
Source file src/github.com/go-chi/chi/tree.go

Documentation: github.com/go-chi/chi

     1  package chi
     3  // Radix tree implementation below is a based on the original work by
     4  // Armon Dadgar in https://github.com/armon/go-radix/blob/master/radix.go
     5  // (MIT licensed). It's been heavily modified for use as a HTTP routing tree.
     7  import (
     8  	"fmt"
     9  	"math"
    10  	"net/http"
    11  	"regexp"
    12  	"sort"
    13  	"strconv"
    14  	"strings"
    15  )
    17  type methodTyp int
    19  const (
    20  	mSTUB methodTyp = 1 << iota
    21  	mCONNECT
    22  	mDELETE
    23  	mGET
    24  	mHEAD
    25  	mOPTIONS
    26  	mPATCH
    27  	mPOST
    28  	mPUT
    29  	mTRACE
    30  )
    32  var mALL = mCONNECT | mDELETE | mGET | mHEAD |
    33  	mOPTIONS | mPATCH | mPOST | mPUT | mTRACE
    35  var methodMap = map[string]methodTyp{
    36  	http.MethodConnect: mCONNECT,
    37  	http.MethodDelete:  mDELETE,
    38  	http.MethodGet:     mGET,
    39  	http.MethodHead:    mHEAD,
    40  	http.MethodOptions: mOPTIONS,
    41  	http.MethodPatch:   mPATCH,
    42  	http.MethodPost:    mPOST,
    43  	http.MethodPut:     mPUT,
    44  	http.MethodTrace:   mTRACE,
    45  }
    47  // RegisterMethod adds support for custom HTTP method handlers, available
    48  // via Router#Method and Router#MethodFunc
    49  func RegisterMethod(method string) {
    50  	if method == "" {
    51  		return
    52  	}
    53  	method = strings.ToUpper(method)
    54  	if _, ok := methodMap[method]; ok {
    55  		return
    56  	}
    57  	n := len(methodMap)
    58  	if n > strconv.IntSize {
    59  		panic(fmt.Sprintf("chi: max number of methods reached (%d)", strconv.IntSize))
    60  	}
    61  	mt := methodTyp(math.Exp2(float64(n)))
    62  	methodMap[method] = mt
    63  	mALL |= mt
    64  }
    66  type nodeTyp uint8
    68  const (
    69  	ntStatic   nodeTyp = iota // /home
    70  	ntRegexp                  // /{id:[0-9]+}
    71  	ntParam                   // /{user}
    72  	ntCatchAll                // /api/v1/*
    73  )
    75  type node struct {
    76  	// node type: static, regexp, param, catchAll
    77  	typ nodeTyp
    79  	// first byte of the prefix
    80  	label byte
    82  	// first byte of the child prefix
    83  	tail byte
    85  	// prefix is the common prefix we ignore
    86  	prefix string
    88  	// regexp matcher for regexp nodes
    89  	rex *regexp.Regexp
    91  	// HTTP handler endpoints on the leaf node
    92  	endpoints endpoints
    94  	// subroutes on the leaf node
    95  	subroutes Routes
    97  	// child nodes should be stored in-order for iteration,
    98  	// in groups of the node type.
    99  	children [ntCatchAll + 1]nodes
   100  }
   102  // endpoints is a mapping of http method constants to handlers
   103  // for a given route.
