
Text file src/github.com/go-openapi/validate/fixtures/go-swagger/bugs/811/swagger.json

Documentation: github.com/go-openapi/validate/fixtures/go-swagger/bugs/811

     2  "swagger": "2.0",
     3  "schemes": [
     4    "https"
     5  ],
     6  "host": "api.github.com",
     7  "basePath": "/",
     8  "x-hasEquivalentPaths": true,
     9  "info": {
    10    "description": "Powerful collaboration, code review, and code management for open source and private projects.\n",
    11    "termsOfService": "https://help.github.com/articles/github-terms-of-service/#b-api-terms",
    12    "title": "GitHub",
    13    "version": "v3",
    14    "x-logo": {
    15      "url": "https://api.apis.guru/v2/cache/logo/http_assets-cdn.github.com_images_modules_logos_page_GitHub-Mark.png"
    16    },
    17    "x-origin": {
    18      "format": "swagger",
    19      "url": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/APIs-guru/unofficial_openapi_specs/master/github.com/v3/swagger.yaml",
    20      "version": "2.0"
    21    },
    22    "x-preferred": true,
    23    "x-providerName": "github.com",
    24    "x-unofficialSpec": true
    25  },
    26  "externalDocs": {
    27    "url": "https://developer.github.com/v3/"
    28  },
    29  "consumes": [
    30    "application/json"
    31  ],
    32  "produces": [
    33    "application/json"
    34  ],
    35  "securityDefinitions": {
    36    "oauth_2_0": {
    37      "authorizationUrl": "https://github.com/login/oauth/authorize",
    38      "description": "OAuth2 is a protocol that lets external apps request authorization to private\ndetails in a user's GitHub account without getting their password. This is\npreferred over Basic Authentication because tokens can be limited to specific\ntypes of data, and can be revoked by users at any time.\n",
    39      "flow": "accessCode",
    40      "scopes": {
    41        "admin:org": "",
    42        "admin:org_hook": "",
    43        "admin:public_key": "",
    44        "admin:repo_hook": "",
    45        "delete_repo": "",
    46        "gist": "",
    47        "notifications": "",
    48        "public_repo": "",
    49        "read:org": "",
    50        "read:public_key": "",
    51        "read:repo_hook": "",
    52        "repo": "",
    53        "repo:status": "",
    54        "repo_deployment": "",
    55        "user": "",
    56        "user:email": "",
    57        "user:follow": "",
    58        "write:org": "",
    59        "write:public_key": "",
    60        "write:repo_hook": ""
    61      },
    62      "tokenUrl": "https://github.com/login/oauth/access_token",
    63      "type": "oauth2"
    64    }
    65  },
    66  "paths": {
    67    "/emojis": {
    68      "get": {
    69        "description": "Lists all the emojis available to use on GitHub.",
    70        "parameters": [
    71          {
    72            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
    73            "in": "header",
    74            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
    75            "type": "string"
    76          },
    77          {
    78            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
    79            "in": "header",
    80            "name": "Accept",
    81            "type": "string"
    82          },
    83          {
    84            "in": "header",
    85            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
    86            "type": "integer"
    87          },
    88          {
    89            "in": "header",
    90            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
    91            "type": "integer"
    92          },
    93          {
    94            "in": "header",
    95            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
    96            "type": "integer"
    97          },
    98          {
    99            "in": "header",
   100            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
   101            "type": "integer"
   102          }
   103        ],
   104        "responses": {
   105          "200": {
   106            "description": "OK",
   107            "schema": {
   108              "$ref": "#/definitions/emojis"
   109            }
   110          },
   111          "403": {
   112            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
   113          }
   114        }
   115      }
   116    },
   117    "/events": {
   118      "get": {
   119        "description": "List public events.",
   120        "parameters": [
   121          {
   122            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
   123            "in": "header",
   124            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
   125            "type": "string"
   126          },
   127          {
   128            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
   129            "in": "header",
   130            "name": "Accept",
   131            "type": "string"
   132          },
   133          {
   134            "in": "header",
   135            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
   136            "type": "integer"
   137          },
   138          {
   139            "in": "header",
   140            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
   141            "type": "integer"
   142          },
   143          {
   144            "in": "header",
   145            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
   146            "type": "integer"
   147          },
   148          {
   149            "in": "header",
   150            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
   151            "type": "integer"
   152          }
   153        ],
   154        "responses": {
   155          "200": {
   156            "description": "OK",
   157            "schema": {
   158              "$ref": "#/definitions/events"
   159            }
   160          },
   161          "403": {
   162            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
   163          }
   164        }
   165      }
   166    },
   167    "/feeds": {
   168      "get": {
   169        "description": "List Feeds.\nGitHub provides several timeline resources in Atom format. The Feeds API\n lists all the feeds available to the authenticating user.\n",
   170        "parameters": [
   171          {
   172            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
   173            "in": "header",
   174            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
   175            "type": "string"
   176          },
   177          {
   178            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
   179            "in": "header",
   180            "name": "Accept",
   181            "type": "string"
   182          },
   183          {
   184            "in": "header",
   185            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
   186            "type": "integer"
   187          },
   188          {
   189            "in": "header",
   190            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
   191            "type": "integer"
   192          },
   193          {
   194            "in": "header",
   195            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
   196            "type": "integer"
   197          },
   198          {
   199            "in": "header",
   200            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
   201            "type": "integer"
   202          }
   203        ],
   204        "responses": {
   205          "200": {
   206            "description": "OK",
   207            "schema": {
   208              "$ref": "#/definitions/feeds"
   209            }
   210          },
   211          "403": {
   212            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
   213          }
   214        }
   215      }
   216    },
   217    "/gists": {
   218      "get": {
   219        "description": "List the authenticated user's gists or if called anonymously, this will\nreturn all public gists.\n",
   220        "parameters": [
   221          {
   222            "description": "Timestamp in ISO 8601 format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ.\nOnly gists updated at or after this time are returned.\n",
   223            "in": "query",
   224            "name": "since",
   225            "type": "string"
   226          },
   227          {
   228            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
   229            "in": "header",
   230            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
   231            "type": "string"
   232          },
   233          {
   234            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
   235            "in": "header",
   236            "name": "Accept",
   237            "type": "string"
   238          },
   239          {
   240            "in": "header",
   241            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
   242            "type": "integer"
   243          },
   244          {
   245            "in": "header",
   246            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
   247            "type": "integer"
   248          },
   249          {
   250            "in": "header",
   251            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
   252            "type": "integer"
   253          },
   254          {
   255            "in": "header",
   256            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
   257            "type": "integer"
   258          }
   259        ],
   260        "responses": {
   261          "200": {
   262            "description": "OK",
   263            "schema": {
   264              "$ref": "#/definitions/gists"
   265            }
   266          },
   267          "403": {
   268            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
   269          }
   270        }
   271      },
   272      "post": {
   273        "description": "Create a gist.",
   274        "parameters": [
   275          {
   276            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
   277            "in": "header",
   278            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
   279            "type": "string"
   280          },
   281          {
   282            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
   283            "in": "header",
   284            "name": "Accept",
   285            "type": "string"
   286          },
   287          {
   288            "in": "header",
   289            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
   290            "type": "integer"
   291          },
   292          {
   293            "in": "header",
   294            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
   295            "type": "integer"
   296          },
   297          {
   298            "in": "header",
   299            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
   300            "type": "integer"
   301          },
   302          {
   303            "in": "header",
   304            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
   305            "type": "integer"
   306          },
   307          {
   308            "in": "body",
   309            "name": "body",
   310            "required": true,
   311            "schema": {
   312              "$ref": "#/definitions/postGist"
   313            }
   314          }
   315        ],
   316        "responses": {
   317          "201": {
   318            "description": "Created",
   319            "schema": {
   320              "$ref": "#/definitions/gist"
   321            }
   322          },
   323          "403": {
   324            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
   325          }
   326        }
   327      }
   328    },
   329    "/gists/public": {
   330      "get": {
   331        "description": "List all public gists.",
   332        "parameters": [
   333          {
   334            "description": "Timestamp in ISO 8601 format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ.\nOnly gists updated at or after this time are returned.\n",
   335            "in": "query",
   336            "name": "since",
   337            "type": "string"
   338          },
   339          {
   340            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
   341            "in": "header",
   342            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
   343            "type": "string"
   344          },
   345          {
   346            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
   347            "in": "header",
   348            "name": "Accept",
   349            "type": "string"
   350          },
   351          {
   352            "in": "header",
   353            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
   354            "type": "integer"
   355          },
   356          {
   357            "in": "header",
   358            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
   359            "type": "integer"
   360          },
   361          {
   362            "in": "header",
   363            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
   364            "type": "integer"
   365          },
   366          {
   367            "in": "header",
   368            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
   369            "type": "integer"
   370          }
   371        ],
   372        "responses": {
   373          "200": {
   374            "description": "OK",
   375            "schema": {
   376              "$ref": "#/definitions/gists"
   377            }
   378          },
   379          "403": {
   380            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
   381          }
   382        }
   383      }
   384    },
   385    "/gists/starred": {
   386      "get": {
   387        "description": "List the authenticated user's starred gists.",
   388        "parameters": [
   389          {
   390            "description": "Timestamp in ISO 8601 format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ.\nOnly gists updated at or after this time are returned.\n",
   391            "in": "query",
   392            "name": "since",
   393            "type": "string"
   394          },
   395          {
   396            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
   397            "in": "header",
   398            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
   399            "type": "string"
   400          },
   401          {
   402            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
   403            "in": "header",
   404            "name": "Accept",
   405            "type": "string"
   406          },
   407          {
   408            "in": "header",
   409            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
   410            "type": "integer"
   411          },
   412          {
   413            "in": "header",
   414            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
   415            "type": "integer"
   416          },
   417          {
   418            "in": "header",
   419            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
   420            "type": "integer"
   421          },
   422          {
   423            "in": "header",
   424            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
   425            "type": "integer"
   426          }
   427        ],
   428        "responses": {
   429          "200": {
   430            "description": "OK",
   431            "schema": {
   432              "$ref": "#/definitions/gists"
   433            }
   434          },
   435          "403": {
   436            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
   437          }
   438        }
   439      }
   440    },
   441    "/gists/{id}": {
   442      "delete": {
   443        "description": "Delete a gist.",
   444        "parameters": [
   445          {
   446            "description": "Id of gist.",
   447            "in": "path",
   448            "name": "id",
   449            "required": true,
   450            "type": "integer"
   451          },
   452          {
   453            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
   454            "in": "header",
   455            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
   456            "type": "string"
   457          },
   458          {
   459            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
   460            "in": "header",
   461            "name": "Accept",
   462            "type": "string"
   463          },
   464          {
   465            "in": "header",
   466            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
   467            "type": "integer"
   468          },
   469          {
   470            "in": "header",
   471            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
   472            "type": "integer"
   473          },
   474          {
   475            "in": "header",
   476            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
   477            "type": "integer"
   478          },
   479          {
   480            "in": "header",
   481            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
   482            "type": "integer"
   483          }
   484        ],
   485        "responses": {
   486          "204": {
   487            "description": "No content.\n"
   488          },
   489          "403": {
   490            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
   491          }
   492        }
   493      },
   494      "get": {
   495        "description": "Get a single gist.",
   496        "parameters": [
   497          {
   498            "description": "Id of gist.",
   499            "in": "path",
   500            "name": "id",
   501            "required": true,
   502            "type": "integer"
   503          },
   504          {
   505            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
   506            "in": "header",
   507            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
   508            "type": "string"
   509          },
   510          {
   511            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
   512            "in": "header",
   513            "name": "Accept",
   514            "type": "string"
   515          },
   516          {
   517            "in": "header",
   518            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
   519            "type": "integer"
   520          },
   521          {
   522            "in": "header",
   523            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
   524            "type": "integer"
   525          },
   526          {
   527            "in": "header",
   528            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
   529            "type": "integer"
   530          },
   531          {
   532            "in": "header",
   533            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
   534            "type": "integer"
   535          }
   536        ],
   537        "responses": {
   538          "200": {
   539            "description": "OK",
   540            "schema": {
   541              "$ref": "#/definitions/gist"
   542            }
   543          },
   544          "403": {
   545            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
   546          }
   547        }
   548      },
   549      "patch": {
   550        "description": "Edit a gist.",
   551        "parameters": [
   552          {
   553            "description": "Id of gist.",
   554            "in": "path",
   555            "name": "id",
   556            "required": true,
   557            "type": "integer"
   558          },
   559          {
   560            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
   561            "in": "header",
   562            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
   563            "type": "string"
   564          },
   565          {
   566            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
   567            "in": "header",
   568            "name": "Accept",
   569            "type": "string"
   570          },
   571          {
   572            "in": "header",
   573            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
   574            "type": "integer"
   575          },
   576          {
   577            "in": "header",
   578            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
   579            "type": "integer"
   580          },
   581          {
   582            "in": "header",
   583            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
   584            "type": "integer"
   585          },
   586          {
   587            "in": "header",
   588            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
   589            "type": "integer"
   590          },
   591          {
   592            "in": "body",
   593            "name": "body",
   594            "required": true,
   595            "schema": {
   596              "$ref": "#/definitions/patchGist"
   597            }
   598          }
   599        ],
   600        "responses": {
   601          "200": {
   602            "description": "OK",
   603            "schema": {
   604              "$ref": "#/definitions/gist"
   605            }
   606          },
   607          "403": {
   608            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
   609          }
   610        }
   611      }
   612    },
   613    "/gists/{id}/comments": {
   614      "get": {
   615        "description": "List comments on a gist.",
   616        "parameters": [
   617          {
   618            "description": "Id of gist.",
   619            "in": "path",
   620            "name": "id",
   621            "required": true,
   622            "type": "integer"
   623          },
   624          {
   625            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
   626            "in": "header",
   627            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
   628            "type": "string"
   629          },
   630          {
   631            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
   632            "in": "header",
   633            "name": "Accept",
   634            "type": "string"
   635          },
   636          {
   637            "in": "header",
   638            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
   639            "type": "integer"
   640          },
   641          {
   642            "in": "header",
   643            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
   644            "type": "integer"
   645          },
   646          {
   647            "in": "header",
   648            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
   649            "type": "integer"
   650          },
   651          {
   652            "in": "header",
   653            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
   654            "type": "integer"
   655          }
   656        ],
   657        "responses": {
   658          "200": {
   659            "description": "OK",
   660            "schema": {
   661              "$ref": "#/definitions/comments"
   662            }
   663          },
   664          "403": {
   665            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
   666          }
   667        }
   668      },
   669      "post": {
   670        "description": "Create a commen",
   671        "parameters": [
   672          {
   673            "description": "Id of gist.",
   674            "in": "path",
   675            "name": "id",
   676            "required": true,
   677            "type": "integer"
   678          },
   679          {
   680            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
   681            "in": "header",
   682            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
   683            "type": "string"
   684          },
   685          {
   686            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
   687            "in": "header",
   688            "name": "Accept",
   689            "type": "string"
   690          },
   691          {
   692            "in": "header",
   693            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
   694            "type": "integer"
   695          },
   696          {
   697            "in": "header",
   698            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
   699            "type": "integer"
   700          },
   701          {
   702            "in": "header",
   703            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
   704            "type": "integer"
   705          },
   706          {
   707            "in": "header",
   708            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
   709            "type": "integer"
   710          },
   711          {
   712            "in": "body",
   713            "name": "body",
   714            "required": true,
   715            "schema": {
   716              "$ref": "#/definitions/commentBody"
   717            }
   718          }
   719        ],
   720        "responses": {
   721          "201": {
   722            "description": "Created",
   723            "schema": {
   724              "$ref": "#/definitions/comment"
   725            }
   726          },
   727          "403": {
   728            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
   729          }
   730        }
   731      }
   732    },
   733    "/gists/{id}/comments/{commentId}": {
   734      "delete": {
   735        "description": "Delete a comment.",
   736        "parameters": [
   737          {
   738            "description": "Id of gist.",
   739            "in": "path",
   740            "name": "id",
   741            "required": true,
   742            "type": "integer"
   743          },
   744          {
   745            "description": "Id of comment.",
   746            "in": "path",
   747            "name": "commentId",
   748            "required": true,
   749            "type": "integer"
   750          },
   751          {
   752            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
   753            "in": "header",
   754            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
   755            "type": "string"
   756          },
   757          {
   758            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
   759            "in": "header",
   760            "name": "Accept",
   761            "type": "string"
   762          },
   763          {
   764            "in": "header",
   765            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
   766            "type": "integer"
   767          },
   768          {
   769            "in": "header",
   770            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
   771            "type": "integer"
   772          },
   773          {
   774            "in": "header",
   775            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
   776            "type": "integer"
   777          },
   778          {
   779            "in": "header",
   780            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
   781            "type": "integer"
   782          }
   783        ],
   784        "responses": {
   785          "204": {
   786            "description": "No content.\n"
   787          },
   788          "403": {
   789            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
   790          }
   791        }
   792      },
   793      "get": {
   794        "description": "Get a single comment.",
   795        "parameters": [
   796          {
   797            "description": "Id of gist.",
   798            "in": "path",
   799            "name": "id",
   800            "required": true,
   801            "type": "integer"
   802          },
   803          {
   804            "description": "Id of comment.",
   805            "in": "path",
   806            "name": "commentId",
   807            "required": true,
   808            "type": "integer"
   809          },
   810          {
   811            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
   812            "in": "header",
   813            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
   814            "type": "string"
   815          },
   816          {
   817            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
   818            "in": "header",
   819            "name": "Accept",
   820            "type": "string"
   821          },
   822          {
   823            "in": "header",
   824            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
   825            "type": "integer"
   826          },
   827          {
   828            "in": "header",
   829            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
   830            "type": "integer"
   831          },
   832          {
   833            "in": "header",
   834            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
   835            "type": "integer"
   836          },
   837          {
   838            "in": "header",
   839            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
   840            "type": "integer"
   841          }
   842        ],
   843        "responses": {
   844          "200": {
   845            "description": "OK",
   846            "schema": {
   847              "$ref": "#/definitions/comment"
   848            }
   849          },
   850          "403": {
   851            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
   852          }
   853        }
   854      },
   855      "patch": {
   856        "description": "Edit a comment.",
   857        "parameters": [
   858          {
   859            "description": "Id of gist.",
   860            "in": "path",
   861            "name": "id",
   862            "required": true,
   863            "type": "integer"
   864          },
   865          {
   866            "description": "Id of comment.",
   867            "in": "path",
   868            "name": "commentId",
   869            "required": true,
   870            "type": "integer"
   871          },
   872          {
   873            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
   874            "in": "header",
   875            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
   876            "type": "string"
   877          },
   878          {
   879            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
   880            "in": "header",
   881            "name": "Accept",
   882            "type": "string"
   883          },
   884          {
   885            "in": "header",
   886            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
   887            "type": "integer"
   888          },
   889          {
   890            "in": "header",
   891            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
   892            "type": "integer"
   893          },
   894          {
   895            "in": "header",
   896            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
   897            "type": "integer"
   898          },
   899          {
   900            "in": "header",
   901            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
   902            "type": "integer"
   903          },
   904          {
   905            "in": "body",
   906            "name": "body",
   907            "required": true,
   908            "schema": {
   909              "$ref": "#/definitions/comment"
   910            }
   911          }
   912        ],
   913        "responses": {
   914          "200": {
   915            "description": "OK",
   916            "schema": {
   917              "$ref": "#/definitions/comment"
   918            }
   919          },
   920          "403": {
   921            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
   922          }
   923        }
   924      }
   925    },
   926    "/gists/{id}/forks": {
   927      "post": {
   928        "description": "Fork a gist.",
   929        "parameters": [
   930          {
   931            "description": "Id of gist.",
   932            "in": "path",
   933            "name": "id",
   934            "required": true,
   935            "type": "integer"
   936          },
   937          {
   938            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
   939            "in": "header",
   940            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
   941            "type": "string"
   942          },
   943          {
   944            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
   945            "in": "header",
   946            "name": "Accept",
   947            "type": "string"
   948          },
   949          {
   950            "in": "header",
   951            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
   952            "type": "integer"
   953          },
   954          {
   955            "in": "header",
   956            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
   957            "type": "integer"
   958          },
   959          {
   960            "in": "header",
   961            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
   962            "type": "integer"
   963          },
   964          {
   965            "in": "header",
   966            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
   967            "type": "integer"
   968          }
   969        ],
   970        "responses": {
   971          "204": {
   972            "description": "Exists."
   973          },
   974          "403": {
   975            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
   976          },
   977          "404": {
   978            "description": "Not exists."
   979          }
   980        }
   981      }
   982    },
   983    "/gists/{id}/star": {
   984      "delete": {
   985        "description": "Unstar a gist.",
   986        "parameters": [
   987          {
   988            "description": "Id of gist.",
   989            "in": "path",
   990            "name": "id",
   991            "required": true,
   992            "type": "integer"
   993          },
   994          {
   995            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
   996            "in": "header",
   997            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
   998            "type": "string"
   999          },
  1000          {
  1001            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  1002            "in": "header",
  1003            "name": "Accept",
  1004            "type": "string"
  1005          },
  1006          {
  1007            "in": "header",
  1008            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  1009            "type": "integer"
  1010          },
  1011          {
  1012            "in": "header",
  1013            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  1014            "type": "integer"
  1015          },
  1016          {
  1017            "in": "header",
  1018            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  1019            "type": "integer"
  1020          },
  1021          {
  1022            "in": "header",
  1023            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  1024            "type": "integer"
  1025          }
  1026        ],
  1027        "responses": {
  1028          "204": {
  1029            "description": "Item removed."
  1030          },
  1031          "403": {
  1032            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  1033          }
  1034        }
  1035      },
  1036      "get": {
  1037        "description": "Check if a gist is starred.",
  1038        "parameters": [
  1039          {
  1040            "description": "Id of gist.",
  1041            "in": "path",
  1042            "name": "id",
  1043            "required": true,
  1044            "type": "integer"
  1045          },
  1046          {
  1047            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  1048            "in": "header",
  1049            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  1050            "type": "string"
  1051          },
  1052          {
  1053            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  1054            "in": "header",
  1055            "name": "Accept",
  1056            "type": "string"
  1057          },
  1058          {
  1059            "in": "header",
  1060            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  1061            "type": "integer"
  1062          },
  1063          {
  1064            "in": "header",
  1065            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  1066            "type": "integer"
  1067          },
  1068          {
  1069            "in": "header",
  1070            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  1071            "type": "integer"
  1072          },
  1073          {
  1074            "in": "header",
  1075            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  1076            "type": "integer"
  1077          }
  1078        ],
  1079        "responses": {
  1080          "204": {
  1081            "description": "Exists."
  1082          },
  1083          "403": {
  1084            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  1085          },
  1086          "404": {
  1087            "description": "Not exists."
  1088          }
  1089        }
  1090      },
  1091      "put": {
  1092        "description": "Star a gist.",
  1093        "parameters": [
  1094          {
  1095            "description": "Id of gist.",
  1096            "in": "path",
  1097            "name": "id",
  1098            "required": true,
  1099            "type": "integer"
  1100          },
  1101          {
  1102            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  1103            "in": "header",
  1104            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  1105            "type": "string"
  1106          },
  1107          {
  1108            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  1109            "in": "header",
  1110            "name": "Accept",
  1111            "type": "string"
  1112          },
  1113          {
  1114            "in": "header",
  1115            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  1116            "type": "integer"
  1117          },
  1118          {
  1119            "in": "header",
  1120            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  1121            "type": "integer"
  1122          },
  1123          {
  1124            "in": "header",
  1125            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  1126            "type": "integer"
  1127          },
  1128          {
  1129            "in": "header",
  1130            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  1131            "type": "integer"
  1132          }
  1133        ],
  1134        "responses": {
  1135          "204": {
  1136            "description": "Starred."
  1137          },
  1138          "403": {
  1139            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  1140          }
  1141        }
  1142      }
  1143    },
  1144    "/gitignore/templates": {
  1145      "get": {
  1146        "description": "Listing available templates.\nList all templates available to pass as an option when creating a repository.\n",
  1147        "parameters": [
  1148          {
  1149            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  1150            "in": "header",
  1151            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  1152            "type": "string"
  1153          },
  1154          {
  1155            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  1156            "in": "header",
  1157            "name": "Accept",
  1158            "type": "string"
  1159          },
  1160          {
  1161            "in": "header",
  1162            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  1163            "type": "integer"
  1164          },
  1165          {
  1166            "in": "header",
  1167            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  1168            "type": "integer"
  1169          },
  1170          {
  1171            "in": "header",
  1172            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  1173            "type": "integer"
  1174          },
  1175          {
  1176            "in": "header",
  1177            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  1178            "type": "integer"
  1179          }
  1180        ],
  1181        "responses": {
  1182          "200": {
  1183            "description": "OK",
  1184            "schema": {
  1185              "$ref": "#/definitions/gitignore"
  1186            }
  1187          },
  1188          "403": {
  1189            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  1190          }
  1191        }
  1192      }
  1193    },
  1194    "/gitignore/templates/{language}": {
  1195      "get": {
  1196        "description": "Get a single template.",
  1197        "parameters": [
  1198          {
  1199            "in": "path",
  1200            "name": "language",
  1201            "required": true,
  1202            "type": "string"
  1203          },
  1204          {
  1205            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  1206            "in": "header",
  1207            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  1208            "type": "string"
  1209          },
  1210          {
  1211            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  1212            "in": "header",
  1213            "name": "Accept",
  1214            "type": "string"
  1215          },
  1216          {
  1217            "in": "header",
  1218            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  1219            "type": "integer"
  1220          },
  1221          {
  1222            "in": "header",
  1223            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  1224            "type": "integer"
  1225          },
  1226          {
  1227            "in": "header",
  1228            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  1229            "type": "integer"
  1230          },
  1231          {
  1232            "in": "header",
  1233            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  1234            "type": "integer"
  1235          }
  1236        ],
  1237        "responses": {
  1238          "200": {
  1239            "description": "OK",
  1240            "schema": {
  1241              "$ref": "#/definitions/gitignore-lang"
  1242            }
  1243          },
  1244          "403": {
  1245            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  1246          }
  1247        }
  1248      }
  1249    },
  1250    "/issues": {
  1251      "get": {
  1252        "description": "List issues.\nList all issues across all the authenticated user's visible repositories.\n",
  1253        "parameters": [
  1254          {
  1255            "default": "all",
  1256            "description": "Issues assigned to you / created by you / mentioning you / you're\nsubscribed to updates for / All issues the authenticated user can see\n",
  1257            "enum": [
  1258              "assigned",
  1259              "created",
  1260              "mentioned",
  1261              "subscribed",
  1262              "all"
  1263            ],
  1264            "in": "query",
  1265            "name": "filter",
  1266            "required": true,
  1267            "type": "string"
  1268          },
  1269          {
  1270            "default": "open",
  1271            "enum": [
  1272              "open",
  1273              "closed"
  1274            ],
  1275            "in": "query",
  1276            "name": "state",
  1277            "required": true,
  1278            "type": "string"
  1279          },
  1280          {
  1281            "description": "String list of comma separated Label names. Example - bug,ui,@high.",
  1282            "in": "query",
  1283            "name": "labels",
  1284            "required": true,
  1285            "type": "string"
  1286          },
  1287          {
  1288            "default": "created",
  1289            "enum": [
  1290              "created",
  1291              "updated",
  1292              "comments"
  1293            ],
  1294            "in": "query",
  1295            "name": "sort",
  1296            "required": true,
  1297            "type": "string"
  1298          },
  1299          {
  1300            "default": "desc",
  1301            "enum": [
  1302              "asc",
  1303              "desc"
  1304            ],
  1305            "in": "query",
  1306            "name": "direction",
  1307            "required": true,
  1308            "type": "string"
  1309          },
  1310          {
  1311            "description": "Optional string of a timestamp in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ.\nOnly issues updated at or after this time are returned.\n",
  1312            "in": "query",
  1313            "name": "since",
  1314            "type": "string"
  1315          },
  1316          {
  1317            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  1318            "in": "header",
  1319            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  1320            "type": "string"
  1321          },
  1322          {
  1323            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  1324            "in": "header",
  1325            "name": "Accept",
  1326            "type": "string"
  1327          },
  1328          {
  1329            "in": "header",
  1330            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  1331            "type": "integer"
  1332          },
  1333          {
  1334            "in": "header",
  1335            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  1336            "type": "integer"
  1337          },
  1338          {
  1339            "in": "header",
  1340            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  1341            "type": "integer"
  1342          },
  1343          {
  1344            "in": "header",
  1345            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  1346            "type": "integer"
  1347          }
  1348        ],
  1349        "responses": {
  1350          "200": {
  1351            "description": "OK",
  1352            "schema": {
  1353              "$ref": "#/definitions/issues"
  1354            }
  1355          },
  1356          "403": {
  1357            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  1358          }
  1359        }
  1360      }
  1361    },
  1362    "/legacy/issues/search/{owner}/{repository}/{state}/{keyword}": {
  1363      "get": {
  1364        "description": "Find issues by state and keyword.",
  1365        "parameters": [
  1366          {
  1367            "description": "The search term.",
  1368            "in": "path",
  1369            "name": "keyword",
  1370            "required": true,
  1371            "type": "string"
  1372          },
  1373          {
  1374            "description": "Indicates the state of the issues to return. Can be either open or closed.",
  1375            "enum": [
  1376              "open",
  1377              "closed"
  1378            ],
  1379            "in": "path",
  1380            "name": "state",
  1381            "required": true,
  1382            "type": "string"
  1383          },
  1384          {
  1385            "in": "path",
  1386            "name": "owner",
  1387            "required": true,
  1388            "type": "string"
  1389          },
  1390          {
  1391            "in": "path",
  1392            "name": "repository",
  1393            "required": true,
  1394            "type": "string"
  1395          },
  1396          {
  1397            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  1398            "in": "header",
  1399            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  1400            "type": "string"
  1401          },
  1402          {
  1403            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  1404            "in": "header",
  1405            "name": "Accept",
  1406            "type": "string"
  1407          },
  1408          {
  1409            "in": "header",
  1410            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  1411            "type": "integer"
  1412          },
  1413          {
  1414            "in": "header",
  1415            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  1416            "type": "integer"
  1417          },
  1418          {
  1419            "in": "header",
  1420            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  1421            "type": "integer"
  1422          },
  1423          {
  1424            "in": "header",
  1425            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  1426            "type": "integer"
  1427          }
  1428        ],
  1429        "responses": {
  1430          "200": {
  1431            "description": "OK",
  1432            "schema": {
  1433              "$ref": "#/definitions/search-issues-by-keyword"
  1434            }
  1435          },
  1436          "403": {
  1437            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  1438          }
  1439        }
  1440      }
  1441    },
  1442    "/legacy/repos/search/{keyword}": {
  1443      "get": {
  1444        "description": "Find repositories by keyword. Note, this legacy method does not follow the v3 pagination pattern. This method returns up to 100 results per page and pages can be fetched using the start_page parameter.",
  1445        "parameters": [
  1446          {
  1447            "description": "The search term",
  1448            "in": "path",
  1449            "name": "keyword",
  1450            "required": true,
  1451            "type": "string"
  1452          },
  1453          {
  1454            "default": "desc",
  1455            "description": "The sort field. if sort param is provided. Can be either asc or desc.",
  1456            "enum": [
  1457              "desc",
  1458              "asc"
  1459            ],
  1460            "in": "query",
  1461            "name": "order",
  1462            "type": "string"
  1463          },
  1464          {
  1465            "description": "Filter results by language",
  1466            "in": "query",
  1467            "name": "language",
  1468            "type": "string"
  1469          },
  1470          {
  1471            "description": "The page number to fetch",
  1472            "in": "query",
  1473            "name": "start_page",
  1474            "type": "string"
  1475          },
  1476          {
  1477            "description": "The sort field. One of stars, forks, or updated. Default: results are sorted by best match.",
  1478            "enum": [
  1479              "updated",
  1480              "stars",
  1481              "forks"
  1482            ],
  1483            "in": "query",
  1484            "name": "sort",
  1485            "type": "string"
  1486          },
  1487          {
  1488            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  1489            "in": "header",
  1490            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  1491            "type": "string"
  1492          },
  1493          {
  1494            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  1495            "in": "header",
  1496            "name": "Accept",
  1497            "type": "string"
  1498          },
  1499          {
  1500            "in": "header",
  1501            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  1502            "type": "integer"
  1503          },
  1504          {
  1505            "in": "header",
  1506            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  1507            "type": "integer"
  1508          },
  1509          {
  1510            "in": "header",
  1511            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  1512            "type": "integer"
  1513          },
  1514          {
  1515            "in": "header",
  1516            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  1517            "type": "integer"
  1518          }
  1519        ],
  1520        "responses": {
  1521          "200": {
  1522            "description": "OK",
  1523            "schema": {
  1524              "$ref": "#/definitions/search-repositories-by-keyword"
  1525            }
  1526          },
  1527          "403": {
  1528            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  1529          }
  1530        }
  1531      }
  1532    },
  1533    "/legacy/user/email/{email}": {
  1534      "get": {
  1535        "description": "This API call is added for compatibility reasons only.",
  1536        "parameters": [
  1537          {
  1538            "description": "The email address",
  1539            "in": "path",
  1540            "name": "email",
  1541            "required": true,
  1542            "type": "string"
  1543          },
  1544          {
  1545            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  1546            "in": "header",
  1547            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  1548            "type": "string"
  1549          },
  1550          {
  1551            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  1552            "in": "header",
  1553            "name": "Accept",
  1554            "type": "string"
  1555          },
  1556          {
  1557            "in": "header",
  1558            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  1559            "type": "integer"
  1560          },
  1561          {
  1562            "in": "header",
  1563            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  1564            "type": "integer"
  1565          },
  1566          {
  1567            "in": "header",
  1568            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  1569            "type": "integer"
  1570          },
  1571          {
  1572            "in": "header",
  1573            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  1574            "type": "integer"
  1575          }
  1576        ],
  1577        "responses": {
  1578          "200": {
  1579            "description": "OK",
  1580            "schema": {
  1581              "$ref": "#/definitions/search-user-by-email"
  1582            }
  1583          },
  1584          "403": {
  1585            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  1586          }
  1587        }
  1588      }
  1589    },
  1590    "/legacy/user/search/{keyword}": {
  1591      "get": {
  1592        "description": "Find users by keyword.",
  1593        "parameters": [
  1594          {
  1595            "description": "The search term",
  1596            "in": "path",
  1597            "name": "keyword",
  1598            "required": true,
  1599            "type": "string"
  1600          },
  1601          {
  1602            "default": "desc",
  1603            "description": "The sort field. if sort param is provided. Can be either asc or desc.",
  1604            "enum": [
  1605              "desc",
  1606              "asc"
  1607            ],
  1608            "in": "query",
  1609            "name": "order",
  1610            "type": "string"
  1611          },
  1612          {
  1613            "description": "The page number to fetch",
  1614            "in": "query",
  1615            "name": "start_page",
  1616            "type": "string"
  1617          },
  1618          {
  1619            "description": "The sort field. One of stars, forks, or updated. Default: results are sorted by best match.",
  1620            "enum": [
  1621              "updated",
  1622              "stars",
  1623              "forks"
  1624            ],
  1625            "in": "query",
  1626            "name": "sort",
  1627            "type": "string"
  1628          },
  1629          {
  1630            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  1631            "in": "header",
  1632            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  1633            "type": "string"
  1634          },
  1635          {
  1636            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  1637            "in": "header",
  1638            "name": "Accept",
  1639            "type": "string"
  1640          },
  1641          {
  1642            "in": "header",
  1643            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  1644            "type": "integer"
  1645          },
  1646          {
  1647            "in": "header",
  1648            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  1649            "type": "integer"
  1650          },
  1651          {
  1652            "in": "header",
  1653            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  1654            "type": "integer"
  1655          },
  1656          {
  1657            "in": "header",
  1658            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  1659            "type": "integer"
  1660          }
  1661        ],
  1662        "responses": {
  1663          "200": {
  1664            "description": "OK",
  1665            "schema": {
  1666              "$ref": "#/definitions/search-users-by-keyword"
  1667            }
  1668          },
  1669          "403": {
  1670            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  1671          }
  1672        }
  1673      }
  1674    },
  1675    "/markdown": {
  1676      "post": {
  1677        "description": "Render an arbitrary Markdown document",
  1678        "parameters": [
  1679          {
  1680            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  1681            "in": "header",
  1682            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  1683            "type": "string"
  1684          },
  1685          {
  1686            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  1687            "in": "header",
  1688            "name": "Accept",
  1689            "type": "string"
  1690          },
  1691          {
  1692            "in": "header",
  1693            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  1694            "type": "integer"
  1695          },
  1696          {
  1697            "in": "header",
  1698            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  1699            "type": "integer"
  1700          },
  1701          {
  1702            "in": "header",
  1703            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  1704            "type": "integer"
  1705          },
  1706          {
  1707            "in": "header",
  1708            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  1709            "type": "integer"
  1710          },
  1711          {
  1712            "in": "body",
  1713            "name": "body",
  1714            "required": true,
  1715            "schema": {
  1716              "$ref": "#/definitions/markdown"
  1717            }
  1718          }
  1719        ],
  1720        "produces": [
  1721          "text/html"
  1722        ],
  1723        "responses": {
  1724          "200": {
  1725            "description": "OK"
  1726          },
  1727          "403": {
  1728            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  1729          }
  1730        }
  1731      }
  1732    },
  1733    "/markdown/raw": {
  1734      "post": {
  1735        "consumes": [
  1736          "text/plain"
  1737        ],
  1738        "description": "Render a Markdown document in raw mode",
  1739        "parameters": [
  1740          {
  1741            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  1742            "in": "header",
  1743            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  1744            "type": "string"
  1745          },
  1746          {
  1747            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  1748            "in": "header",
  1749            "name": "Accept",
  1750            "type": "string"
  1751          },
  1752          {
  1753            "in": "header",
  1754            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  1755            "type": "integer"
  1756          },
  1757          {
  1758            "in": "header",
  1759            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  1760            "type": "integer"
  1761          },
  1762          {
  1763            "in": "header",
  1764            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  1765            "type": "integer"
  1766          },
  1767          {
  1768            "in": "header",
  1769            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  1770            "type": "integer"
  1771          }
  1772        ],
  1773        "produces": [
  1774          "text/html"
  1775        ],
  1776        "responses": {
  1777          "200": {
  1778            "description": "OK"
  1779          },
  1780          "403": {
  1781            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  1782          }
  1783        }
  1784      }
  1785    },
  1786    "/meta": {
  1787      "get": {
  1788        "description": "This gives some information about GitHub.com, the service.",
  1789        "parameters": [
  1790          {
  1791            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  1792            "in": "header",
  1793            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  1794            "type": "string"
  1795          },
  1796          {
  1797            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  1798            "in": "header",
  1799            "name": "Accept",
  1800            "type": "string"
  1801          },
  1802          {
  1803            "in": "header",
  1804            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  1805            "type": "integer"
  1806          },
  1807          {
  1808            "in": "header",
  1809            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  1810            "type": "integer"
  1811          },
  1812          {
  1813            "in": "header",
  1814            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  1815            "type": "integer"
  1816          },
  1817          {
  1818            "in": "header",
  1819            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  1820            "type": "integer"
  1821          }
  1822        ],
  1823        "responses": {
  1824          "200": {
  1825            "description": "OK",
  1826            "schema": {
  1827              "$ref": "#/definitions/meta"
  1828            }
  1829          },
  1830          "403": {
  1831            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  1832          }
  1833        }
  1834      }
  1835    },
  1836    "/networks/{owner}/{repo}/events": {
  1837      "get": {
  1838        "description": "List public events for a network of repositories.",
  1839        "parameters": [
  1840          {
  1841            "description": "Name of the owner.",
  1842            "in": "path",
  1843            "name": "owner",
  1844            "required": true,
  1845            "type": "string"
  1846          },
  1847          {
  1848            "description": "Name of repository.",
  1849            "in": "path",
  1850            "name": "repo",
  1851            "required": true,
  1852            "type": "string"
  1853          },
  1854          {
  1855            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  1856            "in": "header",
  1857            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  1858            "type": "string"
  1859          },
  1860          {
  1861            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  1862            "in": "header",
  1863            "name": "Accept",
  1864            "type": "string"
  1865          },
  1866          {
  1867            "in": "header",
  1868            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  1869            "type": "integer"
  1870          },
  1871          {
  1872            "in": "header",
  1873            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  1874            "type": "integer"
  1875          },
  1876          {
  1877            "in": "header",
  1878            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  1879            "type": "integer"
  1880          },
  1881          {
  1882            "in": "header",
  1883            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  1884            "type": "integer"
  1885          }
  1886        ],
  1887        "responses": {
  1888          "200": {
  1889            "description": "OK",
  1890            "schema": {
  1891              "$ref": "#/definitions/events"
  1892            }
  1893          },
  1894          "403": {
  1895            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  1896          }
  1897        }
  1898      }
  1899    },
  1900    "/notifications": {
  1901      "get": {
  1902        "description": "List your notifications.\nList all notifications for the current user, grouped by repository.\n",
  1903        "parameters": [
  1904          {
  1905            "description": "True to show notifications marked as read.",
  1906            "in": "query",
  1907            "name": "all",
  1908            "type": "boolean"
  1909          },
  1910          {
  1911            "description": "True to show only notifications in which the user is directly participating\nor mentioned.\n",
  1912            "in": "query",
  1913            "name": "participating",
  1914            "type": "boolean"
  1915          },
  1916          {
  1917            "description": "The time should be passed in as UTC in the ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ.\nExample: \"2012-10-09T23:39:01Z\".\n",
  1918            "in": "query",
  1919            "name": "since",
  1920            "type": "string"
  1921          },
  1922          {
  1923            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  1924            "in": "header",
  1925            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  1926            "type": "string"
  1927          },
  1928          {
  1929            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  1930            "in": "header",
  1931            "name": "Accept",
  1932            "type": "string"
  1933          },
  1934          {
  1935            "in": "header",
  1936            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  1937            "type": "integer"
  1938          },
  1939          {
  1940            "in": "header",
  1941            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  1942            "type": "integer"
  1943          },
  1944          {
  1945            "in": "header",
  1946            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  1947            "type": "integer"
  1948          },
  1949          {
  1950            "in": "header",
  1951            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  1952            "type": "integer"
  1953          }
  1954        ],
  1955        "responses": {
  1956          "200": {
  1957            "description": "OK",
  1958            "schema": {
  1959              "$ref": "#/definitions/notifications"
  1960            }
  1961          },
  1962          "403": {
  1963            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  1964          }
  1965        }
  1966      },
  1967      "put": {
  1968        "description": "Mark as read.\nMarking a notification as \"read\" removes it from the default view on GitHub.com.\n",
  1969        "parameters": [
  1970          {
  1971            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  1972            "in": "header",
  1973            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  1974            "type": "string"
  1975          },
  1976          {
  1977            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  1978            "in": "header",
  1979            "name": "Accept",
  1980            "type": "string"
  1981          },
  1982          {
  1983            "in": "header",
  1984            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  1985            "type": "integer"
  1986          },
  1987          {
  1988            "in": "header",
  1989            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  1990            "type": "integer"
  1991          },
  1992          {
  1993            "in": "header",
  1994            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  1995            "type": "integer"
  1996          },
  1997          {
  1998            "in": "header",
  1999            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  2000            "type": "integer"
  2001          },
  2002          {
  2003            "in": "body",
  2004            "name": "body",
  2005            "required": true,
  2006            "schema": {
  2007              "$ref": "#/definitions/notificationMarkRead"
  2008            }
  2009          }
  2010        ],
  2011        "responses": {
  2012          "205": {
  2013            "description": "Marked as read."
