
Source file src/github.com/golang/geo/s2/edge_crosser.go

Documentation: github.com/golang/geo/s2

     1  // Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
     2  //
     3  // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     4  // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     5  // You may obtain a copy of the License at
     6  //
     7  //     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     8  //
     9  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    10  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    11  // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    12  // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    13  // limitations under the License.
    15  package s2
    17  import (
    18  	"math"
    19  )
    21  // EdgeCrosser allows edges to be efficiently tested for intersection with a
    22  // given fixed edge AB. It is especially efficient when testing for
    23  // intersection with an edge chain connecting vertices v0, v1, v2, ...
    24  //
    25  // Example usage:
    26  //
    27  //	func CountIntersections(a, b Point, edges []Edge) int {
    28  //		count := 0
    29  //		crosser := NewEdgeCrosser(a, b)
    30  //		for _, edge := range edges {
    31  //			if crosser.CrossingSign(&edge.First, &edge.Second) != DoNotCross {
    32  //				count++
    33  //			}
    34  //		}
    35  //		return count
    36  //	}
    37  type EdgeCrosser struct {
    38  	a   Point
    39  	b   Point
    40  	aXb Point
    42  	// To reduce the number of calls to expensiveSign, we compute an
    43  	// outward-facing tangent at A and B if necessary. If the plane
    44  	// perpendicular to one of these tangents separates AB from CD (i.e., one
    45  	// edge on each side) then there is no intersection.
    46  	aTangent Point // Outward-facing tangent at A.
    47  	bTangent Point // Outward-facing tangent at B.
    49  	// The fields below are updated for each vertex in the chain.
    50  	c   Point     // Previous vertex in the vertex chain.
    51  	acb Direction // The orientation of triangle ACB.
    52  }
    54  // NewEdgeCrosser returns an EdgeCrosser with the fixed edge AB.
    55  func NewEdgeCrosser(a, b Point) *EdgeCrosser {
    56  	norm := a.PointCross(b)
    57  	return &EdgeCrosser{
    58  		a:        a,
    59  		b:        b,
    60  		aXb:      Point{a.Cross(b.Vector)},
    61  		aTangent: Point{a.Cross(norm.Vector)},
    62  		bTangent: Point{norm.Cross(b.Vector)},
    63  	}
    64  }
    66  // CrossingSign reports whether the edge AB intersects the edge CD. If any two
    67  // vertices from different edges are the same, returns MaybeCross. If either edge
    68  // is degenerate (A == B or C == D), returns either DoNotCross or MaybeCross.
    69  //
    70  // Properties of CrossingSign:
    71  //
    72  //	(1) CrossingSign(b,a,c,d) == CrossingSign(a,b,c,d)
    73  //	(2) CrossingSign(c,d,a,b) == CrossingSign(a,b,c,d)
    74  //	(3) CrossingSign(a,b,c,d) == MaybeCross if a==c, a==d, b==c, b==d
    75  //	(3) CrossingSign(a,b,c,d) == DoNotCross or MaybeCross if a==b or c==d
    76  //
    77  // Note that if you want to check an edge against a chain of other edges,
    78  // it is slightly more efficient to use the single-argument version
    79  // ChainCrossingSign below.
    80  func (e *EdgeCrosser) CrossingSign(c, d Point) Crossing {
    81  	if c != e.c {
    82  		e.RestartAt(c)
    83  	}
    84  	return e.ChainCrossingSign(d)
    85  }
    87  // EdgeOrVertexCrossing reports whether if CrossingSign(c, d) > 0, or AB and
    88  // CD share a vertex and VertexCrossing(a, b, c, d) is true.
    89  //
    90  // This method extends the concept of a "crossing" to the case where AB
    91  // and CD have a vertex in common. The two edges may or may not cross,
    92  // according to the rules defined in VertexCrossing above. The rules
    93  // are designed so that point containment tests can be implemented simply
    94  // by counting edge crossings. Similarly, determining whether one edge
    95  // chain crosses another edge chain can be implemented by counting.
    96  func (e *EdgeCrosser) EdgeOrVertexCrossing(c, d Point) bool {
    97  	if c != e.c {
    98  		e.RestartAt(c)
    99  	}
   100  	return e.EdgeOrVertexChainCrossing(d)
   101  }
   103  // NewChainEdgeCrosser is a convenience constructor that uses AB as the fixed edge,
   104  // and C as the first vertex of the vertex chain (equivalent to calling RestartAt(c)).
   105  //
   106  // You don't need to use this or any of the chain functions unless you're trying to
   107  // squeeze out every last drop of performance. Essentially all you are saving is a test
   108  // whether the first vertex of the current edge is the same as the second vertex of the
   109  // previous edge.
   110  func NewChainEdgeCrosser(a, b, c Point) *EdgeCrosser {
   111  	e := NewEdgeCrosser(a, b)
   112  	e.RestartAt(c)
   113  	return e
   114  }
   116  // RestartAt sets the current point of the edge crosser to be c.
   117  // Call this method when your chain 'jumps' to a new place.
