# Copyright 2018 Datawire. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License import re import urllib.parse from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union from typing import cast as typecast from ..config import Config from ..utils import RichStatus from .irhealthchecks import IRHealthChecks from .irresource import IRResource from .irtlscontext import IRTLSContext if TYPE_CHECKING: from .ir import IR # pragma: no cover from .ir.irserviceresolver import IRServiceResolver # pragma: no cover ############################################################################# ## ircluster.py -- the ircluster configuration object for Ambassador ## ## IRCluster represents an Envoy cluster: a collection of endpoints that ## provide a single service. IRClusters get used for quite a few different ## things in Ambassador -- they are basically the generic "upstream service" ## entity. class IRCluster(IRResource): def __init__( self, ir: "IR", aconf: Config, parent_ir_resource: "IRResource", location: str, # REQUIRED service: str, # REQUIRED resolver: Optional[str] = None, connect_timeout_ms: Optional[int] = 3000, cluster_idle_timeout_ms: Optional[int] = None, cluster_max_connection_lifetime_ms: Optional[int] = None, marker: Optional[str] = None, # extra marker for this context name stats_name: Optional[str] = None, # Override the stats name for this cluster ctx_name: Optional[Union[str, bool]] = None, host_rewrite: Optional[str] = None, dns_type: Optional[str] = "strict_dns", enable_ipv4: Optional[bool] = None, enable_ipv6: Optional[bool] = None, lb_type: str = "round_robin", grpc: Optional[bool] = False, allow_scheme: Optional[bool] = True, load_balancer: Optional[dict] = None, keepalive: Optional[dict] = None, circuit_breakers: Optional[list] = None, respect_dns_ttl: Optional[bool] = False, health_checks: Optional[IRHealthChecks] = None, rkey: str = "-override-", kind: str = "IRCluster", apiVersion: str = "getambassador.io/v0", # Not a typo! See below. **kwargs, ) -> None: # Step one: look at the service and such and figure out a cluster name # and TLS origination info. # Here's how it goes: # - If allow_scheme is True and the service starts with https://, it is forced # to originate TLS. # - Else, if allow_scheme is True and the service starts with http://, it is # forced to _not_ originate TLS. # - Else, if we have a context (either a string that names a valid context, # or the boolean value True), it will originate TLS. # # After figuring that out, if we have a context which is a string value, # we try to use that context name to look up certs to use. If we can't # find any, we won't send any originating cert. # # Finally, if no port is present in the service already, we force port 443 # if we're originating TLS, 80 if not. originate_tls: bool = False name_fields: List[str] = ["cluster"] ctx: Optional[IRTLSContext] = None errors: List[str] = [] unknown_breakers = 0 # Do we have a marker? if marker: name_fields.append(marker) # Set this flag to True if you discover something that's grave enough to warrant ignoring this cluster self.ignore_cluster = False self.logger = ir.logger # Toss in the original service before we mess with it, too. name_fields.append(service) # If we have a ctx_name, does it match a real context? if ctx_name: if ctx_name is True: ir.logger.debug("using null context") ctx = IRTLSContext.null_context(ir=ir) else: ir.logger.debug("seeking named context %s" % ctx_name) ctx = ir.get_tls_context(typecast(str, ctx_name)) if not ctx: ir.logger.debug("no named context %s" % ctx_name) errors.append("Originate-TLS context %s is not defined" % ctx_name) else: ir.logger.debug("found context %s" % ctx) # TODO: lots of duplication of here, need to replace with broken down functions if allow_scheme and service.lower().startswith("https://"): service = service[len("https://") :] originate_tls = True name_fields.append("otls") elif allow_scheme and service.lower().startswith("http://"): service = service[len("http://") :] if ctx: errors.append( "Originate-TLS