import json import logging import sys import time import pytest import requests from tests.integration.utils import create_httpbin_mapping, install_ambassador from tests.kubeutils import apply_kube_artifacts from tests.manifests import httpbin_manifests from tests.runutils import run_and_assert logging.basicConfig( level=logging.INFO, format="%(asctime)s test %(levelname)s: %(message)s", datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", ) logger = logging.getLogger("ambassador") from ambassador import IR, Config from ambassador.envoy import EnvoyConfig from ambassador.fetch import ResourceFetcher from ambassador.utils import NullSecretHandler headerecho_manifests = """ --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: headerecho spec: type: ClusterIP selector: service: headerecho ports: - port: 80 targetPort: http --- apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: headerecho spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: service: headerecho template: metadata: labels: service: headerecho spec: containers: - name: headerecho # We should find a better home for this image. image: johnesmet/simple-header-echo ports: - name: http containerPort: 8080 """ def create_headerecho_mapping(namespace): headerecho_mapping = f""" --- apiVersion: kind: Mapping metadata: name: headerecho-mapping namespace: {namespace} spec: hostname: "*" prefix: /headerecho/ rewrite: / service: headerecho """ apply_kube_artifacts(namespace=namespace, artifacts=headerecho_mapping) def _ambassador_module_config(): return """ --- apiVersion: kind: Module metadata: name: ambassador namespace: default spec: config: """ def _ambassador_module_header_case_overrides(overrides, proper_case=False): mod = _ambassador_module_config() if len(overrides) == 0: mod = ( mod + """ header_case_overrides: [] """ ) return mod mod = ( mod + """ header_case_overrides: """ ) for override in overrides: mod = ( mod + f""" - {override} """ ) # proper case isn't valid if header_case_overrides are set, but we do # it here for tests that want to test that this is in fact invalid. if proper_case: mod = ( mod + f""" proper_case: true """ ) return mod def _test_headercaseoverrides(yaml, expectations, expect_norules=False): aconf = Config() yaml = ( yaml + """ --- apiVersion: kind: Listener metadata: name: ambassador-listener-8080 namespace: default spec: port: 8080 protocol: HTTPS securityModel: XFP hostBinding: namespace: from: ALL --- apiVersion: kind: Mapping metadata: name: httpbin-mapping namespace: default spec: service: httpbin hostname: "*" prefix: /httpbin/ """ ) fetcher = ResourceFetcher(logger, aconf) fetcher.parse_yaml(yaml, k8s=True) aconf.load_all(fetcher.sorted()) secret_handler = NullSecretHandler(logger, None, None, "0") ir = IR(aconf, file_checker=lambda path: True, secret_handler=secret_handler) assert ir econf = EnvoyConfig.generate(ir) assert econf, "could not create an econf" found_module_rules = False found_cluster_rules = False conf = econf.as_dict() for listener in conf["static_resources"]["listeners"]: for filter_chain in listener["filter_chains"]: for f in filter_chain["filters"]: typed_config = f["typed_config"] if "http_protocol_options" not in typed_config: continue http_protocol_options = typed_config["http_protocol_options"] if expect_norules: assert ( "header_key_format" not in http_protocol_options ), f"'header_key_format' found unexpected typed_config {typed_config}" continue assert ( "header_key_format" in http_protocol_options ), f"'header_key_format' not found, typed_config {typed_config}" header_key_format = http_protocol_options["header_key_format"] assert ( "custom" in header_key_format ), f"'custom' not found, typed_config {typed_config}" rules = header_key_format["custom"]["rules"] assert len(rules) == len(expectations) for e in expectations: hdr = e.lower() assert hdr in rules rule = rules[hdr] assert rule == e, f"unexpected rule {rule} in {rules}" found_module_rules = True for cluster in conf["static_resources"]["clusters"]: if "httpbin" not in cluster["name"]: continue http_protocol_options = cluster.get("http_protocol_options", None) if not http_protocol_options: if expect_norules: continue assert ( "http_protocol_options" in cluster ), f"'http_protocol_options' missing from cluster: {cluster}" if expect_norules: assert ( "header_key_format" not in http_protocol_options ), f"'header_key_format' found unexpected cluster: {cluster}" continue assert ( "header_key_format" in http_protocol_options ), f"'header_key_format' not found, cluster {cluster}" header_key_format = http_protocol_options["header_key_format"] assert "custom" in header_key_format, f"'custom' not found, cluster {cluster}" rules = header_key_format["custom"]["rules"] assert len(rules) == len(expectations) for e in expectations: hdr = e.lower() assert hdr in rules rule = rules[hdr] assert rule == e, f"unexpected rule {rule} in {rules}" found_cluster_rules = True if expect_norules: assert not found_module_rules assert not found_cluster_rules else: assert found_module_rules assert found_cluster_rules def _test_headercaseoverrides_rules(rules, expected=None, expect_norules=False): if not expected: expected = rules _test_headercaseoverrides( _ambassador_module_header_case_overrides(rules), expected, expect_norules=expect_norules, ) # Test that we throw assertions for obviously wrong cases @pytest.mark.compilertest def test_testsanity(): failed = False try: _test_headercaseoverrides_rules(["X-ABC"], expected=["X-Wrong"]) except AssertionError