1from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
2from typing import cast as typecast
4from ambassador.utils import RichStatus
6from ..config import Config
7from .irbasemapping import IRBaseMapping
8from .irbasemappinggroup import IRBaseMappingGroup
9from .ircluster import IRCluster
10from .irresource import IRResource
13 from .ir import IR # pragma: no cover
17## IRHTTPMappingGroup is a collection of Mappings. We'll use it to build Envoy routes later,
18## so the group itself ends up with some of the group-wide attributes of its Mappings.
21class IRHTTPMappingGroup(IRBaseMappingGroup):
22 host_redirect: Optional[IRBaseMapping]
23 shadow: List[IRBaseMapping]
24 rewrite: str
25 add_request_headers: Dict[str, str]
26 add_response_headers: Dict[str, str]
28 CoreMappingKeys: ClassVar[Dict[str, bool]] = {
29 "bypass_auth": True,
30 "bypass_error_response_overrides": True,
31 "circuit_breakers": True,
32 "cluster_timeout_ms": True,
33 "connect_timeout_ms": True,
34 "cluster_idle_timeout_ms": True,
35 "cluster_max_connection_lifetime_ms": True,
36 "group_id": True,
37 "headers": True,
38 # 'host_rewrite': True,
39 # 'idle_timeout_ms': True,
40 "keepalive": True,
41 # 'labels' doesn't appear in the TransparentKeys list for IRMapping, but it's still
42 # a CoreMappingKey -- if it appears, it can't have multiple values within an IRHTTPMappingGroup.
43 "labels": True,
44 "load_balancer": True,
45 # 'metadata_labels' will get flattened by merging. The group gets all the labels that all its
46 # Mappings have.
47 "method": True,
48 "prefix": True,
49 "prefix_regex": True,
50 "prefix_exact": True,
51 # 'rewrite': True,
52 # 'timeout_ms': True
53 }
55 # We don't flatten cluster_key and stats_name because the whole point of those
56 # two is that you're asking for something special with stats. Note that we also
57 # don't do collision checking specially for the stats_name: if you ask for the
58 # same stats_name in two unrelated mappings, on your own head be it.
60 DoNotFlattenKeys: ClassVar[Dict[str, bool]] = dict(CoreMappingKeys)
61 DoNotFlattenKeys.update(
62 {
63 "add_request_headers": True, # do this manually.
64 "add_response_headers": True, # do this manually.
65 "cluster": True,
66 "cluster_key": True, # See above about stats.
67 "kind": True,
68 "location": True,
69 "name": True,
70 "resolver": True, # can't flatten the resolver...
71 "rkey": True,
72 "route_weight": True,
73 "service": True,
74 "stats_name": True, # See above about stats.
75 "weight": True,
76 }
77 )
79 @staticmethod
80 def helper_mappings(res: IRResource, k: str) -> Tuple[str, List[dict]]:
81 return k, list(
82 reversed(sorted([x.as_dict() for x in res.mappings], key=lambda x: x["route_weight"]))
83 )
85 @staticmethod
86 def helper_shadows(res: IRResource, k: str) -> Tuple[str, List[dict]]:
87 return k, list([x.as_dict() for x in res[k]])
89 def __init__(
90 self,
91 ir: "IR",
92 aconf: Config,
93 location: str,
94 mapping: IRBaseMapping,
95 rkey: str = "ir.mappinggroup",
96 kind: str = "IRHTTPMappingGroup",
97 name: str = "ir.mappinggroup",
98 **kwargs,
99 ) -> None:
100 # print("IRHTTPMappingGroup __init__ (%s %s %s)" % (kind, name, kwargs))
101 del rkey # silence unused-variable warning
103 if "host_redirect" in kwargs:
104 raise Exception(
105 "IRHTTPMappingGroup cannot accept a host_redirect as a keyword argument"
106 )
108 if "path_redirect" in kwargs:
109 raise Exception(
110 "IRHTTPMappingGroup cannot accept a path_redirect as a keyword argument"
111 )
113 if "prefix_redirect" in kwargs:
114 raise Exception(
115 "IRHTTPMappingGroup cannot accept a prefix_redirect as a keyword argument"
116 )
118 if "regex_redirect" in kwargs:
119 raise Exception(
120 "IRHTTPMappingGroup cannot accept a regex_redirect as a keyword argument"
121 )
123 if ("shadow" in kwargs) or ("shadows" in kwargs):
124 raise Exception(
125 "IRHTTPMappingGroup cannot accept shadow or shadows as a keyword argument"
126 )
128 super().__init__(
129 ir=ir, aconf=aconf, rkey=mapping.rkey, location=location, kind=kind, name=name, **kwargs
130 )
132 self.host_redirect = None
133 self.shadows: List[IRBaseMapping] = [] # XXX This should really be IRHTTPMapping, no?
