
Source file src/github.com/golang/geo/s2/cellid.go

Documentation: github.com/golang/geo/s2

     1  // Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
     2  //
     3  // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     4  // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     5  // You may obtain a copy of the License at
     6  //
     7  //     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     8  //
     9  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    10  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    11  // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    12  // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    13  // limitations under the License.
    15  package s2
    17  import (
    18  	"bytes"
    19  	"fmt"
    20  	"io"
    21  	"math"
    22  	"sort"
    23  	"strconv"
    24  	"strings"
    26  	"github.com/golang/geo/r1"
    27  	"github.com/golang/geo/r2"
    28  	"github.com/golang/geo/r3"
    29  	"github.com/golang/geo/s1"
    30  )
    32  // CellID uniquely identifies a cell in the S2 cell decomposition.
    33  // The most significant 3 bits encode the face number (0-5). The
    34  // remaining 61 bits encode the position of the center of this cell
    35  // along the Hilbert curve on that face. The zero value and the value
    36  // (1<<64)-1 are invalid cell IDs. The first compares less than any
    37  // valid cell ID, the second as greater than any valid cell ID.
    38  //
    39  // Sequentially increasing cell IDs follow a continuous space-filling curve
    40  // over the entire sphere. They have the following properties:
    41  //
    42  //   - The ID of a cell at level k consists of a 3-bit face number followed
    43  //     by k bit pairs that recursively select one of the four children of
    44  //     each cell. The next bit is always 1, and all other bits are 0.
    45  //     Therefore, the level of a cell is determined by the position of its
    46  //     lowest-numbered bit that is turned on (for a cell at level k, this
    47  //     position is 2 * (MaxLevel - k)).
    48  //
    49  //   - The ID of a parent cell is at the midpoint of the range of IDs spanned
    50  //     by its children (or by its descendants at any level).
    51  //
    52  // Leaf cells are often used to represent points on the unit sphere, and
    53  // this type provides methods for converting directly between these two
    54  // representations. For cells that represent 2D regions rather than
    55  // discrete point, it is better to use Cells.
    56  type CellID uint64
    58  // SentinelCellID is an invalid cell ID guaranteed to be larger than any
    59  // valid cell ID. It is used primarily by ShapeIndex. The value is also used
    60  // by some S2 types when encoding data.
    61  // Note that the sentinel's RangeMin == RangeMax == itself.
    62  const SentinelCellID = CellID(^uint64(0))
    64  // sortCellIDs sorts the slice of CellIDs in place.
    65  func sortCellIDs(ci []CellID) {
    66  	sort.Sort(cellIDs(ci))
    67  }
    69  // cellIDs implements the Sort interface for slices of CellIDs.
    70  type cellIDs []CellID
    72  func (c cellIDs) Len() int           { return len(c) }
    73  func (c cellIDs) Swap(i, j int)      { c[i], c[j] = c[j], c[i] }
    74  func (c cellIDs) Less(i, j int) bool { return c[i] < c[j] }
    76  const (
    77  	// FaceBits is the number of bits used to encode the face number.
    78  	FaceBits = 3
    79  	// NumFaces is the number of faces.
    80  	NumFaces = 6
    82  	// MaxLevel is the number of levels needed to specify a leaf cell.
    83  	MaxLevel = 30
    85  	// PosBits is the total number of position bits. The extra bit (61 rather
    86  	// than 60) lets us encode each cell as its Hilbert curve position at the
    87  	// cell center (which is halfway along the portion of the Hilbert curve that
    88  	// fills that cell).
    89  	PosBits = 2*MaxLevel + 1
    91  	// MaxSize is the maximum index of a valid leaf cell plus one. The range of
    92  	// valid leaf cell indices is [0..MaxSize-1].
    93  	MaxSize = 1 << MaxLevel
    95  	wrapOffset = uint64(NumFaces) << PosBits
    96  )
    98  // CellIDFromFacePosLevel returns a cell given its face in the range
    99  // [0,5], the 61-bit Hilbert curve position pos within that face, and
   100  // the level in the range [0,MaxLevel]. The position in the cell ID
   101  // will be truncated to correspond to the Hilbert curve position at
   102  // the center of the returned cell.
   103  func CellIDFromFacePosLevel(face int, pos uint64, level int) CellID {
   104  	return CellID(uint64(face)<<PosBits + pos | 1).Parent(level)
   105  }
   107  // CellIDFromFace returns the cell corresponding to a given S2 cube face.
   108  func CellIDFromFace(face int) CellID {
   109  	return CellID((uint64(face) << PosBits) + lsbForLevel(0))
   110  }
   112  // CellIDFromLatLng returns the leaf cell containing ll.
   113  func CellIDFromLatLng(ll LatLng) CellID {
   114  	return cellIDFromPoint(PointFromLatLng(ll))
   115  }
   117  // CellIDFromToken returns a cell given a hex-encoded string of its uint64 ID.
   118  func CellIDFromToken(s string) CellID {
   119  	if len(s) > 16 {
   120  		return CellID(0)
   121  	}
   122  	n, err := strconv.ParseUint(s, 16, 64)
   123  	if err != nil {
   124  		return CellID(0)
   125  	}
   126  	// Equivalent to right-padding string with zeros to 16 characters.
   127  	if len(s) < 16 {
   128  		n = n << (4 * uint(16-len(s)))
   129  	}
   130  	return CellID(n)
   131  }
   133  // ToToken returns a hex-encoded string of the uint64 cell id, with leading
   134  // zeros included but trailing zeros stripped.
