}
   287  	return e
   288  }
   290  // Reset resets the state of this EdgeQuery.
   291  func (e *EdgeQuery) Reset() {
   292  	e.indexNumEdges = 0
   293  	e.indexNumEdgesLimit = 0
   294  	e.indexCovering = nil
   295  	e.indexCells = nil
   296  }
   298  // FindEdges returns the edges for the given target that satisfy the current options.
   299  //
   300  // Note that if opts.IncludeInteriors is true, the results may include some
   301  // entries with edge_id == -1. This indicates that the target intersects
   302  // the indexed polygon with the given ShapeID.
   303  func (e *EdgeQuery) FindEdges(target distanceTarget) []EdgeQueryResult {
   304  	return e.findEdges(target, e.opts)
   305  }
   307  // Distance reports the distance to the target. If the index or target is empty,
   308  // returns the EdgeQuery's maximal sentinel.
   309  //
   310  // Use IsDistanceLess()/IsDistanceGreater() if you only want to compare the
   311  // distance against a threshold value, since it is often much faster.
   312  func (e *EdgeQuery) Distance(target distanceTarget) s1.ChordAngle {
   313  	return e.findEdge(target, e.opts).Distance()
   314  }
   316  // IsDistanceLess reports if the distance to target is less than the given limit.
   317  //
   318  // This method is usually much faster than Distance(), since it is much
   319  // less work to determine whether the minimum distance is above or below a
   320  // threshold than it is to calculate the actual minimum distance.
   321  //
   322  // If you wish to check if the distance is less than or equal to the limit, use:
   323  //
   324  //	query.IsDistanceLess(target, limit.Successor())
   325  func (e *EdgeQuery) IsDistanceLess(target distanceTarget, limit s1.ChordAngle) bool {
   326  	opts := e.opts
   327  	opts = opts.MaxResults(1).
   328  		DistanceLimit(limit).
   329  		MaxError(s1.StraightChordAngle)
   330  	return !e.findEdge(target, opts).IsEmpty()
   331  }
   333  // IsDistanceGreater reports if the distance to target is greater than limit.
   334  //
   335  // This method is usually much faster than Distance, since it is much
   336  // less work to determine whether the maximum distance is above or below a
   337  // threshold than it is to calculate the actual maximum distance.
   338  // If you wish to check if the distance is less than or equal to the limit, use:
   339  //
   340  //	query.IsDistanceGreater(target, limit.Predecessor())
   341  func (e *EdgeQuery) IsDistanceGreater(target distanceTarget, limit s1.ChordAngle) bool {
   342  	return e.IsDistanceLess(target, limit)
   343  }
   345  // IsConservativeDistanceLessOrEqual reports if the distance to target is less
   346  // or equal to the limit, where the limit has been expanded by the maximum error
   347  // for the distance calculation.
   348  //
   349  // For example, suppose that we want to test whether two geometries might
   350  // intersect each other after they are snapped together using Builder
   351  // (using the IdentitySnapFunction with a given "snap radius").  Since
   352  // Builder uses exact distance predicates (s2predicates), we need to
   353  // measure the distance between the two geometries conservatively.  If the
   354  // distance is definitely greater than "snap radius", then the geometries
   355  // are guaranteed to not intersect after snapping.
   356  func (e *EdgeQuery) IsConservativeDistanceLessOrEqual(target distanceTarget, limit s1.ChordAngle) bool {
   357  	return e.IsDistanceLess(target, limit.Expanded(minUpdateDistanceMaxError(limit)))
   358  }
   360  // IsConservativeDistanceGreaterOrEqual reports if the distance to the target is greater
   361  // than or equal to the given limit with some small tolerance.
   362  func (e *EdgeQuery) IsConservativeDistanceGreaterOrEqual(target distanceTarget, limit s1.ChordAngle) bool {
   363  	return e.IsDistanceGreater(target, limit.Expanded(-minUpdateDistanceMaxError(limit)))
   364  }
   366  // findEdges returns the closest edges to the given target that satisfy the given options.
