// Copyright 2015 go-swagger maintainers // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package validate import ( "encoding/json" "flag" "os" "path/filepath" "strings" "testing" "github.com/davecgh/go-spew/spew" "github.com/go-openapi/analysis" "github.com/go-openapi/loads" "github.com/go-openapi/loads/fmts" "github.com/go-openapi/spec" "github.com/go-openapi/strfmt" "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert" "github.com/stretchr/testify/require" ) const testID = "id" // Enable long running tests by using cmd line arg, // Usage: go test ... -args [-enable-long|-enable-go-swagger] // // -enable-long: enable spec_test.go:TestIssue18 and messages_test.go:Test_Quality* // -enable-go-swagger: enable non-regression tests against go-swagger fixtures (validation status) in swagger_test.go:Test_GoSwagger (running about 110 specs...) // // If none enabled, these tests are skipped // NOTE: replacing with go test -short and testing.Short() means that // by default, every test is launched. With -enable-long, we just get the // opposite... var enableLongTests bool var enableGoSwaggerTests bool func init() { loads.AddLoader(fmts.YAMLMatcher, fmts.YAMLDoc) flag.BoolVar(&enableLongTests, "enable-long", false, "enable long runnning tests") flag.BoolVar(&enableGoSwaggerTests, "enable-go-swagger", false, "enable go-swagger non-regression test") } func skipNotify(t *testing.T) { t.Log("To enable this long running test, use -args -enable-long in your go test command line") } func debugTest(t *testing.T, path string, res *Result) { if DebugTest && t.Failed() { verifiedErrors := verifiedTestErrors(res) if len(verifiedErrors) > 0 { t.Logf("DEVMODE:Returned error messages validating %s ", path) for _, v := range verifiedErrors { t.Logf("%s", v) } } verifiedWarnings := verifiedTestWarnings(res) if len(verifiedWarnings) > 0 { t.Logf("DEVMODE: Returned warnings for %s:", path) for _, e := range res.Warnings { t.Logf("%v", e) } } } } func verifiedTestErrors(res *Result) []string { verifiedErrors := make([]string, 0, 50) for _, e := range res.Errors { verifiedErrors = append(verifiedErrors, e.Error()) } return verifiedErrors } func verifiedTestWarnings(res *Result) []string { verifiedWarnings := make([]string, 0, 50) for _, e := range res.Warnings { verifiedWarnings = append(verifiedWarnings, e.Error()) } return verifiedWarnings } func TestSpec_ExpandResponseLocalFile(t *testing.T) { res, _ := loadAndValidate(t, filepath.Join("fixtures", "local_expansion", "spec.yaml")) assert.True(t, res.IsValid()) assert.Empty(t, res.Errors) } func TestSpec_ExpandResponseRecursive(t *testing.T) { res, _ := loadAndValidate(t, filepath.Join("fixtures", "recursive_expansion", "spec.yaml")) assert.True(t, res.IsValid()) assert.Empty(t, res.Errors) } // Spec with no path func TestSpec_Issue52(t *testing.T) { fp := filepath.Join("fixtures", "bugs", "52", "swagger.json") jstext, _ := os.ReadFile(fp) // as json schema var sch spec.Schema require.NoError(t, json.Unmarshal(jstext, &sch)) schemaValidator := NewSchemaValidator(spec.MustLoadSwagger20Schema(), nil, "", strfmt.Default) res := schemaValidator.Validate(&sch) assert.False(t, res.IsValid()) require.NotEmpty(t, res.Errors) require.EqualError(t, res.Errors[0], ".paths in body is required") // as swagger spec: path is set to nil // Here, validation stops as paths is initialized to empty res, _ = loadAndValidate(t, fp) assert.False(t, res.IsValid()) verifiedErrors := verifiedTestErrors(res) assert.Len(t, verifiedErrors, 2, "Unexpected number of error messages returned") assert.Contains(t, verifiedErrors, ".paths in body is required") assert.Contains(t, verifiedErrors, "spec has no valid path defined") } func TestSpec_Issue53(t *testing.T) { fp := filepath.Join("fixtures", "bugs", "53", "noswagger.json") jstext, _ := os.ReadFile(fp) // as json schema var sch spec.Schema require.NoError(t, json.Unmarshal(jstext, &sch)) schemaValidator := NewSchemaValidator(spec.MustLoadSwagger20Schema(), nil, "", strfmt.Default) res := schemaValidator.Validate(&sch) assert.False(t, res.IsValid()) require.NotEmpty(t, res.Errors) require.EqualError(t, res.Errors[0], ".swagger in body is required") // as swagger despec res, _ = loadAndValidate(t, fp, false) require.False(t, res.IsValid()) require.NotEmpty(t, res.Errors) require.EqualError(t, res.Errors[0], ".swagger in body is required") } func TestSpec_Issue62(t *testing.T) { fp := filepath.Join("fixtures", "bugs", "62", "swagger.json") // as swagger spec doc, err := loads.Spec(fp) require.NoError(t, err) validator := NewSpecValidator(spec.MustLoadSwagger20Schema(), strfmt.Default) res, _ := validator.Validate(doc) assert.NotEmpty(t, res.Errors) assert.True(t, res.HasErrors()) } func TestSpec_Issue63(t *testing.T) { res, _ := loadAndValidate(t, filepath.Join("fixtures", "bugs", "63", "swagger.json")) assert.True(t, res.IsValid()) } func TestSpec_Issue61_MultipleRefs(t *testing.T) { res, _ := loadAndValidate(t, filepath.Join("fixtures", "bugs", "61", "multiple-refs.json")) assert.Empty(t, res.Errors) assert.True(t, res.IsValid()) } func TestSpec_Issue61_ResolvedRef(t *testing.T) { res, _ := loadAndValidate(t, filepath.Join("fixtures", "bugs", "61", "unresolved-ref-for-name.json")) assert.Empty(t, res.Errors) assert.True(t, res.IsValid()) } // No error with this one func TestSpec_Issue123(t *testing.T) { fp := filepath.Join("fixtures", "bugs", "123", "swagger.yml") res, _ := loadAndValidate(t, fp) assert.True(t, res.IsValid()) assert.Empty(t, res.Errors) debugTest(t, fp, res) } func TestSpec_Issue6(t *testing.T) { files, _ := filepath.Glob(filepath.Join("fixtures", "bugs", "6", "*.json")) for _, path := range files { t.Logf("Tested spec=%s", path) res, _ := loadAndValidate(t, path) assert.False(t, res.IsValid()) verifiedErrors := verifiedTestErrors(res) switch { case strings.Contains(path, "empty-responses.json"): assert.Contains(t, verifiedErrors, "\"paths./foo.get.responses\" must not validate the schema (not)") assert.Contains(t, verifiedErrors, "paths./foo.get.responses in body should have at least 1 properties") case strings.Contains(path, "no-responses.json"): assert.Contains(t, verifiedErrors, "paths./foo.get.responses in body is required") default: t.Logf("Returned error messages: %v", verifiedErrors) t.Fatal("fixture not tested. Please add assertions for messages") } debugTest(t, path, res) } } // check if invalid patterns are indeed invalidated func TestSpec_Issue18(t *testing.T) { files, _ := filepath.Glob(filepath.Join("fixtures", "bugs", "18", "*.json")) for _, path := range files { t.Logf("Tested spec=%s", path) res, _ := loadAndValidate(t, path) assert.False(t, res.IsValid()) verifiedErrors := verifiedTestErrors(res) switch { case strings.Contains(path, "headerItems.json"): assert.Contains(t, verifiedErrors, "X-Foo in header has invalid pattern: \")<-- bad pattern\"") case strings.Contains(path, "headers.json"): assert.Contains(t, verifiedErrors, "in operation \"\", header X-Foo for default response has invalid pattern \")<-- bad pattern\": error parsing regexp: unexpected ): `)<-- bad pattern`") // in operation \"\", header X-Foo for default response has invalid pattern \")<-- bad pattern\": error parsing regexp: unexpected ): `)<-- bad pattern` assert.Contains(t, verifiedErrors, "in operation \"\", header X-Foo for response 402 has invalid pattern \")<-- bad pattern\": error parsing regexp: unexpected ): `)<-- bad pattern`") // in operation "", header X-Foo for response 402 has invalid pattern ")<-- bad pattern": error parsing regexp: unexpected ): `)<-- bad pattern` case strings.Contains(path, "paramItems.json"): assert.Contains(t, verifiedErrors, "body param \"user\" for \"\" has invalid items pattern: \")<-- bad pattern\"") // Updated message: from "user.items in body has invalid pattern: \")<-- bad pattern\"" to: assert.Contains(t, verifiedErrors, "default