   135  func (ci CellID) ToToken() string {
   136  	s := strings.TrimRight(fmt.Sprintf("%016x", uint64(ci)), "0")
   137  	if len(s) == 0 {
   138  		return "X"
   139  	}
   140  	return s
   141  }
   143  // IsValid reports whether ci represents a valid cell.
   144  func (ci CellID) IsValid() bool {
   145  	return ci.Face() < NumFaces && (ci.lsb()&0x1555555555555555 != 0)
   146  }
   148  // Face returns the cube face for this cell ID, in the range [0,5].
   149  func (ci CellID) Face() int { return int(uint64(ci) >> PosBits) }
   151  // Pos returns the position along the Hilbert curve of this cell ID, in the range [0,2^PosBits-1].
   152  func (ci CellID) Pos() uint64 { return uint64(ci) & (^uint64(0) >> FaceBits) }
   154  // Level returns the subdivision level of this cell ID, in the range [0, MaxLevel].
   155  func (ci CellID) Level() int {
   156  	return MaxLevel - findLSBSetNonZero64(uint64(ci))>>1
   157  }
   159  // IsLeaf returns whether this cell ID is at the deepest level;
   160  // that is, the level at which the cells are smallest.
   161  func (ci CellID) IsLeaf() bool { return uint64(ci)&1 != 0 }
   163  // ChildPosition returns the child position (0..3) of this cell's
   164  // ancestor at the given level, relative to its parent.  The argument
   165  // should be in the range 1..kMaxLevel.  For example,
   166  // ChildPosition(1) returns the position of this cell's level-1
   167  // ancestor within its top-level face cell.
   168  func (ci CellID) ChildPosition(level int) int {
   169  	return int(uint64(ci)>>uint64(2*(MaxLevel-level)+1)) & 3
   170  }
   172  // lsbForLevel returns the lowest-numbered bit that is on for cells at the given level.
   173  func lsbForLevel(level int) uint64 { return 1 << uint64(2*(MaxLevel-level)) }
   175  // Parent returns the cell at the given level, which must be no greater than the current level.
   176  func (ci CellID) Parent(level int) CellID {
   177  	lsb := lsbForLevel(level)
   178  	return CellID((uint64(ci) & -lsb) | lsb)
   179  }
   181  // immediateParent is cheaper than Parent, but assumes !ci.isFace().
   182  func (ci CellID) immediateParent() CellID {
   183  	nlsb := CellID(ci.lsb() << 2)
   184  	return (ci & -nlsb) | nlsb
   185  }
   187  // isFace returns whether this is a top-level (face) cell.
   188  func (ci CellID) isFace() bool { return uint64(ci)&(lsbForLevel(0)-1) == 0 }
   190  // lsb returns the least significant bit that is set.
   191  func (ci CellID) lsb() uint64 { return uint64(ci) & -uint64(ci) }
   193  // Children returns the four immediate children of this cell.
   194  // If ci is a leaf cell, it returns four identical cells that are not the children.
   195  func (ci CellID) Children() [4]CellID {
   196  	var ch [4]CellID
   197  	lsb := CellID(ci.lsb())
   198  	ch[0] = ci - lsb + lsb>>2
   199  	lsb >>= 1
   200  	ch[1] = ch[0] + lsb
   201  	ch[2] = ch[1] + lsb
   202  	ch[3] = ch[2] + lsb
   203  	return ch
   204  }
   206  func sizeIJ(level int) int {
   207  	return 1 << uint(MaxLevel-level)
   208  }
   210  // EdgeNeighbors returns the four cells that are adjacent across the cell's four edges.
   211  // Edges 0, 1, 2, 3 are in the down, right, up, left directions in the face space.
   212  // All neighbors are guaranteed to be distinct.
   213  func (ci CellID) EdgeNeighbors() [4]CellID {
   214  	level := ci.Level()
   215  	size := sizeIJ(level)
   216  	f, i, j, _ := ci.faceIJOrientation()
   217  	return [4]CellID{
   218  		cellIDFromFaceIJWrap(f, i, j-size).Parent(level),
   219  		cellIDFromFaceIJWrap(f, i+size, j).Parent(level),
   220  		cellIDFromFaceIJWrap(f, i, j+size).Parent(level),
   221  		cellIDFromFaceIJWrap(f, i-size, j).Parent(level),
   222  	}
   223  }
   225  // VertexNeighbors returns the neighboring cellIDs with vertex closest to this cell at the given level.
   226  // (Normally there are four neighbors, but the closest vertex may only have three neighbors if it is one of
   227  // the 8 cube vertices.)
   228  func (ci CellID) VertexNeighbors(level int) []CellID {
   229  	halfSize := sizeIJ(level + 1)
   230  	size := halfSize << 1
   231  	f, i, j, _ := ci.faceIJOrientation()
   233  	var isame, jsame bool
   234  	var ioffset, joffset int
   235  	if i&halfSize != 0 {
   236  		ioffset = size
   237  		isame = (i + size) < MaxSize
   238  	} else {
   239  		ioffset = -size
   240  		isame = (i - size) >= 0
   241  	}
   242  	if j&halfSize != 0 {
   243  		joffset = size
   244  		jsame = (j + size) < MaxSize
   245  	} else {
   246  		joffset = -size
   247  		jsame = (j - size) >= 0
   248  	}
   250  	results := []CellID{
   251  		ci.Parent(level),
   252  		cellIDFromFaceIJSame(f, i+ioffset, j, isame).Parent(level),
   253  		cellIDFromFaceIJSame(f, i, j+joffset, jsame).Parent(level),
   254  	}
   256  	if isame || jsame {
   257  		results = append(results, cellIDFromFaceIJSame(f, i+ioffset, j+joffset, isame && jsame).Parent(level))
   258  	}
   260  	return results
   261  }
   263  // AllNeighbors returns all neighbors of this cell at the given level. Two
   264  // cells X and Y are neighbors if their boundaries intersect but their
   265  // interiors do not. In particular, two cells that intersect at a single
   266  // point are neighbors. Note that for cells adjacent to a face vertex, the
   267  // same neighbor may be returned more than once. There could be up to eight
   268  // neighbors including the diagonal ones that share the vertex.