   104  type endpoints map[methodTyp]*endpoint
   106  type endpoint struct {
   107  	// endpoint handler
   108  	handler http.Handler
   110  	// pattern is the routing pattern for handler nodes
   111  	pattern string
   113  	// parameter keys recorded on handler nodes
   114  	paramKeys []string
   115  }
   117  func (s endpoints) Value(method methodTyp) *endpoint {
   118  	mh, ok := s[method]
   119  	if !ok {
   120  		mh = &endpoint{}
   121  		s[method] = mh
   122  	}
   123  	return mh
   124  }
   126  func (n *node) InsertRoute(method methodTyp, pattern string, handler http.Handler) *node {
   127  	var parent *node
   128  	search := pattern
   130  	for {
   131  		// Handle key exhaustion
   132  		if len(search) == 0 {
   133  			// Insert or update the node's leaf handler
   134  			n.setEndpoint(method, handler, pattern)
   135  			return n
   136  		}
   138  		// We're going to be searching for a wild node next,
   139  		// in this case, we need to get the tail
   140  		var label = search[0]
   141  		var segTail byte
   142  		var segEndIdx int
   143  		var segTyp nodeTyp
   144  		var segRexpat string
   145  		if label == '{' || label == '*' {
   146  			segTyp, _, segRexpat, segTail, _, segEndIdx = patNextSegment(search)
   147  		}
   149  		var prefix string
   150  		if segTyp == ntRegexp {
   151  			prefix = segRexpat
   152  		}
   154  		// Look for the edge to attach to
   155  		parent = n
   156  		n = n.getEdge(segTyp, label, segTail, prefix)
   158  		// No edge, create one
   159  		if n == nil {
   160  			child := &node{label: label, tail: segTail, prefix: search}
   161  			hn := parent.addChild(child, search)
   162  			hn.setEndpoint(method, handler, pattern)
   164  			return hn
   165  		}
   167  		// Found an edge to match the pattern
   169  		if n.typ > ntStatic {
   170  			// We found a param node, trim the param from the search path and continue.
   171  			// This param/wild pattern segment would already be on the tree from a previous
   172  			// call to addChild when creating a new node.
   173  			search = search[segEndIdx:]
   174  			continue
   175  		}
   177  		// Static nodes fall below here.
   178  		// Determine longest prefix of the search key on match.
   179  		commonPrefix := longestPrefix(search, n.prefix)
   180  		if commonPrefix == len(n.prefix) {
   181  			// the common prefix is as long as the current node's prefix we're attempting to insert.
   182  			// keep the search going.
   183  			search = search[commonPrefix:]
   184  			continue
   185  		}
   187  		// Split the node
   188  		child := &node{
   189  			typ:    ntStatic,
   190  			prefix: search[:commonPrefix],
   191  		}
   192  		parent.replaceChild(search[0], segTail, child)
   194  		// Restore the existing node
   195  		n.label = n.prefix[commonPrefix]
   196  		n.prefix = n.prefix[commonPrefix:]
   197  		child.addChild(n, n.prefix)
   199  		// If the new key is a subset, set the method/handler on this node and finish.
   200  		search = search[commonPrefix:]
   201  		if len(search) == 0 {
   202  			child.setEndpoint(method, handler, pattern)
   203  			return child
   204  		}
   206  		// Create a new edge for the node
   207  		subchild := &node{
   208  			typ:    ntStatic,
   209  			label:  search[0],
   210  			prefix: search,
   211  		}
   212  		hn := child.addChild(subchild, search)
   213  		hn.setEndpoint(method, handler, pattern)
   214  		return hn
   215  	}
   216  }
   218  // addChild appends the new `child` node to the tree using the `pattern` as the trie key.
   219  // For a URL router like chi's, we split the static, param, regexp and wildcard segments
   220  // into different nodes. In addition, addChild will recursively call itself until every
   221  // pattern segment is added to the url pattern tree as individual nodes, depending on type.
   222  func (n *node) addChild(child *node, prefix string) *node {
   223  	search := prefix
   225  	// handler leaf node added to the tree is the child.
   226  	// this may be overridden later down the flow
   227  	hn := child
   229  	// Parse next segment
   230  	segTyp, _, segRexpat, segTail, segStartIdx, segEndIdx := patNextSegment(search)
   232  	// Add child depending on next up segment
   233  	switch segTyp {
   235  	case ntStatic:
   236  		// Search prefix is all static (that is, has no params in path)
   237  		// noop
   239  	default:
   240  		// Search prefix contains a param, regexp or wildcard
   242  		if segTyp == ntRegexp {
   243  			rex, err := regexp.Compile(segRexpat)
   244  			if err != nil {
   245  				panic(fmt.Sprintf("chi: invalid regexp pattern '%s' in route param", segRexpat))
   246  			}
   247  			child.prefix = segRexpat
   248  			child.rex = rex
   249  		}
   251  		if segStartIdx == 0 {
   252  			// Route starts with a param
   253  			child.typ = segTyp
   255  			if segTyp == ntCatchAll {
   256  				segStartIdx = -1
   257  			} else {
   258  				segStartIdx = segEndIdx
   259  			}
   260  			if segStartIdx < 0 {
   261  				segStartIdx = len(search)
   262  			}
   263  			child.tail = segTail // for params, we set the tail
   265  			if segStartIdx != len(search) {
   266  				// add static edge for the remaining part, split the end.
