import base64 import os import shutil import subprocess import sys from random import random from typing import Any, ClassVar, Generator, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union from typing import cast as typecast import pytest import yaml # These type: ignores are because, weirdly, the yaml.CSafe* variants don't share # a type with their non-C variants. No clue why not. yaml_loader = yaml.SafeLoader # type: ignore yaml_dumper = yaml.SafeDumper # type: ignore try: yaml_loader = yaml.CSafeLoader # type: ignore yaml_dumper = yaml.CSafeDumper # type: ignore except AttributeError: pass import tests.integration.manifests as integration_manifests from kat.harness import Name, Node, Query, Test, abstract_test, sanitize from kat.utils import ShellCommand AMBASSADOR_LOCAL = """ --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: {self.path.k8s} annotations: {self.path.k8s} type: """ def assert_default_errors(errors, include_ingress_errors=True): default_errors = [ [ "", "Ambassador could not find core CRD definitions. Please visit for more information. You can continue using Ambassador via Kubernetes annotations, any configuration via CRDs will be ignored...", ], [ "", "Ambassador could not find Resolver type CRD definitions. Please visit for more information. You can continue using Ambassador via Kubernetes annotations, any configuration via CRDs will be ignored...", ], [ "", "Ambassador could not find the Host CRD definition. Please visit for more information. You can continue using Ambassador via Kubernetes annotations, any configuration via CRDs will be ignored...", ], [ "", "Ambassador could not find the LogService CRD definition. Please visit for more information. You can continue using Ambassador via Kubernetes annotations, any configuration via CRDs will be ignored...", ], ] if include_ingress_errors: default_errors.append( [ "", "Ambassador is not permitted to read Ingress resources. Please visit for more information. You can continue using Ambassador, but Ingress resources will be ignored...", ] ) number_of_default_errors = len(default_errors) if errors[:number_of_default_errors] != default_errors: assert False, f"default error table mismatch: got\n{errors}" for error in errors[number_of_default_errors:]: assert ( "found invalid port" in error[1] ), "Could not find 'found invalid port' in the error {}".format(error[1]) DEV = os.environ.get("AMBASSADOR_DEV", "0").lower() in ("1", "yes", "true") @abstract_test class AmbassadorTest(Test): """ AmbassadorTest is a top level ambassador test. """ OFFSET: ClassVar[int] = 0 IMAGE_BUILT: ClassVar[bool] = False _index: Optional[int] = None _ambassador_id: Optional[str] = None single_namespace: bool = False disable_endpoints: bool = False name: str path: Name extra_ports: Optional[List[int]] = None debug_diagd: bool = True debug_envoy: bool = False manifest_envs = "" is_ambassador = True allow_edge_stack_redirect = False edge_stack_cleartext_host = True env: List[str] = [] def manifests(self) -> str: rbac = integration_manifests.load("rbac_cluster_scope") self.manifest_envs += """ - name: POLL_EVERY_SECS value: "0" - name: CONSUL_WATCHER_PORT value: "8500" """ if os.environ.get("AMBASSADOR_FAST_RECONFIGURE", "true").lower() == "false": self.manifest_envs += """ - name: AMBASSADOR_FAST_RECONFIGURE value: "false" """ amb_debug = [] if self.debug_diagd: amb_debug.append("diagd") if self.debug_envoy: amb_debug.append("envoy") if amb_debug: self.manifest_envs += """ - name: AMBASSADOR_DEBUG value: "%s" - name: AES_LOG_LEVEL value: "debug" """ % ":".join( amb_debug ) if self.ambassador_id: self.manifest_envs += f""" - name: AMBASSADOR_LABEL_SELECTOR value: "kat-ambassador-id={self.ambassador_id}" """ if self.single_namespace: self.manifest_envs += """ - name: AMBASSADOR_SINGLE_NAMESPACE value: "yes" """ rbac = integration_manifests.load("rbac_namespace_scope") if self.disable_endpoints: self.manifest_envs += """ - name: AMBASSADOR_DISABLE_ENDPOINTS value: "yes" """ if not self.allow_edge_stack_redirect: self.manifest_envs += """ - name: AMBASSADOR_NO_TLS_REDIRECT value: "yes" """ eports = "" if self.extra_ports: for port in self.extra_ports: eports += f""" - name: extra-{port} protocol: TCP port: {port} targetPort: {port} """ if DEV: return self.format(rbac + AMBASSADOR_LOCAL, extra_ports=eports) else: return self.format( rbac + integration_manifests.load("ambassador"), envs=self.manifest_envs, extra_ports=eports, capabilities_block="", ) @property def index(self) -> int: if self._index is None: # lock here? self._index = AmbassadorTest.OFFSET AmbassadorTest.OFFSET += 1 return typecast(int, self._index) def post_manifest(self): if not DEV: return if os.environ.get("KAT_SKIP_DOCKER"): return image = os.environ["AMBASSADOR_DOCKER_IMAGE"] cached_image = os.environ["BASE_PY_IMAGE"] ambassador_base_image = os.environ["BASE_GO_IMAGE"] if not AmbassadorTest.IMAGE_BUILT: AmbassadorTest.IMAGE_BUILT = True cmd = ShellCommand( "docker", "ps", "-a", "-f", "label=kat-family=ambassador", "--format", "{{.ID}}" ) if cmd.check("find old docker container IDs"): ids = cmd.stdout.split("\n") while