   269  //
   270  // This requires level >= ci.Level().
   271  func (ci CellID) AllNeighbors(level int) []CellID {
   272  	var neighbors []CellID
   274  	face, i, j, _ := ci.faceIJOrientation()
   276  	// Find the coordinates of the lower left-hand leaf cell. We need to
   277  	// normalize (i,j) to a known position within the cell because level
   278  	// may be larger than this cell's level.
   279  	size := sizeIJ(ci.Level())
   280  	i &= -size
   281  	j &= -size
   283  	nbrSize := sizeIJ(level)
   285  	// We compute the top-bottom, left-right, and diagonal neighbors in one
   286  	// pass. The loop test is at the end of the loop to avoid 32-bit overflow.
   287  	for k := -nbrSize; ; k += nbrSize {
   288  		var sameFace bool
   289  		if k < 0 {
   290  			sameFace = (j+k >= 0)
   291  		} else if k >= size {
   292  			sameFace = (j+k < MaxSize)
   293  		} else {
   294  			sameFace = true
   295  			// Top and bottom neighbors.
   296  			neighbors = append(neighbors, cellIDFromFaceIJSame(face, i+k, j-nbrSize,
   297  				j-size >= 0).Parent(level))
   298  			neighbors = append(neighbors, cellIDFromFaceIJSame(face, i+k, j+size,
   299  				j+size < MaxSize).Parent(level))
   300  		}
   302  		// Left, right, and diagonal neighbors.
   303  		neighbors = append(neighbors, cellIDFromFaceIJSame(face, i-nbrSize, j+k,
   304  			sameFace && i-size >= 0).Parent(level))
   305  		neighbors = append(neighbors, cellIDFromFaceIJSame(face, i+size, j+k,
   306  			sameFace && i+size < MaxSize).Parent(level))
   308  		if k >= size {
   309  			break
   310  		}
   311  	}
   313  	return neighbors
   314  }
   316  // RangeMin returns the minimum CellID that is contained within this cell.
   317  func (ci CellID) RangeMin() CellID { return CellID(uint64(ci) - (ci.lsb() - 1)) }
   319  // RangeMax returns the maximum CellID that is contained within this cell.
   320  func (ci CellID) RangeMax() CellID { return CellID(uint64(ci) + (ci.lsb() - 1)) }
   322  // Contains returns true iff the CellID contains oci.
   323  func (ci CellID) Contains(oci CellID) bool {
   324  	return uint64(ci.RangeMin()) <= uint64(oci) && uint64(oci) <= uint64(ci.RangeMax())
   325  }
   327  // Intersects returns true iff the CellID intersects oci.
   328  func (ci CellID) Intersects(oci CellID) bool {
   329  	return uint64(oci.RangeMin()) <= uint64(ci.RangeMax()) && uint64(oci.RangeMax()) >= uint64(ci.RangeMin())
   330  }
   332  // String returns the string representation of the cell ID in the form "1/3210".
   333  func (ci CellID) String() string {
   334  	if !ci.IsValid() {
   335  		return "Invalid: " + strconv.FormatInt(int64(ci), 16)
   336  	}
   337  	var b bytes.Buffer
   338  	b.WriteByte("012345"[ci.Face()]) // values > 5 will have been picked off by !IsValid above
   339  	b.WriteByte('/')
   340  	for level := 1; level <= ci.Level(); level++ {
   341  		b.WriteByte("0123"[ci.ChildPosition(level)])
   342  	}
   343  	return b.String()
   344  }
   346  // CellIDFromString returns a CellID from a string in the form "1/3210".
   347  func CellIDFromString(s string) CellID {
   348  	level := len(s) - 2
   349  	if level < 0 || level > MaxLevel {
   350  		return CellID(0)
   351  	}
   352  	face := int(s[0] - '0')
   353  	if face < 0 || face > 5 || s[1] != '/' {
   354  		return CellID(0)
   355  	}
   356  	id := CellIDFromFace(face)
   357  	for i := 2; i < len(s); i++ {
   358  		childPos := s[i] - '0'
   359  		if childPos < 0 || childPos > 3 {
   360  			return CellID(0)
   361  		}
   362  		id = id.Children()[childPos]
   363  	}
   364  	return id
   365  }
   367  // Point returns the center of the s2 cell on the sphere as a Point.
   368  // The maximum directional error in Point (compared to the exact
   369  // mathematical result) is 1.5 * dblEpsilon radians, and the maximum length
   370  // error is 2 * dblEpsilon (the same as Normalize).
   371  func (ci CellID) Point() Point { return Point{ci.rawPoint().Normalize()} }
   373  // LatLng returns the center of the s2 cell on the sphere as a LatLng.
   374  func (ci CellID) LatLng() LatLng { return LatLngFromPoint(Point{ci.rawPoint()}) }
   376  // ChildBegin returns the first child in a traversal of the children of this cell, in Hilbert curve order.
   377  //
   378  //	for ci := c.ChildBegin(); ci != c.ChildEnd(); ci = ci.Next() {
   379  //	    ...