   367  //
   368  // Note that if opts.includeInteriors is true, the results may include some
   369  // entries with edgeID == -1. This indicates that the target intersects the
   370  // indexed polygon with the given shapeID.
   371  func (e *EdgeQuery) findEdges(target distanceTarget, opts *queryOptions) []EdgeQueryResult {
   372  	e.findEdgesInternal(target, opts)
   373  	// TODO(roberts): Revisit this if there is a heap or other sorted and
   374  	// uniquing datastructure we can use instead of just a slice.
   375  	e.results = sortAndUniqueResults(e.results)
   376  	if len(e.results) > e.opts.maxResults {
   377  		e.results = e.results[:e.opts.maxResults]
   378  	}
   379  	return e.results
   380  }
   382  func sortAndUniqueResults(results []EdgeQueryResult) []EdgeQueryResult {
   383  	if len(results) <= 1 {
   384  		return results
   385  	}
   386  	sort.Slice(results, func(i, j int) bool { return results[i].Less(results[j]) })
   387  	j := 0
   388  	for i := 1; i < len(results); i++ {
   389  		if results[j] == results[i] {
   390  			continue
   391  		}
   392  		j++
   393  		results[j] = results[i]
   394  	}
   395  	return results[:j+1]
   396  }
   398  // findEdge is a convenience method that returns exactly one edge, and if no
   399  // edges satisfy the given search criteria, then a default Result is returned.
   400  //
   401  // This is primarily to ease the usage of a number of the methods in the DistanceTargets
   402  // and in EdgeQuery.
   403  func (e *EdgeQuery) findEdge(target distanceTarget, opts *queryOptions) EdgeQueryResult {
   404  	opts.MaxResults(1)
   405  	e.findEdges(target, opts)
   406  	if len(e.results) > 0 {
   407  		return e.results[0]
   408  	}
   410  	return newEdgeQueryResult(target)
   411  }
   413  // findEdgesInternal does the actual work for find edges that match the given options.
   414  func (e *EdgeQuery) findEdgesInternal(target distanceTarget, opts *queryOptions) {
   415  	e.target = target
   416  	e.opts = opts
   418  	e.testedEdges = make(map[ShapeEdgeID]uint32)
   419  	e.distanceLimit = target.distance().fromChordAngle(opts.distanceLimit)
   420  	e.results = make([]EdgeQueryResult, 0)
   422  	if e.distanceLimit == target.distance().zero() {
   423  		return
   424  	}
   426  	if opts.includeInteriors {
   427  		shapeIDs := map[int32]struct{}{}
   428  		e.target.visitContainingShapes(e.index, func(containingShape Shape, targetPoint Point) bool {
   429  			shapeIDs[e.index.idForShape(containingShape)] = struct{}{}
   430  			return len(shapeIDs) < opts.maxResults
   431  		})
   432  		for shapeID := range shapeIDs {
   433  			e.addResult(EdgeQueryResult{target.distance().zero(), shapeID, -1})
   434  		}
   436  		if e.distanceLimit == target.distance().zero() {
   437  			return
   438  		}
   439  	}
   441  	// If maxError > 0 and the target takes advantage of this, then we may
   442  	// need to adjust the distance estimates to ShapeIndex cells to ensure
   443  	// that they are always a lower bound on the true distance. For example,
   444  	// suppose max_distance == 100, maxError == 30, and we compute the distance
   445  	// to the target from some cell C0 as d(C0) == 80. Then because the target
   446  	// takes advantage of maxError, the true distance could be as low as 50.
   447  	// In order not to miss edges contained by such cells, we need to subtract
   448  	// maxError from the distance estimates. This behavior is controlled by
   449  	// the useConservativeCellDistance flag.