  2014          },
  2015          "403": {
  2016            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  2017          }
  2018        }
  2019      }
  2020    },
  2021    "/notifications/threads/{id}": {
  2022      "get": {
  2023        "description": "View a single thread.",
  2024        "parameters": [
  2025          {
  2026            "description": "Id of thread.",
  2027            "in": "path",
  2028            "name": "id",
  2029            "required": true,
  2030            "type": "integer"
  2031          },
  2032          {
  2033            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  2034            "in": "header",
  2035            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  2036            "type": "string"
  2037          },
  2038          {
  2039            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  2040            "in": "header",
  2041            "name": "Accept",
  2042            "type": "string"
  2043          },
  2044          {
  2045            "in": "header",
  2046            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  2047            "type": "integer"
  2048          },
  2049          {
  2050            "in": "header",
  2051            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  2052            "type": "integer"
  2053          },
  2054          {
  2055            "in": "header",
  2056            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  2057            "type": "integer"
  2058          },
  2059          {
  2060            "in": "header",
  2061            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  2062            "type": "integer"
  2063          }
  2064        ],
  2065        "responses": {
  2066          "200": {
  2067            "description": "OK",
  2068            "schema": {
  2069              "$ref": "#/definitions/notifications"
  2070            }
  2071          },
  2072          "403": {
  2073            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  2074          }
  2075        }
  2076      },
  2077      "patch": {
  2078        "description": "Mark a thread as read",
  2079        "parameters": [
  2080          {
  2081            "description": "Id of thread.",
  2082            "in": "path",
  2083            "name": "id",
  2084            "required": true,
  2085            "type": "integer"
  2086          },
  2087          {
  2088            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  2089            "in": "header",
  2090            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  2091            "type": "string"
  2092          },
  2093          {
  2094            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  2095            "in": "header",
  2096            "name": "Accept",
  2097            "type": "string"
  2098          },
  2099          {
  2100            "in": "header",
  2101            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  2102            "type": "integer"
  2103          },
  2104          {
  2105            "in": "header",
  2106            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  2107            "type": "integer"
  2108          },
  2109          {
  2110            "in": "header",
  2111            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  2112            "type": "integer"
  2113          },
  2114          {
  2115            "in": "header",
  2116            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  2117            "type": "integer"
  2118          }
  2119        ],
  2120        "responses": {
  2121          "205": {
  2122            "description": "Thread marked as read."
  2123          },
  2124          "403": {
  2125            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  2126          }
  2127        }
  2128      }
  2129    },
  2130    "/notifications/threads/{id}/subscription": {
  2131      "delete": {
  2132        "description": "Delete a Thread Subscription.",
  2133        "parameters": [
  2134          {
  2135            "description": "Id of thread.",
  2136            "in": "path",
  2137            "name": "id",
  2138            "required": true,
  2139            "type": "integer"
  2140          },
  2141          {
  2142            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  2143            "in": "header",
  2144            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  2145            "type": "string"
  2146          },
  2147          {
  2148            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  2149            "in": "header",
  2150            "name": "Accept",
  2151            "type": "string"
  2152          },
  2153          {
  2154            "in": "header",
  2155            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  2156            "type": "integer"
  2157          },
  2158          {
  2159            "in": "header",
  2160            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  2161            "type": "integer"
  2162          },
  2163          {
  2164            "in": "header",
  2165            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  2166            "type": "integer"
  2167          },
  2168          {
  2169            "in": "header",
  2170            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  2171            "type": "integer"
  2172          }
  2173        ],
  2174        "responses": {
  2175          "204": {
  2176            "description": "No Content\n"
  2177          },
  2178          "403": {
  2179            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  2180          }
  2181        }
  2182      },
  2183      "get": {
  2184        "description": "Get a Thread Subscription.",
  2185        "parameters": [
  2186          {
  2187            "description": "Id of thread.",
  2188            "in": "path",
  2189            "name": "id",
  2190            "required": true,
  2191            "type": "integer"
  2192          },
  2193          {
  2194            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  2195            "in": "header",
  2196            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  2197            "type": "string"
  2198          },
  2199          {
  2200            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  2201            "in": "header",
  2202            "name": "Accept",
  2203            "type": "string"
  2204          },
  2205          {
  2206            "in": "header",
  2207            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  2208            "type": "integer"
  2209          },
  2210          {
  2211            "in": "header",
  2212            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  2213            "type": "integer"
  2214          },
  2215          {
  2216            "in": "header",
  2217            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  2218            "type": "integer"
  2219          },
  2220          {
  2221            "in": "header",
  2222            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  2223            "type": "integer"
  2224          }
  2225        ],
  2226        "responses": {
  2227          "200": {
  2228            "description": "OK",
  2229            "schema": {
  2230              "$ref": "#/definitions/subscription"
  2231            }
  2232          },
  2233          "403": {
  2234            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  2235          }
  2236        }
  2237      },
  2238      "put": {
  2239        "description": "Set a Thread Subscription.\nThis lets you subscribe to a thread, or ignore it. Subscribing to a thread\nis unnecessary if the user is already subscribed to the repository. Ignoring\na thread will mute all future notifications (until you comment or get @mentioned).\n",
  2240        "parameters": [
  2241          {
  2242            "description": "Id of thread.",
  2243            "in": "path",
  2244            "name": "id",
  2245            "required": true,
  2246            "type": "integer"
  2247          },
  2248          {
  2249            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  2250            "in": "header",
  2251            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  2252            "type": "string"
  2253          },
  2254          {
  2255            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  2256            "in": "header",
  2257            "name": "Accept",
  2258            "type": "string"
  2259          },
  2260          {
  2261            "in": "header",
  2262            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  2263            "type": "integer"
  2264          },
  2265          {
  2266            "in": "header",
  2267            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  2268            "type": "integer"
  2269          },
  2270          {
  2271            "in": "header",
  2272            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  2273            "type": "integer"
  2274          },
  2275          {
  2276            "in": "header",
  2277            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  2278            "type": "integer"
  2279          },
  2280          {
  2281            "in": "body",
  2282            "name": "body",
  2283            "required": true,
  2284            "schema": {
  2285              "$ref": "#/definitions/putSubscription"
  2286            }
  2287          }
  2288        ],
  2289        "responses": {
  2290          "200": {
  2291            "description": "OK",
  2292            "schema": {
  2293              "$ref": "#/definitions/subscription"
  2294            }
  2295          },
  2296          "403": {
  2297            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  2298          }
  2299        }
  2300      }
  2301    },
  2302    "/orgs/{org}": {
  2303      "get": {
  2304        "description": "Get an Organization.",
  2305        "parameters": [
  2306          {
  2307            "description": "Name of organisation.",
  2308            "in": "path",
  2309            "name": "org",
  2310            "required": true,
  2311            "type": "string"
  2312          },
  2313          {
  2314            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  2315            "in": "header",
  2316            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  2317            "type": "string"
  2318          },
  2319          {
  2320            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  2321            "in": "header",
  2322            "name": "Accept",
  2323            "type": "string"
  2324          },
  2325          {
  2326            "in": "header",
  2327            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  2328            "type": "integer"
  2329          },
  2330          {
  2331            "in": "header",
  2332            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  2333            "type": "integer"
  2334          },
  2335          {
  2336            "in": "header",
  2337            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  2338            "type": "integer"
  2339          },
  2340          {
  2341            "in": "header",
  2342            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  2343            "type": "integer"
  2344          }
  2345        ],
  2346        "responses": {
  2347          "200": {
  2348            "description": "OK",
  2349            "schema": {
  2350              "$ref": "#/definitions/organization"
  2351            }
  2352          },
  2353          "403": {
  2354            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  2355          }
  2356        }
  2357      },
  2358      "patch": {
  2359        "description": "Edit an Organization.",
  2360        "parameters": [
  2361          {
  2362            "description": "Name of organisation.",
  2363            "in": "path",
  2364            "name": "org",
  2365            "required": true,
  2366            "type": "string"
  2367          },
  2368          {
  2369            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  2370            "in": "header",
  2371            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  2372            "type": "string"
  2373          },
  2374          {
  2375            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  2376            "in": "header",
  2377            "name": "Accept",
  2378            "type": "string"
  2379          },
  2380          {
  2381            "in": "header",
  2382            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  2383            "type": "integer"
  2384          },
  2385          {
  2386            "in": "header",
  2387            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  2388            "type": "integer"
  2389          },
  2390          {
  2391            "in": "header",
  2392            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  2393            "type": "integer"
  2394          },
  2395          {
  2396            "in": "header",
  2397            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  2398            "type": "integer"
  2399          },
  2400          {
  2401            "in": "body",
  2402            "name": "body",
  2403            "required": true,
  2404            "schema": {
  2405              "$ref": "#/definitions/patchOrg"
  2406            }
  2407          }
  2408        ],
  2409        "responses": {
  2410          "200": {
  2411            "description": "OK",
  2412            "schema": {
  2413              "$ref": "#/definitions/organization"
  2414            }
  2415          },
  2416          "403": {
  2417            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  2418          }
  2419        }
  2420      }
  2421    },
  2422    "/orgs/{org}/events": {
  2423      "get": {
  2424        "description": "List public events for an organization.",
  2425        "parameters": [
  2426          {
  2427            "description": "Name of organisation.",
  2428            "in": "path",
  2429            "name": "org",
  2430            "required": true,
  2431            "type": "string"
  2432          },
  2433          {
  2434            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  2435            "in": "header",
  2436            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  2437            "type": "string"
  2438          },
  2439          {
  2440            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  2441            "in": "header",
  2442            "name": "Accept",
  2443            "type": "string"
  2444          },
  2445          {
  2446            "in": "header",
  2447            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  2448            "type": "integer"
  2449          },
  2450          {
  2451            "in": "header",
  2452            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  2453            "type": "integer"
  2454          },
  2455          {
  2456            "in": "header",
  2457            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  2458            "type": "integer"
  2459          },
  2460          {
  2461            "in": "header",
  2462            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  2463            "type": "integer"
  2464          }
  2465        ],
  2466        "responses": {
  2467          "200": {
  2468            "description": "OK",
  2469            "schema": {
  2470              "$ref": "#/definitions/events"
  2471            }
  2472          },
  2473          "403": {
  2474            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  2475          }
  2476        }
  2477      }
  2478    },
  2479    "/orgs/{org}/issues": {
  2480      "get": {
  2481        "description": "List issues.\nList all issues for a given organization for the authenticated user.\n",
  2482        "parameters": [
  2483          {
  2484            "description": "Name of organisation.",
  2485            "in": "path",
  2486            "name": "org",
  2487            "required": true,
  2488            "type": "string"
  2489          },
  2490          {
  2491            "default": "all",
  2492            "description": "Issues assigned to you / created by you / mentioning you / you're\nsubscribed to updates for / All issues the authenticated user can see\n",
  2493            "enum": [
  2494              "assigned",
  2495              "created",
  2496              "mentioned",
  2497              "subscribed",
  2498              "all"
  2499            ],
  2500            "in": "query",
  2501            "name": "filter",
  2502            "required": true,
  2503            "type": "string"
  2504          },
  2505          {
  2506            "default": "open",
  2507            "enum": [
  2508              "open",
  2509              "closed"
  2510            ],
  2511            "in": "query",
  2512            "name": "state",
  2513            "required": true,
  2514            "type": "string"
  2515          },
  2516          {
  2517            "description": "String list of comma separated Label names. Example - bug,ui,@high.",
  2518            "in": "query",
  2519            "name": "labels",
  2520            "required": true,
  2521            "type": "string"
  2522          },
  2523          {
  2524            "default": "created",
  2525            "enum": [
  2526              "created",
  2527              "updated",
  2528              "comments"
  2529            ],
  2530            "in": "query",
  2531            "name": "sort",
  2532            "required": true,
  2533            "type": "string"
  2534          },
  2535          {
  2536            "default": "desc",
  2537            "enum": [
  2538              "asc",
  2539              "desc"
  2540            ],
  2541            "in": "query",
  2542            "name": "direction",
  2543            "required": true,
  2544            "type": "string"
  2545          },
  2546          {
  2547            "description": "Optional string of a timestamp in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ.\nOnly issues updated at or after this time are returned.\n",
  2548            "in": "query",
  2549            "name": "since",
  2550            "type": "string"
  2551          },
  2552          {
  2553            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  2554            "in": "header",
  2555            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  2556            "type": "string"
  2557          },
  2558          {
  2559            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  2560            "in": "header",
  2561            "name": "Accept",
  2562            "type": "string"
  2563          },
  2564          {
  2565            "in": "header",
  2566            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  2567            "type": "integer"
  2568          },
  2569          {
  2570            "in": "header",
  2571            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  2572            "type": "integer"
  2573          },
  2574          {
  2575            "in": "header",
  2576            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  2577            "type": "integer"
  2578          },
  2579          {
  2580            "in": "header",
  2581            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  2582            "type": "integer"
  2583          }
  2584        ],
  2585        "responses": {
  2586          "200": {
  2587            "description": "OK",
  2588            "schema": {
  2589              "$ref": "#/definitions/issues"
  2590            }
  2591          },
  2592          "403": {
  2593            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  2594          }
  2595        }
  2596      }
  2597    },
  2598    "/orgs/{org}/members": {
  2599      "get": {
  2600        "description": "Members list.\nList all users who are members of an organization. A member is a user tha\nbelongs to at least 1 team in the organization. If the authenticated user\nis also an owner of this organization then both concealed and public members\nwill be returned. If the requester is not an owner of the organization the\nquery will be redirected to the public members list.\n",
  2601        "parameters": [
  2602          {
  2603            "description": "Name of organisation.",
  2604            "in": "path",
  2605            "name": "org",
  2606            "required": true,
  2607            "type": "string"
  2608          },
  2609          {
  2610            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  2611            "in": "header",
  2612            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  2613            "type": "string"
  2614          },
  2615          {
  2616            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  2617            "in": "header",
  2618            "name": "Accept",
  2619            "type": "string"
  2620          },
  2621          {
  2622            "in": "header",
  2623            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  2624            "type": "integer"
  2625          },
  2626          {
  2627            "in": "header",
  2628            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  2629            "type": "integer"
  2630          },
  2631          {
  2632            "in": "header",
  2633            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  2634            "type": "integer"
  2635          },
  2636          {
  2637            "in": "header",
  2638            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  2639            "type": "integer"
  2640          }
  2641        ],
  2642        "responses": {
  2643          "200": {
  2644            "description": "OK",
  2645            "schema": {
  2646              "$ref": "#/definitions/users"
  2647            }
  2648          },
  2649          "302": {
  2650            "description": "Response if requester is not an organization member."
  2651          },
  2652          "403": {
  2653            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  2654          }
  2655        }
  2656      }
  2657    },
  2658    "/orgs/{org}/members/{username}": {
  2659      "delete": {
  2660        "description": "Remove a member.\nRemoving a user from this list will remove them from all teams and they\nwill no longer have any access to the organization's repositories.\n",
  2661        "parameters": [
  2662          {
  2663            "description": "Name of organisation.",
  2664            "in": "path",
  2665            "name": "org",
  2666            "required": true,
  2667            "type": "string"
  2668          },
  2669          {
  2670            "description": "Name of the user.",
  2671            "in": "path",
  2672            "name": "username",
  2673            "required": true,
  2674            "type": "string"
  2675          },
  2676          {
  2677            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  2678            "in": "header",
  2679            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  2680            "type": "string"
  2681          },
  2682          {
  2683            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  2684            "in": "header",
  2685            "name": "Accept",
  2686            "type": "string"
  2687          },
  2688          {
  2689            "in": "header",
  2690            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  2691            "type": "integer"
  2692          },
  2693          {
  2694            "in": "header",
  2695            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  2696            "type": "integer"
  2697          },
  2698          {
  2699            "in": "header",
  2700            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  2701            "type": "integer"
  2702          },
  2703          {
  2704            "in": "header",
  2705            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  2706            "type": "integer"
  2707          }
  2708        ],
  2709        "responses": {
  2710          "204": {
  2711            "description": "No content.\n"
  2712          },
  2713          "403": {
  2714            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  2715          }
  2716        }
  2717      },
  2718      "get": {
  2719        "description": "Check if a user is, publicly or privately, a member of the organization.",
  2720        "parameters": [
  2721          {
  2722            "description": "Name of organisation.",
  2723            "in": "path",
  2724            "name": "org",
  2725            "required": true,
  2726            "type": "string"
  2727          },
  2728          {
  2729            "description": "Name of the user.",
  2730            "in": "path",
  2731            "name": "username",
  2732            "required": true,
  2733            "type": "string"
  2734          },
  2735          {
  2736            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  2737            "in": "header",
  2738            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  2739            "type": "string"
  2740          },
  2741          {
  2742            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  2743            "in": "header",
  2744            "name": "Accept",
  2745            "type": "string"
  2746          },
  2747          {
  2748            "in": "header",
  2749            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  2750            "type": "integer"
  2751          },
  2752          {
  2753            "in": "header",
  2754            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  2755            "type": "integer"
  2756          },
  2757          {
  2758            "in": "header",
  2759            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  2760            "type": "integer"
  2761          },
  2762          {
  2763            "in": "header",
  2764            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  2765            "type": "integer"
  2766          }
  2767        ],
  2768        "responses": {
  2769          "204": {
  2770            "description": "No content. Response if requester is an organization member and user is a member\n"
  2771          },
  2772          "302": {
  2773            "description": "Found. Response if requester is not an organization member\n"
  2774          },
  2775          "403": {
  2776            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  2777          },
  2778          "404": {
  2779            "description": "Not Found.\na. Response if requester is an organization member and user is not a member\nb. Response if requester is not an organization member and is inquiring about themselves\n"
  2780          }
  2781        }
  2782      }
  2783    },
  2784    "/orgs/{org}/public_members": {
  2785      "get": {
  2786        "description": "Public members list.\nMembers of an organization can choose to have their membership publicized\nor not.\n",
  2787        "parameters": [
  2788          {
  2789            "description": "Name of organisation.",
  2790            "in": "path",
  2791            "name": "org",
  2792            "required": true,
  2793            "type": "string"
  2794          },
  2795          {
  2796            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  2797            "in": "header",
  2798            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  2799            "type": "string"
  2800          },
  2801          {
  2802            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  2803            "in": "header",
  2804            "name": "Accept",
  2805            "type": "string"
  2806          },
  2807          {
  2808            "in": "header",
  2809            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  2810            "type": "integer"
  2811          },
  2812          {
  2813            "in": "header",
  2814            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  2815            "type": "integer"
  2816          },
  2817          {
  2818            "in": "header",
  2819            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  2820            "type": "integer"
  2821          },
  2822          {
  2823            "in": "header",
  2824            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  2825            "type": "integer"
  2826          }
  2827        ],
  2828        "responses": {
  2829          "200": {
  2830            "description": "OK",
  2831            "schema": {
  2832              "$ref": "#/definitions/users"
  2833            }
  2834          },
  2835          "403": {
  2836            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  2837          }
  2838        }
  2839      }
  2840    },
  2841    "/orgs/{org}/public_members/{username}": {
  2842      "delete": {
  2843        "description": "Conceal a user's membership.",
  2844        "parameters": [
  2845          {
  2846            "description": "Name of organisation.",
  2847            "in": "path",
  2848            "name": "org",
  2849            "required": true,
  2850            "type": "string"
  2851          },
  2852          {
  2853            "description": "Name of the user.",
  2854            "in": "path",
  2855            "name": "username",
  2856            "required": true,
  2857            "type": "string"
  2858          },
  2859          {
  2860            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  2861            "in": "header",
  2862            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  2863            "type": "string"
  2864          },
  2865          {
  2866            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  2867            "in": "header",
  2868            "name": "Accept",
  2869            "type": "string"
  2870          },
  2871          {
  2872            "in": "header",
  2873            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  2874            "type": "integer"
  2875          },
  2876          {
  2877            "in": "header",
  2878            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  2879            "type": "integer"
  2880          },
  2881          {
  2882            "in": "header",
  2883            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  2884            "type": "integer"
  2885          },
  2886          {
  2887            "in": "header",
  2888            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  2889            "type": "integer"
  2890          }
  2891        ],
  2892        "responses": {
  2893          "204": {
  2894            "description": "Concealed."
  2895          },
  2896          "403": {
  2897            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  2898          }
  2899        }
  2900      },
  2901      "get": {
  2902        "description": "Check public membership.",
  2903        "parameters": [
  2904          {
  2905            "description": "Name of organisation.",
  2906            "in": "path",
  2907            "name": "org",
  2908            "required": true,
  2909            "type": "string"
  2910          },
  2911          {
  2912            "description": "Name of the user.",
  2913            "in": "path",
  2914            "name": "username",
  2915            "required": true,
  2916            "type": "string"
  2917          },
  2918          {
  2919            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  2920            "in": "header",
  2921            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  2922            "type": "string"
  2923          },
  2924          {
  2925            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  2926            "in": "header",
  2927            "name": "Accept",
  2928            "type": "string"
  2929          },
  2930          {
  2931            "in": "header",
  2932            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  2933            "type": "integer"
  2934          },
  2935          {
  2936            "in": "header",
  2937            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  2938            "type": "integer"
  2939          },
  2940          {
  2941            "in": "header",
  2942            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  2943            "type": "integer"
  2944          },
  2945          {
  2946            "in": "header",
  2947            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  2948            "type": "integer"
  2949          }
  2950        ],
  2951        "responses": {
  2952          "204": {
  2953            "description": "User is a public member."
  2954          },
  2955          "403": {
  2956            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  2957          },
  2958          "404": {
  2959            "description": "User is not a public member."
  2960          }
  2961        }
  2962      },
  2963      "put": {
  2964        "description": "Publicize a user's membership.",
  2965        "parameters": [
  2966          {
  2967            "description": "Name of organisation.",
  2968            "in": "path",
  2969            "name": "org",
  2970            "required": true,
  2971            "type": "string"
  2972          },
  2973          {
  2974            "description": "Name of the user.",
  2975            "in": "path",
  2976            "name": "username",
  2977            "required": true,
  2978            "type": "string"
  2979          },
  2980          {
  2981            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  2982            "in": "header",
  2983            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  2984            "type": "string"
  2985          },
  2986          {
  2987            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  2988            "in": "header",
  2989            "name": "Accept",
  2990            "type": "string"
  2991          },
  2992          {
  2993            "in": "header",
  2994            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  2995            "type": "integer"
  2996          },
  2997          {
  2998            "in": "header",
  2999            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  3000            "type": "integer"
  3001          },
  3002          {
  3003            "in": "header",
  3004            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  3005            "type": "integer"
  3006          },
  3007          {
  3008            "in": "header",
  3009            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  3010            "type": "integer"
  3011          }
  3012        ],
  3013        "responses": {
  3014          "204": {
  3015            "description": "Publicized."
  3016          },
  3017          "403": {
  3018            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  3019          }
  3020        }
  3021      }
  3022    },
  3023    "/orgs/{org}/repos": {
  3024      "get": {
  3025        "description": "List repositories for the specified org.",
  3026        "parameters": [
  3027          {
  3028            "description": "Name of organisation.",
  3029            "in": "path",
  3030            "name": "org",
  3031            "required": true,
  3032            "type": "string"
  3033          },
  3034          {
  3035            "default": "all",
  3036            "enum": [
  3037              "all",
  3038              "public",
  3039              "private",
  3040              "forks",
  3041              "sources",
  3042              "member"
  3043            ],
  3044            "in": "query",
  3045            "name": "type",
  3046            "type": "string"
  3047          },
  3048          {
  3049            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  3050            "in": "header",
  3051            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  3052            "type": "string"
  3053          },
  3054          {
  3055            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  3056            "in": "header",
  3057            "name": "Accept",
  3058            "type": "string"
  3059          },
  3060          {
  3061            "in": "header",
  3062            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  3063            "type": "integer"
  3064          },
  3065          {
  3066            "in": "header",
  3067            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  3068            "type": "integer"
  3069          },
  3070          {
  3071            "in": "header",
  3072            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  3073            "type": "integer"
  3074          },
  3075          {
  3076            "in": "header",
  3077            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  3078            "type": "integer"
  3079          }
  3080        ],
  3081        "responses": {
  3082          "200": {
  3083            "description": "OK",
  3084            "schema": {
  3085              "$ref": "#/definitions/repos"
  3086            }
  3087          },
  3088          "403": {
  3089            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  3090          }
  3091        }
  3092      },
  3093      "post": {
  3094        "description": "Create a new repository for the authenticated user. OAuth users must supply\nrepo scope.\n",
  3095        "parameters": [
  3096          {
  3097            "description": "Name of organisation.",
  3098            "in": "path",
  3099            "name": "org",
  3100            "required": true,
  3101            "type": "string"
  3102          },
  3103          {
  3104            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  3105            "in": "header",
  3106            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  3107            "type": "string"
  3108          },
  3109          {
  3110            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  3111            "in": "header",
  3112            "name": "Accept",
  3113            "type": "string"
  3114          },
  3115          {
  3116            "in": "header",
  3117            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  3118            "type": "integer"
  3119          },
  3120          {
  3121            "in": "header",
  3122            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  3123            "type": "integer"
  3124          },
  3125          {
  3126            "in": "header",
  3127            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  3128            "type": "integer"
  3129          },
  3130          {
  3131            "in": "header",
  3132            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  3133            "type": "integer"
  3134          },
  3135          {
  3136            "in": "body",
  3137            "name": "body",
  3138            "required": true,
  3139            "schema": {
  3140              "$ref": "#/definitions/postRepo"
  3141            }
  3142          }
  3143        ],
  3144        "responses": {
  3145          "201": {
  3146            "description": "Created",
  3147            "schema": {
  3148              "$ref": "#/definitions/repos"
  3149            }
  3150          },
  3151          "403": {
  3152            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  3153          }
  3154        }
  3155      }
  3156    },
  3157    "/orgs/{org}/teams": {
  3158      "get": {
  3159        "description": "List teams.",
  3160        "parameters": [
  3161          {
  3162            "description": "Name of organisation.",
  3163            "in": "path",
  3164            "name": "org",
  3165            "required": true,
  3166            "type": "string"
  3167          },
  3168          {
  3169            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  3170            "in": "header",
  3171            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  3172            "type": "string"
  3173          },
  3174          {
  3175            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  3176            "in": "header",
  3177            "name": "Accept",
  3178            "type": "string"
  3179          },
  3180          {
  3181            "in": "header",
  3182            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  3183            "type": "integer"
  3184          },
  3185          {
  3186            "in": "header",
  3187            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  3188            "type": "integer"
  3189          },
  3190          {
  3191            "in": "header",
  3192            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  3193            "type": "integer"
  3194          },
  3195          {
  3196            "in": "header",
  3197            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  3198            "type": "integer"
  3199          }
  3200        ],
  3201        "responses": {
  3202          "200": {
  3203            "description": "OK",
  3204            "schema": {
  3205              "$ref": "#/definitions/teams"
  3206            }
  3207          },
  3208          "403": {
  3209            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  3210          }
  3211        }
  3212      },
  3213      "post": {
  3214        "description": "Create team.\nIn order to create a team, the authenticated user must be an owner of organization.\n",
  3215        "parameters": [
  3216          {
  3217            "description": "Name of organisation.",
  3218            "in": "path",
  3219            "name": "org",
  3220            "required": true,
  3221            "type": "string"
  3222          },
  3223          {
  3224            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  3225            "in": "header",
  3226            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  3227            "type": "string"
  3228          },
  3229          {
  3230            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  3231            "in": "header",
  3232            "name": "Accept",
  3233            "type": "string"
  3234          },
  3235          {
  3236            "in": "header",
  3237            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  3238            "type": "integer"
  3239          },
  3240          {
  3241            "in": "header",
  3242            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  3243            "type": "integer"
  3244          },
  3245          {
  3246            "in": "header",
  3247            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  3248            "type": "integer"
  3249          },
  3250          {
  3251            "in": "header",
  3252            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  3253            "type": "integer"
  3254          },
  3255          {
  3256            "in": "body",
  3257            "name": "body",
  3258            "required": true,
  3259            "schema": {
  3260              "$ref": "#/definitions/orgTeamsPost"
  3261            }
  3262          }
  3263        ],
  3264        "responses": {
  3265          "201": {
  3266            "description": "Created",
  3267            "schema": {
  3268              "$ref": "#/definitions/team"
  3269            }
  3270          },
  3271          "403": {
  3272            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  3273          }
  3274        }
  3275      }
  3276    },
  3277    "/rate_limit": {
  3278      "get": {
  3279        "description": "Get your current rate limit status\nNote: Accessing this endpoint does not count against your rate limit.\n",
  3280        "parameters": [
  3281          {
  3282            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  3283            "in": "header",
  3284            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  3285            "type": "string"
  3286          },
  3287          {
  3288            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  3289            "in": "header",
  3290            "name": "Accept",
  3291            "type": "string"
  3292          },
  3293          {
  3294            "in": "header",
  3295            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  3296            "type": "integer"
  3297          },
  3298          {
  3299            "in": "header",
  3300            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  3301            "type": "integer"
  3302          },
  3303          {
  3304            "in": "header",
  3305            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  3306            "type": "integer"
  3307          },
  3308          {
  3309            "in": "header",
  3310            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  3311            "type": "integer"
  3312          }
  3313        ],
  3314        "responses": {
  3315          "200": {
  3316            "description": "OK",
  3317            "schema": {
  3318              "$ref": "#/definitions/rate_limit"
  3319            }
  3320          },
  3321          "403": {
  3322            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  3323          }
  3324        }
  3325      }
  3326    },
  3327    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}": {
  3328      "delete": {
  3329        "description": "Delete a Repository.\nDeleting a repository requires admin access. If OAuth is used, the delete_repo\nscope is required.\n",
  3330        "parameters": [
  3331          {
  3332            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  3333            "in": "path",
  3334            "name": "owner",
  3335            "required": true,
  3336            "type": "string"
  3337          },
  3338          {
  3339            "description": "Name of repository.",
  3340            "in": "path",
  3341            "name": "repo",
  3342            "required": true,
  3343            "type": "string"
  3344          },
  3345          {
  3346            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  3347            "in": "header",
  3348            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  3349            "type": "string"
  3350          },
  3351          {
  3352            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  3353            "in": "header",
  3354            "name": "Accept",
  3355            "type": "string"
  3356          },
  3357          {
  3358            "in": "header",
  3359            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  3360            "type": "integer"
  3361          },
  3362          {
  3363            "in": "header",
  3364            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  3365            "type": "integer"
  3366          },
  3367          {
  3368            "in": "header",
  3369            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  3370            "type": "integer"
  3371          },
  3372          {
  3373            "in": "header",
  3374            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  3375            "type": "integer"
  3376          }
  3377        ],
  3378        "responses": {
  3379          "204": {
  3380            "description": "Item removed."
  3381          },
  3382          "403": {
  3383            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  3384          }
  3385        }
  3386      },
  3387      "get": {
  3388        "description": "Get repository.",
  3389        "parameters": [
  3390          {
  3391            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  3392            "in": "path",
  3393            "name": "owner",
  3394            "required": true,
  3395            "type": "string"
  3396          },
  3397          {
  3398            "description": "Name of repository.",
  3399            "in": "path",
  3400            "name": "repo",
  3401            "required": true,
  3402            "type": "string"
  3403          },
  3404          {
  3405            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  3406            "in": "header",
  3407            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  3408            "type": "string"
  3409          },
  3410          {
  3411            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  3412            "in": "header",
  3413            "name": "Accept",
  3414            "type": "string"
  3415          },
  3416          {
  3417            "in": "header",
  3418            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  3419            "type": "integer"
  3420          },
  3421          {
  3422            "in": "header",
  3423            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  3424            "type": "integer"
  3425          },
  3426          {
  3427            "in": "header",
  3428            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  3429            "type": "integer"
  3430          },
  3431          {
  3432            "in": "header",
  3433            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  3434            "type": "integer"
  3435          }
  3436        ],
  3437        "responses": {
  3438          "200": {
  3439            "description": "OK",
  3440            "schema": {
  3441              "$ref": "#/definitions/repo"
  3442            }
  3443          },
  3444          "403": {
  3445            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  3446          }
  3447        }
  3448      },
  3449      "patch": {
  3450        "description": "Edit repository.",
  3451        "parameters": [
  3452          {
  3453            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  3454            "in": "path",
  3455            "name": "owner",
  3456            "required": true,
  3457            "type": "string"
  3458          },
  3459          {
  3460            "description": "Name of repository.",
  3461            "in": "path",
  3462            "name": "repo",
  3463            "required": true,
  3464            "type": "string"
  3465          },
  3466          {
  3467            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  3468            "in": "header",
  3469            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  3470            "type": "string"
  3471          },
  3472          {
  3473            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  3474            "in": "header",
  3475            "name": "Accept",
  3476            "type": "string"
  3477          },
  3478          {
  3479            "in": "header",
  3480            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  3481            "type": "integer"
  3482          },
  3483          {
  3484            "in": "header",
  3485            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  3486            "type": "integer"
  3487          },
  3488          {
  3489            "in": "header",
  3490            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  3491            "type": "integer"
  3492          },
  3493          {
  3494            "in": "header",
  3495            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  3496            "type": "integer"
  3497          },
  3498          {
  3499            "in": "body",
  3500            "name": "body",
  3501            "required": true,
  3502            "schema": {
  3503              "$ref": "#/definitions/repoEdit"
  3504            }
  3505          }
  3506        ],
  3507        "responses": {
  3508          "200": {
  3509            "description": "OK",
  3510            "schema": {
  3511              "$ref": "#/definitions/repo"
  3512            }
  3513          },
  3514          "403": {
  3515            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  3516          }
  3517        }
  3518      }
  3519    },
  3520    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/assignees": {
  3521      "get": {
  3522        "description": "List assignees.\nThis call lists all the available assignees (owner + collaborators) to which\nissues may be assigned.\n",
  3523        "parameters": [
  3524          {
  3525            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  3526            "in": "path",
  3527            "name": "owner",
  3528            "required": true,
  3529            "type": "string"
  3530          },
  3531          {
  3532            "description": "Name of repository.",
  3533            "in": "path",
  3534            "name": "repo",
  3535            "required": true,
  3536            "type": "string"
  3537          },
  3538          {
  3539            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  3540            "in": "header",
  3541            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  3542            "type": "string"
  3543          },
  3544          {
  3545            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  3546            "in": "header",
  3547            "name": "Accept",
  3548            "type": "string"
  3549          },
  3550          {
  3551            "in": "header",
  3552            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  3553            "type": "integer"
  3554          },
  3555          {
  3556            "in": "header",
  3557            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  3558            "type": "integer"
  3559          },
  3560          {
  3561            "in": "header",
  3562            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  3563            "type": "integer"
  3564          },
  3565          {
  3566            "in": "header",
  3567            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  3568            "type": "integer"
  3569          }
  3570        ],
  3571        "responses": {
  3572          "200": {
  3573            "description": "OK",
  3574            "schema": {
  3575              "$ref": "#/definitions/assignees"
  3576            }
  3577          },
  3578          "403": {
  3579            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  3580          }
  3581        }
  3582      }
  3583    },
  3584    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/assignees/{assignee}": {
  3585      "get": {
  3586        "description": "Check assignee.\nYou may also check to see if a particular user is an assignee for a repository.\n",
  3587        "parameters": [
  3588          {
  3589            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  3590            "in": "path",
  3591            "name": "owner",
  3592            "required": true,
  3593            "type": "string"
  3594          },
  3595          {
  3596            "description": "Name of repository.",
  3597            "in": "path",
  3598            "name": "repo",
  3599            "required": true,
  3600            "type": "string"
  3601          },
  3602          {
  3603            "description": "Login of the assignee.",
  3604            "in": "path",
  3605            "name": "assignee",
  3606            "required": true,
  3607            "type": "string"
  3608          },
  3609          {
  3610            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  3611            "in": "header",
  3612            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  3613            "type": "string"
  3614          },
  3615          {
  3616            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  3617            "in": "header",
  3618            "name": "Accept",
  3619            "type": "string"
  3620          },
  3621          {
  3622            "in": "header",
  3623            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  3624            "type": "integer"
  3625          },
  3626          {
  3627            "in": "header",
  3628            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  3629            "type": "integer"
  3630          },
  3631          {
  3632            "in": "header",
  3633            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  3634            "type": "integer"
  3635          },
  3636          {
  3637            "in": "header",
  3638            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  3639            "type": "integer"
  3640          }
  3641        ],
  3642        "responses": {
  3643          "204": {
  3644            "description": "User is an assignee."
  3645          },
  3646          "403": {
  3647            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  3648          },
  3649          "404": {
  3650            "description": "User isn't an assignee."
  3651          }
  3652        }
  3653      }
  3654    },
  3655    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/branches": {
  3656      "get": {
  3657        "description": "Get list of branches",
  3658        "parameters": [
  3659          {
  3660            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  3661            "in": "path",
  3662            "name": "owner",
  3663            "required": true,
  3664            "type": "string"
  3665          },
  3666          {
  3667            "description": "Name of repository.",
  3668            "in": "path",
  3669            "name": "repo",
  3670            "required": true,
  3671            "type": "string"
  3672          },
  3673          {
  3674            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  3675            "in": "header",
  3676            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  3677            "type": "string"
  3678          },
  3679          {
  3680            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  3681            "in": "header",
  3682            "name": "Accept",
  3683            "type": "string"
  3684          },
  3685          {
  3686            "in": "header",
  3687            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  3688            "type": "integer"
  3689          },
  3690          {
  3691            "in": "header",
  3692            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  3693            "type": "integer"
  3694          },
  3695          {
  3696            "in": "header",
  3697            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  3698            "type": "integer"
  3699          },
  3700          {
  3701            "in": "header",
  3702            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  3703            "type": "integer"
  3704          }
  3705        ],
  3706        "responses": {
  3707          "200": {
  3708            "description": "OK",
  3709            "schema": {
  3710              "$ref": "#/definitions/branches"
  3711            }
  3712          },
  3713          "403": {
  3714            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  3715          }
  3716        }
  3717      }
  3718    },
  3719    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/branches/{branch}": {
  3720      "get": {
  3721        "description": "Get Branch",
  3722        "parameters": [
  3723          {
  3724            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  3725            "in": "path",
  3726            "name": "owner",
  3727            "required": true,
  3728            "type": "string"
  3729          },
  3730          {
  3731            "description": "Name of repository.",
  3732            "in": "path",
  3733            "name": "repo",
  3734            "required": true,
  3735            "type": "string"
  3736          },
  3737          {
  3738            "description": "Name of the branch.",
  3739            "in": "path",
  3740            "name": "branch",
  3741            "required": true,
  3742            "type": "string"
  3743          },
  3744          {
  3745            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  3746            "in": "header",
  3747            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  3748            "type": "string"
  3749          },
  3750          {
  3751            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  3752            "in": "header",
  3753            "name": "Accept",
  3754            "type": "string"
  3755          },
  3756          {
  3757            "in": "header",
  3758            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  3759            "type": "integer"
  3760          },
  3761          {
  3762            "in": "header",
  3763            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  3764            "type": "integer"
  3765          },
  3766          {
  3767            "in": "header",
  3768            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  3769            "type": "integer"
  3770          },
  3771          {
  3772            "in": "header",
  3773            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  3774            "type": "integer"
  3775          }
  3776        ],
  3777        "responses": {
  3778          "200": {
  3779            "description": "OK",
  3780            "schema": {
  3781              "$ref": "#/definitions/branch"
  3782            }
  3783          },
  3784          "403": {
  3785            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  3786          }
  3787        }
  3788      }
  3789    },
  3790    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/collaborators": {
  3791      "get": {
  3792        "description": "List.\nWhen authenticating as an organization owner of an organization-owned\nrepository, all organization owners are included in the list of\ncollaborators. Otherwise, only users with access to the repository are\nreturned in the collaborators list.\n",
  3793        "parameters": [
  3794          {
  3795            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  3796            "in": "path",
  3797            "name": "owner",
  3798            "required": true,
  3799            "type": "string"
  3800          },
  3801          {
  3802            "description": "Name of repository.",
  3803            "in": "path",
  3804            "name": "repo",
  3805            "required": true,
  3806            "type": "string"
  3807          },
  3808          {
  3809            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  3810            "in": "header",
  3811            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  3812            "type": "string"
  3813          },
  3814          {
  3815            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  3816            "in": "header",
  3817            "name": "Accept",
  3818            "type": "string"
  3819          },
  3820          {
  3821            "in": "header",
  3822            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  3823            "type": "integer"
  3824          },
  3825          {
  3826            "in": "header",
  3827            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  3828            "type": "integer"
  3829          },
  3830          {
  3831            "in": "header",
  3832            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  3833            "type": "integer"
  3834          },
  3835          {
  3836            "in": "header",
  3837            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  3838            "type": "integer"
  3839          }
  3840        ],
  3841        "responses": {
  3842          "200": {
  3843            "description": "OK",
  3844            "schema": {
  3845              "$ref": "#/definitions/users"
  3846            }
  3847          },
  3848          "403": {
  3849            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  3850          }
  3851        }
  3852      }
  3853    },
  3854    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/collaborators/{user}": {
  3855      "delete": {
  3856        "description": "Remove collaborator.",
  3857        "parameters": [
  3858          {
  3859            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  3860            "in": "path",
  3861            "name": "owner",
  3862            "required": true,
  3863            "type": "string"
  3864          },
  3865          {
  3866            "description": "Name of repository.",
  3867            "in": "path",
  3868            "name": "repo",
  3869            "required": true,
  3870            "type": "string"
  3871          },
  3872          {
  3873            "description": "Login of the user.",
  3874            "in": "path",
  3875            "name": "user",
  3876            "required": true,
  3877            "type": "string"
  3878          },
  3879          {
  3880            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  3881            "in": "header",
  3882            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  3883            "type": "string"
  3884          },
  3885          {
  3886            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  3887            "in": "header",
  3888            "name": "Accept",
  3889            "type": "string"
  3890          },
  3891          {
  3892            "in": "header",
  3893            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  3894            "type": "integer"
  3895          },
  3896          {
  3897            "in": "header",
  3898            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  3899            "type": "integer"
  3900          },
  3901          {
  3902            "in": "header",
  3903            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  3904            "type": "integer"
  3905          },
  3906          {
  3907            "in": "header",
  3908            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  3909            "type": "integer"
  3910          }
  3911        ],
  3912        "responses": {
  3913          "204": {
  3914            "description": "Collaborator removed."
  3915          },
  3916          "403": {
  3917            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  3918          }
  3919        }
  3920      },
  3921      "get": {
  3922        "description": "Check if user is a collaborator",
  3923        "parameters": [
  3924          {
  3925            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  3926            "in": "path",
  3927            "name": "owner",
  3928            "required": true,
  3929            "type": "string"
  3930          },
  3931          {
  3932            "description": "Name of repository.",
  3933            "in": "path",
  3934            "name": "repo",
  3935            "required": true,
  3936            "type": "string"
  3937          },
  3938          {
  3939            "description": "Login of the user.",
  3940            "in": "path",
  3941            "name": "user",
  3942            "required": true,
  3943            "type": "string"
  3944          },
  3945          {
  3946            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  3947            "in": "header",
  3948            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  3949            "type": "string"
  3950          },
  3951          {
  3952            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  3953            "in": "header",
  3954            "name": "Accept",
  3955            "type": "string"
  3956          },
  3957          {
  3958            "in": "header",
  3959            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  3960            "type": "integer"
  3961          },
  3962          {
  3963            "in": "header",
  3964            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  3965            "type": "integer"
  3966          },
  3967          {
  3968            "in": "header",
  3969            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  3970            "type": "integer"
  3971          },
  3972          {
  3973            "in": "header",
  3974            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  3975            "type": "integer"
  3976          }
  3977        ],
  3978        "responses": {
  3979          "204": {
  3980            "description": "User is a collaborator."
  3981          },
  3982          "403": {
  3983            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  3984          },
  3985          "404": {
  3986            "description": "User is not a collaborator."
  3987          }
  3988        }
  3989      },
  3990      "put": {
  3991        "description": "Add collaborator.",
  3992        "parameters": [
  3993          {
  3994            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  3995            "in": "path",
  3996            "name": "owner",
  3997            "required": true,
  3998            "type": "string"
  3999          },
  4000          {
  4001            "description": "Name of repository.",
  4002            "in": "path",
  4003            "name": "repo",
  4004            "required": true,
  4005            "type": "string"
  4006          },
  4007          {
  4008            "description": "Login of the user.",
  4009            "in": "path",
  4010            "name": "user",
  4011            "required": true,
  4012            "type": "string"
  4013          },
  4014          {
  4015            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  4016            "in": "header",
  4017            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  4018            "type": "string"
  4019          },
  4020          {
  4021            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  4022            "in": "header",
  4023            "name": "Accept",
  4024            "type": "string"
  4025          },
  4026          {
  4027            "in": "header",
  4028            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  4029            "type": "integer"
  4030          },
  4031          {
  4032            "in": "header",
  4033            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  4034            "type": "integer"
  4035          },
  4036          {
  4037            "in": "header",
  4038            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  4039            "type": "integer"
  4040          },
  4041          {
  4042            "in": "header",
  4043            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  4044            "type": "integer"
  4045          }
  4046        ],
  4047        "responses": {
  4048          "204": {
  4049            "description": "Collaborator added."