ids: if ids[-1]: break ids.pop() if ids: print("Killing old containers...")"kill old containers", "docker", "kill", *ids, verbose=True)"rm old containers", "docker", "rm", *ids, verbose=True) context = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))) print("Starting docker build...", end="") sys.stdout.flush() cmd = ShellCommand( "docker", "build", "--build-arg", "BASE_PY_IMAGE={}".format(cached_image), "--build-arg", "BASE_GO_IMAGE={}".format(ambassador_base_image), context, "-t", image, ) if cmd.check("docker build Ambassador image"): print("done.") else: pytest.exit("container failed to build") fname = "/tmp/k8s-%s.yaml" % self.path.k8s if os.path.exists(fname): with open(fname) as fd: content = else: nsp = getattr(self, "namespace", None) or "default" cmd = ShellCommand( "tools/bin/kubectl", "get", "-n", nsp, "-o", "yaml", "secret", self.path.k8s ) if not cmd.check(f"fetch secret for {self.path.k8s}"): pytest.exit(f"could not fetch secret for {self.path.k8s}") content = cmd.stdout with open(fname, "wb") as fd: fd.write(content.encode("utf-8")) try: secret = yaml.load(content, Loader=yaml_loader) except Exception as e: print("could not parse YAML:\n%s" % content) raise e data = secret["data"] # secret_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=self.path.k8s, suffix="secret") secret_dir = "/tmp/%s-ambassadormixin-%s" % (self.path.k8s, "secret") shutil.rmtree(secret_dir, ignore_errors=True) os.mkdir(secret_dir, 0o777) for k, v in data.items(): with open(os.path.join(secret_dir, k), "wb") as f: f.write(base64.decodebytes(bytes(v, "utf8"))) print("Launching %s container." % self.path.k8s) command = ["docker", "run", "-d", "-l", "kat-family=ambassador", "--name", self.path.k8s] envs = [ "KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST=kubernetes", "KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT=443", "AMBASSADOR_SNAPSHOT_COUNT=1", "AMBASSADOR_CONFIG_BASE_DIR=/tmp/ambassador", "POLL_EVERY_SECS=0", "CONSUL_WATCHER_PORT=8500", "AMBASSADOR_UPDATE_MAPPING_STATUS=false", "AMBASSADOR_ID=%s" % self.ambassador_id, ] if self.namespace: envs.append("AMBASSADOR_NAMESPACE=%s" % self.namespace) if self.single_namespace: envs.append("AMBASSADOR_SINGLE_NAMESPACE=yes") if self.disable_endpoints: envs.append("AMBASSADOR_DISABLE_ENDPOINTS=yes") amb_debug = [] if self.debug_diagd: amb_debug.append("diagd") if self.debug_envoy: amb_debug.append("envoy") if amb_debug: envs.append("AMBASSADOR_DEBUG=%s" % ":".join(amb_debug)) envs.extend(self.env) for env in envs: command.extend(["-e", env]) ports = [ "%s:8877" % (8877 + self.index), "%s:8001" % (8001 + self.index), "%s:8080" % (8080 + self.index), "%s:8443" % (8443 + self.index), ] if self.extra_ports: for port in self.extra_ports: ports.append(f"{port}:{port}") for port_str in ports: command.extend(["-p", port_str]) volumes = ["%s:/var/run/secrets/" % secret_dir] for volume in volumes: command.extend(["-v", volume]) command.append(image) if os.environ.get("KAT_SHOW_DOCKER"): print(" ".join(command)) cmd = ShellCommand(*command) if not cmd.check(f"start container for {self.path.k8s}"): pytest.exit(f"could not start container for {self.path.k8s}") def queries(self): if DEV: cmd = ShellCommand("docker", "ps", "-qf", "name=%s" % self.path.k8s) if not cmd.check(f"docker check for {self.path.k8s}"): if not cmd.stdout.strip(): log_cmd = ShellCommand( "docker", "logs", self.path.k8s, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT ) if log_cmd.check(f"docker logs for {self.path.k8s}"): print(cmd.stdout) pytest.exit(f"container failed to start for {self.path.k8s}") return () def scheme(self) -> str: return "http" def url(self, prefix, scheme=None, port=None) -> str: if scheme is None: scheme = self.scheme() if DEV: if not port: port = 8443 if scheme == "https" else 8080 port += self.index return "%s://%s/%s" % (scheme, "localhost:%s" % port, prefix) else: host_and_port = self.path.fqdn if port: host_and_port += f":{port}" return "%s://%s/%s" % (scheme, host_and_port, prefix) def requirements(self): yield ("url", Query(self.url("ambassador/v0/check_ready"))) yield ("url", Query(self.url("ambassador/v0/check_alive"))) @abstract_test class ServiceType(Node): path: Name _manifests: Optional[str] use_superpod: bool = True def __init__( self, service_manifests: str = None, namespace: str = None, *args, **kwargs ) -> None: super().