// Copyright 2015 go-swagger maintainers // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package analysis import ( "bytes" "encoding/json" "fmt" "io" "log" "os" "path" "path/filepath" "regexp" "strings" "testing" "github.com/go-openapi/analysis/internal/antest" "github.com/go-openapi/analysis/internal/flatten/operations" "github.com/go-openapi/jsonpointer" "github.com/go-openapi/spec" "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert" "github.com/stretchr/testify/require" ) var ( rex = regexp.MustCompile(`"\$ref":\s*"(.+)"`) oairex = regexp.MustCompile(`oiagen`) ) type refFixture struct { Key string Ref spec.Ref Location string Expected interface{} } func makeRefFixtures() []refFixture { return []refFixture{ {Key: "#/parameters/someParam/schema", Ref: spec.MustCreateRef("#/definitions/record")}, {Key: "#/paths/~1some~1where~1{id}/parameters/1/schema", Ref: spec.MustCreateRef("#/definitions/record")}, {Key: "#/paths/~1some~1where~1{id}/get/parameters/2/schema", Ref: spec.MustCreateRef("#/definitions/record")}, {Key: "#/responses/someResponse/schema", Ref: spec.MustCreateRef("#/definitions/record")}, {Key: "#/paths/~1some~1where~1{id}/get/responses/default/schema", Ref: spec.MustCreateRef("#/definitions/record")}, {Key: "#/paths/~1some~1where~1{id}/get/responses/200/schema", Ref: spec.MustCreateRef("#/definitions/tag")}, {Key: "#/definitions/namedAgain", Ref: spec.MustCreateRef("#/definitions/named")}, {Key: "#/definitions/datedTag/allOf/1", Ref: spec.MustCreateRef("#/definitions/tag")}, {Key: "#/definitions/datedRecords/items/1", Ref: spec.MustCreateRef("#/definitions/record")}, {Key: "#/definitions/datedTaggedRecords/items/1", Ref: spec.MustCreateRef("#/definitions/record")}, {Key: "#/definitions/datedTaggedRecords/additionalItems", Ref: spec.MustCreateRef("#/definitions/tag")}, {Key: "#/definitions/otherRecords/items", Ref: spec.MustCreateRef("#/definitions/record")}, {Key: "#/definitions/tags/additionalProperties", Ref: spec.MustCreateRef("#/definitions/tag")}, {Key: "#/definitions/namedThing/properties/name", Ref: spec.MustCreateRef("#/definitions/named")}, } } func TestFlatten_ImportExternalReferences(t *testing.T) { log.SetOutput(io.Discard) defer log.SetOutput(os.Stdout) // this fixture is the same as external_definitions.yml, but no more // checks if invalid construct is supported (i.e. $ref in parameters items) bp := filepath.Join(".", "fixtures", "external_definitions_valid.yml") sp := antest.LoadOrFail(t, bp) opts := &FlattenOpts{ Spec: New(sp), BasePath: bp, } // NOTE(fredbi): now we no more expand, but merely resolve and iterate until there is no more ext ref // so calling importExternalReferences is not idempotent _, erx := importExternalReferences(opts) require.NoError(t, erx) require.Len(t, sp.Definitions, 11) require.Contains(t, sp.Definitions, "tag") require.Contains(t, sp.Definitions, "named") require.Contains(t, sp.Definitions, "record") for idx, toPin := range makeRefFixtures() { i := idx v := toPin sp := sp // the pointer passed to Get(node) must be pinned t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("import check ref [%d]: %q", i, v.Key), func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() ptr, err := jsonpointer.New(v.Key[1:]) require.NoErrorf(t, err, "error on jsonpointer.New(%q)", v.Key[1:]) vv, _, err := ptr.Get(sp) require.NoErrorf(t, err, "error on ptr.Get(p for key=%s)", v.Key[1:]) switch tv := vv.(type) { case *spec.Schema: require.Equal(t, v.Ref.String(), tv.Ref.String(), "for %s", v.Key) case spec.Schema: require.Equal(t, v.Ref.String(), tv.Ref.String(), "for %s", v.Key) case *spec.SchemaOrBool: require.Equal(t, v.Ref.String(), tv.Schema.Ref.String(), "for %s", v.Key) case *spec.SchemaOrArray: require.Equal(t, v.Ref.String(), tv.Schema.Ref.String(), "for %s", v.Key) default: require.Fail(t, "unknown type", "got %T", vv) } }) } // check the complete result for clarity jazon := antest.AsJSON(t, sp) expected, err := os.ReadFile(filepath.Join("fixtures", "expected", "external-references-1.json")) require.NoError(t, err) assert.JSONEq(t, string(expected), jazon) // iterate again: this time all external schema $ref's should be reinlined opts.Spec.reload() _, err = importExternalReferences(&FlattenOpts{ Spec: New(sp), BasePath: bp, }) require.NoError(t, err) opts.Spec.reload() for _, ref := range opts.Spec.references.schemas { require.True(t, ref.HasFragmentOnly) } // now try complete flatten, with unused definitions removed sp = antest.LoadOrFail(t, bp) an := New(sp) require.NoError(t, Flatten(FlattenOpts{Spec: an, BasePath: bp, Verbose: true, Minimal: true, RemoveUnused: true})) jazon = antest.AsJSON(t, an.spec) expected, err = os.ReadFile(filepath.Join("fixtures", "expected", "external-references-2.json")) require.NoError(t, err) assert.JSONEq(t, string(expected), jazon) } func makeFlattenFixtures() []refFixture { return []refFixture{ { Key: "#/responses/notFound/schema", Location: "#/responses/notFound/schema", Ref: spec.MustCreateRef("#/definitions/error"), Expected: nil, }, { Key: "#/paths/~1some~1where~1{id}/parameters/0", Location: "#/paths/~1some~1where~1{id}/parameters/0/name", Ref: spec.Ref{}, Expected: "id", }, { Key: "#/paths/~1other~1place", Location: "#/paths/~1other~1place/get/operationId", Ref: spec.Ref{}, Expected: "modelOp", }, { Key: "#/paths/~1some~1where~1{id}/get/parameters/0", Location: "#/paths/~1some~1where~1{id}/get/parameters/0/name", Ref: spec.Ref{}, Expected: "limit", }, { Key: "#/paths/~1some~1where~1{id}/get/parameters/1", Location: "#/paths/~1some~1where~1{id}/get/parameters/1/name", Ref: spec.Ref{}, Expected: "some", }, { Key: "#/paths/~1some~1where~1{id}/get/parameters/2", Location: "#/paths/~1some~1where~1{id}/get/parameters/2/name", Ref: spec.Ref{}, Expected: "other", }, { Key: "#/paths/~1some~1where~1{id}/get/parameters/3", Location: "#/paths/~1some~1where~1{id}/get/parameters/3/schema", Ref: spec.MustCreateRef("#/definitions/getSomeWhereIdParamsBody"), Expected: "", }, { Key: "#/paths/~1some~1where~1{id}/get/responses/200", Location: "#/paths/~1some~1where~1{id}/get/responses/200/schema", Ref: spec.MustCreateRef("#/definitions/getSomeWhereIdOKBody"), Expected: "", }, { Key: "#/definitions/namedAgain", Location: "", Ref: spec.MustCreateRef("#/definitions/named"), Expected: "", }, { Key: "#/definitions/namedThing/properties/name", Location: "", Ref: spec.MustCreateRef("#/definitions/named"), Expected: "", }, { Key: "#/definitions/namedThing/properties/namedAgain", Location: "", Ref: spec.MustCreateRef("#/definitions/namedAgain"), Expected: "", }, { Key: "#/definitions/datedRecords/items/1", Location: "", Ref: spec.MustCreateRef("#/definitions/record"), Expected: "", }, { Key: "#/definitions/otherRecords/items", Location: "", Ref: spec.MustCreateRef("#/definitions/record"), Expected: "", }, { Key: "#/definitions/tags/additionalProperties", Location: "", Ref: spec.MustCreateRef("#/definitions/tag"), Expected: "", }, { Key: "#/definitions/datedTag/allOf/1", Location: "", Ref: spec.MustCreateRef("#/definitions/tag"), Expected: "", }, { Key: "#/definitions/nestedThingRecord/items/1", Location: "", Ref: spec.MustCreateRef("#/definitions/nestedThingRecordItems1"), Expected: "", }, { Key: "#/definitions/nestedThingRecord/items/2", Location: "", Ref: spec.MustCreateRef("#/definitions/nestedThingRecordItems2"), Expected: "", }, { Key: "#/definitions/nestedThing/properties/record", Location: "", Ref: spec.MustCreateRef("#/definitions/nestedThingRecord"), Expected: "", }, { Key: "#/definitions/named", Location: "#/definitions/named/type", Ref: spec.Ref{}, Expected: spec.StringOrArray{"string"}, }, { Key: "#/definitions/error", Location: "#/definitions/error/properties/id/type", Ref: spec.Ref{}, Expected: spec.StringOrArray{"integer"}, }, { Key: "#/definitions/record", Location: "#/definitions/record/properties/createdAt/format", Ref: spec.Ref{}, Expected: "date-time", }, { Key: "#/definitions/getSomeWhereIdOKBody", Location: "#/definitions/getSomeWhereIdOKBody/properties/record", Ref: spec.MustCreateRef("#/definitions/nestedThing"), Expected: nil, }, { Key: "#/definitions/getSomeWhereIdParamsBody", Location: "#/definitions/getSomeWhereIdParamsBody/properties/record", Ref: spec.MustCreateRef("#/definitions/getSomeWhereIdParamsBodyRecord"), Expected: nil, }, { Key: "#/definitions/getSomeWhereIdParamsBodyRecord", Location: "#/definitions/getSomeWhereIdParamsBodyRecord/items/1", Ref: spec.MustCreateRef("#/definitions/getSomeWhereIdParamsBodyRecordItems1"), Expected: nil, }, { Key: "#/definitions/getSomeWhereIdParamsBodyRecord", Location: "#/definitions/getSomeWhereIdParamsBodyRecord/items/2", Ref: spec.MustCreateRef("#/definitions/getSomeWhereIdParamsBodyRecordItems2"), Expected: nil, }, { Key: "#/definitions/getSomeWhereIdParamsBodyRecordItems2", Location: "#/definitions/getSomeWhereIdParamsBodyRecordItems2/allOf/0/format", Ref: spec.Ref{}, Expected: "date", }, { Key: "#/definitions/getSomeWhereIdParamsBodyRecordItems2Name", Location: "#/definitions/getSomeWhereIdParamsBodyRecordItems2Name/properties/createdAt/format", Ref: spec.Ref{}, Expected: "date-time", }, { Key: "#/definitions/getSomeWhereIdParamsBodyRecordItems2", Location: "#/definitions/getSomeWhereIdParamsBodyRecordItems2/properties/name", Ref: spec.MustCreateRef("#/definitions/getSomeWhereIdParamsBodyRecordItems2Name"), Expected: "date", }, } } func TestFlatten_CheckRef(t *testing.T) { bp := filepath.Join("fixtures", "flatten.yml") sp := antest.LoadOrFail(t, bp) require.NoError(t, Flatten(FlattenOpts{Spec: New(sp), BasePath: bp})) for idx, toPin := range makeFlattenFixtures() { i := idx v := toPin sp := sp t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("check ref after flatten %q", v.Key), func(t *testing.T) { pk := v.Key[1:] if v.Location != "" { pk = v.Location[1:] } ptr, err := jsonpointer.New(pk) require.NoError(t, err, "at %d for %s", i, v.Key) d, _, err := ptr.Get(sp) require.NoError(t, err) if v.Ref.String() == "" { assert.Equal(t, v.Expected, d) return } switch s := d.