135 self.add_dict_helper("mappings", IRHTTPMappingGroup.helper_mappings)
136 self.add_dict_helper("shadows", IRHTTPMappingGroup.helper_shadows)
138 # Time to lift a bunch of core stuff from the first mapping up into the
139 # group.
141 if ("group_weight" not in self) and ("route_weight" in mapping):
142 self.group_weight = mapping.route_weight
144 for k in IRHTTPMappingGroup.CoreMappingKeys:
145 if (k not in self) and (k in mapping):
146 self[k] = mapping[k]
148 self.add_mapping(aconf, mapping)
150 # self.add_request_headers = {}
151 # self.add_response_headers = {}
152 # self.labels = {}
154 def add_mapping(self, aconf: Config, mapping: IRBaseMapping) -> None:
155 mismatches = []
157 for k in IRHTTPMappingGroup.CoreMappingKeys:
158 if (k in mapping) and ((k not in self) or (mapping[k] != self[k])):
159 mismatches.append((k, mapping[k], self.get(k, "-unset-")))
161 if mismatches:
162 self.post_error(
163 "cannot accept new mapping %s with mismatched %s."
164 "Please verify field is set with the same value in all related mappings."
165 "Example: When canary is configured, related mappings should have same fields and values"
166 % (mapping.name, ", ".join(["%s: %s != %s" % (x, y, z) for x, y, z in mismatches]))
167 )
168 return
170 # self.ir.logger.debug("%s: add mapping %s" % (self, mapping.as_json()))
172 # Per the schema, host_redirect and shadow are Booleans. They won't be _saved_ as
173 # Booleans, though: instead we just save the Mapping that they're a part of.
174 host_redirect = mapping.get("host_redirect", False)
175 shadow = mapping.get("shadow", False)
177 # First things first: if both shadow and host_redirect are set in this Mapping,
178 # we're going to let shadow win. Kill the host_redirect part.
180 if shadow and host_redirect:
181 errstr = "At most one of host_redirect and shadow may be set; ignoring host_redirect"
182 aconf.post_error(RichStatus.fromError(errstr), resource=mapping)
184 mapping.pop("host_redirect", None)
185 mapping.pop("path_redirect", None)
186 mapping.pop("prefix_redirect", None)
187 mapping.pop("regex_redirect", None)
189 # OK. Is this a shadow Mapping?
190 if shadow:
191 # Yup. Make sure that we don't have multiple shadows.
192 if self.shadows:
193 errstr = "cannot accept %s as second shadow after %s" % (
194 mapping.name,
195 self.shadows[0].name,
196 )
197 aconf.post_error(RichStatus.fromError(errstr), resource=self)
198 else:
199 # All good. Save it.
200 self.shadows.append(mapping)
201 elif host_redirect:
202 # Not a shadow, but a host_redirect. Make sure we don't have multiples of
203 # those either.
205 if self.host_redirect:
206 errstr = "cannot accept %s as second host_redirect after %s" % (
207 mapping.name,
208 typecast(IRBaseMapping, self.host_redirect).name,
209 )
210 aconf.post_error(RichStatus.fromError(errstr), resource=self)
211 elif len(self.mappings) > 0:
212 errstr = (
213 "cannot accept %s with host_redirect after mappings without host_redirect (eg %s)"
214 % (mapping.name, self.mappings[0].name)
215 )
216 aconf.post_error(RichStatus.fromError(errstr), resource=self)
217 else:
218 # All good. Save it.
219 self.host_redirect = mapping
220 else:
221 # Neither shadow nor host_redirect are set in the Mapping.
222 #
223 # XXX At the moment, we do not do the right thing with the case where some Mappings
224 # in a group have host_redirect and some do not, so make sure that that can't happen.
226 if self.host_redirect:
227 aconf.post_error(
228 "cannot accept %s without host_redirect after %s with host_redirect"
229 % (mapping.name, typecast(IRBaseMapping, self.host_redirect).name)
230 )
231 else:
232 # All good. Save this mapping.
233 self.mappings.append(mapping)
235 if mapping.route_weight > self.group_weight:
236 self.group_weight = mapping.route_weight
238 self.referenced_by(mapping)
240 # self.ir.logger.debug("%s: group now %s" % (self, self.as_json()))
242 def add_cluster_for_mapping(
243 self, mapping: IRBaseMapping, marker: Optional[str] = None
244 ) -> IRCluster:
245 # Find or create the cluster for this Mapping...
