swagger: '2.0' info: version: '0.0.1' title: Planting Service description: Planting Service is the reference for all planting activities. contact: {} host: www.example.com basePath: / securityDefinitions: {} schemes: - https consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json paths: /healthz: get: description: Service health check summary: Service health check tags: - core operationId: Servicehealthcheck deprecated: false produces: - application/json parameters: [] responses: default: description: '' headers: {} /propertiez: get: description: Build/Runtime properties summary: Build/Runtime properties tags: - core operationId: Build/Runtimeproperties deprecated: false produces: - application/json parameters: [] responses: default: description: '' headers: {} /hystrixz: get: description: Hystrix event stream summary: Hystrix event stream tags: - core operationId: Hystrixeventstream deprecated: false produces: - application/json parameters: [] responses: default: description: '' headers: {} /prometheuz: get: description: Prometheus metrics summary: Prometheus metrics tags: - core operationId: Prometheusmetrics deprecated: false produces: - application/json parameters: [] responses: default: description: '' headers: {} /legacy/nitro/api/data/v1/planting_activities/{activity-id}: delete: description: 'GONE: Nitro Planting Activities API V1' summary: 'GONE: Delete a planting activity' tags: - legacy nitro operationId: GONE:Deleteaplantingactivity deprecated: true produces: - application/json parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-user-email in: header required: true type: string description: email - name: user in: query required: false type: integer format: int64 description: '' - name: field_groups in: query required: false type: string description: '' - name: activity-id in: path required: true type: integer format: int64 description: '' responses: default: description: '' headers: {} get: description: 'GONE: Nitro Planting Activities API V1' summary: 'GONE: Get a planting activity' tags: - legacy nitro operationId: GONE:Getaplantingactivity deprecated: true produces: - application/json parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-user-email in: header required: true type: string description: email - name: activity-id in: path required: true type: integer format: int64 description: '' - name: user in: query required: false type: integer format: int64 description: '' - name: field_groups in: query required: false type: string description: '' responses: default: description: '' headers: {} post: description: 'GONE: Nitro Planting Activities API V1' summary: 'GONE: Update a planting activity' tags: - legacy nitro operationId: GONE:Updateaplantingactivity deprecated: true produces: - application/json parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-user-email in: header required: true type: string description: email - name: activity-id in: path required: true type: integer format: int64 description: '' - name: user in: query required: false type: integer format: int64 description: '' - name: field_groups in: query required: false type: string description: '' responses: default: description: '' headers: {} put: description: 'GONE: Nitro Planting Activities API V1' summary: 'GONE: Update a planting activity1' tags: - legacy nitro operationId: GONE:Updateaplantingactivity1 deprecated: true produces: - application/json parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-user-email in: header required: true type: string description: email - name: activity-id in: path required: true type: integer format: int64 description: '' - name: user in: query required: false type: integer format: int64 description: '' - name: field_groups in: query required: false type: string description: '' responses: default: description: '' headers: {} /legacy/nitro/api/data/v1/planting_activities: get: description: 'GONE: Nitro Planting Activities API V1' summary: 'GONE: Get planting activites' tags: - legacy nitro operationId: GONE:Getplantingactivites deprecated: true produces: - application/json parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-user-email in: header required: true type: string description: email - name: user in: query required: false type: integer format: int64 description: '' - name: field_groups in: query required: false type: string description: '' responses: default: description: '' headers: {} post: description: 'GONE: Nitro Planting Activities API V1' summary: 'GONE: Create planting activities' tags: - legacy nitro operationId: GONE:Createplantingactivities deprecated: true produces: - application/json parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-user-email in: header required: true type: string description: email - name: user in: query required: false type: integer format: int64 description: '' - name: field_groups in: query required: false type: string description: '' responses: default: description: '' headers: {} put: description: 'GONE: Nitro Planting Activities API V1' summary: 'GONE: Update multiple planting activities' tags: - legacy nitro operationId: GONE:Updatemultipleplantingactivities deprecated: true produces: - application/json parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-user-email in: header required: true type: string description: email - name: user in: query required: false type: integer format: int64 description: '' - name: field_groups in: query required: false type: string description: '' responses: default: description: '' headers: {} /legacy/umber/v1/programs.json: get: description: Umber API V1 summary: (Deprecated) Get all planting programs associated with a user tags: - legacy umber operationId: (Deprecated)Getallplantingprogramsassociatedwithauser deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: '' - name: product-year in: query required: false type: integer format: int64 description: '' responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/UmberPlantingProgramsResponse' headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} post: description: Umber API V1 summary: 'GONE: Create a new planting program' tags: - legacy umber operationId: GONE:Createanewplantingprogram deprecated: true produces: - application/json parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: '' responses: '201': description: Created headers: {} '400': description: Bad Request headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /legacy/umber/v1/programs/{id}.json: delete: description: Umber API V1 summary: 'GONE: Delete a program' tags: - legacy umber operationId: GONE:Deleteaprogram deprecated: true produces: - application/json parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: '' - name: id in: path required: true type: integer format: int64 description: program id - name: last-updated-at in: query required: false type: string description: '' responses: '404': description: Not Found headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} get: description: Umber API V1 summary: (Deprecated) Get a program tags: - legacy umber operationId: (Deprecated)Getaprogram deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: '' - name: id in: path required: true type: integer format: int64 description: program id responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/UmberPlantingProgramResponse' headers: {} '404': description: Not Found headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} patch: description: Umber API V1 summary: 'GONE: Update a planting program' tags: - legacy umber operationId: GONE:Updateaplantingprogram deprecated: true produces: - application/json parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: '' - name: id in: path required: true type: integer format: int64 description: program id - name: last-updated-at in: query required: false type: string description: '' responses: '400': description: Bad Request headers: {} '404': description: Not Found headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} put: description: Umber API V1 summary: 'GONE: Update a planting program1' tags: - legacy umber operationId: GONE:Updateaplantingprogram1 deprecated: true produces: - application/json parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: '' - name: id in: path required: true type: integer format: int64 description: program id - name: last-updated-at in: query required: false type: string description: '' responses: '400': description: Bad Request headers: {} '404': description: Not Found headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /legacy/umber/v1/programs/query.json: post: description: Umber API V1 summary: (Deprecated) Get programs by id tags: - legacy umber operationId: (Deprecated)Getprogramsbyid deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: '' - name: ProgramQuery in: body required: true description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ProgramQuery' responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/UmberPlantingProgramsResponse' headers: {} '400': description: Bad Request headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /legacy/umber/v1/profiles/apply-program.json: post: description: Umber API V1 summary: 'GONE: Apply a program to a collection of field profiles' tags: - legacy umber operationId: GONE:Applyaprogramtoacollectionoffieldprofiles deprecated: true produces: - application/json parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: '' responses: '400': description: Bad Request headers: {} '404': description: Not Found headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /legacy/umber/v1/profiles/remove-program.json: post: description: Umber API V1 summary: 'GONE: Remove a program from a collection of profiles' tags: - legacy umber operationId: GONE:Removeaprogramfromacollectionofprofiles deprecated: true produces: - application/json parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: '' responses: '400': description: Bad Request headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /legacy/umber/v1/profiles/programs/{program-id}.json: get: description: Umber API V1 summary: (Deprecated) Retrieve all profiles for a program tags: - legacy umber operationId: (Deprecated)Retrieveallprofilesforaprogram deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: '' - name: program-id in: path required: true type: integer format: int64 description: program id responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/UmberProgramFieldsResponse' headers: {} '404': description: NOT Found headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /legacy/umber/v1/profiles/fields/query.json: post: description: Umber API V1 summary: (Deprecated) Query for profile information by field IDs tags: - legacy umber operationId: (Deprecated)QueryforprofileinformationbyfieldIDs deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: '' - name: UmberFieldProfileQuery in: body required: true description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/UmberFieldProfileQuery' - name: full-profile in: query required: false type: boolean description: '' responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/UmberFieldPlantingProfiles' headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /legacy/umber/v1/profiles/fields/{field_id}/product-years/{product_year}.json: delete: description: Umber API V1 summary: 'GONE: Delete a field profile' tags: - legacy umber operationId: GONE:Deleteafieldprofile deprecated: true produces: - application/json parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: '' - name: field_id in: path required: true type: string description: '' - name: product_year in: path required: true type: integer format: int64 description: '' - name: last-updated-at in: query required: false type: string description: '' responses: '404': description: Not Found headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} get: description: Umber API V1 summary: (Deprecated) Get a field profile tags: - legacy umber operationId: (Deprecated)Getafieldprofile deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: '' - name: field_id in: path required: true type: string description: '' - name: product_year in: path required: true type: integer format: int64 description: '' - name: full-profile in: query required: false type: boolean description: '' responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/UmberFieldPlantingProfile' headers: {} '404': description: Not Found headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} put: description: Umber API V1 summary: 'GONE: Create or update a field profile' tags: - legacy umber operationId: GONE:Createorupdateafieldprofile deprecated: true produces: - application/json parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: '' - name: field_id in: path required: true type: string description: '' - name: product_year in: path required: true type: integer format: int64 description: '' - name: last-updated-at in: query required: false type: string description: '' responses: '400': description: Bad Request headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /legacy/umber/v1/profiles/fields/{field_id}/fmz/{fmz_id}/zones/query.json: post: description: Umber API V1 summary: (Deprecated) Query for profile information by zone IDs tags: - legacy umber operationId: (Deprecated)QueryforprofileinformationbyzoneIDs deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: '' - name: field_id in: path required: true type: string description: '' - name: fmz_id in: path required: true type: string format: uuid description: '' - name: full-profile in: query required: false type: boolean description: '' - name: UmberZoneProfilesQuery in: body required: true description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/UmberZoneProfilesQuery' responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/UmberZoneProfileResponse' headers: {} '500': description: Sever Error headers: {} /legacy/umber/v1/profiles/fields/{field_id}/fmz/{fmz_id}/zones/{zone_id}/product-years/{product_year}.json: delete: description: Umber API V1 summary: 'GONE: Delete a zone profile' tags: - legacy umber operationId: GONE:Deleteazoneprofile deprecated: true produces: - application/json parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: '' - name: field_id in: path required: true type: string description: '' - name: fmz_id in: path required: true type: string format: uuid description: '' - name: zone_id in: path required: true type: string