(type) { case *spec.Schema: assert.Equal(t, v.Ref.String(), s.Ref.String(), "at %d for %s", i, v.Key) case spec.Schema: assert.Equal(t, v.Ref.String(), s.Ref.String(), "at %d for %s", i, v.Key) case *spec.SchemaOrArray: var sRef spec.Ref if s != nil && s.Schema != nil { sRef = s.Schema.Ref } assert.Equal(t, v.Ref.String(), sRef.String(), "at %d for %s", i, v.Key) case *spec.SchemaOrBool: var sRef spec.Ref if s != nil && s.Schema != nil { sRef = s.Schema.Ref } assert.Equal(t, v.Ref.String(), sRef.String(), "at %d for %s", i, v.Key) default: assert.Fail(t, "unknown type", "got %T at %d for %s", d, i, v.Key) } }) } } func TestFlatten_FullWithOAIGen(t *testing.T) { bp := filepath.Join("fixtures", "oaigen", "fixture-oaigen.yaml") sp := antest.LoadOrFail(t, bp) require.NoError(t, Flatten(FlattenOpts{ Spec: New(sp), BasePath: bp, Verbose: true, Minimal: false, RemoveUnused: false, })) res := getInPath(t, sp, "/some/where", "/get/responses/204/schema") assert.JSONEqf(t, `{"$ref": "#/definitions/uniqueName1"}`, res, "Expected a simple schema for response") res = getInPath(t, sp, "/some/where", "/post/responses/204/schema") assert.JSONEqf(t, `{"$ref": "#/definitions/d"}`, res, "Expected a simple schema for response") res = getInPath(t, sp, "/some/where", "/get/responses/206/schema") assert.JSONEqf(t, `{"$ref": "#/definitions/a"}`, res, "Expected a simple schema for response") res = getInPath(t, sp, "/some/where", "/get/responses/304/schema") assert.JSONEqf(t, `{"$ref": "#/definitions/transitive11"}`, res, "Expected a simple schema for response") res = getInPath(t, sp, "/some/where", "/get/responses/205/schema") assert.JSONEqf(t, `{"$ref": "#/definitions/b"}`, res, "Expected a simple schema for response") res = getInPath(t, sp, "/some/where", "/post/responses/200/schema") assert.JSONEqf(t, `{"type": "integer"}`, res, "Expected a simple schema for response") res = getInPath(t, sp, "/some/where", "/post/responses/default/schema") // pointer expanded assert.JSONEqf(t, `{"type": "integer"}`, res, "Expected a simple schema for response") res = getDefinition(t, sp, "a") assert.JSONEqf(t, `{"type": "object", "properties": { "a": { "$ref": "#/definitions/aAOAIGen" }}}`, res, "Expected a simple schema for response") res = getDefinition(t, sp, "aA") assert.JSONEqf(t, `{"type": "string", "format": "date"}`, res, "Expected a simple schema for response") res = getDefinition(t, sp, "aAOAIGen") assert.JSONEqf(t, ` { "type": "object", "properties": { "b": { "type": "integer" } }, "x-go-gen-location": "models" } `, res, "Expected a simple schema for response") res = getDefinition(t, sp, "bB") assert.JSONEqf(t, `{"type": "string", "format": "date-time"}`, res, "Expected a simple schema for response") _, ok := sp.Definitions["bItems"] assert.Falsef(t, ok, "Did not expect a definition for %s", "bItems") res = getDefinition(t, sp, "d") assert.JSONEqf(t, ` { "type": "object", "properties": { "c": { "type": "integer" } } } `, res, "Expected a simple schema for response") res = getDefinition(t, sp, "b") assert.JSONEqf(t, ` { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/d" } } `, res, "Expected a ref in response") res = getDefinition(t, sp, "myBody") assert.JSONEqf(t, ` { "type": "object", "properties": { "aA": { "$ref": "#/definitions/aA" }, "prop1": { "type": "integer" } } } `, res, "Expected a simple schema for response") res = getDefinition(t, sp, "uniqueName2") assert.JSONEqf(t, `{"$ref": "#/definitions/notUniqueName2"}`, res, "Expected a simple schema for response") res = getDefinition(t, sp, "notUniqueName2") assert.JSONEqf(t, ` { "type": "object", "properties": { "prop6": { "type": "integer" } } } `, res, "Expected a simple schema for response") res = getDefinition(t, sp, "uniqueName1") assert.JSONEqf(t, `{ "type": "object", "properties": { "prop5": { "type": "integer" }}}`, res, "Expected a simple schema for response") // allOf container: []spec.Schema res = getDefinition(t, sp, "getWithSliceContainerDefaultBody") assert.JSONEqf(t, `{ "allOf": [ { "$ref": "#/definitions/uniqueName3" }, { "$ref": "#/definitions/getWithSliceContainerDefaultBodyAllOf1" } ], "x-go-gen-location": "operations" }`, res, "Expected a simple schema for response") res = getDefinition(t, sp, "getWithSliceContainerDefaultBodyAllOf1") assert.JSONEqf(t, `{ "type": "object", "properties": { "prop8": { "type": "string" } }, "x-go-gen-location": "models" }`, res, "Expected a simple schema for response") res = getDefinition(t, sp, "getWithTupleContainerDefaultBody") assert.JSONEqf(t, `{ "type": "array", "items": [ { "$ref": "#/definitions/uniqueName3" }, { "$ref": "#/definitions/getWithSliceContainerDefaultBodyAllOf1" } ], "x-go-gen-location": "operations" }`, res, "Expected a simple schema for response") // with container SchemaOrArray res = getDefinition(t, sp, "getWithTupleConflictDefaultBody") assert.JSONEqf(t, `{ "type": "array", "items": [ { "$ref": "#/definitions/uniqueName4" }, { "$ref": "#/definitions/getWithTupleConflictDefaultBodyItems1" } ], "x-go-gen-location": "operations" }`, res, "Expected a simple schema for response") res = getDefinition(t, sp, "getWithTupleConflictDefaultBodyItems1") assert.JSONEqf(t, `{ "type": "object", "properties": { "prop10": { "type": "string" } }, "x-go-gen-location": "models" }`, res, "Expected a simple schema for response") } func TestFlatten_MinimalWithOAIGen(t *testing.T) { var sp *spec.Swagger defer func() { if t.Failed() && sp != nil { t.Log(antest.AsJSON(t, sp)) } }() bp := filepath.Join("fixtures", "oaigen", "fixture-oaigen.yaml") sp = antest.LoadOrFail(t, bp) var logCapture bytes.Buffer log.SetOutput(&logCapture) defer log.SetOutput(os.Stdout) require.NoError(t, Flatten(FlattenOpts{Spec: New(sp), BasePath: bp, Verbose: true, Minimal: true, RemoveUnused: false})) msg := logCapture.String() if !assert.NotContainsf(t, msg, "warning: duplicate flattened definition name resolved as aAOAIGen", "Expected log message") { t.Logf("Captured log: %s", msg) } if !assert.NotContainsf(t, msg, "warning: duplicate flattened definition name resolved as uniqueName2OAIGen", "Expected log message") { t.Logf("Captured log: %s", msg) } res := getInPath(t, sp, "/some/where", "/get/responses/204/schema") assert.JSONEqf(t, `{"$ref": "#/definitions/uniqueName1"}`, res, "Expected a simple schema for response") res = getInPath(t, sp, "/some/where", "/post/responses/204/schema") assert.JSONEqf(t, `{"$ref": "#/definitions/d"}`, res, "Expected a simple schema for response") res = getInPath(t, sp, "/some/where", "/get/responses/206/schema") assert.JSONEqf(t, `{"$ref": "#/definitions/a"}`, res, "Expected a simple schema for response") res = getInPath(t, sp, "/some/where", "/get/responses/304/schema") assert.JSONEqf(t, `{"$ref": "#/definitions/transitive11"}`, res, "Expected a simple schema for response") res = getInPath(t, sp, "/some/where", "/get/responses/205/schema") assert.JSONEqf(t, `{"$ref": "#/definitions/b"}`, res, "Expected a simple schema for response") res = getInPath(t, sp, "/some/where", "/post/responses/200/schema") assert.JSONEqf(t, `{"type": "integer"}`, res, "Expected a simple schema for response") res = getInPath(t, sp, "/some/where", "/post/responses/default/schema") // This JSON pointer is expanded assert.JSONEqf(t, `{"type": "integer"}`, res, "Expected a simple schema for response") res = getDefinition(t, sp, "aA") assert.JSONEqf(t, `{"type": "string", "format": "date"}`, res, "Expected a simple schema for response") res = getDefinition(t, sp, "a") assert.JSONEqf(t, `{ "type": "object", "properties": { "a": { "type": "object", "properties": { "b": { "type": "integer" } } } } }`, res, "Expected a simple schema for response") res = getDefinition(t, sp, "bB") assert.JSONEqf(t, `{"type": "string", "format": "date-time"}`, res, "Expected a simple schema for response") _, ok := sp.Definitions["bItems"] assert.Falsef(t, ok, "Did not expect a definition for %s", "bItems") res = getDefinition(t, sp, "d") assert.JSONEqf(t, `{ "type": "object", "properties": { "c": { "type": "integer" } } }`, res, "Expected a simple schema for response") res = getDefinition(t, sp, "b") assert.JSONEqf(t, `{ "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/d" } }`, res, "Expected a ref in response") res = getDefinition(t, sp, "myBody") assert.JSONEqf(t, `{ "type": "object", "properties": { "aA": { "$ref": "#/definitions/aA" }, "prop1": { "type": "integer" } } }`, res, "Expected a simple schema for response") res = getDefinition(t, sp, "uniqueName2") assert.JSONEqf(t, `{"$ref": "#/definitions/notUniqueName2"}`, res, "Expected a simple schema for response") // with allOf container: []spec.Schema res = getInPath(t, sp, "/with/slice/container", "/get/responses/default/schema") assert.JSONEqf(t, `{ "allOf": [ { "$ref": "#/definitions/uniqueName3" }, { "$ref": "#/definitions/getWithSliceContainerDefaultBodyAllOf1" } ] }`, res, "Expected a simple schema for response") // with tuple container res = getInPath(t, sp, "/with/tuple/container", "/get/responses/default/schema") assert.JSONEqf(t, `{ "type": "array", "items": [ { "$ref": "#/definitions/uniqueName3" }, { "$ref": "#/definitions/getWithSliceContainerDefaultBodyAllOf1" } ] }`, res, "Expected a simple schema for response") // with SchemaOrArray container res = getInPath(t, sp, "/with/tuple/conflict", "/get/responses/default/schema") assert.JSONEqf(t, `{ "type": "array", "items": [ { "$ref": "#/definitions/uniqueName4" }, { "type": "object", "properties": { "prop10": { "type": "string" } } } ] }`, res, "Expected a simple schema for response") } func assertNoOAIGen(t *testing.T, bp string, sp *spec.Swagger) (success bool) { var logCapture bytes.Buffer log.SetOutput(&logCapture) defer log.SetOutput(os.Stdout) defer func() { success = !t.Failed() }() require.NoError(t, Flatten(FlattenOpts{Spec: New(sp), BasePath: bp, Verbose: true, Minimal: false, RemoveUnused: false})) msg := logCapture.String() assert.NotContains(t, msg, "warning") for k := range sp.Definitions { require.NotContains(t, k, "OAIGen") } return } func TestFlatten_OAIGen(t *testing.T) { for _, fixture := range []string{ filepath.Join("fixtures", "oaigen", "test3-swagger.yaml"), filepath.Join("fixtures", "oaigen", "test3-bis-swagger.yaml"), filepath.Join("fixtures", "oaigen", "test3-ter-swagger.yaml"), } { t.Run("flatten_oiagen_1260_"+fixture, func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() bp := filepath.Join("fixtures", "oaigen", "test3-swagger.yaml") sp := antest.LoadOrFail(t, bp) require.Truef(t, assertNoOAIGen(t, bp, sp), "did not expect an OAIGen definition here") }) } } func TestMoreNameInlinedSchemas(t *testing.T) { bp := filepath.Join("fixtures", "more_nested_inline_schemas.yml") sp := antest.LoadOrFail(t, bp) require.NoError(t, Flatten(FlattenOpts{Spec: New(sp), BasePath: bp, Verbose: true, Minimal: false, RemoveUnused: false})) res := getInPath(t, sp, "/some/where/{id}", "/post/responses/200/schema") assert.JSONEqf(t, ` { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": { "$ref": "#/definitions/postSomeWhereIdOKBodyAdditionalPropertiesAdditionalPropertiesAdditionalProperties" } } } }`, res, "Expected a simple schema for response") res = getInPath(t, sp, "/some/where/{id}", "/post/responses/204/schema") assert.JSONEqf(t, ` { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/postSomeWhereIdNoContentBodyAdditionalPropertiesItemsAdditionalPropertiesItemsAdditionalPropertiesItems" } } } } } } } `, res, "Expected a simple schema for response") } func TestRemoveUnused(t *testing.T) { log.SetOutput(io.Discard) defer log.SetOutput(os.Stdout) bp := filepath.Join("fixtures", "oaigen", "fixture-oaigen.yaml") sp := antest.LoadOrFail(t, bp) require.NoError(t, Flatten(FlattenOpts{Spec: New(sp), BasePath: bp, Verbose: false, Minimal: true, RemoveUnused: true})) assert.Nil(t, sp.Parameters) assert.Nil(t, sp.Responses) bp = filepath.Join("fixtures", "parameters", "fixture-parameters.yaml") sp = antest.LoadOrFail(t, bp) an := New(sp) require.NoError(t, Flatten(FlattenOpts{Spec: an, BasePath: bp, Verbose: false, Minimal: true, RemoveUnused: true})) assert.Nil(t, sp.Parameters) assert.Nil(t, sp.Responses) op, ok := an.OperationFor("GET", "/some/where") assert.True(t, ok) assert.Lenf(t, op.Parameters, 4, "Expected 4 parameters expanded for this operation") assert.Lenf(t, an.ParamsFor("GET", "/some/where"), 7, "Expected 7 parameters (with default) expanded for this operation") op, ok = an.OperationFor("PATCH", "/some/remote") assert.True(t, ok) assert.Lenf(t, op.Parameters, 1, "Expected 1 parameter expanded for this operation") assert.Lenf(t, an.ParamsFor("PATCH", "/some/remote"), 2, "Expected 2 parameters (with default) expanded for this operation") _, ok = sp.Definitions["unused"] assert.False(t, ok, "Did not expect to find #/definitions/unused") bp = filepath.Join("fixtures", "parameters", "fixture-parameters.yaml") sp = antest.LoadOrFail(t, bp) require.NoError(t, Flatten(FlattenOpts{Spec: New(sp), BasePath: bp, Verbose: true, Minimal: false, RemoveUnused: true})) assert.Nil(t, sp.Parameters) assert.Nil(t, sp.Responses) _, ok = sp.Definitions["unused"] assert.Falsef(t, ok, "Did not expect to find #/definitions/unused") } func TestOperationIDs(t *testing.T) { bp := filepath.Join("fixtures", "operations", "fixture-operations.yaml") sp := antest.LoadOrFail(t, bp) an := New(sp) require.NoError(t, Flatten(FlattenOpts{Spec: an, BasePath: bp, Verbose: false, Minimal: false, RemoveUnused: false})) t.Run("should GatherOperations", func(t *testing.T) { res := operations.GatherOperations(New(sp), []string{"getSomeWhere", "getSomeWhereElse"}) assert.Containsf(t, res, "getSomeWhere", "expected to find operation") assert.Containsf(t, res, "getSomeWhereElse", "expected to find operation") assert.NotContainsf(t, res, "postSomeWhere", "did not expect to find operation") }) op, ok := an.OperationFor("GET", "/some/where/else") assert.True(t, ok) assert.NotNil(t, op) assert.Len(t, an.ParametersFor("getSomeWhereElse"), 2) op, ok = an.OperationFor("POST", "/some/where/else") assert.True(t, ok) assert.NotNil(t, op) assert.Len(t, an.ParametersFor("postSomeWhereElse"), 1) op, ok = an.OperationFor("PUT", "/some/where/else") assert.True(t, ok) assert.NotNil(t, op) assert.Len(t, an.ParametersFor("putSomeWhereElse"), 1) op, ok = an.OperationFor("PATCH", "/some/where/else") assert.True(t, ok) assert.NotNil(t, op) assert.Len(t, an.ParametersFor("patchSomeWhereElse"), 1) op, ok = an.OperationFor("DELETE", "/some/where/else") assert.True(t, ok) assert.NotNil(t, op) assert.Len(t, an.ParametersFor("deleteSomeWhereElse"), 1) op, ok = an.OperationFor("HEAD", "/some/where/else") assert.True(t, ok) assert.NotNil(t, op) assert.Len(t, an.ParametersFor("headSomeWhereElse"), 1) op, ok = an.OperationFor("OPTIONS", "/some/where/else") assert.True(t, ok) assert.NotNil(t, op) assert.Len(t, an.ParametersFor("optionsSomeWhereElse"), 1) assert.Empty(t, an.ParametersFor("outOfThisWorld")) } func TestFlatten_Pointers(t *testing.T) { log.SetOutput(io.Discard) defer log.SetOutput(os.Stdout) bp := filepath.Join("fixtures", "pointers", "fixture-pointers.yaml") sp := antest.LoadOrFail(t, bp) an := New(sp) require.NoError(t, Flatten(FlattenOpts{Spec: an, BasePath: bp, Verbose: true, Minimal: true, RemoveUnused: false})) // re-analyse and check all $ref's point to #/definitions bn := New(sp) for _, r := range bn.AllRefs() { assert.Equal(t, definitionsPath, path.Dir(r.String())) } } // unit test guards in flatten not easily testable with actual specs func TestFlatten_ErrorHandling(t *testing.T) { log.SetOutput(io.Discard) defer log.SetOutput(os.Stdout) const wantedFailure = "Expected a failure" bp := filepath.Join("fixtures", "errors", "fixture-unexpandable.yaml") // invalid spec expansion sp := antest.LoadOrFail(t, bp) require.Errorf(t, Flatten(FlattenOpts{Spec: New(sp), BasePath: bp, Expand: true}), wantedFailure) // reload original spec sp = antest.LoadOrFail(t, bp) require.Errorf(t, Flatten(FlattenOpts{Spec: New(sp), BasePath: bp, Expand: false}), wantedFailure) bp = filepath.Join("fixtures", "errors", "fixture-unexpandable-2.yaml") sp = antest.LoadOrFail(t, bp) require.Errorf(t, Flatten(FlattenOpts{Spec: New(sp), BasePath: bp, Expand: false}), wantedFailure) // reload original spec sp = antest.LoadOrFail(t, bp) require.Errorf(t, Flatten(FlattenOpts{Spec: New(sp), BasePath: bp, Minimal: true, Expand: false}), wantedFailure) } func TestFlatten_PointersLoop(t *testing.T) { log.SetOutput(io.Discard) defer log.SetOutput(os.Stdout) bp := filepath.Join("fixtures", "pointers", "fixture-pointers-loop.yaml") sp := antest.LoadOrFail(t, bp) an := New(sp) require.Error(t, Flatten(FlattenOpts{Spec: an, BasePath: bp, Verbose: true, Minimal: true, RemoveUnused: false})) } func TestFlatten_Bitbucket(t *testing.T) { log.SetOutput(io.Discard) defer log.SetOutput(os.Stdout) bp := filepath.Join("fixtures", "bugs", "bitbucket.json") sp := antest.LoadOrFail(t, bp) an := New(sp) require.NoError(t, Flatten(FlattenOpts{Spec: an, BasePath: bp, Verbose: true, Minimal: true, RemoveUnused: false})) // reload original spec sp = antest.LoadOrFail(t, bp) an = New(sp) require.NoError(t, Flatten(FlattenOpts{Spec: an, BasePath: bp, Verbose: true, Minimal: false, RemoveUnused: false})) // reload original spec sp = antest.LoadOrFail(t, bp) an = New(sp) require.NoError(t, Flatten(FlattenOpts{Spec: an, BasePath: bp, Verbose: true, Expand: true, RemoveUnused: false})) // reload original spec sp = antest.LoadOrFail(t, bp) an = New(sp) require.NoError(t, Flatten(FlattenOpts{Spec: an, BasePath: bp, Verbose: true, Expand: true, RemoveUnused: true})) assert.Len(t, sp.Definitions, 2) // only 2 remaining refs after expansion: circular $ref _, ok := sp.Definitions["base_commit"] assert.True(t, ok) _, ok = sp.Definitions["repository"] assert.True(t, ok) } func TestFlatten_Issue_1602(t *testing.T) { log.SetOutput(io.Discard) defer log.SetOutput(os.Stdout) // $ref as schema to #/responses or #/parameters // minimal repro test case bp := filepath.Join("fixtures", "bugs", "1602", "fixture-1602-1.yaml") sp := antest.LoadOrFail(t, bp) an := New(sp) require.NoError(t, Flatten(FlattenOpts{ Spec: an, BasePath: bp, Verbose: true, Minimal: true, Expand: false, RemoveUnused: false, })) // reload spec sp = antest.LoadOrFail(t, bp) an = New(sp) require.NoError(t, Flatten(FlattenOpts{ Spec: an, BasePath: bp, Verbose: false, Minimal: false, Expand: false, RemoveUnused: false, })) // reload spec // with prior expansion, a pseudo schema is produced sp = antest.LoadOrFail(t, bp) an = New(sp) require.NoError(t, Flatten(FlattenOpts{ Spec: an, BasePath: bp, Verbose: false, Minimal: false, Expand: true, RemoveUnused: false, })) } func TestFlatten_Issue_1602_All(t *testing.T) { for _, toPin := range []string{ filepath.Join("fixtures", "bugs", "1602", "fixture-1602-full.yaml"), filepath.Join("fixtures", "bugs", "1602", "fixture-1602-1.yaml"), filepath.Join("fixtures", "bugs", "1602", "fixture-1602-2.yaml"), filepath.Join("fixtures", "bugs", "1602", "fixture-1602-3.yaml"), filepath.Join("fixtures", "bugs", "1602", "fixture-1602-4.yaml"), filepath.Join("fixtures", "bugs", "1602", "fixture-1602-5.yaml"), filepath.Join("fixtures", "bugs", "1602", "fixture-1602-6.yaml"), } { fixture := toPin t.Run("issue_1602_all_"+fixture, func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() sp := antest.LoadOrFail(t, fixture) an := New(sp) require.NoError(t, Flatten(FlattenOpts{ Spec: an, BasePath: fixture, Verbose: false, Minimal: true, Expand: false, RemoveUnused: false, })) }) } } func TestFlatten_Issue_1614(t *testing.T) { log.SetOutput(io.Discard) defer log.SetOutput(os.Stdout) // $ref as schema to #/responses or #/parameters // test warnings bp := filepath.Join("fixtures", "bugs", "1614", "gitea.yaml") sp := antest.LoadOrFail(t, bp) an := New(sp) require.NoError(t, Flatten(FlattenOpts{Spec: an, BasePath: bp, Verbose: true, Minimal: true, Expand: false, RemoveUnused: false})) // check that responses subject to warning have been expanded jazon := antest.AsJSON(t, sp) assert.NotContains(t, jazon, `#/responses/forbidden`) assert.NotContains(t, jazon, `#/responses/empty`) } func TestFlatten_Issue_1621(t *testing.T) { // repeated remote refs // minimal repro test case bp := filepath.Join("fixtures", "bugs", "1621", "fixture-1621.yaml") sp := antest.LoadOrFail(t, bp) an := New(sp) require.NoError(t, Flatten(FlattenOpts{ Spec: an, BasePath: bp, Verbose: true, Minimal: true, Expand: false, RemoveUnused: false, })) sch1 := sp.Paths.Paths["/v4/users/"].Get.Responses.StatusCodeResponses[200].Schema jazon := antest.AsJSON(t, sch1) assert.JSONEq(t, `{"type": "array", "items": {"$ref": "#/definitions/v4UserListItem" }}`, jazon) sch2 := sp.Paths.Paths["/v4/user/"].Get.Responses.StatusCodeResponses[200].Schema jazon = antest.AsJSON(t, sch2) assert.JSONEq(t, `{"$ref": "#/definitions/v4UserListItem"}`, jazon) sch3 := sp.Paths.Paths["/v4/users/{email}/"].Get.Responses.StatusCodeResponses[200].Schema jazon = antest.AsJSON(t, sch3) assert.JSONEq(t, `{"$ref": "#/definitions/v4UserListItem"}`, jazon) } func TestFlatten_Issue_1796(t *testing.T) { // remote cyclic ref bp := filepath.Join("fixtures", "bugs", "1796", "queryIssue.json") sp := antest.LoadOrFail(t, bp) an := New(sp) require.NoError(t, Flatten(FlattenOpts{ Spec: an, BasePath: bp, Verbose: true, Minimal: true, Expand: false, RemoveUnused: false, })) // assert