from typing import Optional, Union import http.client import json from distutils.util import strtobool from .uiutil import run, check_command from .uiutil import run_txtcapture as run_capture # parse_bool is lifted from python/ambassador/ -- it's just too useful. def parse_bool(s: Optional[Union[str, bool]]) -> bool: """ Parse a boolean value from a string. T, True, Y, y, 1 return True; other things return False. """ # If `s` is already a bool, return its value. # # This allows a caller to not know or care whether their value is already # a boolean, or if it is a string that needs to be parsed below. if isinstance(s, bool): return s # If we didn't get anything at all, return False. if not s: return False # OK, we got _something_, so try strtobool. try: return strtobool(s) except ValueError: return False def branch_exists(branch_name: str) -> bool: return check_command(["git", "rev-parse", "--verify", branch_name]) def has_open_pr(gh_repo: str, base: str, branchname: str) -> bool: conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("") conn.request("GET", f"/repos/{gh_repo}/pulls?base={base}", headers={"User-Agent":"python"}) r1 = conn.getresponse() body = json_body = json.loads(body) for pr_info in json_body: if pr_info.get('head',{}).get('ref') == branchname: # check that it is open if pr_info.get('state') == 'open': return True return False def git_add(filename: str) -> None: """ Use `git add` to stage a single file. """ run(['git', 'add', '--', filename]) def git_check_clean(allow_staged: bool = False, allow_untracked: bool = False) -> None: """ Use `git status --porcelain` to check if the working tree is dirty. If allow_staged is True, allow staged files, but no unstaged changes. If allow_untracked is True, allow untracked files. """ cmdvec = [ 'git', 'status', '--porcelain' ] if allow_untracked: cmdvec += [ "--untracked-files=no" ] out = run_capture(cmdvec) if out: # Can we allow staged changes? if not allow_staged: # Nope. ANY changes are unacceptable, so we can short-circuit # here. raise Exception(out) # If here, staged changes are OK, and unstaged changes are not. # In the porcelain output, staged changes start with a change # character followed by a space, and unstaged changes start with a # space followed by a change character. So any lines with a non-space # in the second column are a problem here. lines = out.split('\n') problems = [line for line in lines if line[1] != ' '] if problems: raise Exception("\n".join(problems))