# Type Conversion Functions The following type conversion functions are provided by Sprig: - `atoi`: Convert a string to an integer. - `float64`: Convert to a `float64`. - `int`: Convert to an `int` at the system's width. - `int64`: Convert to an `int64`. - `toDecimal`: Convert a unix octal to a `int64`. - `toString`: Convert to a string. - `toStrings`: Convert a list, slice, or array to a list of strings. Only `atoi` requires that the input be a specific type. The others will attempt to convert from any type to the destination type. For example, `int64` can convert floats to ints, and it can also convert strings to ints. ## toStrings Given a list-like collection, produce a slice of strings. ``` list 1 2 3 | toStrings ``` The above converts `1` to `"1"`, `2` to `"2"`, and so on, and then returns them as a list. ## toDecimal Given a unix octal permission, produce a decimal. ``` "0777" | toDecimal ``` The above converts `0777` to `511` and returns the value as an int64.