import logging from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Optional, Set, Tuple class Cacheable(dict): """ A dictionary that is specifically cacheable, by way of its added cache_key property. """ _cache_key: Optional[str] @property def cache_key(self) -> str: if not self._cache_key: raise RuntimeError("cache key is not set") return self._cache_key @cache_key.setter def cache_key(self, cache_key: str) -> None: self._cache_key = cache_key DeletionHandler = Callable[[Cacheable], None] CacheEntry = Tuple[Cacheable, Optional[DeletionHandler]] CacheLink = Set[str] class Cache: """ A cache of Cacheables, supporting add/delete/fetch and also linking an owning Cacheable to an owned Cacheable. Deletion is cascaded: if you delete something, everything it owns is recursively deleted too. THIS ONLY HAPPENS IN ONE DIRECTION at present, so deleting a Cacheable in the middle of the ownership tree can leave dangling pointers. """ def __init__(self, logger: logging.Logger) -> None: self.cache: Dict[str, CacheEntry] = {} self.links: Dict[str, CacheLink] = {} self.logger = logger self.reset_stats() self.logger.debug("Cache initialized") def reset_stats(self) -> None: self.hits = 0 self.misses = 0 self.invalidate_calls = 0 self.invalidated_objects = 0 @staticmethod def fn_name(fn: Optional[Callable]) -> str: return fn.__name__ if (fn and fn.__name__) else "-none-" def add(self, rsrc: Cacheable, on_delete: Optional[DeletionHandler] = None) -> None: """ Adds an entry to the cache, if it's not already present. If on_delete is not None, it will called when rsrc is removed from the cache. """ key = rsrc.cache_key if not key:"CACHE: ignore, no cache_key: {rsrc}") elif key in self.cache: #"CACHE: ignore, already present: {rsrc}") pass else: self.logger.debug(f"CACHE: adding {key}: {rsrc}, on_delete {self.fn_name(on_delete)}") self.cache[key] = (rsrc, on_delete) def link(self, owner: Cacheable, owned: Cacheable) -> None: """ Adds a link to the cache. Links are directional from the owner to the owned. The basic idea is that if the owner changes, all the owned things get invalidated. Both the owner and the owned must be in the cache. """ owner_key = owner.cache_key owned_key = owned.cache_key if not owner_key:"CACHE: cannot link, owner has no key: {owner}") return if not owned_key:"CACHE: cannot link, owned has no key: {owned}") return if owner_key not in self.cache:"CACHE: cannot link, owner not cached: {owner}") return if owned_key not in self.cache:"CACHE: cannot link, owned not cached: {owned}") return self.logger.debug(f"CACHE: linking {owner_key} -> {owned_key}") links = self.links.setdefault(owner_key, set()) links.update([owned_key]) def invalidate(self, key: str) -> None: """ Recursively invalidate the entry named by 'key' and everything to which it is linked. """ # We use worklist to keep track of things to consider: for starters, # it just has our key in it, and as we find owned things, we add them # to the worklist to consider. # # Note that word "consider". If you want to invalidate something from # the cache that isn't in the cache, that's not an error -- it'll be # silently ignored. That helps with dangling links (e.g. if two Mappings # both link to the same Group, and you invalidate the first Mapping, the # second will have a dangling link to the now-invalidated Group, and that # needs to not break anything). self.invalidate_calls += 1 worklist = [key] # Under the hood, "invalidating" something from this cache is really # deleting it, so we'll use "to_delete" for the set of things we're going # to, y'knom, delete. We find all the resources we're going to work with # before deleting any of them, because I get paranoid about modifying a # data structure while I'm trying to traverse it. to_delete: Dict[str, CacheEntry] = {} # Keep going until we have nothing else to do. while worklist: # Pop off the first thing... key = worklist.pop(0) # ...and check if it's in the cache. if key in self.cache: # It is, good. We can append it to our set of things to delete... rsrc, on_delete = self.cache[key] self.logger.debug(f"CACHE: DEL {key}: will delete {rsrc}") if key not in to_delete: # We haven't seen this key, so remember to delete it... to_delete[key] = (rsrc, on_delete) # ...and then toss all of its linked objects on our list to # consider. if key in self.links: for owned in sorted(self.links[key]): self.logger.debug(f"CACHE: DEL {key}: will check owned {owned}") worklist.append(owned) # (If we have seen the key already, just ignore it and go to the next # key in the worklist. This is important to not get stuck if we somehow # get a circular link list.) # OK, we have a set of things to delete. Get to it. for key, rdh in to_delete.items(): self.logger.debug(f"CACHE: DEL {key}: smiting!") self.invalidated_objects += 1 del self.cache[key] if key in self.links: del self.links[key] rsrc, on_delete = rdh if on_delete: self.logger.debug(f"CACHE: DEL {key}: calling {self.fn_name(on_delete)}") on_delete(rsrc) def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> Optional[Cacheable]: """ Fetches only the _resource_ for a given key from the cache. If the key is not present in the cache, returns None. If you need the deletion callback, you'll have to work with self.cache manually. """ item: Optional[CacheEntry] = self.cache.get(key, None) if item is not None: self.logger.debug(f"CACHE: got {key}") self.hits += 1 return item[0] else: self.logger.debug(f"CACHE: no {key}") self.misses += 1 return None def dump(self, what, *args) -> None: """ Dump the cache to the logger. """ if self.logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): self.logger.debug("CACHE DUMP AFTER " + what, *args) for k in sorted(self.cache.keys()): rsrc, on_delete = self.cache[k] self.logger.debug(f"CACHE DUMP: {k}, on_delete {self.fn_name(on_delete)}:") if k in self.links: for owned in sorted(self.links[k]): self.logger.debug(f"CACHE DUMP: -> {owned}") def dump_stats(self) -> None: total = self.hits + self.misses if total > 0: ratio = "%.1f%%" % ((float(self.hits) / float(total)) * 100.0) else: ratio = "--""CACHE: Total requests: %d" % total)"CACHE: Hit ratio: %s" % ratio)"CACHE: Invalidations: %d calls" % self.invalidate_calls)"CACHE: %d objects" % self.invalidated_objects) class NullCache(Cache): """ A Cache that doesn't actually cache anything -- basically, a no-op implementation of the Cache interface. Giving consumers of the Cache class a way to make their cache instance non-Optional, without actually requiring the use of the cache, makes the consumer code simpler. """ def __init__(self, logger: logging.Logger) -> None: self.logger = logger self.logger.debug("NullCache: INIT") self.reset_stats() def add(self, rsrc: Cacheable, on_delete: Optional[DeletionHandler] = None) -> None: pass def link(self, owner: Cacheable, owned: Cacheable) -> None: pass def invalidate(self, key: str) -> None: self.invalidate_calls += 1 def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> Any: self.misses += 1 return None def dump(self, what, *args) -> None: pass #"NullCache: empty")