  4050          },
  4051          "403": {
  4052            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  4053          }
  4054        }
  4055      }
  4056    },
  4057    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/comments": {
  4058      "get": {
  4059        "description": "List commit comments for a repository.\nComments are ordered by ascending ID.\n",
  4060        "parameters": [
  4061          {
  4062            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  4063            "in": "path",
  4064            "name": "owner",
  4065            "required": true,
  4066            "type": "string"
  4067          },
  4068          {
  4069            "description": "Name of repository.",
  4070            "in": "path",
  4071            "name": "repo",
  4072            "required": true,
  4073            "type": "string"
  4074          },
  4075          {
  4076            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  4077            "in": "header",
  4078            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  4079            "type": "string"
  4080          },
  4081          {
  4082            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  4083            "in": "header",
  4084            "name": "Accept",
  4085            "type": "string"
  4086          },
  4087          {
  4088            "in": "header",
  4089            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  4090            "type": "integer"
  4091          },
  4092          {
  4093            "in": "header",
  4094            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  4095            "type": "integer"
  4096          },
  4097          {
  4098            "in": "header",
  4099            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  4100            "type": "integer"
  4101          },
  4102          {
  4103            "in": "header",
  4104            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  4105            "type": "integer"
  4106          }
  4107        ],
  4108        "responses": {
  4109          "200": {
  4110            "description": "OK",
  4111            "schema": {
  4112              "$ref": "#/definitions/repoComments"
  4113            }
  4114          },
  4115          "403": {
  4116            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  4117          }
  4118        }
  4119      }
  4120    },
  4121    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/comments/{commentId}": {
  4122      "delete": {
  4123        "description": "Delete a commit comment",
  4124        "parameters": [
  4125          {
  4126            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  4127            "in": "path",
  4128            "name": "owner",
  4129            "required": true,
  4130            "type": "string"
  4131          },
  4132          {
  4133            "description": "Name of repository.",
  4134            "in": "path",
  4135            "name": "repo",
  4136            "required": true,
  4137            "type": "string"
  4138          },
  4139          {
  4140            "description": "Id of comment.",
  4141            "in": "path",
  4142            "name": "commentId",
  4143            "required": true,
  4144            "type": "integer"
  4145          },
  4146          {
  4147            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  4148            "in": "header",
  4149            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  4150            "type": "string"
  4151          },
  4152          {
  4153            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  4154            "in": "header",
  4155            "name": "Accept",
  4156            "type": "string"
  4157          },
  4158          {
  4159            "in": "header",
  4160            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  4161            "type": "integer"
  4162          },
  4163          {
  4164            "in": "header",
  4165            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  4166            "type": "integer"
  4167          },
  4168          {
  4169            "in": "header",
  4170            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  4171            "type": "integer"
  4172          },
  4173          {
  4174            "in": "header",
  4175            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  4176            "type": "integer"
  4177          }
  4178        ],
  4179        "responses": {
  4180          "204": {
  4181            "description": "No content.\n"
  4182          },
  4183          "403": {
  4184            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  4185          }
  4186        }
  4187      },
  4188      "get": {
  4189        "description": "Get a single commit comment.",
  4190        "parameters": [
  4191          {
  4192            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  4193            "in": "path",
  4194            "name": "owner",
  4195            "required": true,
  4196            "type": "string"
  4197          },
  4198          {
  4199            "description": "Name of repository.",
  4200            "in": "path",
  4201            "name": "repo",
  4202            "required": true,
  4203            "type": "string"
  4204          },
  4205          {
  4206            "description": "Id of comment.",
  4207            "in": "path",
  4208            "name": "commentId",
  4209            "required": true,
  4210            "type": "integer"
  4211          },
  4212          {
  4213            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  4214            "in": "header",
  4215            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  4216            "type": "string"
  4217          },
  4218          {
  4219            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  4220            "in": "header",
  4221            "name": "Accept",
  4222            "type": "string"
  4223          },
  4224          {
  4225            "in": "header",
  4226            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  4227            "type": "integer"
  4228          },
  4229          {
  4230            "in": "header",
  4231            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  4232            "type": "integer"
  4233          },
  4234          {
  4235            "in": "header",
  4236            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  4237            "type": "integer"
  4238          },
  4239          {
  4240            "in": "header",
  4241            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  4242            "type": "integer"
  4243          }
  4244        ],
  4245        "responses": {
  4246          "200": {
  4247            "description": "OK",
  4248            "schema": {
  4249              "$ref": "#/definitions/commitComments"
  4250            }
  4251          },
  4252          "403": {
  4253            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  4254          }
  4255        }
  4256      },
  4257      "patch": {
  4258        "description": "Update a commit comment.",
  4259        "parameters": [
  4260          {
  4261            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  4262            "in": "path",
  4263            "name": "owner",
  4264            "required": true,
  4265            "type": "string"
  4266          },
  4267          {
  4268            "description": "Name of repository.",
  4269            "in": "path",
  4270            "name": "repo",
  4271            "required": true,
  4272            "type": "string"
  4273          },
  4274          {
  4275            "description": "Id of comment.",
  4276            "in": "path",
  4277            "name": "commentId",
  4278            "required": true,
  4279            "type": "integer"
  4280          },
  4281          {
  4282            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  4283            "in": "header",
  4284            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  4285            "type": "string"
  4286          },
  4287          {
  4288            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  4289            "in": "header",
  4290            "name": "Accept",
  4291            "type": "string"
  4292          },
  4293          {
  4294            "in": "header",
  4295            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  4296            "type": "integer"
  4297          },
  4298          {
  4299            "in": "header",
  4300            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  4301            "type": "integer"
  4302          },
  4303          {
  4304            "in": "header",
  4305            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  4306            "type": "integer"
  4307          },
  4308          {
  4309            "in": "header",
  4310            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  4311            "type": "integer"
  4312          },
  4313          {
  4314            "in": "body",
  4315            "name": "body",
  4316            "required": true,
  4317            "schema": {
  4318              "$ref": "#/definitions/commentBody"
  4319            }
  4320          }
  4321        ],
  4322        "responses": {
  4323          "200": {
  4324            "description": "OK",
  4325            "schema": {
  4326              "$ref": "#/definitions/commitComments"
  4327            }
  4328          },
  4329          "403": {
  4330            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  4331          }
  4332        }
  4333      }
  4334    },
  4335    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/commits": {
  4336      "get": {
  4337        "description": "List commits on a repository.",
  4338        "parameters": [
  4339          {
  4340            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  4341            "in": "path",
  4342            "name": "owner",
  4343            "required": true,
  4344            "type": "string"
  4345          },
  4346          {
  4347            "description": "Name of repository.",
  4348            "in": "path",
  4349            "name": "repo",
  4350            "required": true,
  4351            "type": "string"
  4352          },
  4353          {
  4354            "description": "The time should be passed in as UTC in the ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ.\nExample: \"2012-10-09T23:39:01Z\".\n",
  4355            "in": "query",
  4356            "name": "since",
  4357            "type": "string"
  4358          },
  4359          {
  4360            "description": "Sha or branch to start listing commits from.",
  4361            "in": "query",
  4362            "name": "sha",
  4363            "type": "string"
  4364          },
  4365          {
  4366            "description": "Only commits containing this file path will be returned.",
  4367            "in": "query",
  4368            "name": "path",
  4369            "type": "string"
  4370          },
  4371          {
  4372            "description": "GitHub login, name, or email by which to filter by commit author.",
  4373            "in": "query",
  4374            "name": "author",
  4375            "type": "string"
  4376          },
  4377          {
  4378            "description": "ISO 8601 Date - Only commits before this date will be returned.",
  4379            "in": "query",
  4380            "name": "until",
  4381            "type": "string"
  4382          },
  4383          {
  4384            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  4385            "in": "header",
  4386            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  4387            "type": "string"
  4388          },
  4389          {
  4390            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  4391            "in": "header",
  4392            "name": "Accept",
  4393            "type": "string"
  4394          },
  4395          {
  4396            "in": "header",
  4397            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  4398            "type": "integer"
  4399          },
  4400          {
  4401            "in": "header",
  4402            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  4403            "type": "integer"
  4404          },
  4405          {
  4406            "in": "header",
  4407            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  4408            "type": "integer"
  4409          },
  4410          {
  4411            "in": "header",
  4412            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  4413            "type": "integer"
  4414          }
  4415        ],
  4416        "responses": {
  4417          "200": {
  4418            "description": "OK",
  4419            "schema": {
  4420              "$ref": "#/definitions/commits"
  4421            }
  4422          },
  4423          "403": {
  4424            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  4425          }
  4426        }
  4427      }
  4428    },
  4429    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/commits/{ref}/status": {
  4430      "get": {
  4431        "description": "Get the combined Status for a specific Ref\nThe Combined status endpoint is currently available for developers to preview. During the preview period, the API may change without advance notice. Please see the blog post for full details.\nTo access this endpoint during the preview period, you must provide a custom media type in the Accept header:\napplication/vnd.github.she-hulk-preview+json\n",
  4432        "parameters": [
  4433          {
  4434            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  4435            "in": "path",
  4436            "name": "owner",
  4437            "required": true,
  4438            "type": "string"
  4439          },
  4440          {
  4441            "description": "Name of repository.",
  4442            "in": "path",
  4443            "name": "repo",
  4444            "required": true,
  4445            "type": "string"
  4446          },
  4447          {
  4448            "in": "path",
  4449            "name": "ref",
  4450            "required": true,
  4451            "type": "string"
  4452          },
  4453          {
  4454            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  4455            "in": "header",
  4456            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  4457            "type": "string"
  4458          },
  4459          {
  4460            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  4461            "in": "header",
  4462            "name": "Accept",
  4463            "type": "string"
  4464          },
  4465          {
  4466            "in": "header",
  4467            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  4468            "type": "integer"
  4469          },
  4470          {
  4471            "in": "header",
  4472            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  4473            "type": "integer"
  4474          },
  4475          {
  4476            "in": "header",
  4477            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  4478            "type": "integer"
  4479          },
  4480          {
  4481            "in": "header",
  4482            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  4483            "type": "integer"
  4484          }
  4485        ],
  4486        "responses": {
  4487          "200": {
  4488            "description": "OK",
  4489            "schema": {
  4490              "$ref": "#/definitions/refStatus"
  4491            }
  4492          },
  4493          "403": {
  4494            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  4495          }
  4496        }
  4497      }
  4498    },
  4499    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/commits/{shaCode}": {
  4500      "get": {
  4501        "description": "Get a single commit.",
  4502        "parameters": [
  4503          {
  4504            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  4505            "in": "path",
  4506            "name": "owner",
  4507            "required": true,
  4508            "type": "string"
  4509          },
  4510          {
  4511            "description": "Name of repository.",
  4512            "in": "path",
  4513            "name": "repo",
  4514            "required": true,
  4515            "type": "string"
  4516          },
  4517          {
  4518            "description": "SHA-1 code of the commit.",
  4519            "in": "path",
  4520            "name": "shaCode",
  4521            "required": true,
  4522            "type": "string"
  4523          },
  4524          {
  4525            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  4526            "in": "header",
  4527            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  4528            "type": "string"
  4529          },
  4530          {
  4531            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  4532            "in": "header",
  4533            "name": "Accept",
  4534            "type": "string"
  4535          },
  4536          {
  4537            "in": "header",
  4538            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  4539            "type": "integer"
  4540          },
  4541          {
  4542            "in": "header",
  4543            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  4544            "type": "integer"
  4545          },
  4546          {
  4547            "in": "header",
  4548            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  4549            "type": "integer"
  4550          },
  4551          {
  4552            "in": "header",
  4553            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  4554            "type": "integer"
  4555          }
  4556        ],
  4557        "responses": {
  4558          "200": {
  4559            "description": "OK",
  4560            "schema": {
  4561              "$ref": "#/definitions/commit"
  4562            }
  4563          },
  4564          "403": {
  4565            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  4566          }
  4567        }
  4568      }
  4569    },
  4570    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/commits/{shaCode}/comments": {
  4571      "get": {
  4572        "description": "List comments for a single commitList comments for a single commit.",
  4573        "parameters": [
  4574          {
  4575            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  4576            "in": "path",
  4577            "name": "owner",
  4578            "required": true,
  4579            "type": "string"
  4580          },
  4581          {
  4582            "description": "Name of repository.",
  4583            "in": "path",
  4584            "name": "repo",
  4585            "required": true,
  4586            "type": "string"
  4587          },
  4588          {
  4589            "description": "SHA-1 code of the commit.",
  4590            "in": "path",
  4591            "name": "shaCode",
  4592            "required": true,
  4593            "type": "string"
  4594          },
  4595          {
  4596            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  4597            "in": "header",
  4598            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  4599            "type": "string"
  4600          },
  4601          {
  4602            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  4603            "in": "header",
  4604            "name": "Accept",
  4605            "type": "string"
  4606          },
  4607          {
  4608            "in": "header",
  4609            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  4610            "type": "integer"
  4611          },
  4612          {
  4613            "in": "header",
  4614            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  4615            "type": "integer"
  4616          },
  4617          {
  4618            "in": "header",
  4619            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  4620            "type": "integer"
  4621          },
  4622          {
  4623            "in": "header",
  4624            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  4625            "type": "integer"
  4626          }
  4627        ],
  4628        "responses": {
  4629          "200": {
  4630            "description": "OK",
  4631            "schema": {
  4632              "$ref": "#/definitions/repoComments"
  4633            }
  4634          },
  4635          "403": {
  4636            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  4637          }
  4638        }
  4639      },
  4640      "post": {
  4641        "description": "Create a commit comment.",
  4642        "parameters": [
  4643          {
  4644            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  4645            "in": "path",
  4646            "name": "owner",
  4647            "required": true,
  4648            "type": "string"
  4649          },
  4650          {
  4651            "description": "Name of repository.",
  4652            "in": "path",
  4653            "name": "repo",
  4654            "required": true,
  4655            "type": "string"
  4656          },
  4657          {
  4658            "description": "SHA-1 code of the commit.",
  4659            "in": "path",
  4660            "name": "shaCode",
  4661            "required": true,
  4662            "type": "string"
  4663          },
  4664          {
  4665            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  4666            "in": "header",
  4667            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  4668            "type": "string"
  4669          },
  4670          {
  4671            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  4672            "in": "header",
  4673            "name": "Accept",
  4674            "type": "string"
  4675          },
  4676          {
  4677            "in": "header",
  4678            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  4679            "type": "integer"
  4680          },
  4681          {
  4682            "in": "header",
  4683            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  4684            "type": "integer"
  4685          },
  4686          {
  4687            "in": "header",
  4688            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  4689            "type": "integer"
  4690          },
  4691          {
  4692            "in": "header",
  4693            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  4694            "type": "integer"
  4695          },
  4696          {
  4697            "in": "body",
  4698            "name": "body",
  4699            "required": true,
  4700            "schema": {
  4701              "$ref": "#/definitions/commitBody"
  4702            }
  4703          }
  4704        ],
  4705        "responses": {
  4706          "201": {
  4707            "description": "Created",
  4708            "schema": {
  4709              "$ref": "#/definitions/commitComments"
  4710            }
  4711          },
  4712          "403": {
  4713            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  4714          }
  4715        }
  4716      }
  4717    },
  4718    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/compare/{baseId}...{headId}": {
  4719      "get": {
  4720        "description": "Compare two commits",
  4721        "parameters": [
  4722          {
  4723            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  4724            "in": "path",
  4725            "name": "owner",
  4726            "required": true,
  4727            "type": "string"
  4728          },
  4729          {
  4730            "description": "Name of repository.",
  4731            "in": "path",
  4732            "name": "repo",
  4733            "required": true,
  4734            "type": "string"
  4735          },
  4736          {
  4737            "in": "path",
  4738            "name": "baseId",
  4739            "required": true,
  4740            "type": "string"
  4741          },
  4742          {
  4743            "in": "path",
  4744            "name": "headId",
  4745            "required": true,
  4746            "type": "string"
  4747          },
  4748          {
  4749            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  4750            "in": "header",
  4751            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  4752            "type": "string"
  4753          },
  4754          {
  4755            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  4756            "in": "header",
  4757            "name": "Accept",
  4758            "type": "string"
  4759          },
  4760          {
  4761            "in": "header",
  4762            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  4763            "type": "integer"
  4764          },
  4765          {
  4766            "in": "header",
  4767            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  4768            "type": "integer"
  4769          },
  4770          {
  4771            "in": "header",
  4772            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  4773            "type": "integer"
  4774          },
  4775          {
  4776            "in": "header",
  4777            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  4778            "type": "integer"
  4779          }
  4780        ],
  4781        "responses": {
  4782          "200": {
  4783            "description": "OK",
  4784            "schema": {
  4785              "$ref": "#/definitions/compare-commits"
  4786            }
  4787          },
  4788          "403": {
  4789            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  4790          }
  4791        }
  4792      }
  4793    },
  4794    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/contents/{path}": {
  4795      "delete": {
  4796        "description": "Delete a file.\nThis method deletes a file in a repository.\n",
  4797        "parameters": [
  4798          {
  4799            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  4800            "in": "path",
  4801            "name": "owner",
  4802            "required": true,
  4803            "type": "string"
  4804          },
  4805          {
  4806            "description": "Name of repository.",
  4807            "in": "path",
  4808            "name": "repo",
  4809            "required": true,
  4810            "type": "string"
  4811          },
  4812          {
  4813            "in": "path",
  4814            "name": "path",
  4815            "required": true,
  4816            "type": "string"
  4817          },
  4818          {
  4819            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  4820            "in": "header",
  4821            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  4822            "type": "string"
  4823          },
  4824          {
  4825            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  4826            "in": "header",
  4827            "name": "Accept",
  4828            "type": "string"
  4829          },
  4830          {
  4831            "in": "header",
  4832            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  4833            "type": "integer"
  4834          },
  4835          {
  4836            "in": "header",
  4837            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  4838            "type": "integer"
  4839          },
  4840          {
  4841            "in": "header",
  4842            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  4843            "type": "integer"
  4844          },
  4845          {
  4846            "in": "header",
  4847            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  4848            "type": "integer"
  4849          },
  4850          {
  4851            "in": "body",
  4852            "name": "body",
  4853            "required": true,
  4854            "schema": {
  4855              "$ref": "#/definitions/deleteFileBody"
  4856            }
  4857          }
  4858        ],
  4859        "responses": {
  4860          "200": {
  4861            "description": "OK",
  4862            "schema": {
  4863              "$ref": "#/definitions/deleteFile"
  4864            }
  4865          },
  4866          "403": {
  4867            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  4868          }
  4869        }
  4870      },
  4871      "get": {
  4872        "description": "Get contents.\nThis method returns the contents of a file or directory in a repository.\nFiles and symlinks support a custom media type for getting the raw content.\nDirectories and submodules do not support custom media types.\nNote: This API supports files up to 1 megabyte in size.\nHere can be many outcomes. For details see \"http://developer.github.com/v3/repos/contents/\"\n",
  4873        "parameters": [
  4874          {
  4875            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  4876            "in": "path",
  4877            "name": "owner",
  4878            "required": true,
  4879            "type": "string"
  4880          },
  4881          {
  4882            "description": "Name of repository.",
  4883            "in": "path",
  4884            "name": "repo",
  4885            "required": true,
  4886            "type": "string"
  4887          },
  4888          {
  4889            "in": "path",
  4890            "name": "path",
  4891            "required": true,
  4892            "type": "string"
  4893          },
  4894          {
  4895            "description": "The content path.",
  4896            "in": "query",
  4897            "name": "path",
  4898            "type": "string"
  4899          },
  4900          {
  4901            "description": "The String name of the Commit/Branch/Tag. Defaults to 'master'.",
  4902            "in": "query",
  4903            "name": "ref",
  4904            "type": "string"
  4905          },
  4906          {
  4907            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  4908            "in": "header",
  4909            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  4910            "type": "string"
  4911          },
  4912          {
  4913            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  4914            "in": "header",
  4915            "name": "Accept",
  4916            "type": "string"
  4917          },
  4918          {
  4919            "in": "header",
  4920            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  4921            "type": "integer"
  4922          },
  4923          {
  4924            "in": "header",
  4925            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  4926            "type": "integer"
  4927          },
  4928          {
  4929            "in": "header",
  4930            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  4931            "type": "integer"
  4932          },
  4933          {
  4934            "in": "header",
  4935            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  4936            "type": "integer"
  4937          }
  4938        ],
  4939        "responses": {
  4940          "200": {
  4941            "description": "OK",
  4942            "schema": {
  4943              "$ref": "#/definitions/contents-path"
  4944            }
  4945          },
  4946          "403": {
  4947            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  4948          }
  4949        }
  4950      },
  4951      "put": {
  4952        "description": "Create a file.",
  4953        "parameters": [
  4954          {
  4955            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  4956            "in": "path",
  4957            "name": "owner",
  4958            "required": true,
  4959            "type": "string"
  4960          },
  4961          {
  4962            "description": "Name of repository.",
  4963            "in": "path",
  4964            "name": "repo",
  4965            "required": true,
  4966            "type": "string"
  4967          },
  4968          {
  4969            "in": "path",
  4970            "name": "path",
  4971            "required": true,
  4972            "type": "string"
  4973          },
  4974          {
  4975            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  4976            "in": "header",
  4977            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  4978            "type": "string"
  4979          },
  4980          {
  4981            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  4982            "in": "header",
  4983            "name": "Accept",
  4984            "type": "string"
  4985          },
  4986          {
  4987            "in": "header",
  4988            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  4989            "type": "integer"
  4990          },
  4991          {
  4992            "in": "header",
  4993            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  4994            "type": "integer"
  4995          },
  4996          {
  4997            "in": "header",
  4998            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  4999            "type": "integer"
  5000          },
  5001          {
  5002            "in": "header",
  5003            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  5004            "type": "integer"
  5005          },
  5006          {
  5007            "in": "body",
  5008            "name": "body",
  5009            "required": true,
  5010            "schema": {
  5011              "$ref": "#/definitions/createFileBody"
  5012            }
  5013          }
  5014        ],
  5015        "responses": {
  5016          "200": {
  5017            "description": "OK",
  5018            "schema": {
  5019              "$ref": "#/definitions/createFile"
  5020            }
  5021          },
  5022          "403": {
  5023            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  5024          }
  5025        }
  5026      }
  5027    },
  5028    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/contributors": {
  5029      "get": {
  5030        "description": "Get list of contributors.",
  5031        "parameters": [
  5032          {
  5033            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  5034            "in": "path",
  5035            "name": "owner",
  5036            "required": true,
  5037            "type": "string"
  5038          },
  5039          {
  5040            "description": "Name of repository.",
  5041            "in": "path",
  5042            "name": "repo",
  5043            "required": true,
  5044            "type": "string"
  5045          },
  5046          {
  5047            "description": "Set to 1 or true to include anonymous contributors in results.",
  5048            "in": "query",
  5049            "name": "anon",
  5050            "required": true,
  5051            "type": "string"
  5052          },
  5053          {
  5054            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  5055            "in": "header",
  5056            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  5057            "type": "string"
  5058          },
  5059          {
  5060            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  5061            "in": "header",
  5062            "name": "Accept",
  5063            "type": "string"
  5064          },
  5065          {
  5066            "in": "header",
  5067            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  5068            "type": "integer"
  5069          },
  5070          {
  5071            "in": "header",
  5072            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  5073            "type": "integer"
  5074          },
  5075          {
  5076            "in": "header",
  5077            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  5078            "type": "integer"
  5079          },
  5080          {
  5081            "in": "header",
  5082            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  5083            "type": "integer"
  5084          }
  5085        ],
  5086        "responses": {
  5087          "200": {
  5088            "description": "OK",
  5089            "schema": {
  5090              "$ref": "#/definitions/contributors"
  5091            }
  5092          },
  5093          "403": {
  5094            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  5095          }
  5096        }
  5097      }
  5098    },
  5099    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/deployments": {
  5100      "get": {
  5101        "description": "Users with pull access can view deployments for a repository",
  5102        "parameters": [
  5103          {
  5104            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  5105            "in": "path",
  5106            "name": "owner",
  5107            "required": true,
  5108            "type": "string"
  5109          },
  5110          {
  5111            "description": "Name of repository.",
  5112            "in": "path",
  5113            "name": "repo",
  5114            "required": true,
  5115            "type": "string"
  5116          },
  5117          {
  5118            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  5119            "in": "header",
  5120            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  5121            "type": "string"
  5122          },
  5123          {
  5124            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  5125            "in": "header",
  5126            "name": "Accept",
  5127            "type": "string"
  5128          },
  5129          {
  5130            "in": "header",
  5131            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  5132            "type": "integer"
  5133          },
  5134          {
  5135            "in": "header",
  5136            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  5137            "type": "integer"
  5138          },
  5139          {
  5140            "in": "header",
  5141            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  5142            "type": "integer"
  5143          },
  5144          {
  5145            "in": "header",
  5146            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  5147            "type": "integer"
  5148          }
  5149        ],
  5150        "responses": {
  5151          "200": {
  5152            "description": "OK",
  5153            "schema": {
  5154              "$ref": "#/definitions/repo-deployments"
  5155            }
  5156          },
  5157          "403": {
  5158            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  5159          }
  5160        }
  5161      },
  5162      "post": {
  5163        "description": "Users with push access can create a deployment for a given ref",
  5164        "parameters": [
  5165          {
  5166            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  5167            "in": "path",
  5168            "name": "owner",
  5169            "required": true,
  5170            "type": "string"
  5171          },
  5172          {
  5173            "description": "Name of repository.",
  5174            "in": "path",
  5175            "name": "repo",
  5176            "required": true,
  5177            "type": "string"
  5178          },
  5179          {
  5180            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  5181            "in": "header",
  5182            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  5183            "type": "string"
  5184          },
  5185          {
  5186            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  5187            "in": "header",
  5188            "name": "Accept",
  5189            "type": "string"
  5190          },
  5191          {
  5192            "in": "header",
  5193            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  5194            "type": "integer"
  5195          },
  5196          {
  5197            "in": "header",
  5198            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  5199            "type": "integer"
  5200          },
  5201          {
  5202            "in": "header",
  5203            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  5204            "type": "integer"
  5205          },
  5206          {
  5207            "in": "header",
  5208            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  5209            "type": "integer"
  5210          },
  5211          {
  5212            "in": "body",
  5213            "name": "body",
  5214            "required": true,
  5215            "schema": {
  5216              "$ref": "#/definitions/deployment"
  5217            }
  5218          }
  5219        ],
  5220        "responses": {
  5221          "201": {
  5222            "description": "Created",
  5223            "schema": {
  5224              "$ref": "#/definitions/deployment-resp"
  5225            }
  5226          },
  5227          "403": {
  5228            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  5229          }
  5230        }
  5231      }
  5232    },
  5233    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/deployments/{id}/statuses": {
  5234      "get": {
  5235        "description": "Users with pull access can view deployment statuses for a deployment",
  5236        "parameters": [
  5237          {
  5238            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  5239            "in": "path",
  5240            "name": "owner",
  5241            "required": true,
  5242            "type": "string"
  5243          },
  5244          {
  5245            "description": "Name of repository.",
  5246            "in": "path",
  5247            "name": "repo",
  5248            "required": true,
  5249            "type": "string"
  5250          },
  5251          {
  5252            "description": "The Deployment ID to list the statuses from.",
  5253            "in": "path",
  5254            "name": "id",
  5255            "required": true,
  5256            "type": "integer"
  5257          },
  5258          {
  5259            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  5260            "in": "header",
  5261            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  5262            "type": "string"
  5263          },
  5264          {
  5265            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  5266            "in": "header",
  5267            "name": "Accept",
  5268            "type": "string"
  5269          },
  5270          {
  5271            "in": "header",
  5272            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  5273            "type": "integer"
  5274          },
  5275          {
  5276            "in": "header",
  5277            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  5278            "type": "integer"
  5279          },
  5280          {
  5281            "in": "header",
  5282            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  5283            "type": "integer"
  5284          },
  5285          {
  5286            "in": "header",
  5287            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  5288            "type": "integer"
  5289          }
  5290        ],
  5291        "responses": {
  5292          "200": {
  5293            "description": "OK",
  5294            "schema": {
  5295              "$ref": "#/definitions/deployment-statuses"
  5296            }
  5297          },
  5298          "403": {
  5299            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  5300          }
  5301        }
  5302      },
  5303      "post": {
  5304        "description": "Create a Deployment Status\nUsers with push access can create deployment statuses for a given deployment:\n",
  5305        "parameters": [
  5306          {
  5307            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  5308            "in": "path",
  5309            "name": "owner",
  5310            "required": true,
  5311            "type": "string"
  5312          },
  5313          {
  5314            "description": "Name of repository.",
  5315            "in": "path",
  5316            "name": "repo",
  5317            "required": true,
  5318            "type": "string"
  5319          },
  5320          {
  5321            "description": "The Deployment ID to list the statuses from.",
  5322            "in": "path",
  5323            "name": "id",
  5324            "required": true,
  5325            "type": "integer"
  5326          },
  5327          {
  5328            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  5329            "in": "header",
  5330            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  5331            "type": "string"
  5332          },
  5333          {
  5334            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  5335            "in": "header",
  5336            "name": "Accept",
  5337            "type": "string"
  5338          },
  5339          {
  5340            "in": "header",
  5341            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  5342            "type": "integer"
  5343          },
  5344          {
  5345            "in": "header",
  5346            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  5347            "type": "integer"
  5348          },
  5349          {
  5350            "in": "header",
  5351            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  5352            "type": "integer"
  5353          },
  5354          {
  5355            "in": "header",
  5356            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  5357            "type": "integer"
  5358          },
  5359          {
  5360            "in": "body",
  5361            "name": "body",
  5362            "required": true,
  5363            "schema": {
  5364              "$ref": "#/definitions/deployment-statuses-create"
  5365            }
  5366          }
  5367        ],
  5368        "responses": {
  5369          "201": {
  5370            "description": "ok"
  5371          },
  5372          "403": {
  5373            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  5374          }
  5375        }
  5376      }
  5377    },
  5378    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/downloads": {
  5379      "get": {
  5380        "description": "Deprecated. List downloads for a repository.",
  5381        "parameters": [
  5382          {
  5383            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  5384            "in": "path",
  5385            "name": "owner",
  5386            "required": true,
  5387            "type": "string"
  5388          },
  5389          {
  5390            "description": "Name of repository.",
  5391            "in": "path",
  5392            "name": "repo",
  5393            "required": true,
  5394            "type": "string"
  5395          },
  5396          {
  5397            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  5398            "in": "header",
  5399            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  5400            "type": "string"
  5401          },
  5402          {
  5403            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  5404            "in": "header",
  5405            "name": "Accept",
  5406            "type": "string"
  5407          },
  5408          {
  5409            "in": "header",
  5410            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  5411            "type": "integer"
  5412          },
  5413          {
  5414            "in": "header",
  5415            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  5416            "type": "integer"
  5417          },
  5418          {
  5419            "in": "header",
  5420            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  5421            "type": "integer"
  5422          },
  5423          {
  5424            "in": "header",
  5425            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  5426            "type": "integer"
  5427          }
  5428        ],
  5429        "responses": {
  5430          "200": {
  5431            "description": "OK",
  5432            "schema": {
  5433              "$ref": "#/definitions/downloads"
  5434            }
  5435          },
  5436          "403": {
  5437            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  5438          }
  5439        }
  5440      }
  5441    },
  5442    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/downloads/{downloadId}": {
  5443      "delete": {
  5444        "description": "Deprecated. Delete a download.",
  5445        "parameters": [
  5446          {
  5447            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  5448            "in": "path",
  5449            "name": "owner",
  5450            "required": true,
  5451            "type": "string"
  5452          },
  5453          {
  5454            "description": "Name of repository.",
  5455            "in": "path",
  5456            "name": "repo",
  5457            "required": true,
  5458            "type": "string"
  5459          },
  5460          {
  5461            "description": "Id of download.",
  5462            "in": "path",
  5463            "name": "downloadId",
  5464            "required": true,
  5465            "type": "integer"
  5466          },
  5467          {
  5468            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  5469            "in": "header",
  5470            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  5471            "type": "string"
  5472          },
  5473          {
  5474            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  5475            "in": "header",
  5476            "name": "Accept",
  5477            "type": "string"
  5478          },
  5479          {
  5480            "in": "header",
  5481            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  5482            "type": "integer"
  5483          },
  5484          {
  5485            "in": "header",
  5486            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  5487            "type": "integer"
  5488          },
  5489          {
  5490            "in": "header",
  5491            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  5492            "type": "integer"
  5493          },
  5494          {
  5495            "in": "header",
  5496            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  5497            "type": "integer"
  5498          }
  5499        ],
  5500        "responses": {
  5501          "204": {
  5502            "description": "No content.\n"
  5503          },
  5504          "403": {
  5505            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  5506          }
  5507        }
  5508      },
  5509      "get": {
  5510        "description": "Deprecated. Get a single download.",
  5511        "parameters": [
  5512          {
  5513            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  5514            "in": "path",
  5515            "name": "owner",
  5516            "required": true,
  5517            "type": "string"
  5518          },
  5519          {
  5520            "description": "Name of repository.",
  5521            "in": "path",
  5522            "name": "repo",
  5523            "required": true,
  5524            "type": "string"
  5525          },
  5526          {
  5527            "description": "Id of download.",
  5528            "in": "path",
  5529            "name": "downloadId",
  5530            "required": true,
  5531            "type": "integer"
  5532          },
  5533          {
  5534            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  5535            "in": "header",
  5536            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  5537            "type": "string"
  5538          },
  5539          {
  5540            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  5541            "in": "header",
  5542            "name": "Accept",
  5543            "type": "string"
  5544          },
  5545          {
  5546            "in": "header",
  5547            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  5548            "type": "integer"
  5549          },
  5550          {
  5551            "in": "header",
  5552            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  5553            "type": "integer"
  5554          },
  5555          {
  5556            "in": "header",
  5557            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  5558            "type": "integer"
  5559          },
  5560          {
  5561            "in": "header",
  5562            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  5563            "type": "integer"
  5564          }
  5565        ],
  5566        "responses": {
  5567          "200": {
  5568            "description": "OK",
  5569            "schema": {
  5570              "$ref": "#/definitions/downloads"
  5571            }
  5572          },
  5573          "403": {
  5574            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  5575          }
  5576        }
  5577      }
  5578    },
  5579    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/events": {
  5580      "get": {
  5581        "description": "Get list of repository events.",
  5582        "parameters": [
  5583          {
  5584            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  5585            "in": "path",
  5586            "name": "owner",
  5587            "required": true,
  5588            "type": "string"
  5589          },
  5590          {
  5591            "description": "Name of repository.",
  5592            "in": "path",
  5593            "name": "repo",
  5594            "required": true,
  5595            "type": "string"
  5596          },
  5597          {
  5598            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  5599            "in": "header",
  5600            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  5601            "type": "string"
  5602          },
  5603          {
  5604            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  5605            "in": "header",
  5606            "name": "Accept",
  5607            "type": "string"
  5608          },
  5609          {
  5610            "in": "header",
  5611            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  5612            "type": "integer"
  5613          },
  5614          {
  5615            "in": "header",
  5616            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  5617            "type": "integer"
  5618          },
  5619          {
  5620            "in": "header",
  5621            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  5622            "type": "integer"
  5623          },
  5624          {
  5625            "in": "header",
  5626            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  5627            "type": "integer"
  5628          }
  5629        ],
  5630        "responses": {
  5631          "200": {
  5632            "description": "OK",
  5633            "schema": {
  5634              "$ref": "#/definitions/events"
  5635            }
  5636          },
  5637          "403": {
  5638            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  5639          }
  5640        }
  5641      }
  5642    },
  5643    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/forks": {
  5644      "get": {
  5645        "description": "List forks.",
  5646        "parameters": [
  5647          {
  5648            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  5649            "in": "path",
  5650            "name": "owner",
  5651            "required": true,
  5652            "type": "string"
  5653          },
  5654          {
  5655            "description": "Name of repository.",
  5656            "in": "path",
  5657            "name": "repo",
  5658            "required": true,
  5659            "type": "string"
  5660          },
  5661          {
  5662            "default": "newes",
  5663            "enum": [
  5664              "newes",
  5665              "oldes",
  5666              "watchers"
  5667            ],
  5668            "in": "query",
  5669            "name": "sort",
  5670            "type": "string"
  5671          },
  5672          {
  5673            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  5674            "in": "header",
  5675            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  5676            "type": "string"
  5677          },
  5678          {
  5679            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  5680            "in": "header",
  5681            "name": "Accept",
  5682            "type": "string"
  5683          },
  5684          {
  5685            "in": "header",
  5686            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  5687            "type": "integer"
  5688          },
  5689          {
  5690            "in": "header",
  5691            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  5692            "type": "integer"
  5693          },
  5694          {
  5695            "in": "header",
  5696            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  5697            "type": "integer"
  5698          },
  5699          {
  5700            "in": "header",
  5701            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  5702            "type": "integer"
  5703          }
  5704        ],
  5705        "responses": {
  5706          "200": {
  5707            "description": "OK",
  5708            "schema": {
  5709              "$ref": "#/definitions/forks"
  5710            }
  5711          },
  5712          "403": {
  5713            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  5714          }
  5715        }
  5716      },
  5717      "post": {
  5718        "description": "Create a fork.\nForking a Repository happens asynchronously. Therefore, you may have to wai\na short period before accessing the git objects. If this takes longer than 5\nminutes, be sure to contact Support.\n",
  5719        "parameters": [
  5720          {
  5721            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  5722            "in": "path",
  5723            "name": "owner",
  5724            "required": true,
  5725            "type": "string"
  5726          },
  5727          {
  5728            "description": "Name of repository.",
  5729            "in": "path",
  5730            "name": "repo",
  5731            "required": true,
  5732            "type": "string"
  5733          },
  5734          {
  5735            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  5736            "in": "header",
  5737            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  5738            "type": "string"
  5739          },
  5740          {
  5741            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  5742            "in": "header",
  5743            "name": "Accept",
  5744            "type": "string"
  5745          },
  5746          {
  5747            "in": "header",
  5748            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  5749            "type": "integer"
  5750          },
  5751          {
  5752            "in": "header",
  5753            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  5754            "type": "integer"
  5755          },
  5756          {
  5757            "in": "header",
  5758            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  5759            "type": "integer"
  5760          },
  5761          {
  5762            "in": "header",
  5763            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  5764            "type": "integer"
  5765          },
  5766          {
  5767            "in": "body",
  5768            "name": "body",
  5769            "required": true,
  5770            "schema": {
  5771              "$ref": "#/definitions/forkBody"
  5772            }
  5773          }
  5774        ],
  5775        "responses": {
  5776          "201": {
  5777            "description": "Created",
  5778            "schema": {
  5779              "$ref": "#/definitions/fork"
  5780            }
  5781          },
  5782          "403": {
  5783            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  5784          }
  5785        }
  5786      }
  5787    },
  5788    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/git/blobs": {
  5789      "post": {
  5790        "description": "Create a Blob.",
  5791        "parameters": [
  5792          {
  5793            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  5794            "in": "path",
  5795            "name": "owner",
  5796            "required": true,
  5797            "type": "string"
  5798          },
  5799          {
  5800            "description": "Name of repository.",
  5801            "in": "path",
  5802            "name": "repo",
  5803            "required": true,
  5804            "type": "string"
  5805          },
  5806          {
  5807            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  5808            "in": "header",
  5809            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  5810            "type": "string"
  5811          },
  5812          {
  5813            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  5814            "in": "header",
  5815            "name": "Accept",
  5816            "type": "string"
  5817          },
  5818          {
  5819            "in": "header",
  5820            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  5821            "type": "integer"
  5822          },
  5823          {
  5824            "in": "header",
  5825            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  5826            "type": "integer"
  5827          },
  5828          {
  5829            "in": "header",
  5830            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  5831            "type": "integer"
  5832          },
  5833          {
  5834            "in": "header",
  5835            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  5836            "type": "integer"
  5837          },
  5838          {
  5839            "in": "body",
  5840            "name": "body",
  5841            "required": true,
  5842            "schema": {
  5843              "$ref": "#/definitions/blob"
  5844            }
  5845          }
  5846        ],
  5847        "responses": {
  5848          "201": {
  5849            "description": "Created",
  5850            "schema": {
  5851              "$ref": "#/definitions/blobs"
  5852            }
  5853          },
  5854          "403": {
  5855            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  5856          }
  5857        }
  5858      }
  5859    },
  5860    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/git/blobs/{shaCode}": {
  5861      "get": {
  5862        "description": "Get a Blob.\nSince blobs can be any arbitrary binary data, the input and responses for\nthe blob API takes an encoding parameter that can be either utf-8 or\nbase64. If your data cannot be losslessly sent as a UTF-8 string, you can\nbase64 encode it.\n",
  5863        "parameters": [
  5864          {
  5865            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  5866            "in": "path",
  5867            "name": "owner",
  5868            "required": true,
  5869            "type": "string"
  5870          },
  5871          {
  5872            "description": "Name of repository.",
  5873            "in": "path",
  5874            "name": "repo",
  5875            "required": true,
  5876            "type": "string"
  5877          },
  5878          {
  5879            "description": "SHA-1 code.",
  5880            "in": "path",
  5881            "name": "shaCode",
  5882            "required": true,
  5883            "type": "string"
  5884          },
  5885          {
  5886            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  5887            "in": "header",
  5888            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  5889            "type": "string"
  5890          },
  5891          {
  5892            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  5893            "in": "header",
  5894            "name": "Accept",
  5895            "type": "string"
  5896          },
  5897          {
  5898            "in": "header",
  5899            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  5900            "type": "integer"
  5901          },
  5902          {
  5903            "in": "header",
  5904            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  5905            "type": "integer"
  5906          },
  5907          {
  5908            "in": "header",
  5909            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  5910            "type": "integer"
  5911          },
  5912          {
  5913            "in": "header",
  5914            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  5915            "type": "integer"
  5916          }
  5917        ],
  5918        "responses": {
  5919          "200": {
  5920            "description": "OK",
  5921            "schema": {
  5922              "$ref": "#/definitions/blob"
  5923            }
  5924          },
  5925          "403": {
  5926            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  5927          }
  5928        }
  5929      }
  5930    },
  5931    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/git/commits": {
  5932      "post": {
  5933        "description": "Create a Commit.",
  5934        "parameters": [
  5935          {
  5936            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  5937            "in": "path",
  5938            "name": "owner",
  5939            "required": true,
  5940            "type": "string"
  5941          },
  5942          {
  5943            "description": "Name of repository.",
  5944            "in": "path",
  5945            "name": "repo",
  5946            "required": true,
  5947            "type": "string"
  5948          },
  5949          {
  5950            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  5951            "in": "header",
  5952            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  5953            "type": "string"
  5954          },
  5955          {
  5956            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  5957            "in": "header",
  5958            "name": "Accept",
  5959            "type": "string"
  5960          },
  5961          {
  5962            "in": "header",
  5963            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  5964            "type": "integer"
  5965          },
  5966          {
  5967            "in": "header",
  5968            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  5969            "type": "integer"
  5970          },
  5971          {
  5972            "in": "header",
  5973            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  5974            "type": "integer"
  5975          },
  5976          {
  5977            "in": "header",
  5978            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  5979            "type": "integer"
  5980          },
  5981          {
  5982            "in": "body",
  5983            "name": "body",
  5984            "required": true,
  5985            "schema": {
  5986              "$ref": "#/definitions/repoCommitBody"
  5987            }
  5988          }
  5989        ],
  5990        "responses": {
  5991          "201": {
  5992            "description": "Created",
  5993            "schema": {
  5994              "$ref": "#/definitions/gitCommit"
  5995            }
  5996          },
  5997          "403": {
  5998            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  5999          }
  6000        }
  6001      }
  6002    },
  6003    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/git/commits/{shaCode}": {
  6004      "get": {
  6005        "description": "Get a Commit.",
  6006        "parameters": [
  6007          {
  6008            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  6009            "in": "path",
  6010            "name": "owner",
  6011            "required": true,
  6012            "type": "string"
  6013          },
  6014          {
  6015            "description": "Name of repository.",
  6016            "in": "path",
  6017            "name": "repo",
  6018            "required": true,
  6019            "type": "string"
  6020          },
  6021          {
  6022            "description": "SHA-1 code.",
  6023            "in": "path",
  6024            "name": "shaCode",
  6025            "required": true,
  6026            "type": "string"
  6027          },
  6028          {
  6029            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  6030            "in": "header",
  6031            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  6032            "type": "string"
  6033          },
  6034          {
  6035            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  6036            "in": "header",
  6037            "name": "Accept",
  6038            "type": "string"
  6039          },
  6040          {
  6041            "in": "header",
  6042            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  6043            "type": "integer"
  6044          },
  6045          {
  6046            "in": "header",
  6047            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  6048            "type": "integer"
  6049          },
  6050          {
  6051            "in": "header",
  6052            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  6053            "type": "integer"
  6054          },
  6055          {
  6056            "in": "header",
  6057            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  6058            "type": "integer"
  6059          }
  6060        ],
  6061        "responses": {
  6062          "200": {
  6063            "description": "OK",
  6064            "schema": {
  6065              "$ref": "#/definitions/repoCommit"
  6066            }
  6067          },
  6068          "403": {
  6069            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  6070          }
  6071        }
  6072      }
  6073    },
  6074    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/git/refs": {
  6075      "get": {
  6076        "description": "Get all References",
  6077        "parameters": [
  6078          {
  6079            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  6080            "in": "path",
  6081            "name": "owner",
  6082            "required": true,
  6083            "type": "string"
  6084          },
  6085          {
  6086            "description": "Name of repository.",
  6087            "in": "path",
  6088            "name": "repo",
  6089            "required": true,
  6090            "type": "string"
  6091          },
  6092          {
  6093            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  6094            "in": "header",
  6095            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  6096            "type": "string"
  6097          },
  6098          {
  6099            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  6100            "in": "header",
  6101            "name": "Accept",
  6102            "type": "string"
  6103          },
  6104          {
  6105            "in": "header",
  6106            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  6107            "type": "integer"
  6108          },
  6109          {
  6110            "in": "header",
  6111            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  6112            "type": "integer"
  6113          },
  6114          {
  6115            "in": "header",
  6116            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  6117            "type": "integer"
  6118          },
  6119          {
  6120            "in": "header",
  6121            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  6122            "type": "integer"
  6123          }
  6124        ],
  6125        "responses": {
  6126          "200": {
  6127            "description": "OK",
  6128            "schema": {
  6129              "$ref": "#/definitions/refs"
  6130            }
  6131          },
  6132          "403": {
  6133            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  6134          }
  6135        }
  6136      },
  6137      "post": {
  6138        "description": "Create a Reference",
  6139        "parameters": [
  6140          {
  6141            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  6142            "in": "path",
  6143            "name": "owner",
  6144            "required": true,
  6145            "type": "string"
  6146          },
  6147          {
  6148            "description": "Name of repository.",
  6149            "in": "path",
  6150            "name": "repo",
  6151            "required": true,
  6152            "type": "string"
  6153          },
  6154          {
  6155            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  6156            "in": "header",
  6157            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  6158            "type": "string"
  6159          },
  6160          {
  6161            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  6162            "in": "header",
  6163            "name": "Accept",
  6164            "type": "string"
  6165          },
  6166          {
  6167            "in": "header",
  6168            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  6169            "type": "integer"
  6170          },
  6171          {
  6172            "in": "header",
  6173            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  6174            "type": "integer"
  6175          },
  6176          {
  6177            "in": "header",
  6178            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  6179            "type": "integer"
  6180          },
  6181          {
  6182            "in": "header",
  6183            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  6184            "type": "integer"
  6185          },
  6186          {
  6187            "in": "body",
  6188            "name": "body",
  6189            "required": true,
  6190            "schema": {
  6191              "$ref": "#/definitions/refsBody"
  6192            }
  6193          }
  6194        ],
  6195        "responses": {
  6196          "201": {
  6197            "description": "Created",
  6198            "schema": {
  6199              "$ref": "#/definitions/headBranch"
  6200            }
  6201          },
  6202          "403": {
  6203            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  6204          }
  6205        }
  6206      }
  6207    },
  6208    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/git/refs/{ref}": {
  6209      "delete": {
  6210        "description": "Delete a Reference\nExample: Deleting a branch: DELETE /repos/octocat/Hello-World/git/refs/heads/feature-a \nExample: Deleting a tag:        DELETE /repos/octocat/Hello-World/git/refs/tags/v1.0\n",
  6211        "parameters": [
  6212          {
  6213            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  6214            "in": "path",
  6215            "name": "owner",
  6216            "required": true,
  6217            "type": "string"
  6218          },
  6219          {
  6220            "description": "Name of repository.",
  6221            "in": "path",
  6222            "name": "repo",
  6223            "required": true,
  6224            "type": "string"
  6225          },
  6226          {
  6227            "in": "path",
  6228            "name": "ref",
  6229            "required": true,
  6230            "type": "string"
  6231          },
  6232          {
  6233            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  6234            "in": "header",
  6235            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  6236            "type": "string"
  6237          },
  6238          {
  6239            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  6240            "in": "header",
  6241            "name": "Accept",
  6242            "type": "string"
  6243          },
  6244          {
  6245            "in": "header",
  6246            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  6247            "type": "integer"
  6248          },
  6249          {
  6250            "in": "header",
