import errno import json import logging import os import platform import sys import traceback from uuid import uuid4 import requests class Scout: def __init__( self, app, version, install_id=None, id_plugin=None, id_plugin_args={}, scout_host="", **kwargs ): """ Create a new Scout instance for later reports. :param app: The application name. Required. :param version: The application version. Required. :param install_id: Optional install_id. If set, Scout will believe it. :param id_plugin: Optional plugin function for obtaining an install_id. See below. :param id_plugin_args: Optional arguments to id_plugin. See below. :param kwargs: Any other keyword arguments will be merged into Scout's metadata. If an id_plugin is present, it is called with the following parameters: - this Scout instance - the passed-in app name - the passed-in id_plugin_args _as keyword arguments_ id_plugin(scout, app, **id_plugin_args) It must return - None to fall back to the default filesystem ID, or - a dict containing the ID and optional metadata: - The dict **must** have an `install_id` key with a non-empty value. - The dict **may** have other keys present, which will all be merged into Scout's `metadata`. If the plugin returns something invalid, Scout falls back to the default filesystem ID. See also Scout.configmap_install_id_plugin, which is an id_plugin that knows how to use a Kubernetes configmap (scout.config.$app) to store the install ID. Scout logs to the datawire.scout logger. It assumes that the logging system is configured to a sane default level, but you can change Scout's debug level with e.g. logging.getLogger("datawire.scout").setLevel(logging.DEBUG) """ = Scout.__not_blank("app", app) self.version = Scout.__not_blank("version", version) self.metadata = kwargs if kwargs is not None else {} self.user_agent = self.create_user_agent() self.logger = logging.getLogger("datawire.scout") self.install_id = install_id if not self.install_id and id_plugin: plugin_response = id_plugin(self, app, **id_plugin_args) self.logger.debug("Scout: id_plugin returns {0}".format(json.dumps(plugin_response))) if plugin_response: if "install_id" in plugin_response: self.install_id = plugin_response["install_id"] del plugin_response["install_id"] if plugin_response: self.metadata = Scout.__merge_dicts(self.metadata, plugin_response) if not self.install_id: self.install_id = self.__filesystem_install_id(app) self.logger.debug("Scout using install_id {0}".format(self.install_id)) # scout options; controlled via env vars self.scout_host = os.getenv("SCOUT_HOST", scout_host) self.use_https = os.getenv("SCOUT_HTTPS", "1").lower() in {"1", "true", "yes"} self.disabled = Scout.__is_disabled() def report(self, **kwargs): result = {"latest_version": self.version} if self.disabled: return result merged_metadata = Scout.__merge_dicts(self.metadata, kwargs) headers = {"User-Agent": self.user_agent} payload = { "application":, "version": self.version, "install_id": self.install_id, "user_agent": self.create_user_agent(), "metadata": merged_metadata, } self.logger.debug("Scout: report payload: %s" % json.dumps(payload, indent=4)) url = ("https://" if self.use_https else "http://") + "{}/scout".format( self.scout_host ).lower() try: resp =, json=payload, headers=headers, timeout=1) self.logger.debug("Scout: report returns %d (%s)" % (resp.status_code, resp.text)) if resp.status_code / 100 == 2: result = Scout.__merge_dicts(result, resp.json()) except OSError as e: self.logger.warning("Scout: could not post report: %s" % e) result["exception"] = "could not post report: %s" % e except Exception as e: # If scout is down or we are getting errors just proceed as if nothing happened. It should not impact the # user at all. tb = "\n".join(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info())) result["exception"] = e result["traceback"] = tb if "new_install" in self.metadata: del self.metadata["new_install"] return result def create_user_agent(self): result = "{0}/{1} ({2}; {3}; python {4})".format(, self.version, platform.system(), platform.release(), platform.python_version() ).lower() return result def __filesystem_install_id(self, app): config_root = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".config", app) try: os.makedirs(config_root) except OSError as ex: if ex.