
Text file src/github.com/emissary-ingress/emissary/v3/python/ambassador/ir/irhealthchecks.py

Documentation: github.com/emissary-ingress/emissary/v3/python/ambassador/ir

     1import logging
     2from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union
     4from ..config import Config
     5from .irresource import IRResource
     8    from .ir import IR  # pragma: no cover
    11class IRHealthChecks(IRResource):
    13    # The list of mappers that will make up the final health checking config
    14    _mappers: Optional[List[Dict[str, Union[str, int, Dict]]]]
    16    # The IR config, used as input from a `health_checks` field on a Mapping
    17    _ir_config: List[Dict[str, Union[str, int, Dict]]]
    19    def __init__(
    20        self,
    21        ir: "IR",
    22        aconf: Config,
    23        health_checks_config: List[Dict[str, Union[str, int, Dict]]],
    24        rkey: str = "ir.health_checks",
    25        kind: str = "IRHealthChecks",
    26        name: str = "health_checks",
    27        **kwargs,
    28    ) -> None:
    29        self._ir_config = health_checks_config
    30        self._mappers = None
    31        super().__init__(ir=ir, aconf=aconf, rkey=rkey, kind=kind, name=name, **kwargs)
    33    # Return the final config, or None if there isn't any, either because
    34    # there was no input config, or none of the input config was valid.
    35    def config(self) -> Optional[List[Dict[str, Union[str, int, Dict]]]]:
    36        if not self._mappers:
    37            return None
    38        return self._mappers
    40    def setup(self, ir: "IR", aconf: Config) -> bool:
    41        self._setup(ir, aconf)
    42        return True
    44    def _setup(self, ir: "IR", aconf: Config) -> None:
    45        # Dont post any errors if there is empty config
    46        if not self._ir_config:
    47            return
    49        # Do nothing (and post no errors) if there's config, but it's empty.
    50        if len(self._ir_config) == 0:
    51            return
    53        # If we have some configuration to deal with, try to load it, and post any errors
    54        # that we find along the way. Internally, _load_config will skip any health checks
    55        # that are invalid, preserving other rules. This prevents one bad health check from eliminating
    56        # the others.
    57        self._mappers = self._generate_mappers()
    58        if self._mappers is not None:
    59            ir.logger.debug("IRHealthChecks: loaded mappers %s" % repr(self._mappers))
    61    def _generate_mappers(self) -> Optional[List[Dict[str, Union[str, int, Dict]]]]:
    62        all_mappers: List[Dict[str, Union[str, int, Dict]]] = []
    64        # Make sure each health check in the list has config for either a grpc health check or an http health check
    65        for hc in self._ir_config:
    67            health_check_config = hc["health_check"]
    69            # This should never happen but is necessary for the linting type checks
    70            if not isinstance(health_check_config, dict):
    71                self.post_error(
    72                    f"IRHealthChecks: health_check: field must be an object, found {health_check_config}. Ignoring health-check {hc}",
    73                    log_level=logging.ERROR,
    74                )
    75                continue
    77            grpc_health_check = health_check_config.get("grpc", None)
    78            http_health_check = health_check_config.get("http", None)
    80            timeout = hc.get("timeout", "3s")  # default 3.0s timeout
    81            interval = hc.get("interval", "5s")  # default 5.0s Interval
    82            healthy_threshold = hc.get("healthy_threshold", 1)
    83            unhealthy_threshold = hc.get("unhealthy_threshold", 2)
    85            mapper: Dict[str, Union[str, int, Dict]] = {
    86                "timeout": timeout,
    87                "interval": interval,
    88                "healthy_threshold": healthy_threshold,
    89                "unhealthy_threshold": unhealthy_threshold,
    90            }
    92            # Process a http health check
    93            if http_health_check is not None:
    94                if not isinstance(http_health_check, dict):
    95                    self.post_error(
    96                        f"IRHealthChecks: health_check.http: field must be an object, found {http_health_check}. Ignoring health-check {hc}",
    97                        log_level=logging.ERROR,
    98                    )
    99                    continue
   101                path = http_health_check["path"]
   102                http_mapper: Dict[str, Any] = {"path": path}
   104                # Process header add/remove operations
   105                request_headers_to_add = http_health_check.get("add_request_headers", None)
   106                if request_headers_to_add is not None:
   107                    if isinstance(request_headers_to_add, list):
   108                        self.post_error(
