package main import ( "bytes" "fmt" "go/format" "io/ioutil" "os" "strings" ) type Build struct { Suffix string Tags string Interfaces Interfaces } func (b *Build) MustBuild() { prefix := "wrap_generated_" b.Implementation().MustWriteFile(prefix + b.Suffix + ".go") b.Tests().MustWriteFile(prefix + b.Suffix + "_test.go") } func (b *Build) writeHeader(g *Generator) { g.Printf(` // +build %s // Code generated by "httpsnoop/codegen"; DO NOT EDIT. package httpsnoop `, b.Tags) } func (b *Build) Implementation() *Generator { ifaces := b.Interfaces // subIfaces has all interfaces except http.ResponseWriter subIfaces := ifaces[1:] var g Generator // Package header b.writeHeader(&g) g.Printf("import (\n") g.Printf(`"net/http"` + "\n") g.Printf(`"io"` + "\n") g.Printf(`"net"` + "\n") g.Printf(`"bufio"` + "\n") g.Printf(")\n") g.Printf("\n") // Hook funcs for _, iface := range ifaces { for _, fn := range iface.Funcs { g.Printf("// %s is part of the %s interface.\n", fn.Type(), iface.Name) g.Printf("type %s func(%s) (%s)\n", fn.Type(), fn.Args, fn.Returns) g.Printf("\n") } } // Hooks struct g.Printf(` // Hooks defines a set of method interceptors for methods included in // http.ResponseWriter as well as some others. You can think of them as // middleware for the function calls they target. See Wrap for more details. type Hooks struct { `) for _, iface := range ifaces { for _, fn := range iface.Funcs { g.Printf("%s func(%s) %s\n", fn.Name, fn.Type(), fn.Type()) } } g.Printf("}\n") // Wrap func docList := make([]string, len(subIfaces)) for i, iface := range subIfaces { docList[i] = "// - " + iface.Name } g.Printf(` // Wrap returns a wrapped version of w that provides the exact same interface // as w. Specifically if w implements any combination of: // %s // // The wrapped version will implement the exact same combination. If no hooks // are set, the wrapped version also behaves exactly as w. Hooks targeting // methods not supported by w are ignored. Any other hooks will intercept the // method they target and may modify the call's arguments and/or return values. // The CaptureMetrics implementation serves as a working example for how the // hooks can be used. `, strings.Join(docList, "\n")) g.Printf("func Wrap(w http.ResponseWriter, hooks Hooks) http.ResponseWriter {\n") g.Printf("rw := &rw{w: w, h: hooks}\n") for i, iface := range subIfaces { g.Printf("_, i%d := w.(%s)\n", i, iface.Name) } g.Printf("switch {\n") combinations := 1 << uint(len(subIfaces)) for i := 0; i < combinations; i++ { conditions := make([]string, len(subIfaces)) fields := make([]string, 0, len(subIfaces)) fields = append(fields, "Unwrapper", "http.ResponseWriter") for j, iface := range subIfaces { ok := i&(1< 0 if !ok { conditions[j] = "!" } else { fields = append(fields, iface.Name) } conditions[j] += fmt.Sprintf("i%d", j) } values := make([]string, len(fields)) for i, _ := range fields { values[i] = "rw" } g.Printf("// combination %d/%d\n", i+1, combinations) g.Printf("case %s:\n", strings.Join(conditions, "&&")) fieldsS, valuesS := strings.Join(fields, "\n"), strings.Join(values, ",") g.Printf("return struct{\n%s\n}{%s}\n", fieldsS, valuesS) } g.Printf("}\n") g.Printf("panic(\"unreachable\")") g.Printf("}\n") // rw struct g.Printf(` type rw struct { w http.ResponseWriter h Hooks } func (w *rw) Unwrap() http.ResponseWriter { return w.w } `) for _, iface := range ifaces { for _, fn := range iface.Funcs { g.Printf("func (w *rw) %s(%s) (%s) {\n", fn.Name, fn.Args, fn.Returns) g.Printf("f := w.w.(%s).%s\n", iface.Name, fn.Name) g.Printf("if w.h.%s != nil {\n", fn.Name) g.Printf("f = w.h.%s(f)\n", fn.Name) g.Printf("}\n") if fn.Returns != "" { g.Printf("return ") } g.Printf("f(%s)\n", fn.Args.Names()) g.Printf("}\n") g.Printf("\n") } } g.Printf(` type Unwrapper interface { Unwrap() http.ResponseWriter } // Unwrap returns the underlying http.ResponseWriter from within zero or more // layers of httpsnoop wrappers. func Unwrap(w http.ResponseWriter) http.ResponseWriter { if rw, ok := w.