   267  				// its not possible to have adjacent param nodes, so its certainly
   268  				// going to be a static node next.
   270  				search = search[segStartIdx:] // advance search position
   272  				nn := &node{
   273  					typ:    ntStatic,
   274  					label:  search[0],
   275  					prefix: search,
   276  				}
   277  				hn = child.addChild(nn, search)
   278  			}
   280  		} else if segStartIdx > 0 {
   281  			// Route has some param
   283  			// starts with a static segment
   284  			child.typ = ntStatic
   285  			child.prefix = search[:segStartIdx]
   286  			child.rex = nil
   288  			// add the param edge node
   289  			search = search[segStartIdx:]
   291  			nn := &node{
   292  				typ:   segTyp,
   293  				label: search[0],
   294  				tail:  segTail,
   295  			}
   296  			hn = child.addChild(nn, search)
   298  		}
   299  	}
   301  	n.children[child.typ] = append(n.children[child.typ], child)
   302  	n.children[child.typ].Sort()
   303  	return hn
   304  }
   306  func (n *node) replaceChild(label, tail byte, child *node) {
   307  	for i := 0; i < len(n.children[child.typ]); i++ {
   308  		if n.children[child.typ][i].label == label && n.children[child.typ][i].tail == tail {
   309  			n.children[child.typ][i] = child
   310  			n.children[child.typ][i].label = label
   311  			n.children[child.typ][i].tail = tail
   312  			return
   313  		}
   314  	}
   315  	panic("chi: replacing missing child")
   316  }
   318  func (n *node) getEdge(ntyp nodeTyp, label, tail byte, prefix string) *node {
   319  	nds := n.children[ntyp]
   320  	for i := 0; i < len(nds); i++ {
   321  		if nds[i].label == label && nds[i].tail == tail {
   322  			if ntyp == ntRegexp && nds[i].prefix != prefix {
   323  				continue
   324  			}
   325  			return nds[i]
   326  		}
   327  	}
   328  	return nil
   329  }
   331  func (n *node) setEndpoint(method methodTyp, handler http.Handler, pattern string) {
   332  	// Set the handler for the method type on the node
   333  	if n.endpoints == nil {
   334  		n.endpoints = make(endpoints)
   335  	}
   337  	paramKeys := patParamKeys(pattern)
   339  	if method&mSTUB == mSTUB {
   340  		n.endpoints.Value(mSTUB).handler = handler
   341  	}
   342  	if method&mALL == mALL {
   343  		h := n.endpoints.Value(mALL)
   344  		h.handler = handler
   345  		h.pattern = pattern
   346  		h.paramKeys = paramKeys
   347  		for _, m := range methodMap {
   348  			h := n.endpoints.Value(m)
   349  			h.handler = handler
   350  			h.pattern = pattern
   351  			h.paramKeys = paramKeys
   352  		}
   353  	} else {
   354  		h := n.endpoints.Value(method)
   355  		h.handler = handler
   356  		h.pattern = pattern
   357  		h.paramKeys = paramKeys
   358  	}
   359  }
   361  func (n *node) FindRoute(rctx *Context, method methodTyp, path string) (*node, endpoints, http.Handler) {
   362  	// Reset the context routing pattern and params
   363  	rctx.routePattern = ""
   364  	rctx.routeParams.Keys = rctx.routeParams.Keys[:0]
   365  	rctx.routeParams.Values = rctx.routeParams.Values[:0]
   367  	// Find the routing handlers for the path
   368  	rn := n.findRoute(rctx, method, path)
   369  	if rn == nil {
   370  		return nil, nil, nil
   371  	}
   373  	// Record the routing params in the request lifecycle
   374  	rctx.URLParams.Keys = append(rctx.URLParams.Keys, rctx.routeParams.Keys...)