247 self.ir.logger.debug(
248 f"IRHTTPMappingGroup: {self.group_id} adding cluster for Mapping {mapping.name} (key {mapping.cluster_key})"
249 )
251 cluster: Optional[IRCluster] = None
253 if mapping.cluster_key:
254 # Aha. Is our cluster already in the cache?
255 cached_cluster = self.ir.cache_fetch(mapping.cluster_key)
257 if cached_cluster is not None:
258 # We know a priori that anything in the cache under a cluster key must be
259 # an IRCluster, but let's assert that rather than casting.
260 assert isinstance(cached_cluster, IRCluster)
261 cluster = cached_cluster
263 self.ir.logger.debug(
264 f"IRHTTPMappingGroup: got Cluster from cache for {mapping.cluster_key}"
265 )
267 if not cluster:
268 # OK, we have to actually do some work.
269 self.ir.logger.debug(f"IRHTTPMappingGroup: synthesizing Cluster for {mapping.name}")
270 cluster = IRCluster(
271 ir=self.ir,
272 aconf=self.ir.aconf,
273 parent_ir_resource=mapping,
274 location=mapping.location,
275 service=mapping.service,
276 resolver=mapping.resolver,
277 ctx_name=mapping.get("tls", None),
278 dns_type=mapping.get("dns_type", "strict_dns"),
279 health_checks=mapping.get("health_checks", None),
280 host_rewrite=mapping.get("host_rewrite", False),
281 enable_ipv4=mapping.get("enable_ipv4", None),
282 enable_ipv6=mapping.get("enable_ipv6", None),
283 grpc=mapping.get("grpc", False),
284 load_balancer=mapping.get("load_balancer", None),
285 keepalive=mapping.get("keepalive", None),
286 connect_timeout_ms=mapping.get("connect_timeout_ms", 3000),
287 cluster_idle_timeout_ms=mapping.get("cluster_idle_timeout_ms", None),
288 cluster_max_connection_lifetime_ms=mapping.get(
289 "cluster_max_connection_lifetime_ms", None
290 ),
291 circuit_breakers=mapping.get("circuit_breakers", None),
292 marker=marker,
293 stats_name=mapping.get("stats_name"),
294 respect_dns_ttl=mapping.get("respect_dns_ttl", False),
295 )
297 # Make sure that the cluster is actually in our IR...
298 stored = self.ir.add_cluster(cluster)
299 stored.referenced_by(mapping)
301 # ...and then check if we just synthesized this cluster.
302 if not mapping.cluster_key:
303 # Yes. The mapping is already in the cache, but we need to cache the cluster...
304 self.ir.cache_add(stored)
306 # ...and link the Group to the cluster.
307 #
308 # Right now, I'm going for maximum safety, which means a single chain linking
309 # Mapping -> Group -> Cluster. That means that deleting a single Mapping deletes
310 # the Group to which that Mapping is attached, which in turn deletes all the
311 # Clusters for that Group.
312 #
313 # Performance might dictate linking Mapping -> Group and Mapping -> Cluster, so
314 # that deleting a Mapping deletes the Group but only the single Cluster. Needs
315 # testing.
317 self.ir.cache_link(self, stored)
319 # Finally, save the cluster's cache_key in this Mapping.
320 mapping.cluster_key = stored.cache_key
322 # Finally, return the stored cluster. Done.
323 self.ir.logger.debug(
324 f"IRHTTPMappingGroup: %s returning cluster %s for Mapping %s",
325 self.group_id,
326 stored,
327 mapping.name,
328 )
329 return stored
331 def finalize(self, ir: "IR", aconf: Config) -> List[IRCluster]:
332 """
333 Finalize a MappingGroup based on the attributes of its Mappings. Core elements get lifted into
334 the Group so we can more easily build Envoy routes; host-redirect and shadow get handled, etc.
