#!/bin/bash if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo "First argument must be RC tag" exit -1 fi if [ -z "$2" ]; then echo "Second argument must be a GA tag" exit -1 fi if [ -z "$APRO_REPO_TARGET" ]; then echo "APRO_REPO_TARGET not set. This should be set in the environment" exit -1 fi # remove existing apro-prep-rc in case this is being run # locally on a long lived dev machine if [ -d "/tmp/apro-prep-rc" ]; then rm -rf /tmp/apro-prep-rc fi # get a fresh copy of apro git clone https://github.com/$APRO_REPO_TARGET.git /tmp/apro-prep-rc pushd /tmp/apro-prep-rc # checkout or create proper rel branch if [ ! $(git checkout rel/$2) ]; then case $2 in *"v1."*) git checkout ltr ;; *"v2."*) git checkout master ;; *) echo "Not intelligent enough to find branch that tracks $2 parent releases" exit 1 esac git checkout -b rel/$2 fi # set emissary tag into apro CURRENT_EMISSARY_TAG=$(grep 'imageTag' emissaryInfo.yml | sed 's/imageTag://g' | tr -d ' ') sed -i "s/$CURRENT_EMISSARY_TAG/$1/g" emissaryInfo.yml git add . git commit -s -m "(from CI) bump emissary version to latest RC" git push --set-upstream origin rel/$2