   109                            f"IRHealthChecks: add_request_headers must be a dict of header:value pairs. Ignoring field for health-check: {hc}",
   110                            log_level=logging.ERROR,
   111                        )
   112                    addHeaders = self.generate_headers_to_add(request_headers_to_add)
   113                    if len(addHeaders) > 0:
   114                        http_mapper["request_headers_to_add"] = addHeaders
   115                request_headers_to_remove = http_health_check.get("remove_request_headers", None)
   116                if request_headers_to_remove is not None:
   117                    if not isinstance(request_headers_to_remove, list):
   118                        self.post_error(
   119                            f"IRHealthChecks: remove_request_headers must be a list. Ignoring field for health-check: {hc}",
   120                            log_level=logging.ERROR,
   121                        )
   122                    else:
   123                        http_mapper["request_headers_to_remove"] = request_headers_to_remove
   125                host = http_health_check.get("hostname", None)
   126                if host is not None:
   127                    http_mapper["host"] = host
   129                # Process the expected statuses
   130                expected_statuses = http_health_check.get("expected_statuses", None)
   131                if expected_statuses is not None:
   132                    validStatuses = []
   133                    for statusRange in expected_statuses:
   134                        minCode = int(statusRange["min"])
   135                        maxCode = int(statusRange["max"])
   136                        # We add one to the end code because by default Envoy expects the start of the range to be
   137                        # inclusive, but the end of the range to be exclusive. Lets just make both inclusive for simplicity.
   138                        maxCode += 1
   139                        if minCode > maxCode:
   140                            self.post_error(
   141                                f"IRHealthChecks: expected_statuses: status range start value {minCode} cannot be higher than the end {maxCode} for range. Ignoring expected status for health-check {hc}",
   142                                log_level=logging.ERROR,
   143                            )
   144                            continue
   146                        newRange = {"start": minCode, "end": maxCode}
   147                        validStatuses.append(newRange)
   148                    if len(validStatuses) > 0:
   149                        http_mapper["expected_statuses"] = validStatuses
   150                # Add the http health check to the config
   151                mapper["http_health_check"] = http_mapper
   153            # Process a gRPC health check
   154            if grpc_health_check is not None:
   155                if not isinstance(grpc_health_check, dict):
   156                    self.post_error(
   157                        f"IRHealthChecks: health_check.grpc: field must be an object, found {grpc_health_check}, Ignoring...",
   158                        log_level=logging.ERROR,
   159                    )
   160                    continue
   162                upstream_name = grpc_health_check["upstream_name"]
   163                grpc_mapper: Dict[str, str] = {"service_name": upstream_name}
   165                authority = grpc_health_check.get("authority", None)
   166                if authority is not None:
   167                    grpc_mapper["authority"] = authority
   169                # Add the gRPC health check to the config
   170                mapper["grpc_health_check"] = grpc_mapper
   171            all_mappers.append(mapper)
   173        # If nothing could be parsed successfully, post an error.
   174        if len(all_mappers) == 0:
   175            self.post_error(
   176                f"IRHealthChecks: no valid health check could be parsed for config: {self._ir_config}",
   177                log_level=logging.ERROR,
   178            )
   179            return None
   180        return all_mappers
   182    @staticmethod
   183    def generate_headers_to_add(header_dict: dict) -> List[dict]:
   184        headers = []
   185        for k, v in header_dict.items():
   186            append = True
   187            if isinstance(v, dict):
   188                if "append" in v:
   189                    append = bool(v["append"])
   190                headers.append({"header": {"key": k, "value": v["value"]}, "append": append})
   191            else:
   192                headers.append(
   193                    {
   194                        "header": {"key": k, "value": v},
   195                        "append": append,  # Default append True, for backward compatability
   196                    }
   197                )
   198        return headers

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