   380  //	}
   381  func (ci CellID) ChildBegin() CellID {
   382  	ol := ci.lsb()
   383  	return CellID(uint64(ci) - ol + ol>>2)
   384  }
   386  // ChildBeginAtLevel returns the first cell in a traversal of children a given level deeper than this cell, in
   387  // Hilbert curve order. The given level must be no smaller than the cell's level.
   388  // See ChildBegin for example use.
   389  func (ci CellID) ChildBeginAtLevel(level int) CellID {
   390  	return CellID(uint64(ci) - ci.lsb() + lsbForLevel(level))
   391  }
   393  // ChildEnd returns the first cell after a traversal of the children of this cell in Hilbert curve order.
   394  // The returned cell may be invalid.
   395  func (ci CellID) ChildEnd() CellID {
   396  	ol := ci.lsb()
   397  	return CellID(uint64(ci) + ol + ol>>2)
   398  }
   400  // ChildEndAtLevel returns the first cell after the last child in a traversal of children a given level deeper
   401  // than this cell, in Hilbert curve order.
   402  // The given level must be no smaller than the cell's level.
   403  // The returned cell may be invalid.
   404  func (ci CellID) ChildEndAtLevel(level int) CellID {
   405  	return CellID(uint64(ci) + ci.lsb() + lsbForLevel(level))
   406  }
   408  // Next returns the next cell along the Hilbert curve.
   409  // This is expected to be used with ChildBegin and ChildEnd,
   410  // or ChildBeginAtLevel and ChildEndAtLevel.
   411  func (ci CellID) Next() CellID {
   412  	return CellID(uint64(ci) + ci.lsb()<<1)
   413  }
   415  // Prev returns the previous cell along the Hilbert curve.
   416  func (ci CellID) Prev() CellID {
   417  	return CellID(uint64(ci) - ci.lsb()<<1)
   418  }
   420  // NextWrap returns the next cell along the Hilbert curve, wrapping from last to
   421  // first as necessary. This should not be used with ChildBegin and ChildEnd.
   422  func (ci CellID) NextWrap() CellID {
   423  	n := ci.Next()
   424  	if uint64(n) < wrapOffset {
   425  		return n
   426  	}
   427  	return CellID(uint64(n) - wrapOffset)
   428  }
   430  // PrevWrap returns the previous cell along the Hilbert curve, wrapping around from
   431  // first to last as necessary. This should not be used with ChildBegin and ChildEnd.
   432  func (ci CellID) PrevWrap() CellID {
   433  	p := ci.Prev()
   434  	if uint64(p) < wrapOffset {
   435  		return p
   436  	}
   437  	return CellID(uint64(p) + wrapOffset)
   438  }
   440  // AdvanceWrap advances or retreats the indicated number of steps along the
   441  // Hilbert curve at the current level and returns the new position. The
   442  // position wraps between the first and last faces as necessary.
   443  func (ci CellID) AdvanceWrap(steps int64) CellID {
   444  	if steps == 0 {
   445  		return ci
   446  	}
   448  	// We clamp the number of steps if necessary to ensure that we do not
   449  	// advance past the End() or before the Begin() of this level.
   450  	shift := uint(2*(MaxLevel-ci.Level()) + 1)
   451  	if steps < 0 {
   452  		if min := -int64(uint64(ci) >> shift); steps < min {
   453  			wrap := int64(wrapOffset >> shift)
   454  			steps %= wrap
   455  			if steps < min {
   456  				steps += wrap
   457  			}
   458  		}
   459  	} else {
   460  		// Unlike Advance(), we don't want to return End(level).
   461  		if max := int64((wrapOffset - uint64(ci)) >> shift); steps > max {
   462  			wrap := int64(wrapOffset >> shift)
   463  			steps %= wrap
   464  			if steps > max {
   465  				steps -= wrap
   466  			}
   467  		}
   468  	}
   470  	// If steps is negative, then shifting it left has undefined behavior.
   471  	// Cast to uint64 for a 2's complement answer.
   472  	return CellID(uint64(ci) + (uint64(steps) << shift))
   473  }
   475  // Encode encodes the CellID.
   476  func (ci CellID) Encode(w io.Writer) error {
   477  	e := &encoder{w: w}
   478  	ci.encode(e)
   479  	return e.err
   480  }
   482  func (ci CellID) encode(e *encoder) {
   483  	e.writeUint64(uint64(ci))
   484  }
   486  // Decode decodes the CellID.
   487  func (ci *CellID) Decode(r io.Reader) error {
   488  	d := &decoder{r: asByteReader(r)}
   489  	ci.decode(d)
   490  	return d.err
   491  }
   493  func (ci *CellID) decode(d *decoder) {
   494  	*ci = CellID(d.readUint64())
   495  }
   497  // TODO: the methods below are not exported yet.  Settle on the entire API design
   498  // before doing this.  Do we want to mirror the C++ one as closely as possible?
   500  // distanceFromBegin returns the number of steps along the Hilbert curve that
   501  // this cell is from the first node in the S2 hierarchy at our level. (i.e.,
   502  // FromFace(0).ChildBeginAtLevel(ci.Level())). This is analogous to Pos(), but
   503  // for this cell's level.
   504  // The return value is always non-negative.
   505  func (ci CellID) distanceFromBegin() int64 {
   506  	return int64(ci >> uint64(2*(MaxLevel-ci.Level())+1))
   507  }
   509  // rawPoint returns an unnormalized r3 vector from the origin through the center
   510  // of the s2 cell on the sphere.
   511  func (ci CellID) rawPoint() r3.Vector {
   512  	face, si, ti := ci.faceSiTi()
   513  	return faceUVToXYZ(face, stToUV((0.5/MaxSize)*float64(si)), stToUV((0.5/MaxSize)*float64(ti)))
   514  }
   516  // faceSiTi returns the Face/Si/Ti coordinates of the center of the cell.