   450  	//
   451  	// However there is one important case where this adjustment is not
   452  	// necessary, namely when distanceLimit < maxError, This is because
   453  	// maxError only affects the algorithm once at least maxEdges edges
   454  	// have been found that satisfy the given distance limit. At that point,
   455  	// maxError is subtracted from distanceLimit in order to ensure that
   456  	// any further matches are closer by at least that amount. But when
   457  	// distanceLimit < maxError, this reduces the distance limit to 0,
   458  	// i.e. all remaining candidate cells and edges can safely be discarded.
   459  	// (This is how IsDistanceLess() and friends are implemented.)
   460  	targetUsesMaxError := opts.maxError != target.distance().zero().chordAngle() &&
   461  		e.target.setMaxError(opts.maxError)
   463  	// Note that we can't compare maxError and distanceLimit directly
   464  	// because one is a Delta and one is a Distance. Instead we subtract them.
   465  	e.useConservativeCellDistance = targetUsesMaxError &&
   466  		(e.distanceLimit == target.distance().infinity() ||
   467  			target.distance().zero().less(e.distanceLimit.sub(target.distance().fromChordAngle(opts.maxError))))
   469  	// Use the brute force algorithm if the index is small enough. To avoid
   470  	// spending too much time counting edges when there are many shapes, we stop
   471  	// counting once there are too many edges. We may need to recount the edges
   472  	// if we later see a target with a larger brute force edge threshold.
   473  	minOptimizedEdges := e.target.maxBruteForceIndexSize() + 1
   474  	if minOptimizedEdges > e.indexNumEdgesLimit && e.indexNumEdges >= e.indexNumEdgesLimit {
   475  		e.indexNumEdges = e.index.NumEdgesUpTo(minOptimizedEdges)
   476  		e.indexNumEdgesLimit = minOptimizedEdges
   477  	}
   479  	if opts.useBruteForce || e.indexNumEdges < minOptimizedEdges {
   480  		// The brute force algorithm already considers each edge exactly once.
   481  		e.avoidDuplicates = false
   482  		e.findEdgesBruteForce()
   483  	} else {
   484  		// If the target takes advantage of maxError then we need to avoid
   485  		// duplicate edges explicitly. (Otherwise it happens automatically.)
   486  		e.avoidDuplicates = targetUsesMaxError && opts.maxResults > 1
   487  		e.findEdgesOptimized()
   488  	}
   489  }
   491  func (e *EdgeQuery) addResult(r EdgeQueryResult) {
   492  	e.results = append(e.results, r)
   493  	if e.opts.maxResults == 1 {
   494  		// Optimization for the common case where only the closest edge is wanted.
   495  		e.distanceLimit = r.distance.sub(e.target.distance().fromChordAngle(e.opts.maxError))
   496  	}
   497  	// TODO(roberts): Add the other if/else cases when a different data structure
   498  	// is used for the results.
   499  }
   501  func (e *EdgeQuery) maybeAddResult(shape Shape, edgeID int32) {
   502  	if _, ok := e.testedEdges[ShapeEdgeID{e.index.idForShape(shape), edgeID}]; e.avoidDuplicates && !ok {
   503  		return
   504  	}
   505  	edge := shape.Edge(int(edgeID))
   506  	dist := e.distanceLimit
   508  	if dist, ok := e.target.updateDistanceToEdge(edge, dist); ok {
   509  		e.addResult(EdgeQueryResult{dist, e.index.idForShape(shape), edgeID})
   510  	}
   511  }
   513  func (e *EdgeQuery) findEdgesBruteForce() {
   514  	// Range over all shapes in the index. Does order matter here? if so
   515  	// switch to for i = 0 .. n?
   516  	for _, shape := range e.index.shapes {
   517  		// TODO(roberts): can this happen if we are only ranging over current entries?
   518  		if shape == nil {
   519  			continue
   520  		}
   521  		for edgeID := int32(0); edgeID < int32(shape.NumEdges()); edgeID++ {
   522  			e.maybeAddResult(shape, edgeID)
   523  		}
   524  	}
   525  }
   527  func (e *EdgeQuery) findEdgesOptimized() {
   528  	e.initQueue()
   529  	// Repeatedly find the closest Cell to "target" and either split it into
   530  	// its four children or process all of its edges.