336 :param ir: the IR we're working from
337 :param aconf: the Config we're working from
338 :return: a list of the IRClusters this Group uses
339 """
341 add_request_headers: Dict[str, Any] = {}
342 add_response_headers: Dict[str, Any] = {}
343 metadata_labels: Dict[str, str] = {}
345 self.ir.logger.debug(f"IRHTTPMappingGroup: finalize %s", self.group_id)
347 for mapping in sorted(self.mappings, key=lambda m: m.route_weight):
348 # if verbose:
349 # self.ir.logger.debug("%s mapping %s" % (self, mapping.as_json()))
351 for k in mapping.keys():
352 if (
353 k.startswith("_")
354 or mapping.skip_key(k)
355 or (k in IRHTTPMappingGroup.DoNotFlattenKeys)
356 ):
357 # if verbose:
358 # self.ir.logger.debug("%s: don't flatten %s" % (self, k))
359 continue
361 # if verbose:
362 # self.ir.logger.debug("%s: flatten %s" % (self, k))
364 self[k] = mapping[k]
366 add_request_headers.update(mapping.get("add_request_headers", {}))
367 add_response_headers.update(mapping.get("add_response_headers", {}))
369 # Should we have higher weights win over lower if there are conflicts?
370 # Should we disallow conflicts?
371 metadata_labels.update(mapping.get("metadata_labels") or {})
373 if add_request_headers:
374 self.add_request_headers = add_request_headers
375 if add_response_headers:
376 self.add_response_headers = add_response_headers
378 if metadata_labels:
379 self.metadata_labels = metadata_labels
381 if self.get("load_balancer", None) is None:
382 self["load_balancer"] = ir.ambassador_module.load_balancer
384 # if verbose:
385 # self.ir.logger.debug("%s after flattening %s" % (self, self.as_json()))
387 total_weight = 0.0
388 unspecified_mappings = 0
390 # If no rewrite was given at all, default the rewrite to "/", so /, so e.g., if we map
391 # /prefix1/ to the service service1, then http://ambassador.example.com/prefix1/foo/bar
392 # would effectively be written to http://service1/foo/bar
393 #
394 # If they did give a rewrite, leave it alone so that the Envoy config can correctly
395 # handle an empty rewrite as no rewriting at all.
397 if "rewrite" not in self:
398 self.rewrite = "/"
400 # OK. Save some typing with local variables for default labels and our labels...
401 labels: Dict[str, Any] = self.get("labels", None)
403 if self.get("keepalive", None) is None:
404 keepalive_default = ir.ambassador_module.get("keepalive", None)
405 if keepalive_default:
406 self["keepalive"] = keepalive_default
408 if not labels:
409 # No labels. Use the default label domain to see if we have some valid defaults.
410 defaults = ir.ambassador_module.get_default_labels()
412 if defaults:
413 domain = ir.ambassador_module.get_default_label_domain()
415 self.labels = {domain: [{"defaults": defaults}]}
416 else:
417 # Walk all the domains in our labels, and prepend the defaults, if any.
418 # ir.logger.info("%s: labels %s" % (self.as_json(), labels))
420 for domain in labels.keys():
421 defaults = ir.ambassador_module.get_default_labels(domain)
422 ir.logger.debug("%s: defaults %s" % (domain, defaults))
424 if defaults:
425 ir.logger.debug("%s: labels %s" % (domain, labels[domain]))
427 for label in labels[domain]:
428 ir.logger.debug("%s: label %s" % (domain, label))
430 lkeys = label.keys()
431 if len(lkeys) > 1:
432 err = RichStatus.fromError(
433 "label has multiple entries (%s) instead of just one" % lkeys
434 )
435 aconf.post_error(err, self)
437 lkey = list(lkeys)[0]
439 if lkey.startswith("v0_ratelimit_"):
440 # Don't prepend defaults, as this was imported from a V0 rate_limit.
441 continue
443 label[lkey] = defaults + label[lkey]
445 if self.shadows:
446 # Only one shadow is supported right now.
447 shadow = self.shadows[0]
449 # The shadow is an IRMapping. Save the cluster for it.
450 shadow.cluster = self.add_cluster_for_mapping(shadow, marker="shadow")
452 # We don't need a cluster for host_redirect: it's just a name to redirect to.
454 redir = self.get("host_redirect", None)
456 if not redir:
457 self.ir.logger.debug(
458 f"IRHTTPMappingGroup: checking mapping clusters for %s", self.group_id
459 )
461 for mapping in self.mappings:
462 mapping.cluster = self.add_cluster_for_mapping(mapping, mapping.cluster_tag)
464 self.ir.logger.debug(f"IRHTTPMappingGroup: normalizing weights for %s", self.group_id)
466 if not self.normalize_weights_in_mappings():
467 self.post_error(f"Could not normalize mapping weights, ignoring...")
468 return []
470 return list([mapping.cluster for mapping in self.mappings])
471 else:
472 # Flatten the case_sensitive field for host_redirect if it exists
473 if "case_sensitive" in redir:
474 self["case_sensitive"] = redir["case_sensitive"]
476 return []
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