chi examples ============ * [custom-handler]( - Use a custom handler function signature * [custom-method]( - Add a custom HTTP method * [fileserver]( - Easily serve static files * [graceful]( - Graceful context signaling and server shutdown * [hello-world]( - Hello World! * [limits]( - Timeouts and Throttling * [logging]( - Easy structured logging for any backend * [rest]( - REST APIs made easy, productive and maintainable * [router-walk]( - Print to stdout a router's routes * [todos-resource]( - Struct routers/handlers, an example of another code layout style * [versions]( - Demo of `chi/render` subpkg ## Usage 1. `go get -v -d -u ./...` - fetch example deps 2. `cd /` ie. `cd rest/` 3. `go run *.go` - note, example services run on port 3333 4. Open another terminal and use curl to send some requests to your example service, `curl -v http://localhost:3333/` 5. Read /main.go source to learn how service works and read comments for usage