description: '' - name: product_year in: path required: true type: integer format: int64 description: '' - name: last-updated-at in: query required: false type: string description: '' responses: '404': description: Not Found headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} get: description: Umber API V1 summary: (Deprecated) Get a zone profile tags: - legacy umber operationId: (Deprecated)Getazoneprofile deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: '' - name: field_id in: path required: true type: string description: '' - name: fmz_id in: path required: true type: string format: uuid description: '' - name: zone_id in: path required: true type: string description: '' - name: product_year in: path required: true type: integer format: int64 description: '' - name: full-profile in: query required: false type: boolean description: '' responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/UmberZoneProfile' headers: {} '404': description: Not Found headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} put: description: Umber API V1 summary: 'GONE: Create or update a zone profile' tags: - legacy umber operationId: GONE:Createorupdateazoneprofile deprecated: true produces: - application/json parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: '' - name: field_id in: path required: true type: string description: '' - name: fmz_id in: path required: true type: string format: uuid description: '' - name: zone_id in: path required: true type: string description: '' - name: product_year in: path required: true type: integer format: int64 description: '' - name: last-updated-at in: query required: false type: string description: '' responses: '400': description: Bad Request headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /legacy/umber/v1/profiles/fields/{field_id}/fmz/{fmz_id}/zones/edit-planting.json: post: description: Umber API V1 summary: (Deprecated) Update planting information for a zone in a field tags: - legacy umber operationId: (Deprecated)Updateplantinginformationforazoneinafield deprecated: true produces: - application/json parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: '' - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: false type: string description: '' - name: field_id in: path required: true type: string description: '' - name: fmz_id in: path required: true type: string format: uuid description: '' - name: UmberPlantingEdits in: body required: true description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/UmberPlantingEdits' responses: '404': description: Not Found headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v1/validations/product-years/{product-year}: get: description: '**DEPRECATED - Please use GET /v3/validations**' summary: (Deprecated) Get planting-specific validations for a given product year tags: - v1 operationId: (Deprecated)Getplanting-specificvalidationsforagivenproductyear deprecated: true produces: - application/json parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: if-none-match in: header required: false type: string description: Etag identifier - name: product-year in: path required: true type: integer format: int64 description: '' responses: '304': description: Not Modified headers: {} '400': description: Bad Request headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v1/best/fields/{field-id}: get: description: '**DEPRECATED - Please use GET /v3/fields**' summary: (Deprecated) Best-available planting estimate for a field tags: - v1 operationId: (Deprecated)Best-availableplantingestimateforafield deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: field-id in: path required: true type: string description: '' - name: product-year in: query required: true type: integer format: int64 description: '' - name: event-type in: query required: false enum: - planned - recorded - all - actual type: string - name: include-plantings in: query required: false type: boolean description: If false, exclude "plantings" to save bandwidth responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/BestResponse' headers: {} '404': description: Not Found headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v1/best/fields/{field-id}/fmz/{fmz-id}: get: description: '**DEPRECATED - Please use GET /v3/fields/fmz/{fmz-id}**' summary: (Deprecated) Best-available planting estimate for a field's FMZ zones tags: - v1 operationId: (Deprecated)Best-availableplantingestimateforafield'sFMZzones deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: field-id in: path required: true type: string description: '' - name: fmz-id in: path required: true type: string format: uuid description: '' - name: product-year in: query required: true type: integer format: int64 description: '' - name: event-type in: query required: false enum: - planned - recorded - all - actual type: string - name: include-plantings in: query required: false type: boolean description: If false, exclude "plantings" to save bandwidth responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/BestFmzResponse' headers: {} '404': description: Not Found headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v1/best/fields/query: post: description: '**DEPRECATED - Please use POST /v3/fields**' summary: (Deprecated) Best-available planting estimate for a field tags: - v1 operationId: Post(Deprecated)Best-availableplantingestimateforafield deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: If-Modified-Since in: header required: false type: string description: Only return fields updated since this time http://www.freesoft.org/CIE/RFC/1945/58.htm - name: FieldsQuery in: body required: true description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/FieldsQuery' - name: product-year in: query required: true type: integer format: int64 description: '' - name: event-type in: query required: false enum: - planned - recorded - all - actual type: string - name: include-plantings in: query required: false type: boolean description: If false, exclude "plantings" to save bandwidth responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/BestQueryResponse' headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v1/best/fields/fmz/query: post: description: '**DEPRECATED - Please use POST /v3/fields/fmz/query**' summary: (Deprecated) Best-available planting estimate for a field's FMZ zones tags: - v1 operationId: Post(Deprecated)Best-availableplantingestimateforafield'sFMZzones deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: If-Modified-Since in: header required: false type: string description: Only return fields updated since this time http://www.freesoft.org/CIE/RFC/1945/58.htm - name: FieldsFmzsQuery in: body required: true description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/FieldsFmzsQuery' - name: product-year in: query required: true type: integer format: int64 description: '' - name: event-type in: query required: false enum: - planned - recorded - all - actual type: string - name: include-plantings in: query required: false type: boolean description: If false, exclude "plantings" to save bandwidth responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/BestFmzQueryResponse' headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v1/planned/programs: get: description: '**DEPRECATED - Please use GET /v3/programs**' summary: (Deprecated) Get all planned planting programs tags: - v1 operationId: (Deprecated)Getallplannedplantingprograms deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: If-Modified-Since in: header required: false type: string description: Only return fields updated since this time http://www.freesoft.org/CIE/RFC/1945/58.htm - name: product-year in: query required: false type: integer format: int64 description: '' - name: include-deleted in: query required: false type: boolean description: '' - name: include-invisible in: query required: false type: boolean description: '' responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ProgramsQueryResponse' headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} post: description: (Deprecated) Create a planned planting event summary: (Deprecated) Create a planned planting event tags: - v1 operationId: (Deprecated)Createaplannedplantingevent deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: NewProgram in: body required: true description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/NewProgram' responses: '201': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ProgramResponse' headers: {} '400': description: Bad Request headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v1/planned/programs/query: post: description: '**DEPRECATED - Please use POST /v3/programs/query**' summary: (Deprecated) Get many planned planting programs by ID tags: - v1 operationId: (Deprecated)GetmanyplannedplantingprogramsbyID deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: If-Modified-Since in: header required: false type: string description: Only return fields updated since this time http://www.freesoft.org/CIE/RFC/1945/58.htm - name: include-deleted in: query required: false type: boolean description: '' - name: ProgramsQueryRequest in: body required: true description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ProgramsQueryRequest' responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ProgramsQueryResponse' headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v1/planned/programs/{id}: get: description: '**DEPRECATED - Please use GET /v3/programs/{id}**' summary: (Deprecated) Get an individual planned planting program tags: - v1 operationId: (Deprecated)Getanindividualplannedplantingprogram deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: id in: path required: true type: string format: uuid description: '' - name: include-deleted in: query required: false type: boolean description: '' responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ProgramResponse' headers: {} '404': description: Not Found headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} delete: description: '**DEPRECATED - Please use DELETE /v3/programs**' summary: (Deprecated) Remove a planned planting event tags: - v1 operationId: (Deprecated)Removeaplannedplantingevent deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: id in: path required: true type: string format: uuid description: '' responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/DeletedResponse' headers: {} '404': description: Not Found headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} patch: description: (Deprecated) Patch a planned planting event summary: (Deprecated) Patch a planned planting event tags: - v1 operationId: (Deprecated)Patchaplannedplantingevent deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: id in: path required: true type: string format: uuid description: '' - name: ProgramPatchInput in: body required: true description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ProgramPatchInput' responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ProgramResponse' headers: {} '400': description: Bad Request headers: {} '404': description: Not Found headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} put: description: (Deprecated) Update a planned planting event summary: (Deprecated) Update a planned planting event tags: - v1 operationId: (Deprecated)Updateaplannedplantingevent deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: id in: path required: true type: string format: uuid description: '' - name: ProgramInput in: body required: true description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ProgramInput' responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ProgramResponse' headers: {} '201': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ProgramResponse' headers: {} '400': description: Bad Request headers: {} '404': description: Not Found headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v1/planned/programs/{id}/fields: get: description: (Deprecated) Get list of field associatd with a program summary: (Deprecated) Get list of field associatd with a program tags: - v1 operationId: (Deprecated)Getlistoffieldassociatdwithaprogram deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: id in: path required: true type: string format: uuid description: '' responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ProgramFieldsResponse' headers: {} '404': description: Not Found headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v1/planned/fields/query: post: description: (Deprecated) Get planned planting events for many fields summary: (Deprecated) Get planned planting events for many fields tags: - v1 operationId: (Deprecated)Getplannedplantingeventsformanyfields deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: If-Modified-Since in: header required: false type: string description: Only return fields updated since this time http://www.freesoft.org/CIE/RFC/1945/58.htm - name: product-year in: query required: false type: integer format: int64 description: '' - name: include-deleted in: query required: false type: boolean description: '' - name: FieldsQuery in: body required: true description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/FieldsQuery' responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/FieldPlanQueryResponse' headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v1/planned/fields/{field-id}: get: description: (Deprecated) Get planned planting events for one field summary: (Deprecated) Get planned planting events for one field tags: - v1 operationId: (Deprecated)Getplannedplantingeventsforonefield deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: field-id in: path required: true type: string description: '' - name: product-year in: query required: false type: integer format: int64 description: '' - name: include-deleted in: query required: false type: boolean description: '' responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/FieldPlan' headers: {} '404': description: Not Found headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v1/planned/apply-program: post: description: (Deprecated) Apply a program to one or more fields summary: (Deprecated) Apply a program to one or more fields tags: - v1 operationId: (Deprecated)Applyaprogramtooneormorefields deprecated: true produces: - application/json parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: product-year in: query required: true type: integer format: int64 description: '' - name: ApplyProgramRequest in: body required: true description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApplyProgramRequest' responses: '400': description: Bad Request headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v1/planned/remove-program: post: description: (Deprecated) Remove planting program from one or more fields summary: (Deprecated) Remove planting program from one or more fields tags: - v1 operationId: (Deprecated)Removeplantingprogramfromoneormorefields deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: product-year in: query required: true type: integer format: int64 description: '' - name: RemoveProgramRequest in: body required: true description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/RemoveProgramRequest' responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/RemoveProgramResponse' headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v1/planned/apply-prescription: post: description: '(Deprecated) GONE: Apply a prescription to a field' summary: '(Deprecated) GONE: Apply a prescription to a field' tags: - v1 operationId: (Deprecated)GONE:Applyaprescriptiontoafield deprecated: true produces: - application/json parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: product-year in: query required: true type: integer format: int64 description: '' responses: '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v1/planned/prescriptions/fields/query: post: description: '(Deprecated) GONE: Get all planned planting prescriptions for many fields' summary: '(Deprecated) GONE: Get all planned planting prescriptions for many fields' tags: - v1 operationId: (Deprecated)GONE:Getallplannedplantingprescriptionsformanyfields deprecated: true produces: - application/json parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: If-Modified-Since in: header required: false type: string description: Only return fields updated since this time http://www.freesoft.org/CIE/RFC/1945/58.htm - name: product-year in: query required: false type: integer format: int64 description: '' - name: include-deleted in: query required: false type: boolean description: '' responses: '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v1/planned/prescriptions/fields/{field-id}: get: description: '(Deprecated) GONE: Get all planned planting prescriptions for a field' summary: '(Deprecated) GONE: Get all planned planting prescriptions for a field' tags: - v1 operationId: (Deprecated)GONE:Getallplannedplantingprescriptionsforafield deprecated: true produces: - application/json parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: If-Modified-Since in: header required: false type: string description: Only return fields updated since this time http://www.freesoft.org/CIE/RFC/1945/58.htm - name: field-id in: path required: true type: string description: '' - name: product-year in: query required: false type: integer format: int64 description: '' - name: include-deleted in: query required: false type: boolean description: '' responses: '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v1/planned/prescriptions/query: post: description: '(Deprecated) GONE: Get many planned planting prescriptions by ID' summary: '(Deprecated) GONE: Get many planned planting prescriptions by ID' tags: - v1 operationId: (Deprecated)GONE:GetmanyplannedplantingprescriptionsbyID deprecated: true produces: - application/json parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: If-Modified-Since in: header required: false type: string description: Only return fields updated since this time http://www.freesoft.org/CIE/RFC/1945/58.htm - name: include-deleted in: query required: false type: boolean description: '' responses: '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v1/planned/prescriptions/{id}: get: description: '(Deprecated) GONE: Get an individual planned planting prescription' summary: '(Deprecated) GONE: Get an individual planned planting prescription' tags: - v1 operationId: (Deprecated)GONE:Getanindividualplannedplantingprescription deprecated: true produces: - application/json parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: id in: path required: true type: string format: uuid description: '' - name: include-deleted in: query required: false type: boolean description: '' responses: '500': description: Server Error headers: {} delete: description: '(Deprecated) GONE: Remove a planned planting event' summary: '(Deprecated) GONE: Remove a planned planting event' tags: - v1 operationId: (Deprecated)GONE:Removeaplannedplantingevent deprecated: true produces: - application/json parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: id in: path required: true type: string format: uuid description: '' responses: '500': description: Server Error headers: {} put: description: '(Deprecated) GONE: Update or create a planned planting event' summary: '(Deprecated) GONE: Update or create a planned planting event' tags: - v1 operationId: (Deprecated)GONE:Updateorcreateaplannedplantingevent deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: id in: path required: true type: string format: uuid description: '' responses: '201': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/PrescriptionResponse' headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} patch: description: '(Deprecated) GONE: Patch a planned planting event' summary: '(Deprecated) GONE: Patch a planned planting event' tags: - v1 operationId: (Deprecated)GONE:Patchaplannedplantingevent deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: id in: path required: true type: string format: uuid description: '' responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/PrescriptionResponse' headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v1/planned/prescriptions: post: description: '(Deprecated) GONE: Create a planting prescription' summary: '(Deprecated) GONE: Create a planting prescription' tags: - v1 operationId: (Deprecated)GONE:Createaplantingprescription deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service responses: '201': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/PrescriptionResponse' headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v1/planned/fields/{field-id}/programs: patch: description: (Deprecated) Patch a planting program for a field summary: (Deprecated) Patch a planting program for a field tags: - v1 operationId: (Deprecated)Patchaplantingprogramforafield deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: field-id in: path required: true type: string description: '' - name: NewProgramPatch in: body required: true description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/NewProgramPatch' responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/FieldPlan' headers: {} '400': description: Bad Request headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} post: description: (Deprecated) Set a planting program for a field summary: (Deprecated) Set a planting program for a field tags: - v1 operationId: (Deprecated)Setaplantingprogramforafield deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: field-id in: path required: true type: string description: '' - name: NewProgram in: body required: true description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/NewProgram' responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/FieldPlan' headers: {} '400': description: Bad Request headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v1/planned/fields/{field-id}/prescriptions: patch: description: '(Deprecated) GONE: Patch a prescription for a field' summary: '(Deprecated) GONE: Patch a prescription for a field' tags: - v1 operationId: (Deprecated)GONE:Patchaprescriptionforafield deprecated: true produces: - application/json parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: field-id in: path required: true type: string description: '' responses: '400': description: Bad Request headers: {} '404': description: Not Found headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} post: description: '(Deprecated) GONE: Set a prescription for a field' summary: '(Deprecated) GONE: Set a prescription for a field' tags: - v1 operationId: (Deprecated)GONE:Setaprescriptionforafield deprecated: true produces: - application/json parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: field-id in: path required: true type: string description: '' responses: '400': description: Bad Request headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v1/actual/events/query: post: description: '**DEPRECATED - Please use POST /v3**' summary: (Deprecated) Get many machine-observed actual planting events by ID tags: - v1 operationId: (Deprecated)Getmanymachine-observedactualplantingeventsbyID deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: If-Modified-Since in: header required: false type: string description: Only return fields updated since this time http://www.freesoft.org/CIE/RFC/1945/58.htm - name: include-deleted in: query required: false type: boolean description: '' - name: include-source in: query required: false type: boolean description: '' - name: ActualEventQueryRequest in: body required: true description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ActualEventQueryRequest' responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ActualEventQueryResponse' headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v1/actual/events/{id}: get: description: '**DEPRECATED - Please use GET /v3**' summary: (Deprecated) Get an individual machine-observed actual planting event tags: - v1 operationId: (Deprecated)Getanindividualmachine-observedactualplantingevent deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: id in: path required: true type: string format: uuid description: '' - name: include-deleted in: query required: false type: boolean description: '' - name: include-source in: query required: false type: boolean description: '' responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ActualEventResponse' headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} delete: description: '**DEPRECATED - Please use DELETE /v3**' summary: (Deprecated) Remove a machine-observed actual planting event tags: - v1 operationId: (Deprecated)Removeamachine-observedactualplantingevent deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: id in: path required: true type: string format: uuid description: '' responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/DeletedResponse' headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} patch: description: '**DEPRECATED - Please use PATCH /v3**' summary: (Deprecated) Patch a machine-observed actual planting event tags: - v1 operationId: (Deprecated)Patchamachine-observedactualplantingevent deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: id in: path required: true type: string format: uuid description: '' - name: ActualEventPatchInput in: body required: true description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ActualEventPatchInput' responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ActualEventResponse' headers: {} '404': description: Not Found headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} put: description: '**DEPRECATED - Please use PUT /v3**' summary: (Deprecated) Update a machine-observed actual planting event tags: - v1 operationId: (Deprecated)Updateamachine-observedactualplantingevent deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: id in: path required: true type: string format: uuid description: '' - name: ActualEventInput in: body required: true description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ActualEventInput' responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ActualEventResponse' headers: {} '201': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ActualEventResponse' headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v1/actual/events: post: description: '**DEPRECATED - Please use POST /v3**' summary: (Deprecated) Create a machine-observed actual planting event tags: - v1 operationId: (Deprecated)Createamachine-observedactualplantingevent deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: NewActualEvent in: body required: true description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/NewActualEvent' responses: '201': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ActualEventResponse' headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v1/actual/fields/query: post: description: '**DEPRECATED - Please use POST /v3**' summary: (Deprecated) Get machine-observed actual planting events for many fields tags: - v1 operationId: (Deprecated)Getmachine-observedactualplantingeventsformanyfields deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: If-Modified-Since in: header required: false type: string description: Only return fields updated since this time http://www.freesoft.org/CIE/RFC/1945/58.htm - name: product-year in: query required: false type: integer format: int64 description: '' - name: include-deleted in: query required: false type: boolean description: '' - name: include-source in: query required: false type: boolean description: '' - name: FieldsQuery in: body required: true description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/FieldsQuery' responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ActualEventFieldsQueryResponse' headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v1/actual/fields/{field-id}: get: description: '**DEPRECATED - Please use GET /v3**' summary: (Deprecated) Get machine-observed actual planting events for one field tags: - v1 operationId: (Deprecated)Getmachine-observedactualplantingeventsforonefield deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: If-Modified-Since in: header required: false type: string description: Only return fields updated since this time http://www.freesoft.org/CIE/RFC/1945/58.htm - name: field-id in: path required: true type: string description: '' - name: product-year in: query required: false type: integer format: int64 description: '' - name: include-deleted in: query required: false type: boolean description: '' - name: include-source in: query required: false type: boolean description: '' responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ActualEventFieldResponse' headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v1/recorded/events/query: post: description: (Deprecated) Get many human-provided recorded planting events by ID summary: (Deprecated) Get