  6251            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  6252            "type": "integer"
  6253          },
  6254          {
  6255            "in": "header",
  6256            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  6257            "type": "integer"
  6258          },
  6259          {
  6260            "in": "header",
  6261            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  6262            "type": "integer"
  6263          }
  6264        ],
  6265        "responses": {
  6266          "204": {
  6267            "description": "No Content"
  6268          },
  6269          "403": {
  6270            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  6271          }
  6272        }
  6273      },
  6274      "get": {
  6275        "description": "Get a Reference",
  6276        "parameters": [
  6277          {
  6278            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  6279            "in": "path",
  6280            "name": "owner",
  6281            "required": true,
  6282            "type": "string"
  6283          },
  6284          {
  6285            "description": "Name of repository.",
  6286            "in": "path",
  6287            "name": "repo",
  6288            "required": true,
  6289            "type": "string"
  6290          },
  6291          {
  6292            "in": "path",
  6293            "name": "ref",
  6294            "required": true,
  6295            "type": "string"
  6296          },
  6297          {
  6298            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  6299            "in": "header",
  6300            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  6301            "type": "string"
  6302          },
  6303          {
  6304            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  6305            "in": "header",
  6306            "name": "Accept",
  6307            "type": "string"
  6308          },
  6309          {
  6310            "in": "header",
  6311            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  6312            "type": "integer"
  6313          },
  6314          {
  6315            "in": "header",
  6316            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  6317            "type": "integer"
  6318          },
  6319          {
  6320            "in": "header",
  6321            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  6322            "type": "integer"
  6323          },
  6324          {
  6325            "in": "header",
  6326            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  6327            "type": "integer"
  6328          }
  6329        ],
  6330        "responses": {
  6331          "200": {
  6332            "description": "OK",
  6333            "schema": {
  6334              "$ref": "#/definitions/headBranch"
  6335            }
  6336          },
  6337          "403": {
  6338            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  6339          }
  6340        }
  6341      },
  6342      "patch": {
  6343        "description": "Update a Reference",
  6344        "parameters": [
  6345          {
  6346            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  6347            "in": "path",
  6348            "name": "owner",
  6349            "required": true,
  6350            "type": "string"
  6351          },
  6352          {
  6353            "description": "Name of repository.",
  6354            "in": "path",
  6355            "name": "repo",
  6356            "required": true,
  6357            "type": "string"
  6358          },
  6359          {
  6360            "in": "path",
  6361            "name": "ref",
  6362            "required": true,
  6363            "type": "string"
  6364          },
  6365          {
  6366            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  6367            "in": "header",
  6368            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  6369            "type": "string"
  6370          },
  6371          {
  6372            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  6373            "in": "header",
  6374            "name": "Accept",
  6375            "type": "string"
  6376          },
  6377          {
  6378            "in": "header",
  6379            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  6380            "type": "integer"
  6381          },
  6382          {
  6383            "in": "header",
  6384            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  6385            "type": "integer"
  6386          },
  6387          {
  6388            "in": "header",
  6389            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  6390            "type": "integer"
  6391          },
  6392          {
  6393            "in": "header",
  6394            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  6395            "type": "integer"
  6396          },
  6397          {
  6398            "in": "body",
  6399            "name": "body",
  6400            "required": true,
  6401            "schema": {
  6402              "$ref": "#/definitions/gitRefPatch"
  6403            }
  6404          }
  6405        ],
  6406        "responses": {
  6407          "200": {
  6408            "description": "OK",
  6409            "schema": {
  6410              "$ref": "#/definitions/headBranch"
  6411            }
  6412          },
  6413          "403": {
  6414            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  6415          }
  6416        }
  6417      }
  6418    },
  6419    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/git/tags": {
  6420      "post": {
  6421        "description": "Create a Tag Object.\nNote that creating a tag object does not create the reference that makes a\ntag in Git. If you want to create an annotated tag in Git, you have to do\nthis call to create the tag object, and then create the refs/tags/[tag]\nreference. If you want to create a lightweight tag, you only have to create\nthe tag reference - this call would be unnecessary.\n",
  6422        "parameters": [
  6423          {
  6424            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  6425            "in": "path",
  6426            "name": "owner",
  6427            "required": true,
  6428            "type": "string"
  6429          },
  6430          {
  6431            "description": "Name of repository.",
  6432            "in": "path",
  6433            "name": "repo",
  6434            "required": true,
  6435            "type": "string"
  6436          },
  6437          {
  6438            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  6439            "in": "header",
  6440            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  6441            "type": "string"
  6442          },
  6443          {
  6444            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  6445            "in": "header",
  6446            "name": "Accept",
  6447            "type": "string"
  6448          },
  6449          {
  6450            "in": "header",
  6451            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  6452            "type": "integer"
  6453          },
  6454          {
  6455            "in": "header",
  6456            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  6457            "type": "integer"
  6458          },
  6459          {
  6460            "in": "header",
  6461            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  6462            "type": "integer"
  6463          },
  6464          {
  6465            "in": "header",
  6466            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  6467            "type": "integer"
  6468          },
  6469          {
  6470            "in": "body",
  6471            "name": "body",
  6472            "required": true,
  6473            "schema": {
  6474              "$ref": "#/definitions/tag"
  6475            }
  6476          }
  6477        ],
  6478        "responses": {
  6479          "201": {
  6480            "description": "Created",
  6481            "schema": {
  6482              "$ref": "#/definitions/tags"
  6483            }
  6484          },
  6485          "403": {
  6486            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  6487          }
  6488        }
  6489      }
  6490    },
  6491    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/git/tags/{shaCode}": {
  6492      "get": {
  6493        "description": "Get a Tag.",
  6494        "parameters": [
  6495          {
  6496            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  6497            "in": "path",
  6498            "name": "owner",
  6499            "required": true,
  6500            "type": "string"
  6501          },
  6502          {
  6503            "description": "Name of repository.",
  6504            "in": "path",
  6505            "name": "repo",
  6506            "required": true,
  6507            "type": "string"
  6508          },
  6509          {
  6510            "in": "path",
  6511            "name": "shaCode",
  6512            "required": true,
  6513            "type": "string"
  6514          },
  6515          {
  6516            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  6517            "in": "header",
  6518            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  6519            "type": "string"
  6520          },
  6521          {
  6522            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  6523            "in": "header",
  6524            "name": "Accept",
  6525            "type": "string"
  6526          },
  6527          {
  6528            "in": "header",
  6529            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  6530            "type": "integer"
  6531          },
  6532          {
  6533            "in": "header",
  6534            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  6535            "type": "integer"
  6536          },
  6537          {
  6538            "in": "header",
  6539            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  6540            "type": "integer"
  6541          },
  6542          {
  6543            "in": "header",
  6544            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  6545            "type": "integer"
  6546          }
  6547        ],
  6548        "responses": {
  6549          "200": {
  6550            "description": "OK",
  6551            "schema": {
  6552              "$ref": "#/definitions/tag"
  6553            }
  6554          },
  6555          "403": {
  6556            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  6557          }
  6558        }
  6559      }
  6560    },
  6561    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/git/trees": {
  6562      "post": {
  6563        "description": "Create a Tree.\nThe tree creation API will take nested entries as well. If both a tree and\na nested path modifying that tree are specified, it will overwrite the\ncontents of that tree with the new path contents and write a new tree out.\n",
  6564        "parameters": [
  6565          {
  6566            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  6567            "in": "path",
  6568            "name": "owner",
  6569            "required": true,
  6570            "type": "string"
  6571          },
  6572          {
  6573            "description": "Name of repository.",
  6574            "in": "path",
  6575            "name": "repo",
  6576            "required": true,
  6577            "type": "string"
  6578          },
  6579          {
  6580            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  6581            "in": "header",
  6582            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  6583            "type": "string"
  6584          },
  6585          {
  6586            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  6587            "in": "header",
  6588            "name": "Accept",
  6589            "type": "string"
  6590          },
  6591          {
  6592            "in": "header",
  6593            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  6594            "type": "integer"
  6595          },
  6596          {
  6597            "in": "header",
  6598            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  6599            "type": "integer"
  6600          },
  6601          {
  6602            "in": "header",
  6603            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  6604            "type": "integer"
  6605          },
  6606          {
  6607            "in": "header",
  6608            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  6609            "type": "integer"
  6610          },
  6611          {
  6612            "in": "body",
  6613            "name": "body",
  6614            "required": true,
  6615            "schema": {
  6616              "$ref": "#/definitions/tree"
  6617            }
  6618          }
  6619        ],
  6620        "responses": {
  6621          "201": {
  6622            "description": "Created",
  6623            "schema": {
  6624              "$ref": "#/definitions/trees"
  6625            }
  6626          },
  6627          "403": {
  6628            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  6629          }
  6630        }
  6631      }
  6632    },
  6633    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/git/trees/{shaCode}": {
  6634      "get": {
  6635        "description": "Get a Tree.",
  6636        "parameters": [
  6637          {
  6638            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  6639            "in": "path",
  6640            "name": "owner",
  6641            "required": true,
  6642            "type": "string"
  6643          },
  6644          {
  6645            "description": "Name of repository.",
  6646            "in": "path",
  6647            "name": "repo",
  6648            "required": true,
  6649            "type": "string"
  6650          },
  6651          {
  6652            "description": "Tree SHA.",
  6653            "in": "path",
  6654            "name": "shaCode",
  6655            "required": true,
  6656            "type": "string"
  6657          },
  6658          {
  6659            "description": "Get a Tree Recursively. (0 or 1)",
  6660            "in": "query",
  6661            "name": "recursive",
  6662            "type": "integer"
  6663          },
  6664          {
  6665            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  6666            "in": "header",
  6667            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  6668            "type": "string"
  6669          },
  6670          {
  6671            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  6672            "in": "header",
  6673            "name": "Accept",
  6674            "type": "string"
  6675          },
  6676          {
  6677            "in": "header",
  6678            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  6679            "type": "integer"
  6680          },
  6681          {
  6682            "in": "header",
  6683            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  6684            "type": "integer"
  6685          },
  6686          {
  6687            "in": "header",
  6688            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  6689            "type": "integer"
  6690          },
  6691          {
  6692            "in": "header",
  6693            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  6694            "type": "integer"
  6695          }
  6696        ],
  6697        "responses": {
  6698          "200": {
  6699            "description": "OK",
  6700            "schema": {
  6701              "$ref": "#/definitions/tree"
  6702            }
  6703          },
  6704          "403": {
  6705            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  6706          }
  6707        }
  6708      }
  6709    },
  6710    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/hooks": {
  6711      "get": {
  6712        "description": "Get list of hooks.",
  6713        "parameters": [
  6714          {
  6715            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  6716            "in": "path",
  6717            "name": "owner",
  6718            "required": true,
  6719            "type": "string"
  6720          },
  6721          {
  6722            "description": "Name of repository.",
  6723            "in": "path",
  6724            "name": "repo",
  6725            "required": true,
  6726            "type": "string"
  6727          },
  6728          {
  6729            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  6730            "in": "header",
  6731            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  6732            "type": "string"
  6733          },
  6734          {
  6735            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  6736            "in": "header",
  6737            "name": "Accept",
  6738            "type": "string"
  6739          },
  6740          {
  6741            "in": "header",
  6742            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  6743            "type": "integer"
  6744          },
  6745          {
  6746            "in": "header",
  6747            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  6748            "type": "integer"
  6749          },
  6750          {
  6751            "in": "header",
  6752            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  6753            "type": "integer"
  6754          },
  6755          {
  6756            "in": "header",
  6757            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  6758            "type": "integer"
  6759          }
  6760        ],
  6761        "responses": {
  6762          "200": {
  6763            "description": "OK",
  6764            "schema": {
  6765              "$ref": "#/definitions/hook"
  6766            }
  6767          },
  6768          "403": {
  6769            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  6770          }
  6771        }
  6772      },
  6773      "post": {
  6774        "description": "Create a hook.",
  6775        "parameters": [
  6776          {
  6777            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  6778            "in": "path",
  6779            "name": "owner",
  6780            "required": true,
  6781            "type": "string"
  6782          },
  6783          {
  6784            "description": "Name of repository.",
  6785            "in": "path",
  6786            "name": "repo",
  6787            "required": true,
  6788            "type": "string"
  6789          },
  6790          {
  6791            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  6792            "in": "header",
  6793            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  6794            "type": "string"
  6795          },
  6796          {
  6797            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  6798            "in": "header",
  6799            "name": "Accept",
  6800            "type": "string"
  6801          },
  6802          {
  6803            "in": "header",
  6804            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  6805            "type": "integer"
  6806          },
  6807          {
  6808            "in": "header",
  6809            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  6810            "type": "integer"
  6811          },
  6812          {
  6813            "in": "header",
  6814            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  6815            "type": "integer"
  6816          },
  6817          {
  6818            "in": "header",
  6819            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  6820            "type": "integer"
  6821          },
  6822          {
  6823            "in": "body",
  6824            "name": "body",
  6825            "required": true,
  6826            "schema": {
  6827              "$ref": "#/definitions/hookBody"
  6828            }
  6829          }
  6830        ],
  6831        "responses": {
  6832          "201": {
  6833            "description": "Created",
  6834            "schema": {
  6835              "$ref": "#/definitions/hook"
  6836            }
  6837          },
  6838          "403": {
  6839            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  6840          }
  6841        }
  6842      }
  6843    },
  6844    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/hooks/{hookId}": {
  6845      "delete": {
  6846        "description": "Delete a hook.",
  6847        "parameters": [
  6848          {
  6849            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  6850            "in": "path",
  6851            "name": "owner",
  6852            "required": true,
  6853            "type": "string"
  6854          },
  6855          {
  6856            "description": "Name of repository.",
  6857            "in": "path",
  6858            "name": "repo",
  6859            "required": true,
  6860            "type": "string"
  6861          },
  6862          {
  6863            "description": "Id of hook.",
  6864            "in": "path",
  6865            "name": "hookId",
  6866            "required": true,
  6867            "type": "integer"
  6868          },
  6869          {
  6870            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  6871            "in": "header",
  6872            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  6873            "type": "string"
  6874          },
  6875          {
  6876            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  6877            "in": "header",
  6878            "name": "Accept",
  6879            "type": "string"
  6880          },
  6881          {
  6882            "in": "header",
  6883            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  6884            "type": "integer"
  6885          },
  6886          {
  6887            "in": "header",
  6888            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  6889            "type": "integer"
  6890          },
  6891          {
  6892            "in": "header",
  6893            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  6894            "type": "integer"
  6895          },
  6896          {
  6897            "in": "header",
  6898            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  6899            "type": "integer"
  6900          }
  6901        ],
  6902        "responses": {
  6903          "204": {
  6904            "description": "No content.\n"
  6905          },
  6906          "403": {
  6907            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  6908          }
  6909        }
  6910      },
  6911      "get": {
  6912        "description": "Get single hook.",
  6913        "parameters": [
  6914          {
  6915            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  6916            "in": "path",
  6917            "name": "owner",
  6918            "required": true,
  6919            "type": "string"
  6920          },
  6921          {
  6922            "description": "Name of repository.",
  6923            "in": "path",
  6924            "name": "repo",
  6925            "required": true,
  6926            "type": "string"
  6927          },
  6928          {
  6929            "description": "Id of hook.",
  6930            "in": "path",
  6931            "name": "hookId",
  6932            "required": true,
  6933            "type": "integer"
  6934          },
  6935          {
  6936            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  6937            "in": "header",
  6938            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  6939            "type": "string"
  6940          },
  6941          {
  6942            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  6943            "in": "header",
  6944            "name": "Accept",
  6945            "type": "string"
  6946          },
  6947          {
  6948            "in": "header",
  6949            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  6950            "type": "integer"
  6951          },
  6952          {
  6953            "in": "header",
  6954            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  6955            "type": "integer"
  6956          },
  6957          {
  6958            "in": "header",
  6959            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  6960            "type": "integer"
  6961          },
  6962          {
  6963            "in": "header",
  6964            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  6965            "type": "integer"
  6966          }
  6967        ],
  6968        "responses": {
  6969          "200": {
  6970            "description": "OK",
  6971            "schema": {
  6972              "$ref": "#/definitions/hook"
  6973            }
  6974          },
  6975          "403": {
  6976            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  6977          }
  6978        }
  6979      },
  6980      "patch": {
  6981        "description": "Edit a hook.",
  6982        "parameters": [
  6983          {
  6984            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  6985            "in": "path",
  6986            "name": "owner",
  6987            "required": true,
  6988            "type": "string"
  6989          },
  6990          {
  6991            "description": "Name of repository.",
  6992            "in": "path",
  6993            "name": "repo",
  6994            "required": true,
  6995            "type": "string"
  6996          },
  6997          {
  6998            "description": "Id of hook.",
  6999            "in": "path",
  7000            "name": "hookId",
  7001            "required": true,
  7002            "type": "integer"
  7003          },
  7004          {
  7005            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  7006            "in": "header",
  7007            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  7008            "type": "string"
  7009          },
  7010          {
  7011            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  7012            "in": "header",
  7013            "name": "Accept",
  7014            "type": "string"
  7015          },
  7016          {
  7017            "in": "header",
  7018            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  7019            "type": "integer"
  7020          },
  7021          {
  7022            "in": "header",
  7023            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  7024            "type": "integer"
  7025          },
  7026          {
  7027            "in": "header",
  7028            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  7029            "type": "integer"
  7030          },
  7031          {
  7032            "in": "header",
  7033            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  7034            "type": "integer"
  7035          },
  7036          {
  7037            "in": "body",
  7038            "name": "body",
  7039            "required": true,
  7040            "schema": {
  7041              "$ref": "#/definitions/hookBody"
  7042            }
  7043          }
  7044        ],
  7045        "responses": {
  7046          "200": {
  7047            "description": "OK",
  7048            "schema": {
  7049              "$ref": "#/definitions/hook"
  7050            }
  7051          },
  7052          "403": {
  7053            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  7054          }
  7055        }
  7056      }
  7057    },
  7058    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/hooks/{hookId}/tests": {
  7059      "post": {
  7060        "description": "Test a push hook.\nThis will trigger the hook with the latest push to the current repository\nif the hook is subscribed to push events. If the hook is not subscribed\nto push events, the server will respond with 204 but no test POST will\nbe generated.\nNote: Previously /repos/:owner/:repo/hooks/:id/tes\n",
  7061        "parameters": [
  7062          {
  7063            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  7064            "in": "path",
  7065            "name": "owner",
  7066            "required": true,
  7067            "type": "string"
  7068          },
  7069          {
  7070            "description": "Name of repository.",
  7071            "in": "path",
  7072            "name": "repo",
  7073            "required": true,
  7074            "type": "string"
  7075          },
  7076          {
  7077            "description": "Id of hook.",
  7078            "in": "path",
  7079            "name": "hookId",
  7080            "required": true,
  7081            "type": "integer"
  7082          },
  7083          {
  7084            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  7085            "in": "header",
  7086            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  7087            "type": "string"
  7088          },
  7089          {
  7090            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  7091            "in": "header",
  7092            "name": "Accept",
  7093            "type": "string"
  7094          },
  7095          {
  7096            "in": "header",
  7097            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  7098            "type": "integer"
  7099          },
  7100          {
  7101            "in": "header",
  7102            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  7103            "type": "integer"
  7104          },
  7105          {
  7106            "in": "header",
  7107            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  7108            "type": "integer"
  7109          },
  7110          {
  7111            "in": "header",
  7112            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  7113            "type": "integer"
  7114          }
  7115        ],
  7116        "responses": {
  7117          "204": {
  7118            "description": "Hook is triggered."
  7119          },
  7120          "403": {
  7121            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  7122          }
  7123        }
  7124      }
  7125    },
  7126    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues": {
  7127      "get": {
  7128        "description": "List issues for a repository.",
  7129        "parameters": [
  7130          {
  7131            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  7132            "in": "path",
  7133            "name": "owner",
  7134            "required": true,
  7135            "type": "string"
  7136          },
  7137          {
  7138            "description": "Name of repository.",
  7139            "in": "path",
  7140            "name": "repo",
  7141            "required": true,
  7142            "type": "string"
  7143          },
  7144          {
  7145            "default": "all",
  7146            "description": "Issues assigned to you / created by you / mentioning you / you're\nsubscribed to updates for / All issues the authenticated user can see\n",
  7147            "enum": [
  7148              "assigned",
  7149              "created",
  7150              "mentioned",
  7151              "subscribed",
  7152              "all"
  7153            ],
  7154            "in": "query",
  7155            "name": "filter",
  7156            "required": true,
  7157            "type": "string"
  7158          },
  7159          {
  7160            "default": "open",
  7161            "enum": [
  7162              "open",
  7163              "closed"
  7164            ],
  7165            "in": "query",
  7166            "name": "state",
  7167            "required": true,
  7168            "type": "string"
  7169          },
  7170          {
  7171            "description": "String list of comma separated Label names. Example - bug,ui,@high.",
  7172            "in": "query",
  7173            "name": "labels",
  7174            "required": true,
  7175            "type": "string"
  7176          },
  7177          {
  7178            "default": "created",
  7179            "enum": [
  7180              "created",
  7181              "updated",
  7182              "comments"
  7183            ],
  7184            "in": "query",
  7185            "name": "sort",
  7186            "required": true,
  7187            "type": "string"
  7188          },
  7189          {
  7190            "default": "desc",
  7191            "enum": [
  7192              "asc",
  7193              "desc"
  7194            ],
  7195            "in": "query",
  7196            "name": "direction",
  7197            "required": true,
  7198            "type": "string"
  7199          },
  7200          {
  7201            "description": "Optional string of a timestamp in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ.\nOnly issues updated at or after this time are returned.\n",
  7202            "in": "query",
  7203            "name": "since",
  7204            "type": "string"
  7205          },
  7206          {
  7207            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  7208            "in": "header",
  7209            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  7210            "type": "string"
  7211          },
  7212          {
  7213            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  7214            "in": "header",
  7215            "name": "Accept",
  7216            "type": "string"
  7217          },
  7218          {
  7219            "in": "header",
  7220            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  7221            "type": "integer"
  7222          },
  7223          {
  7224            "in": "header",
  7225            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  7226            "type": "integer"
  7227          },
  7228          {
  7229            "in": "header",
  7230            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  7231            "type": "integer"
  7232          },
  7233          {
  7234            "in": "header",
  7235            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  7236            "type": "integer"
  7237          }
  7238        ],
  7239        "responses": {
  7240          "200": {
  7241            "description": "OK",
  7242            "schema": {
  7243              "$ref": "#/definitions/issues"
  7244            }
  7245          },
  7246          "403": {
  7247            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  7248          }
  7249        }
  7250      },
  7251      "post": {
  7252        "description": "Create an issue.\nAny user with pull access to a repository can create an issue.\n",
  7253        "parameters": [
  7254          {
  7255            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  7256            "in": "path",
  7257            "name": "owner",
  7258            "required": true,
  7259            "type": "string"
  7260          },
  7261          {
  7262            "description": "Name of repository.",
  7263            "in": "path",
  7264            "name": "repo",
  7265            "required": true,
  7266            "type": "string"
  7267          },
  7268          {
  7269            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  7270            "in": "header",
  7271            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  7272            "type": "string"
  7273          },
  7274          {
  7275            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  7276            "in": "header",
  7277            "name": "Accept",
  7278            "type": "string"
  7279          },
  7280          {
  7281            "in": "header",
  7282            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  7283            "type": "integer"
  7284          },
  7285          {
  7286            "in": "header",
  7287            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  7288            "type": "integer"
  7289          },
  7290          {
  7291            "in": "header",
  7292            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  7293            "type": "integer"
  7294          },
  7295          {
  7296            "in": "header",
  7297            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  7298            "type": "integer"
  7299          },
  7300          {
  7301            "in": "body",
  7302            "name": "body",
  7303            "required": true,
  7304            "schema": {
  7305              "$ref": "#/definitions/issue"
  7306            }
  7307          }
  7308        ],
  7309        "responses": {
  7310          "201": {
  7311            "description": "Created",
  7312            "schema": {
  7313              "$ref": "#/definitions/issue"
  7314            }
  7315          },
  7316          "403": {
  7317            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  7318          }
  7319        }
  7320      }
  7321    },
  7322    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/comments": {
  7323      "get": {
  7324        "description": "List comments in a repository.",
  7325        "parameters": [
  7326          {
  7327            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  7328            "in": "path",
  7329            "name": "owner",
  7330            "required": true,
  7331            "type": "string"
  7332          },
  7333          {
  7334            "description": "Name of repository.",
  7335            "in": "path",
  7336            "name": "repo",
  7337            "required": true,
  7338            "type": "string"
  7339          },
  7340          {
  7341            "description": "Ignored without 'sort' parameter.",
  7342            "in": "query",
  7343            "name": "direction",
  7344            "type": "string"
  7345          },
  7346          {
  7347            "description": "",
  7348            "enum": [
  7349              "created",
  7350              "updated"
  7351            ],
  7352            "in": "query",
  7353            "name": "sort",
  7354            "type": "string"
  7355          },
  7356          {
  7357            "description": "The time should be passed in as UTC in the ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ.\nExample: \"2012-10-09T23:39:01Z\".\n",
  7358            "in": "query",
  7359            "name": "since",
  7360            "type": "string"
  7361          },
  7362          {
  7363            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  7364            "in": "header",
  7365            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  7366            "type": "string"
  7367          },
  7368          {
  7369            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  7370            "in": "header",
  7371            "name": "Accept",
  7372            "type": "string"
  7373          },
  7374          {
  7375            "in": "header",
  7376            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  7377            "type": "integer"
  7378          },
  7379          {
  7380            "in": "header",
  7381            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  7382            "type": "integer"
  7383          },
  7384          {
  7385            "in": "header",
  7386            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  7387            "type": "integer"
  7388          },
  7389          {
  7390            "in": "header",
  7391            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  7392            "type": "integer"
  7393          }
  7394        ],
  7395        "responses": {
  7396          "200": {
  7397            "description": "OK",
  7398            "schema": {
  7399              "$ref": "#/definitions/issuesComments"
  7400            }
  7401          },
  7402          "403": {
  7403            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  7404          }
  7405        }
  7406      }
  7407    },
  7408    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/comments/{commentId}": {
  7409      "delete": {
  7410        "description": "Delete a comment.",
  7411        "parameters": [
  7412          {
  7413            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  7414            "in": "path",
  7415            "name": "owner",
  7416            "required": true,
  7417            "type": "string"
  7418          },
  7419          {
  7420            "description": "Name of repository.",
  7421            "in": "path",
  7422            "name": "repo",
  7423            "required": true,
  7424            "type": "string"
  7425          },
  7426          {
  7427            "description": "ID of comment.",
  7428            "in": "path",
  7429            "name": "commentId",
  7430            "required": true,
  7431            "type": "integer"
  7432          },
  7433          {
  7434            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  7435            "in": "header",
  7436            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  7437            "type": "string"
  7438          },
  7439          {
  7440            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  7441            "in": "header",
  7442            "name": "Accept",
  7443            "type": "string"
  7444          },
  7445          {
  7446            "in": "header",
  7447            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  7448            "type": "integer"
  7449          },
  7450          {
  7451            "in": "header",
  7452            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  7453            "type": "integer"
  7454          },
  7455          {
  7456            "in": "header",
  7457            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  7458            "type": "integer"
  7459          },
  7460          {
  7461            "in": "header",
  7462            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  7463            "type": "integer"
  7464          }
  7465        ],
  7466        "responses": {
  7467          "204": {
  7468            "description": "No content.\n"
  7469          },
  7470          "403": {
  7471            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  7472          }
  7473        }
  7474      },
  7475      "get": {
  7476        "description": "Get a single comment.",
  7477        "parameters": [
  7478          {
  7479            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  7480            "in": "path",
  7481            "name": "owner",
  7482            "required": true,
  7483            "type": "string"
  7484          },
  7485          {
  7486            "description": "Name of repository.",
  7487            "in": "path",
  7488            "name": "repo",
  7489            "required": true,
  7490            "type": "string"
  7491          },
  7492          {
  7493            "description": "ID of comment.",
  7494            "in": "path",
  7495            "name": "commentId",
  7496            "required": true,
  7497            "type": "integer"
  7498          },
  7499          {
  7500            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  7501            "in": "header",
  7502            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  7503            "type": "string"
  7504          },
  7505          {
  7506            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  7507            "in": "header",
  7508            "name": "Accept",
  7509            "type": "string"
  7510          },
  7511          {
  7512            "in": "header",
  7513            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  7514            "type": "integer"
  7515          },
  7516          {
  7517            "in": "header",
  7518            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  7519            "type": "integer"
  7520          },
  7521          {
  7522            "in": "header",
  7523            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  7524            "type": "integer"
  7525          },
  7526          {
  7527            "in": "header",
  7528            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  7529            "type": "integer"
  7530          }
  7531        ],
  7532        "responses": {
  7533          "200": {
  7534            "description": "OK",
  7535            "schema": {
  7536              "$ref": "#/definitions/issuesComment"
  7537            }
  7538          },
  7539          "403": {
  7540            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  7541          }
  7542        }
  7543      },
  7544      "patch": {
  7545        "description": "Edit a comment.",
  7546        "parameters": [
  7547          {
  7548            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  7549            "in": "path",
  7550            "name": "owner",
  7551            "required": true,
  7552            "type": "string"
  7553          },
  7554          {
  7555            "description": "Name of repository.",
  7556            "in": "path",
  7557            "name": "repo",
  7558            "required": true,
  7559            "type": "string"
  7560          },
  7561          {
  7562            "description": "ID of comment.",
  7563            "in": "path",
  7564            "name": "commentId",
  7565            "required": true,
  7566            "type": "integer"
  7567          },
  7568          {
  7569            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  7570            "in": "header",
  7571            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  7572            "type": "string"
  7573          },
  7574          {
  7575            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  7576            "in": "header",
  7577            "name": "Accept",
  7578            "type": "string"
  7579          },
  7580          {
  7581            "in": "header",
  7582            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  7583            "type": "integer"
  7584          },
  7585          {
  7586            "in": "header",
  7587            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  7588            "type": "integer"
  7589          },
  7590          {
  7591            "in": "header",
  7592            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  7593            "type": "integer"
  7594          },
  7595          {
  7596            "in": "header",
  7597            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  7598            "type": "integer"
  7599          },
  7600          {
  7601            "in": "body",
  7602            "name": "body",
  7603            "required": true,
  7604            "schema": {
  7605              "$ref": "#/definitions/commentBody"
  7606            }
  7607          }
  7608        ],
  7609        "responses": {
  7610          "200": {
  7611            "description": "OK",
  7612            "schema": {
  7613              "$ref": "#/definitions/issuesComment"
  7614            }
  7615          },
  7616          "403": {
  7617            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  7618          }
  7619        }
  7620      }
  7621    },
  7622    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/events": {
  7623      "get": {
  7624        "description": "List issue events for a repository.",
  7625        "parameters": [
  7626          {
  7627            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  7628            "in": "path",
  7629            "name": "owner",
  7630            "required": true,
  7631            "type": "string"
  7632          },
  7633          {
  7634            "description": "Name of repository.",
  7635            "in": "path",
  7636            "name": "repo",
  7637            "required": true,
  7638            "type": "string"
  7639          },
  7640          {
  7641            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  7642            "in": "header",
  7643            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  7644            "type": "string"
  7645          },
  7646          {
  7647            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  7648            "in": "header",
  7649            "name": "Accept",
  7650            "type": "string"
  7651          },
  7652          {
  7653            "in": "header",
  7654            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  7655            "type": "integer"
  7656          },
  7657          {
  7658            "in": "header",
  7659            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  7660            "type": "integer"
  7661          },
  7662          {
  7663            "in": "header",
  7664            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  7665            "type": "integer"
  7666          },
  7667          {
  7668            "in": "header",
  7669            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  7670            "type": "integer"
  7671          }
  7672        ],
  7673        "responses": {
  7674          "200": {
  7675            "description": "OK",
  7676            "schema": {
  7677              "$ref": "#/definitions/events"
  7678            }
  7679          },
  7680          "403": {
  7681            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  7682          }
  7683        }
  7684      }
  7685    },
  7686    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/events/{eventId}": {
  7687      "get": {
  7688        "description": "Get a single event.",
  7689        "parameters": [
  7690          {
  7691            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  7692            "in": "path",
  7693            "name": "owner",
  7694            "required": true,
  7695            "type": "string"
  7696          },
  7697          {
  7698            "description": "Name of repository.",
  7699            "in": "path",
  7700            "name": "repo",
  7701            "required": true,
  7702            "type": "string"
  7703          },
  7704          {
  7705            "description": "Id of the event.",
  7706            "in": "path",
  7707            "name": "eventId",
  7708            "required": true,
  7709            "type": "integer"
  7710          },
  7711          {
  7712            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  7713            "in": "header",
  7714            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  7715            "type": "string"
  7716          },
  7717          {
  7718            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  7719            "in": "header",
  7720            "name": "Accept",
  7721            "type": "string"
  7722          },
  7723          {
  7724            "in": "header",
  7725            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  7726            "type": "integer"
  7727          },
  7728          {
  7729            "in": "header",
  7730            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  7731            "type": "integer"
  7732          },
  7733          {
  7734            "in": "header",
  7735            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  7736            "type": "integer"
  7737          },
  7738          {
  7739            "in": "header",
  7740            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  7741            "type": "integer"
  7742          }
  7743        ],
  7744        "responses": {
  7745          "200": {
  7746            "description": "OK",
  7747            "schema": {
  7748              "$ref": "#/definitions/event"
  7749            }
  7750          },
  7751          "403": {
  7752            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  7753          }
  7754        }
  7755      }
  7756    },
  7757    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/{number}": {
  7758      "get": {
  7759        "description": "Get a single issue",
  7760        "parameters": [
  7761          {
  7762            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  7763            "in": "path",
  7764            "name": "owner",
  7765            "required": true,
  7766            "type": "string"
  7767          },
  7768          {
  7769            "description": "Name of repository.",
  7770            "in": "path",
  7771            "name": "repo",
  7772            "required": true,
  7773            "type": "string"
  7774          },
  7775          {
  7776            "description": "Number of issue.",
  7777            "in": "path",
  7778            "name": "number",
  7779            "required": true,
  7780            "type": "integer"
  7781          },
  7782          {
  7783            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  7784            "in": "header",
  7785            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  7786            "type": "string"
  7787          },
  7788          {
  7789            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  7790            "in": "header",
  7791            "name": "Accept",
  7792            "type": "string"
  7793          },
  7794          {
  7795            "in": "header",
  7796            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  7797            "type": "integer"
  7798          },
  7799          {
  7800            "in": "header",
  7801            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  7802            "type": "integer"
  7803          },
  7804          {
  7805            "in": "header",
  7806            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  7807            "type": "integer"
  7808          },
  7809          {
  7810            "in": "header",
  7811            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  7812            "type": "integer"
  7813          }
  7814        ],
  7815        "responses": {
  7816          "200": {
  7817            "description": "OK",
  7818            "schema": {
  7819              "$ref": "#/definitions/issue"
  7820            }
  7821          },
  7822          "403": {
  7823            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  7824          }
  7825        }
  7826      },
  7827      "patch": {
  7828        "description": "Edit an issue.\nIssue owners and users with push access can edit an issue.\n",
  7829        "parameters": [
  7830          {
  7831            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  7832            "in": "path",
  7833            "name": "owner",
  7834            "required": true,
  7835            "type": "string"
  7836          },
  7837          {
  7838            "description": "Name of repository.",
  7839            "in": "path",
  7840            "name": "repo",
  7841            "required": true,
  7842            "type": "string"
  7843          },
  7844          {
  7845            "description": "Number of issue.",
  7846            "in": "path",
  7847            "name": "number",
  7848            "required": true,
  7849            "type": "integer"
  7850          },
  7851          {
  7852            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  7853            "in": "header",
  7854            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  7855            "type": "string"
  7856          },
  7857          {
  7858            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  7859            "in": "header",
  7860            "name": "Accept",
  7861            "type": "string"
  7862          },
  7863          {
  7864            "in": "header",
  7865            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  7866            "type": "integer"
  7867          },
  7868          {
  7869            "in": "header",
  7870            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  7871            "type": "integer"
  7872          },
  7873          {
  7874            "in": "header",
  7875            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  7876            "type": "integer"
  7877          },
  7878          {
  7879            "in": "header",
  7880            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  7881            "type": "integer"
  7882          },
  7883          {
  7884            "in": "body",
  7885            "name": "body",
  7886            "required": true,
  7887            "schema": {
  7888              "$ref": "#/definitions/issue"
  7889            }
  7890          }
  7891        ],
  7892        "responses": {
  7893          "200": {
  7894            "description": "OK",
  7895            "schema": {
  7896              "$ref": "#/definitions/issue"
  7897            }
  7898          },
  7899          "403": {
  7900            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  7901          }
  7902        }
  7903      }
  7904    },
  7905    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/{number}/comments": {
  7906      "get": {
  7907        "description": "List comments on an issue.",
  7908        "parameters": [
  7909          {
  7910            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  7911            "in": "path",
  7912            "name": "owner",
  7913            "required": true,
  7914            "type": "string"
  7915          },
  7916          {
  7917            "description": "Name of repository.",
  7918            "in": "path",
  7919            "name": "repo",
  7920            "required": true,
  7921            "type": "string"
  7922          },
  7923          {
  7924            "description": "Number of issue.",
  7925            "in": "path",
  7926            "name": "number",
  7927            "required": true,
  7928            "type": "integer"
  7929          },
  7930          {
  7931            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  7932            "in": "header",
  7933            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  7934            "type": "string"
  7935          },
  7936          {
  7937            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  7938            "in": "header",
  7939            "name": "Accept",
  7940            "type": "string"
  7941          },
  7942          {
  7943            "in": "header",
  7944            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  7945            "type": "integer"
  7946          },
  7947          {
  7948            "in": "header",
  7949            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  7950            "type": "integer"
  7951          },
  7952          {
  7953            "in": "header",
  7954            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  7955            "type": "integer"
  7956          },
  7957          {
  7958            "in": "header",
  7959            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  7960            "type": "integer"
  7961          }
  7962        ],
  7963        "responses": {
  7964          "200": {
  7965            "description": "OK",
  7966            "schema": {
  7967              "$ref": "#/definitions/issuesComments"
  7968            }
  7969          },
  7970          "403": {
  7971            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  7972          }
  7973        }
  7974      },
  7975      "post": {
  7976        "description": "Create a comment.",
  7977        "parameters": [
  7978          {
  7979            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  7980            "in": "path",
  7981            "name": "owner",
  7982            "required": true,
  7983            "type": "string"
  7984          },
  7985          {
  7986            "description": "Name of repository.",
  7987            "in": "path",
  7988            "name": "repo",
  7989            "required": true,
  7990            "type": "string"
  7991          },
  7992          {
  7993            "description": "Number of issue.",
  7994            "in": "path",
  7995            "name": "number",
  7996            "required": true,
  7997            "type": "integer"
  7998          },
  7999          {
  8000            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  8001            "in": "header",
  8002            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  8003            "type": "string"
  8004          },
  8005          {
  8006            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  8007            "in": "header",
  8008            "name": "Accept",
  8009            "type": "string"
  8010          },
  8011          {
  8012            "in": "header",
  8013            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  8014            "type": "integer"
  8015          },
  8016          {
  8017            "in": "header",
  8018            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  8019            "type": "integer"
  8020          },
  8021          {
  8022            "in": "header",
  8023            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  8024            "type": "integer"
  8025          },
  8026          {
  8027            "in": "header",
  8028            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  8029            "type": "integer"
  8030          },
  8031          {
  8032            "in": "body",
  8033            "name": "body",
  8034            "required": true,
  8035            "schema": {
  8036              "$ref": "#/definitions/commentBody"
  8037            }
  8038          }
  8039        ],
  8040        "responses": {
  8041          "201": {
  8042            "description": "Created",
  8043            "schema": {
  8044              "$ref": "#/definitions/issuesComment"
  8045            }
  8046          },
  8047          "403": {
  8048            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  8049          }
  8050        }
  8051      }
  8052    },
  8053    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/{number}/events": {
  8054      "get": {
  8055        "description": "List events for an issue.",
  8056        "parameters": [
  8057          {
  8058            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  8059            "in": "path",
  8060            "name": "owner",
  8061            "required": true,
  8062            "type": "string"
  8063          },
  8064          {
  8065            "description": "Name of repository.",
  8066            "in": "path",
  8067            "name": "repo",
  8068            "required": true,
  8069            "type": "string"
  8070          },
  8071          {
  8072            "description": "Number of issue.",
  8073            "in": "path",
  8074            "name": "number",
  8075            "required": true,
  8076            "type": "integer"
  8077          },
  8078          {
  8079            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  8080            "in": "header",
  8081            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  8082            "type": "string"
  8083          },
  8084          {
  8085            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  8086            "in": "header",
  8087            "name": "Accept",
  8088            "type": "string"
  8089          },
  8090          {
  8091            "in": "header",
  8092            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  8093            "type": "integer"
  8094          },
  8095          {
  8096            "in": "header",
  8097            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  8098            "type": "integer"
  8099          },
  8100          {
  8101            "in": "header",
  8102            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  8103            "type": "integer"
  8104          },
  8105          {
  8106            "in": "header",
  8107            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  8108            "type": "integer"
  8109          }
  8110        ],
  8111        "responses": {
  8112          "200": {
  8113            "description": "OK",
  8114            "schema": {
  8115              "$ref": "#/definitions/events"
  8116            }
  8117          },
  8118          "403": {
  8119            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  8120          }
  8121        }
  8122      }
  8123    },
  8124    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/{number}/labels": {
  8125      "delete": {
  8126        "description": "Remove all labels from an issue.",
  8127        "parameters": [
  8128          {
  8129            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  8130            "in": "path",
  8131            "name": "owner",
  8132            "required": true,
  8133            "type": "string"
  8134          },
  8135          {
  8136            "description": "Name of repository.",
  8137            "in": "path",
  8138            "name": "repo",
  8139            "required": true,
  8140            "type": "string"
  8141          },
  8142          {
  8143            "description": "Number of issue.",
  8144            "in": "path",
  8145            "name": "number",
  8146            "required": true,
  8147            "type": "integer"
  8148          },
  8149          {
  8150            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  8151            "in": "header",
  8152            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  8153            "type": "string"
  8154          },
  8155          {
  8156            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  8157            "in": "header",
  8158            "name": "Accept",
  8159            "type": "string"
  8160          },
  8161          {
  8162            "in": "header",
  8163            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  8164            "type": "integer"
  8165          },
  8166          {
  8167            "in": "header",
  8168            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  8169            "type": "integer"
  8170          },
  8171          {
  8172            "in": "header",
  8173            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  8174            "type": "integer"
  8175          },
  8176          {
  8177            "in": "header",
  8178            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  8179            "type": "integer"
  8180          }
  8181        ],
  8182        "responses": {
  8183          "204": {
  8184            "description": "No content.\n"
  8185          },
  8186          "403": {
  8187            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  8188          }
  8189        }
  8190      },
  8191      "get": {
  8192        "description": "List labels on an issue.",
  8193        "parameters": [
  8194          {
  8195            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  8196            "in": "path",
  8197            "name": "owner",
  8198            "required": true,
  8199            "type": "string"
  8200          },
  8201          {
  8202            "description": "Name of repository.",
  8203            "in": "path",
  8204            "name": "repo",
  8205            "required": true,
  8206            "type": "string"
  8207          },
  8208          {
  8209            "description": "Number of issue.",
  8210            "in": "path",
  8211            "name": "number",
  8212            "required": true,
  8213            "type": "integer"
  8214          },
  8215          {
  8216            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  8217            "in": "header",
  8218            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  8219            "type": "string"
  8220          },
  8221          {
  8222            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  8223            "in": "header",
  8224            "name": "Accept",
  8225            "type": "string"
  8226          },
  8227          {
  8228            "in": "header",
  8229            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  8230            "type": "integer"
  8231          },
  8232          {
  8233            "in": "header",
  8234            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  8235            "type": "integer"
  8236          },
  8237          {
  8238            "in": "header",
  8239            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  8240            "type": "integer"
  8241          },
  8242          {
  8243            "in": "header",
  8244            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  8245            "type": "integer"
  8246          }
  8247        ],
  8248        "responses": {
  8249          "200": {
  8250            "description": "OK",
  8251            "schema": {
  8252              "$ref": "#/definitions/labels"
  8253            }
  8254          },
  8255          "403": {
  8256            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  8257          }
  8258        }
  8259      },
  8260      "post": {
  8261        "description": "Add labels to an issue.",
  8262        "parameters": [
  8263          {
  8264            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  8265            "in": "path",
  8266            "name": "owner",
  8267            "required": true,
  8268            "type": "string"
  8269          },
  8270          {
  8271            "description": "Name of repository.",
  8272            "in": "path",
  8273            "name": "repo",
  8274            "required": true,
  8275            "type": "string"
  8276          },
  8277          {
  8278            "description": "Number of issue.",
  8279            "in": "path",
  8280            "name": "number",
  8281            "required": true,
  8282            "type": "integer"
  8283          },
  8284          {
  8285            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  8286            "in": "header",
  8287            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  8288            "type": "string"
  8289          },
  8290          {
  8291            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  8292            "in": "header",
  8293            "name": "Accept",
  8294            "type": "string"
  8295          },
  8296          {
  8297            "in": "header",
  8298            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  8299            "type": "integer"
  8300          },
  8301          {
  8302            "in": "header",
  8303            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  8304            "type": "integer"
  8305          },
  8306          {
  8307            "in": "header",
  8308            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  8309            "type": "integer"
  8310          },
  8311          {
  8312            "in": "header",
  8313            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  8314            "type": "integer"
  8315          },
  8316          {
  8317            "in": "body",
  8318            "name": "body",
  8319            "required": true,
  8320            "schema": {
  8321              "$ref": "#/definitions/emailsPost"
  8322            }
  8323          }
  8324        ],
  8325        "responses": {
  8326          "201": {
  8327            "description": "Created",
  8328            "schema": {
  8329              "$ref": "#/definitions/label"
  8330            }
  8331          },
  8332          "403": {
  8333            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  8334          }
  8335        }
  8336      },
  8337      "put": {
  8338        "description": "Replace all labels for an issue.\nSending an empty array ([]) will remove all Labels from the Issue.\n",
  8339        "parameters": [
  8340          {
  8341            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  8342            "in": "path",
  8343            "name": "owner",
  8344            "required": true,
  8345            "type": "string"
  8346          },
  8347          {
  8348            "description": "Name of repository.",
  8349            "in": "path",
  8350            "name": "repo",
  8351            "required": true,
  8352            "type": "string"
  8353          },
  8354          {
  8355            "description": "Number of issue.",
  8356            "in": "path",
  8357            "name": "number",
  8358            "required": true,
  8359            "type": "integer"
  8360          },
  8361          {
  8362            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  8363            "in": "header",
  8364            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  8365            "type": "string"
  8366          },
  8367          {
  8368            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  8369            "in": "header",
  8370            "name": "Accept",
  8371            "type": "string"
  8372          },
  8373          {
  8374            "in": "header",
  8375            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  8376            "type": "integer"
  8377          },
  8378          {
  8379            "in": "header",
  8380            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  8381            "type": "integer"
  8382          },
  8383          {
  8384            "in": "header",
  8385            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  8386            "type": "integer"
  8387          },
  8388          {
  8389            "in": "header",
  8390            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  8391            "type": "integer"
  8392          },
  8393          {
  8394            "in": "body",
  8395            "name": "body",
  8396            "required": true,
  8397            "schema": {
  8398              "$ref": "#/definitions/emailsPost"
  8399            }
  8400          }
  8401        ],
  8402        "responses": {
  8403          "201": {
  8404            "description": "Created",
  8405            "schema": {
  8406              "$ref": "#/definitions/label"
  8407            }
  8408          },
  8409          "403": {
  8410            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  8411          }
  8412        }
  8413      }
  8414    },
  8415    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/{number}/labels/{name}": {
  8416      "delete": {
  8417        "description": "Remove a label from an issue.",
  8418        "parameters": [
  8419          {
  8420            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  8421            "in": "path",
  8422            "name": "owner",
  8423            "required": true,
  8424            "type": "string"
  8425          },
  8426          {
  8427            "description": "Name of repository.",
  8428            "in": "path",
  8429            "name": "repo",
  8430            "required": true,
  8431            "type": "string"
  8432          },
  8433          {
  8434            "description": "Number of issue.",
  8435            "in": "path",
  8436            "name": "number",
  8437            "required": true,
  8438            "type": "integer"
  8439          },
  8440          {
  8441            "description": "Name of the label.",
  8442            "in": "path",
  8443            "name": "name",
  8444            "required": true,
  8445            "type": "string"
  8446          },
  8447          {
  8448            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  8449            "in": "header",
  8450            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  8451            "type": "string"
  8452          },
  8453          {
  8454            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  8455            "in": "header",
  8456            "name": "Accept",
  8457            "type": "string"
  8458          },
  8459          {
  8460            "in": "header",
  8461            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  8462            "type": "integer"
  8463          },
  8464          {
  8465            "in": "header",
  8466            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  8467            "type": "integer"
  8468          },
  8469          {
  8470            "in": "header",
  8471            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  8472            "type": "integer"
  8473          },
  8474          {
  8475            "in": "header",
  8476            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  8477            "type": "integer"
  8478          }
  8479        ],
  8480        "responses": {
  8481          "204": {
  8482            "description": "Item removed."