   531  	for e.queue.size() > 0 {
   532  		// We need to copy the top entry before removing it, and we need to
   533  		// remove it before adding any new entries to the queue.
   534  		entry := e.queue.pop()
   536  		if !entry.distance.less(e.distanceLimit) {
   537  			e.queue.reset() // Clear any remaining entries.
   538  			break
   539  		}
   540  		// If this is already known to be an index cell, just process it.
   541  		if entry.indexCell != nil {
   542  			e.processEdges(entry)
   543  			continue
   544  		}
   545  		// Otherwise split the cell into its four children.  Before adding a
   546  		// child back to the queue, we first check whether it is empty.  We do
   547  		// this in two seek operations rather than four by seeking to the key
   548  		// between children 0 and 1 and to the key between children 2 and 3.
   549  		id := entry.id
   550  		ch := id.Children()
   551  		e.iter.seek(ch[1].RangeMin())
   553  		if !e.iter.Done() && e.iter.CellID() <= ch[1].RangeMax() {
   554  			e.processOrEnqueueCell(ch[1])
   555  		}
   556  		if e.iter.Prev() && e.iter.CellID() >= id.RangeMin() {
   557  			e.processOrEnqueueCell(ch[0])
   558  		}
   560  		e.iter.seek(ch[3].RangeMin())
   561  		if !e.iter.Done() && e.iter.CellID() <= id.RangeMax() {
   562  			e.processOrEnqueueCell(ch[3])
   563  		}
   564  		if e.iter.Prev() && e.iter.CellID() >= ch[2].RangeMin() {
   565  			e.processOrEnqueueCell(ch[2])
   566  		}
   567  	}
   568  }
   570  func (e *EdgeQuery) processOrEnqueueCell(id CellID) {
   571  	if e.iter.CellID() == id {
   572  		e.processOrEnqueue(id, e.iter.IndexCell())
   573  	} else {
   574  		e.processOrEnqueue(id, nil)
   575  	}
   576  }
   578  func (e *EdgeQuery) initQueue() {
   579  	if len(e.indexCovering) == 0 {
   580  		// We delay iterator initialization until now to make queries on very
   581  		// small indexes a bit faster (i.e., where brute force is used).
   582  		e.iter = NewShapeIndexIterator(e.index)
   583  	}
   585  	// Optimization: if the user is searching for just the closest edge, and the
   586  	// center of the target's bounding cap happens to intersect an index cell,
   587  	// then we try to limit the search region to a small disc by first
   588  	// processing the edges in that cell.  This sets distance_limit_ based on
   589  	// the closest edge in that cell, which we can then use to limit the search
   590  	// area.  This means that the cell containing "target" will be processed
   591  	// twice, but in general this is still faster.
   592  	//
   593  	// TODO(roberts): Even if the cap center is not contained, we could still
   594  	// process one or both of the adjacent index cells in CellID order,
   595  	// provided that those cells are closer than distanceLimit.
   596  	cb := e.target.capBound()
   597  	if cb.IsEmpty() {
   598  		return // Empty target.
   599  	}
   601  	if e.opts.maxResults == 1 && e.iter.LocatePoint(cb.Center()) {
   602  		e.processEdges(&queryQueueEntry{
   603  			distance:  e.target.distance().zero(),
   604  			id:        e.iter.CellID(),
   605  			indexCell: e.iter.IndexCell(),
   606  		})
   607  		// Skip the rest of the algorithm if we found an intersecting edge.
   608  		if e.distanceLimit == e.target.distance().zero() {
   609  			return
   610  		}
   611  	}
   612  	if len(e.indexCovering) == 0 {
   613  		e.initCovering()
   614  	}
   615  	if e.distanceLimit == e.target.distance().infinity() {
   616  		// Start with the precomputed index covering.
   617  		for i := range e.indexCovering {
   618  			e.processOrEnqueue(e.indexCovering[i], e.indexCells[i])
   619  		}
   620  	} else {
   621  		// Compute a covering of the search disc and intersect it with the
   622  		// precomputed index covering.