many human-provided recorded planting events by ID tags: - v1 operationId: (Deprecated)Getmanyhuman-providedrecordedplantingeventsbyID deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: If-Modified-Since in: header required: false type: string description: Only return events updated since this time http://www.freesoft.org/CIE/RFC/1945/58.htm - name: RecordedEventQueryRequest in: body required: true description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/RecordedEventQueryRequest' - name: include-deleted in: query required: false type: boolean description: '' responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/RecordedEventQueryResponse' headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v1/recorded/events/{id}: get: description: (Deprecated) Get an individual human-provided recorded planting event summary: (Deprecated) Get an individual human-provided recorded planting event tags: - v1 operationId: (Deprecated)Getanindividualhuman-providedrecordedplantingevent deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: id in: path required: true type: string format: uuid description: '' - name: include-deleted in: query required: false type: boolean description: '' responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/RecordedEventResponse' headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} delete: description: (Deprecated) Remove a human-provided recorded planting event summary: (Deprecated) Remove a human-provided recorded planting event tags: - v1 operationId: (Deprecated)Removeahuman-providedrecordedplantingevent deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: id in: path required: true type: string format: uuid description: '' responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/DeletedResponse' headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} patch: description: (Deprecated) PATCH a human-provided recorded planting event summary: (Deprecated) PATCH a human-provided recorded planting event tags: - v1 operationId: (Deprecated)PATCHahuman-providedrecordedplantingevent deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: id in: path required: true type: string format: uuid description: '' - name: RecordedEventPatchInput in: body required: true description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/RecordedEventPatchInput' responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/RecordedEventResponse' headers: {} '404': description: Not Found headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} put: description: (Deprecated) Update a human-provided recorded planting event summary: (Deprecated) Update a human-provided recorded planting event tags: - v1 operationId: (Deprecated)Updateahuman-providedrecordedplantingevent deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: id in: path required: true type: string format: uuid description: '' - name: RecordedEventInput in: body required: true description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/RecordedEventInput' responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/RecordedEventResponse' headers: {} '201': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/RecordedEventResponse' headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v1/recorded/events: post: description: (Deprecated) Create a human-provided recorded planting event summary: (Deprecated) Create a human-provided recorded planting event tags: - v1 operationId: (Deprecated)Createahuman-providedrecordedplantingevent deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: NewRecordedEvent in: body required: true description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/NewRecordedEvent' responses: '201': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/RecordedEventResponse' headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v1/recorded/fields/query: post: description: (Deprecated) Get human-provided recorded planting events for many fields summary: (Deprecated) Get human-provided recorded planting events for many fields tags: - v1 operationId: (Deprecated)Gethuman-providedrecordedplantingeventsformanyfields deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: If-Modified-Since in: header required: false type: string description: Only return events updated since this time http://www.freesoft.org/CIE/RFC/1945/58.htm - name: product-year in: query required: false type: integer format: int64 description: '' - name: include-deleted in: query required: false type: boolean description: '' - name: FieldsQuery in: body required: true description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/FieldsQuery' responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/RecordedEventFieldsQueryResponse' headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v1/recorded/fields/{field-id}: get: description: (Deprecated) Get human-provided recorded planting events for one field summary: (Deprecated) Get human-provided recorded planting events for one field tags: - v1 operationId: (Deprecated)Gethuman-providedrecordedplantingeventsforonefield deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: If-Modified-Since in: header required: false type: string description: Only return events updated since this time http://www.freesoft.org/CIE/RFC/1945/58.htm - name: field-id in: path required: true type: string description: '' - name: product-year in: query required: false type: integer format: int64 description: '' - name: include-deleted in: query required: false type: boolean description: '' responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/RecordedEventFieldResponse' headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v1/all-events/fields/query: post: description: '**DEPRECATED - Please use POST /v3/fields/query**' summary: (Deprecated) Get all planting events of all types for many fields tags: - v1 operationId: (Deprecated)Getallplantingeventsofalltypesformanyfields deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: If-Modified-Since in: header required: false type: string description: Only return fields updated since this time http://www.freesoft.org/CIE/RFC/1945/58.htm - name: user-agent in: header required: false type: string description: '' - name: product-year in: query required: false type: integer format: int64 description: '' - name: include-deleted in: query required: false type: boolean description: '' - name: FieldsQuery in: body required: true description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/FieldsQuery' responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/AllEventsFieldsQueryResponse' headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v1/all-events/fields/{field-id}: get: description: '**DEPRECATED - Please use GET /v3/fields**' summary: (Deprecated) Get all planting events of all types for one field tags: - v1 operationId: (Deprecated)Getallplantingeventsofalltypesforonefield deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: If-Modified-Since in: header required: false type: string description: Only return events updated since this time http://www.freesoft.org/CIE/RFC/1945/58.htm - name: field-id in: path required: true type: string description: '' - name: product-year in: query required: false type: integer format: int64 description: '' - name: include-deleted in: query required: false type: boolean description: '' responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/AllEventsFieldResponse' headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v2/validations/product-years/{product-year}: get: description: (Deprecated) Get planting-specific validations for a given product year summary: (Deprecated) Get planting-specific validations for a given product year tags: - v2-validations - v2 operationId: Get(Deprecated)Getplanting-specificvalidationsforagivenproductyear deprecated: true produces: - application/json parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: if-none-match in: header required: false type: string description: Etag identifier - name: product-year in: path required: true type: integer format: int64 description: '' responses: '304': description: Not Modified headers: {} '400': description: Bad Request headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v3/validations/seasons/{season}: get: description: (Deprecated) Get planting-specific validations for a given product year summary: (Deprecated) Get planting-specific validations for a given product year tags: - v3-validations - v3 operationId: Get(Deprecated)Getplanting-specificvalidationsforagivenproductyear1 deprecated: true produces: - application/json parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: if-none-match in: header required: false type: string description: Etag identifier - name: season in: path required: true type: string description: '' responses: '304': description: Not Modified headers: {} '400': description: Bad Request headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v3/best/fields/{field-id}: get: description: '**DEPRECATED - There will be no further development work on /v3/best/fields/{field-id}**' summary: (Deprecated) Best-available planting estimate for a field tags: - v3 - v3-best operationId: Get(Deprecated)Best-availableplantingestimateforafield deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: field-id in: path required: true type: string description: '' - name: season in: query required: false type: string description: '' - name: event-type in: query required: false enum: - planned - recorded - all - actual type: string - name: include-plantings in: query required: false type: boolean description: If false, exclude "plantings" to save bandwidth responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/BestResponse' headers: {} '404': description: Not Found headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v3/best/fields/{field-id}/fmz/{fmz-id}: get: description: '**DEPRECATED - There will be no further work on /v3/best/fields/{fmz-id}**' summary: (Deprecated) Best-available planting estimate for a field's FMZ zones tags: - v3 - v3-best operationId: Get(Deprecated)Best-availableplantingestimateforafield'sFMZzones deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: field-id in: path required: true type: string description: '' - name: fmz-id in: path required: true type: string format: uuid description: '' - name: season in: query required: false type: string description: '' - name: event-type in: query required: false enum: - planned - recorded - all - actual type: string - name: include-plantings in: query required: false type: boolean description: If false, exclude "plantings" to save bandwidth responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/BestFmzResponse' headers: {} '404': description: Not Found headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v3/best/fields/query: post: description: '**DEPRECATED - There will be no further work on /fields/query**' summary: (Deprecated) Best-available planting estimate for a field tags: - v3 - v3-best operationId: Post(Deprecated)Best-availableplantingestimateforafield1 deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: If-Modified-Since in: header required: false type: string description: Only return fields updated since this time http://www.freesoft.org/CIE/RFC/1945/58.htm - name: FieldsQuery in: body required: true description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/FieldsQuery' - name: season in: query required: false type: string description: '' - name: start-time in: query required: false type: string description: Only return events with planting dates after this date - name: end-time in: query required: false type: string description: Only return events with planting dates after this date - name: event-type in: query required: false enum: - planned - recorded - all - actual type: string - name: include-plantings in: query required: false type: boolean description: If false, exclude "plantings" to save bandwidth responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/BestQueryResponse' headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v3/best/fields/fmz/query: post: description: '**DEPRECATED - There will be no further work on /fields/fmz/query**' summary: (Deprecated) Best-available planting estimate for a field's FMZ zones tags: - v3 - v3-best operationId: Post(Deprecated)Best-availableplantingestimateforafield'sFMZzones1 deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: If-Modified-Since in: header required: false type: string description: Only return fields updated since this time http://www.freesoft.org/CIE/RFC/1945/58.htm - name: FieldsFmzsQuery in: body required: true description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/FieldsFmzsQuery' - name: season in: query required: false type: string description: '' - name: event-type in: query required: false enum: - planned - recorded - all - actual type: string - name: include-plantings in: query required: false type: boolean description: If false, exclude "plantings" to save bandwidth responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/BestFmzQueryResponse' headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v3/recorded/events/query: post: description: (Deprecated) Get many human-provided recorded planting events by ID summary: (Deprecated) Get many human-provided recorded planting events by ID tags: - v3 - v3-recorded operationId: Post(Deprecated)Getmanyhuman-providedrecordedplantingeventsbyID deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: If-Modified-Since in: header required: false type: string description: Only return events updated since this time http://www.freesoft.org/CIE/RFC/1945/58.htm - name: RecordedEventQueryRequest in: body required: true description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/RecordedEventQueryRequest' - name: include-deleted in: query required: false type: boolean description: '' responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/RecordedEventQueryResponse' headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v3/recorded/events/{id}: get: description: (Deprecated) Get an individual human-provided recorded planting event summary: (Deprecated) Get an individual human-provided recorded planting event tags: - v3 - v3-recorded operationId: Get(Deprecated)Getanindividualhuman-providedrecordedplantingevent deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: id in: path required: true type: string