  8483          },
  8484          "403": {
  8485            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  8486          }
  8487        }
  8488      }
  8489    },
  8490    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/keys": {
  8491      "get": {
  8492        "description": "Get list of keys.",
  8493        "parameters": [
  8494          {
  8495            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  8496            "in": "path",
  8497            "name": "owner",
  8498            "required": true,
  8499            "type": "string"
  8500          },
  8501          {
  8502            "description": "Name of repository.",
  8503            "in": "path",
  8504            "name": "repo",
  8505            "required": true,
  8506            "type": "string"
  8507          },
  8508          {
  8509            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  8510            "in": "header",
  8511            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  8512            "type": "string"
  8513          },
  8514          {
  8515            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  8516            "in": "header",
  8517            "name": "Accept",
  8518            "type": "string"
  8519          },
  8520          {
  8521            "in": "header",
  8522            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  8523            "type": "integer"
  8524          },
  8525          {
  8526            "in": "header",
  8527            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  8528            "type": "integer"
  8529          },
  8530          {
  8531            "in": "header",
  8532            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  8533            "type": "integer"
  8534          },
  8535          {
  8536            "in": "header",
  8537            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  8538            "type": "integer"
  8539          }
  8540        ],
  8541        "responses": {
  8542          "200": {
  8543            "description": "OK",
  8544            "schema": {
  8545              "$ref": "#/definitions/keys"
  8546            }
  8547          },
  8548          "403": {
  8549            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  8550          }
  8551        }
  8552      },
  8553      "post": {
  8554        "description": "Create a key.",
  8555        "parameters": [
  8556          {
  8557            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  8558            "in": "path",
  8559            "name": "owner",
  8560            "required": true,
  8561            "type": "string"
  8562          },
  8563          {
  8564            "description": "Name of repository.",
  8565            "in": "path",
  8566            "name": "repo",
  8567            "required": true,
  8568            "type": "string"
  8569          },
  8570          {
  8571            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  8572            "in": "header",
  8573            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  8574            "type": "string"
  8575          },
  8576          {
  8577            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  8578            "in": "header",
  8579            "name": "Accept",
  8580            "type": "string"
  8581          },
  8582          {
  8583            "in": "header",
  8584            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  8585            "type": "integer"
  8586          },
  8587          {
  8588            "in": "header",
  8589            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  8590            "type": "integer"
  8591          },
  8592          {
  8593            "in": "header",
  8594            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  8595            "type": "integer"
  8596          },
  8597          {
  8598            "in": "header",
  8599            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  8600            "type": "integer"
  8601          },
  8602          {
  8603            "in": "body",
  8604            "name": "body",
  8605            "required": true,
  8606            "schema": {
  8607              "$ref": "#/definitions/user-keys-post"
  8608            }
  8609          }
  8610        ],
  8611        "responses": {
  8612          "201": {
  8613            "description": "Created",
  8614            "schema": {
  8615              "$ref": "#/definitions/user-keys-keyId"
  8616            }
  8617          },
  8618          "403": {
  8619            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  8620          }
  8621        }
  8622      }
  8623    },
  8624    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/keys/{keyId}": {
  8625      "delete": {
  8626        "description": "Delete a key.",
  8627        "parameters": [
  8628          {
  8629            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  8630            "in": "path",
  8631            "name": "owner",
  8632            "required": true,
  8633            "type": "string"
  8634          },
  8635          {
  8636            "description": "Name of repository.",
  8637            "in": "path",
  8638            "name": "repo",
  8639            "required": true,
  8640            "type": "string"
  8641          },
  8642          {
  8643            "description": "Id of key.",
  8644            "in": "path",
  8645            "name": "keyId",
  8646            "required": true,
  8647            "type": "integer"
  8648          },
  8649          {
  8650            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  8651            "in": "header",
  8652            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  8653            "type": "string"
  8654          },
  8655          {
  8656            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  8657            "in": "header",
  8658            "name": "Accept",
  8659            "type": "string"
  8660          },
  8661          {
  8662            "in": "header",
  8663            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  8664            "type": "integer"
  8665          },
  8666          {
  8667            "in": "header",
  8668            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  8669            "type": "integer"
  8670          },
  8671          {
  8672            "in": "header",
  8673            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  8674            "type": "integer"
  8675          },
  8676          {
  8677            "in": "header",
  8678            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  8679            "type": "integer"
  8680          }
  8681        ],
  8682        "responses": {
  8683          "204": {
  8684            "description": "No content.\n"
  8685          },
  8686          "403": {
  8687            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  8688          }
  8689        }
  8690      },
  8691      "get": {
  8692        "description": "Get a key",
  8693        "parameters": [
  8694          {
  8695            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  8696            "in": "path",
  8697            "name": "owner",
  8698            "required": true,
  8699            "type": "string"
  8700          },
  8701          {
  8702            "description": "Name of repository.",
  8703            "in": "path",
  8704            "name": "repo",
  8705            "required": true,
  8706            "type": "string"
  8707          },
  8708          {
  8709            "description": "Id of key.",
  8710            "in": "path",
  8711            "name": "keyId",
  8712            "required": true,
  8713            "type": "integer"
  8714          },
  8715          {
  8716            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  8717            "in": "header",
  8718            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  8719            "type": "string"
  8720          },
  8721          {
  8722            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  8723            "in": "header",
  8724            "name": "Accept",
  8725            "type": "string"
  8726          },
  8727          {
  8728            "in": "header",
  8729            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  8730            "type": "integer"
  8731          },
  8732          {
  8733            "in": "header",
  8734            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  8735            "type": "integer"
  8736          },
  8737          {
  8738            "in": "header",
  8739            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  8740            "type": "integer"
  8741          },
  8742          {
  8743            "in": "header",
  8744            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  8745            "type": "integer"
  8746          }
  8747        ],
  8748        "responses": {
  8749          "200": {
  8750            "description": "OK",
  8751            "schema": {
  8752              "$ref": "#/definitions/user-keys-keyId"
  8753            }
  8754          },
  8755          "403": {
  8756            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  8757          }
  8758        }
  8759      }
  8760    },
  8761    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/labels": {
  8762      "get": {
  8763        "description": "List all labels for this repository.",
  8764        "parameters": [
  8765          {
  8766            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  8767            "in": "path",
  8768            "name": "owner",
  8769            "required": true,
  8770            "type": "string"
  8771          },
  8772          {
  8773            "description": "Name of repository.",
  8774            "in": "path",
  8775            "name": "repo",
  8776            "required": true,
  8777            "type": "string"
  8778          },
  8779          {
  8780            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  8781            "in": "header",
  8782            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  8783            "type": "string"
  8784          },
  8785          {
  8786            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  8787            "in": "header",
  8788            "name": "Accept",
  8789            "type": "string"
  8790          },
  8791          {
  8792            "in": "header",
  8793            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  8794            "type": "integer"
  8795          },
  8796          {
  8797            "in": "header",
  8798            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  8799            "type": "integer"
  8800          },
  8801          {
  8802            "in": "header",
  8803            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  8804            "type": "integer"
  8805          },
  8806          {
  8807            "in": "header",
  8808            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  8809            "type": "integer"
  8810          }
  8811        ],
  8812        "responses": {
  8813          "200": {
  8814            "description": "OK",
  8815            "schema": {
  8816              "$ref": "#/definitions/labels"
  8817            }
  8818          },
  8819          "403": {
  8820            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  8821          }
  8822        }
  8823      },
  8824      "post": {
  8825        "description": "Create a label.",
  8826        "parameters": [
  8827          {
  8828            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  8829            "in": "path",
  8830            "name": "owner",
  8831            "required": true,
  8832            "type": "string"
  8833          },
  8834          {
  8835            "description": "Name of repository.",
  8836            "in": "path",
  8837            "name": "repo",
  8838            "required": true,
  8839            "type": "string"
  8840          },
  8841          {
  8842            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  8843            "in": "header",
  8844            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  8845            "type": "string"
  8846          },
  8847          {
  8848            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  8849            "in": "header",
  8850            "name": "Accept",
  8851            "type": "string"
  8852          },
  8853          {
  8854            "in": "header",
  8855            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  8856            "type": "integer"
  8857          },
  8858          {
  8859            "in": "header",
  8860            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  8861            "type": "integer"
  8862          },
  8863          {
  8864            "in": "header",
  8865            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  8866            "type": "integer"
  8867          },
  8868          {
  8869            "in": "header",
  8870            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  8871            "type": "integer"
  8872          },
  8873          {
  8874            "in": "body",
  8875            "name": "body",
  8876            "required": true,
  8877            "schema": {
  8878              "$ref": "#/definitions/emailsPost"
  8879            }
  8880          }
  8881        ],
  8882        "responses": {
  8883          "201": {
  8884            "description": "Created",
  8885            "schema": {
  8886              "$ref": "#/definitions/label"
  8887            }
  8888          },
  8889          "403": {
  8890            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  8891          }
  8892        }
  8893      }
  8894    },
  8895    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/labels/{name}": {
  8896      "delete": {
  8897        "description": "Delete a label.",
  8898        "parameters": [
  8899          {
  8900            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  8901            "in": "path",
  8902            "name": "owner",
  8903            "required": true,
  8904            "type": "string"
  8905          },
  8906          {
  8907            "description": "Name of repository.",
  8908            "in": "path",
  8909            "name": "repo",
  8910            "required": true,
  8911            "type": "string"
  8912          },
  8913          {
  8914            "description": "Name of the label.",
  8915            "in": "path",
  8916            "name": "name",
  8917            "required": true,
  8918            "type": "string"
  8919          },
  8920          {
  8921            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  8922            "in": "header",
  8923            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  8924            "type": "string"
  8925          },
  8926          {
  8927            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  8928            "in": "header",
  8929            "name": "Accept",
  8930            "type": "string"
  8931          },
  8932          {
  8933            "in": "header",
  8934            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  8935            "type": "integer"
  8936          },
  8937          {
  8938            "in": "header",
  8939            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  8940            "type": "integer"
  8941          },
  8942          {
  8943            "in": "header",
  8944            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  8945            "type": "integer"
  8946          },
  8947          {
  8948            "in": "header",
  8949            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  8950            "type": "integer"
  8951          }
  8952        ],
  8953        "responses": {
  8954          "204": {
  8955            "description": "No content.\n"
  8956          },
  8957          "403": {
  8958            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  8959          }
  8960        }
  8961      },
  8962      "get": {
  8963        "description": "Get a single label.",
  8964        "parameters": [
  8965          {
  8966            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  8967            "in": "path",
  8968            "name": "owner",
  8969            "required": true,
  8970            "type": "string"
  8971          },
  8972          {
  8973            "description": "Name of repository.",
  8974            "in": "path",
  8975            "name": "repo",
  8976            "required": true,
  8977            "type": "string"
  8978          },
  8979          {
  8980            "description": "Name of the label.",
  8981            "in": "path",
  8982            "name": "name",
  8983            "required": true,
  8984            "type": "string"
  8985          },
  8986          {
  8987            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  8988            "in": "header",
  8989            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  8990            "type": "string"
  8991          },
  8992          {
  8993            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  8994            "in": "header",
  8995            "name": "Accept",
  8996            "type": "string"
  8997          },
  8998          {
  8999            "in": "header",
  9000            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  9001            "type": "integer"
  9002          },
  9003          {
  9004            "in": "header",
  9005            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  9006            "type": "integer"
  9007          },
  9008          {
  9009            "in": "header",
  9010            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  9011            "type": "integer"
  9012          },
  9013          {
  9014            "in": "header",
  9015            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  9016            "type": "integer"
  9017          }
  9018        ],
  9019        "responses": {
  9020          "200": {
  9021            "description": "OK",
  9022            "schema": {
  9023              "$ref": "#/definitions/label"
  9024            }
  9025          },
  9026          "403": {
  9027            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  9028          }
  9029        }
  9030      },
  9031      "patch": {
  9032        "description": "Update a label.",
  9033        "parameters": [
  9034          {
  9035            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  9036            "in": "path",
  9037            "name": "owner",
  9038            "required": true,
  9039            "type": "string"
  9040          },
  9041          {
  9042            "description": "Name of repository.",
  9043            "in": "path",
  9044            "name": "repo",
  9045            "required": true,
  9046            "type": "string"
  9047          },
  9048          {
  9049            "description": "Name of the label.",
  9050            "in": "path",
  9051            "name": "name",
  9052            "required": true,
  9053            "type": "string"
  9054          },
  9055          {
  9056            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  9057            "in": "header",
  9058            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  9059            "type": "string"
  9060          },
  9061          {
  9062            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  9063            "in": "header",
  9064            "name": "Accept",
  9065            "type": "string"
  9066          },
  9067          {
  9068            "in": "header",
  9069            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  9070            "type": "integer"
  9071          },
  9072          {
  9073            "in": "header",
  9074            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  9075            "type": "integer"
  9076          },
  9077          {
  9078            "in": "header",
  9079            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  9080            "type": "integer"
  9081          },
  9082          {
  9083            "in": "header",
  9084            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  9085            "type": "integer"
  9086          },
  9087          {
  9088            "in": "body",
  9089            "name": "body",
  9090            "required": true,
  9091            "schema": {
  9092              "$ref": "#/definitions/emailsPost"
  9093            }
  9094          }
  9095        ],
  9096        "responses": {
  9097          "200": {
  9098            "description": "OK",
  9099            "schema": {
  9100              "$ref": "#/definitions/label"
  9101            }
  9102          },
  9103          "403": {
  9104            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  9105          }
  9106        }
  9107      }
  9108    },
  9109    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/languages": {
  9110      "get": {
  9111        "description": "List languages.\nList languages for the specified repository. The value on the right of a\nlanguage is the number of bytes of code written in that language.\n",
  9112        "parameters": [
  9113          {
  9114            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  9115            "in": "path",
  9116            "name": "owner",
  9117            "required": true,
  9118            "type": "string"
  9119          },
  9120          {
  9121            "description": "Name of repository.",
  9122            "in": "path",
  9123            "name": "repo",
  9124            "required": true,
  9125            "type": "string"
  9126          },
  9127          {
  9128            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  9129            "in": "header",
  9130            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  9131            "type": "string"
  9132          },
  9133          {
  9134            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  9135            "in": "header",
  9136            "name": "Accept",
  9137            "type": "string"
  9138          },
  9139          {
  9140            "in": "header",
  9141            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  9142            "type": "integer"
  9143          },
  9144          {
  9145            "in": "header",
  9146            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  9147            "type": "integer"
  9148          },
  9149          {
  9150            "in": "header",
  9151            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  9152            "type": "integer"
  9153          },
  9154          {
  9155            "in": "header",
  9156            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  9157            "type": "integer"
  9158          }
  9159        ],
  9160        "responses": {
  9161          "200": {
  9162            "description": "OK",
  9163            "schema": {
  9164              "$ref": "#/definitions/languages"
  9165            }
  9166          },
  9167          "403": {
  9168            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  9169          }
  9170        }
  9171      }
  9172    },
  9173    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/merges": {
  9174      "post": {
  9175        "description": "Perform a merge.",
  9176        "parameters": [
  9177          {
  9178            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  9179            "in": "path",
  9180            "name": "owner",
  9181            "required": true,
  9182            "type": "string"
  9183          },
  9184          {
  9185            "description": "Name of repository.",
  9186            "in": "path",
  9187            "name": "repo",
  9188            "required": true,
  9189            "type": "string"
  9190          },
  9191          {
  9192            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  9193            "in": "header",
  9194            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  9195            "type": "string"
  9196          },
  9197          {
  9198            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  9199            "in": "header",
  9200            "name": "Accept",
  9201            "type": "string"
  9202          },
  9203          {
  9204            "in": "header",
  9205            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  9206            "type": "integer"
  9207          },
  9208          {
  9209            "in": "header",
  9210            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  9211            "type": "integer"
  9212          },
  9213          {
  9214            "in": "header",
  9215            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  9216            "type": "integer"
  9217          },
  9218          {
  9219            "in": "header",
  9220            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  9221            "type": "integer"
  9222          },
  9223          {
  9224            "in": "body",
  9225            "name": "body",
  9226            "required": true,
  9227            "schema": {
  9228              "$ref": "#/definitions/mergesBody"
  9229            }
  9230          }
  9231        ],
  9232        "responses": {
  9233          "201": {
  9234            "description": "Successful Response (The resulting merge commit)",
  9235            "schema": {
  9236              "$ref": "#/definitions/mergesSuccessful"
  9237            }
  9238          },
  9239          "204": {
  9240            "description": "No-op response (base already contains the head, nothing to merge)"
  9241          },
  9242          "403": {
  9243            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  9244          },
  9245          "404": {
  9246            "description": "Missing base response or missing head response",
  9247            "schema": {
  9248              "$ref": "#/definitions/mergesConflict"
  9249            }
  9250          },
  9251          "409": {
  9252            "description": "Merge conflict response.",
  9253            "schema": {
  9254              "$ref": "#/definitions/mergesConflict"
  9255            }
  9256          }
  9257        }
  9258      }
  9259    },
  9260    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/milestones": {
  9261      "get": {
  9262        "description": "List milestones for a repository.",
  9263        "parameters": [
  9264          {
  9265            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  9266            "in": "path",
  9267            "name": "owner",
  9268            "required": true,
  9269            "type": "string"
  9270          },
  9271          {
  9272            "description": "Name of repository.",
  9273            "in": "path",
  9274            "name": "repo",
  9275            "required": true,
  9276            "type": "string"
  9277          },
  9278          {
  9279            "default": "open",
  9280            "description": "String to filter by state.",
  9281            "enum": [
  9282              "open",
  9283              "closed"
  9284            ],
  9285            "in": "query",
  9286            "name": "state",
  9287            "type": "string"
  9288          },
  9289          {
  9290            "description": "Ignored without 'sort' parameter.",
  9291            "in": "query",
  9292            "name": "direction",
  9293            "type": "string"
  9294          },
  9295          {
  9296            "default": "due_date",
  9297            "description": "",
  9298            "enum": [
  9299              "due_date",
  9300              "completeness"
  9301            ],
  9302            "in": "query",
  9303            "name": "sort",
  9304            "type": "string"
  9305          },
  9306          {
  9307            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  9308            "in": "header",
  9309            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  9310            "type": "string"
  9311          },
  9312          {
  9313            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  9314            "in": "header",
  9315            "name": "Accept",
  9316            "type": "string"
  9317          },
  9318          {
  9319            "in": "header",
  9320            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  9321            "type": "integer"
  9322          },
  9323          {
  9324            "in": "header",
  9325            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  9326            "type": "integer"
  9327          },
  9328          {
  9329            "in": "header",
  9330            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  9331            "type": "integer"
  9332          },
  9333          {
  9334            "in": "header",
  9335            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  9336            "type": "integer"
  9337          }
  9338        ],
  9339        "responses": {
  9340          "200": {
  9341            "description": "OK",
  9342            "schema": {
  9343              "$ref": "#/definitions/milestone"
  9344            }
  9345          },
  9346          "403": {
  9347            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  9348          }
  9349        }
  9350      },
  9351      "post": {
  9352        "description": "Create a milestone.",
  9353        "parameters": [
  9354          {
  9355            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  9356            "in": "path",
  9357            "name": "owner",
  9358            "required": true,
  9359            "type": "string"
  9360          },
  9361          {
  9362            "description": "Name of repository.",
  9363            "in": "path",
  9364            "name": "repo",
  9365            "required": true,
  9366            "type": "string"
  9367          },
  9368          {
  9369            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  9370            "in": "header",
  9371            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  9372            "type": "string"
  9373          },
  9374          {
  9375            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  9376            "in": "header",
  9377            "name": "Accept",
  9378            "type": "string"
  9379          },
  9380          {
  9381            "in": "header",
  9382            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  9383            "type": "integer"
  9384          },
  9385          {
  9386            "in": "header",
  9387            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  9388            "type": "integer"
  9389          },
  9390          {
  9391            "in": "header",
  9392            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  9393            "type": "integer"
  9394          },
  9395          {
  9396            "in": "header",
  9397            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  9398            "type": "integer"
  9399          },
  9400          {
  9401            "in": "body",
  9402            "name": "body",
  9403            "required": true,
  9404            "schema": {
  9405              "$ref": "#/definitions/milestoneUpdate"
  9406            }
  9407          }
  9408        ],
  9409        "responses": {
  9410          "201": {
  9411            "description": "Created",
  9412            "schema": {
  9413              "$ref": "#/definitions/milestone"
  9414            }
  9415          },
  9416          "403": {
  9417            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  9418          }
  9419        }
  9420      }
  9421    },
  9422    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/milestones/{number}": {
  9423      "delete": {
  9424        "description": "Delete a milestone.",
  9425        "parameters": [
  9426          {
  9427            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  9428            "in": "path",
  9429            "name": "owner",
  9430            "required": true,
  9431            "type": "string"
  9432          },
  9433          {
  9434            "description": "Name of repository.",
  9435            "in": "path",
  9436            "name": "repo",
  9437            "required": true,
  9438            "type": "string"
  9439          },
  9440          {
  9441            "description": "Number of milestone.",
  9442            "in": "path",
  9443            "name": "number",
  9444            "required": true,
  9445            "type": "integer"
  9446          },
  9447          {
  9448            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  9449            "in": "header",
  9450            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  9451            "type": "string"
  9452          },
  9453          {
  9454            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  9455            "in": "header",
  9456            "name": "Accept",
  9457            "type": "string"
  9458          },
  9459          {
  9460            "in": "header",
  9461            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  9462            "type": "integer"
  9463          },
  9464          {
  9465            "in": "header",
  9466            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  9467            "type": "integer"
  9468          },
  9469          {
  9470            "in": "header",
  9471            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  9472            "type": "integer"
  9473          },
  9474          {
  9475            "in": "header",
  9476            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  9477            "type": "integer"
  9478          }
  9479        ],
  9480        "responses": {
  9481          "204": {
  9482            "description": "No content.\n"
  9483          },
  9484          "403": {
  9485            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  9486          }
  9487        }
  9488      },
  9489      "get": {
  9490        "description": "Get a single milestone.",
  9491        "parameters": [
  9492          {
  9493            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  9494            "in": "path",
  9495            "name": "owner",
  9496            "required": true,
  9497            "type": "string"
  9498          },
  9499          {
  9500            "description": "Name of repository.",
  9501            "in": "path",
  9502            "name": "repo",
  9503            "required": true,
  9504            "type": "string"
  9505          },
  9506          {
  9507            "description": "Number of milestone.",
  9508            "in": "path",
  9509            "name": "number",
  9510            "required": true,
  9511            "type": "integer"
  9512          },
  9513          {
  9514            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  9515            "in": "header",
  9516            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  9517            "type": "string"
  9518          },
  9519          {
  9520            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  9521            "in": "header",
  9522            "name": "Accept",
  9523            "type": "string"
  9524          },
  9525          {
  9526            "in": "header",
  9527            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  9528            "type": "integer"
  9529          },
  9530          {
  9531            "in": "header",
  9532            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  9533            "type": "integer"
  9534          },
  9535          {
  9536            "in": "header",
  9537            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  9538            "type": "integer"
  9539          },
  9540          {
  9541            "in": "header",
  9542            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  9543            "type": "integer"
  9544          }
  9545        ],
  9546        "responses": {
  9547          "200": {
  9548            "description": "OK",
  9549            "schema": {
  9550              "$ref": "#/definitions/milestone"
  9551            }
  9552          },
  9553          "403": {
  9554            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  9555          }
  9556        }
  9557      },
  9558      "patch": {
  9559        "description": "Update a milestone.",
  9560        "parameters": [
  9561          {
  9562            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  9563            "in": "path",
  9564            "name": "owner",
  9565            "required": true,
  9566            "type": "string"
  9567          },
  9568          {
  9569            "description": "Name of repository.",
  9570            "in": "path",
  9571            "name": "repo",
  9572            "required": true,
  9573            "type": "string"
  9574          },
  9575          {
  9576            "description": "Number of milestone.",
  9577            "in": "path",
  9578            "name": "number",
  9579            "required": true,
  9580            "type": "integer"
  9581          },
  9582          {
  9583            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  9584            "in": "header",
  9585            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  9586            "type": "string"
  9587          },
  9588          {
  9589            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  9590            "in": "header",
  9591            "name": "Accept",
  9592            "type": "string"
  9593          },
  9594          {
  9595            "in": "header",
  9596            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  9597            "type": "integer"
  9598          },
  9599          {
  9600            "in": "header",
  9601            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  9602            "type": "integer"
  9603          },
  9604          {
  9605            "in": "header",
  9606            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  9607            "type": "integer"
  9608          },
  9609          {
  9610            "in": "header",
  9611            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  9612            "type": "integer"
  9613          },
  9614          {
  9615            "in": "body",
  9616            "name": "body",
  9617            "required": true,
  9618            "schema": {
  9619              "$ref": "#/definitions/milestoneUpdate"
  9620            }
  9621          }
  9622        ],
  9623        "responses": {
  9624          "200": {
  9625            "description": "OK",
  9626            "schema": {
  9627              "$ref": "#/definitions/milestone"
  9628            }
  9629          },
  9630          "403": {
  9631            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  9632          }
  9633        }
  9634      }
  9635    },
  9636    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/milestones/{number}/labels": {
  9637      "get": {
  9638        "description": "Get labels for every issue in a milestone.",
  9639        "parameters": [
  9640          {
  9641            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  9642            "in": "path",
  9643            "name": "owner",
  9644            "required": true,
  9645            "type": "string"
  9646          },
  9647          {
  9648            "description": "Name of repository.",
  9649            "in": "path",
  9650            "name": "repo",
  9651            "required": true,
  9652            "type": "string"
  9653          },
  9654          {
  9655            "description": "Number of milestone.",
  9656            "in": "path",
  9657            "name": "number",
  9658            "required": true,
  9659            "type": "integer"
  9660          },
  9661          {
  9662            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  9663            "in": "header",
  9664            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  9665            "type": "string"
  9666          },
  9667          {
  9668            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  9669            "in": "header",
  9670            "name": "Accept",
  9671            "type": "string"
  9672          },
  9673          {
  9674            "in": "header",
  9675            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  9676            "type": "integer"
  9677          },
  9678          {
  9679            "in": "header",
  9680            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  9681            "type": "integer"
  9682          },
  9683          {
  9684            "in": "header",
  9685            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  9686            "type": "integer"
  9687          },
  9688          {
  9689            "in": "header",
  9690            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  9691            "type": "integer"
  9692          }
  9693        ],
  9694        "responses": {
  9695          "200": {
  9696            "description": "OK",
  9697            "schema": {
  9698              "$ref": "#/definitions/labels"
  9699            }
  9700          },
  9701          "403": {
  9702            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  9703          }
  9704        }
  9705      }
  9706    },
  9707    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/notifications": {
  9708      "get": {
  9709        "description": "List your notifications in a repository\nList all notifications for the current user.\n",
  9710        "parameters": [
  9711          {
  9712            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  9713            "in": "path",
  9714            "name": "owner",
  9715            "required": true,
  9716            "type": "string"
  9717          },
  9718          {
  9719            "description": "Name of repository.",
  9720            "in": "path",
  9721            "name": "repo",
  9722            "required": true,
  9723            "type": "string"
  9724          },
  9725          {
  9726            "description": "True to show notifications marked as read.",
  9727            "in": "query",
  9728            "name": "all",
  9729            "type": "boolean"
  9730          },
  9731          {
  9732            "description": "True to show only notifications in which the user is directly participating\nor mentioned.\n",
  9733            "in": "query",
  9734            "name": "participating",
  9735            "type": "boolean"
  9736          },
  9737          {
  9738            "description": "The time should be passed in as UTC in the ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ.\nExample: \"2012-10-09T23:39:01Z\".\n",
  9739            "in": "query",
  9740            "name": "since",
  9741            "type": "string"
  9742          },
  9743          {
  9744            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  9745            "in": "header",
  9746            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  9747            "type": "string"
  9748          },
  9749          {
  9750            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  9751            "in": "header",
  9752            "name": "Accept",
  9753            "type": "string"
  9754          },
  9755          {
  9756            "in": "header",
  9757            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  9758            "type": "integer"
  9759          },
  9760          {
  9761            "in": "header",
  9762            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  9763            "type": "integer"
  9764          },
  9765          {
  9766            "in": "header",
  9767            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  9768            "type": "integer"
  9769          },
  9770          {
  9771            "in": "header",
  9772            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  9773            "type": "integer"
  9774          }
  9775        ],
  9776        "responses": {
  9777          "200": {
  9778            "description": "OK",
  9779            "schema": {
  9780              "$ref": "#/definitions/notifications"
  9781            }
  9782          },
  9783          "403": {
  9784            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  9785          }
  9786        }
  9787      },
  9788      "put": {
  9789        "description": "Mark notifications as read in a repository.\nMarking all notifications in a repository as \"read\" removes them from the\ndefault view on GitHub.com.\n",
  9790        "parameters": [
  9791          {
  9792            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  9793            "in": "path",
  9794            "name": "owner",
  9795            "required": true,
  9796            "type": "string"
  9797          },
  9798          {
  9799            "description": "Name of repository.",
  9800            "in": "path",
  9801            "name": "repo",
  9802            "required": true,
  9803            "type": "string"
  9804          },
  9805          {
  9806            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  9807            "in": "header",
  9808            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  9809            "type": "string"
  9810          },
  9811          {
  9812            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  9813            "in": "header",
  9814            "name": "Accept",
  9815            "type": "string"
  9816          },
  9817          {
  9818            "in": "header",
  9819            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  9820            "type": "integer"
  9821          },
  9822          {
  9823            "in": "header",
  9824            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  9825            "type": "integer"
  9826          },
  9827          {
  9828            "in": "header",
  9829            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  9830            "type": "integer"
  9831          },
  9832          {
  9833            "in": "header",
  9834            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  9835            "type": "integer"
  9836          },
  9837          {
  9838            "in": "body",
  9839            "name": "body",
  9840            "required": true,
  9841            "schema": {
  9842              "$ref": "#/definitions/notificationMarkRead"
  9843            }
  9844          }
  9845        ],
  9846        "responses": {
  9847          "205": {
  9848            "description": "Marked as read."