   517  func (ci CellID) faceSiTi() (face int, si, ti uint32) {
   518  	face, i, j, _ := ci.faceIJOrientation()
   519  	delta := 0
   520  	if ci.IsLeaf() {
   521  		delta = 1
   522  	} else {
   523  		if (i^(int(ci)>>2))&1 != 0 {
   524  			delta = 2
   525  		}
   526  	}
   527  	return face, uint32(2*i + delta), uint32(2*j + delta)
   528  }
   530  // faceIJOrientation uses the global lookupIJ table to unfiddle the bits of ci.
   531  func (ci CellID) faceIJOrientation() (f, i, j, orientation int) {
   532  	f = ci.Face()
   533  	orientation = f & swapMask
   534  	nbits := MaxLevel - 7*lookupBits // first iteration
   536  	// Each iteration maps 8 bits of the Hilbert curve position into
   537  	// 4 bits of "i" and "j". The lookup table transforms a key of the
   538  	// form "ppppppppoo" to a value of the form "iiiijjjjoo", where the
   539  	// letters [ijpo] represents bits of "i", "j", the Hilbert curve
   540  	// position, and the Hilbert curve orientation respectively.
   541  	//
   542  	// On the first iteration we need to be careful to clear out the bits
   543  	// representing the cube face.
   544  	for k := 7; k >= 0; k-- {
   545  		orientation += (int(uint64(ci)>>uint64(k*2*lookupBits+1)) & ((1 << uint(2*nbits)) - 1)) << 2
   546  		orientation = lookupIJ[orientation]
   547  		i += (orientation >> (lookupBits + 2)) << uint(k*lookupBits)
   548  		j += ((orientation >> 2) & ((1 << lookupBits) - 1)) << uint(k*lookupBits)
   549  		orientation &= (swapMask | invertMask)
   550  		nbits = lookupBits // following iterations
   551  	}
   553  	// The position of a non-leaf cell at level "n" consists of a prefix of
   554  	// 2*n bits that identifies the cell, followed by a suffix of
   555  	// 2*(MaxLevel-n)+1 bits of the form 10*. If n==MaxLevel, the suffix is
   556  	// just "1" and has no effect. Otherwise, it consists of "10", followed
   557  	// by (MaxLevel-n-1) repetitions of "00", followed by "0". The "10" has
   558  	// no effect, while each occurrence of "00" has the effect of reversing
   559  	// the swapMask bit.
   560  	if ci.lsb()&0x1111111111111110 != 0 {
   561  		orientation ^= swapMask
   562  	}
   564  	return
   565  }
   567  // cellIDFromFaceIJ returns a leaf cell given its cube face (range 0..5) and IJ coordinates.
   568  func cellIDFromFaceIJ(f, i, j int) CellID {
   569  	// Note that this value gets shifted one bit to the left at the end
   570  	// of the function.
   571  	n := uint64(f) << (PosBits - 1)
   572  	// Alternating faces have opposite Hilbert curve orientations; this
   573  	// is necessary in order for all faces to have a right-handed
   574  	// coordinate system.
   575  	bits := f & swapMask
   576  	// Each iteration maps 4 bits of "i" and "j" into 8 bits of the Hilbert
   577  	// curve position.  The lookup table transforms a 10-bit key of the form
   578  	// "iiiijjjjoo" to a 10-bit value of the form "ppppppppoo", where the
   579  	// letters [ijpo] denote bits of "i", "j", Hilbert curve position, and
   580  	// Hilbert curve orientation respectively.
   581  	for k := 7; k >= 0; k-- {
   582  		mask := (1 << lookupBits) - 1
   583  		bits += ((i >> uint(k*lookupBits)) & mask) << (lookupBits + 2)
   584  		bits += ((j >> uint(k*lookupBits)) & mask) << 2
   585  		bits = lookupPos[bits]
   586  		n |= uint64(bits>>2) << (uint(k) * 2 * lookupBits)
   587  		bits &= (swapMask | invertMask)
   588  	}
   589  	return CellID(n*2 + 1)
   590  }
   592  func cellIDFromFaceIJWrap(f, i, j int) CellID {
   593  	// Convert i and j to the coordinates of a leaf cell just beyond the
   594  	// boundary of this face.  This prevents 32-bit overflow in the case
   595  	// of finding the neighbors of a face cell.
   596  	i = clampInt(i, -1, MaxSize)
   597  	j = clampInt(j, -1, MaxSize)
   599  	// We want to wrap these coordinates onto the appropriate adjacent face.
   600  	// The easiest way to do this is to convert the (i,j) coordinates to (x,y,z)
   601  	// (which yields a point outside the normal face boundary), and then call
   602  	// xyzToFaceUV to project back onto the correct face.
   603  	//
   604  	// The code below converts (i,j) to (si,ti), and then (si,ti) to (u,v) using
   605  	// the linear projection (u=2*s-1 and v=2*t-1).  (The code further below
   606  	// converts back using the inverse projection, s=0.5*(u+1) and t=0.5*(v+1).
   607  	// Any projection would work here, so we use the simplest.)  We also clamp
   608  	// the (u,v) coordinates so that the point is barely outside the
   609  	// [-1,1]x[-1,1] face rectangle, since otherwise the reprojection step
   610  	// (which divides by the new z coordinate) might change the other
   611  	// coordinates enough so that we end up in the wrong leaf cell.
