
Text file src/github.com/golang-migrate/migrate/v4/database/mongodb/README.md

Documentation: github.com/golang-migrate/migrate/v4/database/mongodb

     1# MongoDB
     3* Driver work with mongo through [db.runCommands](https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/command/)
     4* Migrations support json format. It contains array of commands for `db.runCommand`. Every command is executed in separate request to database 
     5* All keys have to be in quotes `"`
     6* [Examples](./examples)
     8# Usage
    10`mongodb://user:password@host:port/dbname?query` (`mongodb+srv://` also works, but behaves a bit differently. See [docs](https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/connection-string/#dns-seedlist-connection-format) for more information)
    12| URL Query  | WithInstance Config | Description |
    14| `x-migrations-collection` | `MigrationsCollection` | Name of the migrations collection |
    15| `x-transaction-mode` | `TransactionMode` | If set to `true` wrap commands in [transaction](https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/core/transactions). Available only for replica set. Driver is using [strconv.ParseBool](https://golang.org/pkg/strconv/#ParseBool) for parsing|
    16| `x-advisory-locking` | `true` | Feature flag for advisory locking, if set to false, disable advisory locking |
    17| `x-advisory-lock-collection` | `migrate_advisory_lock` | The name of the collection to use for advisory locking.|
    18| `x-advisory-lock-timout` | `15` | The max time in seconds that the advisory lock will wait if the db is already locked. |
    19| `x-advisory-lock-timout-interval` | `10` | The max timeout in seconds interval that the advisory lock will wait if the db is already locked. |
    20| `dbname` | `DatabaseName` | The name of the database to connect to |
    21| `user` | | The user to sign in as. Can be omitted |
    22| `password` | | The user's password. Can be omitted | 
    23| `host` | | The host to connect to |
    24| `port` | | The port to bind to |

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