value for user in body does not validate its schema") assert.Contains(t, verifiedErrors, "user.items.default in body has invalid pattern: \")<-- bad pattern\"") case strings.Contains(path, "parameters.json"): assert.Contains(t, verifiedErrors, "operation \"\" has invalid pattern in param \"userId\": \")<-- bad pattern\"") case strings.Contains(path, "schema.json"): // TODO: strange that the text does not say response "200"... assert.Contains(t, verifiedErrors, "200 in response has invalid pattern: \")<-- bad pattern\"") default: t.Logf("Returned error messages: %v", verifiedErrors) t.Fatal("fixture not tested. Please add assertions for messages") } debugTest(t, path, res) } } // check if a fragment path parameter is recognized, without error func TestSpec_Issue39(t *testing.T) { fp := filepath.Join("fixtures", "bugs", "39", "swagger.yml") res, _ := loadAndValidate(t, fp) assert.True(t, res.IsValid()) assert.Empty(t, res.Errors) debugTest(t, fp, res) } func TestSpec_ValidateDuplicatePropertyNames(t *testing.T) { // simple allOf doc, err := loads.Spec(filepath.Join("fixtures", "validation", "duplicateprops.json")) require.NoError(t, err) validator := NewSpecValidator(spec.MustLoadSwagger20Schema(), strfmt.Default) validator.spec = doc res := validator.validateDuplicatePropertyNames() assert.NotEmpty(t, res.Errors) assert.Len(t, res.Errors, 1) // nested allOf doc, err = loads.Spec(filepath.Join("fixtures", "validation", "nestedduplicateprops.json")) require.NoError(t, err) validator = NewSpecValidator(spec.MustLoadSwagger20Schema(), strfmt.Default) validator.spec = doc res = validator.validateDuplicatePropertyNames() assert.NotEmpty(t, res.Errors) assert.Len(t, res.Errors, 1) } func TestSpec_ValidateNonEmptyPathParameterNames(t *testing.T) { doc, err := loads.Spec(filepath.Join("fixtures", "validation", "empty-path-param-name.json")) require.NoError(t, err) validator := NewSpecValidator(spec.MustLoadSwagger20Schema(), strfmt.Default) validator.spec = doc res := validator.validateNonEmptyPathParamNames() assert.NotEmpty(t, res.Errors) assert.Len(t, res.Errors, 1) } func TestSpec_ValidateCircularAncestry(t *testing.T) { doc, err := loads.Spec(filepath.Join("fixtures", "validation", "direct-circular-ancestor.json")) require.NoError(t, err) validator := NewSpecValidator(spec.MustLoadSwagger20Schema(), strfmt.Default) validator.spec = doc res := validator.validateDuplicatePropertyNames() assert.NotEmpty(t, res.Errors) assert.Len(t, res.Errors, 1) doc, err = loads.Spec(filepath.Join("fixtures", "validation", "indirect-circular-ancestor.json")) require.NoError(t, err) validator = NewSpecValidator(spec.MustLoadSwagger20Schema(), strfmt.Default) validator.spec = doc res = validator.validateDuplicatePropertyNames() assert.NotEmpty(t, res.Errors) assert.Len(t, res.Errors, 1) doc, err = loads.Spec(filepath.Join("fixtures", "validation", "recursive-circular-ancestor.json")) require.NoError(t, err) validator = NewSpecValidator(spec.MustLoadSwagger20Schema(), strfmt.Default) validator.spec = doc res = validator.validateDuplicatePropertyNames() assert.NotEmpty(t, res.Errors) assert.Len(t, res.Errors, 1) } func TestSpec_ValidateReferenced(t *testing.T) { doc, err := loads.Spec(filepath.Join("fixtures", "validation", "valid-referenced.yml")) require.NoError(t, err) validator := NewSpecValidator(spec.MustLoadSwagger20Schema(), strfmt.Default) validator.spec = doc validator.analyzer = analysis.New(doc.Spec()) res := validator.validateReferenced() assert.Empty(t, res.Errors) doc, err = loads.Spec(filepath.Join("fixtures", "validation", "invalid-referenced.yml")) require.NoError(t, err) validator = NewSpecValidator(spec.MustLoadSwagger20Schema(), strfmt.Default) validator.spec = doc validator.analyzer = analysis.New(doc.Spec()) res = validator.validateReferenced() assert.Empty(t, res.Errors) assert.NotEmpty(t, res.Warnings) assert.Len(t, res.Warnings, 3) } func TestSpec_ValidateReferencesValid(t *testing.T) { doc, err := loads.Spec(filepath.Join("fixtures", "validation", "valid-ref.json")) require.NoError(t, err) validator := NewSpecValidator(spec.MustLoadSwagger20Schema(), strfmt.Default) validator.spec = doc validator.analyzer = analysis.New(doc.Spec()) res := validator.validateReferencesValid() assert.Empty(t, res.Errors) doc, err = loads.Spec(filepath.Join("fixtures", "validation", "invalid-ref.json")) require.NoError(t, err) validator = NewSpecValidator(spec.MustLoadSwagger20Schema(), strfmt.Default) validator.spec = doc validator.analyzer = analysis.New(doc.Spec()) res = validator.validateReferencesValid() assert.NotEmpty(t, res.Errors) } func TestSpec_ValidateRequiredDefinitions(t *testing.T) { doc, _ := loads.Analyzed(PetStoreJSONMessage, "") validator := NewSpecValidator(spec.MustLoadSwagger20Schema(), strfmt.Default) validator.spec = doc validator.analyzer = analysis.New(doc.Spec()) res := validator.validateRequiredDefinitions() assert.Empty(t, res.Errors) // properties sw := doc.Spec() def := sw.Definitions["Tag"] def.Required = append(def.Required, "type") sw.Definitions["Tag"] = def res = validator.validateRequiredDefinitions() assert.NotEmpty(t, res.Errors) // pattern properties def.PatternProperties = make(map[string]spec.Schema) def.PatternProperties["ty.*"] = *spec.StringProperty() sw.Definitions["Tag"] = def res = validator.validateRequiredDefinitions() assert.Empty(t, res.Errors) def.PatternProperties = make(map[string]spec.Schema) def.PatternProperties["^ty.$"] = *spec.StringProperty() sw.Definitions["Tag"] = def res = validator.validateRequiredDefinitions() assert.NotEmpty(t, res.Errors) // additional properties def.PatternProperties = nil def.AdditionalProperties = &spec.SchemaOrBool{Allows: true} sw.Definitions["Tag"] = def res = validator.validateRequiredDefinitions() assert.Empty(t, res.Errors) def.AdditionalProperties = &spec.SchemaOrBool{Allows: false} sw.Definitions["Tag"] = def res = validator.validateRequiredDefinitions() assert.NotEmpty(t, res.Errors) } func TestSpec_ValidateParameters(t *testing.T) { validatorForDoc := func(doc *loads.Document) *SpecValidator { // build a spec validator for some doc validator := NewSpecValidator(spec.MustLoadSwagger20Schema(), strfmt.Default) validator.spec = doc validator.analyzer = analysis.New(doc.Spec()) return validator } t.Run("should validate classic PetStore", func(t *testing.T) { doc, err := loads.Analyzed(PetStoreJSONMessage, "") require.NoError(t, err) validator := validatorForDoc(doc) res := validator.validateParameters() require.Empty(t, res.Errors) }) t.Run("should detect duplicate parameters", func(t *testing.T) { doc, err := loads.Analyzed(PetStoreJSONMessage, "") require.NoError(t, err) sw := doc.Spec() sw.Paths.Paths["/pets"].Get.Parameters = append(sw.Paths.Paths["/pets"].Get.Parameters, *spec.QueryParam("limit").Typed(stringType, "")) validator := validatorForDoc(doc) res := validator.validateParameters() require.NotEmpty(t, res.Errors) assert.Contains(t, res.Errors[0].Error(), `duplicate parameter name "limit" for "query" in operation "getAllPets"`, ) }) t.Run("should detect multiple parameters in body", func(t *testing.T) { doc, err := loads.Analyzed(PetStoreJSONMessage, "") require.NoError(t, err) sw := doc.Spec() sw.Paths.Paths["/pets"].Post.Parameters = append(sw.Paths.Paths["/pets"].Post.Parameters, *spec.BodyParam("fake", spec.RefProperty("#/definitions/Pet"))) validator := validatorForDoc(doc) res := validator.validateParameters() assert.NotEmpty(t, res.Errors) require.Len(t, res.Errors, 1) assert.Contains(t, res.Errors[0].Error(), "has more than 1 body param") }) t.Run("should detect invalid parameter schema in (modified) classic PetStore", func(t *testing.T) { fixture := filepath.Join("fixtures", "petstore", "swagger-invalid.json") t.Run("with raw JSON", func(t *testing.T) { // loading with full root document jazon, err := os.ReadFile(fixture) require.NoError(t, err) doc, err := loads.Analyzed(jazon, "") require.NoError(t, err) validator := validatorForDoc(doc) res := validator.validateParameters() require.Len(t, res.Errors, 2) assert.Contains(t, res.Errors[0].Error(), `"/pets.POST.parameters.pet" must validate one and only one schema (oneOf). Found none valid`, ) assert.Contains(t, res.Errors[1].Error(), `/pets.POST.parameters.pet.schema.anyOf in body is a forbidden property`, ) }) t.Run("with loads.Spec", func(t *testing.T) { // loading like a regular user of this library doc, err := loads.Spec(fixture) require.NoError(t, err) err = Spec(doc, strfmt.Default) require.Error(t, err) require.ErrorContains(t, err, "definitions.newPet.anyOf in body is a forbidden property", ) }) t.Run("with invalid Swagger schema", func(t *testing.T) { doc, err := loads.Analyzed(PetStoreJSONMessage, "") require.NoError(t, err) validator := validatorForDoc(doc) delete(validator.schema.Definitions, "parameter") require.Panics(t, func() { _ = validator.validateParameters() }) }) }) t.Run("should detect duplicate parameters", func(t *testing.T) { doc, err := loads.Analyzed(PetStoreJSONMessage, "") require.NoError(t, err) sw := doc.Spec() pp := sw.Paths.Paths["/pets/{id}"] pp.Delete = nil var nameParams []spec.Parameter for _, p := range pp.Parameters { if p.Name == testID { p.Name = "name" nameParams = append(nameParams, p) } } pp.Parameters = nameParams sw.Paths.Paths["/pets/{name}"] = pp validator := validatorForDoc(doc) res := validator.validateParameters() assert.NotEmpty(t, res.Errors) require.Len(t, res.Errors, 1) assert.Contains(t, res.Errors[0].Error(), "overlaps with") t.Run("should tolerate duplicate parameters, on option", func(t *testing.T) { // Disable strict path param uniqueness and ensure there is no error validator.Options.StrictPathParamUniqueness = false res := validator.validateParameters() require.Empty(t, res.Errors) }) }) t.Run("should detect mismatch with path parameter", func(t *testing.T) { doc, err := loads.Analyzed(PetStoreJSONMessage, "") require.NoError(t, err) sw := doc.Spec() pp := sw.Paths.Paths["/pets/{id}"] pp.Delete = nil var nameParams []spec.Parameter for _, p := range pp.Parameters { if p.Name == testID { p.Name = "name" nameParams = append(nameParams, p) } } pp.Get.Parameters = nameParams pp.Parameters = nil sw.Paths.Paths["/pets/{id}"] = pp validator := validatorForDoc(doc) res := validator.validateParameters() require.NotEmpty(t, res.Errors) require.Len(t, res.Errors, 2) assert.Contains(t, res.Errors[1].Error(), `is not present in path "/pets/{id}"`, ) assert.Contains(t, res.Errors[0].Error(), "has no parameter definition", ) }) t.Run("with issue go-swagger/go-swagger#2527", func(t *testing.T) { basePath := filepath.Join("fixtures", "bugs", "2527") t.Run("should detect mismatch between parameter and schema", func(t *testing.T) { doc, err := loads.Spec(filepath.Join(basePath, "swagger.yml")) require.NoError(t, err) err = Spec(doc, strfmt.Default) require.Error(t, err) require.ErrorContains(t, err, `/deposits.GET.parameters..enum in body is a forbidden property`, ) require.ErrorContains(t, err, `deposits.GET.parameters..type in body is a forbidden property`, ) require.ErrorContains(t, err, `/deposits.GET.parameters..name in body is required`, ) require.ErrorContains(t, err, `/deposits.GET.parameters..in in body is required`, ) }) t.Run("should validate fixed spec", func(t *testing.T) { doc, err := loads.Spec(filepath.Join(basePath, "swagger-fixed.yml")) require.NoError(t, err) require.NoError(t, Spec(doc, strfmt.Default)) }) t.Run("should detect missing name and in from refed parameter", func(t *testing.T) { doc, err := loads.Spec(filepath.Join(basePath, "swagger-other.yml")) require.NoError(t, err) err = Spec(doc, strfmt.Default) require.ErrorContains(t, err, `"parameters.missingName" must validate one and only one schema (oneOf). Found none valid`, ) require.ErrorContains(t, err, `parameters.missingName.name