as e: failed = True assert failed failed = False try: _test_headercaseoverrides_rules([], expected=["X-Wrong"]) except AssertionError as e: failed = True assert failed # Test that we can parse a variety of header case override arrays. @pytest.mark.compilertest def test_headercaseoverrides_basic(): _test_headercaseoverrides_rules([], expect_norules=True) _test_headercaseoverrides_rules([{}], expect_norules=True) _test_headercaseoverrides_rules([5], expect_norules=True) _test_headercaseoverrides_rules(["X-ABC"]) _test_headercaseoverrides_rules(["X-foo", "X-ABC-Baz"]) _test_headercaseoverrides_rules(["x-goOd", "X-alSo-good", "Authorization"]) _test_headercaseoverrides_rules(["x-good", ["hello"]], expected=["x-good"]) _test_headercaseoverrides_rules(["X-ABC", "x-foo", 5, {}], expected=["X-ABC", "x-foo"]) # Test that we always omit header case overrides if proper case is set @pytest.mark.compilertest def test_headercaseoverrides_propercasefail(): _test_headercaseoverrides( _ambassador_module_header_case_overrides(["My-OPINIONATED-CASING"], proper_case=True), [], expect_norules=True, ) _test_headercaseoverrides( _ambassador_module_header_case_overrides([], proper_case=True), [], expect_norules=True, ) _test_headercaseoverrides( _ambassador_module_header_case_overrides([{"invalid": "true"}, "X-COOL"], proper_case=True), [], expect_norules=True, ) class HeaderCaseOverridesTesting: def create_module(self, namespace): manifest = f""" --- apiVersion: kind: Module metadata: name: ambassador spec: config: header_case_overrides: - X-HELLO - X-FOO-Bar """ apply_kube_artifacts(namespace=namespace, artifacts=manifest) def create_listeners(self, namespace): manifest = f""" --- apiVersion: kind: Listener metadata: name: listener-8080 spec: port: 8080 protocol: HTTP securityModel: INSECURE hostBinding: namespace: from: SELF """ apply_kube_artifacts(namespace=namespace, artifacts=manifest) def test_header_case_overrides(self): # Is there any reason not to use the default namespace? namespace = "header-case-overrides" # Install Ambassador install_ambassador(namespace=namespace) # Install httpbin apply_kube_artifacts(namespace=namespace, artifacts=httpbin_manifests) # Install headerecho apply_kube_artifacts(namespace=namespace, artifacts=headerecho_manifests) # Install listeners. self.create_listeners(namespace) # Install module self.create_module(namespace) # Install httpbin mapping create_httpbin_mapping(namespace=namespace) # Install headerecho mapping create_headerecho_mapping(namespace=namespace) # Now let's wait for ambassador and httpbin pods to become ready run_and_assert( [ "tools/bin/kubectl", "wait", "--timeout=90s", "--for=condition=Ready", "pod", "-l", "service=ambassador", "-n", namespace, ] ) run_and_assert( [ "tools/bin/kubectl", "wait", "--timeout=90s", "--for=condition=Ready", "pod", "-l", "service=httpbin", "-n", namespace, ] ) # Assume we can reach Ambassador through telepresence ambassador_host = "ambassador." + namespace # Assert 200 OK at httpbin/status/200 endpoint ready = False httpbin_url = f"http://{ambassador_host}/httpbin/status/200" headerecho_url = f"http://{ambassador_host}/headerecho/" loop_limit = 10 while not ready: assert loop_limit > 0, "httpbin is not ready yet, aborting..." try: print(f"trying {httpbin_url}...") resp = requests.get(httpbin_url, timeout=5) code = resp.status_code assert code == 200, f"Expected 200 OK, got {code}" resp.close() print(f"{httpbin_url} is ready") print(f"trying {headerecho_url}...") resp = requests.get(headerecho_url, timeout=5) code = resp.status_code assert code == 200, f"Expected 200 OK, got {code}" resp.close() print(f"{headerecho_url} is ready") ready = True except Exception as e: print(f"Error: {e}") print(f"{httpbin_url} not ready yet, trying again...") time.sleep(1) loop_limit -= 1 assert ready httpbin_url = f"http://{ambassador_host}/httpbin/response-headers?x-Hello=1&X-foo-Bar=1&x-Lowercase1=1&x-lowercase2=1" resp = requests.get(httpbin_url, timeout=5) code = resp.status_code assert code == 200, f"Expected 200 OK, got {code}" # First, test that the response headers have the correct case. # Very important: this test relies on matching case sensitive header keys. # Fortunately it appears that we can convert resp.headers, a case insensitive # dictionary, into a list of case sensitive keys. keys = [h for h in resp.headers.keys()] for k in keys: print(f"header key: {k}") assert "x-hello" not in keys assert "X-HELLO" in keys assert "x-foo-bar" not in keys assert "X-FOO-Bar" in keys assert "x-lowercase1" in keys assert "x-Lowercase1" not in keys assert "x-lowercase2" in keys resp.close() # Second, test that the request headers sent to the headerecho server # have the correct case. headers = {"x-Hello": "1", "X-foo-Bar": "1", "x-Lowercase1": "1", "x-lowercase2": "1"} resp = requests.get(headerecho_url, headers=headers, timeout=5) code = resp.status_code assert code == 200, f"Expected 200 OK, got {code}" response_obj = json.loads(resp.text) print(f"response_obj = {response_obj}") assert response_obj assert "headers" in response_obj hdrs = response_obj["headers"] assert "x-hello" not in hdrs assert "X-HELLO" in hdrs assert "x-foo-bar" not in hdrs assert "X-FOO-Bar" in hdrs assert "x-lowercase1" in hdrs assert "x-Lowercase1" not in hdrs assert "x-lowercase2" in hdrs @pytest.mark.flaky(reruns=1, reruns_delay=10) def test_ambassador_headercaseoverrides(): t = HeaderCaseOverridesTesting() t.test_header_case_overrides() if __name__ == "__main__": pytest.main(sys.argv)