all $ref match "$ref": "#/definitions/something" for _, ref := range an.AllReferences() { assert.True(t, strings.HasPrefix(ref, "#/definitions")) } } func TestFlatten_Issue_1767(t *testing.T) { // remote cyclic ref again bp := filepath.Join("fixtures", "bugs", "1767", "fixture-1767.yaml") sp := antest.LoadOrFail(t, bp) an := New(sp) require.NoError(t, Flatten(FlattenOpts{ Spec: an, BasePath: bp, Verbose: true, Minimal: true, Expand: false, RemoveUnused: false, })) // assert all $ref match "$ref": "#/definitions/something" for _, ref := range an.AllReferences() { assert.True(t, strings.HasPrefix(ref, "#/definitions")) } } func TestFlatten_Issue_1774(t *testing.T) { // remote cyclic ref again bp := filepath.Join("fixtures", "bugs", "1774", "def_api.yaml") sp := antest.LoadOrFail(t, bp) an := New(sp) require.NoError(t, Flatten(FlattenOpts{ Spec: an, BasePath: bp, Verbose: true, Minimal: false, Expand: false, RemoveUnused: false, })) // assert all $ref match "$ref": "#/definitions/something" for _, ref := range an.AllReferences() { assert.True(t, strings.HasPrefix(ref, "#/definitions")) } } func TestFlatten_1429(t *testing.T) { // nested / remote $ref in response / param schemas // issue go-swagger/go-swagger#1429 bp := filepath.Join("fixtures", "bugs", "1429", "swagger.yaml") sp := antest.LoadOrFail(t, bp) an := New(sp) require.NoError(t, Flatten(FlattenOpts{ Spec: an, BasePath: bp, Verbose: true, Minimal: true, RemoveUnused: false, })) } func TestFlatten_1851(t *testing.T) { // nested / remote $ref in response / param schemas // issue go-swagger/go-swagger#1851 bp := filepath.Join("fixtures", "bugs", "1851", "fixture-1851.yaml") sp := antest.LoadOrFail(t, bp) an := New(sp) require.NoError(t, Flatten(FlattenOpts{ Spec: an, BasePath: bp, Verbose: true, Minimal: true, RemoveUnused: false, })) serverDefinition, ok := an.spec.Definitions["server"] assert.True(t, ok) serverStatusDefinition, ok := an.spec.Definitions["serverStatus"] assert.True(t, ok) serverStatusProperty, ok := serverDefinition.Properties["Status"] assert.True(t, ok) jazon := antest.AsJSON(t, serverStatusProperty) assert.JSONEq(t, `{"$ref": "#/definitions/serverStatus"}`, jazon) jazon = antest.AsJSON(t, serverStatusDefinition) assert.JSONEq(t, `{"type": "string", "enum": [ "OK", "Not OK" ]}`, jazon) // additional test case: this one used to work bp = filepath.Join("fixtures", "bugs", "1851", "fixture-1851-2.yaml") sp = antest.LoadOrFail(t, bp) an = New(sp) require.NoError(t, Flatten(FlattenOpts{Spec: an, BasePath: bp, Verbose: true, Minimal: true, RemoveUnused: false})) serverDefinition, ok = an.spec.Definitions["Server"] assert.True(t, ok) serverStatusDefinition, ok = an.spec.Definitions["ServerStatus"] assert.True(t, ok) serverStatusProperty, ok = serverDefinition.Properties["Status"] assert.True(t, ok) jazon = antest.AsJSON(t, serverStatusProperty) assert.JSONEq(t, `{"$ref": "#/definitions/ServerStatus"}`, jazon) jazon = antest.AsJSON(t, serverStatusDefinition) assert.JSONEq(t, `{"type": "string", "enum": [ "OK", "Not OK" ]}`, jazon) } func TestFlatten_RemoteAbsolute(t *testing.T) { for _, toPin := range []string{ // this one has simple remote ref pattern filepath.Join("fixtures", "bugs", "remote-absolute", "swagger-mini.json"), // this has no remote ref filepath.Join("fixtures", "bugs", "remote-absolute", "swagger.json"), // this one has local ref, no naming conflict (same as previous but with external ref imported) filepath.Join("fixtures", "bugs", "remote-absolute", "swagger-with-local-ref.json"), // this one has remote ref, no naming conflict (same as previous but with external ref imported) filepath.Join("fixtures", "bugs", "remote-absolute", "swagger-with-remote-only-ref.json"), } { fixture := toPin t.Run("remote_absolute_"+fixture, func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() an := testFlattenWithDefaults(t, fixture) checkRefs(t, an.spec, true) }) } // This one has both remote and local ref with naming conflict. // This creates some "oiagen" definitions to address naming conflict, // which are removed by the oaigen pruning process (reinlined / merged with parents). an := testFlattenWithDefaults(t, filepath.Join("fixtures", "bugs", "remote-absolute", "swagger-with-ref.json")) checkRefs(t, an.spec, false) } func TestFlatten_2092(t *testing.T) { log.SetOutput(io.Discard) defer log.SetOutput(os.Stdout) bp := filepath.Join("fixtures", "bugs", "2092", "swagger.yaml") rexOAIGen := regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)("\$ref":\s*")(.?oaigen.?)"