
Text file src/github.com/emissary-ingress/emissary/v3/python/ambassador/ir/irambassador.py

Documentation: github.com/emissary-ingress/emissary/v3/python/ambassador/ir

     1from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
     3from ..config import Config
     4from ..constants import Constants
     5from .irbasemapping import IRBaseMapping
     6from .irbuffer import IRBuffer
     7from .ircors import IRCORS
     8from .irfilter import IRFilter
     9from .irgzip import IRGzip
    10from .irhttpmapping import IRHTTPMapping
    11from .iripallowdeny import IRIPAllowDeny
    12from .irresource import IRResource
    13from .irretrypolicy import IRRetryPolicy
    16    from .ir import IR  # pragma: no cover
    19class IRAmbassador(IRResource):
    21    # All the AModTransparentKeys are copied from the incoming Ambassador resource
    22    # into the IRAmbassador object partway through IRAmbassador.finalize().
    23    #
    26    AModTransparentKeys: ClassVar = [
    27        "add_linkerd_headers",
    28        "admin_port",
    29        "auth_enabled",
    30        "allow_chunked_length",
    31        "buffer_limit_bytes",
    32        "circuit_breakers",
    33        "cluster_idle_timeout_ms",
    34        "cluster_max_connection_lifetime_ms",
    35        "cluster_request_timeout_ms",
    36        "debug_mode",
    37        # Do not include defaults, that's handled manually in setup.
    38        "default_label_domain",
    39        "default_labels",
    40        "diagnostics",
    41        "enable_http10",
    42        "enable_ipv4",
    43        "enable_ipv6",
    44        "envoy_log_format",
    45        "envoy_log_path",
    46        "envoy_log_type",
    47        "forward_client_cert_details",
    48        # Do not include envoy_validation_timeout; we let finalize() type-check it.
    49        # Do not include ip_allow or ip_deny; we let finalize() type-check them.
    50        "headers_with_underscores_action",
    51        "keepalive",
    52        "listener_idle_timeout_ms",
    53        "liveness_probe",
    54        "load_balancer",
    55        "max_request_headers_kb",
    56        "merge_slashes",
    57        "reject_requests_with_escaped_slashes",
    58        "preserve_external_request_id",
    59        "proper_case",
    60        "prune_unreachable_routes",
    61        "readiness_probe",
    62        "regex_max_size",
    63        "regex_type",
    64        "resolver",
    65        "error_response_overrides",
    66        "header_case_overrides",
    67        "server_name",
    68        "service_port",
    69        "set_current_client_cert_details",
    70        "statsd",
    71        "strip_matching_host_port",
    72        "suppress_envoy_headers",
    73        "use_ambassador_namespace_for_service_resolution",
    74        "use_proxy_proto",
    75        "use_remote_address",
    76        "x_forwarded_proto_redirect",
    77        "xff_num_trusted_hops",
    78    ]
    80    service_port: int
    81    default_label_domain: str
    83    # Set up the default probes and such.
    84    default_liveness_probe: ClassVar[Dict[str, str]] = {
    85        "prefix": "/ambassador/v0/check_alive",
    86        "rewrite": "/ambassador/v0/check_alive",
    87    }
    89    default_readiness_probe: ClassVar[Dict[str, str]] = {
    90        "prefix": "/ambassador/v0/check_ready",
    91        "rewrite": "/ambassador/v0/check_ready",
    92    }
    94    default_diagnostics: ClassVar[Dict[str, str]] = {
    95        "prefix": "/ambassador/v0/",
    96        "rewrite": "/ambassador/v0/",
    97    }
    99    # Set up the default Envoy validation timeout. This is deliberately chosen to be very large
   100    # because the consequences of this timeout tripping are very bad. Ambassador basically ceases
   101    # to function. It is far better to slow down as our configurations grow and give users a
   102    # leading indicator that there is a scaling issue that needs to be dealt with than to
   103    # suddenly and mysteriously stop functioning the day their configuration happens to become
   104    # large enough to exceed this threshold.