   375  	rctx.URLParams.Values = append(rctx.URLParams.Values, rctx.routeParams.Values...)
   377  	// Record the routing pattern in the request lifecycle
   378  	if rn.endpoints[method].pattern != "" {
   379  		rctx.routePattern = rn.endpoints[method].pattern
   380  		rctx.RoutePatterns = append(rctx.RoutePatterns, rctx.routePattern)
   381  	}
   383  	return rn, rn.endpoints, rn.endpoints[method].handler
   384  }
   386  // Recursive edge traversal by checking all nodeTyp groups along the way.
   387  // It's like searching through a multi-dimensional radix trie.
   388  func (n *node) findRoute(rctx *Context, method methodTyp, path string) *node {
   389  	nn := n
   390  	search := path
   392  	for t, nds := range nn.children {
   393  		ntyp := nodeTyp(t)
   394  		if len(nds) == 0 {
   395  			continue
   396  		}
   398  		var xn *node
   399  		xsearch := search
   401  		var label byte
   402  		if search != "" {
   403  			label = search[0]
   404  		}
   406  		switch ntyp {
   407  		case ntStatic:
   408  			xn = nds.findEdge(label)
   409  			if xn == nil || !strings.HasPrefix(xsearch, xn.prefix) {
   410  				continue
   411  			}
   412  			xsearch = xsearch[len(xn.prefix):]
   414  		case ntParam, ntRegexp:
   415  			// short-circuit and return no matching route for empty param values
   416  			if xsearch == "" {
   417  				continue
   418  			}
   420  			// serially loop through each node grouped by the tail delimiter
   421  			for idx := 0; idx < len(nds); idx++ {
   422  				xn = nds[idx]
   424  				// label for param nodes is the delimiter byte
   425  				p := strings.IndexByte(xsearch, xn.tail)
   427  				if p < 0 {
   428  					if xn.tail == '/' {
   429  						p = len(xsearch)
   430  					} else {
   431  						continue
   432  					}
   433  				}
   435  				if ntyp == ntRegexp && xn.rex != nil {
   436  					if !xn.rex.Match([]byte(xsearch[:p])) {
   437  						continue
   438  					}
   439  				} else if strings.IndexByte(xsearch[:p], '/') != -1 {
   440  					// avoid a match across path segments
   441  					continue
   442  				}
   444  				prevlen := len(rctx.routeParams.Values)
   445  				rctx.routeParams.Values = append(rctx.routeParams.Values, xsearch[:p])
   446  				xsearch = xsearch[p:]
   448  				if len(xsearch) == 0 {
   449  					if xn.isLeaf() {
   450  						h := xn.endpoints[method]
   451  						if h != nil && h.handler != nil {
   452  							rctx.routeParams.Keys = append(rctx.routeParams.Keys, h.paramKeys...)
   453  							return xn
   454  						}
   456  						// flag that the routing context found a route, but not a corresponding
   457  						// supported method
   458  						rctx.methodNotAllowed = true
   459  					}
   460  				}
   462  				// recursively find the next node on this branch
   463  				fin := xn.findRoute(rctx, method, xsearch)
   464  				if fin != nil {
   465  					return fin
   466  				}
   468  				// not found on this branch, reset vars
   469  				rctx.routeParams.Values = rctx.routeParams.Values[:prevlen]
   470  				xsearch = search
   471  			}
   473  			rctx.routeParams.Values = append(rctx.routeParams.Values, "")
   475  		default:
   476  			// catch-all nodes
   477  			rctx.routeParams.Values = append(rctx.routeParams.Values, search)
   478  			xn = nds[0]
   479  			xsearch = ""
   480  		}
   482  		if xn == nil {
   483  			continue
   484  		}
   486  		// did we find it yet?