   623  		coverer := &RegionCoverer{MaxCells: 4, LevelMod: 1, MaxLevel: MaxLevel}
   625  		radius := cb.Radius() + e.distanceLimit.chordAngleBound().Angle()
   626  		searchCB := CapFromCenterAngle(cb.Center(), radius)
   627  		maxDistCover := coverer.FastCovering(searchCB)
   628  		e.initialCells = CellUnionFromIntersection(e.indexCovering, maxDistCover)
   630  		// Now we need to clean up the initial cells to ensure that they all
   631  		// contain at least one cell of the ShapeIndex. (Some may not intersect
   632  		// the index at all, while other may be descendants of an index cell.)
   633  		i, j := 0, 0
   634  		for i < len(e.initialCells) {
   635  			idI := e.initialCells[i]
   636  			// Find the top-level cell that contains this initial cell.
   637  			for e.indexCovering[j].RangeMax() < idI {
   638  				j++
   639  			}
   641  			idJ := e.indexCovering[j]
   642  			if idI == idJ {
   643  				// This initial cell is one of the top-level cells.  Use the
   644  				// precomputed ShapeIndexCell pointer to avoid an index seek.
   645  				e.processOrEnqueue(idJ, e.indexCells[j])
   646  				i++
   647  				j++
   648  			} else {
   649  				// This initial cell is a proper descendant of a top-level cell.
   650  				// Check how it is related to the cells of the ShapeIndex.
   651  				r := e.iter.LocateCellID(idI)
   652  				if r == Indexed {
   653  					// This cell is a descendant of an index cell.
   654  					// Enqueue it and skip any other initial cells
   655  					// that are also descendants of this cell.
   656  					e.processOrEnqueue(e.iter.CellID(), e.iter.IndexCell())
   657  					lastID := e.iter.CellID().RangeMax()
   658  					for i < len(e.initialCells) && e.initialCells[i] <= lastID {
   659  						i++
   660  					}
   661  				} else {
   662  					// Enqueue the cell only if it contains at least one index cell.
   663  					if r == Subdivided {
   664  						e.processOrEnqueue(idI, nil)
   665  					}
   666  					i++
   667  				}
   668  			}
   669  		}
   670  	}
   671  }
   673  func (e *EdgeQuery) initCovering() {
   674  	// Find the range of Cells spanned by the index and choose a level such
   675  	// that the entire index can be covered with just a few cells. These are
   676  	// the "top-level" cells. There are two cases:
   677  	//
   678  	//  - If the index spans more than one face, then there is one top-level cell
   679  	// per spanned face, just big enough to cover the index cells on that face.
   680  	//
   681  	//  - If the index spans only one face, then we find the smallest cell "C"
   682  	// that covers the index cells on that face (just like the case above).
   683  	// Then for each of the 4 children of "C", if the child contains any index
   684  	// cells then we create a top-level cell that is big enough to just fit
   685  	// those index cells (i.e., shrinking the child as much as possible to fit
   686  	// its contents). This essentially replicates what would happen if we
   687  	// started with "C" as the top-level cell, since "C" would immediately be
   688  	// split, except that we take the time to prune the children further since
   689  	// this will save work on every subsequent query.
   690  	e.indexCovering = make([]CellID, 0, 6)
   692  	// TODO(roberts): Use a single iterator below and save position
   693  	// information using pair {CellID, ShapeIndexCell}.
   694  	next := NewShapeIndexIterator(e.index, IteratorBegin)
   695  	last := NewShapeIndexIterator(e.index, IteratorEnd)
   696  	last.Prev()
   697  	if next.CellID() != last.CellID() {
   698  		// The index has at least two cells. Choose a level such that the entire
   699  		// index can be spanned with at most 6 cells (if the index spans multiple
   700  		// faces) or 4 cells (it the index spans a single face).