  9849          },
  9850          "403": {
  9851            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  9852          }
  9853        }
  9854      }
  9855    },
  9856    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/pulls": {
  9857      "get": {
  9858        "description": "List pull requests.",
  9859        "parameters": [
  9860          {
  9861            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  9862            "in": "path",
  9863            "name": "owner",
  9864            "required": true,
  9865            "type": "string"
  9866          },
  9867          {
  9868            "description": "Name of repository.",
  9869            "in": "path",
  9870            "name": "repo",
  9871            "required": true,
  9872            "type": "string"
  9873          },
  9874          {
  9875            "default": "open",
  9876            "description": "String to filter by state.",
  9877            "enum": [
  9878              "open",
  9879              "closed"
  9880            ],
  9881            "in": "query",
  9882            "name": "state",
  9883            "type": "string"
  9884          },
  9885          {
  9886            "description": "Filter pulls by head user and branch name in the format of 'user:ref-name'.\nExample: github:new-script-format.\n",
  9887            "in": "query",
  9888            "name": "head",
  9889            "type": "string"
  9890          },
  9891          {
  9892            "description": "Filter pulls by base branch name. Example - gh-pages.",
  9893            "in": "query",
  9894            "name": "base",
  9895            "type": "string"
  9896          },
  9897          {
  9898            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  9899            "in": "header",
  9900            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  9901            "type": "string"
  9902          },
  9903          {
  9904            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  9905            "in": "header",
  9906            "name": "Accept",
  9907            "type": "string"
  9908          },
  9909          {
  9910            "in": "header",
  9911            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  9912            "type": "integer"
  9913          },
  9914          {
  9915            "in": "header",
  9916            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  9917            "type": "integer"
  9918          },
  9919          {
  9920            "in": "header",
  9921            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  9922            "type": "integer"
  9923          },
  9924          {
  9925            "in": "header",
  9926            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  9927            "type": "integer"
  9928          }
  9929        ],
  9930        "responses": {
  9931          "200": {
  9932            "description": "OK",
  9933            "schema": {
  9934              "$ref": "#/definitions/pulls"
  9935            }
  9936          },
  9937          "403": {
  9938            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
  9939          }
  9940        }
  9941      },
  9942      "post": {
  9943        "description": "Create a pull request.",
  9944        "parameters": [
  9945          {
  9946            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
  9947            "in": "path",
  9948            "name": "owner",
  9949            "required": true,
  9950            "type": "string"
  9951          },
  9952          {
  9953            "description": "Name of repository.",
  9954            "in": "path",
  9955            "name": "repo",
  9956            "required": true,
  9957            "type": "string"
  9958          },
  9959          {
  9960            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
  9961            "in": "header",
  9962            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
  9963            "type": "string"
  9964          },
  9965          {
  9966            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
  9967            "in": "header",
  9968            "name": "Accept",
  9969            "type": "string"
  9970          },
  9971          {
  9972            "in": "header",
  9973            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
  9974            "type": "integer"
  9975          },
  9976          {
  9977            "in": "header",
  9978            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
  9979            "type": "integer"
  9980          },
  9981          {
  9982            "in": "header",
  9983            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
  9984            "type": "integer"
  9985          },
  9986          {
  9987            "in": "header",
  9988            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
  9989            "type": "integer"
  9990          },
  9991          {
  9992            "in": "body",
  9993            "name": "body",
  9994            "required": true,
  9995            "schema": {
  9996              "$ref": "#/definitions/pullsPost"
  9997            }
  9998          }
  9999        ],
 10000        "responses": {
 10001          "201": {
 10002            "description": "Created",
 10003            "schema": {
 10004              "$ref": "#/definitions/pulls"
 10005            }
 10006          },
 10007          "403": {
 10008            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 10009          }
 10010        }
 10011      }
 10012    },
 10013    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/pulls/comments": {
 10014      "get": {
 10015        "description": "List comments in a repository.\nBy default, Review Comments are ordered by ascending ID.\n",
 10016        "parameters": [
 10017          {
 10018            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
 10019            "in": "path",
 10020            "name": "owner",
 10021            "required": true,
 10022            "type": "string"
 10023          },
 10024          {
 10025            "description": "Name of repository.",
 10026            "in": "path",
 10027            "name": "repo",
 10028            "required": true,
 10029            "type": "string"
 10030          },
 10031          {
 10032            "description": "Ignored without 'sort' parameter.",
 10033            "in": "query",
 10034            "name": "direction",
 10035            "type": "string"
 10036          },
 10037          {
 10038            "description": "",
 10039            "enum": [
 10040              "created",
 10041              "updated"
 10042            ],
 10043            "in": "query",
 10044            "name": "sort",
 10045            "type": "string"
 10046          },
 10047          {
 10048            "description": "The time should be passed in as UTC in the ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ.\nExample: \"2012-10-09T23:39:01Z\".\n",
 10049            "in": "query",
 10050            "name": "since",
 10051            "type": "string"
 10052          },
 10053          {
 10054            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 10055            "in": "header",
 10056            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 10057            "type": "string"
 10058          },
 10059          {
 10060            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 10061            "in": "header",
 10062            "name": "Accept",
 10063            "type": "string"
 10064          },
 10065          {
 10066            "in": "header",
 10067            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 10068            "type": "integer"
 10069          },
 10070          {
 10071            "in": "header",
 10072            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 10073            "type": "integer"
 10074          },
 10075          {
 10076            "in": "header",
 10077            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 10078            "type": "integer"
 10079          },
 10080          {
 10081            "in": "header",
 10082            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 10083            "type": "integer"
 10084          }
 10085        ],
 10086        "responses": {
 10087          "200": {
 10088            "description": "OK",
 10089            "schema": {
 10090              "$ref": "#/definitions/issuesComments"
 10091            }
 10092          },
 10093          "403": {
 10094            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 10095          }
 10096        }
 10097      }
 10098    },
 10099    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/pulls/comments/{commentId}": {
 10100      "delete": {
 10101        "description": "Delete a comment.",
 10102        "parameters": [
 10103          {
 10104            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
 10105            "in": "path",
 10106            "name": "owner",
 10107            "required": true,
 10108            "type": "string"
 10109          },
 10110          {
 10111            "description": "Name of repository.",
 10112            "in": "path",
 10113            "name": "repo",
 10114            "required": true,
 10115            "type": "string"
 10116          },
 10117          {
 10118            "description": "Id of comment.",
 10119            "in": "path",
 10120            "name": "commentId",
 10121            "required": true,
 10122            "type": "integer"
 10123          },
 10124          {
 10125            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 10126            "in": "header",
 10127            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 10128            "type": "string"
 10129          },
 10130          {
 10131            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 10132            "in": "header",
 10133            "name": "Accept",
 10134            "type": "string"
 10135          },
 10136          {
 10137            "in": "header",
 10138            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 10139            "type": "integer"
 10140          },
 10141          {
 10142            "in": "header",
 10143            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 10144            "type": "integer"
 10145          },
 10146          {
 10147            "in": "header",
 10148            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 10149            "type": "integer"
 10150          },
 10151          {
 10152            "in": "header",
 10153            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 10154            "type": "integer"
 10155          }
 10156        ],
 10157        "responses": {
 10158          "204": {
 10159            "description": "No content.\n"
 10160          },
 10161          "403": {
 10162            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 10163          }
 10164        }
 10165      },
 10166      "get": {
 10167        "description": "Get a single comment.",
 10168        "parameters": [
 10169          {
 10170            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
 10171            "in": "path",
 10172            "name": "owner",
 10173            "required": true,
 10174            "type": "string"
 10175          },
 10176          {
 10177            "description": "Name of repository.",
 10178            "in": "path",
 10179            "name": "repo",
 10180            "required": true,
 10181            "type": "string"
 10182          },
 10183          {
 10184            "description": "Id of comment.",
 10185            "in": "path",
 10186            "name": "commentId",
 10187            "required": true,
 10188            "type": "integer"
 10189          },
 10190          {
 10191            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 10192            "in": "header",
 10193            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 10194            "type": "string"
 10195          },
 10196          {
 10197            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 10198            "in": "header",
 10199            "name": "Accept",
 10200            "type": "string"
 10201          },
 10202          {
 10203            "in": "header",
 10204            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 10205            "type": "integer"
 10206          },
 10207          {
 10208            "in": "header",
 10209            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 10210            "type": "integer"
 10211          },
 10212          {
 10213            "in": "header",
 10214            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 10215            "type": "integer"
 10216          },
 10217          {
 10218            "in": "header",
 10219            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 10220            "type": "integer"
 10221          }
 10222        ],
 10223        "responses": {
 10224          "200": {
 10225            "description": "OK",
 10226            "schema": {
 10227              "$ref": "#/definitions/pullsComment"
 10228            }
 10229          },
 10230          "403": {
 10231            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 10232          }
 10233        }
 10234      },
 10235      "patch": {
 10236        "description": "Edit a comment.",
 10237        "parameters": [
 10238          {
 10239            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
 10240            "in": "path",
 10241            "name": "owner",
 10242            "required": true,
 10243            "type": "string"
 10244          },
 10245          {
 10246            "description": "Name of repository.",
 10247            "in": "path",
 10248            "name": "repo",
 10249            "required": true,
 10250            "type": "string"
 10251          },
 10252          {
 10253            "description": "Id of comment.",
 10254            "in": "path",
 10255            "name": "commentId",
 10256            "required": true,
 10257            "type": "integer"
 10258          },
 10259          {
 10260            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 10261            "in": "header",
 10262            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 10263            "type": "string"
 10264          },
 10265          {
 10266            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 10267            "in": "header",
 10268            "name": "Accept",
 10269            "type": "string"
 10270          },
 10271          {
 10272            "in": "header",
 10273            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 10274            "type": "integer"
 10275          },
 10276          {
 10277            "in": "header",
 10278            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 10279            "type": "integer"
 10280          },
 10281          {
 10282            "in": "header",
 10283            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 10284            "type": "integer"
 10285          },
 10286          {
 10287            "in": "header",
 10288            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 10289            "type": "integer"
 10290          },
 10291          {
 10292            "in": "body",
 10293            "name": "body",
 10294            "required": true,
 10295            "schema": {
 10296              "$ref": "#/definitions/commentBody"
 10297            }
 10298          }
 10299        ],
 10300        "responses": {
 10301          "200": {
 10302            "description": "OK",
 10303            "schema": {
 10304              "$ref": "#/definitions/pullsComment"
 10305            }
 10306          },
 10307          "403": {
 10308            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 10309          }
 10310        }
 10311      }
 10312    },
 10313    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/pulls/{number}": {
 10314      "get": {
 10315        "description": "Get a single pull request.",
 10316        "parameters": [
 10317          {
 10318            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
 10319            "in": "path",
 10320            "name": "owner",
 10321            "required": true,
 10322            "type": "string"
 10323          },
 10324          {
 10325            "description": "Name of repository.",
 10326            "in": "path",
 10327            "name": "repo",
 10328            "required": true,
 10329            "type": "string"
 10330          },
 10331          {
 10332            "description": "Id of pull.",
 10333            "in": "path",
 10334            "name": "number",
 10335            "required": true,
 10336            "type": "integer"
 10337          },
 10338          {
 10339            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 10340            "in": "header",
 10341            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 10342            "type": "string"
 10343          },
 10344          {
 10345            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 10346            "in": "header",
 10347            "name": "Accept",
 10348            "type": "string"
 10349          },
 10350          {
 10351            "in": "header",
 10352            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 10353            "type": "integer"
 10354          },
 10355          {
 10356            "in": "header",
 10357            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 10358            "type": "integer"
 10359          },
 10360          {
 10361            "in": "header",
 10362            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 10363            "type": "integer"
 10364          },
 10365          {
 10366            "in": "header",
 10367            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 10368            "type": "integer"
 10369          }
 10370        ],
 10371        "responses": {
 10372          "200": {
 10373            "description": "OK",
 10374            "schema": {
 10375              "$ref": "#/definitions/pullRequest"
 10376            }
 10377          },
 10378          "403": {
 10379            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 10380          }
 10381        }
 10382      },
 10383      "patch": {
 10384        "description": "Update a pull request.",
 10385        "parameters": [
 10386          {
 10387            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
 10388            "in": "path",
 10389            "name": "owner",
 10390            "required": true,
 10391            "type": "string"
 10392          },
 10393          {
 10394            "description": "Name of repository.",
 10395            "in": "path",
 10396            "name": "repo",
 10397            "required": true,
 10398            "type": "string"
 10399          },
 10400          {
 10401            "description": "Id of pull.",
 10402            "in": "path",
 10403            "name": "number",
 10404            "required": true,
 10405            "type": "integer"
 10406          },
 10407          {
 10408            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 10409            "in": "header",
 10410            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 10411            "type": "string"
 10412          },
 10413          {
 10414            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 10415            "in": "header",
 10416            "name": "Accept",
 10417            "type": "string"
 10418          },
 10419          {
 10420            "in": "header",
 10421            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 10422            "type": "integer"
 10423          },
 10424          {
 10425            "in": "header",
 10426            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 10427            "type": "integer"
 10428          },
 10429          {
 10430            "in": "header",
 10431            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 10432            "type": "integer"
 10433          },
 10434          {
 10435            "in": "header",
 10436            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 10437            "type": "integer"
 10438          },
 10439          {
 10440            "in": "body",
 10441            "name": "body",
 10442            "required": true,
 10443            "schema": {
 10444              "$ref": "#/definitions/pullUpdate"
 10445            }
 10446          }
 10447        ],
 10448        "responses": {
 10449          "200": {
 10450            "description": "OK",
 10451            "schema": {
 10452              "$ref": "#/definitions/repo"
 10453            }
 10454          },
 10455          "403": {
 10456            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 10457          }
 10458        }
 10459      }
 10460    },
 10461    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/pulls/{number}/comments": {
 10462      "get": {
 10463        "description": "List comments on a pull request.",
 10464        "parameters": [
 10465          {
 10466            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
 10467            "in": "path",
 10468            "name": "owner",
 10469            "required": true,
 10470            "type": "string"
 10471          },
 10472          {
 10473            "description": "Name of repository.",
 10474            "in": "path",
 10475            "name": "repo",
 10476            "required": true,
 10477            "type": "string"
 10478          },
 10479          {
 10480            "description": "Id of pull.",
 10481            "in": "path",
 10482            "name": "number",
 10483            "required": true,
 10484            "type": "integer"
 10485          },
 10486          {
 10487            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 10488            "in": "header",
 10489            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 10490            "type": "string"
 10491          },
 10492          {
 10493            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 10494            "in": "header",
 10495            "name": "Accept",
 10496            "type": "string"
 10497          },
 10498          {
 10499            "in": "header",
 10500            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 10501            "type": "integer"
 10502          },
 10503          {
 10504            "in": "header",
 10505            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 10506            "type": "integer"
 10507          },
 10508          {
 10509            "in": "header",
 10510            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 10511            "type": "integer"
 10512          },
 10513          {
 10514            "in": "header",
 10515            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 10516            "type": "integer"
 10517          }
 10518        ],
 10519        "responses": {
 10520          "200": {
 10521            "description": "OK",
 10522            "schema": {
 10523              "$ref": "#/definitions/pullsComment"
 10524            }
 10525          },
 10526          "403": {
 10527            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 10528          }
 10529        }
 10530      },
 10531      "post": {
 10532        "description": "Create a comment.\n  #TODO Alternative input ( http://developer.github.com/v3/pulls/comments/ )\n  description: |\n    Alternative Input.\n    Instead of passing commit_id, path, and position you can reply to an\n    existing Pull Request Comment like this:\n\n        body\n           Required string\n        in_reply_to\n           Required number - Comment id to reply to.\n",
 10533        "parameters": [
 10534          {
 10535            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
 10536            "in": "path",
 10537            "name": "owner",
 10538            "required": true,
 10539            "type": "string"
 10540          },
 10541          {
 10542            "description": "Name of repository.",
 10543            "in": "path",
 10544            "name": "repo",
 10545            "required": true,
 10546            "type": "string"
 10547          },
 10548          {
 10549            "description": "Id of pull.",
 10550            "in": "path",
 10551            "name": "number",
 10552            "required": true,
 10553            "type": "integer"
 10554          },
 10555          {
 10556            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 10557            "in": "header",
 10558            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 10559            "type": "string"
 10560          },
 10561          {
 10562            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 10563            "in": "header",
 10564            "name": "Accept",
 10565            "type": "string"
 10566          },
 10567          {
 10568            "in": "header",
 10569            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 10570            "type": "integer"
 10571          },
 10572          {
 10573            "in": "header",
 10574            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 10575            "type": "integer"
 10576          },
 10577          {
 10578            "in": "header",
 10579            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 10580            "type": "integer"
 10581          },
 10582          {
 10583            "in": "header",
 10584            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 10585            "type": "integer"
 10586          },
 10587          {
 10588            "in": "body",
 10589            "name": "body",
 10590            "required": true,
 10591            "schema": {
 10592              "$ref": "#/definitions/pullsCommentPost"
 10593            }
 10594          }
 10595        ],
 10596        "responses": {
 10597          "201": {
 10598            "description": "Created",
 10599            "schema": {
 10600              "$ref": "#/definitions/pullsComment"
 10601            }
 10602          },
 10603          "403": {
 10604            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 10605          }
 10606        }
 10607      }
 10608    },
 10609    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/pulls/{number}/commits": {
 10610      "get": {
 10611        "description": "List commits on a pull request.",
 10612        "parameters": [
 10613          {
 10614            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
 10615            "in": "path",
 10616            "name": "owner",
 10617            "required": true,
 10618            "type": "string"
 10619          },
 10620          {
 10621            "description": "Name of repository.",
 10622            "in": "path",
 10623            "name": "repo",
 10624            "required": true,
 10625            "type": "string"
 10626          },
 10627          {
 10628            "description": "Id of pull.",
 10629            "in": "path",
 10630            "name": "number",
 10631            "required": true,
 10632            "type": "integer"
 10633          },
 10634          {
 10635            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 10636            "in": "header",
 10637            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 10638            "type": "string"
 10639          },
 10640          {
 10641            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 10642            "in": "header",
 10643            "name": "Accept",
 10644            "type": "string"
 10645          },
 10646          {
 10647            "in": "header",
 10648            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 10649            "type": "integer"
 10650          },
 10651          {
 10652            "in": "header",
 10653            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 10654            "type": "integer"
 10655          },
 10656          {
 10657            "in": "header",
 10658            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 10659            "type": "integer"
 10660          },
 10661          {
 10662            "in": "header",
 10663            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 10664            "type": "integer"
 10665          }
 10666        ],
 10667        "responses": {
 10668          "200": {
 10669            "description": "OK",
 10670            "schema": {
 10671              "$ref": "#/definitions/commits"
 10672            }
 10673          },
 10674          "403": {
 10675            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 10676          }
 10677        }
 10678      }
 10679    },
 10680    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/pulls/{number}/files": {
 10681      "get": {
 10682        "description": "List pull requests files.",
 10683        "parameters": [
 10684          {
 10685            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
 10686            "in": "path",
 10687            "name": "owner",
 10688            "required": true,
 10689            "type": "string"
 10690          },
 10691          {
 10692            "description": "Name of repository.",
 10693            "in": "path",
 10694            "name": "repo",
 10695            "required": true,
 10696            "type": "string"
 10697          },
 10698          {
 10699            "description": "Id of pull.",
 10700            "in": "path",
 10701            "name": "number",
 10702            "required": true,
 10703            "type": "integer"
 10704          },
 10705          {
 10706            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 10707            "in": "header",
 10708            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 10709            "type": "string"
 10710          },
 10711          {
 10712            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 10713            "in": "header",
 10714            "name": "Accept",
 10715            "type": "string"
 10716          },
 10717          {
 10718            "in": "header",
 10719            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 10720            "type": "integer"
 10721          },
 10722          {
 10723            "in": "header",
 10724            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 10725            "type": "integer"
 10726          },
 10727          {
 10728            "in": "header",
 10729            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 10730            "type": "integer"
 10731          },
 10732          {
 10733            "in": "header",
 10734            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 10735            "type": "integer"
 10736          }
 10737        ],
 10738        "responses": {
 10739          "200": {
 10740            "description": "OK",
 10741            "schema": {
 10742              "$ref": "#/definitions/pulls"
 10743            }
 10744          },
 10745          "403": {
 10746            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 10747          }
 10748        }
 10749      }
 10750    },
 10751    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/pulls/{number}/merge": {
 10752      "get": {
 10753        "description": "Get if a pull request has been merged.",
 10754        "parameters": [
 10755          {
 10756            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
 10757            "in": "path",
 10758            "name": "owner",
 10759            "required": true,
 10760            "type": "string"
 10761          },
 10762          {
 10763            "description": "Name of repository.",
 10764            "in": "path",
 10765            "name": "repo",
 10766            "required": true,
 10767            "type": "string"
 10768          },
 10769          {
 10770            "description": "Id of pull.",
 10771            "in": "path",
 10772            "name": "number",
 10773            "required": true,
 10774            "type": "integer"
 10775          },
 10776          {
 10777            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 10778            "in": "header",
 10779            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 10780            "type": "string"
 10781          },
 10782          {
 10783            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 10784            "in": "header",
 10785            "name": "Accept",
 10786            "type": "string"
 10787          },
 10788          {
 10789            "in": "header",
 10790            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 10791            "type": "integer"
 10792          },
 10793          {
 10794            "in": "header",
 10795            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 10796            "type": "integer"
 10797          },
 10798          {
 10799            "in": "header",
 10800            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 10801            "type": "integer"
 10802          },
 10803          {
 10804            "in": "header",
 10805            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 10806            "type": "integer"
 10807          }
 10808        ],
 10809        "responses": {
 10810          "204": {
 10811            "description": "Pull request has been merged."
 10812          },
 10813          "403": {
 10814            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 10815          },
 10816          "404": {
 10817            "description": "Pull request has not been merged."
 10818          }
 10819        }
 10820      },
 10821      "put": {
 10822        "description": "Merge a pull request (Merge Button's)",
 10823        "parameters": [
 10824          {
 10825            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
 10826            "in": "path",
 10827            "name": "owner",
 10828            "required": true,
 10829            "type": "string"
 10830          },
 10831          {
 10832            "description": "Name of repository.",
 10833            "in": "path",
 10834            "name": "repo",
 10835            "required": true,
 10836            "type": "string"
 10837          },
 10838          {
 10839            "description": "Id of pull.",
 10840            "in": "path",
 10841            "name": "number",
 10842            "required": true,
 10843            "type": "integer"
 10844          },
 10845          {
 10846            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 10847            "in": "header",
 10848            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 10849            "type": "string"
 10850          },
 10851          {
 10852            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 10853            "in": "header",
 10854            "name": "Accept",
 10855            "type": "string"
 10856          },
 10857          {
 10858            "in": "header",
 10859            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 10860            "type": "integer"
 10861          },
 10862          {
 10863            "in": "header",
 10864            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 10865            "type": "integer"
 10866          },
 10867          {
 10868            "in": "header",
 10869            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 10870            "type": "integer"
 10871          },
 10872          {
 10873            "in": "header",
 10874            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 10875            "type": "integer"
 10876          },
 10877          {
 10878            "in": "body",
 10879            "name": "body",
 10880            "required": true,
 10881            "schema": {
 10882              "$ref": "#/definitions/mergePullBody"
 10883            }
 10884          }
 10885        ],
 10886        "responses": {
 10887          "200": {
 10888            "description": "Response if merge was successful.",
 10889            "schema": {
 10890              "$ref": "#/definitions/merge"
 10891            }
 10892          },
 10893          "403": {
 10894            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 10895          },
 10896          "405": {
 10897            "description": "Response if merge cannot be performed.",
 10898            "schema": {
 10899              "$ref": "#/definitions/merge"
 10900            }
 10901          }
 10902        }
 10903      }
 10904    },
 10905    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/readme": {
 10906      "get": {
 10907        "description": "Get the README.\nThis method returns the preferred README for a repository.\n",
 10908        "parameters": [
 10909          {
 10910            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
 10911            "in": "path",
 10912            "name": "owner",
 10913            "required": true,
 10914            "type": "string"
 10915          },
 10916          {
 10917            "description": "Name of repository.",
 10918            "in": "path",
 10919            "name": "repo",
 10920            "required": true,
 10921            "type": "string"
 10922          },
 10923          {
 10924            "description": "The String name of the Commit/Branch/Tag. Defaults to master.",
 10925            "in": "query",
 10926            "name": "ref",
 10927            "type": "string"
 10928          },
 10929          {
 10930            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 10931            "in": "header",
 10932            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 10933            "type": "string"
 10934          },
 10935          {
 10936            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 10937            "in": "header",
 10938            "name": "Accept",
 10939            "type": "string"
 10940          },
 10941          {
 10942            "in": "header",
 10943            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 10944            "type": "integer"
 10945          },
 10946          {
 10947            "in": "header",
 10948            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 10949            "type": "integer"
 10950          },
 10951          {
 10952            "in": "header",
 10953            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 10954            "type": "integer"
 10955          },
 10956          {
 10957            "in": "header",
 10958            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 10959            "type": "integer"
 10960          }
 10961        ],
 10962        "responses": {
 10963          "200": {
 10964            "description": "OK",
 10965            "schema": {
 10966              "$ref": "#/definitions/contents-path"
 10967            }
 10968          },
 10969          "403": {
 10970            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 10971          }
 10972        }
 10973      }
 10974    },
 10975    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/releases": {
 10976      "get": {
 10977        "description": "Users with push access to the repository will receive all releases (i.e., published releases and draft releases). Users with pull access will receive published releases only",
 10978        "parameters": [
 10979          {
 10980            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
 10981            "in": "path",
 10982            "name": "owner",
 10983            "required": true,
 10984            "type": "string"
 10985          },
 10986          {
 10987            "description": "Name of repository.",
 10988            "in": "path",
 10989            "name": "repo",
 10990            "required": true,
 10991            "type": "string"
 10992          },
 10993          {
 10994            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 10995            "in": "header",
 10996            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 10997            "type": "string"
 10998          },
 10999          {
 11000            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 11001            "in": "header",
 11002            "name": "Accept",
 11003            "type": "string"
 11004          },
 11005          {
 11006            "in": "header",
 11007            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 11008            "type": "integer"
 11009          },
 11010          {
 11011            "in": "header",
 11012            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 11013            "type": "integer"
 11014          },
 11015          {
 11016            "in": "header",
 11017            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 11018            "type": "integer"
 11019          },
 11020          {
 11021            "in": "header",
 11022            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 11023            "type": "integer"
 11024          }
 11025        ],
 11026        "responses": {
 11027          "200": {
 11028            "description": "OK",
 11029            "schema": {
 11030              "$ref": "#/definitions/releases"
 11031            }
 11032          },
 11033          "403": {
 11034            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 11035          }
 11036        }
 11037      },
 11038      "post": {
 11039        "description": "Create a release\nUsers with push access to the repository can create a release.\n",
 11040        "parameters": [
 11041          {
 11042            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
 11043            "in": "path",
 11044            "name": "owner",
 11045            "required": true,
 11046            "type": "string"
 11047          },
 11048          {
 11049            "description": "Name of repository.",
 11050            "in": "path",
 11051            "name": "repo",
 11052            "required": true,
 11053            "type": "string"
 11054          },
 11055          {
 11056            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 11057            "in": "header",
 11058            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 11059            "type": "string"
 11060          },
 11061          {
 11062            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 11063            "in": "header",
 11064            "name": "Accept",
 11065            "type": "string"
 11066          },
 11067          {
 11068            "in": "header",
 11069            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 11070            "type": "integer"
 11071          },
 11072          {
 11073            "in": "header",
 11074            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 11075            "type": "integer"
 11076          },
 11077          {
 11078            "in": "header",
 11079            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 11080            "type": "integer"
 11081          },
 11082          {
 11083            "in": "header",
 11084            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 11085            "type": "integer"
 11086          },
 11087          {
 11088            "in": "body",
 11089            "name": "body",
 11090            "required": true,
 11091            "schema": {
 11092              "$ref": "#/definitions/release-create"
 11093            }
 11094          }
 11095        ],
 11096        "responses": {
 11097          "201": {
 11098            "description": "Created",
 11099            "schema": {
 11100              "$ref": "#/definitions/release"
 11101            }
 11102          },
 11103          "403": {
 11104            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 11105          }
 11106        }
 11107      }
 11108    },
 11109    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/releases/assets/{id}": {
 11110      "delete": {
 11111        "description": "Delete a release asset",
 11112        "parameters": [
 11113          {
 11114            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
 11115            "in": "path",
 11116            "name": "owner",
 11117            "required": true,
 11118            "type": "string"
 11119          },
 11120          {
 11121            "description": "Name of repository.",
 11122            "in": "path",
 11123            "name": "repo",
 11124            "required": true,
 11125            "type": "string"
 11126          },
 11127          {
 11128            "in": "path",
 11129            "name": "id",
 11130            "required": true,
 11131            "type": "string"
 11132          },
 11133          {
 11134            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 11135            "in": "header",
 11136            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 11137            "type": "string"
 11138          },
 11139          {
 11140            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 11141            "in": "header",
 11142            "name": "Accept",
 11143            "type": "string"
 11144          },
 11145          {
 11146            "in": "header",
 11147            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 11148            "type": "integer"
 11149          },
 11150          {
 11151            "in": "header",
 11152            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 11153            "type": "integer"
 11154          },
 11155          {
 11156            "in": "header",
 11157            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 11158            "type": "integer"
 11159          },
 11160          {
 11161            "in": "header",
 11162            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 11163            "type": "integer"
 11164          }
 11165        ],
 11166        "responses": {
 11167          "204": {
 11168            "description": "No Content"
 11169          },
 11170          "403": {
 11171            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 11172          }
 11173        }
 11174      },
 11175      "get": {
 11176        "description": "Get a single release asset",
 11177        "parameters": [
 11178          {
 11179            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
 11180            "in": "path",
 11181            "name": "owner",
 11182            "required": true,
 11183            "type": "string"
 11184          },
 11185          {
 11186            "description": "Name of repository.",
 11187            "in": "path",
 11188            "name": "repo",
 11189            "required": true,
 11190            "type": "string"
 11191          },
 11192          {
 11193            "in": "path",
 11194            "name": "id",
 11195            "required": true,
 11196            "type": "string"
 11197          },
 11198          {
 11199            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 11200            "in": "header",
 11201            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 11202            "type": "string"
 11203          },
 11204          {
 11205            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 11206            "in": "header",
 11207            "name": "Accept",
 11208            "type": "string"
 11209          },
 11210          {
 11211            "in": "header",
 11212            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 11213            "type": "integer"
 11214          },
 11215          {
 11216            "in": "header",
 11217            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 11218            "type": "integer"
 11219          },
 11220          {
 11221            "in": "header",
 11222            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 11223            "type": "integer"
 11224          },
 11225          {
 11226            "in": "header",
 11227            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 11228            "type": "integer"
 11229          }
 11230        ],
 11231        "responses": {
 11232          "200": {
 11233            "description": "OK",
 11234            "schema": {
 11235              "$ref": "#/definitions/asset"
 11236            }
 11237          },
 11238          "403": {
 11239            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 11240          }
 11241        }
 11242      },
 11243      "patch": {
 11244        "description": "Edit a release asset\nUsers with push access to the repository can edit a release asset.\n",
 11245        "parameters": [
 11246          {
 11247            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
 11248            "in": "path",
 11249            "name": "owner",
 11250            "required": true,
 11251            "type": "string"
 11252          },
 11253          {
 11254            "description": "Name of repository.",
 11255            "in": "path",
 11256            "name": "repo",
 11257            "required": true,
 11258            "type": "string"
 11259          },
 11260          {
 11261            "in": "path",
 11262            "name": "id",
 11263            "required": true,
 11264            "type": "string"
 11265          },
 11266          {
 11267            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 11268            "in": "header",
 11269            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 11270            "type": "string"
 11271          },
 11272          {
 11273            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 11274            "in": "header",
 11275            "name": "Accept",
 11276            "type": "string"
 11277          },
 11278          {
 11279            "in": "header",
 11280            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 11281            "type": "integer"
 11282          },
 11283          {
 11284            "in": "header",
 11285            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 11286            "type": "integer"
 11287          },
 11288          {
 11289            "in": "header",
 11290            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 11291            "type": "integer"
 11292          },
 11293          {
 11294            "in": "header",
 11295            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 11296            "type": "integer"
 11297          },
 11298          {
 11299            "in": "body",
 11300            "name": "body",
 11301            "required": true,
 11302            "schema": {
 11303              "$ref": "#/definitions/assetPatch"
 11304            }
 11305          }
 11306        ],
 11307        "responses": {
 11308          "200": {
 11309            "description": "OK",
 11310            "schema": {
 11311              "$ref": "#/definitions/asset"
 11312            }
 11313          },
 11314          "403": {
 11315            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 11316          }
 11317        }
 11318      }
 11319    },
 11320    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/releases/{id}": {
 11321      "delete": {
 11322        "description": "Users with push access to the repository can delete a release.",
 11323        "parameters": [
 11324          {
 11325            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
 11326            "in": "path",
 11327            "name": "owner",
 11328            "required": true,
 11329            "type": "string"
 11330          },
 11331          {
 11332            "description": "Name of repository.",
 11333            "in": "path",
 11334            "name": "repo",
 11335            "required": true,
 11336            "type": "string"
 11337          },
 11338          {
 11339            "in": "path",
 11340            "name": "id",
 11341            "required": true,
 11342            "type": "string"
 11343          },
 11344          {
 11345            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 11346            "in": "header",
 11347            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 11348            "type": "string"
 11349          },
 11350          {
 11351            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 11352            "in": "header",
 11353            "name": "Accept",
 11354            "type": "string"
 11355          },
 11356          {
 11357            "in": "header",
 11358            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 11359            "type": "integer"
 11360          },
 11361          {
 11362            "in": "header",
 11363            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 11364            "type": "integer"
 11365          },
 11366          {
 11367            "in": "header",
 11368            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 11369            "type": "integer"
 11370          },
 11371          {
 11372            "in": "header",
 11373            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 11374            "type": "integer"
 11375          }
 11376        ],
 11377        "responses": {
 11378          "204": {
 11379            "description": "No Content"
 11380          },
 11381          "403": {
 11382            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 11383          }
 11384        }
 11385      },
 11386      "get": {
 11387        "description": "Get a single release",
 11388        "parameters": [
 11389          {
 11390            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
 11391            "in": "path",
 11392            "name": "owner",
 11393            "required": true,
 11394            "type": "string"
 11395          },
 11396          {
 11397            "description": "Name of repository.",
 11398            "in": "path",
 11399            "name": "repo",
 11400            "required": true,
 11401            "type": "string"
 11402          },
 11403          {
 11404            "in": "path",
 11405            "name": "id",
 11406            "required": true,
 11407            "type": "string"
 11408          },
 11409          {
 11410            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 11411            "in": "header",
 11412            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 11413            "type": "string"
 11414          },
 11415          {
 11416            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 11417            "in": "header",
 11418            "name": "Accept",
 11419            "type": "string"
 11420          },
 11421          {
 11422            "in": "header",
 11423            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 11424            "type": "integer"
 11425          },
 11426          {
 11427            "in": "header",
 11428            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 11429            "type": "integer"
 11430          },
 11431          {
 11432            "in": "header",
 11433            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 11434            "type": "integer"
 11435          },
 11436          {
 11437            "in": "header",
 11438            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 11439            "type": "integer"
 11440          }
 11441        ],
 11442        "responses": {
 11443          "200": {
 11444            "description": "OK",
 11445            "schema": {
 11446              "$ref": "#/definitions/release"
 11447            }
 11448          },
 11449          "403": {
 11450            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 11451          }
 11452        }
 11453      },
 11454      "patch": {
 11455        "description": "Users with push access to the repository can edit a release",
 11456        "parameters": [
 11457          {
 11458            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
 11459            "in": "path",
 11460            "name": "owner",
 11461            "required": true,
 11462            "type": "string"
 11463          },
 11464          {
 11465            "description": "Name of repository.",
 11466            "in": "path",
 11467            "name": "repo",
 11468            "required": true,
 11469            "type": "string"
 11470          },
 11471          {
 11472            "in": "path",
 11473            "name": "id",
 11474            "required": true,
 11475            "type": "string"
 11476          },
 11477          {
 11478            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 11479            "in": "header",
 11480            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 11481            "type": "string"
 11482          },
 11483          {
 11484            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 11485            "in": "header",
 11486            "name": "Accept",
 11487            "type": "string"
 11488          },
 11489          {
 11490            "in": "header",
 11491            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 11492            "type": "integer"
 11493          },
 11494          {
 11495            "in": "header",
 11496            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 11497            "type": "integer"
 11498          },
 11499          {
 11500            "in": "header",
 11501            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 11502            "type": "integer"
 11503          },
 11504          {
 11505            "in": "header",
 11506            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 11507            "type": "integer"
 11508          },
 11509          {
 11510            "in": "body",
 11511            "name": "body",
 11512            "required": true,
 11513            "schema": {
 11514              "$ref": "#/definitions/release-create"
 11515            }
 11516          }
 11517        ],
 11518        "responses": {
 11519          "200": {
 11520            "description": "OK",
 11521            "schema": {
 11522              "$ref": "#/definitions/release"
 11523            }
 11524          },
 11525          "403": {
 11526            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 11527          }
 11528        }
 11529      }
 11530    },
 11531    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/releases/{id}/assets": {
 11532      "get": {
 11533        "description": "List assets for a release",
 11534        "parameters": [
 11535          {
 11536            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
 11537            "in": "path",
 11538            "name": "owner",
 11539            "required": true,
 11540            "type": "string"
 11541          },
 11542          {
 11543            "description": "Name of repository.",
 11544            "in": "path",
 11545            "name": "repo",
 11546            "required": true,
 11547            "type": "string"
 11548          },
 11549          {
 11550            "in": "path",
 11551            "name": "id",
 11552            "required": true,
 11553            "type": "string"
 11554          },
 11555          {
 11556            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 11557            "in": "header",
 11558            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 11559            "type": "string"
 11560          },
 11561          {
 11562            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 11563            "in": "header",
 11564            "name": "Accept",
 11565            "type": "string"
 11566          },
 11567          {
 11568            "in": "header",
 11569            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 11570            "type": "integer"
 11571          },
 11572          {
 11573            "in": "header",
 11574            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 11575            "type": "integer"
 11576          },
 11577          {
 11578            "in": "header",
 11579            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 11580            "type": "integer"
 11581          },
 11582          {
 11583            "in": "header",
 11584            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 11585            "type": "integer"
 11586          }
 11587        ],
 11588        "responses": {
 11589          "200": {
 11590            "description": "OK",
 11591            "schema": {
 11592              "$ref": "#/definitions/assets"
 11593            }
 11594          },
 11595          "403": {
 11596            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 11597          }
 11598        }
 11599      }
 11600    },
 11601    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/stargazers": {
 11602      "get": {
 11603        "description": "List Stargazers.",
 11604        "parameters": [
 11605          {
 11606            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
 11607            "in": "path",
 11608            "name": "owner",
 11609            "required": true,
 11610            "type": "string"
 11611          },
 11612          {
 11613            "description": "Name of repository.",
 11614            "in": "path",
 11615            "name": "repo",
 11616            "required": true,
 11617            "type": "string"
 11618          },
 11619          {
 11620            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 11621            "in": "header",
 11622            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 11623            "type": "string"
 11624          },
 11625          {
 11626            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 11627            "in": "header",
 11628            "name": "Accept",
 11629            "type": "string"
 11630          },
 11631          {
 11632            "in": "header",
 11633            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 11634            "type": "integer"
 11635          },
 11636          {
 11637            "in": "header",
 11638            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 11639            "type": "integer"
 11640          },
 11641          {
 11642            "in": "header",
 11643            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 11644            "type": "integer"
 11645          },
 11646          {
 11647            "in": "header",
 11648            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 11649            "type": "integer"
 11650          }
 11651        ],
 11652        "responses": {
 11653          "200": {
 11654            "description": "OK",
 11655            "schema": {
 11656              "$ref": "#/definitions/users"
 11657            }
 11658          },
 11659          "403": {
 11660            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 11661          }
 11662        }
 11663      }
 11664    },
 11665    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/stats/code_frequency": {
 11666      "get": {
 11667        "description": "Get the number of additions and deletions per week.\nReturns a weekly aggregate of the number of additions and deletions pushed\nto a repository.\n",
 11668        "parameters": [
 11669          {
 11670            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
 11671            "in": "path",
 11672            "name": "owner",
 11673            "required": true,
 11674            "type": "string"
 11675          },
 11676          {
 11677            "description": "Name of repository.",
 11678            "in": "path",
 11679            "name": "repo",
 11680            "required": true,
 11681            "type": "string"
 11682          },
 11683          {
 11684            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 11685            "in": "header",
 11686            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 11687            "type": "string"
 11688          },
 11689          {
 11690            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 11691            "in": "header",
 11692            "name": "Accept",
 11693            "type": "string"
 11694          },
 11695          {
 11696            "in": "header",
 11697            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 11698            "type": "integer"
 11699          },
 11700          {
 11701            "in": "header",
 11702            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 11703            "type": "integer"
 11704          },
 11705          {
 11706            "in": "header",
 11707            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 11708            "type": "integer"
 11709          },
 11710          {
 11711            "in": "header",
 11712            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 11713            "type": "integer"
 11714          }
 11715        ],
 11716        "responses": {
 11717          "200": {
 11718            "description": "OK",
 11719            "schema": {
 11720              "$ref": "#/definitions/codeFrequencyStats"
 11721            }
 11722          },
 11723          "403": {
 11724            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 11725          }
 11726        }
 11727      }
 11728    },
 11729    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/stats/commit_activity": {
 11730      "get": {
 11731        "description": "Get the last year of commit activity data.\nReturns the last year of commit activity grouped by week. The days array\nis a group of commits per day, starting on Sunday.\n",
 11732        "parameters": [
 11733          {
 11734            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
 11735            "in": "path",
 11736            "name": "owner",
 11737            "required": true,
 11738            "type": "string"
 11739          },
 11740          {
 11741            "description": "Name of repository.",
 11742            "in": "path",
 11743            "name": "repo",
 11744            "required": true,
 11745            "type": "string"
 11746          },
 11747          {
 11748            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 11749            "in": "header",
 11750            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 11751            "type": "string"
 11752          },
 11753          {
 11754            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 11755            "in": "header",
 11756            "name": "Accept",
 11757            "type": "string"
 11758          },
 11759          {
 11760            "in": "header",
 11761            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 11762            "type": "integer"
 11763          },
 11764          {
 11765            "in": "header",
 11766            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 11767            "type": "integer"
 11768          },
 11769          {
 11770            "in": "header",
 11771            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 11772            "type": "integer"
 11773          },
 11774          {
 11775            "in": "header",
 11776            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 11777            "type": "integer"
 11778          }
 11779        ],
 11780        "responses": {
 11781          "200": {
 11782            "description": "OK",
 11783            "schema": {
 11784              "$ref": "#/definitions/commitActivityStats"
 11785            }
 11786          },
 11787          "403": {
 11788            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 11789          }
 11790        }
 11791      }
 11792    },
 11793    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/stats/contributors": {
 11794      "get": {
 11795        "description": "Get contributors list with additions, deletions, and commit counts.",
 11796        "parameters": [
 11797          {
 11798            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
 11799            "in": "path",
 11800            "name": "owner",
 11801            "required": true,
 11802            "type": "string"
 11803          },
 11804          {
 11805            "description": "Name of repository.",
 11806            "in": "path",
 11807            "name": "repo",
 11808            "required": true,
 11809            "type": "string"
 11810          },
 11811          {
 11812            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 11813            "in": "header",
 11814            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 11815            "type": "string"
 11816          },
 11817          {
 11818            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 11819            "in": "header",
 11820            "name": "Accept",
 11821            "type": "string"
 11822          },
 11823          {
 11824            "in": "header",
 11825            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 11826            "type": "integer"
 11827          },
 11828          {
 11829            "in": "header",
 11830            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 11831            "type": "integer"
 11832          },
 11833          {
 11834            "in": "header",
 11835            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 11836            "type": "integer"
 11837          },
 11838          {
 11839            "in": "header",
 11840            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 11841            "type": "integer"
 11842          }
 11843        ],
 11844        "responses": {
 11845          "200": {
 11846            "description": "OK",
 11847            "schema": {
 11848              "$ref": "#/definitions/contributorsStats"
 11849            }
 11850          },
 11851          "403": {
 11852            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 11853          }
 11854        }
 11855      }
 11856    },
 11857    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/stats/participation": {
 11858      "get": {
 11859        "description": "Get the weekly commit count for the repo owner and everyone else.",
 11860        "parameters": [
 11861          {
 11862            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
 11863            "in": "path",
 11864            "name": "owner",
 11865            "required": true,
 11866            "type": "string"
 11867          },
 11868          {
 11869            "description": "Name of repository.",
 11870            "in": "path",
 11871            "name": "repo",
 11872            "required": true,
 11873            "type": "string"
 11874          },
 11875          {
 11876            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 11877            "in": "header",
 11878            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 11879            "type": "string"
 11880          },
 11881          {
 11882            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 11883            "in": "header",
 11884            "name": "Accept",
 11885            "type": "string"
 11886          },
 11887          {
 11888            "in": "header",
 11889            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 11890            "type": "integer"
 11891          },
 11892          {
 11893            "in": "header",
 11894            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 11895            "type": "integer"
 11896          },
 11897          {
 11898            "in": "header",
 11899            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 11900            "type": "integer"
 11901          },
 11902          {
 11903            "in": "header",
 11904            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 11905            "type": "integer"
 11906          }
 11907        ],
 11908        "responses": {
 11909          "200": {
 11910            "description": "OK",
 11911            "schema": {
 11912              "$ref": "#/definitions/participationStats"
 11913            }
 11914          },
 11915          "403": {
 11916            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 11917          }
 11918        }
 11919      }
 11920    },
 11921    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/stats/punch_card": {
 11922      "get": {
 11923        "description": "Get the number of commits per hour in each day.\nEach array contains the day number, hour number, and number of commits\n0-6 Sunday - Saturday\n0-23 Hour of day\nNumber of commits\n\nFor example, [2, 14, 25] indicates that there were 25 total commits, during\nthe 2.00pm hour on Tuesdays. All times are based on the time zone of\nindividual commits.\n",
 11924        "parameters": [
 11925          {
 11926            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
 11927            "in": "path",
 11928            "name": "owner",
 11929            "required": true,
 11930            "type": "string"
 11931          },
 11932          {
 11933            "description": "Name of repository.",
 11934            "in": "path",
 11935            "name": "repo",
 11936            "required": true,
 11937            "type": "string"
 11938          },
 11939          {
 11940            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 11941            "in": "header",
 11942            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 11943            "type": "string"
 11944          },
 11945          {
 11946            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 11947            "in": "header",
 11948            "name": "Accept",
 11949            "type": "string"
 11950          },
 11951          {
 11952            "in": "header",
 11953            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 11954            "type": "integer"
 11955          },
 11956          {
 11957            "in": "header",
 11958            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 11959            "type": "integer"
 11960          },
 11961          {
 11962            "in": "header",
 11963            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 11964            "type": "integer"
 11965          },
 11966          {
 11967            "in": "header",
 11968            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 11969            "type": "integer"
 11970          }
 11971        ],
 11972        "responses": {
 11973          "200": {
 11974            "description": "OK",
 11975            "schema": {
 11976              "$ref": "#/definitions/codeFrequencyStats"
 11977            }
 11978          },
 11979          "403": {
 11980            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 11981          }
 11982        }
 11983      }
 11984    },
 11985    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/statuses/{ref}": {
 11986      "get": {
 11987        "description": "List Statuses for a specific Ref.",
 11988        "parameters": [
 11989          {
 11990            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
 11991            "in": "path",
 11992            "name": "owner",
 11993            "required": true,
 11994            "type": "string"
 11995          },
 11996          {
 11997            "description": "Name of repository.",
 11998            "in": "path",
 11999            "name": "repo",
 12000            "required": true,
 12001            "type": "string"
 12002          },
 12003          {
 12004            "description": "Ref to list the statuses from. It can be a SHA, a branch name, or a tag name.\n",
 12005            "in": "path",
 12006            "name": "ref",
 12007            "required": true,
 12008            "type": "string"
 12009          },
 12010          {
 12011            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 12012            "in": "header",
 12013            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 12014            "type": "string"
 12015          },
 12016          {
 12017            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 12018            "in": "header",
 12019            "name": "Accept",
 12020            "type": "string"
 12021          },
 12022          {
 12023            "in": "header",
 12024            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 12025            "type": "integer"
 12026          },
 12027          {
 12028            "in": "header",
 12029            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 12030            "type": "integer"
 12031          },
 12032          {
 12033            "in": "header",
 12034            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 12035            "type": "integer"
 12036          },
 12037          {
 12038            "in": "header",
 12039            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 12040            "type": "integer"
 12041          }
 12042        ],
 12043        "responses": {
 12044          "200": {
 12045            "description": "OK",
 12046            "schema": {
 12047              "$ref": "#/definitions/ref"
 12048            }
 12049          },
 12050          "403": {
 12051            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 12052          }
 12053        }
 12054      },
 12055      "post": {
 12056        "description": "Create a Status.",
 12057        "parameters": [
 12058          {
 12059            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
 12060            "in": "path",
 12061            "name": "owner",
 12062            "required": true,
 12063            "type": "string"
 12064          },
 12065          {
 12066            "description": "Name of repository.",
 12067            "in": "path",
 12068            "name": "repo",
 12069            "required": true,
 12070            "type": "string"
 12071          },
 12072          {
 12073            "description": "Ref to list the statuses from. It can be a SHA, a branch name, or a tag name.\n",
 12074            "in": "path",
 12075            "name": "ref",
 12076            "required": true,
 12077            "type": "string"
 12078          },
 12079          {
 12080            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 12081            "in": "header",
 12082            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 12083            "type": "string"
 12084          },
 12085          {
 12086            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 12087            "in": "header",
 12088            "name": "Accept",
 12089            "type": "string"
 12090          },
 12091          {
 12092            "in": "header",
 12093            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 12094            "type": "integer"
 12095          },
 12096          {
 12097            "in": "header",
 12098            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 12099            "type": "integer"
 12100          },
 12101          {
 12102            "in": "header",
 12103            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 12104            "type": "integer"
 12105          },
 12106          {
 12107            "in": "header",
 12108            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 12109            "type": "integer"
 12110          },
 12111          {
 12112            "in": "body",
 12113            "name": "body",
 12114            "required": true,
 12115            "schema": {
 12116              "$ref": "#/definitions/headBranch"
 12117            }
 12118          }
 12119        ],
 12120        "responses": {
 12121          "201": {
 12122            "description": "Created",
 12123            "schema": {
 12124              "$ref": "#/definitions/ref"
 12125            }
 12126          },
 12127          "403": {
 12128            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 12129          }
 12130        }
 12131      }
 12132    },
 12133    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/subscribers": {
 12134      "get": {
 12135        "description": "List watchers.",
 12136        "parameters": [
 12137          {
 12138            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
 12139            "in": "path",
 12140            "name": "owner",
 12141            "required": true,
 12142            "type": "string"
 12143          },
 12144          {
 12145            "description": "Name of repository.",
 12146            "in": "path",
 12147            "name": "repo",
 12148            "required": true,
 12149            "type": "string"
 12150          },
 12151          {
 12152            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 12153            "in": "header",
 12154            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 12155            "type": "string"
 12156          },
 12157          {
 12158            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 12159            "in": "header",
 12160            "name": "Accept",
 12161            "type": "string"
 12162          },
 12163          {
 12164            "in": "header",
 12165            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 12166            "type": "integer"
 12167          },
 12168          {
 12169            "in": "header",
 12170            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 12171            "type": "integer"
 12172          },
 12173          {
 12174            "in": "header",
 12175            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 12176            "type": "integer"
 12177          },
 12178          {
 12179            "in": "header",
 12180            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 12181            "type": "integer"
 12182          }
 12183        ],
 12184        "responses": {
 12185          "200": {
 12186            "description": "OK",
 12187            "schema": {
 12188              "$ref": "#/definitions/users"
 12189            }
 12190          },
 12191          "403": {
 12192            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 12193          }
 12194        }
 12195      }
 12196    },
 12197    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/subscription": {
 12198      "delete": {
 12199        "description": "Delete a Repository Subscription.",
 12200        "parameters": [
 12201          {
 12202            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
 12203            "in": "path",
 12204            "name": "owner",
 12205            "required": true,
 12206            "type": "string"
 12207          },
 12208          {
 12209            "description": "Name of repository.",
 12210            "in": "path",
 12211            "name": "repo",
 12212            "required": true,
 12213            "type": "string"
 12214          },
 12215          {
 12216            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 12217            "in": "header",
 12218            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 12219            "type": "string"
 12220          },
 12221          {
 12222            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 12223            "in": "header",
 12224            "name": "Accept",
 12225            "type": "string"
 12226          },
 12227          {
 12228            "in": "header",
 12229            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 12230            "type": "integer"
 12231          },
 12232          {
 12233            "in": "header",
 12234            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 12235            "type": "integer"
 12236          },
 12237          {
 12238            "in": "header",
 12239            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 12240            "type": "integer"
 12241          },
 12242          {
 12243            "in": "header",
 12244            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 12245            "type": "integer"
 12246          }
 12247        ],
 12248        "responses": {
 12249          "204": {
 12250            "description": "No content.\n"
 12251          },
 12252          "403": {
 12253            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 12254          }
 12255        }
 12256      },
 12257      "get": {
 12258        "description": "Get a Repository Subscription.",
 12259        "parameters": [
 12260          {
 12261            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
 12262            "in": "path",
 12263            "name": "owner",
 12264            "required": true,
 12265            "type": "string"
 12266          },
 12267          {
 12268            "description": "Name of repository.",
 12269            "in": "path",
 12270            "name": "repo",
 12271            "required": true,
 12272            "type": "string"
 12273          },
 12274          {
 12275            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 12276            "in": "header",
 12277            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 12278            "type": "string"
 12279          },
 12280          {
 12281            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 12282            "in": "header",
 12283            "name": "Accept",
 12284            "type": "string"
 12285          },
 12286          {
 12287            "in": "header",
 12288            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 12289            "type": "integer"
 12290          },
 12291          {
 12292            "in": "header",
 12293            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 12294            "type": "integer"
 12295          },
 12296          {
 12297            "in": "header",
 12298            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 12299            "type": "integer"
 12300          },
 12301          {
 12302            "in": "header",
 12303            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 12304            "type": "integer"
 12305          }
 12306        ],
 12307        "responses": {
 12308          "200": {
 12309            "description": "OK",
 12310            "schema": {
 12311              "$ref": "#/definitions/subscribition"
 12312            }
 12313          },
 12314          "403": {
 12315            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 12316          }
 12317        }
 12318      },
 12319      "put": {
 12320        "description": "Set a Repository Subscription",
 12321        "parameters": [
 12322          {
 12323            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
 12324            "in": "path",
 12325            "name": "owner",
 12326            "required": true,
 12327            "type": "string"
 12328          },
 12329          {
 12330            "description": "Name of repository.",
 12331            "in": "path",
 12332            "name": "repo",
 12333            "required": true,
 12334            "type": "string"
 12335          },
 12336          {
 12337            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 12338            "in": "header",
 12339            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 12340            "type": "string"
 12341          },
 12342          {
 12343            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 12344            "in": "header",
 12345            "name": "Accept",
 12346            "type": "string"
 12347          },
 12348          {
 12349            "in": "header",
 12350            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 12351            "type": "integer"
 12352          },
 12353          {
 12354            "in": "header",
 12355            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 12356            "type": "integer"
 12357          },
 12358          {
 12359            "in": "header",
 12360            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 12361            "type": "integer"
 12362          },
 12363          {
 12364            "in": "header",
 12365            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 12366            "type": "integer"
 12367          },
 12368          {
 12369            "in": "body",
 12370            "name": "body",
 12371            "required": true,
 12372            "schema": {
 12373              "$ref": "#/definitions/subscribitionBody"
 12374            }
 12375          }
 12376        ],
 12377        "responses": {
 12378          "200": {
 12379            "description": "OK",
 12380            "schema": {
 12381              "$ref": "#/definitions/subscribition"
 12382            }
 12383          },
 12384          "403": {
 12385            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 12386          }
 12387        }
 12388      }
 12389    },
 12390    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/tags": {
 12391      "get": {
 12392        "description": "Get list of tags.",
 12393        "parameters": [
 12394          {
 12395            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
 12396            "in": "path",
 12397            "name": "owner",
 12398            "required": true,
 12399            "type": "string"
 12400          },
 12401          {
 12402            "description": "Name of repository.",
 12403            "in": "path",
 12404            "name": "repo",
 12405            "required": true,
 12406            "type": "string"
 12407          },
 12408          {
 12409            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 12410            "in": "header",
 12411            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 12412            "type": "string"
 12413          },
 12414          {
 12415            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 12416            "in": "header",
 12417            "name": "Accept",
 12418            "type": "string"
 12419          },
 12420          {
 12421            "in": "header",
 12422            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 12423            "type": "integer"
 12424          },
 12425          {
 12426            "in": "header",
 12427            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 12428            "type": "integer"
 12429          },
 12430          {
 12431            "in": "header",
 12432            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 12433            "type": "integer"
 12434          },
 12435          {
 12436            "in": "header",
 12437            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 12438            "type": "integer"
 12439          }
 12440        ],
 12441        "responses": {
 12442          "200": {
 12443            "description": "OK",
 12444            "schema": {
 12445              "$ref": "#/definitions/tags"
 12446            }
 12447          },
 12448          "403": {
 12449            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 12450          }
 12451        }
 12452      }
 12453    },
 12454    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/teams": {
 12455      "get": {
 12456        "description": "Get list of teams",
 12457        "parameters": [
 12458          {
 12459            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
 12460            "in": "path",
 12461            "name": "owner",
 12462            "required": true,
 12463            "type": "string"
 12464          },
 12465          {
 12466            "description": "Name of repository.",
 12467            "in": "path",
 12468            "name": "repo",
 12469            "required": true,
 12470            "type": "string"
 12471          },
 12472          {
 12473            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 12474            "in": "header",
 12475            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 12476            "type": "string"
 12477          },
 12478          {
 12479            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 12480            "in": "header",
 12481            "name": "Accept",
 12482            "type": "string"
 12483          },
 12484          {
 12485            "in": "header",
 12486            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 12487            "type": "integer"
 12488          },
 12489          {
 12490            "in": "header",
 12491            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 12492            "type": "integer"
 12493          },
 12494          {
 12495            "in": "header",
 12496            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 12497            "type": "integer"
 12498          },
 12499          {
 12500            "in": "header",
 12501            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 12502            "type": "integer"
 12503          }
 12504        ],
 12505        "responses": {
 12506          "200": {
 12507            "description": "OK",
 12508            "schema": {
 12509              "$ref": "#/definitions/teams"
 12510            }
 12511          },
 12512          "403": {
 12513            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 12514          }
 12515        }
 12516      }
 12517    },
 12518    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/watchers": {
 12519      "get": {
 12520        "description": "List Stargazers. New implementation.",
 12521        "parameters": [
 12522          {
 12523            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
 12524            "in": "path",
 12525            "name": "owner",
 12526            "required": true,
 12527            "type": "string"
 12528          },
 12529          {
 12530            "description": "Name of repository.",
 12531            "in": "path",
 12532            "name": "repo",
 12533            "required": true,
 12534            "type": "string"
 12535          },
 12536          {
 12537            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 12538            "in": "header",
 12539            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 12540            "type": "string"
 12541          },
 12542          {
 12543            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 12544            "in": "header",
 12545            "name": "Accept",
 12546            "type": "string"
 12547          },
 12548          {
 12549            "in": "header",
 12550            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 12551            "type": "integer"
 12552          },
 12553          {
 12554            "in": "header",
 12555            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 12556            "type": "integer"
 12557          },
 12558          {
 12559            "in": "header",
 12560            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 12561            "type": "integer"
 12562          },
 12563          {
 12564            "in": "header",
 12565            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 12566            "type": "integer"
 12567          }
 12568        ],
 12569        "responses": {
 12570          "200": {
 12571            "description": "OK",
 12572            "schema": {
 12573              "$ref": "#/definitions/users"
 12574            }
 12575          },
 12576          "403": {
 12577            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 12578          }
 12579        }
 12580      }
 12581    },
 12582    "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/{archive_format}/{path}": {
 12583      "get": {
 12584        "description": "Get archive link.\nThis method will return a 302 to a URL to download a tarball or zipball\narchive for a repository. Please make sure your HTTP framework is\nconfigured to follow redirects or you will need to use the Location header\nto make a second GET request.\nNote: For private repositories, these links are temporary and expire quickly.\n",
 12585        "parameters": [
 12586          {
 12587            "description": "Name of repository owner.",
 12588            "in": "path",
 12589            "name": "owner",
 12590            "required": true,
 12591            "type": "string"
 12592          },
 12593          {
 12594            "description": "Name of repository.",
 12595            "in": "path",
 12596            "name": "repo",
 12597            "required": true,
 12598            "type": "string"
 12599          },
 12600          {
 12601            "enum": [
 12602              "tarball",
 12603              "zipball"
 12604            ],
 12605            "in": "path",
 12606            "name": "archive_format",
 12607            "required": true,
 12608            "type": "string"
 12609          },
 12610          {
 12611            "description": "Valid Git reference, defaults to 'master'.",
 12612            "in": "path",
 12613            "name": "path",
 12614            "required": true,
 12615            "type": "string"
 12616          },
 12617          {
 12618            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 12619            "in": "header",
 12620            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 12621            "type": "string"
 12622          },
 12623          {
 12624            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 12625            "in": "header",
 12626            "name": "Accept",
 12627            "type": "string"
 12628          },
 12629          {
 12630            "in": "header",
 12631            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 12632            "type": "integer"
 12633          },
 12634          {
 12635            "in": "header",
 12636            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 12637            "type": "integer"
 12638          },
 12639          {
 12640            "in": "header",
 12641            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 12642            "type": "integer"
 12643          },
 12644          {
 12645            "in": "header",
 12646            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 12647            "type": "integer"
 12648          }
 12649        ],
 12650        "responses": {
 12651          "302": {
 12652            "description": "Found."