   487  		if len(xsearch) == 0 {
   488  			if xn.isLeaf() {
   489  				h := xn.endpoints[method]
   490  				if h != nil && h.handler != nil {
   491  					rctx.routeParams.Keys = append(rctx.routeParams.Keys, h.paramKeys...)
   492  					return xn
   493  				}
   495  				// flag that the routing context found a route, but not a corresponding
   496  				// supported method
   497  				rctx.methodNotAllowed = true
   498  			}
   499  		}
   501  		// recursively find the next node..
   502  		fin := xn.findRoute(rctx, method, xsearch)
   503  		if fin != nil {
   504  			return fin
   505  		}
   507  		// Did not find final handler, let's remove the param here if it was set
   508  		if xn.typ > ntStatic {
   509  			if len(rctx.routeParams.Values) > 0 {
   510  				rctx.routeParams.Values = rctx.routeParams.Values[:len(rctx.routeParams.Values)-1]
   511  			}
   512  		}
   514  	}
   516  	return nil
   517  }
   519  func (n *node) findEdge(ntyp nodeTyp, label byte) *node {
   520  	nds := n.children[ntyp]
   521  	num := len(nds)
   522  	idx := 0
   524  	switch ntyp {
   525  	case ntStatic, ntParam, ntRegexp:
   526  		i, j := 0, num-1
   527  		for i <= j {
   528  			idx = i + (j-i)/2
   529  			if label > nds[idx].label {
   530  				i = idx + 1
   531  			} else if label < nds[idx].label {
   532  				j = idx - 1
   533  			} else {
   534  				i = num // breaks cond
   535  			}
   536  		}
   537  		if nds[idx].label != label {
   538  			return nil
   539  		}
   540  		return nds[idx]
   542  	default: // catch all
   543  		return nds[idx]
   544  	}
   545  }
   547  func (n *node) isLeaf() bool {
   548  	return n.endpoints != nil
   549  }
   551  func (n *node) findPattern(pattern string) bool {
   552  	nn := n
   553  	for _, nds := range nn.children {
   554  		if len(nds) == 0 {
   555  			continue
   556  		}
   558  		n = nn.findEdge(nds[0].typ, pattern[0])
   559  		if n == nil {
   560  			continue
   561  		}
   563  		var idx int
   564  		var xpattern string
   566  		switch n.typ {
   567  		case ntStatic:
   568  			idx = longestPrefix(pattern, n.prefix)
   569  			if idx < len(n.prefix) {
   570  				continue
   571  			}
   573  		case ntParam, ntRegexp:
   574  			idx = strings.IndexByte(pattern, '}') + 1
   576  		case ntCatchAll:
   577  			idx = longestPrefix(pattern, "*")
   579  		default:
   580  			panic("chi: unknown node type")
   581  		}
   583  		xpattern = pattern[idx:]
   584  		if len(xpattern) == 0 {
   585  			return true
   586  		}
   588  		return n.findPattern(xpattern)
   589  	}
   590  	return false
   591  }
   593  func (n *node) routes() []Route {
   594  	rts := []Route{}
   596  	n.walk(func(eps endpoints, subroutes Routes) bool {
   597  		if eps[mSTUB] != nil && eps[mSTUB].handler != nil && subroutes == nil {
   598  			return false
   599  		}
   601  		// Group methodHandlers by unique patterns
   602  		pats := make(map[string]endpoints)
   604  		for mt, h := range eps {
   605  			if h.pattern == "" {
   606  				continue
   607  			}
   608  			p, ok := pats[h.pattern]
   609  			if !ok {
   610  				p = endpoints{}
   611  				pats[h.pattern] = p
   612  			}
   613  			p[mt] = h
   614  		}
   616  		for p, mh := range pats {
   617  			hs := make(map[string]http.Handler)
   618  			if mh[mALL] != nil && mh[mALL].handler != nil {
   619  				hs["*"] = mh[mALL].handler
   620  			}
   622  			for mt, h := range mh {
   623  				if h.handler == nil {
   624  					continue
   625  				}
   626  				m := methodTypString(mt)
   627  				if m == "" {
   628  					continue
   629  				}
   630  				hs[m] = h.handler
   631  			}
   633  			rt := Route{p, hs, subroutes}
   634  			rts = append(rts, rt)
   635  		}
   637  		return false
   638  	})
   640  	return rts
   641  }
   643  func (n *node) walk(fn func(eps endpoints, subroutes Routes) bool) bool {
   644  	// Visit the leaf values if any
   645  	if (n.endpoints != nil || n.subroutes != nil) && fn(n.endpoints, n.subroutes) {