   612  	const scale = 1.0 / MaxSize
   613  	limit := math.Nextafter(1, 2)
   614  	u := math.Max(-limit, math.Min(limit, scale*float64((i<<1)+1-MaxSize)))
   615  	v := math.Max(-limit, math.Min(limit, scale*float64((j<<1)+1-MaxSize)))
   617  	// Find the leaf cell coordinates on the adjacent face, and convert
   618  	// them to a cell id at the appropriate level.
   619  	f, u, v = xyzToFaceUV(faceUVToXYZ(f, u, v))
   620  	return cellIDFromFaceIJ(f, stToIJ(0.5*(u+1)), stToIJ(0.5*(v+1)))
   621  }
   623  func cellIDFromFaceIJSame(f, i, j int, sameFace bool) CellID {
   624  	if sameFace {
   625  		return cellIDFromFaceIJ(f, i, j)
   626  	}
   627  	return cellIDFromFaceIJWrap(f, i, j)
   628  }
   630  // ijToSTMin converts the i- or j-index of a leaf cell to the minimum corresponding
   631  // s- or t-value contained by that cell. The argument must be in the range
   632  // [0..2**30], i.e. up to one position beyond the normal range of valid leaf
   633  // cell indices.
   634  func ijToSTMin(i int) float64 {
   635  	return float64(i) / float64(MaxSize)
   636  }
   638  // stToIJ converts value in ST coordinates to a value in IJ coordinates.
   639  func stToIJ(s float64) int {
   640  	return clampInt(int(math.Floor(MaxSize*s)), 0, MaxSize-1)
   641  }
   643  // cellIDFromPoint returns a leaf cell containing point p. Usually there is
   644  // exactly one such cell, but for points along the edge of a cell, any
   645  // adjacent cell may be (deterministically) chosen. This is because
   646  // s2.CellIDs are considered to be closed sets. The returned cell will
   647  // always contain the given point, i.e.
   648  //
   649  //	CellFromPoint(p).ContainsPoint(p)
   650  //
   651  // is always true.
   652  func cellIDFromPoint(p Point) CellID {
   653  	f, u, v := xyzToFaceUV(r3.Vector{p.X, p.Y, p.Z})
   654  	i := stToIJ(uvToST(u))
   655  	j := stToIJ(uvToST(v))
   656  	return cellIDFromFaceIJ(f, i, j)
   657  }
   659  // ijLevelToBoundUV returns the bounds in (u,v)-space for the cell at the given
   660  // level containing the leaf cell with the given (i,j)-coordinates.
   661  func ijLevelToBoundUV(i, j, level int) r2.Rect {
   662  	cellSize := sizeIJ(level)
   663  	xLo := i & -cellSize
   664  	yLo := j & -cellSize
   666  	return r2.Rect{
   667  		X: r1.Interval{
   668  			Lo: stToUV(ijToSTMin(xLo)),
   669  			Hi: stToUV(ijToSTMin(xLo + cellSize)),
   670  		},
   671  		Y: r1.Interval{
   672  			Lo: stToUV(ijToSTMin(yLo)),
   673  			Hi: stToUV(ijToSTMin(yLo + cellSize)),
   674  		},
   675  	}
   676  }
   678  // Constants related to the bit mangling in the Cell ID.
   679  const (
   680  	lookupBits = 4
   681  	swapMask   = 0x01
   682  	invertMask = 0x02
   683  )
   685  // The following lookup tables are used to convert efficiently between an
   686  // (i,j) cell index and the corresponding position along the Hilbert curve.
   687  //
   688  // lookupPos maps 4 bits of "i", 4 bits of "j", and 2 bits representing the
   689  // orientation of the current cell into 8 bits representing the order in which
   690  // that subcell is visited by the Hilbert curve, plus 2 bits indicating the
   691  // new orientation of the Hilbert curve within that subcell. (Cell
   692  // orientations are represented as combination of swapMask and invertMask.)
   693  //
   694  // lookupIJ is an inverted table used for mapping in the opposite
   695  // direction.
   696  //
   697  // We also experimented with looking up 16 bits at a time (14 bits of position
   698  // plus 2 of orientation) but found that smaller lookup tables gave better
   699  // performance. (2KB fits easily in the primary cache.)
   700  var (
   701  	ijToPos = [4][4]int{
   702  		{0, 1, 3, 2}, // canonical order
   703  		{0, 3, 1, 2}, // axes swapped
   704  		{2, 3, 1, 0}, // bits inverted
   705  		{2, 1, 3, 0}, // swapped & inverted
   706  	}
   707  	posToIJ = [4][4]int{
   708  		{0, 1, 3, 2}, // canonical order:    (0,0), (0,1), (1,1), (1,0)
   709  		{0, 2, 3, 1}, // axes swapped:       (0,0), (1,0), (1,1), (0,1)
   710  		{3, 2, 0, 1}, // bits inverted:      (1,1), (1,0), (0,0), (0,1)
   711  		{3, 1, 0, 2}, // swapped & inverted: (1,1), (0,1), (0,0), (1,0)
   712  	}
   713  	posToOrientation = [4]int{swapMask, 0, 0, invertMask | swapMask}
   714  	lookupIJ         [1 << (2*lookupBits + 2)]int
   715  	lookupPos        [1 << (2*lookupBits + 2)]int
   716  )
   718  func init() {
   719  	initLookupCell(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
   720  	initLookupCell(0, 0, 0, swapMask, 0, swapMask)
   721  	initLookupCell(0, 0, 0, invertMask, 0, invertMask)
   722  	initLookupCell(0, 0, 0, swapMask|invertMask, 0, swapMask|invertMask)
   723  }
   725  // initLookupCell initializes the lookupIJ table at init time.