 12653          },
 12654          "403": {
 12655            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 12656          }
 12657        }
 12658      }
 12659    },
 12660    "/repositories": {
 12661      "get": {
 12662        "description": "List all public repositories.\nThis provides a dump of every public repository, in the order that they\nwere created.\nNote: Pagination is powered exclusively by the since parameter. is the\nLink header to get the URL for the next page of repositories.\n",
 12663        "parameters": [
 12664          {
 12665            "description": "The time should be passed in as UTC in the ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ.\nExample: \"2012-10-09T23:39:01Z\".\n",
 12666            "in": "query",
 12667            "name": "since",
 12668            "type": "string"
 12669          },
 12670          {
 12671            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 12672            "in": "header",
 12673            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 12674            "type": "string"
 12675          },
 12676          {
 12677            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 12678            "in": "header",
 12679            "name": "Accept",
 12680            "type": "string"
 12681          },
 12682          {
 12683            "in": "header",
 12684            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 12685            "type": "integer"
 12686          },
 12687          {
 12688            "in": "header",
 12689            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 12690            "type": "integer"
 12691          },
 12692          {
 12693            "in": "header",
 12694            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 12695            "type": "integer"
 12696          },
 12697          {
 12698            "in": "header",
 12699            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 12700            "type": "integer"
 12701          }
 12702        ],
 12703        "responses": {
 12704          "200": {
 12705            "description": "OK",
 12706            "schema": {
 12707              "$ref": "#/definitions/repositories"
 12708            }
 12709          },
 12710          "403": {
 12711            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 12712          }
 12713        }
 12714      }
 12715    },
 12716    "/search/code": {
 12717      "get": {
 12718        "description": "Search code.",
 12719        "parameters": [
 12720          {
 12721            "default": "desc",
 12722            "description": "The sort field. if sort param is provided. Can be either asc or desc.",
 12723            "enum": [
 12724              "desc",
 12725              "asc"
 12726            ],
 12727            "in": "query",
 12728            "name": "order",
 12729            "type": "string"
 12730          },
 12731          {
 12732            "description": "The search terms. This can be any combination of the supported code\nsearch parameters:\n'Search In' Qualifies which fields are searched. With this qualifier\nyou can restrict the search to just the file contents, the file path,\nor both.\n'Languages' Searches code based on the language it's written in.\n'Forks' Filters repositories based on the number of forks, and/or\nwhether code from forked repositories should be included in the results\nat all.\n'Size' Finds files that match a certain size (in bytes).\n'Path' Specifies the path that the resulting file must be at.\n'Extension' Matches files with a certain extension.\n'Users' or 'Repositories' Limits searches to a specific user or repository.\n",
 12733            "in": "query",
 12734            "name": "q",
 12735            "required": true,
 12736            "type": "string"
 12737          },
 12738          {
 12739            "description": "Can only be 'indexed', which indicates how recently a file has been indexed\nby the GitHub search infrastructure. If not provided, results are sorted\nby best match.\n",
 12740            "enum": [
 12741              "indexed"
 12742            ],
 12743            "in": "query",
 12744            "name": "sort",
 12745            "type": "string"
 12746          },
 12747          {
 12748            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 12749            "in": "header",
 12750            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 12751            "type": "string"
 12752          },
 12753          {
 12754            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 12755            "in": "header",
 12756            "name": "Accept",
 12757            "type": "string"
 12758          },
 12759          {
 12760            "in": "header",
 12761            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 12762            "type": "integer"
 12763          },
 12764          {
 12765            "in": "header",
 12766            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 12767            "type": "integer"
 12768          },
 12769          {
 12770            "in": "header",
 12771            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 12772            "type": "integer"
 12773          },
 12774          {
 12775            "in": "header",
 12776            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 12777            "type": "integer"
 12778          }
 12779        ],
 12780        "responses": {
 12781          "200": {
 12782            "description": "OK",
 12783            "schema": {
 12784              "$ref": "#/definitions/search-code"
 12785            }
 12786          },
 12787          "403": {
 12788            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 12789          }
 12790        }
 12791      }
 12792    },
 12793    "/search/issues": {
 12794      "get": {
 12795        "description": "Find issues by state and keyword. (This method returns up to 100 results per page.)",
 12796        "parameters": [
 12797          {
 12798            "default": "desc",
 12799            "description": "The sort field. if sort param is provided. Can be either asc or desc.",
 12800            "enum": [
 12801              "desc",
 12802              "asc"
 12803            ],
 12804            "in": "query",
 12805            "name": "order",
 12806            "type": "string"
 12807          },
 12808          {
 12809            "description": "The q search term can also contain any combination of the supported issue search qualifiers:",
 12810            "in": "query",
 12811            "name": "q",
 12812            "required": true,
 12813            "type": "string"
 12814          },
 12815          {
 12816            "description": "The sort field. Can be comments, created, or updated. Default: results are sorted by best match.",
 12817            "enum": [
 12818              "updated",
 12819              "created",
 12820              "comments"
 12821            ],
 12822            "in": "query",
 12823            "name": "sort",
 12824            "type": "string"
 12825          },
 12826          {
 12827            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 12828            "in": "header",
 12829            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 12830            "type": "string"
 12831          },
 12832          {
 12833            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 12834            "in": "header",
 12835            "name": "Accept",
 12836            "type": "string"
 12837          },
 12838          {
 12839            "in": "header",
 12840            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 12841            "type": "integer"
 12842          },
 12843          {
 12844            "in": "header",
 12845            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 12846            "type": "integer"
 12847          },
 12848          {
 12849            "in": "header",
 12850            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 12851            "type": "integer"
 12852          },
 12853          {
 12854            "in": "header",
 12855            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 12856            "type": "integer"
 12857          }
 12858        ],
 12859        "responses": {
 12860          "200": {
 12861            "description": "OK",
 12862            "schema": {
 12863              "$ref": "#/definitions/search-issues"
 12864            }
 12865          },
 12866          "403": {
 12867            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 12868          }
 12869        }
 12870      }
 12871    },
 12872    "/search/repositories": {
 12873      "get": {
 12874        "description": "Search repositories.",
 12875        "parameters": [
 12876          {
 12877            "default": "desc",
 12878            "description": "The sort field. if sort param is provided. Can be either asc or desc.",
 12879            "enum": [
 12880              "desc",
 12881              "asc"
 12882            ],
 12883            "in": "query",
 12884            "name": "order",
 12885            "type": "string"
 12886          },
 12887          {
 12888            "description": "The search terms. This can be any combination of the supported repository\nsearch parameters:\n'Search In' Qualifies which fields are searched. With this qualifier you\ncan restrict the search to just the repository name, description, readme,\nor any combination of these.\n'Size' Finds repositories that match a certain size (in kilobytes).\n'Forks' Filters repositories based on the number of forks, and/or whether\nforked repositories should be included in the results at all.\n'Created' and 'Last Updated' Filters repositories based on times of\ncreation, or when they were last updated.\n'Users or Repositories' Limits searches to a specific user or repository.\n'Languages' Searches repositories based on the language they are written in.\n'Stars' Searches repositories based on the number of stars.\n",
 12889            "in": "query",
 12890            "name": "q",
 12891            "required": true,
 12892            "type": "string"
 12893          },
 12894          {
 12895            "description": "If not provided, results are sorted by best match.",
 12896            "enum": [
 12897              "stars",
 12898              "forks",
 12899              "updated"
 12900            ],
 12901            "in": "query",
 12902            "name": "sort",
 12903            "type": "string"
 12904          },
 12905          {
 12906            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 12907            "in": "header",
 12908            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 12909            "type": "string"
 12910          },
 12911          {
 12912            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 12913            "in": "header",
 12914            "name": "Accept",
 12915            "type": "string"
 12916          },
 12917          {
 12918            "in": "header",
 12919            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 12920            "type": "integer"
 12921          },
 12922          {
 12923            "in": "header",
 12924            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 12925            "type": "integer"
 12926          },
 12927          {
 12928            "in": "header",
 12929            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 12930            "type": "integer"
 12931          },
 12932          {
 12933            "in": "header",
 12934            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 12935            "type": "integer"
 12936          }
 12937        ],
 12938        "responses": {
 12939          "200": {
 12940            "description": "OK",
 12941            "schema": {
 12942              "$ref": "#/definitions/search-repositories"
 12943            }
 12944          },
 12945          "403": {
 12946            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 12947          }
 12948        }
 12949      }
 12950    },
 12951    "/search/users": {
 12952      "get": {
 12953        "description": "Search users.",
 12954        "parameters": [
 12955          {
 12956            "default": "desc",
 12957            "description": "The sort field. if sort param is provided. Can be either asc or desc.",
 12958            "enum": [
 12959              "desc",
 12960              "asc"
 12961            ],
 12962            "in": "query",
 12963            "name": "order",
 12964            "type": "string"
 12965          },
 12966          {
 12967            "description": "The search terms. This can be any combination of the supported user\nsearch parameters:\n'Search In' Qualifies which fields are searched. With this qualifier you\ncan restrict the search to just the username, public email, full name,\nlocation, or any combination of these.\n'Repository count' Filters users based on the number of repositories they\nhave.\n'Location' Filter users by the location indicated in their profile.\n'Language' Search for users that have repositories that match a certain\nlanguage.\n'Created' Filter users based on when they joined.\n'Followers' Filter users based on the number of followers they have.\n",
 12968            "in": "query",
 12969            "name": "q",
 12970            "required": true,
 12971            "type": "string"
 12972          },
 12973          {
 12974            "description": "If not provided, results are sorted by best match.",
 12975            "enum": [
 12976              "followers",
 12977              "repositories",
 12978              "joined"
 12979            ],
 12980            "in": "query",
 12981            "name": "sort",
 12982            "type": "string"
 12983          },
 12984          {
 12985            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 12986            "in": "header",
 12987            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 12988            "type": "string"
 12989          },
 12990          {
 12991            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 12992            "in": "header",
 12993            "name": "Accept",
 12994            "type": "string"
 12995          },
 12996          {
 12997            "in": "header",
 12998            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 12999            "type": "integer"
 13000          },
 13001          {
 13002            "in": "header",
 13003            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 13004            "type": "integer"
 13005          },
 13006          {
 13007            "in": "header",
 13008            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 13009            "type": "integer"
 13010          },
 13011          {
 13012            "in": "header",
 13013            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 13014            "type": "integer"
 13015          }
 13016        ],
 13017        "responses": {
 13018          "200": {
 13019            "description": "OK",
 13020            "schema": {
 13021              "$ref": "#/definitions/search-users"
 13022            }
 13023          },
 13024          "403": {
 13025            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 13026          }
 13027        }
 13028      }
 13029    },
 13030    "/teams/{teamId}": {
 13031      "delete": {
 13032        "description": "Delete team.\nIn order to delete a team, the authenticated user must be an owner of the\norg that the team is associated with.\n",
 13033        "parameters": [
 13034          {
 13035            "description": "Id of team.",
 13036            "in": "path",
 13037            "name": "teamId",
 13038            "required": true,
 13039            "type": "integer"
 13040          },
 13041          {
 13042            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 13043            "in": "header",
 13044            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 13045            "type": "string"
 13046          },
 13047          {
 13048            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 13049            "in": "header",
 13050            "name": "Accept",
 13051            "type": "string"
 13052          },
 13053          {
 13054            "in": "header",
 13055            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 13056            "type": "integer"
 13057          },
 13058          {
 13059            "in": "header",
 13060            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 13061            "type": "integer"
 13062          },
 13063          {
 13064            "in": "header",
 13065            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 13066            "type": "integer"
 13067          },
 13068          {
 13069            "in": "header",
 13070            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 13071            "type": "integer"
 13072          }
 13073        ],
 13074        "responses": {
 13075          "204": {
 13076            "description": "No content.\n"
 13077          },
 13078          "403": {
 13079            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 13080          }
 13081        }
 13082      },
 13083      "get": {
 13084        "description": "Get team.",
 13085        "parameters": [
 13086          {
 13087            "description": "Id of team.",
 13088            "in": "path",
 13089            "name": "teamId",
 13090            "required": true,
 13091            "type": "integer"
 13092          },
 13093          {
 13094            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 13095            "in": "header",
 13096            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 13097            "type": "string"
 13098          },
 13099          {
 13100            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 13101            "in": "header",
 13102            "name": "Accept",
 13103            "type": "string"
 13104          },
 13105          {
 13106            "in": "header",
 13107            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 13108            "type": "integer"
 13109          },
 13110          {
 13111            "in": "header",
 13112            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 13113            "type": "integer"
 13114          },
 13115          {
 13116            "in": "header",
 13117            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 13118            "type": "integer"
 13119          },
 13120          {
 13121            "in": "header",
 13122            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 13123            "type": "integer"
 13124          }
 13125        ],
 13126        "responses": {
 13127          "200": {
 13128            "description": "OK",
 13129            "schema": {
 13130              "$ref": "#/definitions/team"
 13131            }
 13132          },
 13133          "403": {
 13134            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 13135          }
 13136        }
 13137      },
 13138      "patch": {
 13139        "description": "Edit team.\nIn order to edit a team, the authenticated user must be an owner of the org\nthat the team is associated with.\n",
 13140        "parameters": [
 13141          {
 13142            "description": "Id of team.",
 13143            "in": "path",
 13144            "name": "teamId",
 13145            "required": true,
 13146            "type": "integer"
 13147          },
 13148          {
 13149            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 13150            "in": "header",
 13151            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 13152            "type": "string"
 13153          },
 13154          {
 13155            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 13156            "in": "header",
 13157            "name": "Accept",
 13158            "type": "string"
 13159          },
 13160          {
 13161            "in": "header",
 13162            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 13163            "type": "integer"
 13164          },
 13165          {
 13166            "in": "header",
 13167            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 13168            "type": "integer"
 13169          },
 13170          {
 13171            "in": "header",
 13172            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 13173            "type": "integer"
 13174          },
 13175          {
 13176            "in": "header",
 13177            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 13178            "type": "integer"
 13179          },
 13180          {
 13181            "in": "body",
 13182            "name": "body",
 13183            "required": true,
 13184            "schema": {
 13185              "$ref": "#/definitions/editTeam"
 13186            }
 13187          }
 13188        ],
 13189        "responses": {
 13190          "200": {
 13191            "description": "OK",
 13192            "schema": {
 13193              "$ref": "#/definitions/team"
 13194            }
 13195          },
 13196          "403": {
 13197            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 13198          }
 13199        }
 13200      }
 13201    },
 13202    "/teams/{teamId}/members": {
 13203      "get": {
 13204        "description": "List team members.\nIn order to list members in a team, the authenticated user must be a member\nof the team.\n",
 13205        "parameters": [
 13206          {
 13207            "description": "Id of team.",
 13208            "in": "path",
 13209            "name": "teamId",
 13210            "required": true,
 13211            "type": "integer"
 13212          },
 13213          {
 13214            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 13215            "in": "header",
 13216            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 13217            "type": "string"
 13218          },
 13219          {
 13220            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 13221            "in": "header",
 13222            "name": "Accept",
 13223            "type": "string"
 13224          },
 13225          {
 13226            "in": "header",
 13227            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 13228            "type": "integer"
 13229          },
 13230          {
 13231            "in": "header",
 13232            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 13233            "type": "integer"
 13234          },
 13235          {
 13236            "in": "header",
 13237            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 13238            "type": "integer"
 13239          },
 13240          {
 13241            "in": "header",
 13242            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 13243            "type": "integer"
 13244          }
 13245        ],
 13246        "responses": {
 13247          "200": {
 13248            "description": "OK",
 13249            "schema": {
 13250              "$ref": "#/definitions/users"
 13251            }
 13252          },
 13253          "403": {
 13254            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 13255          }
 13256        }
 13257      }
 13258    },
 13259    "/teams/{teamId}/members/{username}": {
 13260      "delete": {
 13261        "description": "The \"Remove team member\" API is deprecated and is scheduled for removal in the next major version of the API. We recommend using the Remove team membership API instead. It allows you to remove both active and pending memberships.\n\nRemove team member.\nIn order to remove a user from a team, the authenticated user must have 'admin'\npermissions to the team or be an owner of the org that the team is associated\nwith.\nNOTE This does not delete the user, it just remove them from the team.\n",
 13262        "parameters": [
 13263          {
 13264            "description": "Id of team.",
 13265            "in": "path",
 13266            "name": "teamId",
 13267            "required": true,
 13268            "type": "integer"
 13269          },
 13270          {
 13271            "description": "Name of a member.",
 13272            "in": "path",
 13273            "name": "username",
 13274            "required": true,
 13275            "type": "string"
 13276          },
 13277          {
 13278            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 13279            "in": "header",
 13280            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 13281            "type": "string"
 13282          },
 13283          {
 13284            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 13285            "in": "header",
 13286            "name": "Accept",
 13287            "type": "string"
 13288          },
 13289          {
 13290            "in": "header",
 13291            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 13292            "type": "integer"
 13293          },
 13294          {
 13295            "in": "header",
 13296            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 13297            "type": "integer"
 13298          },
 13299          {
 13300            "in": "header",
 13301            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 13302            "type": "integer"
 13303          },
 13304          {
 13305            "in": "header",
 13306            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 13307            "type": "integer"
 13308          }
 13309        ],
 13310        "responses": {
 13311          "204": {
 13312            "description": "Team member removed."
 13313          },
 13314          "403": {
 13315            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 13316          }
 13317        }
 13318      },
 13319      "get": {
 13320        "description": "The \"Get team member\" API is deprecated and is scheduled for removal in the next major version of the API. We recommend using the Get team membership API instead. It allows you to get both active and pending memberships.\n\nGet team member.\nIn order to get if a user is a member of a team, the authenticated user mus\nbe a member of the team.\n",
 13321        "parameters": [
 13322          {
 13323            "description": "Id of team.",
 13324            "in": "path",
 13325            "name": "teamId",
 13326            "required": true,
 13327            "type": "integer"
 13328          },
 13329          {
 13330            "description": "Name of a member.",
 13331            "in": "path",
 13332            "name": "username",
 13333            "required": true,
 13334            "type": "string"
 13335          },
 13336          {
 13337            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 13338            "in": "header",
 13339            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 13340            "type": "string"
 13341          },
 13342          {
 13343            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 13344            "in": "header",
 13345            "name": "Accept",
 13346            "type": "string"
 13347          },
 13348          {
 13349            "in": "header",
 13350            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 13351            "type": "integer"
 13352          },
 13353          {
 13354            "in": "header",
 13355            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 13356            "type": "integer"
 13357          },
 13358          {
 13359            "in": "header",
 13360            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 13361            "type": "integer"
 13362          },
 13363          {
 13364            "in": "header",
 13365            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 13366            "type": "integer"
 13367          }
 13368        ],
 13369        "responses": {
 13370          "204": {
 13371            "description": "User is a member."
 13372          },
 13373          "403": {
 13374            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 13375          },
 13376          "404": {
 13377            "description": "User is not a member."
 13378          }
 13379        }
 13380      },
 13381      "put": {
 13382        "description": "The API (described below) is deprecated and is scheduled for removal in the next major version of the API. We recommend using the Add team membership API instead. It allows you to invite new organization members to your teams.\n\nAdd team member.\nIn order to add a user to a team, the authenticated user must have 'admin'\npermissions to the team or be an owner of the org that the team is associated\nwith.\n",
 13383        "parameters": [
 13384          {
 13385            "description": "Id of team.",
 13386            "in": "path",
 13387            "name": "teamId",
 13388            "required": true,
 13389            "type": "integer"
 13390          },
 13391          {
 13392            "description": "Name of a member.",
 13393            "in": "path",
 13394            "name": "username",
 13395            "required": true,
 13396            "type": "string"
 13397          },
 13398          {
 13399            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 13400            "in": "header",
 13401            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 13402            "type": "string"
 13403          },
 13404          {
 13405            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 13406            "in": "header",
 13407            "name": "Accept",
 13408            "type": "string"
 13409          },
 13410          {
 13411            "in": "header",
 13412            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 13413            "type": "integer"
 13414          },
 13415          {
 13416            "in": "header",
 13417            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 13418            "type": "integer"
 13419          },
 13420          {
 13421            "in": "header",
 13422            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 13423            "type": "integer"
 13424          },
 13425          {
 13426            "in": "header",
 13427            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 13428            "type": "integer"
 13429          }
 13430        ],
 13431        "responses": {
 13432          "204": {
 13433            "description": "Team member added."
 13434          },
 13435          "403": {
 13436            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 13437          },
 13438          "422": {
 13439            "description": "If you attempt to add an organization to a team, you will get this.",
 13440            "schema": {
 13441              "$ref": "#/definitions/organizationAsTeamMember"
 13442            }
 13443          }
 13444        }
 13445      }
 13446    },
 13447    "/teams/{teamId}/memberships/{username}": {
 13448      "delete": {
 13449        "description": "Remove team membership.\nIn order to remove a membership between a user and a team, the authenticated user must have 'admin' permissions to the team or be an owner of the organization that the team is associated with. NOTE: This does not delete the user, it just removes their membership from the team.\n",
 13450        "parameters": [
 13451          {
 13452            "description": "Id of team.",
 13453            "in": "path",
 13454            "name": "teamId",
 13455            "required": true,
 13456            "type": "integer"
 13457          },
 13458          {
 13459            "description": "Name of a member.",
 13460            "in": "path",
 13461            "name": "username",
 13462            "required": true,
 13463            "type": "string"
 13464          },
 13465          {
 13466            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 13467            "in": "header",
 13468            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 13469            "type": "string"
 13470          },
 13471          {
 13472            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 13473            "in": "header",
 13474            "name": "Accept",
 13475            "type": "string"
 13476          },
 13477          {
 13478            "in": "header",
 13479            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 13480            "type": "integer"
 13481          },
 13482          {
 13483            "in": "header",
 13484            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 13485            "type": "integer"
 13486          },
 13487          {
 13488            "in": "header",
 13489            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 13490            "type": "integer"
 13491          },
 13492          {
 13493            "in": "header",
 13494            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 13495            "type": "integer"
 13496          }
 13497        ],
 13498        "responses": {
 13499          "204": {
 13500            "description": "Team member removed."
 13501          },
 13502          "403": {
 13503            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 13504          }
 13505        }
 13506      },
 13507      "get": {
 13508        "description": "Get team membership.\nIn order to get a user's membership with a team, the authenticated user must be a member of the team or an owner of the team's organization.\n",
 13509        "parameters": [
 13510          {
 13511            "description": "Id of team.",
 13512            "in": "path",
 13513            "name": "teamId",
 13514            "required": true,
 13515            "type": "integer"
 13516          },
 13517          {
 13518            "description": "Name of a member.",
 13519            "in": "path",
 13520            "name": "username",
 13521            "required": true,
 13522            "type": "string"
 13523          },
 13524          {
 13525            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 13526            "in": "header",
 13527            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 13528            "type": "string"
 13529          },
 13530          {
 13531            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 13532            "in": "header",
 13533            "name": "Accept",
 13534            "type": "string"
 13535          },
 13536          {
 13537            "in": "header",
 13538            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 13539            "type": "integer"
 13540          },
 13541          {
 13542            "in": "header",
 13543            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 13544            "type": "integer"
 13545          },
 13546          {
 13547            "in": "header",
 13548            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 13549            "type": "integer"
 13550          },
 13551          {
 13552            "in": "header",
 13553            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 13554            "type": "integer"
 13555          }
 13556        ],
 13557        "responses": {
 13558          "200": {
 13559            "description": "User is a member.",
 13560            "schema": {
 13561              "$ref": "#/definitions/teamMembership"
 13562            }
 13563          },
 13564          "403": {
 13565            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 13566          },
 13567          "404": {
 13568            "description": "User has no membership with team"
 13569          }
 13570        }
 13571      },
 13572      "put": {
 13573        "description": "Add team membership.\nIn order to add a membership between a user and a team, the authenticated user must have 'admin' permissions to the team or be an owner of the organization that the team is associated with.\n\nIf the user is already a part of the team's organization (meaning they're on at least one other team in the organization), this endpoint will add the user to the team.\n\nIf the user is completely unaffiliated with the team's organization (meaning they're on none of the organization's teams), this endpoint will send an invitation to the user via email. This newly-created membership will be in the 'pending' state until the user accepts the invitation, at which point the membership will transition to the 'active' state and the user will be added as a member of the team.\n",
 13574        "parameters": [
 13575          {
 13576            "description": "Id of team.",
 13577            "in": "path",
 13578            "name": "teamId",
 13579            "required": true,
 13580            "type": "integer"
 13581          },
 13582          {
 13583            "description": "Name of a member.",
 13584            "in": "path",
 13585            "name": "username",
 13586            "required": true,
 13587            "type": "string"
 13588          },
 13589          {
 13590            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 13591            "in": "header",
 13592            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 13593            "type": "string"
 13594          },
 13595          {
 13596            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 13597            "in": "header",
 13598            "name": "Accept",
 13599            "type": "string"
 13600          },
 13601          {
 13602            "in": "header",
 13603            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 13604            "type": "integer"
 13605          },
 13606          {
 13607            "in": "header",
 13608            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 13609            "type": "integer"
 13610          },
 13611          {
 13612            "in": "header",
 13613            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 13614            "type": "integer"
 13615          },
 13616          {
 13617            "in": "header",
 13618            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 13619            "type": "integer"
 13620          }
 13621        ],
 13622        "responses": {
 13623          "200": {
 13624            "description": "Team member added.",
 13625            "schema": {
 13626              "$ref": "#/definitions/teamMembership"
 13627            }
 13628          },
 13629          "403": {
 13630            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 13631          },
 13632          "422": {
 13633            "description": "If you attempt to add an organization to a team, you will get this.",
 13634            "schema": {
 13635              "$ref": "#/definitions/organizationAsTeamMember"
 13636            }
 13637          }
 13638        }
 13639      }
 13640    },
 13641    "/teams/{teamId}/repos": {
 13642      "get": {
 13643        "description": "List team repos",
 13644        "parameters": [
 13645          {
 13646            "description": "Id of team.",
 13647            "in": "path",
 13648            "name": "teamId",
 13649            "required": true,
 13650            "type": "integer"
 13651          },
 13652          {
 13653            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 13654            "in": "header",
 13655            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 13656            "type": "string"
 13657          },
 13658          {
 13659            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 13660            "in": "header",
 13661            "name": "Accept",
 13662            "type": "string"
 13663          },
 13664          {
 13665            "in": "header",
 13666            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 13667            "type": "integer"
 13668          },
 13669          {
 13670            "in": "header",
 13671            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 13672            "type": "integer"
 13673          },
 13674          {
 13675            "in": "header",
 13676            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 13677            "type": "integer"
 13678          },
 13679          {
 13680            "in": "header",
 13681            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 13682            "type": "integer"
 13683          }
 13684        ],
 13685        "responses": {
 13686          "200": {
 13687            "description": "OK",
 13688            "schema": {
 13689              "$ref": "#/definitions/teamRepos"
 13690            }
 13691          },
 13692          "403": {
 13693            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 13694          }
 13695        }
 13696      }
 13697    },
 13698    "/teams/{teamId}/repos/{org}/{repo}": {
 13699      "put": {
 13700        "description": "In order to add a repository to a team, the authenticated user must be an owner of the org that the team is associated with. Also, the repository must be owned by the organization, or a direct fork of a repository owned by the organization.",
 13701        "parameters": [
 13702          {
 13703            "description": "Id of team.",
 13704            "in": "path",
 13705            "name": "teamId",
 13706            "required": true,
 13707            "type": "integer"
 13708          },
 13709          {
 13710            "description": "Name of a organization.",
 13711            "in": "path",
 13712            "name": "org",
 13713            "required": true,
 13714            "type": "string"
 13715          },
 13716          {
 13717            "description": "Name of a repository.",
 13718            "in": "path",
 13719            "name": "repo",
 13720            "required": true,
 13721            "type": "string"
 13722          },
 13723          {
 13724            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 13725            "in": "header",
 13726            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 13727            "type": "string"
 13728          },
 13729          {
 13730            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 13731            "in": "header",
 13732            "name": "Accept",
 13733            "type": "string"
 13734          },
 13735          {
 13736            "in": "header",
 13737            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 13738            "type": "integer"
 13739          },
 13740          {
 13741            "in": "header",
 13742            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 13743            "type": "integer"
 13744          },
 13745          {
 13746            "in": "header",
 13747            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 13748            "type": "integer"
 13749          },
 13750          {
 13751            "in": "header",
 13752            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 13753            "type": "integer"
 13754          }
 13755        ],
 13756        "responses": {
 13757          "403": {
 13758            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 13759          }
 13760        }
 13761      }
 13762    },
 13763    "/teams/{teamId}/repos/{owner}/{repo}": {
 13764      "delete": {
 13765        "description": "In order to remove a repository from a team, the authenticated user must be an owner of the org that the team is associated with. NOTE: This does not delete the repository, it just removes it from the team.",
 13766        "parameters": [
 13767          {
 13768            "description": "Id of team.",
 13769            "in": "path",
 13770            "name": "teamId",
 13771            "required": true,
 13772            "type": "integer"
 13773          },
 13774          {
 13775            "description": "Name of a repository owner.",
 13776            "in": "path",
 13777            "name": "owner",
 13778            "required": true,
 13779            "type": "string"
 13780          },
 13781          {
 13782            "description": "Name of a repository.",
 13783            "in": "path",
 13784            "name": "repo",
 13785            "required": true,
 13786            "type": "string"
 13787          },
 13788          {
 13789            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 13790            "in": "header",
 13791            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 13792            "type": "string"
 13793          },
 13794          {
 13795            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 13796            "in": "header",
 13797            "name": "Accept",
 13798            "type": "string"
 13799          },
 13800          {
 13801            "in": "header",
 13802            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 13803            "type": "integer"
 13804          },
 13805          {
 13806            "in": "header",
 13807            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 13808            "type": "integer"
 13809          },
 13810          {
 13811            "in": "header",
 13812            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 13813            "type": "integer"
 13814          },
 13815          {
 13816            "in": "header",
 13817            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 13818            "type": "integer"
 13819          }
 13820        ],
 13821        "responses": {
 13822          "204": {
 13823            "description": "No content.\n"
 13824          },
 13825          "403": {
 13826            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 13827          }
 13828        }
 13829      },
 13830      "get": {
 13831        "description": "Check if a team manages a repository",
 13832        "parameters": [
 13833          {
 13834            "description": "Id of team.",
 13835            "in": "path",
 13836            "name": "teamId",
 13837            "required": true,
 13838            "type": "integer"
 13839          },
 13840          {
 13841            "description": "Name of a repository owner.",
 13842            "in": "path",
 13843            "name": "owner",
 13844            "required": true,
 13845            "type": "string"
 13846          },
 13847          {
 13848            "description": "Name of a repository.",
 13849            "in": "path",
 13850            "name": "repo",
 13851            "required": true,
 13852            "type": "string"
 13853          },
 13854          {
 13855            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 13856            "in": "header",
 13857            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 13858            "type": "string"
 13859          },
 13860          {
 13861            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 13862            "in": "header",
 13863            "name": "Accept",
 13864            "type": "string"
 13865          },
 13866          {
 13867            "in": "header",
 13868            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 13869            "type": "integer"
 13870          },
 13871          {
 13872            "in": "header",
 13873            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 13874            "type": "integer"
 13875          },
 13876          {
 13877            "in": "header",
 13878            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 13879            "type": "integer"
 13880          },
 13881          {
 13882            "in": "header",
 13883            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 13884            "type": "integer"
 13885          }
 13886        ],
 13887        "responses": {
 13888          "403": {
 13889            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 13890          }
 13891        }
 13892      }
 13893    },
 13894    "/user": {
 13895      "get": {
 13896        "description": "Get the authenticated user.",
 13897        "parameters": [
 13898          {
 13899            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 13900            "in": "header",
 13901            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 13902            "type": "string"
 13903          },
 13904          {
 13905            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 13906            "in": "header",
 13907            "name": "Accept",
 13908            "type": "string"
 13909          },
 13910          {
 13911            "in": "header",
 13912            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 13913            "type": "integer"
 13914          },
 13915          {
 13916            "in": "header",
 13917            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 13918            "type": "integer"
 13919          },
 13920          {
 13921            "in": "header",
 13922            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 13923            "type": "integer"
 13924          },
 13925          {
 13926            "in": "header",
 13927            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 13928            "type": "integer"
 13929          }
 13930        ],
 13931        "responses": {
 13932          "200": {
 13933            "description": "OK",
 13934            "schema": {
 13935              "$ref": "#/definitions/user"
 13936            }
 13937          },
 13938          "403": {
 13939            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 13940          }
 13941        }
 13942      },
 13943      "patch": {
 13944        "description": "Update the authenticated user.",
 13945        "parameters": [
 13946          {
 13947            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 13948            "in": "header",
 13949            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 13950            "type": "string"
 13951          },
 13952          {
 13953            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 13954            "in": "header",
 13955            "name": "Accept",
 13956            "type": "string"
 13957          },
 13958          {
 13959            "in": "header",
 13960            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 13961            "type": "integer"
 13962          },
 13963          {
 13964            "in": "header",
 13965            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 13966            "type": "integer"
 13967          },
 13968          {
 13969            "in": "header",
 13970            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 13971            "type": "integer"
 13972          },
 13973          {
 13974            "in": "header",
 13975            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 13976            "type": "integer"
 13977          },
 13978          {
 13979            "in": "body",
 13980            "name": "body",
 13981            "required": true,
 13982            "schema": {
 13983              "$ref": "#/definitions/user-update"
 13984            }
 13985          }
 13986        ],
 13987        "responses": {
 13988          "200": {
 13989            "description": "OK",
 13990            "schema": {
 13991              "$ref": "#/definitions/user"
 13992            }
 13993          },
 13994          "403": {
 13995            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 13996          }
 13997        }
 13998      }
 13999    },
 14000    "/user/emails": {
 14001      "delete": {
 14002        "description": "Delete email address(es).\nYou can include a single email address or an array of addresses.\n",
 14003        "parameters": [
 14004          {
 14005            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 14006            "in": "header",
 14007            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 14008            "type": "string"
 14009          },
 14010          {
 14011            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 14012            "in": "header",
 14013            "name": "Accept",
 14014            "type": "string"
 14015          },
 14016          {
 14017            "in": "header",
 14018            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 14019            "type": "integer"
 14020          },
 14021          {
 14022            "in": "header",
 14023            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 14024            "type": "integer"
 14025          },
 14026          {
 14027            "in": "header",
 14028            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 14029            "type": "integer"
 14030          },
 14031          {
 14032            "in": "header",
 14033            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 14034            "type": "integer"
 14035          },
 14036          {
 14037            "in": "body",
 14038            "name": "body",
 14039            "required": true,
 14040            "schema": {
 14041              "$ref": "#/definitions/user-emails"
 14042            }
 14043          }
 14044        ],
 14045        "responses": {
 14046          "204": {
 14047            "description": "No content.\n"
 14048          },
 14049          "403": {
 14050            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 14051          }
 14052        }
 14053      },
 14054      "get": {
 14055        "description": "List email addresses for a user.\nIn the final version of the API, this method will return an array of hashes\nwith extended information for each email address indicating if the address\nhas been verified and if it's primary email address for GitHub.\nUntil API v3 is finalized, use the application/vnd.github.v3 media type to\nget other response format.\n",
 14056        "parameters": [
 14057          {
 14058            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 14059            "in": "header",
 14060            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 14061            "type": "string"
 14062          },
 14063          {
 14064            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 14065            "in": "header",
 14066            "name": "Accept",
 14067            "type": "string"
 14068          },
 14069          {
 14070            "in": "header",
 14071            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 14072            "type": "integer"
 14073          },
 14074          {
 14075            "in": "header",
 14076            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 14077            "type": "integer"
 14078          },
 14079          {
 14080            "in": "header",
 14081            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 14082            "type": "integer"
 14083          },
 14084          {
 14085            "in": "header",
 14086            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 14087            "type": "integer"
 14088          }
 14089        ],
 14090        "produces": [
 14091          "application/vnd.github.v3"
 14092        ],
 14093        "responses": {
 14094          "200": {
 14095            "description": "OK",
 14096            "schema": {
 14097              "$ref": "#/definitions/user-emails"
 14098            }
 14099          },
 14100          "403": {
 14101            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 14102          }
 14103        }
 14104      },
 14105      "post": {
 14106        "description": "Add email address(es).\nYou can post a single email address or an array of addresses.\n",
 14107        "parameters": [
 14108          {
 14109            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 14110            "in": "header",
 14111            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 14112            "type": "string"
 14113          },
 14114          {
 14115            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 14116            "in": "header",
 14117            "name": "Accept",
 14118            "type": "string"
 14119          },
 14120          {
 14121            "in": "header",
 14122            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 14123            "type": "integer"
 14124          },
 14125          {
 14126            "in": "header",
 14127            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 14128            "type": "integer"
 14129          },
 14130          {
 14131            "in": "header",
 14132            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 14133            "type": "integer"
 14134          },
 14135          {
 14136            "in": "header",
 14137            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 14138            "type": "integer"
 14139          },
 14140          {
 14141            "in": "body",
 14142            "name": "body",
 14143            "required": true,
 14144            "schema": {
 14145              "$ref": "#/definitions/emailsPost"
 14146            }
 14147          }
 14148        ],
 14149        "responses": {
 14150          "403": {
 14151            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 14152          }
 14153        }
 14154      }
 14155    },
 14156    "/user/followers": {
 14157      "get": {
 14158        "description": "List the authenticated user's followers",
 14159        "parameters": [
 14160          {
 14161            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 14162            "in": "header",
 14163            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 14164            "type": "string"
 14165          },
 14166          {
 14167            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 14168            "in": "header",
 14169            "name": "Accept",
 14170            "type": "string"
 14171          },
 14172          {
 14173            "in": "header",
 14174            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 14175            "type": "integer"
 14176          },
 14177          {
 14178            "in": "header",
 14179            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 14180            "type": "integer"
 14181          },
 14182          {
 14183            "in": "header",
 14184            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 14185            "type": "integer"
 14186          },
 14187          {
 14188            "in": "header",
 14189            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 14190            "type": "integer"
 14191          }
 14192        ],
 14193        "responses": {
 14194          "200": {
 14195            "description": "OK",
 14196            "schema": {
 14197              "$ref": "#/definitions/users"
 14198            }
 14199          },
 14200          "403": {
 14201            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 14202          }
 14203        }
 14204      }
 14205    },
 14206    "/user/following": {
 14207      "get": {
 14208        "description": "List who the authenticated user is following.",
 14209        "parameters": [
 14210          {
 14211            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 14212            "in": "header",
 14213            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 14214            "type": "string"
 14215          },
 14216          {
 14217            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 14218            "in": "header",
 14219            "name": "Accept",
 14220            "type": "string"
 14221          },
 14222          {
 14223            "in": "header",
 14224            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 14225            "type": "integer"
 14226          },
 14227          {
 14228            "in": "header",
 14229            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 14230            "type": "integer"
 14231          },
 14232          {
 14233            "in": "header",
 14234            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 14235            "type": "integer"
 14236          },
 14237          {
 14238            "in": "header",
 14239            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 14240            "type": "integer"
 14241          }
 14242        ],
 14243        "responses": {
 14244          "200": {
 14245            "description": "OK",
 14246            "schema": {
 14247              "$ref": "#/definitions/users"
 14248            }
 14249          },
 14250          "403": {
 14251            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 14252          }
 14253        }
 14254      }
 14255    },
 14256    "/user/following/{username}": {
 14257      "delete": {
 14258        "description": "Unfollow a user.\nUnfollowing a user requires the user to be logged in and authenticated with\nbasic auth or OAuth with the user:follow scope.\n",
 14259        "parameters": [
 14260          {
 14261            "description": "Name of user.",
 14262            "in": "path",
 14263            "name": "username",
 14264            "required": true,
 14265            "type": "string"
 14266          },
 14267          {
 14268            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 14269            "in": "header",
 14270            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 14271            "type": "string"
 14272          },
 14273          {
 14274            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 14275            "in": "header",
 14276            "name": "Accept",
 14277            "type": "string"
 14278          },
 14279          {
 14280            "in": "header",
 14281            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 14282            "type": "integer"
 14283          },
 14284          {
 14285            "in": "header",
 14286            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 14287            "type": "integer"
 14288          },
 14289          {
 14290            "in": "header",
 14291            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 14292            "type": "integer"
 14293          },
 14294          {
 14295            "in": "header",
 14296            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 14297            "type": "integer"
 14298          }
 14299        ],
 14300        "responses": {
 14301          "204": {
 14302            "description": "User unfollowed."
