
Text file src/github.com/emissary-ingress/emissary/v3/python/ambassador/ir/irbasemappinggroup.py

Documentation: github.com/emissary-ingress/emissary/v3/python/ambassador/ir

     1from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union
     3from ..config import Config
     4from .irbasemapping import IRBaseMapping
     5from .irresource import IRResource
     8    from .ir import IR  # pragma: no cover
    11class IRBaseMappingGroup(IRResource):
    12    mappings: List[IRBaseMapping]
    13    group_id: str
    14    group_weight: List[Union[str, int]]
    15    labels: Dict[str, Any]
    16    _cache_key: Optional[str]
    18    def __init__(
    19        self,
    20        ir: "IR",
    21        aconf: Config,
    22        location: str,
    23        rkey: str = "ir.mappinggroup",
    24        kind: str = "IRBaseMappingGroup",
    25        name: str = "ir.mappinggroup",
    26        **kwargs,
    27    ) -> None:
    28        # Default to no cache key...
    29        self._cache_key = None
    31        # Default to no mappings...
    32        self.mappings = []
    34        # ...before we init the superclass, which will call self.setup().
    35        super().__init__(
    36            ir=ir, aconf=aconf, rkey=rkey, location=location, kind=kind, name=name, **kwargs
    37        )
    39    @classmethod
    40    def key_for_id(cls, group_id: str) -> str:
    41        return f"{cls.__name__}-{group_id}"
    43    # XXX WTFO, I hear you cry. Why is this "type: ignore here?" So here's the deal:
    44    # mypy doesn't like it if you override just the getter of a property that has a
    45    # setter, too, and I cannot figure out how else to shut it up.
    46    @property  # type: ignore
    47    def cache_key(self) -> str:
    48        # XXX WTFO, I hear you cry again! Can this possibly be thread-safe??!
    49        # Well, no, not really. But as long as you're not trying to use the
    50        # cache_key before actually initializing this group, key_for_id()
    51        # will be idempotent, so it doesn't matter.
    53        if not self._cache_key:
    54            self._cache_key = self.__class__.key_for_id(self.group_id)
    56        return self._cache_key
    58    def normalize_weights_in_mappings(self) -> bool:
    59        # If there's only one mapping in the group, it's automatically weighted
    60        # at 100%.
    61        if len(self.mappings) == 1:
    62            self.logger.debug(
    63                "Assigning weight 100 to single mapping %s in group", self.mappings[0].name
    64            )
    65            self.mappings[0]._weight = 100
    66            return True
    68        # For multiple mappings, we need to normalize the weights.
    69        weightless_mappings = []
    70        num_weightless_mappings = 0
    72        normalized_mappings = []
    74        current_weight = 0
    75        for mapping in self.mappings:
    76            if "weight" in mapping:
    77                if mapping.weight > 100:
    78                    self.post_error(f"Mapping {mapping.name} has invalid weight {mapping.weight}")
    79                    return False
    81                # increment current weight by mapping's weight
    82                current_weight += round(mapping.weight)
    84                # set mapping's calculated weight to current weight
    85                self.logger.debug(
    86                    f"Assigning calculated weight {current_weight} to mapping {mapping.name}"
    87                )
    88                mapping._weight = current_weight
    90                # add this mapping to normalized mappings
    91                normalized_mappings.append(mapping)
    92            else:
    93                num_weightless_mappings += 1
    94                weightless_mappings.append(mapping)
    96        # Did we go over 100%?
    97        if current_weight > 100:
    98            self.post_error(
    99                f"Total weight of mappings exceeds 100, please reconfigure for correct behavior..."
   100            )
   101            return False
   103        if num_weightless_mappings > 0:
   104            # You might expect that we'd want to generate errors for the case where we hit 100%
   105            # but still have weightless mappings -- however, that would mess up a workflow where
   106            # you add a canary Mapping, scale it to 100%, and then delete the original Mapping
   107            # (much like we do for Argo rollouts).
   108            #
   109            # Likewise, you might expect that we'd generate errors if we're at less than 100% and
   110            # have no weightless mappings. We don't do that because it's not entirely clear what
   111            # to do -- a straightforward answer is to simply scale the weights we do have to hit
   112            # 100%, and we may well do that for the next major version.
   113            #
   114            # At any rate: since we didn't go over, let's divide the remaining weight equally to
   115            # the weightless mappings. Note that if current_weight == 100, then remaining_weight
   116            # will be 0, and none of the weightless mappings will actually get traffic -- but that's
   117            # what we want in the "scale the canary to 100% and then delete the original" case
   118            # described above. (Not coincidentally, our CanaryDiffMapping tests exercise this.)
   119            remaining_weight = 100 - current_weight
   120            weight_per_weightless_mapping = round(remaining_weight / num_weightless_mappings)
   122            self.logger.debug(
   123                f"Assigning calculated weight {weight_per_weightless_mapping} of remaining weight {remaining_weight} to each of {num_weightless_mappings} weightless mappings"
   124            )
   126            # Now, let's add weight to every weightless mapping and push to normalized_mappings
   127            for i, weightless_mapping in enumerate(weightless_mappings):
   129                # We need last mapping's weight to be 100
   130                if i == num_weightless_mappings - 1:
   131                    current_weight = 100
   132                else:
   133                    current_weight += weight_per_weightless_mapping
   135                self.logger.debug(
   136                    f"Assigning weight {current_weight} to weightless mapping {weightless_mapping.name}"
   137                )
   138                weightless_mapping._weight = current_weight
   139                normalized_mappings.append(weightless_mapping)
   141        self.mappings = normalized_mappings
   142        return True

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