from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Literal, Optional from typing import cast as typecast from ..config import Config from ..resource import Resource from ..utils import RichStatus from .ircluster import IRCluster from .irfilter import IRFilter if TYPE_CHECKING: from .ir import IR # pragma: no cover class IRAuth(IRFilter): cluster: Optional[IRCluster] protocol_version: Literal["v2", "v3"] def __init__( self, ir: "IR", aconf: Config, rkey: str = "ir.auth", kind: str = "IRAuth", name: str = "extauth", namespace: Optional[str] = None, type: Optional[str] = "decoder", **kwargs, ) -> None: super().__init__( ir=ir, aconf=aconf, rkey=rkey, kind=kind, name=name, namespace=namespace, cluster=None, timeout_ms=None, connect_timeout_ms=3000, path_prefix=None, api_version=None, allowed_headers=[], allowed_request_headers=[], allowed_authorization_headers=[], hosts={}, type=type, **kwargs, ) def setup(self, ir: "IR", aconf: Config) -> bool: module_info = aconf.get_module("authentication") if module_info: self._load_auth(module_info, ir) config_info = aconf.get_config("auth_configs") if config_info: for config in config_info.values(): self._load_auth(config, ir) if not self.hosts: self.logger.debug("IRAuth: no AuthServices, going inactive") return False self.logger.debug("IRAuth: going active") return True def add_mappings(self, ir: "IR", aconf: Config): cluster_hosts = self.get("hosts", {"": (100, None, "-internal-")}) self.cluster = None cluster_good = False for service, params in cluster_hosts.items(): weight, grpc, ctx_name, location = params self.logger.debug( "IRAuth: svc %s, weight %s, grpc %s, ctx_name %s, location %s" % (service, weight, grpc, ctx_name, location) ) cluster = IRCluster( ir=ir, aconf=aconf, parent_ir_resource=self, location=location, service=service, host_rewrite=self.get("host_rewrite", False), ctx_name=ctx_name, grpc=grpc, marker="extauth", stats_name=self.get("stats_name", None), circuit_breakers=self.get("circuit_breakers", None), ) cluster.referenced_by(self) cluster_good = True if self.cluster: if not self.cluster.merge(cluster): self.post_error( RichStatus.fromError( "auth canary %s can only change service!" % ) ) cluster_good = False else: self.cluster = cluster if cluster_good: ir.add_cluster(typecast(IRCluster, self.cluster)) self.referenced_by(typecast(IRCluster, self.cluster)) def _load_auth(self, module: Resource, ir: "IR"): self.namespace = module.get("namespace", self.namespace) if self.location == "--internal--": self.sourced_by(module) for key in ["path_prefix", "timeout_ms", "cluster", "allow_request_body", "proto"]: value = module.get(key, None) if value: previous = self.get(key, None) if previous and (previous != value): # Don't use self.post_error() here, since we need to explicitly override the # resource. And don't use, since our module isn't an IRResource. "AuthService cannot support multiple %s values; using %s" % (key, previous), resource=module, ) else: self[key] = value self.referenced_by(module) if module.get("add_linkerd_headers"): self["add_linkerd_headers"] = module.get("add_linkerd_headers") else: add_linkerd_headers = module.get("add_linkerd_headers", None) if add_linkerd_headers is None: self["add_linkerd_headers"] = ir.ambassador_module.get("add_linkerd_headers", False) if module.get("circuit_breakers", None): self["circuit_breakers"] = module.get("circuit_breakers") else: cb = ir.ambassador_module.get("circuit_breakers") if cb: self["circuit_breakers"] = cb self["allow_request_body"] = module.get("allow_request_body", False) self["include_body"] = module.get("include_body", None) self["api_version"] = module.get("apiVersion", None) self["proto"] = module.get("proto", "http") self["timeout_ms"] = module.get("timeout_ms", 5000) self["connect_timeout_ms"] = module.get("connect_timeout_ms", 3000) self["cluster_idle_timeout_ms"] = module.get("cluster_idle_timeout_ms", None) self["cluster_max_connection_lifetime_ms"] = module.get( "cluster_max_connection_lifetime_ms", None ) self["add_auth_headers"] = module.get("add_auth_headers", {}) self.__to_header_list("allowed_headers", module) self.__to_header_list("allowed_request_headers", module) self.__to_header_list("allowed_authorization_headers", module) if self["proto"] not in ["grpc", "http"]: self.post_error( f'AuthService: proto_version {self["proto"]} is unsupported, proto must be "grpc" or "http"' ) self.protocol_version = module.get("protocol_version", "v2") if self["proto"] == "grpc" and self.protocol_version not in ["v3"]: self.post_error( f'AuthService: protocol_version {self.protocol_version} is unsupported, protocol_version must be "v3"' ) self["stats_name"] = module.get("stats_name", None) status_on_error = module.get("status_on_error", None) if status_on_error: self["status_on_error"] = status_on_error failure_mode_allow = module.get("failure_mode_allow", None) if failure_mode_allow: self["failure_mode_allow"] = failure_mode_allow # Required fields check. if self["api_version"] == None: self.post_error(RichStatus.fromError("AuthService config requires apiVersion field")) if self["proto"] == None: self.post_error(RichStatus.fromError("AuthService requires proto field.")) if self.get("include_body") and self.get("allow_request_body"): self.post_error("AuthService ignoring allow_request_body since include_body is present") del self["allow_request_body"] auth_service = module.get("auth_service", None) weight = 100 # Can't support arbitrary weights right now. if auth_service: is_grpc = True if self["proto"] == "grpc" else False self.hosts[auth_service] = (weight, is_grpc, module.get("tls", None), module.location) def __to_header_list(self, list_name, module): headers = module.get(list_name, None) if headers: allowed_headers = self.get(list_name, []) for hdr in sorted(headers): if hdr.lower() not in allowed_headers: allowed_headers.append(hdr.lower()) self[list_name] = allowed_headers