 14303          },
 14304          "403": {
 14305            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 14306          }
 14307        }
 14308      },
 14309      "get": {
 14310        "description": "Check if you are following a user.",
 14311        "parameters": [
 14312          {
 14313            "description": "Name of user.",
 14314            "in": "path",
 14315            "name": "username",
 14316            "required": true,
 14317            "type": "string"
 14318          },
 14319          {
 14320            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 14321            "in": "header",
 14322            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 14323            "type": "string"
 14324          },
 14325          {
 14326            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 14327            "in": "header",
 14328            "name": "Accept",
 14329            "type": "string"
 14330          },
 14331          {
 14332            "in": "header",
 14333            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 14334            "type": "integer"
 14335          },
 14336          {
 14337            "in": "header",
 14338            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 14339            "type": "integer"
 14340          },
 14341          {
 14342            "in": "header",
 14343            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 14344            "type": "integer"
 14345          },
 14346          {
 14347            "in": "header",
 14348            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 14349            "type": "integer"
 14350          }
 14351        ],
 14352        "responses": {
 14353          "204": {
 14354            "description": "Response if you are following this user."
 14355          },
 14356          "403": {
 14357            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 14358          },
 14359          "404": {
 14360            "description": "Response if you are not following this user."
 14361          }
 14362        }
 14363      },
 14364      "put": {
 14365        "description": "Follow a user.\nFollowing a user requires the user to be logged in and authenticated with\nbasic auth or OAuth with the user:follow scope.\n",
 14366        "parameters": [
 14367          {
 14368            "description": "Name of user.",
 14369            "in": "path",
 14370            "name": "username",
 14371            "required": true,
 14372            "type": "string"
 14373          },
 14374          {
 14375            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 14376            "in": "header",
 14377            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 14378            "type": "string"
 14379          },
 14380          {
 14381            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 14382            "in": "header",
 14383            "name": "Accept",
 14384            "type": "string"
 14385          },
 14386          {
 14387            "in": "header",
 14388            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 14389            "type": "integer"
 14390          },
 14391          {
 14392            "in": "header",
 14393            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 14394            "type": "integer"
 14395          },
 14396          {
 14397            "in": "header",
 14398            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 14399            "type": "integer"
 14400          },
 14401          {
 14402            "in": "header",
 14403            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 14404            "type": "integer"
 14405          }
 14406        ],
 14407        "responses": {
 14408          "204": {
 14409            "description": "You are now following the user."
 14410          },
 14411          "403": {
 14412            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 14413          }
 14414        }
 14415      }
 14416    },
 14417    "/user/issues": {
 14418      "get": {
 14419        "description": "List issues.\nList all issues across owned and member repositories for the authenticated\nuser.\n",
 14420        "parameters": [
 14421          {
 14422            "default": "all",
 14423            "description": "Issues assigned to you / created by you / mentioning you / you're\nsubscribed to updates for / All issues the authenticated user can see\n",
 14424            "enum": [
 14425              "assigned",
 14426              "created",
 14427              "mentioned",
 14428              "subscribed",
 14429              "all"
 14430            ],
 14431            "in": "query",
 14432            "name": "filter",
 14433            "required": true,
 14434            "type": "string"
 14435          },
 14436          {
 14437            "default": "open",
 14438            "enum": [
 14439              "open",
 14440              "closed"
 14441            ],
 14442            "in": "query",
 14443            "name": "state",
 14444            "required": true,
 14445            "type": "string"
 14446          },
 14447          {
 14448            "description": "String list of comma separated Label names. Example - bug,ui,@high.",
 14449            "in": "query",
 14450            "name": "labels",
 14451            "required": true,
 14452            "type": "string"
 14453          },
 14454          {
 14455            "default": "created",
 14456            "enum": [
 14457              "created",
 14458              "updated",
 14459              "comments"
 14460            ],
 14461            "in": "query",
 14462            "name": "sort",
 14463            "required": true,
 14464            "type": "string"
 14465          },
 14466          {
 14467            "default": "desc",
 14468            "enum": [
 14469              "asc",
 14470              "desc"
 14471            ],
 14472            "in": "query",
 14473            "name": "direction",
 14474            "required": true,
 14475            "type": "string"
 14476          },
 14477          {
 14478            "description": "Optional string of a timestamp in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ.\nOnly issues updated at or after this time are returned.\n",
 14479            "in": "query",
 14480            "name": "since",
 14481            "type": "string"
 14482          },
 14483          {
 14484            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 14485            "in": "header",
 14486            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 14487            "type": "string"
 14488          },
 14489          {
 14490            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 14491            "in": "header",
 14492            "name": "Accept",
 14493            "type": "string"
 14494          },
 14495          {
 14496            "in": "header",
 14497            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 14498            "type": "integer"
 14499          },
 14500          {
 14501            "in": "header",
 14502            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 14503            "type": "integer"
 14504          },
 14505          {
 14506            "in": "header",
 14507            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 14508            "type": "integer"
 14509          },
 14510          {
 14511            "in": "header",
 14512            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 14513            "type": "integer"
 14514          }
 14515        ],
 14516        "responses": {
 14517          "200": {
 14518            "description": "OK",
 14519            "schema": {
 14520              "$ref": "#/definitions/issues"
 14521            }
 14522          },
 14523          "403": {
 14524            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 14525          }
 14526        }
 14527      }
 14528    },
 14529    "/user/keys": {
 14530      "get": {
 14531        "description": "List your public keys.\nLists the current user's keys. Management of public keys via the API requires\nthat you are authenticated through basic auth, or OAuth with the 'user', 'write:public_key' scopes.\n",
 14532        "parameters": [
 14533          {
 14534            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 14535            "in": "header",
 14536            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 14537            "type": "string"
 14538          },
 14539          {
 14540            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 14541            "in": "header",
 14542            "name": "Accept",
 14543            "type": "string"
 14544          },
 14545          {
 14546            "in": "header",
 14547            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 14548            "type": "integer"
 14549          },
 14550          {
 14551            "in": "header",
 14552            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 14553            "type": "integer"
 14554          },
 14555          {
 14556            "in": "header",
 14557            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 14558            "type": "integer"
 14559          },
 14560          {
 14561            "in": "header",
 14562            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 14563            "type": "integer"
 14564          }
 14565        ],
 14566        "responses": {
 14567          "200": {
 14568            "description": "OK",
 14569            "schema": {
 14570              "$ref": "#/definitions/gitignore"
 14571            }
 14572          },
 14573          "403": {
 14574            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 14575          }
 14576        }
 14577      },
 14578      "post": {
 14579        "description": "Create a public key.",
 14580        "parameters": [
 14581          {
 14582            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 14583            "in": "header",
 14584            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 14585            "type": "string"
 14586          },
 14587          {
 14588            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 14589            "in": "header",
 14590            "name": "Accept",
 14591            "type": "string"
 14592          },
 14593          {
 14594            "in": "header",
 14595            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 14596            "type": "integer"
 14597          },
 14598          {
 14599            "in": "header",
 14600            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 14601            "type": "integer"
 14602          },
 14603          {
 14604            "in": "header",
 14605            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 14606            "type": "integer"
 14607          },
 14608          {
 14609            "in": "header",
 14610            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 14611            "type": "integer"
 14612          },
 14613          {
 14614            "in": "body",
 14615            "name": "body",
 14616            "required": true,
 14617            "schema": {
 14618              "$ref": "#/definitions/user-keys-post"
 14619            }
 14620          }
 14621        ],
 14622        "responses": {
 14623          "201": {
 14624            "description": "Created",
 14625            "schema": {
 14626              "$ref": "#/definitions/user-keys-keyId"
 14627            }
 14628          },
 14629          "403": {
 14630            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 14631          }
 14632        }
 14633      }
 14634    },
 14635    "/user/keys/{keyId}": {
 14636      "delete": {
 14637        "description": "Delete a public key. Removes a public key. Requires that you are authenticated via Basic Auth or via OAuth with at least admin:public_key scope.",
 14638        "parameters": [
 14639          {
 14640            "description": "ID of key.",
 14641            "in": "path",
 14642            "name": "keyId",
 14643            "required": true,
 14644            "type": "integer"
 14645          },
 14646          {
 14647            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 14648            "in": "header",
 14649            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 14650            "type": "string"
 14651          },
 14652          {
 14653            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 14654            "in": "header",
 14655            "name": "Accept",
 14656            "type": "string"
 14657          },
 14658          {
 14659            "in": "header",
 14660            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 14661            "type": "integer"
 14662          },
 14663          {
 14664            "in": "header",
 14665            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 14666            "type": "integer"
 14667          },
 14668          {
 14669            "in": "header",
 14670            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 14671            "type": "integer"
 14672          },
 14673          {
 14674            "in": "header",
 14675            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 14676            "type": "integer"
 14677          }
 14678        ],
 14679        "responses": {
 14680          "204": {
 14681            "description": "No content.\n"
 14682          },
 14683          "403": {
 14684            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 14685          }
 14686        }
 14687      },
 14688      "get": {
 14689        "description": "Get a single public key.",
 14690        "parameters": [
 14691          {
 14692            "description": "ID of key.",
 14693            "in": "path",
 14694            "name": "keyId",
 14695            "required": true,
 14696            "type": "integer"
 14697          },
 14698          {
 14699            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 14700            "in": "header",
 14701            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 14702            "type": "string"
 14703          },
 14704          {
 14705            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 14706            "in": "header",
 14707            "name": "Accept",
 14708            "type": "string"
 14709          },
 14710          {
 14711            "in": "header",
 14712            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 14713            "type": "integer"
 14714          },
 14715          {
 14716            "in": "header",
 14717            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 14718            "type": "integer"
 14719          },
 14720          {
 14721            "in": "header",
 14722            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 14723            "type": "integer"
 14724          },
 14725          {
 14726            "in": "header",
 14727            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 14728            "type": "integer"
 14729          }
 14730        ],
 14731        "responses": {
 14732          "200": {
 14733            "description": "OK",
 14734            "schema": {
 14735              "$ref": "#/definitions/user-keys-keyId"
 14736            }
 14737          },
 14738          "403": {
 14739            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 14740          }
 14741        }
 14742      }
 14743    },
 14744    "/user/orgs": {
 14745      "get": {
 14746        "description": "List public and private organizations for the authenticated user.",
 14747        "parameters": [
 14748          {
 14749            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 14750            "in": "header",
 14751            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 14752            "type": "string"
 14753          },
 14754          {
 14755            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 14756            "in": "header",
 14757            "name": "Accept",
 14758            "type": "string"
 14759          },
 14760          {
 14761            "in": "header",
 14762            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 14763            "type": "integer"
 14764          },
 14765          {
 14766            "in": "header",
 14767            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 14768            "type": "integer"
 14769          },
 14770          {
 14771            "in": "header",
 14772            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 14773            "type": "integer"
 14774          },
 14775          {
 14776            "in": "header",
 14777            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 14778            "type": "integer"
 14779          }
 14780        ],
 14781        "responses": {
 14782          "200": {
 14783            "description": "OK",
 14784            "schema": {
 14785              "$ref": "#/definitions/gitignore"
 14786            }
 14787          },
 14788          "403": {
 14789            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 14790          }
 14791        }
 14792      }
 14793    },
 14794    "/user/repos": {
 14795      "get": {
 14796        "description": "List repositories for the authenticated user. Note that this does not include\nrepositories owned by organizations which the user can access. You can lis\nuser organizations and list organization repositories separately.\n",
 14797        "parameters": [
 14798          {
 14799            "default": "all",
 14800            "enum": [
 14801              "all",
 14802              "public",
 14803              "private",
 14804              "forks",
 14805              "sources",
 14806              "member"
 14807            ],
 14808            "in": "query",
 14809            "name": "type",
 14810            "type": "string"
 14811          },
 14812          {
 14813            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 14814            "in": "header",
 14815            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 14816            "type": "string"
 14817          },
 14818          {
 14819            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 14820            "in": "header",
 14821            "name": "Accept",
 14822            "type": "string"
 14823          },
 14824          {
 14825            "in": "header",
 14826            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 14827            "type": "integer"
 14828          },
 14829          {
 14830            "in": "header",
 14831            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 14832            "type": "integer"
 14833          },
 14834          {
 14835            "in": "header",
 14836            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 14837            "type": "integer"
 14838          },
 14839          {
 14840            "in": "header",
 14841            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 14842            "type": "integer"
 14843          }
 14844        ],
 14845        "responses": {
 14846          "200": {
 14847            "description": "OK",
 14848            "schema": {
 14849              "$ref": "#/definitions/repos"
 14850            }
 14851          },
 14852          "403": {
 14853            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 14854          }
 14855        }
 14856      },
 14857      "post": {
 14858        "description": "Create a new repository for the authenticated user. OAuth users must supply\nrepo scope.\n",
 14859        "parameters": [
 14860          {
 14861            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 14862            "in": "header",
 14863            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 14864            "type": "string"
 14865          },
 14866          {
 14867            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 14868            "in": "header",
 14869            "name": "Accept",
 14870            "type": "string"
 14871          },
 14872          {
 14873            "in": "header",
 14874            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 14875            "type": "integer"
 14876          },
 14877          {
 14878            "in": "header",
 14879            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 14880            "type": "integer"
 14881          },
 14882          {
 14883            "in": "header",
 14884            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 14885            "type": "integer"
 14886          },
 14887          {
 14888            "in": "header",
 14889            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 14890            "type": "integer"
 14891          },
 14892          {
 14893            "in": "body",
 14894            "name": "body",
 14895            "required": true,
 14896            "schema": {
 14897              "$ref": "#/definitions/postRepo"
 14898            }
 14899          }
 14900        ],
 14901        "responses": {
 14902          "201": {
 14903            "description": "Created",
 14904            "schema": {
 14905              "$ref": "#/definitions/repos"
 14906            }
 14907          },
 14908          "403": {
 14909            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 14910          }
 14911        }
 14912      }
 14913    },
 14914    "/user/starred": {
 14915      "get": {
 14916        "description": "List repositories being starred by the authenticated user.",
 14917        "parameters": [
 14918          {
 14919            "description": "Ignored without 'sort' parameter.",
 14920            "in": "query",
 14921            "name": "direction",
 14922            "type": "string"
 14923          },
 14924          {
 14925            "default": "created",
 14926            "description": "",
 14927            "enum": [
 14928              "created",
 14929              "updated"
 14930            ],
 14931            "in": "query",
 14932            "name": "sort",
 14933            "type": "string"
 14934          },
 14935          {
 14936            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 14937            "in": "header",
 14938            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 14939            "type": "string"
 14940          },
 14941          {
 14942            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 14943            "in": "header",
 14944            "name": "Accept",
 14945            "type": "string"
 14946          },
 14947          {
 14948            "in": "header",
 14949            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 14950            "type": "integer"
 14951          },
 14952          {
 14953            "in": "header",
 14954            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 14955            "type": "integer"
 14956          },
 14957          {
 14958            "in": "header",
 14959            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 14960            "type": "integer"
 14961          },
 14962          {
 14963            "in": "header",
 14964            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 14965            "type": "integer"
 14966          }
 14967        ],
 14968        "responses": {
 14969          "200": {
 14970            "description": "OK",
 14971            "schema": {
 14972              "$ref": "#/definitions/gitignore"
 14973            }
 14974          },
 14975          "403": {
 14976            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 14977          }
 14978        }
 14979      }
 14980    },
 14981    "/user/starred/{owner}/{repo}": {
 14982      "delete": {
 14983        "description": "Unstar a repository",
 14984        "parameters": [
 14985          {
 14986            "description": "Name of a repository owner.",
 14987            "in": "path",
 14988            "name": "owner",
 14989            "required": true,
 14990            "type": "string"
 14991          },
 14992          {
 14993            "description": "Name of a repository.",
 14994            "in": "path",
 14995            "name": "repo",
 14996            "required": true,
 14997            "type": "string"
 14998          },
 14999          {
 15000            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 15001            "in": "header",
 15002            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 15003            "type": "string"
 15004          },
 15005          {
 15006            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 15007            "in": "header",
 15008            "name": "Accept",
 15009            "type": "string"
 15010          },
 15011          {
 15012            "in": "header",
 15013            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 15014            "type": "integer"
 15015          },
 15016          {
 15017            "in": "header",
 15018            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 15019            "type": "integer"
 15020          },
 15021          {
 15022            "in": "header",
 15023            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 15024            "type": "integer"
 15025          },
 15026          {
 15027            "in": "header",
 15028            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 15029            "type": "integer"
 15030          }
 15031        ],
 15032        "responses": {
 15033          "204": {
 15034            "description": "Unstarred."
 15035          },
 15036          "403": {
 15037            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 15038          }
 15039        }
 15040      },
 15041      "get": {
 15042        "description": "Check if you are starring a repository.",
 15043        "parameters": [
 15044          {
 15045            "description": "Name of a repository owner.",
 15046            "in": "path",
 15047            "name": "owner",
 15048            "required": true,
 15049            "type": "string"
 15050          },
 15051          {
 15052            "description": "Name of a repository.",
 15053            "in": "path",
 15054            "name": "repo",
 15055            "required": true,
 15056            "type": "string"
 15057          },
 15058          {
 15059            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 15060            "in": "header",
 15061            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 15062            "type": "string"
 15063          },
 15064          {
 15065            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 15066            "in": "header",
 15067            "name": "Accept",
 15068            "type": "string"
 15069          },
 15070          {
 15071            "in": "header",
 15072            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 15073            "type": "integer"
 15074          },
 15075          {
 15076            "in": "header",
 15077            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 15078            "type": "integer"
 15079          },
 15080          {
 15081            "in": "header",
 15082            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 15083            "type": "integer"
 15084          },
 15085          {
 15086            "in": "header",
 15087            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 15088            "type": "integer"
 15089          }
 15090        ],
 15091        "responses": {
 15092          "204": {
 15093            "description": "This repository is starred by you."
 15094          },
 15095          "403": {
 15096            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 15097          },
 15098          "404": {
 15099            "description": "This repository is not starred by you."
 15100          }
 15101        }
 15102      },
 15103      "put": {
 15104        "description": "Star a repository.",
 15105        "parameters": [
 15106          {
 15107            "description": "Name of a repository owner.",
 15108            "in": "path",
 15109            "name": "owner",
 15110            "required": true,
 15111            "type": "string"
 15112          },
 15113          {
 15114            "description": "Name of a repository.",
 15115            "in": "path",
 15116            "name": "repo",
 15117            "required": true,
 15118            "type": "string"
 15119          },
 15120          {
 15121            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 15122            "in": "header",
 15123            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 15124            "type": "string"
 15125          },
 15126          {
 15127            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 15128            "in": "header",
 15129            "name": "Accept",
 15130            "type": "string"
 15131          },
 15132          {
 15133            "in": "header",
 15134            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 15135            "type": "integer"
 15136          },
 15137          {
 15138            "in": "header",
 15139            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 15140            "type": "integer"
 15141          },
 15142          {
 15143            "in": "header",
 15144            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 15145            "type": "integer"
 15146          },
 15147          {
 15148            "in": "header",
 15149            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 15150            "type": "integer"
 15151          }
 15152        ],
 15153        "responses": {
 15154          "204": {
 15155            "description": "Repository starred."
 15156          },
 15157          "403": {
 15158            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 15159          }
 15160        }
 15161      }
 15162    },
 15163    "/user/subscriptions": {
 15164      "get": {
 15165        "description": "List repositories being watched by the authenticated user.",
 15166        "parameters": [
 15167          {
 15168            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 15169            "in": "header",
 15170            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 15171            "type": "string"
 15172          },
 15173          {
 15174            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 15175            "in": "header",
 15176            "name": "Accept",
 15177            "type": "string"
 15178          },
 15179          {
 15180            "in": "header",
 15181            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 15182            "type": "integer"
 15183          },
 15184          {
 15185            "in": "header",
 15186            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 15187            "type": "integer"
 15188          },
 15189          {
 15190            "in": "header",
 15191            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 15192            "type": "integer"
 15193          },
 15194          {
 15195            "in": "header",
 15196            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 15197            "type": "integer"
 15198          }
 15199        ],
 15200        "responses": {
 15201          "200": {
 15202            "description": "OK",
 15203            "schema": {
 15204              "$ref": "#/definitions/user-userId-subscribitions"
 15205            }
 15206          },
 15207          "403": {
 15208            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 15209          }
 15210        }
 15211      }
 15212    },
 15213    "/user/subscriptions/{owner}/{repo}": {
 15214      "delete": {
 15215        "description": "Stop watching a repository",
 15216        "parameters": [
 15217          {
 15218            "description": "Name of the owner.",
 15219            "in": "path",
 15220            "name": "owner",
 15221            "required": true,
 15222            "type": "string"
 15223          },
 15224          {
 15225            "description": "Name of repository.",
 15226            "in": "path",
 15227            "name": "repo",
 15228            "required": true,
 15229            "type": "string"
 15230          },
 15231          {
 15232            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 15233            "in": "header",
 15234            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 15235            "type": "string"
 15236          },
 15237          {
 15238            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 15239            "in": "header",
 15240            "name": "Accept",
 15241            "type": "string"
 15242          },
 15243          {
 15244            "in": "header",
 15245            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 15246            "type": "integer"
 15247          },
 15248          {
 15249            "in": "header",
 15250            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 15251            "type": "integer"
 15252          },
 15253          {
 15254            "in": "header",
 15255            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 15256            "type": "integer"
 15257          },
 15258          {
 15259            "in": "header",
 15260            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 15261            "type": "integer"
 15262          }
 15263        ],
 15264        "responses": {
 15265          "204": {
 15266            "description": "Unwatched."
 15267          },
 15268          "403": {
 15269            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 15270          }
 15271        }
 15272      },
 15273      "get": {
 15274        "description": "Check if you are watching a repository.",
 15275        "parameters": [
 15276          {
 15277            "description": "Name of the owner.",
 15278            "in": "path",
 15279            "name": "owner",
 15280            "required": true,
 15281            "type": "string"
 15282          },
 15283          {
 15284            "description": "Name of repository.",
 15285            "in": "path",
 15286            "name": "repo",
 15287            "required": true,
 15288            "type": "string"
 15289          },
 15290          {
 15291            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 15292            "in": "header",
 15293            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 15294            "type": "string"
 15295          },
 15296          {
 15297            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 15298            "in": "header",
 15299            "name": "Accept",
 15300            "type": "string"
 15301          },
 15302          {
 15303            "in": "header",
 15304            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 15305            "type": "integer"
 15306          },
 15307          {
 15308            "in": "header",
 15309            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 15310            "type": "integer"
 15311          },
 15312          {
 15313            "in": "header",
 15314            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 15315            "type": "integer"
 15316          },
 15317          {
 15318            "in": "header",
 15319            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 15320            "type": "integer"
 15321          }
 15322        ],
 15323        "responses": {
 15324          "204": {
 15325            "description": "Repository is watched by you."
 15326          },
 15327          "403": {
 15328            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 15329          },
 15330          "404": {
 15331            "description": "Repository is not watched by you."
 15332          }
 15333        }
 15334      },
 15335      "put": {
 15336        "description": "Watch a repository.",
 15337        "parameters": [
 15338          {
 15339            "description": "Name of the owner.",
 15340            "in": "path",
 15341            "name": "owner",
 15342            "required": true,
 15343            "type": "string"
 15344          },
 15345          {
 15346            "description": "Name of repository.",
 15347            "in": "path",
 15348            "name": "repo",
 15349            "required": true,
 15350            "type": "string"
 15351          },
 15352          {
 15353            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 15354            "in": "header",
 15355            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 15356            "type": "string"
 15357          },
 15358          {
 15359            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 15360            "in": "header",
 15361            "name": "Accept",
 15362            "type": "string"
 15363          },
 15364          {
 15365            "in": "header",
 15366            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 15367            "type": "integer"
 15368          },
 15369          {
 15370            "in": "header",
 15371            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 15372            "type": "integer"
 15373          },
 15374          {
 15375            "in": "header",
 15376            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 15377            "type": "integer"
 15378          },
 15379          {
 15380            "in": "header",
 15381            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 15382            "type": "integer"
 15383          }
 15384        ],
 15385        "responses": {
 15386          "204": {
 15387            "description": "Repository is watched."
 15388          },
 15389          "403": {
 15390            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 15391          }
 15392        }
 15393      }
 15394    },
 15395    "/user/teams": {
 15396      "get": {
 15397        "description": "List all of the teams across all of the organizations to which the authenticated user belongs. This method requires user or repo scope when authenticating via OAuth.",
 15398        "parameters": [
 15399          {
 15400            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 15401            "in": "header",
 15402            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 15403            "type": "string"
 15404          },
 15405          {
 15406            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 15407            "in": "header",
 15408            "name": "Accept",
 15409            "type": "string"
 15410          },
 15411          {
 15412            "in": "header",
 15413            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 15414            "type": "integer"
 15415          },
 15416          {
 15417            "in": "header",
 15418            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 15419            "type": "integer"
 15420          },
 15421          {
 15422            "in": "header",
 15423            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 15424            "type": "integer"
 15425          },
 15426          {
 15427            "in": "header",
 15428            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 15429            "type": "integer"
 15430          }
 15431        ],
 15432        "responses": {
 15433          "200": {
 15434            "description": "OK",
 15435            "schema": {
 15436              "$ref": "#/definitions/teams-list"
 15437            }
 15438          },
 15439          "403": {
 15440            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 15441          }
 15442        }
 15443      }
 15444    },
 15445    "/users": {
 15446      "get": {
 15447        "description": "Get all users.\nThis provides a dump of every user, in the order that they signed up for GitHub.\nNote: Pagination is powered exclusively by the since parameter. Use the Link\nheader to get the URL for the next page of users.\n",
 15448        "parameters": [
 15449          {
 15450            "description": "The integer ID of the last User that you've seen.",
 15451            "in": "query",
 15452            "name": "since",
 15453            "type": "integer"
 15454          },
 15455          {
 15456            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 15457            "in": "header",
 15458            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 15459            "type": "string"
 15460          },
 15461          {
 15462            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 15463            "in": "header",
 15464            "name": "Accept",
 15465            "type": "string"
 15466          },
 15467          {
 15468            "in": "header",
 15469            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 15470            "type": "integer"
 15471          },
 15472          {
 15473            "in": "header",
 15474            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 15475            "type": "integer"
 15476          },
 15477          {
 15478            "in": "header",
 15479            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 15480            "type": "integer"
 15481          },
 15482          {
 15483            "in": "header",
 15484            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 15485            "type": "integer"
 15486          }
 15487        ],
 15488        "responses": {
 15489          "200": {
 15490            "description": "OK",
 15491            "schema": {
 15492              "$ref": "#/definitions/users"
 15493            }
 15494          },
 15495          "403": {
 15496            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 15497          }
 15498        }
 15499      }
 15500    },
 15501    "/users/{username}": {
 15502      "get": {
 15503        "description": "Get a single user.",
 15504        "parameters": [
 15505          {
 15506            "description": "Name of user.",
 15507            "in": "path",
 15508            "name": "username",
 15509            "required": true,
 15510            "type": "string"
 15511          },
 15512          {
 15513            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 15514            "in": "header",
 15515            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 15516            "type": "string"
 15517          },
 15518          {
 15519            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 15520            "in": "header",
 15521            "name": "Accept",
 15522            "type": "string"
 15523          },
 15524          {
 15525            "in": "header",
 15526            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 15527            "type": "integer"
 15528          },
 15529          {
 15530            "in": "header",
 15531            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 15532            "type": "integer"
 15533          },
 15534          {
 15535            "in": "header",
 15536            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 15537            "type": "integer"
 15538          },
 15539          {
 15540            "in": "header",
 15541            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 15542            "type": "integer"
 15543          }
 15544        ],
 15545        "responses": {
 15546          "200": {
 15547            "description": "OK",
 15548            "schema": {
 15549              "$ref": "#/definitions/users"
 15550            }
 15551          },
 15552          "403": {
 15553            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 15554          }
 15555        }
 15556      }
 15557    },
 15558    "/users/{username}/events": {
 15559      "get": {
 15560        "description": "If you are authenticated as the given user, you will see your private events. Otherwise, you'll only see public events.",
 15561        "parameters": [
 15562          {
 15563            "description": "Name of user.",
 15564            "in": "path",
 15565            "name": "username",
 15566            "required": true,
 15567            "type": "string"
 15568          },
 15569          {
 15570            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 15571            "in": "header",
 15572            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 15573            "type": "string"
 15574          },
 15575          {
 15576            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 15577            "in": "header",
 15578            "name": "Accept",
 15579            "type": "string"
 15580          },
 15581          {
 15582            "in": "header",
 15583            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 15584            "type": "integer"
 15585          },
 15586          {
 15587            "in": "header",
 15588            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 15589            "type": "integer"
 15590          },
 15591          {
 15592            "in": "header",
 15593            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 15594            "type": "integer"
 15595          },
 15596          {
 15597            "in": "header",
 15598            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 15599            "type": "integer"
 15600          }
 15601        ],
 15602        "responses": {
 15603          "403": {
 15604            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 15605          }
 15606        }
 15607      }
 15608    },
 15609    "/users/{username}/events/orgs/{org}": {
 15610      "get": {
 15611        "description": "This is the user's organization dashboard. You must be authenticated as the user to view this.",
 15612        "parameters": [
 15613          {
 15614            "description": "Name of user.",
 15615            "in": "path",
 15616            "name": "username",
 15617            "required": true,
 15618            "type": "string"
 15619          },
 15620          {
 15621            "in": "path",
 15622            "name": "org",
 15623            "required": true,
 15624            "type": "string"
 15625          },
 15626          {
 15627            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 15628            "in": "header",
 15629            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 15630            "type": "string"
 15631          },
 15632          {
 15633            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 15634            "in": "header",
 15635            "name": "Accept",
 15636            "type": "string"
 15637          },
 15638          {
 15639            "in": "header",
 15640            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 15641            "type": "integer"
 15642          },
 15643          {
 15644            "in": "header",
 15645            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 15646            "type": "integer"
 15647          },
 15648          {
 15649            "in": "header",
 15650            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 15651            "type": "integer"
 15652          },
 15653          {
 15654            "in": "header",
 15655            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 15656            "type": "integer"
 15657          }
 15658        ],
 15659        "responses": {
 15660          "403": {
 15661            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 15662          }
 15663        }
 15664      }
 15665    },
 15666    "/users/{username}/followers": {
 15667      "get": {
 15668        "description": "List a user's followers",
 15669        "parameters": [
 15670          {
 15671            "description": "Name of user.",
 15672            "in": "path",
 15673            "name": "username",
 15674            "required": true,
 15675            "type": "string"
 15676          },
 15677          {
 15678            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 15679            "in": "header",
 15680            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 15681            "type": "string"
 15682          },
 15683          {
 15684            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 15685            "in": "header",
 15686            "name": "Accept",
 15687            "type": "string"
 15688          },
 15689          {
 15690            "in": "header",
 15691            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 15692            "type": "integer"
 15693          },
 15694          {
 15695            "in": "header",
 15696            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 15697            "type": "integer"
 15698          },
 15699          {
 15700            "in": "header",
 15701            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 15702            "type": "integer"
 15703          },
 15704          {
 15705            "in": "header",
 15706            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 15707            "type": "integer"
 15708          }
 15709        ],
 15710        "responses": {
 15711          "200": {
 15712            "description": "OK",
 15713            "schema": {
 15714              "$ref": "#/definitions/users"
 15715            }
 15716          },
 15717          "403": {
 15718            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 15719          }
 15720        }
 15721      }
 15722    },
 15723    "/users/{username}/following/{targetUser}": {
 15724      "get": {
 15725        "description": "Check if one user follows another.",
 15726        "parameters": [
 15727          {
 15728            "description": "Name of user.",
 15729            "in": "path",
 15730            "name": "username",
 15731            "required": true,
 15732            "type": "string"
 15733          },
 15734          {
 15735            "description": "Name of user.",
 15736            "in": "path",
 15737            "name": "targetUser",
 15738            "required": true,
 15739            "type": "string"
 15740          },
 15741          {
 15742            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 15743            "in": "header",
 15744            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 15745            "type": "string"
 15746          },
 15747          {
 15748            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 15749            "in": "header",
 15750            "name": "Accept",
 15751            "type": "string"
 15752          },
 15753          {
 15754            "in": "header",
 15755            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 15756            "type": "integer"
 15757          },
 15758          {
 15759            "in": "header",
 15760            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 15761            "type": "integer"
 15762          },
 15763          {
 15764            "in": "header",
 15765            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 15766            "type": "integer"
 15767          },
 15768          {
 15769            "in": "header",
 15770            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 15771            "type": "integer"
 15772          }
 15773        ],
 15774        "responses": {
 15775          "204": {
 15776            "description": "Response if user follows target user."
 15777          },
 15778          "403": {
 15779            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 15780          },
 15781          "404": {
 15782            "description": "Response if user does not follow target user."
 15783          }
 15784        }
 15785      }
 15786    },
 15787    "/users/{username}/gists": {
 15788      "get": {
 15789        "description": "List a users gists.",
 15790        "parameters": [
 15791          {
 15792            "description": "Name of user.",
 15793            "in": "path",
 15794            "name": "username",
 15795            "required": true,
 15796            "type": "string"
 15797          },
 15798          {
 15799            "description": "The time should be passed in as UTC in the ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ.\nExample: \"2012-10-09T23:39:01Z\".\n",
 15800            "in": "query",
 15801            "name": "since",
 15802            "type": "string"
 15803          },
 15804          {
 15805            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 15806            "in": "header",
 15807            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 15808            "type": "string"
 15809          },
 15810          {
 15811            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 15812            "in": "header",
 15813            "name": "Accept",
 15814            "type": "string"
 15815          },
 15816          {
 15817            "in": "header",
 15818            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 15819            "type": "integer"
 15820          },
 15821          {
 15822            "in": "header",
 15823            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 15824            "type": "integer"
 15825          },
 15826          {
 15827            "in": "header",
 15828            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 15829            "type": "integer"
 15830          },
 15831          {
 15832            "in": "header",
 15833            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 15834            "type": "integer"
 15835          }
 15836        ],
 15837        "responses": {
 15838          "200": {
 15839            "description": "OK",
 15840            "schema": {
 15841              "$ref": "#/definitions/gists"
 15842            }
 15843          },
 15844          "403": {
 15845            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 15846          }
 15847        }
 15848      }
 15849    },
 15850    "/users/{username}/keys": {
 15851      "get": {
 15852        "description": "List public keys for a user.\nLists the verified public keys for a user. This is accessible by anyone.\n",
 15853        "parameters": [
 15854          {
 15855            "description": "Name of user.",
 15856            "in": "path",
 15857            "name": "username",
 15858            "required": true,
 15859            "type": "string"
 15860          },
 15861          {
 15862            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 15863            "in": "header",
 15864            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 15865            "type": "string"
 15866          },
 15867          {
 15868            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 15869            "in": "header",
 15870            "name": "Accept",
 15871            "type": "string"
 15872          },
 15873          {
 15874            "in": "header",
 15875            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 15876            "type": "integer"
 15877          },
 15878          {
 15879            "in": "header",
 15880            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 15881            "type": "integer"
 15882          },
 15883          {
 15884            "in": "header",
 15885            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 15886            "type": "integer"
 15887          },
 15888          {
 15889            "in": "header",
 15890            "name": "X-GitHub-Request-Id",
 15891            "type": "integer"
 15892          }
 15893        ],
 15894        "responses": {
 15895          "200": {
 15896            "description": "OK",
 15897            "schema": {
 15898              "$ref": "#/definitions/gitignore"
 15899            }
 15900          },
 15901          "403": {
 15902            "description": "API rate limit exceeded. See http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting\nfor details.\n"
 15903          }
 15904        }
 15905      }
 15906    },
 15907    "/users/{username}/orgs": {
 15908      "get": {
 15909        "description": "List all public organizations for a user.",
 15910        "parameters": [
 15911          {
 15912            "description": "Name of user.",
 15913            "in": "path",
 15914            "name": "username",
 15915            "required": true,
 15916            "type": "string"
 15917          },
 15918          {
 15919            "description": "You can check the current version of media type in responses.\n",
 15920            "in": "header",
 15921            "name": "X-GitHub-Media-Type",
 15922            "type": "string"
 15923          },
 15924          {
 15925            "description": "Is used to set specified media type.",
 15926            "in": "header",
 15927            "name": "Accept",
 15928            "type": "string"
 15929          },
 15930          {
 15931            "in": "header",
 15932            "name": "X-RateLimit-Limit",
 15933            "type": "integer"
 15934          },
 15935          {
 15936            "in": "header",
 15937            "name": "X-RateLimit-Remaining",
 15938            "type": "integer"
 15939          },
 15940          {
 15941            "in": "header",
 15942            "name": "X-RateLimit-Reset",
 15943            "type": "integer"
 15944          },
 15945          {
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