   105    default_validation_timeout: ClassVar[int] = 60
   107    def __init__(
   108        self,
   109        ir: "IR",
   110        aconf: Config,
   111        rkey: str = "ir.ambassador",
   112        kind: str = "IRAmbassador",
   113        name: str = "ir.ambassador",
   114        use_remote_address: bool = True,
   115        **kwargs,
   116    ) -> None:
   117        # print("IRAmbassador __init__ (%s %s %s)" % (kind, name, kwargs))
   119        super().__init__(
   120            ir=ir,
   121            aconf=aconf,
   122            rkey=rkey,
   123            kind=kind,
   124            name=name,
   125            service_port=Constants.SERVICE_PORT_HTTP,
   126            admin_port=Constants.ADMIN_PORT,
   127            auth_enabled=None,
   128            enable_ipv6=False,
   129            envoy_log_type="text",
   130            envoy_log_path="/dev/fd/1",
   131            envoy_log_format=None,
   132            envoy_validation_timeout=IRAmbassador.default_validation_timeout,
   133            enable_ipv4=True,
   134            listener_idle_timeout_ms=None,
   135            liveness_probe={"enabled": True},
   136            readiness_probe={"enabled": True},
   137            diagnostics={"enabled": True},  # TODO(lukeshu): In getambassador.io/v3alpha2, change
   138            # the default to {"enabled": False}.  See the related
   139            # comment in crd_module.go.
   140            use_proxy_proto=False,
   141            enable_http10=False,
   142            proper_case=False,
   143            prune_unreachable_routes=True,  # default True; can be updated in finalize()
   144            use_remote_address=use_remote_address,
   145            x_forwarded_proto_redirect=False,
   146            load_balancer=None,
   147            circuit_breakers=None,
   148            xff_num_trusted_hops=0,
   149            use_ambassador_namespace_for_service_resolution=False,
   150            server_name="envoy",
   151            debug_mode=False,
   152            preserve_external_request_id=False,
   153            max_request_headers_kb=None,
   154            **kwargs,
   155        )
   157        self.ip_allow_deny: Optional[IRIPAllowDeny] = None
   158        self._finalized = False
   160    def setup(self, ir: "IR", aconf: Config) -> bool:
   161        # The heavy lifting here is mostly in the finalize() method, so that when we do fallback
   162        # lookups for TLS configuration stuff, the defaults are present in the Ambassador module.
   163        #
   164        # Of course, that means that we have to copy the defaults in here.
   166        # We're interested in the 'ambassador' module from the Config, if any...
   167        amod = aconf.get_module("ambassador")
   169        if amod and "defaults" in amod:
   170            self["defaults"] = amod["defaults"]
   172        return True
   174    def finalize(self, ir: "IR", aconf: Config) -> bool:
   175        self._finalized = True
   177        # Check TLSContext resources to see if we should enable TLS termination.
   178        to_delete = []
   180        for ctx_name, ctx in ir.tls_contexts.items():
   181            if not ctx.resolve():
   182                # Welllll this ain't good.
   183                ctx.set_active(False)
   184                to_delete.append(ctx_name)
   185            elif ctx.get("hosts", None):
   186                # This is a termination context
   187                self.logger.debug(
   188                    "TLSContext %s is a termination context, enabling TLS termination" % ctx.name
   189                )
   190                self.service_port = Constants.SERVICE_PORT_HTTPS
   192                if ctx.get("ca_cert", None):
   193                    # Client-side TLS is enabled.
   194                    self.logger.debug("TLSContext %s enables client certs!" % ctx.name)
   196        for ctx_name in to_delete:
   197            del ir.tls_contexts[ctx_name]
   199        # After that, walk the AModTransparentKeys and copy all those things from the
   200        # input into our IRAmbassador.
   201        #
   202        # Some of these will get overridden later, and some things not in AModTransparentKeys
   203        # get handled manually below.
   204        amod = aconf.get_module("ambassador")
   206        if amod:
   207            for key in IRAmbassador.AModTransparentKeys:
   208                if key in amod:
   209                    # Override the default here.
   210                    self[key] = amod[key]
   212            # If we have an envoy_validation_timeout...
   213            if "envoy_validation_timeout" in amod:
   214                # ...then set our timeout from it.
   215                try:
   216                    self.envoy_validation_timeout = int(amod["envoy_validation_timeout"])
   217                except ValueError:
   218                    self.post_error("envoy_validation_timeout must be an integer number of seconds")
   220        # If we don't have a default label domain, force it to 'ambassador'.
   221        if not self.get("default_label_domain"):
   222            self.default_label_domain = "ambassador"
   224        # Likewise, if we have no default labels, force an empty dict (it makes life easier
   225        # on other modules).