`) // #2092 exhibits a stability issue: repeat 100 times the process to make sure it is stable sp := antest.LoadOrFail(t, bp) an := New(sp) require.NoError(t, Flatten(FlattenOpts{Spec: an, BasePath: bp, Verbose: true, Minimal: true, RemoveUnused: false})) firstJSONMinimal := antest.AsJSON(t, an.spec) // verify we don't have dangling oaigen refs require.Falsef(t, rexOAIGen.MatchString(firstJSONMinimal), "unmatched regexp for: %s", firstJSONMinimal) sp = antest.LoadOrFail(t, bp) an = New(sp) require.NoError(t, Flatten(FlattenOpts{Spec: an, BasePath: bp, Verbose: true, Minimal: false, RemoveUnused: false})) firstJSONFull := antest.AsJSON(t, an.spec) // verify we don't have dangling oaigen refs require.Falsef(t, rexOAIGen.MatchString(firstJSONFull), "unmatched regexp for: %s", firstJSONFull) for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("issue_2092_%d", i), func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() // verify that we produce a stable result sp := antest.LoadOrFail(t, bp) an := New(sp) require.NoError(t, Flatten(FlattenOpts{Spec: an, BasePath: bp, Verbose: true, Minimal: true, RemoveUnused: false})) jazon := antest.AsJSON(t, an.spec) assert.JSONEq(t, firstJSONMinimal, jazon) require.NoError(t, Flatten(FlattenOpts{Spec: an, BasePath: bp, Verbose: true, Minimal: true, RemoveUnused: true})) sp = antest.LoadOrFail(t, bp) an = New(sp) require.NoError(t, Flatten(FlattenOpts{Spec: an, BasePath: bp, Verbose: true, Minimal: false, RemoveUnused: false})) jazon = antest.AsJSON(t, an.spec) assert.JSONEq(t, firstJSONFull, jazon) }) } } func TestFlatten_2113(t *testing.T) { // flatten $ref under path log.SetOutput(io.Discard) defer log.SetOutput(os.Stdout) bp := filepath.Join("fixtures", "bugs", "2113", "base.yaml") sp := antest.LoadOrFail(t, bp) an := New(sp) require.NoError(t, Flatten(FlattenOpts{ Spec: an, BasePath: bp, Verbose: true, Expand: true, RemoveUnused: false, })) sp = antest.LoadOrFail(t, bp) an = New(sp) require.NoError(t, Flatten(FlattenOpts{ Spec: an, BasePath: bp, Verbose: true, Minimal: true, RemoveUnused: false, })) jazon := antest.AsJSON(t, sp) expected, err := os.ReadFile(filepath.Join("fixtures", "expected", "issue-2113.json")) require.NoError(t, err) require.JSONEq(t, string(expected), jazon) } func TestFlatten_2334(t *testing.T) { // flatten $ref without altering case log.SetOutput(io.Discard) defer log.SetOutput(os.Stdout) bp := filepath.Join("fixtures", "bugs", "2334", "swagger.yaml") sp := antest.LoadOrFail(t, bp) an := New(sp) require.NoError(t, Flatten(FlattenOpts{ Spec: an, BasePath: bp, Verbose: false, Expand: false, Minimal: true, RemoveUnused: true, KeepNames: true, })) jazon := antest.AsJSON(t, sp) assert.Contains(t, jazon, `"$ref": "#/definitions/Bar"`) assert.Contains(t, jazon, `"Bar":`) assert.Contains(t, jazon, `"Baz":`) } func TestFlatten_1898(t *testing.T) { log.SetOutput(io.Discard) defer log.SetOutput(os.Stdout) bp := filepath.Join("fixtures", "bugs", "1898", "swagger.json") sp := antest.LoadOrFail(t, bp) an := New(sp) require.NoError(t, Flatten(FlattenOpts{ Spec: an, BasePath: bp, Verbose: true, Expand: false, RemoveUnused: false, })) op, ok := an.OperationFor("GET", "/example/v2/GetEvents") require.True(t, ok) resp, _, ok := op.SuccessResponse() require.True(t, ok) require.Equal(t, "#/definitions/xStreamDefinitionsV2EventMsg", resp.Schema.Ref.String()) def, ok := sp.Definitions["xStreamDefinitionsV2EventMsg"] require.True(t, ok) require.Len(t, def.Properties, 2) require.Contains(t, def.Properties, "error") require.Contains(t, def.Properties, "result") } func TestFlatten_RemoveUnused_2657(t *testing.T) { log.SetOutput(io.Discard) defer log.SetOutput(os.Stdout) bp := filepath.Join("fixtures", "bugs", "2657", "schema.json") sp := antest.LoadOrFail(t, bp) an := New(sp) require.NoError(t, Flatten(FlattenOpts{ Spec: an, BasePath: bp, Verbose: true, Minimal: true, Expand: false, RemoveUnused: true, })) require.Empty(t, sp.Definitions) } func TestFlatten_Relative_2743(t *testing.T) { log.SetOutput(io.Discard) defer log.SetOutput(os.Stdout) t.Run("used to work, but should NOT", func(t *testing.T) { bp := filepath.Join("fixtures", "bugs", "2743", "working", "spec.yaml") sp := antest.LoadOrFail(t, bp) an := New(sp) require.Error(t, Flatten(FlattenOpts{ Spec: an, BasePath: bp, Verbose: true, Minimal: true, Expand: false, })) }) t.Run("used not to, but should work", func(t *testing.T) { bp := filepath.Join("fixtures", "bugs", "2743", "not-working", "spec.yaml") sp := antest.LoadOrFail(t, bp) an := New(sp) require.NoError(t, Flatten(FlattenOpts{ Spec: an, BasePath: bp, Verbose: true, Minimal: true, Expand: false, })) }) } func getDefinition(t testing.TB, sp *spec.Swagger, key string) string { d, ok := sp.Definitions[key] require.Truef(t, ok, "Expected definition for %s", key) res, err := json.Marshal(d) if err != nil { panic(err) } return string(res) } func getInPath(t testing.TB, sp *spec.Swagger, path, key string) string { ptr, erp := jsonpointer.New(key) require.NoError(t, erp, "at %s no key", key) d, _, erg := ptr.Get(sp.Paths.Paths[path]) require.NoError(t, erg, "at %s no value for %s", path, key) res, err := json.Marshal(d) if err != nil { panic(err) } return string(res) } func checkRefs(t testing.TB, spec *spec.Swagger, expectNoConflict bool) { // all $ref resolve locally jazon := antest.AsJSON(t, spec) m := rex.FindAllStringSubmatch(jazon, -1) require.NotNil(t, m) for _, matched := range m { subMatch := matched[1] assert.True(t, strings.HasPrefix(subMatch, "#/definitions/"), "expected $ref to be inlined, got: %s", matched[0]) } if expectNoConflict { // no naming conflict m := oairex.FindAllStringSubmatch(jazon, -1) assert.Empty(t, m) } } func testFlattenWithDefaults(t *testing.T, bp string) *Spec { sp := antest.LoadOrFail(t, bp) an := New(sp) require.NoError(t, Flatten(FlattenOpts{ Spec: an, BasePath: bp, Verbose: true, Minimal: true, RemoveUnused: false, })) return an }