(Unwrapper); ok { // recurse until rw.Unwrap() returns a non-Unwrapper return Unwrap(rw.Unwrap()) } else { return w } } `) return &g } func (b *Build) Tests() *Generator { ifaces := b.Interfaces // @TODO dedupe // subIfaces has all interfaces except http.ResponseWriter subIfaces := ifaces[1:] var g Generator // Package header b.writeHeader(&g) g.Printf("import (\n") g.Printf(`"net/http"` + "\n") g.Printf(`"io"` + "\n") g.Printf(`"testing"` + "\n") g.Printf(")\n") g.Printf("\n") // TestWrap func g.Printf("func TestWrap(t *testing.T) {\n") combinations := 1 << uint(len(subIfaces)) for i := 0; i < combinations; i++ { fields := make([]string, 0, len(subIfaces)) fields = append(fields, "http.ResponseWriter") expected := make([]bool, len(ifaces)) expected[0] = true for j, iface := range subIfaces { ok := i&(1< 0 expected[j+1] = ok if ok { fields = append(fields, iface.Name) } } g.Printf("// combination %d/%d\n", i+1, combinations) g.Printf("{\n") g.Printf(`t.Log("%s")`+"\n", strings.Join(fields, ", ")) g.Printf("inner := struct{\n%s\n}{}\n", strings.Join(fields, "\n")) g.Printf("w := Wrap(inner, Hooks{})\n") for i, iface := range ifaces { g.Printf("if _, ok := w.(%s); ok != %t {\n", iface.Name, expected[i]) g.Printf("t.Error(\"unexpected interface\");\n") g.Printf("}\n") } g.Printf(` if w, ok := w.(Unwrapper); ok { if w.Unwrap() != inner { t.Error("w.Unwrap() failed") } } else { t.Error("Unwrapper interface not implemented") }`) g.Printf("}\n") g.Printf("\n") } g.Printf("}\n") return &g } type Interfaces []*Interface type Interface struct { Name string Funcs []*InterfaceFunc } type InterfaceFunc struct { Name string Args FuncArgs Returns string } type FuncArgs []*FuncArg func (fa FuncArgs) String() string { args := make([]string, len(fa)) for i, a := range fa { args[i] = a.Name + " " + a.Type } return strings.Join(args, ", ") } func (fa FuncArgs) Names() string { args := make([]string, len(fa)) for i, a := range fa { args[i] = a.Name } return strings.Join(args, ", ") } type FuncArg struct { Name string Type string } func (fn *InterfaceFunc) Type() string { return fn.Name + "Func" } type Generator struct { buf bytes.Buffer } func (g *Generator) Printf(s string, args ...interface{}) { fmt.Fprintf(&g.buf, s, args...) } func (g *Generator) WriteFile(name string) error { src, err := g.Format() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("format: %s: %s:\n\n%s\n", name, err, g.Bytes()) } else if err := ioutil.WriteFile(name, src, 0644); err != nil { return err } return nil } func (g *Generator) MustWriteFile(name string) { if err := g.WriteFile(name); err != nil { fatalf("%s", err) } } func (g *Generator) Bytes() []byte { return g.buf.Bytes() } func (g *Generator) Format() ([]byte, error) { return format.Source(g.Bytes()) } func main() { ifaces := Interfaces{ { Name: "http.ResponseWriter", Funcs: []*InterfaceFunc{ {"Header", nil, "http.Header"}, {"WriteHeader", FuncArgs{{"code", "int"}}, ""}, {"Write", FuncArgs{{"b", "[]byte"}}, "int, error"}, }, }, { Name: "http.Flusher", Funcs: []*InterfaceFunc{ {"Flush", nil, ""}, }, }, { Name: "http.CloseNotifier", Funcs: []*InterfaceFunc{ {"CloseNotify", nil, "<-chan bool"}, }, }, { Name: "http.Hijacker", Funcs: []*InterfaceFunc{ {"Hijack", nil, "net.Conn, *bufio.ReadWriter, error"}, }, }, { Name: "io.ReaderFrom", Funcs: []*InterfaceFunc{ {"ReadFrom", FuncArgs{{"src", "io.Reader"}}, "int64, error"}, }, }, } builds := []Build{ { Suffix: "lt_1.8", Tags: "!go1.8", Interfaces: ifaces, }, { Suffix: "gteq_1.8", Tags: "go1.8", Interfaces: append(ifaces, &Interface{ Name: "http.Pusher", Funcs: []*InterfaceFunc{ {"Push", FuncArgs{ {"target", "string"}, {"opts", "*http.PushOptions"}, }, "error"}, }, }), }, } for _, build := range builds { build.MustBuild() } } func fatalf(s string, args ...interface{}) { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, s+"\n", args...) os.Exit(1) }