package v2_test import ( "encoding/json" "testing" "time" "" "" crds "" ) func boolPtr(b bool) *bool { return &b } func stringPtr(s string) *string { return &s } func TestStringOrStringList(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() type TestResource struct { Field crds.StringOrStringList `json:"field,omitempty"` } type subtest struct { inputYAML string expectedStruct TestResource expectedJSON string expectedErr string } subtests := map[string]subtest{ "empty": {`{}`, TestResource{}, `{}`, ``}, "explicitEmpty": {`field:`, TestResource{}, `{}`, ``}, "explicitnull": {`field: null`, TestResource{}, `{}`, ``}, "explicitNull": {`field: Null`, TestResource{}, `{}`, ``}, "explicitNULL": {`field: NULL`, TestResource{}, `{}`, ``}, "explicitTilde": {`field: ~`, TestResource{}, `{}`, ``}, "single": {`field: "single"`, TestResource{crds.StringOrStringList{"single"}}, `{"field":["single"]}`, ``}, "singleEmpty": {`field: ""`, TestResource{crds.StringOrStringList{""}}, `{"field":[""]}`, ``}, "listSingle": {`field: ["single"]`, TestResource{crds.StringOrStringList{"single"}}, `{"field":["single"]}`, ``}, "listEmpty": {`field: []`, TestResource{crds.StringOrStringList{}}, `{}`, ``}, "double": {`field: ["first", "second"]`, TestResource{crds.StringOrStringList{"first", "second"}}, `{"field":["first","second"]}`, ``}, "number": {`field: 12`, TestResource{}, `{}`, "error unmarshaling JSON: while decoding JSON: json: cannot unmarshal number into Go struct field TestResource.field of type []string"}, } for name, info := range subtests { info := info // capture loop variable t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() var parsed TestResource err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(info.inputYAML), &parsed) if info.expectedErr == `` { assert.NoError(t, err) } else { assert.EqualError(t, err, info.expectedErr) } assert.Equal(t, info.expectedStruct, parsed) jsonbytes, err := json.Marshal(parsed) assert.NoError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, info.expectedJSON, string(jsonbytes)) }) } } func TestBoolOrString(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() type TestResource struct { Field crds.BoolOrString `json:"field,omitempty"` } type subtest struct { inputYAML string expectedStruct TestResource expectedJSON string expectedErr string } subtests := map[string]subtest{ "empty": {`{}`, TestResource{}, `{"field":null}`, ``}, "explicitEmpty": {`field:`, TestResource{}, `{"field":null}`, ``}, "explicitnull": {`field: null`, TestResource{}, `{"field":null}`, ``}, "explicitNull": {`field: Null`, TestResource{}, `{"field":null}`, ``}, "explicitNULL": {`field: NULL`, TestResource{}, `{"field":null}`, ``}, "explicitTilde": {`field: ~`, TestResource{}, `{"field":null}`, ``}, "true": {`field: true`, TestResource{crds.BoolOrString{Bool: boolPtr(true)}}, `{"field":true}`, ``}, "True": {`field: True`, TestResource{crds.BoolOrString{Bool: boolPtr(true)}}, `{"field":true}`, ``}, "TRUE": {`field: TRUE`, TestResource{crds.BoolOrString{Bool: boolPtr(true)}}, `{"field":true}`, ``}, "false": {`field: false`, TestResource{crds.BoolOrString{Bool: boolPtr(false)}}, `{"field":false}`, ``}, "False": {`field: False`, TestResource{crds.BoolOrString{Bool: boolPtr(false)}}, `{"field":false}`, ``}, "FALSE": {`field: FALSE`, TestResource{crds.BoolOrString{Bool: boolPtr(false)}}, `{"field":false}`, ``}, "strTrue": {`field: "true"`, TestResource{crds.BoolOrString{String: stringPtr("true")}}, `{"field":"true"}`, ``}, // quoted "strTRue": {`field: TRue`, TestResource{crds.BoolOrString{String: stringPtr("TRue")}}, `{"field":"TRue"}`, ``}, // capitalized wrong "strBare": {`field: bare`, TestResource{crds.BoolOrString{String: stringPtr("bare")}}, `{"field":"bare"}`, ``}, "number": {`field: 12`, TestResource{}, `{"field":null}`, "error unmarshaling JSON: while decoding JSON: json: cannot unmarshal number into Go struct field TestResource.field of type string"}, "invalid": {``, TestResource{crds.BoolOrString{Bool: boolPtr(true), String: stringPtr("foo")}}, ``, "json: error calling MarshalJSON for type v2.BoolOrString: invalid BoolOrString"}, } for name, info := range subtests { info := info // capture loop variable t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() if info.inputYAML == `` { jsonbytes, err := json.Marshal(info.expectedStruct) assert.Equal(t, info.expectedJSON, string(jsonbytes)) assert.EqualError(t, err, info.expectedErr) } else { var parsed TestResource err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(info.inputYAML), &parsed) if info.expectedErr == `` { assert.NoError(t, err) } else { assert.EqualError(t, err, info.expectedErr) } assert.Equal(t, info.expectedStruct, parsed) jsonbytes, err := json.Marshal(parsed) assert.NoError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, info.expectedJSON, string(jsonbytes)) } }) } } func TestBoolOrStringPtr(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() type TestResource struct { Field *crds.BoolOrString `json:"field,omitempty"` } type subtest struct { inputYAML string expectedStruct TestResource expectedJSON string expectedErr string } subtests := map[string]subtest{ "empty": {`{}`, TestResource{}, `{}`, ``}, "explicitEmpty": {`field:`, TestResource{}, `{}`, ``}, "explicitnull": {`field: null`, TestResource{}, `{}`, ``}, "explicitNull": {`field: Null`, TestResource{}, `{}`, ``}, "explicitNULL": {`field: NULL`, TestResource{}, `{}`, ``}, "explicitTilde": {`field: ~`, TestResource{}, `{}`, ``}, "true": {`field: true`, TestResource{&crds.BoolOrString{Bool: boolPtr(true)}}, `{"field":true}`, ``}, "True": {`field: True`, TestResource{&crds.BoolOrString{Bool: boolPtr(true)}}, `{"field":true}`, ``}, "TRUE": {`field: TRUE`, TestResource{&crds.BoolOrString{Bool: boolPtr(true)}}, `{"field":true}`, ``}, "false": {`field: false`, TestResource{&crds.BoolOrString{Bool: boolPtr(false)}}, `{"field":false}`, ``}, "False": {`field: False`, TestResource{&crds.BoolOrString{Bool: boolPtr(false)}}, `{"field":false}`, ``}, "FALSE": {`field: FALSE`, TestResource{&crds.BoolOrString{Bool: boolPtr(false)}}, `{"field":false}`, ``}, "strTrue": {`field: "true"`, TestResource{&crds.BoolOrString{String: stringPtr("true")}}, `{"field":"true"}`, ``}, // quoted "strTRue": {`field: TRue`, TestResource{&crds.BoolOrString{String: stringPtr("TRue")}}, `{"field":"TRue"}`, ``}, // capitalized wrong "strBare": {`field: bare`, TestResource{&crds.BoolOrString{String: stringPtr("bare")}}, `{"field":"bare"}`, ``}, "number": {`field: 12`, TestResource{&crds.BoolOrString{}}, `{"field":null}`, "error unmarshaling JSON: while decoding JSON: json: cannot unmarshal number into Go struct field TestResource.field of type string"}, } for name, info := range subtests { info := info // capture loop variable t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() var parsed TestResource err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(info.inputYAML), &parsed) if info.expectedErr == `` { assert.NoError(t, err) } else { assert.EqualError(t, err, info.expectedErr) } assert.Equal(t, info.expectedStruct, parsed) jsonbytes, err := json.Marshal(parsed) assert.NoError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, info.expectedJSON, string(jsonbytes)) }) } } func TestMillisecondDuration(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() type TestResource struct { Field crds.MillisecondDuration `json:"field,omitempty"` } type subtest struct { inputYAML string expectedStruct TestResource expectedJSON string expectedErr string } subtests := map[string]subtest{ "empty": {`{}`, TestResource{}, `{"field":0}`, ``}, "explicitEmpty": {`field:`, TestResource{}, `{"field":0}`, ``}, "explicitnull": {`field: null`, TestResource{}, `{"field":0}`, ``}, "explicitNull": {`field: Null`, TestResource{}, `{"field":0}`, ``}, "explicitNULL": {`field: NULL`, TestResource{}, `{"field":0}`, ``}, "explicitTilde": {`field: ~`, TestResource{}, `{"field":0}`, ``}, "3000": {`field: 3000`, TestResource{crds.MillisecondDuration{3 * time.Second}}, `{"field":3000}`, ``}, "overflow32": {`field: 4320000000`, TestResource{crds.MillisecondDuration{50 * 24 * time.Hour}}, `{"field":4320000000}`, ``}, "string": {`field: "30s"`, TestResource{crds.MillisecondDuration{0}}, `{"field":0}`, "error unmarshaling JSON: while decoding JSON: json: cannot unmarshal string into Go struct field TestResource.field of type int64"}, } for name, info := range subtests { info := info // capture loop variable t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() var parsed TestResource err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(info.inputYAML), &parsed) if info.expectedErr == `` { assert.NoError(t, err) } else { assert.EqualError(t, err, info.expectedErr) } assert.Equal(t, info.expectedStruct, parsed) jsonbytes, err := json.Marshal(parsed) assert.NoError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, info.expectedJSON, string(jsonbytes)) }) } } func TestMillisecondDurationPtr(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() type TestResource struct { Field *crds.MillisecondDuration `json:"field,omitempty"` } type subtest struct { inputYAML string expectedStruct TestResource expectedJSON string expectedErr string } subtests := map[string]subtest{ "empty": {`{}`, TestResource{}, `{}`, ``}, "explicitEmpty": {`field:`, TestResource{}, `{}`, ``}, "explicitnull": {`field: null`, TestResource{}, `{}`, ``}, "explicitNull": {`field: Null`, TestResource{}, `{}`, ``}, "explicitNULL": {`field: NULL`, TestResource{}, `{}`, ``}, "explicitTilde": {`field: ~`, TestResource{}, `{}`, ``}, "3000": {`field: 3000`, TestResource{&crds.MillisecondDuration{3 * time.Second}}, `{"field":3000}`, ``}, "overflow32": {`field: 4320000000`, TestResource{&crds.MillisecondDuration{50 * 24 * time.Hour}}, `{"field":4320000000}`, ``}, "string": {`field: "30s"`, TestResource{&crds.MillisecondDuration{0}}, `{"field":0}`, "error unmarshaling JSON: while decoding JSON: json: cannot unmarshal string into Go struct field TestResource.field of type int64"}, } for name, info := range subtests { info := info // capture loop variable t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() var parsed TestResource err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(info.inputYAML), &parsed) if info.expectedErr == `` { assert.NoError(t, err) } else { assert.EqualError(t, err, info.expectedErr) } assert.Equal(t, info.expectedStruct, parsed) jsonbytes, err := json.Marshal(parsed) assert.NoError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, info.expectedJSON, string(jsonbytes)) }) } } func TestUntypedDict(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() type TestResource struct { Field crds.UntypedDict `json:"field,omitempty"` } type subtest struct { inputYAML string expectedStruct TestResource expectedJSON string expectedErr string } subtests := map[string]subtest{ "empty": {`{}`, TestResource{}, `{"field":null}`, ``}, "explicitEmpty": {`field:`, TestResource{}, `{"field":null}`, ``}, "explicitnull": {`field: null`, TestResource{}, `{"field":null}`, ``}, "explicitNull": {`field: Null`, TestResource{}, `{"field":null}`, ``}, "explicitNULL": {`field: NULL`, TestResource{}, `{"field":null}`, ``}, "explicitTilde": {`field: ~`, TestResource{}, `{"field":null}`, ``}, "basic": {`field: {foo: "bar"}`, TestResource{crds.UntypedDict{map[string]json.RawMessage{"foo": json.RawMessage(`"bar"`)}}}, `{"field":{"foo":"bar"}}`, ``}, "string": {`field: "str"`, TestResource{}, `{"field":null}`, "error unmarshaling JSON: while decoding JSON: json: cannot unmarshal string into Go struct field TestResource.field of type map[string]json.RawMessage"}, "badkey": {` badkey: &anchor baz: qux field: { *anchor: "bar"}`, TestResource{}, `{"field":null}`, "error converting YAML to JSON: yaml: invalid map key: map[interface {}]interface {}{\"baz\":\"qux\"}"}, } for name, info := range subtests { info := info // capture loop variable t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() var parsed TestResource err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(info.inputYAML), &parsed) if info.expectedErr == `` { assert.NoError(t, err) } else { assert.EqualError(t, err, info.expectedErr) } assert.Equal(t, info.expectedStruct, parsed) jsonbytes, err := json.Marshal(parsed) assert.NoError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, info.expectedJSON, string(jsonbytes)) }) } } func TestUntypedDictPtr(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() type TestResource struct { Field *crds.UntypedDict `json:"field,omitempty"` } type subtest struct { inputYAML string expectedStruct TestResource expectedJSON string expectedErr string } subtests := map[string]subtest{ "empty": {`{}`, TestResource{}, `{}`, ``}, "explicitEmpty": {`field:`, TestResource{}, `{}`, ``}, "explicitnull": {`field: null`, TestResource{}, `{}`, ``}, "explicitNull": {`field: Null`, TestResource{}, `{}`, ``}, "explicitNULL": {`field: NULL`, TestResource{}, `{}`, ``}, "explicitTilde": {`field: ~`, TestResource{}, `{}`, ``}, "basic": {`field: {foo: "bar"}`, TestResource{&crds.UntypedDict{map[string]json.RawMessage{"foo": json.RawMessage(`"bar"`)}}}, `{"field":{"foo":"bar"}}`, ``}, "string": {`field: "str"`, TestResource{&crds.UntypedDict{}}, `{"field":null}`, "error unmarshaling JSON: while decoding JSON: json: cannot unmarshal string into Go struct field TestResource.field of type map[string]json.RawMessage"}, "badkey": {` badkey: &anchor baz: qux field: { *anchor: "bar"}`, TestResource{}, `{}`, "error converting YAML to JSON: yaml: invalid map key: map[interface {}]interface {}{\"baz\":\"qux\"}"}, } for name, info := range subtests { info := info // capture loop variable t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() var parsed TestResource err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(info.inputYAML), &parsed) if info.expectedErr == `` { assert.NoError(t, err) } else { assert.EqualError(t, err, info.expectedErr) } assert.Equal(t, info.expectedStruct, parsed) jsonbytes, err := json.Marshal(parsed) assert.NoError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, info.expectedJSON, string(jsonbytes)) }) } }