   226        if not self.get("default_labels"):
   227            self.default_labels: Dict[str, Any] = {}
   229        # Next up: diag port & services.
   230        diag_service = "" % Constants.DIAG_PORT
   232        for name, cur, dflt in [
   233            ("liveness", self.liveness_probe, IRAmbassador.default_liveness_probe),
   234            ("readiness", self.readiness_probe, IRAmbassador.default_readiness_probe),
   235            ("diagnostics", self.diagnostics, IRAmbassador.default_diagnostics),
   236        ]:
   237            if cur and cur.get("enabled", False):
   238                if not cur.get("prefix", None):
   239                    cur["prefix"] = dflt["prefix"]
   241                if not cur.get("rewrite", None):
   242                    cur["rewrite"] = dflt["rewrite"]
   244                if not cur.get("service", None):
   245                    cur["service"] = diag_service
   247        if amod and ("enable_grpc_http11_bridge" in amod):
   248            self.grpc_http11_bridge = IRFilter(
   249                ir=ir,
   250                aconf=aconf,
   251                kind="ir.grpc_http1_bridge",
   252                name="grpc_http1_bridge",
   253                config=dict(),
   254            )
   255            self.grpc_http11_bridge.sourced_by(amod)
   256            ir.save_filter(self.grpc_http11_bridge)
   258        if amod and ("enable_grpc_web" in amod):
   259            self.grpc_web = IRFilter(
   260                ir=ir, aconf=aconf, kind="ir.grpc_web", name="grpc_web", config=dict()
   261            )
   262            self.grpc_web.sourced_by(amod)
   263            ir.save_filter(self.grpc_web)
   265        if amod and (grpc_stats := amod.get("grpc_stats")) is not None:
   266            # grpc_stats = { 'all_methods': False} if amod.grpc_stats is None else amod.grpc_stats
   267            # default config with safe values
   268            config: Dict[str, Any] = {"enable_upstream_stats": False}
   270            # Only one of config['individual_method_stats_allowlist'] or
   271            # config['stats_for_all_methods'] can be set.
   272            if "services" in grpc_stats:
   273                config["individual_method_stats_allowlist"] = {"services": grpc_stats["services"]}
   274            else:
   275                config["stats_for_all_methods"] = bool(grpc_stats.get("all_methods", False))
   277            if "upstream_stats" in grpc_stats:
   278                config["enable_upstream_stats"] = bool(grpc_stats["upstream_stats"])
   280            self.grpc_stats = IRFilter(
   281                ir=ir, aconf=aconf, kind="ir.grpc_stats", name="grpc_stats", config=config
   282            )
   283            self.grpc_stats.sourced_by(amod)
   284            ir.save_filter(self.grpc_stats)
   286        if amod and ("lua_scripts" in amod):
   287            self.lua_scripts = IRFilter(
   288                ir=ir,
   289                aconf=aconf,
   290                kind="ir.lua_scripts",
   291                name="lua_scripts",
   292                config={"inline_code": amod.lua_scripts},
   293            )
   294            self.lua_scripts.sourced_by(amod)
   295            ir.save_filter(self.lua_scripts)
   297        # Gzip.
   298        if amod and ("gzip" in amod):
   299            self.gzip = IRGzip(ir=ir, aconf=aconf, location=self.location, **amod.gzip)
   301            if self.gzip:
   302                ir.save_filter(self.gzip)
   303            else:
   304                return False
   306        # Buffer.
   307        if amod and ("buffer" in amod):
   308            self.buffer = IRBuffer(ir=ir, aconf=aconf, location=self.location, **amod.buffer)
   310            if self.buffer:
   311                ir.save_filter(self.buffer)
   312            else:
   313                return False
   315        if amod and ("keepalive" in amod):
   316            self.keepalive = amod["keepalive"]
   318        # Finally, default CORS stuff.