in body is required`, ) require.ErrorContains(t, err, `"parameters.missingIn" must validate one and only one schema (oneOf). Found none valid`, ) require.ErrorContains(t, err, `parameters.missingIn.in in body is required`, ) }) t.Run("extra parameter JSONSchema validation should not result in duplicate errors", func(t *testing.T) { t.Run("with spec validator", func(t *testing.T) { doc, err := loads.Spec(filepath.Join(basePath, "swagger-schema-error.yml")) require.NoError(t, err) errs, warns := NewSpecValidator(doc.Schema(), strfmt.Default).Validate(doc) require.Len(t, errs.Errors, 3) require.Empty(t, warns.Errors) var found1, found2, found3 int for _, err := range errs.Errors { switch { case strings.Contains(err.Error(), `definitions.WrongSchema.descriptions in body is a forbidden property`): found1++ case strings.Contains(err.Error(), `"definitions.WrongSchema.type" must validate at least one schema (anyOf)`): found2++ case strings.Contains(err.Error(), `definitions.WrongSchema.type in body should be one of [array boolean integer null number object string]`): found3++ } } t.Run("each message should appear exactly once", func(t *testing.T) { require.Equal(t, 1, found1) require.Equal(t, 1, found2) require.Equal(t, 1, found3) }) }) }) }) } func TestSpec_ValidateItems(t *testing.T) { doc, _ := loads.Analyzed(PetStoreJSONMessage, "") validator := NewSpecValidator(spec.MustLoadSwagger20Schema(), strfmt.Default) validator.spec = doc validator.analyzer = analysis.New(doc.Spec()) res := validator.validateItems() assert.Empty(t, res.Errors) // in operation parameters sw := doc.Spec() sw.Paths.Paths["/pets"].Get.Parameters[0].Type = arrayType res = validator.validateItems() assert.NotEmpty(t, res.Errors) sw.Paths.Paths["/pets"].Get.Parameters[0].Items = spec.NewItems().Typed(stringType, "") res = validator.validateItems() assert.Empty(t, res.Errors) sw.Paths.Paths["/pets"].Get.Parameters[0].Items = spec.NewItems().Typed(arrayType, "") res = validator.validateItems() assert.NotEmpty(t, res.Errors) sw.Paths.Paths["/pets"].Get.Parameters[0].Items.Items = spec.NewItems().Typed(stringType, "") res = validator.validateItems() assert.Empty(t, res.Errors) // in global parameters sw.Parameters = make(map[string]spec.Parameter) sw.Parameters["other"] = *spec.SimpleArrayParam("other", arrayType, "csv") res = validator.validateItems() assert.Empty(t, res.Errors) // pp := spec.SimpleArrayParam("other", arrayType, "") // pp.Items = nil // sw.Parameters["other"] = *pp // res = validator.validateItems() // assert.NotEmpty(t, res.Errors) // in shared path object parameters doc, _ = loads.Analyzed(PetStoreJSONMessage, "") validator = NewSpecValidator(spec.MustLoadSwagger20Schema(), strfmt.Default) validator.spec = doc validator.analyzer = analysis.New(doc.Spec()) sw = doc.Spec() pa := sw.Paths.Paths["/pets"] pa.Parameters = []spec.Parameter{*spec.SimpleArrayParam("another", arrayType, "csv")} sw.Paths.Paths["/pets"] = pa res = validator.validateItems() assert.Empty(t, res.Errors) pa = sw.Paths.Paths["/pets"] pp := spec.SimpleArrayParam("other", arrayType, "") pp.Items = nil pa.Parameters = []spec.Parameter{*pp} sw.Paths.Paths["/pets"] = pa res = validator.validateItems() assert.NotEmpty(t, res.Errors) // in body param schema doc, _ = loads.Analyzed(PetStoreJSONMessage, "") validator = NewSpecValidator(spec.MustLoadSwagger20Schema(), strfmt.Default) validator.spec = doc validator.analyzer = analysis.New(doc.Spec()) sw = doc.Spec() pa = sw.Paths.Paths["/pets"] pa.Post.Parameters[0].Schema = spec.ArrayProperty(nil) res = validator.validateItems() assert.NotEmpty(t, res.Errors) // in response headers doc, _ = loads.Analyzed(PetStoreJSONMessage, "") validator = NewSpecValidator(spec.MustLoadSwagger20Schema(), strfmt.Default) validator.spec = doc validator.analyzer = analysis.New(doc.Spec()) sw = doc.Spec() pa = sw.Paths.Paths["/pets"] rp := pa.Post.Responses.StatusCodeResponses[200] var hdr spec.Header