format: uuid description: '' - name: include-deleted in: query required: false type: boolean description: '' responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/RecordedEventResponse' headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} delete: description: (Deprecated) Remove a human-provided recorded planting event summary: (Deprecated) Remove a human-provided recorded planting event tags: - v3 - v3-recorded operationId: Delete(Deprecated)Removeahuman-providedrecordedplantingevent deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: id in: path required: true type: string format: uuid description: '' responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/DeletedResponse' headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} patch: description: (Deprecated) PATCH a human-provided recorded planting event summary: (Deprecated) PATCH a human-provided recorded planting event tags: - v3 - v3-recorded operationId: Patch(Deprecated)PATCHahuman-providedrecordedplantingevent deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: id in: path required: true type: string format: uuid description: '' - name: RecordedEventPatchInput in: body required: true description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/RecordedEventPatchInput' responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/RecordedEventResponse' headers: {} '404': description: Not Found headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} put: description: (Deprecated) Update a human-provided recorded planting event summary: (Deprecated) Update a human-provided recorded planting event tags: - v3 - v3-recorded operationId: Put(Deprecated)Updateahuman-providedrecordedplantingevent deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: id in: path required: true type: string format: uuid description: '' - name: RecordedEventInput in: body required: true description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/RecordedEventInput' responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/RecordedEventResponse' headers: {} '201': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/RecordedEventResponse' headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v3/recorded/events: post: description: (Deprecated) Create a human-provided recorded planting event summary: (Deprecated) Create a human-provided recorded planting event tags: - v3 - v3-recorded operationId: Post(Deprecated)Createahuman-providedrecordedplantingevent deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: NewRecordedEvent in: body required: true description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/NewRecordedEvent' responses: '201': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/RecordedEventResponse' headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v3/recorded/fields/query: post: description: (Deprecated) Get human-provided recorded planting events for many fields summary: (Deprecated) Get human-provided recorded planting events for many fields tags: - v3 - v3-recorded operationId: Post(Deprecated)Gethuman-providedrecordedplantingeventsformanyfields deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: If-Modified-Since in: header required: false type: string description: Only return events updated since this time http://www.freesoft.org/CIE/RFC/1945/58.htm - name: season in: query required: false type: string description: '' - name: include-deleted in: query required: false type: boolean description: '' - name: FieldsQuery in: body required: true description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/FieldsQuery' responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/RecordedEventFieldsQueryResponse' headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v3/recorded/fields/{field-id}: get: description: (Deprecated) Get human-provided recorded planting events for one field summary: (Deprecated) Get human-provided recorded planting events for one field tags: - v3 - v3-recorded operationId: Get(Deprecated)Gethuman-providedrecordedplantingeventsforonefield deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: If-Modified-Since in: header required: false type: string description: Only return events updated since this time http://www.freesoft.org/CIE/RFC/1945/58.htm - name: field-id in: path required: true type: string description: '' - name: season in: query required: false type: string description: '' - name: include-deleted in: query required: false type: boolean description: '' responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/RecordedEventFieldResponse' headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v3/all-events/fields/query: post: description: (Deprecated) Get all planting events of all types for many fields summary: (Deprecated) Get all planting events of all types for many fields tags: - v3 - v3-all-events operationId: Post(Deprecated)Getallplantingeventsofalltypesformanyfields deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: If-Modified-Since in: header required: false type: string description: Only return fields updated since this time http://www.freesoft.org/CIE/RFC/1945/58.htm - name: user-agent in: header required: false type: string description: '' - name: start-time in: query required: false type: string description: Only return events with planting dates after this date - name: end-time in: query required: false type: string description: Only return events with planting dates after this date - name: season in: query required: false type: string description: season - name: include-deleted in: query required: false type: boolean description: '' - name: FieldsQuery in: body required: true description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/FieldsQuery' responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/AllEventsFieldsQueryResponse' headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v3/all-events/fields/{field-id}: get: description: (Deprecated) Get all planting events of all types for one field summary: (Deprecated) Get all planting events of all types for one field tags: - v3 - v3-all-events operationId: Get(Deprecated)Getallplantingeventsofalltypesforonefield deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: If-Modified-Since in: header required: false type: string description: Only return events updated since this time http://www.freesoft.org/CIE/RFC/1945/58.htm - name: field-id in: path required: true type: string description: '' - name: start-time in: query required: false type: string description: Only return events with planting dates after this date - name: end-time in: query required: false type: string description: Only return events with planting dates after this date - name: season in: query required: false type: string description: season - name: include-deleted in: query required: false type: boolean description: '' responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/AllEventsFieldResponse' headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v3/migrations/seasons/{command}: get: description: (Deprecated) Kick off season DB migration summary: (Deprecated) Kick off season DB migration tags: - v3 - v3-migrations operationId: (Deprecated)KickoffseasonDBmigration deprecated: true produces: - application/json parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: if-none-match in: header required: false type: string description: Etag identifier - name: init-uuid in: header required: false type: string description: UUID required to kick of migration - name: command in: path required: true enum: - user-geo-table - update-recorded - season-table - update-program - geo-table - program-season-table - all - update-actual - update-profile type: string responses: '304': description: Not Modified headers: {} '400': description: Bad Request headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v3/planned/programs: get: description: (Deprecated) Get all planned planting programs summary: (Deprecated) Get all planned planting programs tags: - v3-planned - v3 operationId: Get(Deprecated)Getallplannedplantingprograms deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: If-Modified-Since in: header required: false type: string description: Only return fields updated since this time http://www.freesoft.org/CIE/RFC/1945/58.htm - name: season in: query required: false type: string description: '' - name: include-deleted in: query required: false type: boolean description: '' - name: include-invisible in: query required: false type: boolean description: '' responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ProgramsQueryResponse' headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} post: description: (Deprecated) Create a planned planting event summary: (Deprecated) Create a planned planting event tags: - v3-planned - v3 operationId: Post(Deprecated)Createaplannedplantingevent deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: NewProgram in: body required: true description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/NewProgram' responses: '201': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ProgramResponse' headers: {} '400': description: Bad Request headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v3/planned/programs/query: post: description: (Deprecated) Get many planned planting programs by ID summary: (Deprecated) Get many planned planting programs by ID tags: - v3-planned - v3 operationId: Post(Deprecated)GetmanyplannedplantingprogramsbyID deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: If-Modified-Since in: header required: false type: string description: Only return fields updated since this time http://www.freesoft.org/CIE/RFC/1945/58.htm - name: include-deleted in: query required: false type: boolean description: '' - name: ProgramsQueryRequest in: body required: true description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ProgramsQueryRequest' responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ProgramsQueryResponse' headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v3/planned/programs/{id}: get: description: (Deprecated) Get an individual planned planting program summary: (Deprecated) Get an individual planned planting program tags: - v3-planned - v3 operationId: Get(Deprecated)Getanindividualplannedplantingprogram deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: id in: path required: true type: string format: uuid description: '' - name: include-deleted in: query required: false type: boolean description: '' responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ProgramResponse' headers: {} '404': description: Not Found headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} delete: description: (Deprecated) Remove a planned planting event summary: (Deprecated) Remove a planned planting event tags: - v3-planned - v3 operationId: Delete(Deprecated)Removeaplannedplantingevent deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: id in: path required: true type: string format: uuid description: '' responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/DeletedResponse' headers: {} '404': description: Not Found headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} patch: description: (Deprecated) Patch a planned planting event summary: (Deprecated) Patch a planned planting event tags: - v3-planned - v3 operationId: Patch(Deprecated)Patchaplannedplantingevent deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: id in: path required: true type: string format: uuid description: '' - name: ProgramPatchInput in: body required: true description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ProgramPatchInput' responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ProgramResponse' headers: {} '400': description: Bad Request headers: {} '404': description: Not Found headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} put: description: (Deprecated) Update a planned planting event summary: (Deprecated) Update a planned planting event tags: - v3-planned - v3 operationId: Put(Deprecated)Updateaplannedplantingevent deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: id in: path required: true type: string format: uuid description: '' - name: ProgramInput in: body required: true description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ProgramInput' responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ProgramResponse' headers: {} '201': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ProgramResponse' headers: {} '400': description: Bad Request headers: {} '404': description: Not Found headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v3/planned/programs/{id}/fields: get: description: (Deprecated) Get list of field associatd with a program summary: (Deprecated) Get list of field associatd with a program tags: - v3-planned - v3 operationId: Get(Deprecated)Getlistoffieldassociatdwithaprogram deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: id in: path required: true type: string format: uuid description: '' responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ProgramFieldsResponse' headers: {} '404': description: Not Found headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v3/planned/fields/query: post: description: (Deprecated) Get planned planting events for many fields summary: (Deprecated) Get planned planting events for many fields tags: - v3-planned - v3 operationId: Post(Deprecated)Getplannedplantingeventsformanyfields deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: If-Modified-Since in: header required: false type: string description: Only return fields updated since this time http://www.freesoft.org/CIE/RFC/1945/58.htm - name: season in: query required: false type: string description: '' - name: include-deleted in: query required: false type: boolean description: '' - name: FieldsQuery in: body required: true description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/FieldsQuery' responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/FieldPlanQueryResponse' headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v3/planned/fields/{field-id}: get: description: (Deprecated) Get planned planting events for one field summary: (Deprecated) Get planned planting events for one field tags: - v3-planned - v3 operationId: Get(Deprecated)Getplannedplantingeventsforonefield deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: field-id in: path required: true type: string description: '' - name: season in: query required: false type: string description: '' - name: include-deleted in: query required: false type: boolean description: '' responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/FieldPlan' headers: {} '404': description: Not Found headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v3/planned/apply-program: post: description: (Deprecated) Apply a program to one or more fields summary: (Deprecated) Apply a program to one or more fields tags: - v3-planned - v3 operationId: Post(Deprecated)Applyaprogramtooneormorefields deprecated: true produces: - application/json parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: season in: query required: true type: string description: '' - name: ApplyProgramRequest in: body required: true description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApplyProgramRequest' responses: '400': description: Bad Request headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v3/planned/remove-program: post: description: (Deprecated) Remove planting program from one or more fields summary: (Deprecated) Remove planting program from one or more fields tags: - v3-planned - v3 operationId: Post(Deprecated)Removeplantingprogramfromoneormorefields deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: season in: query required: true type: string description: '' - name: RemoveProgramRequest in: body required: true description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/RemoveProgramRequest' responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/RemoveProgramResponse' headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v3/planned/apply-prescription: post: description: 'GONE: Apply a prescription to a field' summary: 'GONE: Apply a prescription to a field' tags: - v3-planned - v3 operationId: GONE:Applyaprescriptiontoafield deprecated: true produces: - application/json parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: product-year in: query required: true type: integer format: int64 description: '' responses: '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v3/planned/prescriptions/fields/query: post: description: 'GONE: Get all planned planting prescriptions for many fields' summary: 'GONE: Get all planned planting prescriptions for many fields' tags: - v3-planned - v3 operationId: GONE:Getallplannedplantingprescriptionsformanyfields deprecated: true produces: - application/json parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: If-Modified-Since in: header required: false type: string description: Only return fields updated since this time http://www.freesoft.org/CIE/RFC/1945/58.htm - name: product-year in: query required: false type: integer format: int64 description: '' - name: include-deleted in: query required: false type: boolean description: '' responses: '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v3/planned/prescriptions/fields/{field-id}: get: description: 'GONE: Get all planned planting prescriptions for a field' summary: 'GONE: Get all planned planting prescriptions for a field' tags: - v3-planned - v3 operationId: GONE:Getallplannedplantingprescriptionsforafield deprecated: true produces: - application/json parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: If-Modified-Since in: header required: false type: string description: Only return fields updated since this time http://www.freesoft.org/CIE/RFC/1945/58.htm - name: field-id in: path required: true type: string description: '' - name: product-year in: query required: false type: integer format: int64 description: '' - name: include-deleted in: query required: false type: boolean description: '' responses: '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v3/planned/prescriptions/query: post: description: 'GONE: Get many planned planting prescriptions by ID' summary: 'GONE: Get many planned planting prescriptions by ID' tags: - v3-planned - v3 operationId: GONE:GetmanyplannedplantingprescriptionsbyID deprecated: true produces: - application/json parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: If-Modified-Since in: header required: false type: string description: Only return fields updated since this time http://www.freesoft.org/CIE/RFC/1945/58.htm - name: include-deleted in: query required: false type: boolean description: '' responses: '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v3/planned/prescriptions/{id}: get: description: 'GONE: Get an individual planned planting prescription' summary: 'GONE: Get an individual planned planting prescription' tags: - v3-planned - v3 operationId: GONE:Getanindividualplannedplantingprescription deprecated: true produces: - application/json parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: id in: path required: true type: string format: uuid description: '' - name: include-deleted in: query required: false type: boolean description: '' responses: '500': description: Server Error headers: {} delete: description: 'GONE: Remove a planned planting event' summary: 'GONE: Remove a planned planting event' tags: - v3-planned - v3 operationId: GONE:Removeaplannedplantingevent deprecated: true produces: - application/json parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: id in: path required: true type: string format: uuid description: '' responses: '500': description: Server Error headers: {} put: description: 'GONE: Update or create a planned planting event' summary: 'GONE: Update or create a planned planting event' tags: - v3-planned - v3 operationId: GONE:Updateorcreateaplannedplantingevent deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: id in: path required: true type: string format: uuid description: '' responses: '201': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/PrescriptionResponse' headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} patch: description: 'GONE: Patch a planned planting event' summary: 'GONE: Patch a planned planting event' tags: - v3-planned - v3 operationId: GONE:Patchaplannedplantingevent deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: id in: path required: true type: string format: uuid description: '' responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/PrescriptionResponse' headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v3/planned/prescriptions: post: description: 'GONE: Create a planting prescription' summary: 'GONE: Create a planting prescription' tags: - v3-planned - v3 operationId: GONE:Createaplantingprescription deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service responses: '201': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/PrescriptionResponse' headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v3/planned/fields/{field-id}/programs: patch: description: (Deprecated) Patch a planting program for a field summary: (Deprecated) Patch a planting program for a field tags: - v3-planned - v3 operationId: Patch(Deprecated)Patchaplantingprogramforafield deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: field-id in: path required: true type: string description: '' - name: NewProgramPatch in: body required: true description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/NewProgramPatch' responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/FieldPlan' headers: {} '400': description: Bad Request headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} post: description: (Deprecated) Set a planting program for a field summary: (Deprecated) Set a planting program for a field tags: - v3-planned - v3 operationId: Post(Deprecated)Setaplantingprogramforafield deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: field-id in: path required: true type: string description: '' - name: NewProgram in: body required: true description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/NewProgram' responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/FieldPlan' headers: {} '400': description: Bad Request headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v3/planned/fields/{field-id}/prescriptions: patch: description: 'GONE: Patch a prescription for a field' summary: 'GONE: Patch a prescription for a field' tags: - v3-planned - v3 operationId: GONE:Patchaprescriptionforafield deprecated: true produces: - application/json parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: field-id in: path required: true type: string description: '' responses: '400': description: Bad Request headers: {} '404': description: Not Found headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} post: description: 'GONE: Set a prescription for a field' summary: 'GONE: Set a prescription for a field' tags: - v3-planned - v3 operationId: GONE:Setaprescriptionforafield deprecated: true produces: - application/json parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: field-id in: path required: true type: string description: '' responses: '400': description: Bad Request headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v3/actual/events/query: post: description: (Deprecated) Get many machine-observed actual planting events by ID summary: (Deprecated) Get many machine-observed actual planting events by ID tags: - v3-actual - v3 operationId: Post(Deprecated)Getmanymachine-observedactualplantingeventsbyID deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: If-Modified-Since in: header required: false type: string description: Only return fields updated since this time http://www.freesoft.org/CIE/RFC/1945/58.htm - name: include-deleted in: query required: false type: boolean description: '' - name: include-source in: query required: false type: boolean description: '' - name: ActualEventQueryRequest in: body required: true description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ActualEventQueryRequest' responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ActualEventQueryResponse' headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v3/actual/events/{id}: get: description: (Deprecated) Get an individual machine-observed actual planting event summary: (Deprecated) Get an individual machine-observed actual planting event tags: - v3-actual - v3 operationId: Get(Deprecated)Getanindividualmachine-observedactualplantingevent deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: id in: path required: true type: string format: uuid description: '' - name: include-deleted in: query required: false type: boolean description: '' - name: include-source in: query required: false type: boolean description: '' responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ActualEventResponse' headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} delete: description: (Deprecated) Remove a machine-observed actual planting event summary: (Deprecated) Remove a machine-observed actual planting event tags: - v3-actual - v3 operationId: Delete(Deprecated)Removeamachine-observedactualplantingevent deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: id in: path required: true type: string format: uuid description: '' responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/DeletedResponse' headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} patch: description: (Deprecated) Patch a machine-observed actual planting event summary: (Deprecated) Patch a machine-observed actual planting event tags: - v3-actual - v3 operationId: Patch(Deprecated)Patchamachine-observedactualplantingevent deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: id in: path required: true type: string format: uuid description: '' - name: ActualEventPatchInput in: body required: true description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ActualEventPatchInput' responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ActualEventResponse' headers: {} '404': description: Not Found headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} put: description: (Deprecated) Update a machine-observed actual planting event summary: (Deprecated) Update a machine-observed actual planting event tags: - v3-actual - v3 operationId: Put(Deprecated)Updateamachine-observedactualplantingevent deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: id in: path required: true type: string format: uuid description: '' - name: ActualEventInput in: body required: true description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ActualEventInput' responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ActualEventResponse' headers: {} '201': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ActualEventResponse' headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v3/actual/events: post: description: (Deprecated) Create a machine-observed actual planting event summary: (Deprecated) Create a machine-observed actual planting event tags: - v3-actual - v3 operationId: Post(Deprecated)Createamachine-observedactualplantingevent deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: NewActualEvent in: body required: true description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/NewActualEvent' responses: '201': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ActualEventResponse' headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v3/actual/fields/query: post: description: (Deprecated) Get machine-observed actual planting events for many fields summary: (Deprecated) Get machine-observed actual planting events for many fields tags: - v3-actual - v3 operationId: Post(Deprecated)Getmachine-observedactualplantingeventsformanyfields deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: If-Modified-Since in: header required: false type: string description: Only return fields updated since this time http://www.freesoft.org/CIE/RFC/1945/58.htm - name: start-time in: query required: false type: string description: Only return events with planting dates after this date - name: end-time in: query required: false type: string description: Only return events with planting dates after this date - name: include-deleted in: query required: false type: boolean description: '' - name: include-source in: query required: false type: boolean description: '' - name: FieldsQuery in: body required: true description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/FieldsQuery' responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ActualEventFieldsQueryResponse' headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} /v3/actual/fields/{field-id}: get: description: (Deprecated) Get machine-observed actual planting events for one field summary: (Deprecated) Get