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(config_root): pass else: raise id_file = os.path.join(config_root, "id") if not os.path.isfile(id_file): with open(id_file, "w") as f: install_id = str(uuid4()) self.metadata["new_install"] = True f.write(install_id) else: with open(id_file, "r") as f: install_id = return install_id @staticmethod def __not_blank(name, value): if value is None or str(value).strip() == "": raise ValueError("Value for '{}' is blank, empty or None".format(name)) return value @staticmethod def __merge_dicts(x, y): z = x.copy() z.update(y) return z @staticmethod def __is_disabled(): if str(os.getenv("TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG")).startswith("datawire/"): return True return os.getenv("SCOUT_DISABLE", "0").lower() in {"1", "true", "yes"} @staticmethod def configmap_install_id_plugin(scout, app, map_name=None, namespace="default"): """ Scout id_plugin that uses a Kubernetes configmap to store the install ID. :param scout: Scout instance that's calling the plugin :param app: Name of the application that's using Scout :param map_name: Optional ConfigMap name to use; defaults to "scout.config.$app" :param namespace: Optional Kubernetes namespace to use; defaults to "default" This plugin assumes that the KUBERNETES_SERVICE_{HOST,PORT,PORT_HTTPS} environment variables are set correctly, and it assumes the default Kubernetes namespace unless the 'namespace' keyword argument is used to select a different namespace. If KUBERNETES_ACCESS_TOKEN is set in the environment, use that for the apiserver access token -- otherwise, the plugin assumes that it's running in a Kubernetes pod and tries to read its token from /var/run/secrets. """ plugin_response = None if not map_name: map_name = "scout.config.{0}".format(app) kube_host = os.environ.get("KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST", None) try: kube_port = int(os.environ.get("KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT", 443)) except ValueError: scout.logger.debug("Scout: KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT isn't numeric, defaulting to 443") kube_port = 443 kube_proto = "https" if (kube_port == 443) else "http" kube_token = os.environ.get("KUBERNETES_ACCESS_TOKEN", None) if not kube_host: # We're not running in Kubernetes. Fall back to the usual filesystem stuff. scout.logger.debug("Scout: no KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST, not running in Kubernetes") return None if not kube_token: try: kube_token = open("/var/run/secrets/", "r").read() except OSError: pass if not kube_token: # We're not running in Kubernetes. Fall back to the usual filesystem stuff. scout.logger.debug("Scout: not running in Kubernetes") return None # OK, we're in a cluster. Load our map. base_url = "%s://%s:%s" % (kube_proto, kube_host, kube_port) url_path = "api/v1/namespaces/%s/configmaps" % namespace auth_headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + kube_token} install_id = None cm_url = "%s/%s" % (base_url, url_path) fetch_url = "%s/%s" % (cm_url, map_name) scout.logger.debug("Scout: trying %s" % fetch_url) try: r = requests.get(fetch_url, headers=auth_headers, verify=False) if r.status_code == 200: # OK, the map is present. What do we see? map_data = r.json() if "data" not in map_data: # This is "impossible". scout.logger.error("Scout: no map data in returned map???") else: map_data = map_data.get("data", {}) scout.logger.debug("Scout: configmap has map data %s" % json.dumps(map_data)) install_id = map_data.get("install_id", None) if install_id: scout.logger.debug("Scout: got install_id %s from map" % install_id) plugin_response = {"install_id": install_id} except OSError as e: scout.logger.debug( "Scout: could not read configmap (map %s, namespace %s): %s" % (map_name, namespace, e) ) if not install_id: # No extant install_id. Try to create a new one. install_id = str(uuid4()) cm = { "apiVersion": "v1", "kind": "ConfigMap", "metadata": { "name": map_name, "namespace": namespace, }, "data": {"install_id": install_id}, } scout.logger.debug("Scout: saving new install_id %s" % install_id) saved = False try: r =, headers=auth_headers, verify=False, json=cm) if r.status_code == 201: saved = True scout.logger.debug("Scout: saved install_id %s" % install_id) plugin_response = {"install_id": install_id, "new_install": True} else: scout.logger.error( "Scout: could not save install_id: {0}, {1}".format(r.status_code, r.text) ) except OSError as e: logging.debug( "Scout: could not write configmap (map %s, namespace %s): %s" % (map_name, namespace, e) ) scout.logger.debug("Scout: plugin_response %s" % json.dumps(plugin_response)) return plugin_response