
Text file src/github.com/emissary-ingress/emissary/v3/releng/release-rc-check

Documentation: github.com/emissary-ingress/emissary/v3/releng

     1#!/usr/bin/env python3
     2"""Verify that all GA artifacts got pushed."""
     4import os.path
     5import sys
     6import argparse
     7import subprocess
     8import fileinput
     9from contextlib import contextmanager
    10from typing import Dict, Generator, Optional, Tuple, cast
    12from lib import check_artifacts, re_rc
    13from lib.uiutil import Checker, CheckResult, run
    15def main(rc_ver: str, docker_image: str, helm_ver: str, s3_bucket: str, s3_key: str) -> int:
    16    checker = Checker()
    18    @contextmanager
    19    def check(name: str) -> Generator[CheckResult, None, None]:
    20        with checker.check(name) as subcheck:
    21            # time.sleep(1)  # it's stupid, but honestly the delay makes the output more readable
    22            yield subcheck
    23    with check(f"Check for docker image {docker_image}"):
    24        check_artifacts.docker_pull(docker_image)
    25    with check(f"Check helm chart"):
    26        subprocess.run(['helm', 'repo', 'rm', 'emissary-dev'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
    27        subprocess.run(['helm', 'repo', 'add', 'emissary-dev',
    28                'https://s3.amazonaws.com/{}/{}'.format(s3_bucket, s3_key)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
    29        p = subprocess.run(['helm', 'template', '--devel', '--version', helm_ver, 'emissary-dev/emissary-ingress'], capture_output=True, check=True, text=True)
    30        found = False
    31        lines = p.stdout.splitlines()
    32        for line in lines:
    33            line = line.strip()
    34            if line.startswith('image:'):
    35                if docker_image in line:
    36                    found = True
    37        if not found:
    38            raise AssertionError("Image not found in chart")
    39    with check(f"checking s3 yaml files"):
    40        s3_url = f"https://s3.amazonaws.com/{s3_bucket}/yaml/emissary/{rc_ver}/emissary-emissaryns.yaml"
    41        info = check_artifacts.http_cat(s3_url).decode('utf-8')
    42        found = False
    43        for line in info.split("\n"):
    44            line = line.strip()
    45            if line.startswith('image:'):
    46                if docker_image in line:
    47                    found = True
    48        if not found:
    49            raise AssertionError("Image not found in yaml")
    51    if not checker.ok:
    52        return 1
    53    return 0
    56if __name__ == '__main__':
    57    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Edit image values for ambassador helm charts.')
    58    parser.add_argument('--rc-version', required=True)
    59    parser.add_argument('--docker-image', required=True)
    60    parser.add_argument('--s3-bucket', default='datawire-static-files')
    61    parser.add_argument('--s3-key', default='charts-dev')
    62    parser.add_argument('--helm-version', required=True)
    63    args = parser.parse_args()
    65    include_docker = True
    67    if not re_rc.match(args.rc_version):
    68        sys.stderr.write(f"{args.rc_version} does not match X.Y.Z-rc.N")
    69        sys.exit(2)
    71    sys.exit(main(rc_ver=args.rc_version, docker_image=args.docker_image, helm_ver=args.helm_version, s3_bucket=args.s3_bucket, s3_key=args.s3_key))

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