machine-observed actual planting events for one field tags: - v3-actual - v3 operationId: Get(Deprecated)Getmachine-observedactualplantingeventsforonefield deprecated: true produces: - application/json - application/x-yaml - application/edn - application/transit+json - application/transit+msgpack parameters: - name: Authorization in: header required: false type: string description: Base64-encoded JWT in the format "Bearer " - name: x-user-id in: header required: true type: integer format: int64 description: id - name: x-http-caller-id in: header required: true type: string description: caller id - name: x-http-request-id in: header required: false type: string description: request-id - name: x-authenticated-user-id in: header required: false type: integer format: int64 description: user-id verified by auth service - name: If-Modified-Since in: header required: false type: string description: Only return fields updated since this time http://www.freesoft.org/CIE/RFC/1945/58.htm - name: field-id in: path required: true type: string description: '' - name: start-time in: query required: false type: string description: Only return events with planting dates after this date - name: end-time in: query required: false type: string description: Only return events with planting dates after this date - name: include-deleted in: query required: false type: boolean description: '' - name: include-source in: query required: false type: boolean description: '' responses: '200': description: '' schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ActualEventFieldResponse' headers: {} '500': description: Server Error headers: {} definitions: ActualEventFieldResponse: title: ActualEventFieldResponse type: object properties: field-id: type: string field-uuid: type: string format: uuid events: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/ActualEventResponse' required: - field-id - field-uuid - events ActualEventFieldsQueryResponse: title: ActualEventFieldsQueryResponse type: object properties: results: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/ActualEventFieldResponse' required: - results ActualEventInput: title: ActualEventInput type: object properties: seed-product: $ref: '#/definitions/ValidatedSeedProduct' custom-crop-name: type: string updated-at: type: string treatments: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Treatment' replant: type: boolean source-type: type: string relative-maturity: $ref: '#/definitions/RM' crop-id: type: integer format: int64 geometry: $ref: '#/definitions/ActualEventInputGeometry' planting-end-time: type: string season: type: string id: type: string format: uuid population: $ref: '#/definitions/Population' area: $ref: '#/definitions/Area' source-id: type: string planting-start-time: type: string field-id: type: string product-year: type: integer format: int64 required: - seed-product - planting-end-time - id - area - planting-start-time - field-id ActualEventInputGeometry: title: ActualEventInputGeometry type: object properties: crs: type: string bbox: type: array items: type: number format: double coordinates: type: array items: type: number format: double type: type: string required: - coordinates - type ActualEventPatchInput: title: ActualEventPatchInput type: object properties: seed-product: $ref: '#/definitions/ValidatedSeedProduct' custom-crop-name: type: string updated-at: type: string treatments: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Treatment' replant: type: boolean source-type: type: string relative-maturity: $ref: '#/definitions/RM' crop-id: type: integer format: int64 geometry: $ref: '#/definitions/ActualEventPatchInputGeometry' planting-end-time: type: string season: type: string id: type: string format: uuid population: $ref: '#/definitions/Population' area: $ref: '#/definitions/Area' source-id: type: string planting-start-time: type: string field-id: type: string product-year: type: integer format: int64 required: - id - field-id ActualEventPatchInputGeometry: title: ActualEventPatchInputGeometry type: object properties: crs: type: string bbox: type: array items: type: number format: double coordinates: type: array items: type: number format: double type: type: string required: - coordinates - type ActualEventQueryRequest: title: ActualEventQueryRequest type: object properties: event-ids: type: array items: type: string format: uuid required: - event-ids ActualEventQueryResponse: title: ActualEventQueryResponse type: object properties: results: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/ActualEventResponse' required: - results ActualEventQueryResponseResultsGeometry: title: ActualEventQueryResponseResultsGeometry type: object properties: crs: type: string bbox: type: array items: type: number format: double coordinates: type: array items: type: number format: double type: type: string required: - coordinates - type ActualEventResponse: title: ActualEventResponse type: object properties: seed-product: $ref: '#/definitions/SeedProduct' updated-at: type: string deleted: type: boolean field-uuid: type: string format: uuid treatments: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Treatment' replant: type: boolean source-type: type: string relative-maturity: $ref: '#/definitions/RM' crop-id: type: integer format: int64 geometry: $ref: '#/definitions/ActualEventQueryResponseResultsGeometry' planting-end-time: type: string cropping-year: type: integer format: int64 season: type: string updated-by: type: integer format: int64 created-by: type: integer format: int64 id: type: string format: uuid population: $ref: '#/definitions/Population' area: $ref: '#/definitions/Area' source-id: type: string planting-start-time: type: string field-id: type: string product-year: type: integer format: int64 created-at: type: string required: - seed-product - updated-at - deleted - field-uuid - planting-end-time - updated-by - created-by - id - area - planting-start-time - field-id - created-at AllEventsFieldResponse: title: AllEventsFieldResponse type: object properties: field-id: type: string field-uuid: type: string format: uuid planned: $ref: '#/definitions/AllEventsFieldsQueryResponseResultsPlanned' actual: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/ActualEventResponse' recorded: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/RecordedEventResponse' required: - field-id - field-uuid - planned - actual - recorded AllEventsFieldsQueryResponse: title: AllEventsFieldsQueryResponse type: object properties: results: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/AllEventsFieldResponse' required: - results AllEventsFieldsQueryResponseResultsPlanned: title: AllEventsFieldsQueryResponseResultsPlanned type: object properties: program: $ref: '#/definitions/ProgramResponse' prescription: $ref: '#/definitions/PrescriptionResponse' created-at: type: string created-by: type: integer format: int64 updated-at: type: string updated-by: type: integer format: int64 deleted: type: boolean ApplyProgramRequest: title: ApplyProgramRequest type: object properties: program-id: type: string format: uuid field-ids: type: array items: type: string required: - program-id - field-ids Area: title: Area type: object properties: q: type: number format: double u: type: string default: hectare required: - q - u BestFmzQueryResponse: title: BestFmzQueryResponse type: object properties: results: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/BestFmzResponse' required: - results BestFmzResponse: title: BestFmzResponse type: object properties: field-id: type: string field-uuid: type: string format: uuid fmz-id: type: string format: uuid event-type: $ref: '#/definitions/EventType' product-year: type: integer format: int64 season: type: string zones: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/BestFmzZoneResponse' required: - field-id - field-uuid - fmz-id - event-type - zones BestFmzZoneResponse: title: BestFmzZoneResponse type: object properties: zone-id: type: string event-type: $ref: '#/definitions/EventType' dominant-planting: $ref: '#/definitions/BestPlanting' required: - zone-id - event-type - dominant-planting BestPlanting: title: BestPlanting type: object properties: seed-product: $ref: '#/definitions/SeedProduct' target-yield: $ref: '#/definitions/Yield' date: type: string treatments: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Treatment' replant: type: boolean relative-maturity: $ref: '#/definitions/RM' crop-id: type: integer format: int64 fmz-id: type: string format: uuid season: type: string population: $ref: '#/definitions/Population' area: $ref: '#/definitions/Area' BestQueryResponse: title: BestQueryResponse type: object properties: results: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/BestResponse' required: - results BestResponse: title: BestResponse type: object properties: field-id: type: string field-uuid: type: string format: uuid updated-at: type: string event-type: $ref: '#/definitions/EventType' dominant-planting: $ref: '#/definitions/BestPlanting' product-year: type: integer format: int64 season: type: string plantings: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/BestPlanting' required: - field-id - field-uuid - updated-at - event-type - dominant-planting DeletedResponse: title: DeletedResponse type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid deleted: type: boolean required: - id - deleted FieldPlan: title: FieldPlan type: object properties: updated-at: type: string deleted: type: boolean field-uuid: type: string format: uuid source-type: type: string updated-by: type: integer format: int64 created-by: type: integer format: int64 prescription: $ref: '#/definitions/PrescriptionResponse' field-area: $ref: '#/definitions/Area' source-id: type: string field-id: type: string created-at: type: string program: $ref: '#/definitions/ProgramResponse' required: - field-uuid - field-area - field-id FieldPlanQueryResponse: title: FieldPlanQueryResponse type: object properties: results: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/FieldPlan' required: - results FieldsFmzsQuery: title: FieldsFmzsQuery type: object properties: field-fmz-ids: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/FieldsFmzsQueryFieldFmzIds' required: - field-fmz-ids FieldsFmzsQueryFieldFmzIds: title: FieldsFmzsQueryFieldFmzIds type: object properties: field-id: type: string fmz-id: type: string format: uuid required: - field-id - fmz-id FieldsQuery: title: FieldsQuery type: object properties: field-ids: type: array items: type: string required: - field-ids NewActualEvent: title: NewActualEvent type: object properties: seed-product: $ref: '#/definitions/ValidatedSeedProduct' custom-crop-name: type: string updated-at: type: string treatments: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Treatment' replant: type: boolean source-type: type: string relative-maturity: $ref: '#/definitions/RM' crop-id: type: integer format: int64 geometry: $ref: '#/definitions/NewActualEventGeometry' planting-end-time: type: string season: type: string population: $ref: '#/definitions/Population' area: $ref: '#/definitions/Area' source-id: type: string planting-start-time: type: string field-id: type: string product-year: type: integer format: int64 required: - seed-product - planting-end-time - area - planting-start-time - field-id NewActualEventGeometry: title: NewActualEventGeometry type: object properties: crs: type: string bbox: type: array items: type: number format: double coordinates: type: array items: type: number format: double type: type: string required: - coordinates - type NewProgram: title: NewProgram type: object properties: seed-product: $ref: '#/definitions/ValidatedSeedProduct' updated-at: type: string target-yield: $ref: '#/definitions/Yield' date: type: string treatments: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Treatment' name: type: string relative-maturity: $ref: '#/definitions/RM' crop-id: type: integer format: int64 notes: type: string population: $ref: '#/definitions/Population' product-year: type: integer format: int64 visible: type: boolean NewProgramPatch: title: NewProgramPatch type: object properties: seed-product: $ref: '#/definitions/ValidatedSeedProduct' updated-at: type: string target-yield: $ref: '#/definitions/Yield' date: type: string treatments: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Treatment' name: type: string relative-maturity: $ref: '#/definitions/RM' crop-id: type: integer format: int64 notes: type: string population: $ref: '#/definitions/Population' product-year: type: integer format: int64 visible: type: boolean NewRecordedEvent: title: NewRecordedEvent type: object properties: seed-product: $ref: '#/definitions/ValidatedSeedProduct' updated-at: type: string date: type: string treatments: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Treatment' name: type: string source-type: type: string relative-maturity: $ref: '#/definitions/RM' crop-id: type: integer format: int64 cropping-year: type: integer format: int64 fmz-id: type: string format: uuid season: type: string notes: type: string population: $ref: '#/definitions/Population' zone-id: type: string area: $ref: '#/definitions/Area' source-id: type: string field-id: type: string product-year: type: integer format: int64 required: - field-id Population: title: Population type: object properties: q: type: number format: double u: $ref: '#/definitions/U' required: - q - u PrescriptionResponse: title: PrescriptionResponse type: object properties: updated-at: type: string deleted: type: boolean field-uuid: type: string format: uuid name: type: string fmz-id: type: string format: uuid updated-by: type: integer format: int64 created-by: type: integer format: int64 id: type: string format: uuid notes: type: string zones: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/ZoneProgram' field-id: type: string product-year: type: integer format: int64 created-at: type: string required: - field-uuid - fmz-id - id - zones - field-id - product-year ProgramFieldsResponse: title: ProgramFieldsResponse type: object properties: program-id: type: string format: uuid field-ids: type: array items: type: string required: - program-id - field-ids ProgramInput: title: ProgramInput type: object properties: seed-product: $ref: '#/definitions/ValidatedSeedProduct' updated-at: type: string target-yield: $ref: '#/definitions/Yield' date: type: string treatments: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Treatment' name: type: string relative-maturity: $ref: '#/definitions/RM' crop-id: type: integer format: int64 id: type: string format: uuid notes: type: string population: $ref: '#/definitions/Population' product-year: type: integer format: int64 visible: type: boolean required: - id ProgramPatchInput: title: ProgramPatchInput type: object properties: seed-product: $ref: '#/definitions/ValidatedSeedProduct' updated-at: type: string target-yield: $ref: '#/definitions/Yield' date: type: string treatments: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Treatment' name: type: string relative-maturity: $ref: '#/definitions/RM' crop-id: type: integer format: int64 id: type: string format: uuid notes: type: string population: $ref: '#/definitions/Population' product-year: type: integer format: int64 visible: type: boolean required: - id ProgramQuery: title: ProgramQuery type: object properties: field-ids: type: array items: type: string program-ids: type: array items: type: integer format: int64 product-year: type: integer format: int64 type: $ref: '#/definitions/Type' visible: type: boolean include-owned: {} include-zones: {} ProgramResponse: title: ProgramResponse type: object properties: seed-product: $ref: '#/definitions/SeedProduct' updated-at: type: string deleted: type: boolean target-yield: $ref: '#/definitions/Yield' date: type: string treatments: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Treatment' name: type: string source-type: type: string relative-maturity: $ref: '#/definitions/RM' crop-id: type: integer format: int64 updated-by: type: integer format: int64 created-by: type: integer format: int64 id: type: string format: uuid notes: type: string population: $ref: '#/definitions/Population' source-id: type: string product-year: type: integer format: int64 visible: type: boolean created-at: type: string required: - id ProgramsQueryRequest: title: ProgramsQueryRequest type: object properties: program-ids: type: array items: type: string format: uuid required: - program-ids ProgramsQueryResponse: title: ProgramsQueryResponse type: object properties: results: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/ProgramResponse' required: - results RM: title: RM type: object properties: q: type: string u: type: string required: - q - u RecordedEventFieldResponse: title: RecordedEventFieldResponse type: object properties: field-id: type: string field-uuid: type: string format: uuid events: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/RecordedEventResponse' required: - field-id - field-uuid - events RecordedEventFieldsQueryResponse: title: RecordedEventFieldsQueryResponse type: object properties: results: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/RecordedEventFieldResponse' required: - results RecordedEventInput: title: RecordedEventInput type: object properties: seed-product: $ref: '#/definitions/ValidatedSeedProduct' updated-at: type: string date: type: string treatments: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Treatment' name: type: string source-type: type: string relative-maturity: $ref: '#/definitions/RM' crop-id: type: integer format: int64 cropping-year: type: integer format: int64 fmz-id: type: string format: uuid season: type: string id: type: string format: uuid notes: type: string population: $ref: '#/definitions/Population' zone-id: type: string area: $ref: '#/definitions/Area' source-id: type: string field-id: type: string product-year: type: integer format: int64 required: - id - field-id RecordedEventPatchInput: title: RecordedEventPatchInput type: object properties: seed-product: $ref: '#/definitions/ValidatedSeedProduct' updated-at: type: string date: type: string treatments: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Treatment' name: type: string source-type: type: string relative-maturity: $ref: '#/definitions/RM' crop-id: type: integer format: int64 cropping-year: type: integer format: int64 fmz-id: type: string format: uuid season: type: string id: type: string format: uuid notes: type: string population: $ref: '#/definitions/Population' zone-id: type: string area: $ref: '#/definitions/Area' source-id: type: string field-id: type: string product-year: type: integer format: int64 required: - id - field-id RecordedEventQueryRequest: title: RecordedEventQueryRequest type: object properties: event-ids: type: array items: type: string format: uuid required: - event-ids RecordedEventQueryResponse: title: RecordedEventQueryResponse type: object properties: results: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/RecordedEventResponse' required: - results RecordedEventResponse: title: RecordedEventResponse type: object properties: seed-product: $ref: '#/definitions/SeedProduct' updated-at: type: string deleted: type: boolean date: type: string field-uuid: type: string format: uuid treatments: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Treatment' name: type: string relative-maturity: $ref: '#/definitions/RM' crop-id: type: integer format: int64 cropping-year: type: integer format: int64 fmz-id: type: string format: uuid season: type: string updated-by: type: integer format: int64 created-by: type: integer format: int64 id: type: string format: uuid notes: type: string population: $ref: '#/definitions/Population' zone-id: type: string area: $ref: '#/definitions/Area' field-id: type: string product-year: type: integer format: int64 created-at: type: string required: - updated-at - deleted - field-uuid - updated-by - created-by - id - field-id - created-at RemoveProgramRequest: title: RemoveProgramRequest type: object properties: field-ids: type: array items: type: string required: - field-ids RemoveProgramResponse: title: RemoveProgramResponse type: object properties: results: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/RemoveProgramResponseResults' required: - results RemoveProgramResponseResults: title: RemoveProgramResponseResults type: object properties: field-id: type: string field-uuid: type: string format: uuid product-year: type: integer format: int64 required: - field-id - field-uuid - product-year SeedProduct: title: SeedProduct type: object properties: id: type: integer format: int64 brand: type: string name: type: string Treatment: title: Treatment type: object properties: type: type: string q: type: number format: double u: type: string required: - type - q - u UmberFieldPlantingProfile: title: UmberFieldPlantingProfile type: object properties: field-id: type: string product-year: type: integer format: int64 created-at: type: string updated-at: type: string planting-program: type: string required: - field-id - product-year UmberFieldPlantingProfiles: title: UmberFieldPlantingProfiles type: object properties: profiles: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/UmberFieldPlantingProfile' required: - profiles UmberFieldProfileQuery: title: UmberFieldProfileQuery type: object properties: product-year: type: integer format: int64 field-ids: type: array items: type: string updated-since: type: string required: - product-year UmberPlantingEdit: title: UmberPlantingEdit type: object properties: seed-product: $ref: '#/definitions/UmberPlantingEditsPlantingEditsSeedProduct' updated-at: type: string liquid-application: $ref: '#/definitions/UmberPlantingEditsPlantingEditsLiquidApplication' target-yield: $ref: '#/definitions/UmberPlantingEditsPlantingEditsTargetYield' color: type: string name: type: string population: $ref: '#/definitions/UmberPlantingEditsPlantingEditsPopulation' zone-id: type: string visible: type: boolean crop: type: string created-at: type: string planting-date: type: string rm: $ref: '#/definitions/UmberPlantingEditsPlantingEditsRm' required: - zone-id UmberPlantingEdits: title: UmberPlantingEdits type: object properties: product-year: type: integer format: int64 planting-edits: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/UmberPlantingEdit' required: - product-year - planting-edits UmberPlantingEditsPlantingEditsLiquidApplication: title: UmberPlantingEditsPlantingEditsLiquidApplication type: object properties: value: type: number format: double unit: type: string required: - value - unit UmberPlantingEditsPlantingEditsPopulation: title: UmberPlantingEditsPlantingEditsPopulation type: object properties: value: type: number format: double unit: type: string required: - value UmberPlantingEditsPlantingEditsRm: title: UmberPlantingEditsPlantingEditsRm type: object properties: value: type: string unit: type: string required: - value UmberPlantingEditsPlantingEditsSeedProduct: title: UmberPlantingEditsPlantingEditsSeedProduct type: object properties: brand: type: string name: type: string id: type: integer format: int64 UmberPlantingEditsPlantingEditsTargetYield: title: UmberPlantingEditsPlantingEditsTargetYield type: object properties: value: type: number format: double unit: type: string required: - value UmberPlantingProgramResponse: title: UmberPlantingProgramResponse type: object properties: seed-product: $ref: '#/definitions/UmberPlantingProgramsResponseProgramsSeedProduct' updated-at: type: string liquid-application: $ref: '#/definitions/UmberPlantingProgramsResponseProgramsLiquidApplication' target-yield: $ref: '#/definitions/UmberPlantingProgramsResponseProgramsTargetYield' color: type: string name: type: string type: type: string default: planting-program id: type: string population: $ref: '#/definitions/UmberPlantingProgramsResponseProgramsPopulation' product-year: type: integer format: int64 visible: type: boolean crop: type: string created-at: type: string planting-date: type: string rm: $ref: '#/definitions/UmberPlantingProgramsResponseProgramsRm' required: - type - id - product-year UmberPlantingProgramsResponse: title: UmberPlantingProgramsResponse type: object properties: programs: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/UmberPlantingProgramResponse' required: - programs UmberPlantingProgramsResponseProgramsLiquidApplication: title: UmberPlantingProgramsResponseProgramsLiquidApplication type: object properties: value: type: number format: double unit: type: string required: - value - unit UmberPlantingProgramsResponseProgramsPopulation: title: UmberPlantingProgramsResponseProgramsPopulation type: object properties: value: type: number format: double unit: type: string required: - value UmberPlantingProgramsResponseProgramsRm: title: UmberPlantingProgramsResponseProgramsRm type: object properties: value: type: string unit: type: string required: - value UmberPlantingProgramsResponseProgramsSeedProduct: title: UmberPlantingProgramsResponseProgramsSeedProduct type: object properties: brand: type: string name: type: string id: type: integer format: int64 UmberPlantingProgramsResponseProgramsTargetYield: title: UmberPlantingProgramsResponseProgramsTargetYield type: object properties: value: type: number format: double unit: type: string required: - value UmberProgramFieldsResponse: title: UmberProgramFieldsResponse type: object properties: field-profiles: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/UmberProgramFieldsResponseFieldProfiles' zone-profiles: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/UmberProgramFieldsResponseZoneProfiles' UmberProgramFieldsResponseFieldProfiles: title: UmberProgramFieldsResponseFieldProfiles type: object properties: field-id: type: string product-year: type: integer format: int64 planting-program: $ref: '#/definitions/UmberProgramFieldsResponseFieldProfilesPlantingProgram' required: - field-id - product-year - planting-program UmberProgramFieldsResponseFieldProfilesPlantingProgram: title: UmberProgramFieldsResponseFieldProfilesPlantingProgram type: object properties: id: type: string required: - id UmberProgramFieldsResponseZoneProfiles: title: UmberProgramFieldsResponseZoneProfiles type: object properties: field-id: type: string fmz-id: type: string format: uuid zone-id: type: string product-year: type: integer format: int64 planting-program: $ref: '#/definitions/UmberProgramFieldsResponseZoneProfilesPlantingProgram' required: - field-id - fmz-id - zone-id - product-year - planting-program UmberProgramFieldsResponseZoneProfilesPlantingProgram: title: UmberProgramFieldsResponseZoneProfilesPlantingProgram type: object properties: id: type: string required: - id UmberZoneProfile: title: UmberZoneProfile type: object properties: fmz-id: type: string format: uuid zone-id: type: string field-id: type: string product-year: type: integer format: int64 created-at: type: string updated-at: type: string planting-program: type: string required: - fmz-id - zone-id - field-id - product-year UmberZoneProfileResponse: title: UmberZoneProfileResponse type: object properties: profiles: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/UmberZoneProfile' required: - profiles UmberZoneProfilesQuery: title: UmberZoneProfilesQuery type: object properties: product-year: type: integer format: int64 zone-ids: type: array items: type: string required: - product-year ValidatedSeedProduct: title: ValidatedSeedProduct type: object properties: id: type: integer format: int64 brand: type: string name: type: string Yield: title: Yield type: object properties: q: type: number format: double u: type: string required: - q - u ZoneProgram: title: ZoneProgram type: object properties: seed-product: $ref: '#/definitions/SeedProduct' updated-at: type: string deleted: type: boolean target-yield: $ref: '#/definitions/Yield' date: type: string treatments: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Treatment' name: type: string relative-maturity: $ref: '#/definitions/RM' crop-id: type: integer format: int64 updated-by: type: integer format: int64 created-by: type: integer format: int64 notes: type: string population: $ref: '#/definitions/Population' zone-id: type: string area: $ref: '#/definitions/Area' product-year: type: integer format: int64 visible: type: boolean created-at: type: string required: - zone-id - area EventType: title: EventType type: string enum: - planned - recorded - all - actual Type: title: Type type: string enum: - planting-program U: title: U type: string enum: - kg/hectare - seed/hectare tags: - name: core description: '' - name: legacy nitro description: '' - name: legacy umber description: '' - name: v1 description: '' - name: v2-validations description: '' - name: v3-validations description: '' - name: v3 description: '' - name: v3-planned description: '' - name: v3-actual description: ''