# CockroachDB tutorial for beginners (insecure cluster) ## Create/configure database First, let's start a local cluster - follow step 1. and 2. from [the docs](https://www.cockroachlabs.com/docs/stable/start-a-local-cluster.html#step-1-start-the-first-node). Once you have it, create a database. Here I am going to create a database called `example`. Our user here is `cockroach`. We are not going to use a password, since it's not supported for insecure cluster. ``` cockroach sql --insecure --host=localhost:26257 ``` ``` CREATE DATABASE example; CREATE USER IF NOT EXISTS cockroach; GRANT ALL ON DATABASE example TO cockroach; ``` When using Migrate CLI we need to pass to database URL. Let's export it to a variable for convienience: ``` export COCKROACHDB_URL='cockroachdb://cockroach:@localhost:26257/example?sslmode=disable' ``` `sslmode=disable` means that the connection with our database will not be encrypted. This is needed to connect to an insecure node. **NOTE:** Do not use COCKROACH_URL as a variable name here, it's already in use for discrete parameters and you may run into connection problems. For more info check out [docs](https://www.cockroachlabs.com/docs/stable/connection-parameters.html#connect-using-discrete-parameters). You can find further description of database URLs [here](README.md#database-urls). ## Create migrations Let's create a table called `users`: ``` migrate create -ext sql -dir db/migrations -seq create_users_table ``` If there were no errors, we should have two files available under `db/migrations` folder: - 000001_create_users_table.down.sql - 000001_create_users_table.up.sql Note the `sql` extension that we provided. In the `.up.sql` file let's create the table: ``` CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS example.users ( user_id INT PRIMARY KEY, username VARCHAR (50) UNIQUE NOT NULL, password VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, email VARCHAR (300) UNIQUE NOT NULL ); ``` And in the `.down.sql` let's delete it: ``` DROP TABLE IF EXISTS example.users; ``` By adding `IF EXISTS/IF NOT EXISTS` we are making migrations idempotent - you can read more about idempotency in [getting started](GETTING_STARTED.md#create-migrations) ## Run migrations ``` migrate -database ${COCKROACHDB_URL} -path db/migrations up ``` Let's check if the table was created properly by running `cockroach sql --insecure --host=localhost:26257 -e "show columns from example.users;"`. The output you are supposed to see: ``` column_name | data_type | is_nullable | column_default | generation_expression | indices | is_hidden +-------------+--------------+-------------+----------------+-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+-----------+ user_id | INT8 | false | NULL | | {primary,users_username_key,users_email_key} | false username | VARCHAR(50) | false | NULL | | {users_username_key} | false password | VARCHAR(50) | false | NULL | | {} | false email | VARCHAR(300) | false | NULL | | {users_email_key} | false (4 rows) ``` Now let's check if running reverse migration also works: ``` migrate -database ${COCKROACHDB_URL} -path db/migrations down ``` Make sure to check if your database changed as expected in this case as well. ## Database transactions To show database transactions usage, let's create another set of migrations by running: ``` migrate create -ext sql -dir db/migrations -seq add_mood_to_users ``` Again, it should create for us two migrations files: - 000002_add_mood_to_users.down.sql - 000002_add_mood_to_users.up.sql In Cockroach, when we want our queries to be done in a transaction, we need to wrap it with `BEGIN` and `COMMIT` commands, similar to PostgreSQL. In our example, we are going to add a column to our database that can only accept enumerable values or NULL. Migration up: ``` BEGIN; ALTER TABLE example.users ADD COLUMN mood STRING; ALTER TABLE example.users ADD CONSTRAINT check_mood CHECK (mood IN ('happy', 'sad', 'neutral')); COMMIT; ``` Migration down: ``` ALTER TABLE example.users DROP COLUMN mood; ``` Now we can run our new migration and check the database: ``` migrate -database ${COCKROACHDB_URL} -path db/migrations up cockroach sql --insecure --host=localhost:26257 -e "show columns from example.users;" ``` Expected output: ``` column_name | data_type | is_nullable | column_default | generation_expression | indices | is_hidden +-------------+--------------+-------------+----------------+-----------------------+----------------------------------------------+-----------+ user_id | INT8 | false | NULL | | {primary,users_username_key,users_email_key} | false username | VARCHAR(50) | false | NULL | | {users_username_key} | false password | VARCHAR(50) | false | NULL | | {} | false email | VARCHAR(300) | false | NULL | | {users_email_key} | false mood | STRING | true | NULL | | {} | false (5 rows) ``` ## Optional: Run migrations within your Go app Here is a very simple app running migrations for the above configuration: ``` import ( "log" "github.com/golang-migrate/migrate/v4" _ "github.com/golang-migrate/migrate/v4/database/cockroachdb" _ "github.com/golang-migrate/migrate/v4/source/file" ) func main() { m, err := migrate.New( "file://db/migrations", "cockroachdb://cockroach:@localhost:26257/example?sslmode=disable") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } if err := m.Up(); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } } ``` You can find details [here](README.md#use-in-your-go-project)