# Integer Math Functions The following math functions operate on `int64` values. ## add Sum numbers with `add`. Accepts two or more inputs. ``` add 1 2 3 ``` ## add1 To increment by 1, use `add1` ## sub To subtract, use `sub` ## div Perform integer division with `div` ## mod Modulo with `mod` ## mul Multiply with `mul`. Accepts two or more inputs. ``` mul 1 2 3 ``` ## max Return the largest of a series of integers: This will return `3`: ``` max 1 2 3 ``` ## min Return the smallest of a series of integers. `min 1 2 3` will return `1` ## floor Returns the greatest float value less than or equal to input value `floor 123.9999` will return `123.0` ## ceil Returns the greatest float value greater than or equal to input value `ceil 123.001` will return `124.0` ## round Returns a float value with the remainder rounded to the given number to digits after the decimal point. `round 123.555555 3` will return `123.556` ## randInt Returns a random integer value from min (inclusive) to max (exclusive). ``` randInt 12 30 ``` The above will produce a random number in the range [12,30].