   726  func initLookupCell(level, i, j, origOrientation, pos, orientation int) {
   727  	if level == lookupBits {
   728  		ij := (i << lookupBits) + j
   729  		lookupPos[(ij<<2)+origOrientation] = (pos << 2) + orientation
   730  		lookupIJ[(pos<<2)+origOrientation] = (ij << 2) + orientation
   731  		return
   732  	}
   734  	level++
   735  	i <<= 1
   736  	j <<= 1
   737  	pos <<= 2
   738  	r := posToIJ[orientation]
   739  	initLookupCell(level, i+(r[0]>>1), j+(r[0]&1), origOrientation, pos, orientation^posToOrientation[0])
   740  	initLookupCell(level, i+(r[1]>>1), j+(r[1]&1), origOrientation, pos+1, orientation^posToOrientation[1])
   741  	initLookupCell(level, i+(r[2]>>1), j+(r[2]&1), origOrientation, pos+2, orientation^posToOrientation[2])
   742  	initLookupCell(level, i+(r[3]>>1), j+(r[3]&1), origOrientation, pos+3, orientation^posToOrientation[3])
   743  }
   745  // CommonAncestorLevel returns the level of the common ancestor of the two S2 CellIDs.
   746  func (ci CellID) CommonAncestorLevel(other CellID) (level int, ok bool) {
   747  	bits := uint64(ci ^ other)
   748  	if bits < ci.lsb() {
   749  		bits = ci.lsb()
   750  	}
   751  	if bits < other.lsb() {
   752  		bits = other.lsb()
   753  	}
   755  	msbPos := findMSBSetNonZero64(bits)
   756  	if msbPos > 60 {
   757  		return 0, false
   758  	}
   759  	return (60 - msbPos) >> 1, true
   760  }
   762  // Advance advances or retreats the indicated number of steps along the
   763  // Hilbert curve at the current level, and returns the new position. The
   764  // position is never advanced past End() or before Begin().
   765  func (ci CellID) Advance(steps int64) CellID {
   766  	if steps == 0 {
   767  		return ci
   768  	}
   770  	// We clamp the number of steps if necessary to ensure that we do not
   771  	// advance past the End() or before the Begin() of this level. Note that
   772  	// minSteps and maxSteps always fit in a signed 64-bit integer.
   773  	stepShift := uint(2*(MaxLevel-ci.Level()) + 1)
   774  	if steps < 0 {
   775  		minSteps := -int64(uint64(ci) >> stepShift)
   776  		if steps < minSteps {
   777  			steps = minSteps
   778  		}
   779  	} else {
   780  		maxSteps := int64((wrapOffset + ci.lsb() - uint64(ci)) >> stepShift)
   781  		if steps > maxSteps {
   782  			steps = maxSteps
   783  		}
   784  	}
   785  	return ci + CellID(steps)<<stepShift
   786  }
   788  // centerST return the center of the CellID in (s,t)-space.
   789  func (ci CellID) centerST() r2.Point {
   790  	_, si, ti := ci.faceSiTi()
   791  	return r2.Point{siTiToST(si), siTiToST(ti)}
   792  }
   794  // sizeST returns the edge length of this CellID in (s,t)-space at the given level.
   795  func (ci CellID) sizeST(level int) float64 {
   796  	return ijToSTMin(sizeIJ(level))
   797  }
   799  // boundST returns the bound of this CellID in (s,t)-space.
   800  func (ci CellID) boundST() r2.Rect {
   801  	s := ci.sizeST(ci.Level())
   802  	return r2.RectFromCenterSize(ci.centerST(), r2.Point{s, s})
   803  }
   805  // centerUV returns the center of this CellID in (u,v)-space. Note that
   806  // the center of the cell is defined as the point at which it is recursively
   807  // subdivided into four children; in general, it is not at the midpoint of
   808  // the (u,v) rectangle covered by the cell.
   809  func (ci CellID) centerUV() r2.Point {
   810  	_, si, ti := ci.faceSiTi()
   811  	return r2.Point{stToUV(siTiToST(si)), stToUV(siTiToST(ti))}
   812  }
   814  // boundUV returns the bound of this CellID in (u,v)-space.
   815  func (ci CellID) boundUV() r2.Rect {
   816  	_, i, j, _ := ci.faceIJOrientation()
   817  	return ijLevelToBoundUV(i, j, ci.Level())
   818  }
   820  // expandEndpoint returns a new u-coordinate u' such that the distance from the
   821  // line u=u' to the given edge (u,v0)-(u,v1) is exactly the given distance
   822  // (which is specified as the sine of the angle corresponding to the distance).
   823  func expandEndpoint(u, maxV, sinDist float64) float64 {
   824  	// This is based on solving a spherical right triangle, similar to the
   825  	// calculation in Cap.RectBound.
   826  	// Given an edge of the form (u,v0)-(u,v1), let maxV = max(abs(v0), abs(v1)).
   827  	sinUShift := sinDist * math.Sqrt((1+u*u+maxV*maxV)/(1+u*u))
   828  	cosUShift := math.Sqrt(1 - sinUShift*sinUShift)
   829  	// The following is an expansion of tan(atan(u) + asin(sinUShift)).
   830  	return (cosUShift*u + sinUShift) / (cosUShift - sinUShift*u)
   831  }
   833  // expandedByDistanceUV returns a rectangle expanded in (u,v)-space so that it
   834  // contains all points within the given distance of the boundary, and return the
   835  // smallest such rectangle. If the distance is negative, then instead shrink this
   836  // rectangle so that it excludes all points within the given absolute distance
   837  // of the boundary.