   646  		return true
   647  	}
   649  	// Recurse on the children
   650  	for _, ns := range n.children {
   651  		for _, cn := range ns {
   652  			if cn.walk(fn) {
   653  				return true
   654  			}
   655  		}
   656  	}
   657  	return false
   658  }
   660  // patNextSegment returns the next segment details from a pattern:
   661  // node type, param key, regexp string, param tail byte, param starting index, param ending index
   662  func patNextSegment(pattern string) (nodeTyp, string, string, byte, int, int) {
   663  	ps := strings.Index(pattern, "{")
   664  	ws := strings.Index(pattern, "*")
   666  	if ps < 0 && ws < 0 {
   667  		return ntStatic, "", "", 0, 0, len(pattern) // we return the entire thing
   668  	}
   670  	// Sanity check
   671  	if ps >= 0 && ws >= 0 && ws < ps {
   672  		panic("chi: wildcard '*' must be the last pattern in a route, otherwise use a '{param}'")
   673  	}
   675  	var tail byte = '/' // Default endpoint tail to / byte
   677  	if ps >= 0 {
   678  		// Param/Regexp pattern is next
   679  		nt := ntParam
   681  		// Read to closing } taking into account opens and closes in curl count (cc)
   682  		cc := 0
   683  		pe := ps
   684  		for i, c := range pattern[ps:] {
   685  			if c == '{' {
   686  				cc++
   687  			} else if c == '}' {
   688  				cc--
   689  				if cc == 0 {
   690  					pe = ps + i
   691  					break
   692  				}
   693  			}
   694  		}
   695  		if pe == ps {
   696  			panic("chi: route param closing delimiter '}' is missing")
   697  		}
   699  		key := pattern[ps+1 : pe]
   700  		pe++ // set end to next position
   702  		if pe < len(pattern) {
   703  			tail = pattern[pe]
   704  		}
   706  		var rexpat string
   707  		if idx := strings.Index(key, ":"); idx >= 0 {
   708  			nt = ntRegexp
   709  			rexpat = key[idx+1:]
   710  			key = key[:idx]
   711  		}
   713  		if len(rexpat) > 0 {
   714  			if rexpat[0] != '^' {
   715  				rexpat = "^" + rexpat
   716  			}
   717  			if rexpat[len(rexpat)-1] != '$' {
   718  				rexpat += "$"
   719  			}
   720  		}
   722  		return nt, key, rexpat, tail, ps, pe
   723  	}
   725  	// Wildcard pattern as finale
   726  	if ws < len(pattern)-1 {
   727  		panic("chi: wildcard '*' must be the last value in a route. trim trailing text or use a '{param}' instead")
   728  	}
   729  	return ntCatchAll, "*", "", 0, ws, len(pattern)
   730  }
   732  func patParamKeys(pattern string) []string {
   733  	pat := pattern
   734  	paramKeys := []string{}
   735  	for {
   736  		ptyp, paramKey, _, _, _, e := patNextSegment(pat)
   737  		if ptyp == ntStatic {
   738  			return paramKeys
   739  		}
   740  		for i := 0; i < len(paramKeys); i++ {
   741  			if paramKeys[i] == paramKey {
   742  				panic(fmt.Sprintf("chi: routing pattern '%s' contains duplicate param key, '%s'", pattern, paramKey))
   743  			}
   744  		}
   745  		paramKeys = append(paramKeys, paramKey)
   746  		pat = pat[e:]
   747  	}
   748  }
   750  // longestPrefix finds the length of the shared prefix
   751  // of two strings
   752  func longestPrefix(k1, k2 string) int {
   753  	max := len(k1)
   754  	if l := len(k2); l < max {
   755  		max = l
   756  	}
   757  	var i int
   758  	for i = 0; i < max; i++ {
   759  		if k1[i] != k2[i] {
   760  			break
   761  		}
   762  	}
   763  	return i
   764  }
   766  func methodTypString(method methodTyp) string {
   767  	for s, t := range methodMap {
   768  		if method == t {
   769  			return s
   770  		}
   771  	}
   772  	return ""
   773  }
   775  type nodes []*node
   777  // Sort the list of nodes by label
   778  func (ns nodes) Sort()              { sort.Sort(ns); ns.tailSort() }
   779  func (ns nodes) Len() int           { return len(ns) }
   780  func (ns nodes) Swap(i, j int)      { ns[i], ns[j] = ns[j], ns[i] }
   781  func (ns nodes) Less(i, j int) bool { return ns[i].label < ns[j].label }
   783  // tailSort pushes nodes with '/' as the tail to the end of the list for param nodes.