   319        if amod and ("cors" in amod):
   320            self.cors = IRCORS(ir=ir, aconf=aconf, location=self.location, **amod.cors)
   322            if self.cors:
   323                self.cors.referenced_by(self)
   324            else:
   325                return False
   327        if amod and ("retry_policy" in amod):
   328            self.retry_policy = IRRetryPolicy(
   329                ir=ir, aconf=aconf, location=self.location, **amod.retry_policy
   330            )
   332            if self.retry_policy:
   333                self.retry_policy.referenced_by(self)
   334            else:
   335                return False
   337        if amod:
   338            if "ip_allow" in amod:
   339                self.handle_ip_allow_deny(allow=True, principals=amod.ip_allow)
   341            if "ip_deny" in amod:
   342                self.handle_ip_allow_deny(allow=False, principals=amod.ip_deny)
   344            if self.ip_allow_deny is not None:
   345                ir.save_filter(self.ip_allow_deny)
   347                # Clear this so it doesn't get duplicated when we dump the
   348                # Ambassador module.
   349                self.ip_allow_deny = None
   351        if self.get("load_balancer", None) is not None:
   352            if not IRHTTPMapping.validate_load_balancer(self["load_balancer"]):
   353                self.post_error("Invalid load_balancer specified: {}".format(self["load_balancer"]))
   354                return False
   356        if self.get("circuit_breakers", None) is not None:
   357            if not IRBaseMapping.validate_circuit_breakers(self.ir, self["circuit_breakers"]):
   358                self.post_error(
   359                    "Invalid circuit_breakers specified: {}".format(self["circuit_breakers"])
   360                )
   361                return False
   363        if self.get("envoy_log_type") == "text":
   364            if self.get("envoy_log_format", None) is not None and not isinstance(
   365                self.get("envoy_log_format"), str
   366            ):
   367                self.post_error(
   368                    "envoy_log_type 'text' requires a string in envoy_log_format: {}, invalidating...".format(
   369                        self.get("envoy_log_format")
   370                    )
   371                )
   372                self["envoy_log_format"] = ""
   373                return False
   374        elif self.get("envoy_log_type") == "json":
   375            if self.get("envoy_log_format", None) is not None and not isinstance(
   376                self.get("envoy_log_format"), dict
   377            ):
   378                self.post_error(
   379                    "envoy_log_type 'json' requires a dictionary in envoy_log_format: {}, invalidating...".format(
   380                        self.get("envoy_log_format")
   381                    )
   382                )
   383                self["envoy_log_format"] = {}
   384                return False
   385        else:
   386            self.post_error(
   387                "Invalid log_type specified: {}. Supported: json, text".format(
   388                    self.get("envoy_log_type")
   389                )
   390            )
   391            return False
   393        if self.get("forward_client_cert_details") is not None:
   394            # https://www.envoyproxy.io/docs/envoy/latest/api-v3/extensions/filters/network/http_connection_manager/v3/http_connection_manager.proto#envoy-v3-api-enum-extensions-filters-network-http-connection-manager-v3-httpconnectionmanager-forwardclientcertdetails
   395            valid_values = (
   396                "SANITIZE",
   397                "FORWARD_ONLY",
   398                "APPEND_FORWARD",
   399                "SANITIZE_SET",
   400                "ALWAYS_FORWARD_ONLY",
   401            )
   403            value = self.get("forward_client_cert_details")
   404            if value not in valid_values:
   405                self.post_error(
   406                    "'forward_client_cert_details' may not be set to '{}'; it may only be set to one of: {}".format(
   407                        value, ", ".join(valid_values)
   408                    )
   409                )
   410                return False
   412        cert_details = self.get("set_current_client_cert_details")
   413        if cert_details:
   414            # https://www.envoyproxy.io/docs/envoy/latest/api-v3/extensions/filters/network/http_connection_manager/v3/http_connection_manager.proto#envoy-v3-api-msg-extensions-filters-network-http-connection-manager-v3-httpconnectionmanager-setcurrentclientcertdetails
   415            valid_keys = ("subject", "cert", "chain", "dns", "uri")
   417            for k, v in cert_details.items():
   418                if k not in valid_keys:
   419                    self.post_error(
   420                        "'set_current_client_cert_details' may not contain key '{}'; it may only contain keys: {}".format(
   421                            k, ", ".join(valid_keys)
   422                        )
   423                    )
   424                    return False
   426                if v not in (True, False):
   427                    self.post_error(
   428                        "'set_current_client_cert_details' value for key '{}' may only be 'true' or 'false', not '{}'".format(
   429                            k, v
   430                        )
   431                    )
   432                    return False
   434        return True
   436    def add_mappings(self, ir: "IR", aconf: Config):
   437        for name, cur in [
   438            ("liveness", self.liveness_probe),
   439            ("readiness", self.readiness_probe),
   440            ("diagnostics", self.diagnostics),
   441        ]:
   442            if cur and cur.get("enabled", False):
   443                name = "internal_%s_probe_mapping" % name
   444                cache_key = "InternalMapping-v2-%s-default" % name
   446                mapping = ir.cache_fetch(cache_key)
   448                if mapping is not None:
   449                    # Cache hit. We know a priori that anything in the cache under a Mapping
   450                    # key must be an IRBaseMapping, but let's assert that rather than casting.