   838  //
   839  // Distances are measured *on the sphere*, not in (u,v)-space. For example,
   840  // you can use this method to expand the (u,v)-bound of an CellID so that
   841  // it contains all points within 5km of the original cell. You can then
   842  // test whether a point lies within the expanded bounds like this:
   843  //
   844  //	if u, v, ok := faceXYZtoUV(face, point); ok && bound.ContainsPoint(r2.Point{u,v}) { ... }
   845  //
   846  // Limitations:
   847  //
   848  //   - Because the rectangle is drawn on one of the six cube-face planes
   849  //     (i.e., {x,y,z} = +/-1), it can cover at most one hemisphere. This
   850  //     limits the maximum amount that a rectangle can be expanded. For
   851  //     example, CellID bounds can be expanded safely by at most 45 degrees
   852  //     (about 5000 km on the Earth's surface).
   853  //
   854  //   - The implementation is not exact for negative distances. The resulting
   855  //     rectangle will exclude all points within the given distance of the
   856  //     boundary but may be slightly smaller than necessary.
   857  func expandedByDistanceUV(uv r2.Rect, distance s1.Angle) r2.Rect {
   858  	// Expand each of the four sides of the rectangle just enough to include all
   859  	// points within the given distance of that side. (The rectangle may be
   860  	// expanded by a different amount in (u,v)-space on each side.)
   861  	maxU := math.Max(math.Abs(uv.X.Lo), math.Abs(uv.X.Hi))
   862  	maxV := math.Max(math.Abs(uv.Y.Lo), math.Abs(uv.Y.Hi))
   863  	sinDist := math.Sin(float64(distance))
   864  	return r2.Rect{
   865  		X: r1.Interval{expandEndpoint(uv.X.Lo, maxV, -sinDist),
   866  			expandEndpoint(uv.X.Hi, maxV, sinDist)},
   867  		Y: r1.Interval{expandEndpoint(uv.Y.Lo, maxU, -sinDist),
   868  			expandEndpoint(uv.Y.Hi, maxU, sinDist)}}
   869  }
   871  // MaxTile returns the largest cell with the same RangeMin such that
   872  // RangeMax < limit.RangeMin. It returns limit if no such cell exists.
   873  // This method can be used to generate a small set of CellIDs that covers
   874  // a given range (a tiling). This example shows how to generate a tiling
   875  // for a semi-open range of leaf cells [start, limit):
   876  //
   877  //	for id := start.MaxTile(limit); id != limit; id = id.Next().MaxTile(limit)) { ... }
   878  //
   879  // Note that in general the cells in the tiling will be of different sizes;
   880  // they gradually get larger (near the middle of the range) and then
   881  // gradually get smaller as limit is approached.
   882  func (ci CellID) MaxTile(limit CellID) CellID {
   883  	start := ci.RangeMin()
   884  	if start >= limit.RangeMin() {
   885  		return limit
   886  	}
   888  	if ci.RangeMax() >= limit {
   889  		// The cell is too large, shrink it. Note that when generating coverings
   890  		// of CellID ranges, this loop usually executes only once. Also because
   891  		// ci.RangeMin() < limit.RangeMin(), we will always exit the loop by the
   892  		// time we reach a leaf cell.
   893  		for {
   894  			ci = ci.Children()[0]
   895  			if ci.RangeMax() < limit {
   896  				break
   897  			}
   898  		}
   899  		return ci
   900  	}
   902  	// The cell may be too small. Grow it if necessary. Note that generally
   903  	// this loop only iterates once.
   904  	for !ci.isFace() {
   905  		parent := ci.immediateParent()
   906  		if parent.RangeMin() != start || parent.RangeMax() >= limit {
   907  			break
   908  		}
   909  		ci = parent
   910  	}
   911  	return ci
   912  }
   914  // centerFaceSiTi returns the (face, si, ti) coordinates of the center of the cell.
   915  // Note that although (si,ti) coordinates span the range [0,2**31] in general,
   916  // the cell center coordinates are always in the range [1,2**31-1] and
   917  // therefore can be represented using a signed 32-bit integer.
   918  func (ci CellID) centerFaceSiTi() (face, si, ti int) {
   919  	// First we compute the discrete (i,j) coordinates of a leaf cell contained
   920  	// within the given cell. Given that cells are represented by the Hilbert
   921  	// curve position corresponding at their center, it turns out that the cell
   922  	// returned by faceIJOrientation is always one of two leaf cells closest
   923  	// to the center of the cell (unless the given cell is a leaf cell itself,
   924  	// in which case there is only one possibility).
   925  	//
   926  	// Given a cell of size s >= 2 (i.e. not a leaf cell), and letting (imin,
   927  	// jmin) be the coordinates of its lower left-hand corner, the leaf cell
   928  	// returned by faceIJOrientation is either (imin + s/2, jmin + s/2)
   929  	// (imin + s/2 - 1, jmin + s/2 - 1). The first case is the one we want.
   930  	// We can distinguish these two cases by looking at the low bit of i or
   931  	// j. In the second case the low bit is one, unless s == 2 (i.e. the
   932  	// level just above leaf cells) in which case the low bit is zero.
   933  	//
   934  	// In the code below, the expression ((i ^ (int(id) >> 2)) & 1) is true
   935  	// if we are in the second case described above.
   936  	face, i, j, _ := ci.faceIJOrientation()
   937  	delta := 0
   938  	if ci.IsLeaf() {
   939  		delta = 1
   940  	} else if (int64(i)^(int64(ci)>>2))&1 == 1 {
   941  		delta = 2
   942  	}
   944  	// Note that (2 * {i,j} + delta) will never overflow a 32-bit integer.
   945  	return face, 2*i + delta, 2*j + delta
   946  }

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