   784  // The list order determines the traversal order.
   785  func (ns nodes) tailSort() {
   786  	for i := len(ns) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
   787  		if ns[i].typ > ntStatic && ns[i].tail == '/' {
   788  			ns.Swap(i, len(ns)-1)
   789  			return
   790  		}
   791  	}
   792  }
   794  func (ns nodes) findEdge(label byte) *node {
   795  	num := len(ns)
   796  	idx := 0
   797  	i, j := 0, num-1
   798  	for i <= j {
   799  		idx = i + (j-i)/2
   800  		if label > ns[idx].label {
   801  			i = idx + 1
   802  		} else if label < ns[idx].label {
   803  			j = idx - 1
   804  		} else {
   805  			i = num // breaks cond
   806  		}
   807  	}
   808  	if ns[idx].label != label {
   809  		return nil
   810  	}
   811  	return ns[idx]
   812  }
   814  // Route describes the details of a routing handler.
   815  // Handlers map key is an HTTP method
   816  type Route struct {
   817  	Pattern   string
   818  	Handlers  map[string]http.Handler
   819  	SubRoutes Routes
   820  }
   822  // WalkFunc is the type of the function called for each method and route visited by Walk.
   823  type WalkFunc func(method string, route string, handler http.Handler, middlewares ...func(http.Handler) http.Handler) error
   825  // Walk walks any router tree that implements Routes interface.
   826  func Walk(r Routes, walkFn WalkFunc) error {
   827  	return walk(r, walkFn, "")
   828  }
   830  func walk(r Routes, walkFn WalkFunc, parentRoute string, parentMw ...func(http.Handler) http.Handler) error {
   831  	for _, route := range r.Routes() {
   832  		mws := make([]func(http.Handler) http.Handler, len(parentMw))
   833  		copy(mws, parentMw)
   834  		mws = append(mws, r.Middlewares()...)
   836  		if route.SubRoutes != nil {
   837  			if err := walk(route.SubRoutes, walkFn, parentRoute+route.Pattern, mws...); err != nil {
   838  				return err
   839  			}
   840  			continue
   841  		}
   843  		for method, handler := range route.Handlers {
   844  			if method == "*" {
   845  				// Ignore a "catchAll" method, since we pass down all the specific methods for each route.
   846  				continue
   847  			}
   849  			fullRoute := parentRoute + route.Pattern
   850  			fullRoute = strings.Replace(fullRoute, "/*/", "/", -1)
   852  			if chain, ok := handler.(*ChainHandler); ok {
   853  				if err := walkFn(method, fullRoute, chain.Endpoint, append(mws, chain.Middlewares...)...); err != nil {
   854  					return err
   855  				}
   856  			} else {
   857  				if err := walkFn(method, fullRoute, handler, mws...); err != nil {
   858  					return err
   859  				}
   860  			}
   861  		}
   862  	}
   864  	return nil
   865  }

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