# String Slice Functions These function operate on or generate slices of strings. In Go, a slice is a growable array. In Sprig, it's a special case of a `list`. ## join Join a list of strings into a single string, with the given separator. ``` list "hello" "world" | join "_" ``` The above will produce `hello_world` `join` will try to convert non-strings to a string value: ``` list 1 2 3 | join "+" ``` The above will produce `1+2+3` ## splitList and split Split a string into a list of strings: ``` splitList "$" "foo$bar$baz" ``` The above will return `[foo bar baz]` The older `split` function splits a string into a `dict`. It is designed to make it easy to use template dot notation for accessing members: ``` $a := split "$" "foo$bar$baz" ``` The above produces a map with index keys. `{_0: foo, _1: bar, _2: baz}` ``` $a._0 ``` The above produces `foo` ## splitn `splitn` function splits a string into a `dict`. It is designed to make it easy to use template dot notation for accessing members: ``` $a := splitn "$" 2 "foo$bar$baz" ``` The above produces a map with index keys. `{_0: foo, _1: bar$baz}` ``` $a._0 ``` The above produces `foo` ## sortAlpha The `sortAlpha` function sorts a list of strings into alphabetical (lexicographical) order. It does _not_ sort in place, but returns a sorted copy of the list, in keeping with the immutability of lists.