# package auth/jwt `package auth/jwt` provides a set of interfaces for service authorization through [JSON Web Tokens](https://jwt.io/). ## Usage NewParser takes a key function and an expected signing method and returns an `endpoint.Middleware`. The middleware will parse a token passed into the context via the `jwt.JWTContextKey`. If the token is valid, any claims will be added to the context via the `jwt.JWTClaimsContextKey`. ```go import ( stdjwt "github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/v4" "github.com/go-kit/kit/auth/jwt" "github.com/go-kit/kit/endpoint" ) func main() { var exampleEndpoint endpoint.Endpoint { kf := func(token *stdjwt.Token) (interface{}, error) { return []byte("SigningString"), nil } exampleEndpoint = MakeExampleEndpoint(service) exampleEndpoint = jwt.NewParser(kf, stdjwt.SigningMethodHS256, jwt.StandardClaimsFactory)(exampleEndpoint) } } ``` NewSigner takes a JWT key ID header, the signing key, signing method, and a claims object. It returns an `endpoint.Middleware`. The middleware will build the token string and add it to the context via the `jwt.JWTContextKey`. ```go import ( stdjwt "github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/v4" "github.com/go-kit/kit/auth/jwt" "github.com/go-kit/kit/endpoint" ) func main() { var exampleEndpoint endpoint.Endpoint { exampleEndpoint = grpctransport.NewClient(...).Endpoint() exampleEndpoint = jwt.NewSigner( "kid-header", []byte("SigningString"), stdjwt.SigningMethodHS256, jwt.Claims{}, )(exampleEndpoint) } } ``` In order for the parser and the signer to work, the authorization headers need to be passed between the request and the context. `HTTPToContext()`, `ContextToHTTP()`, `GRPCToContext()`, and `ContextToGRPC()` are given as helpers to do this. These functions implement the correlating transport's RequestFunc interface and can be passed as ClientBefore or ServerBefore options. Example of use in a client: ```go import ( stdjwt "github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/v4" grpctransport "github.com/go-kit/kit/transport/grpc" "github.com/go-kit/kit/auth/jwt" "github.com/go-kit/kit/endpoint" ) func main() { options := []httptransport.ClientOption{} var exampleEndpoint endpoint.Endpoint { exampleEndpoint = grpctransport.NewClient(..., grpctransport.ClientBefore(jwt.ContextToGRPC())).Endpoint() exampleEndpoint = jwt.NewSigner( "kid-header", []byte("SigningString"), stdjwt.SigningMethodHS256, jwt.Claims{}, )(exampleEndpoint) } } ``` Example of use in a server: ```go import ( "context" "github.com/go-kit/kit/auth/jwt" "github.com/go-kit/log" grpctransport "github.com/go-kit/kit/transport/grpc" ) func MakeGRPCServer(ctx context.Context, endpoints Endpoints, logger log.Logger) pb.ExampleServer { options := []grpctransport.ServerOption{grpctransport.ServerErrorLogger(logger)} return &grpcServer{ createUser: grpctransport.NewServer( ctx, endpoints.CreateUserEndpoint, DecodeGRPCCreateUserRequest, EncodeGRPCCreateUserResponse, append(options, grpctransport.ServerBefore(jwt.GRPCToContext()))..., ), getUser: grpctransport.NewServer( ctx, endpoints.GetUserEndpoint, DecodeGRPCGetUserRequest, EncodeGRPCGetUserResponse, options..., ), } } ```