hdr.Type = arrayType rp.Headers = make(map[string]spec.Header) rp.Headers["X-YADA"] = hdr pa.Post.Responses.StatusCodeResponses[200] = rp res = validator.validateItems() assert.NotEmpty(t, res.Errors) // in response schema doc, _ = loads.Analyzed(PetStoreJSONMessage, "") validator = NewSpecValidator(spec.MustLoadSwagger20Schema(), strfmt.Default) validator.spec = doc validator.analyzer = analysis.New(doc.Spec()) sw = doc.Spec() pa = sw.Paths.Paths["/pets"] rp = pa.Post.Responses.StatusCodeResponses[200] rp.Schema = spec.ArrayProperty(nil) pa.Post.Responses.StatusCodeResponses[200] = rp res = validator.validateItems() assert.NotEmpty(t, res.Errors) } // Reuse known validated cases through the higher level Spec() call func TestSpec_ValidDoc(t *testing.T) { fp := filepath.Join("fixtures", "local_expansion", "spec.yaml") doc2, err := loads.Spec(fp) require.NoError(t, err) err = Spec(doc2, strfmt.Default) require.NoError(t, err) } // Check higher level behavior on invalid spec doc func TestSpec_InvalidDoc(t *testing.T) { doc, err := loads.Spec(filepath.Join("fixtures", "validation", "default", "invalid-default-value-parameter.json")) require.NoError(t, err) err = Spec(doc, strfmt.Default) require.Error(t, err) } func TestSpec_Validate_InvalidInterface(t *testing.T) { fp := filepath.Join("fixtures", "local_expansion", "spec.yaml") doc2, err := loads.Spec(fp) require.NoError(t, err) require.NotNil(t, doc2) validator := NewSpecValidator(doc2.Schema(), strfmt.Default) bug := "bzzz" res, _ := validator.Validate(bug) assert.NotEmpty(t, res.Errors) assert.Contains(t, res.Errors[0].Error(), "can only validate spec.Document objects") } func TestSpec_ValidateBodyFormDataParams(t *testing.T) { res, _ := loadAndValidate(t, filepath.Join("fixtures", "validation", "invalid-formdata-body-params.json")) assert.NotEmpty(t, res.Errors) assert.Len(t, res.Errors, 1) } func TestSpec_Issue73(t *testing.T) { res, _ := loadAndValidate(t, filepath.Join("fixtures", "bugs", "73", "fixture-swagger.yaml")) assert.Empty(t, res.Errors, " in fixture-swagger.yaml") res, _ = loadAndValidate(t, filepath.Join("fixtures", "bugs", "73", "fixture-swagger-2.yaml")) assert.Empty(t, res.Errors, "in fixture-swagger-2.yaml") res, _ = loadAndValidate(t, filepath.Join("fixtures", "bugs", "73", "fixture-swagger-3.yaml")) assert.Empty(t, res.Errors, "in fixture-swagger-3.yaml") res, _ = loadAndValidate(t, filepath.Join("fixtures", "bugs", "73", "fixture-swagger-good.yaml")) assert.Empty(t, res.Errors, " in fixture-swagger-good.yaml") } func TestSpec_Issue1341(t *testing.T) { // testing recursive walk with defaults and examples res, _ := loadAndValidate(t, filepath.Join("fixtures", "bugs", "1341", "fixture-1341-good.yaml")) assert.Empty(t, res.Errors, " in fixture-1341-good.yaml") assert.Len(t, res.Warnings, 1, " in fixture-1341-good.yaml") res, _ = loadAndValidate(t, filepath.Join("fixtures", "bugs", "1341", "fixture-1341.yaml")) assert.Empty(t, res.Errors, "in fixture-1341.yaml") assert.Empty(t, res.Warnings, "in fixture-1341.yaml") res, _ = loadAndValidate(t, filepath.Join("fixtures", "bugs", "1341", "fixture-1341-2.yaml")) assert.Empty(t, res.Errors, "in fixture-1341-2.yaml") assert.Empty(t, res.Warnings, "in fixture-1341-2.yaml") res, _ = loadAndValidate(t, filepath.Join("fixtures", "bugs", "1341", "fixture-1341-3.yaml")) assert.Empty(t, res.Errors, "in fixture-1341-3.yaml") assert.Len(t, res.Warnings, 4, "in fixture-1341-3.yaml") res, _ = loadAndValidate(t, filepath.Join("fixtures", "bugs", "1341", "fixture-1341-4.yaml")) assert.Empty(t, res.Errors, "in fixture-1341-4.yaml") assert.Empty(t, res.Warnings, "in fixture-1341-4.yaml") res, _ = loadAndValidate(t, filepath.Join("fixtures", "bugs", "1341", "fixture-1341-5.yaml")) assert.Len(t, res.Errors, 4, "in fixture-1341-5.yaml") assert.Empty(t, res.Warnings, "in fixture-1341-5.yaml") } // test go-swagger/go-swagger#1614 (circular refs) func Test_Issue1614(t *testing.T) { path := filepath.Join("fixtures", "bugs", "1614", "gitea.json") testIssue(t, path, 0, 3) } // Test go-swagger/go-swagger#1621 (remote $ref) func Test_Issue1621(t *testing.T) { path := filepath.Join("fixtures", "bugs", "1621", "fixture-1621.yaml") testIssue(t, path, 0, 0) } // Test go-swagger/go-swagger#1429 (remote $ref) func Test_Issue1429(t *testing.T) { path := filepath.Join("fixtures", "bugs", "1429", "swagger.yaml") testIssue(t, path, 0, 0) } func TestSpec_ValidationTypeMismatch(t *testing.T) { doc, err := loads.Spec(filepath.Join("fixtures", "validation", "type-keyword-mismatch.yaml")) require.NoError(t, err) validator := NewSpecValidator(doc.Schema(), strfmt.Default) validator.spec = doc validator.analyzer = analysis.New(doc.Spec()) res := validator.validateParameters() assert.NotEmpty(t, res.Warnings) assert.Len(t, res.Warnings, 3) warnings := verifiedTestWarnings(res) assert.Contains(t, warnings, `validation keywords of parameter "id" in path "/test/{id}/string" don't match its type string`) assert.Contains(t, warnings, `validation keywords of parameter "id" in path "/test/{id}/integer" don't match its type integer`) assert.Contains(t, warnings, `validation keywords of parameter "id" in path "/test/{id}/array" don't match its type array`) } func loadAndValidate(t testing.TB, fp string, early ...bool) (*Result, *Result) { doc, err := loads.Spec(fp) require.NoError(t, err) require.NotNil(t, doc) validator := NewSpecValidator(doc.Schema(), strfmt.Default) // for testing, we enable "ContinueOnErrors" by default if len(early) == 0 { validator.Options = Opts{ContinueOnErrors: true} } else { for _, flag := range early { validator.Options = Opts{ContinueOnErrors: flag} } } return validator.Validate(doc) } func TestItemsProperty_Issue43(t *testing.T) { for _, fixture := range []string{ "fixture-43.yaml", "fixture-43-variants.yaml", "fixture-1456.yaml", } { fp := filepath.Join("fixtures", "bugs", "43", fixture) res, warnings := loadAndValidate(t, fp) assert.Truef(t, res.IsValid(), "expected spec from %s to be valid", fixture) assert.Emptyf(t, res.Errors, "expected no error in %s", fixture) assert.Emptyf(t, res.Warnings, "expected no warning in %s", fixture) assert.Emptyf(t, warnings, "expected no warning in %s", fixture) } fp := filepath.Join("fixtures", "bugs", "43", "fixture-43-fail.yaml") res, _ := loadAndValidate(t, fp) assert.Falsef(t, res.IsValid(), "expected spec to be invalid") assert.Greater(t, len(res.Errors), 3) fp = filepath.Join("fixtures", "validation", "fixture-1171.yaml") res, _ = loadAndValidate(t, fp) assert.Falsef(t, res.IsValid(), "expected spec to be invalid") assert.Greater(t, len(res.Errors), 3) found := false for _, e := range res.Errors { found = strings.Contains(e.Error(), "array requires items definition") if found { break } } assert.True(t, found) } func Test_Issue2137(t *testing.T) { fp := filepath.Join("fixtures", "bugs", "2137", "fixture-2137.yaml") res, _ := loadAndValidate(t, fp) assert.Falsef(t, res.IsValid(), "expected spec to be invalid") found := false for _, e := range res.Errors { found = strings.Contains(e.Error(), `"test" is defined 2 times`) if found { break } } assert.True(t, found) } func Test_Examples(t *testing.T) { fp := filepath.Join("fixtures", "bugs", "2649", "swagger.yaml") doc, err := loads.Spec(fp) require.NoError(t, err) require.NotNil(t, doc) validator := NewSpecValidator(doc.Schema(), strfmt.Default) validator.Options.SkipSchemataResult = true res, _ := validator.Validate(doc) if !assert.Truef(t, res.IsValid(), "expected spec to be valid") { spew.Dump(res.Errors) } } func Test_2866(t *testing.T) { // exercises fixture from go-swagger/go-swagger#2866, a test in go-swagger // that used to be problematic when using memory pools. fp := filepath.Join("fixtures", "bugs", "2866", "2866.yaml") doc, err := loads.Spec(fp) require.NoError(t, err) require.NotNil(t, doc) require.NoError(t, Spec(doc, strfmt.Default)) }