__init__(namespace=namespace, *args, **kwargs) self._manifests = service_manifests if self._manifests: self.use_superpod = False def config(self) -> Generator[Union[str, Tuple[Node, str]], None, None]: yield from () def manifests(self): if self.use_superpod: return None return self.format(self._manifests) def requirements(self): if self.use_superpod: yield from () yield ("url", Query("http://%s" % self.path.fqdn)) yield ("url", Query("https://%s" % self.path.fqdn)) @abstract_test class ServiceTypeGrpc(Node): path: Name def __init__(self, service_manifests: str = None, *args, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._manifests = service_manifests or integration_manifests.load("backend") def config(self) -> Generator[Union[str, Tuple[Node, str]], None, None]: yield from () def manifests(self): return self.format(self._manifests) def requirements(self): yield ("url", Query("http://%s" % self.path.fqdn)) yield ("url", Query("https://%s" % self.path.fqdn)) class HTTP(ServiceType): pass class GRPC(ServiceType): pass class EGRPC(ServiceType): skip_variant: ClassVar[bool] = True def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: # Do this unconditionally, because that's the point of this class. kwargs["service_manifests"] = integration_manifests.load("grpc_echo_backend") super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def requirements(self): yield ( "url", Query( "http://%s/echo.EchoService/Echo" % self.path.fqdn, headers={"content-type": "application/grpc", "kat-req-echo-requested-status": "0"}, expected=200, grpc_type="real", ), ) class HealthCheckServer(ServiceType): skip_variant: ClassVar[bool] = True def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: # We want to reset the health check server between runs since the test involves making one # of the pods unhealthy. 'nonce' is a # horrible hack to get the Pod to roll over each invocation. self.nonce = random() self.use_superpod = False # Do this unconditionally, because that's the point of this class. kwargs["service_manifests"] = integration_manifests.load("health_check_server") super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def requirements(self): yield ("deployment", self.path.k8s) yield ("url", Query("http://%s" % self.path.fqdn)) yield ("url", Query("https://%s" % self.path.fqdn)) class AHTTP(ServiceType): skip_variant: ClassVar[bool] = True def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: # Do this unconditionally, because that's the point of this class. kwargs["service_manifests"] = integration_manifests.load("auth_backend") super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) class AGRPC(ServiceType): skip_variant: ClassVar[bool] = True def __init__(self, protocol_version: str = "v3", *args, **kwargs) -> None: self.protocol_version = protocol_version # Do this unconditionally, because that's the point of this class. kwargs["service_manifests"] = integration_manifests.load("grpc_auth_backend") super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def requirements(self): yield ("pod", self.path.k8s) class RLSGRPC(ServiceType): skip_variant: ClassVar[bool] = True def __init__(self, protocol_version: str = "v3", *args, **kwargs) -> None: self.protocol_version = protocol_version # Do this unconditionally, because that's the point of this class. kwargs["service_manifests"] = integration_manifests.load("grpc_rls_backend") super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def requirements(self): yield ("pod", self.path.k8s) class ALSGRPC(ServiceType): skip_variant: ClassVar[bool] = True def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: # Do this unconditionally, because that's the point of this class. kwargs["service_manifests"] = integration_manifests.load("grpc_als_backend") super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def requirements(self): yield ("pod", self.path.k8s) class HTTPBin(ServiceType): skip_variant: ClassVar[bool] = True def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: # Do this unconditionally, because that's the point of this class. kwargs["service_manifests"] = integration_manifests.load("httpbin_backend") super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def requirements(self): yield ("url", Query("http://%s/status/200" % self.path.fqdn)) class WebsocketEcho(ServiceType): skip_variant: ClassVar[bool] = True def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: # Do this unconditionally, because that's the point of this class. kwargs["service_manifests"] = integration_manifests.load("websocket_echo_backend") super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def requirements(self): yield ("url", Query("http://%s/" % self.path.fqdn, expected=404)) class StatsDSink(ServiceType): skip_variant: ClassVar[bool] = True target_cluster: str def __init__(self, target_cluster: str, *args, **kwargs) -> None: self.target_cluster = target_cluster # Do this unconditionally, because that's the point of this class. kwargs["service_manifests"] = integration_manifests.load("statsd_backend") super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def requirements(self): yield ("url", Query("http://%s/SUMMARY" % self.path.fqdn)) @abstract_test class MappingTest(Test): target: ServiceType options: Sequence["OptionTest"] parent: AmbassadorTest no_local_mode = True skip_local_instead_of_xfail = "Plain (MappingTest)" def init(self, target: ServiceType, options=()) -> None: = target self.options = list(options) self.is_ambassador = True @abstract_test class OptionTest(Test): VALUES: ClassVar[Any] = None value: Any parent: Test no_local_mode = True skip_local_instead_of_xfail = "Plain (OptionTests)" @classmethod def variants(cls) -> Generator[Node, None, None]: if cls.VALUES is None: yield cls() else: for val in cls.VALUES: yield cls(val, name=sanitize(val)) def init(self, value=None): self.value = value