   451                    assert isinstance(mapping, IRBaseMapping)
   452                else:
   453                    mapping = IRHTTPMapping(
   454                        ir,
   455                        aconf,
   456                        kind="InternalMapping",
   457                        rkey=self.rkey,
   458                        name=name,
   459                        location=self.location,
   460                        timeout_ms=10000,
   461                        hostname="*",
   462                        **cur,
   463                    )
   464                    mapping.referenced_by(self)
   466                ir.add_mapping(aconf, mapping)
   468        # if ir.edge_stack_allowed:
   469        #     if self.diagnostics and self.diagnostics.get("enabled", False):
   470        #         ir.logger.debug("adding mappings for Edge Policy Console")
   471        #         edge_stack_response_header = {"x-content-type-options": "nosniff"}
   472        #         mapping = IRHTTPMapping(ir, aconf, rkey=self.rkey, location=self.location,
   473        #                                 name="edgestack-direct-mapping",
   474        #                                 metadata_labels={"ambassador_diag_class": "private"},
   475        #                                 prefix="/edge_stack/",
   476        #                                 rewrite="/edge_stack_ui/edge_stack/",
   477        #                                 service="",
   478        #                                 precedence=1000000,
   479        #                                 timeout_ms=60000,
   480        #                                 hostname="*",
   481        #                                 add_response_headers=edge_stack_response_header)
   482        #         mapping.referenced_by(self)
   483        #         ir.add_mapping(aconf, mapping)
   485        #         mapping = IRHTTPMapping(ir, aconf, rkey=self.rkey, location=self.location,
   486        #                                 name="edgestack-fallback-mapping",
   487        #                                 metadata_labels={"ambassador_diag_class": "private"},
   488        #                                 prefix="^/$", prefix_regex=True,
   489        #                                 rewrite="/edge_stack_ui/",
   490        #                                 service="",
   491        #                                 precedence=-1000000,
   492        #                                 timeout_ms=60000,
   493        #                                 hostname="*",
   494        #                                 add_response_headers=edge_stack_response_header)
   495        #         mapping.referenced_by(self)
   496        #         ir.add_mapping(aconf, mapping)
   497        #     else:
   498        #         ir.logger.debug("diagnostics disabled, skipping mapping for Edge Policy Console")
   500    def get_default_label_domain(self) -> str:
   501        return self.default_label_domain
   503    def get_default_labels(self, domain: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[List]:
   504        if not domain:
   505            domain = self.get_default_label_domain()
   507        domain_info = self.default_labels.get(domain, {})
   509        self.logger.debug("default_labels info for %s: %s" % (domain, domain_info))
   511        return domain_info.get("defaults")
   513    def handle_ip_allow_deny(self, allow: bool, principals: List[str]) -> None:
   514        """
   515        Handle IP Allow/Deny. "allow" here states whether this is an
   516        allow rule (True) or a deny rule (False); "principals" is a list
   517        of IP addresses or CIDR ranges to allow or deny.
   519        Only one of ip_allow or ip_deny can be set, so it's an error to
   520        call this twice (even if "allow" is the same for both calls).
   522        :param allow: True for an ALLOW rule, False for a DENY rule
   523        :param principals: list of IP addresses or CIDR ranges to match
   524        """
   526        if self.get("ip_allow_deny") is not None:
   527            self.post_error("ip_allow and ip_deny may not both be set")
   528            return
   530        ipa = IRIPAllowDeny(
   531            self.ir,
   532            self.ir.aconf,
   533            rkey=self.rkey,
   534            parent=self,
   535            action="ALLOW" if allow else "DENY",
   536            principals=principals,
   537        )
   539        if ipa:
   540            self["ip_allow_deny"] = ipa

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