   118  // The argument must point to a value that persists until the next call.
   119  func (e *EdgeCrosser) RestartAt(c Point) {
   120  	e.c = c
   121  	e.acb = -triageSign(e.a, e.b, e.c)
   122  }
   124  // ChainCrossingSign is like CrossingSign, but uses the last vertex passed to one of
   125  // the crossing methods (or RestartAt) as the first vertex of the current edge.
   126  func (e *EdgeCrosser) ChainCrossingSign(d Point) Crossing {
   127  	// For there to be an edge crossing, the triangles ACB, CBD, BDA, DAC must
   128  	// all be oriented the same way (CW or CCW). We keep the orientation of ACB
   129  	// as part of our state. When each new point D arrives, we compute the
   130  	// orientation of BDA and check whether it matches ACB. This checks whether
   131  	// the points C and D are on opposite sides of the great circle through AB.
   133  	// Recall that triageSign is invariant with respect to rotating its
   134  	// arguments, i.e. ABD has the same orientation as BDA.
   135  	bda := triageSign(e.a, e.b, d)
   136  	if e.acb == -bda && bda != Indeterminate {
   137  		// The most common case -- triangles have opposite orientations. Save the
   138  		// current vertex D as the next vertex C, and also save the orientation of
   139  		// the new triangle ACB (which is opposite to the current triangle BDA).
   140  		e.c = d
   141  		e.acb = -bda
   142  		return DoNotCross
   143  	}
   144  	return e.crossingSign(d, bda)
   145  }
   147  // EdgeOrVertexChainCrossing is like EdgeOrVertexCrossing, but uses the last vertex
   148  // passed to one of the crossing methods (or RestartAt) as the first vertex of the current edge.
   149  func (e *EdgeCrosser) EdgeOrVertexChainCrossing(d Point) bool {
   150  	// We need to copy e.c since it is clobbered by ChainCrossingSign.
   151  	c := e.c
   152  	switch e.ChainCrossingSign(d) {
   153  	case DoNotCross:
   154  		return false
   155  	case Cross:
   156  		return true
   157  	}
   158  	return VertexCrossing(e.a, e.b, c, d)
   159  }
   161  // crossingSign handle the slow path of CrossingSign.
   162  func (e *EdgeCrosser) crossingSign(d Point, bda Direction) Crossing {
   163  	// Compute the actual result, and then save the current vertex D as the next
   164  	// vertex C, and save the orientation of the next triangle ACB (which is
   165  	// opposite to the current triangle BDA).
   166  	defer func() {
   167  		e.c = d
   168  		e.acb = -bda
   169  	}()
   171  	// At this point, a very common situation is that A,B,C,D are four points on
   172  	// a line such that AB does not overlap CD. (For example, this happens when
   173  	// a line or curve is sampled finely, or when geometry is constructed by
   174  	// computing the union of S2CellIds.) Most of the time, we can determine
   175  	// that AB and CD do not intersect using the two outward-facing
   176  	// tangents at A and B (parallel to AB) and testing whether AB and CD are on
   177  	// opposite sides of the plane perpendicular to one of these tangents. This
   178  	// is moderately expensive but still much cheaper than expensiveSign.
   180  	// The error in RobustCrossProd is insignificant. The maximum error in
   181  	// the call to CrossProd (i.e., the maximum norm of the error vector) is
   182  	// (0.5 + 1/sqrt(3)) * dblEpsilon. The maximum error in each call to
   183  	// DotProd below is dblEpsilon. (There is also a small relative error
   184  	// term that is insignificant because we are comparing the result against a
   185  	// constant that is very close to zero.)
   186  	maxError := (1.5 + 1/math.Sqrt(3)) * dblEpsilon
   187  	if (e.c.Dot(e.aTangent.Vector) > maxError && d.Dot(e.aTangent.Vector) > maxError) || (e.c.Dot(e.bTangent.Vector) > maxError && d.Dot(e.bTangent.Vector) > maxError) {
   188  		return DoNotCross
   189  	}
   191  	// Otherwise, eliminate the cases where two vertices from different edges are
   192  	// equal. (These cases could be handled in the code below, but we would rather
   193  	// avoid calling ExpensiveSign if possible.)
   194  	if e.a == e.c || e.a == d || e.b == e.c || e.b == d {
   195  		return MaybeCross
   196  	}
   198  	// Eliminate the cases where an input edge is degenerate. (Note that in
   199  	// most cases, if CD is degenerate then this method is not even called
   200  	// because acb and bda have different signs.)
   201  	if e.a == e.b || e.c == d {
   202  		return DoNotCross
   203  	}
   205  	// Otherwise it's time to break out the big guns.
   206  	if e.acb == Indeterminate {
   207  		e.acb = -expensiveSign(e.a, e.b, e.c)
   208  	}
   209  	if bda == Indeterminate {
   210  		bda = expensiveSign(e.a, e.b, d)
   211  	}
   213  	if bda != e.acb {
   214  		return DoNotCross
   215  	}
   217  	cbd := -RobustSign(e.c, d, e.b)
   218  	if cbd != e.acb {
   219  		return DoNotCross
   220  	}
   221  	dac := RobustSign(e.c, d, e.a)
   222  	if dac != e.acb {
   223  		return DoNotCross
   224  	}
   225  	return Cross
   226  }

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