context %s being used even though service %s lists HTTP" % (ctx_name, service) ) originate_tls = True name_fields.append("otls") else: originate_tls = False elif ctx: # No scheme (or schemes are ignored), but we have a context. originate_tls = True name_fields.append("otls") name_fields.append(ctx.name) if "://" in service: # WTF is this? idx = service.index("://") scheme = service[0:idx] if allow_scheme: errors.append( "service %s has unknown scheme %s, assuming %s" % (service, scheme, "HTTPS" if originate_tls else "HTTP") ) else: errors.append( "ignoring scheme %s for service %s, since it is being used for a non-HTTP mapping" % (scheme, service) ) service = service[idx + 3 :] # XXX Should this be checking originate_tls? Why does it do that? if originate_tls and host_rewrite: name_fields.append("hr-%s" % host_rewrite) # Parse the service as a URL. Note that we have to supply a scheme to urllib's # parser, because it's kind of stupid. ir.logger.debug("cluster setup: service %s otls %s ctx %s" % (service, originate_tls, ctx)) p = urllib.parse.urlparse("random://" + service) # Is there any junk after the host? if p.path or p.params or p.query or p.fragment: errors.append( "service %s has extra URL components; ignoring everything but the host and port" % service ) # p is read-only, so break stuff out. hostname = p.hostname namespace = parent_ir_resource.namespace # Make sure we save the namespace in the cluster name, to prevent clashes with non-fully qualified service resolution name_fields.append(namespace) # Do we actually have a hostname? if not hostname: # We don't. That ain't good. errors.append( "service %s has no hostname and will be ignored; please re-configure" % service ) self.ignore_cluster = True hostname = "unknown" try: port = p.port except ValueError as e: errors.append( "found invalid port for service {}. Please specify a valid port between 0 and 65535 - {}. Service {} cluster will be ignored, please re-configure".format( service, e, service ) ) self.ignore_cluster = True port = 0 # If the port is unset, fix it up. if not port: port = 443 if originate_tls else 80 # Rebuild the URL with the 'tcp' scheme and our changed info. # (Yes, really, TCP. Envoy uses the TLS context to determine whether to originate # TLS. Kind of odd, but there we go.) url = "tcp://%s:%d" % (hostname, port) # Is there a circuit breaker involved here? if circuit_breakers: for breaker in circuit_breakers: name = breaker.get("_name", None) if name: name_fields.append(name) else: # This is "impossible", but... let it go I guess? errors.append(f"{service}: unvalidated circuit breaker {breaker}!") name_fields.append(f"cbu{unknown_breakers}") unknown_breakers += 1 # The Ambassador module will always have a load_balancer (which may be None). global_load_balancer = ir.ambassador_module.load_balancer if not load_balancer: load_balancer = global_load_balancer self.logger.debug(f"Load balancer for {url} is {load_balancer}") enable_endpoints = False if self.endpoints_required(load_balancer): if not Config.enable_endpoints: # Bzzt. errors.append( f"{service}: endpoint routing is not enabled, falling back to {global_load_balancer}" ) load_balancer = global_load_balancer else: enable_endpoints = True if load_balancer: # This is used only for cluster naming; it doesn't need to be a real # load balancer policy. lb_type = load_balancer.get("policy", "default") key_fields = ["er", lb_type.lower()] # XXX Should we really include these things? if "header" in load_balancer: key_fields.append("hdr") key_fields.append(load_balancer["header"]) if "cookie" in load_balancer: key_fields.append("cookie") key_fields.append(load_balancer["cookie"]["name"]) if "source_ip" in load_balancer: key_fields.append("srcip") name_fields.append("-".join(key_fields)) # Finally we can construct the cluster name. name = "_".join(name_fields) name = re.sub(r"[^0-9A-Za-z_]", "_", name) # OK. Build our default args. # # XXX We should really save the hostname and the port, not the URL. if enable_ipv4 is None: enable_ipv4 = ir.ambassador_module.enable_ipv4 ir.logger.debug( "%s: copying enable_ipv4 %s from Ambassador Module" % (name, enable_ipv4) ) if enable_ipv6 is None: enable_ipv6 = ir.ambassador_module.enable_ipv6 ir.logger.debug( "%s: copying enable_ipv6 %s from Ambassador Module" % (name, enable_ipv6) ) new_args: Dict[str, Any] = { "type": dns_type, "lb_type": lb_type, "urls": [url], # TODO: Should we completely eliminate `urls` in favor of `targets`? "load_balancer": load_balancer, "keepalive": keepalive, "circuit_breakers": circuit_breakers, "service": service, "enable_ipv4": enable_ipv4, "enable_ipv6": enable_ipv6, "enable_endpoints": enable_endpoints, "connect_timeout_ms": connect_timeout_ms, "cluster_idle_timeout_ms": cluster_idle_timeout_ms, "cluster_max_connection_lifetime_ms": cluster_max_connection_lifetime_ms, "respect_dns_ttl": respect_dns_ttl, "health_checks": health_checks, } # If we have a stats_name, use it. If not, default it to the service to make life # easier for people trying to find stats later -- but translate unusual characters # to underscores, just in case. if stats_name: new_args["stats_name"] = stats_name else: new_args["stats_name"] = re.sub(r"[^0-9A-Za-z_]", "_", service) if grpc: new_args["grpc"] = True if host_rewrite: new_args["host_rewrite"] = host_rewrite if originate_tls: if ctx: new_args["tls_context"] = typecast(IRTLSContext, ctx) else: new_args["tls_context"] = IRTLSContext.null_context(ir=ir) if rkey == "-override-": rkey = name # Stash the resolver, hostname, and port for setup. self._resolver = resolver self._hostname = hostname self._namespace = namespace self._port = port self._is_sidecar = False if self._hostname == "" and self._port == 8500: self._is_sidecar = True super().__init__( ir=ir, aconf=aconf, rkey=rkey, location=location, kind=kind, name=name, apiVersion=apiVersion, **new_args, ) if ctx: ctx.referenced_by(self) if errors: for error in errors: ir.post_error(error, resource=self) def setup(self, ir: "IR", aconf: Config) -> bool: self._cache_key = f"Cluster-{self.name}" if self.ignore_cluster: return False # Resolve our actual targets. targets = ir.resolve_targets( self, self._resolver, self._hostname, self._namespace, self._port ) self.targets = targets if not targets: self.ir.logger.debug("accepting cluster with no endpoints: %s" % self.name) # If we have health checking config then generate IR for it if "health_checks" in self: self.health_checks = IRHealthChecks(ir, aconf, self.get("health_checks", None)) return True def is_edge_stack_sidecar(self) -> bool: return self.is_active() and self._is_sidecar def endpoints_required(self, load_balancer) -> bool: required = False if load_balancer: lb_policy = load_balancer.get("policy") if lb_policy in ["round_robin", "least_request", "ring_hash", "maglev"]: self.logger.debug( "Endpoints are required for load balancing policy {}".format(lb_policy) ) required = True return required def add_url(self, url: str) -> List[str]: self.urls.append(url) return self.urls def merge(self, other: "IRCluster") -> bool: # Is this mergeable? mismatches = [] for key in [ "type", "lb_type", "host_rewrite", "tls_context", "originate_tls", "grpc", "connect_timeout_ms", "cluster_idle_timeout_ms", "cluster_max_connection_lifetime_ms", ]: if self.get(key, None) != other.get(key, None): mismatches.append(key) if mismatches: self.post_error( RichStatus.fromError( "cannot merge cluster %s: mismatched attributes %s" % (other.name, ", ".join(mismatches)) ) ) return False # All good. if other.urls: self.referenced_by(other) for url in other.urls: self.add_url(url) if other.targets: self.referenced_by(other) if self.targets == None: self.targets = other.targets else: self.targets = ( typecast(List[Dict[str, Union[int, str]]], self.targets) + other.targets ) return True def get_resolver(self) -> "IRServiceResolver": return self.ir.resolve_resolver(self, self._resolver) def clustermap_entry(self) -> Dict: return self.get_resolver().clustermap_entry( self.ir, self, self._hostname, self._namespace, self._port )