   701  		level, ok := next.CellID().CommonAncestorLevel(last.CellID())
   702  		if !ok {
   703  			level = 0
   704  		} else {
   705  			level++
   706  		}
   708  		// Visit each potential top-level cell except the last (handled below).
   709  		lastID := last.CellID().Parent(level)
   710  		for id := next.CellID().Parent(level); id != lastID; id = id.Next() {
   711  			// Skip any top-level cells that don't contain any index cells.
   712  			if id.RangeMax() < next.CellID() {
   713  				continue
   714  			}
   716  			// Find the range of index cells contained by this top-level cell and
   717  			// then shrink the cell if necessary so that it just covers them.
   718  			cellFirst := next.clone()
   719  			next.seek(id.RangeMax().Next())
   720  			cellLast := next.clone()
   721  			cellLast.Prev()
   722  			e.addInitialRange(cellFirst, cellLast)
   723  			break
   724  		}
   726  	}
   727  	e.addInitialRange(next, last)
   728  }
   730  // addInitialRange adds an entry to the indexCovering and indexCells that covers the given
   731  // inclusive range of cells.
   732  //
   733  // This requires that first and last cells have a common ancestor.
   734  func (e *EdgeQuery) addInitialRange(first, last *ShapeIndexIterator) {
   735  	if first.CellID() == last.CellID() {
   736  		// The range consists of a single index cell.
   737  		e.indexCovering = append(e.indexCovering, first.CellID())
   738  		e.indexCells = append(e.indexCells, first.IndexCell())
   739  	} else {
   740  		// Add the lowest common ancestor of the given range.
   741  		level, _ := first.CellID().CommonAncestorLevel(last.CellID())
   742  		e.indexCovering = append(e.indexCovering, first.CellID().Parent(level))
   743  		e.indexCells = append(e.indexCells, nil)
   744  	}
   745  }
   747  // processEdges processes all the edges of the given index cell.
   748  func (e *EdgeQuery) processEdges(entry *queryQueueEntry) {
   749  	for _, clipped := range entry.indexCell.shapes {
   750  		shape := e.index.Shape(clipped.shapeID)
   751  		for j := 0; j < clipped.numEdges(); j++ {
   752  			e.maybeAddResult(shape, int32(clipped.edges[j]))
   753  		}
   754  	}
   755  }
   757  // processOrEnqueue the given cell id and indexCell.
   758  func (e *EdgeQuery) processOrEnqueue(id CellID, indexCell *ShapeIndexCell) {
   759  	if indexCell != nil {
   760  		// If this index cell has only a few edges, then it is faster to check
   761  		// them directly rather than computing the minimum distance to the Cell
   762  		// and inserting it into the queue.
   763  		const minEdgesToEnqueue = 10
   764  		numEdges := indexCell.numEdges()
   765  		if numEdges == 0 {
   766  			return
   767  		}
   768  		if numEdges < minEdgesToEnqueue {
   769  			// Set "distance" to zero to avoid the expense of computing it.
   770  			e.processEdges(&queryQueueEntry{
   771  				distance:  e.target.distance().zero(),
   772  				id:        id,
   773  				indexCell: indexCell,
   774  			})
   775  			return
   776  		}
   777  	}
   779  	// Otherwise compute the minimum distance to any point in the cell and add
   780  	// it to the priority queue.
   781  	cell := CellFromCellID(id)
   782  	dist := e.distanceLimit
   783  	var ok bool
   784  	if dist, ok = e.target.updateDistanceToCell(cell, dist); !ok {
   785  		return
   786  	}
   787  	if e.useConservativeCellDistance {
   788  		// Ensure that "distance" is a lower bound on the true distance to the cell.
   789  		dist = dist.sub(e.target.distance().fromChordAngle(e.opts.maxError))
   790  	}
   792  	e.queue.push(&queryQueueEntry{
   793  		distance:  dist,
   794  		id:        id,
   795  		indexCell: indexCell,
   796  	})
   797  }
   799  // TODO(roberts): Remaining pieces
   800  // GetEdge
   801  // Project

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